Whitby Chronicle, 12 Jan 1865, p. 3

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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I1 I II 11 AIR.- 710N wiga, utIlema. 1hdre vwua a 11w.man, And his nspme it wuA -brm. Farevwol, oif Oshnîa, was ho, he, ha,1 And tEls po-lîtical prli~ se ruiha0pretty er g. ~'Vhenho cried Air "Annetxatioti" 1 Thon his nelghhors ail bopan,- Tu suspect thi@, Yankee man, For a nuisance, ind a mistblof, and a e pst-Pest,,, Atlt Ontario stoutly awnre, 4 hoy would standt ta mn no more Whleh poor Abr'hamf thoughit more fun and ajent, jest, )est Then hée aummon'd Chester bold, Caîif 61 orten moulti, In political account-count, ceunt, inti h. aald, "proy let me know" ~,Exîctly what to do, For my inie 10 aomethlutg lloavilh a- Mount., iount, mount. Sa y e Chester with ia tin, Il In à mcii your foot igili," Au wltnosii, Mauter Gibbs' triomphant mnarch, march, march. But If you must,' yoft muegt, So 'oco clown thon with thce dtit, Or suroly Gibltaieour lumnu will un- utarch, îtarch, îtarth. Thon Farewell crioti, tIL-ecis Take tu Ioyalty -and 1Pence, Re it moral, miîld, andi quict loyal in, mil, man. 0"fco more of frionti John Bull, Gain thc confidence in full. And anicnd what doeot bacly, 1 ..egasi, gàti; -an., 4at ]Ëeetinïg of Citho1ics in- Whitby ini favor of Mr. Gibbs- On ' Weducssday ovendng, purnaut uî Previous notice, a meetincg of the Catbulies of Wbitby and vicinitir was lield for the purpose cf îakihg mteasures te, secure t - . g nied vote at iàe fortlscuiuiig Elocîlon, T4s meeilng opened t i tîlý-pazt 7 by voting Jas. Jolcston, Pieq., bto te chair, antd Mr. J1. J. Murphy, Sec, Addreçsei weu.-Iceurd froin Mr.. R. J. Wilson, the emineut Barnlîter, (&ho uîtended by spec. - viatuct,> Ër. Johicon, Mn. %Murphy, Mr. O'Dono'van, Mr. Keler, 31r. Higgins, and ti chocf the leadinig Cahlulie, *ho XIl spotej ui the most fuitorble ferme of M4r- Gibbs, bis social stnditng, high Ionor. hble position &uid ibrality. 'i'erb were abolit 100 l*reons presenu, and thce 'fllow. itig reHol'uias were adoptued unaîîimcouily. Resocd,- Tîtt ae c'tutuciiuer il 4 iudiiliortàetfi t) us, Iou title in e~ebody ut tise coriiiicr l'tion, to À%I4Pýv Off r Jttaehtutient t B 1iitiAcl sti' t irer Yanut isrul. " atreesgtlî we, lthe C;iu dit' Eetors, pledge'ourselves lu give'tir t.votes, mndui wîo' supphîort, t.otîlotule terîrty utnd tiat~alte'r nmatture csnîe3iu -w o toucl er Mir. Gîbbs beit .'isitleîl iei dur i'ottis, 'J4oreo fi eOilii tt à ti'w wlco, eoc ttîilik, til t i1î .'y let a di'gu'.te'lu our cvbrlntY." Reauvu~~ccTh:t MCj4cdge otîr. meeli"' bmt.tcit) Ãœfi th ticotse uor- tient spirits clringi tê'e di; 1 y sut'fel ù'c- tien, thus proviuag ly oili-t'xatnîdcc, oennot lie l biîtl. for a quaiumt of Wh1 iàeey.' Mr. Jobeston, the wontby cîcairruan, Maite Romîe excelIent remarke alci h otiglit îc e e olcui ed, and retîtined in the ne o n< f Caîlaclies. Ho-said cf Catho lie@ I-tus loyal Caholia-. ~iOur loyalty w Bifain lia beeu ~" atlyiuuugedby th if. 'fo, the organ -" f George Brown, the leader of thse Re. Sforua parly. Thetaime liaper bau for '~yeans ptt beau ureuitting li is ati '6taks cn ail, IbaitsasCaîbolica, we il revere anti respect, mcd bas evea made ca epita for is cwu party by representiug <tIse Consarvaîlves ase ndeorthe rule of O~ ur Hierarehy. Wiieu we think cf tho U6 bitteruêy cuIs chicb ce lhmve beau ,di asailed, anid the listility it lis on ail ,49 occasionis duplayedtfowarts us ciat am Ad< lie tliougis cf the motives cf ibose, lit Catliclica Whobo sliportitls nomiîneas? 41 The olui of disloyalîy, ce sbouid tbrgw .46 back at tbetu and tell %hemn ibat w. h' ave ntct abc;red ai îley bave tdcne 10 Etmoltcur insitutions on Americau pin. ~tciples, or mude boson fiendi, -anticmli. 4#t net ministera, foc, of those cIsc lilcu the S'& W.. MeDonuali look te Washing. 4te lts and thaât wo bave yet te Sund thse <Caîhlibo co, ike -Meus. Ftarewell and RChester Draper, bulsotIshe Stars and <cStnipes instesel cf the Union Jack. Il TIsat now ce arm resclsed te' support the mnabout wdict tIsere la no -donbt au tien if true te ourseises,_ mnd tif. ~ficuhies arise we eau conlldently ask the. aid of oIt England without danger. 19We mayi;est assuredt at the.Bag tht bu ia been victoriens ou every Sua cul net ," knock unuulr ou aur freili citer Likes." A, consistent and IruesReformer, 'who lisbeau lu tIse habit cf conîncbutiug 10 lIse iedicafor. but chose present -letter wase efusedi nsertion 4sy tbe ViniMctois editor, ciiesesa foi ýwâ South Ontario. For-seVidste P,îrmit me to motie oeepoutinu Jour .citilsm of mxy lâsA letton. Uf space ai. locel, 1 sbld like tW' notice tge anl, but as this canue ble. 1 cilil ate ft.eira Po!nt about 'cliclu *e tiller, fa Jour isumbar tee, yee sst Ilsat itlaisMr. Gibus, and uci Mr.. areil, tIsaI t euatly; changes lbis mnd lapon lIse confederation questiou. I ciii Sot tlée up timno by s. sertlng saytieg about Mr. Fsnecol's cut of oondlstcuucy opon sho,,.or aay ocher tub.i jeot, beceap a ;conntets eu$deti cil sunmlvany' tiéewlithmore t"is-oein. Bot . hbefo'ro Us haveO bdosp in thse Qouety donnel. Mr. Psre. Weil Uued thît position ite support cithe r vislonary sobemes or ruinons exuiense, or mneasuses wbioh Proved lamentable failuires. Mr. Gibbs, on thse other band, whilst urg. lng forwîrd &il deoirable improvenients, bm suriven to kecrp ofîr taxation within tepsonable boundi. Mri Farewell hus been, and Mr. Gibhs now is, a merchaut sud miller ainongiit ns, 1fr. Farewell bau taken the-monoy unade out of the armera of South Ontario,--and expended it on Minnesota lands, or uîsed it it New Yorkç speculat:ons. Mr. Gibbs lias uscd l là pro. fit îhor in buildings, or in inoreasti.ig his bu'siness, flics onlarging tbhermarket for our wbeat, and the employmient for our lahor. ing mon Taling thie into considerationi, and remembering that the put ie the only index of thse future, who boit deserves our confidensce and botior. But tîsis sort of romsoning le nthinu bbut palatnhie bib e supporters of Mr. Farewell It -ans ibth maxitu of a not oversrrupulous pariuatnen. tary tactician,'- "1Whicn yriiir caume is haci pload your îîîrty." Weill have MIr. Fare.1 well's fritc nds leurtîcd fuim lesiqon. On1 NEW AD Elft%'zWx.n Ohanoery ale W1LL B3ý SOI 1>BY At tlff t'illco orfheii ec2r'.4I( 1 t(, of2 'ti ls BYRON STREET, WIIITBY, Saturday, the Fonrîli day ni Fehruary, 1>5 t1 e lt i el cl: i,, pur.isi cen de<reo atAI.ia le'r f . U-, i.ie*n r.rtac e ýt, of TuIE B.MZ 0F MSIE Gireat C-LI Re & Creat Bci In Freîîeh icferinoe oeory hand they art-.urginc is l aimts, tint J.îînes %Vullice, andt otliirs, dcl'cadantic, Skirlting, Shawls, Mi on account of bis own mernu, but becauso ', and bMink;. Scarlet, hie in thse nominceocf ilce CoInvnîin.- jijr bLîenas, Pri uts. bond and lon'e le the crY, ilvofe for LEV'I FAIlIr-ANKS,, Jdnior " a ColsCs Farewell, or you eidginirer the parîqr "'- Chs Mr. rarewelî kicowing tîcfiîit t ii i 0141v A"T1NV t.Cloth Caps, Unde.r tenlacity. Heo oicupîes a large portion off Parcel No. 1.R oerv me'etlig by attenipfing to shbow finct~ ~ Mr. Gibbs le Co)nscritîcivr, andIlthon in R""E< 'A etîirD V It Acliooî-boy platitudes;, t;ree him to 'ne-, i tr. kuowîedgo bimseîf as cut.. But boy d O~ f fthir o' lio show ibis, flot as a senible mand4n r OFL W 1 11 1), expeci, by turning te 1fr. Gi aPes heLtt ~5 arte %îtïitrl ontjic f ~i(12 cf THE) acte, for tîlese, if -righîly Coptdred, h 1Bn k Mfini, tif OOIipii't o: aIr4! tory kiîows would tell a diiTren _ nt fbtby derlariîig thai Pinces Mr. Gb 8 i5 support. ï» N E W ed by the hodly or the Cen aliTel, ho n feirîf' 1, " t'4i4t' muet Il.aie aieg If rL 1'." Ikîinki s N ErWwr' Irî:î tlîls to he proo'. andi belevathat cour'e o 011k. (' i 144 ,1 I f ' tIr et wbicb le has laid down fot Mn. Gibbs, in1Pre No 2.VII hc the lIonpot 'One, why douit hho be!inhie, aclN .2 IJ deligbîfu.I.confidence hunîlf? lW'tv dnn't lot -21e. in tI' 1 lîîf r :'.-1-' of lie AVOW iimselIf to e taieti-a-coiÇedena- (<, trt ' x. ,< a ' 1 " : lion canididatte, ne0'every' mac who is an j'Iis h. ,"i etlçH'nlei .r ' IPr f>4... enemy to e,-nfedpration is a friend ti Mr. 1 ese l To ie fiîuîîd ln thi'!C Farewell Wliy don't lha avo.v hic',PrclN. . Hatd x îi' to ho dirsloyal, xsuce lieoles spporuei flot oinlo by dia body of disloyilittis, bot hy 1 If)% I 0<4" f t t Y i. 21,b il, oveîy- Mn' o tc a in. 'rherefona. if ihe r Cteinci ~ t4t.W îlî.Jîuî.1 fOrun elactore, inje dtermining clinir votes, ;e>ThIS LOT IS VA.LUABLE muet. ronaiîder the' aisocittI e. of ii.'c p, 'a ior 'îe " - *."' -1 - weil as ibeir uieaiures, ]et them ttqh- lientu. , ý1' i'â îî ý . t selvex, Ir iu 18 not bocir. duîy to fniltuw the gond ftxîmPlP Of their leacl"rs, and utiite RAN!) TRF'NK *rTATIONý. aud wôrk vrltîs Conenntivee. wc it I eatt are loyal menu, aîd Ésupporters of the gn'cît eclieme befure fIthecounry. alier flian ta ha :foeud eeiîiniin, the' efi'.î4 fni',fiîeîWhO weýe rebeli in '37, annexati .-)rt"', ici '49, and ever sine.e, ihough tliey haelic. ed ancd prc>'pcned und<'n the Britishelm e, icand h"ei protr'tpAd hy Canaduan lawo. fhavi'cpenft thé-ir litute ucigbt in revifii: t.'ucancd Ciln4diau iniiiuîioiî,,andl unil eh, cran flwAccIuinud thii'seuifimeicte u!:îiri'd Ihree weeI!eaga liy Mn. I'tiniwel'te .vn broîlier, ticiéàe îiched " ly Ii7thusarýi %'aucI-eem wriuld cone nier muid kilt ani'ny I;tittîcin Clanada. f't "Xt.4't.c. Pi~cc1 ro. 4. argains are.,Qffering )egi Alpacats, ("obourgsWinceysc Blnoral Jnt1es; Ladlies' Purs 111 Stôý , oc!:Martin, White land F.,pey,,F]AýnnéIn; Blarukets, Sheet- gy trn itCtos&c .siînccis, Canadiau Twee 'ds. Gents' Fur 'atnd FlannteLs aîîd- Wo>1 llaids. Geuta' Fancy ScarIý. Braces. GlOves, sind a large- stock of MADE CLOTHINO, ýWSI manufattre.- thïaý t be sold. :Y HAVE JtJST OPENED A G;ROCERY,1 TIE PI?.ST AND <JHEAPEST r'Crockery aid Gae.swarc, ckilit. v tdat unlieuurd of prices- for y-oursel ves. - 865. B.&J. CAMPBELL. A"NADIAN GRAPE ý,WINE TOWNSHIP 0F WHITBY t Nitit! by W t ir.îtîi il . .1' i. ý These ut ' ît o ~t. I.tigae .ot 3*c NG the puî eiticu. of the Grape.. and heirîg iîîfinitely bet, Parcol No. . 1)te iiauct purer 1.1iti ail liporteil Wiucs for invaltidIl and er- ni t e I c 'smis Ili a llebllîîQleî conidit ion TrOWNLTS Ti..> -REF"ORMER. L t îît'i ", o i i i, titini' s o. 1- I - .l f U'tP lU444044 4 ailplier inti th ( M . Q ýýlri WIl) itil l~ an ptcrîen etar.faiiuhat .Qi ir 4 . I"FrDysrp nit, Lowc(if 4Appetite aftd Genernl IVeaknem . Cali a tix-)î nnltcry of' £31pe ni.. ti) priPtirezINo. 6. jand ak se înplo fnieht(rap; lVîne,5 FREE, from the Agentl. the W'col'irtl ioflekefroin th rv'ee t .t ' of f" t N..t tfi'k1~ the natve tigelle, laîrfy brou2rbu Dip tu'il ' * i 1, te I .i1"tl> '"t Li i .t"L ù1- skies, flimsetfietg £:'0 in madditîin uî his ' 140 ai. 'toi rgarpsy. The figer is a ainsi destrue. A E,~R E tise fuoslie iep. TIcoug i oct sery swift, Parcel NIl. 7. DS? N (X 4r>IL CE IST. l.i ue1c i - tajcSassit, a-mui lnvriàbly I.Oî. 3onobfe Binait A, e a.1i l k l 1). >,Ne'.t foliows ,fi i ctiun untiil if saflicrea il. the t < 4.7 oi t ii9 itn'. loeut4 Ibt OCE STREET, WH1UItYOpposit» BANX of NM MRAI. I ci l c i 1iîi"k F.. lx ,11-k 1f .iUjf14 It tid, tiger i qu eut' n lepienreflîci u 'il turfs up K , p'tuf r 1,t' ". 2, i n etfiti,1>1, t bie noe' n.î 'coud iutton," aid 'd.'vIiîc's Cta 'oui tîi\i.. 4 *24t îo dîne more tlii~Once Off' a sbec'P is toîî'.r T4i,. ..-i ':.'- r 7,; t.Fe va-. as lice ratu ecltra inothîir fron t ii flork. cai 'I*ttI . , - ------ Thse oxtent of havoc uhuttee 'if thî"cc.' , i4 L'Y X ef itceu 4EW ADV'ERTISEIIENTS. « blood thirity animale wouald c'inaequeuîly Ic1 -'tîLi 'c i.icii'ef etvfac make lu ch. Wooînortb flucice fin a Jean tf. &)>e'id,ýtî j n'tc es Ur-ee.a woufd b.e a serione item lufi) dicct fnom fl"ieiit "ttc ' elle u t"t j .ýz« Iu îi~e the profits or uhe ais!ion. ' ili tcîiitnnftciilt ftilt' 4e.wii cINSOLVENT ACT of1884. itî?or .'i, 'm ria,. li. te M AR RIE D .1 icirtgitceluii iii.1 lice oX!1.ie'etlit farclie. JN tj 'E'U?'U u MAYBEY, e SHEPPAIID. -BROWN'. At W ht' I'a.or. 'vn.i..o'leli'fetaentSi 1~ 'by, on Tlicrsday Dec. 29th ulto cr lie 4 t o the ". ic"o lat liit I., I iiinic c. sa n.tluiv,t c tîell tae4te 11ev. Mr. Cayley, Mn- Henry tico i taW.J. ueit iL.hf1 tfîî' ' a'ii. i if- t,'cit-athe aiul e Act, ta aie. the Mim Fer& rown bor Jantecletrec1 ofA-xitgsee, eîîd 'cbc ini.e qu.reel Mis FinaIlrwu bob f tcsîowi tie rencait. i., " iisi n norl1c 2, i'5l, 4 ti7. tirîllcic jtue, lbithii nm(aîclia ,ftuu ili duaGrets ititttI~res, thée tnhabiîaLs of Wbithy. wtt! habelth4iî'it t un'4 piet pnice ofr-5 a Itdate. -ioImtte euacfni*, spt:44i;tit %.fe tcSnltyvWluitby, nd the Couruty ikna ROOKES -GLASSFORD. Au Wiîby, ancd e-tjiti. iOu-r 44<'uneiismer* ttînrooe,sha t.eye hii..tt i cuits elatin hie ià -f t- and If ntel ou the 3rd inlut, by flie 1ev bMný,aLw, Mn. [' aniI . u .- "i .n-nc d er oeitctfi eet!,t t flaote t oaus1n-wctiigtb e~ ap e e Wm. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ita -oc m b is Magaet 3l1cfnd t:t.< ec ' ec nj lo iJnyt ati. i '~o ueîîpr fsdswib ýsp~tks for theur very libe- bouli cf the towu cf Whictby. Pancel No.a 4. iti fin )teforat - -cuta it L dy aatyr aire ipot'at slctsaoottî DICSONFLEEL-Onthe29t gfl lieCaldiimi ifý1ý1eANIEW SMITTI, Tise proprietor weuld amprese n U'on uIt, atthie Mansea, lxbridge, by flche . :e t;ricic.i.iil;4ilufe .'Cil -urI. ]SnAsaIrnu.e, opublic mmd, thit, ai1 gonds sold, W.V CIieusd, Joseph Diclîsoti, tuI> abe-lla Fittrîie r gtioulartmingfi4f 44' tiid if ttîîAue'. - - a'ti etilblsmuare madie et the FIeweilI, otif cf Uxbridge. -li'-itoiT' tu lcîter, anid fLic Voîii'l>rYa' Souci- Insolvont Act ef 1864 ver>' best naterialt, bought ini the ANNAND--PHAIR.-Oui the 3lsi uit.. '0a. a nAktbn éi n n al the Manges, Uxhnidge, bau ihe lier. W': itltitevcoeili day ef' Jîctcnv, t51 ~ lECnedtrtif n ct'ttnilemne re eo Isst u roie iiTi-ne Clelaid, Chartes Anuand, Scott, to Min. GEa. il.» AiTNELL, t iet uOt lise .Law~w%)ont]J4 0o bspeimnsiaoro no TNELL, Maaîtl, FMI.. Cotmnl Jeoant ilhmTowni are of the Ç-eyben st m" , n garai Phai,, Bc-oc. Mcater. of Whtbv. Itn oithe t OtîIu wS it 1t he buys n godilfrmonSIp Malt. two oethî naîthe atemîon for be agpor: icug ?4anlutnrera Wiiomerely siake list., ut the Manie, Uxbnidge, by thse Res. Venclor*' cl'leitore. oe tnt..etimeiit, !Si fare udtfnm- ç-tIî4ze e va' W. Cfeiind, Josephi Smnders, tle Burdget fngau Anniguie te whbm ho uuay tqak, ant a*-'. Goldenl, botc cf Beach. àty h lh jctntlTheli te deUsA DIED. lNortgage S OAIJETîN Y>E I~R ITE ]?LAG, MURPHY-At Whitiby, cn 'the lotIs teiding at tisa Town of Wiiitby, lu i, nat., Bridget Helena, infanit dangliter cf OFisini Couasy of t3ntmnlc5, Mn. Jas. J. Murphy, Teacheri, ageti 2 yeara Stoonîhs and 14 dsys. TiÂ...'cU cda ia.!atwl ab oî eti LAWRLENCE.-Iui Beachi,:outIse Stb. TOWVN P ROPERlT Y -id t0111E 'sthtwsti eiaI&Wttliewlo lit, Mn, W., l wrence, aged 45 yjeamsE T 1 BEV PRYS DSAD muid 6 menO1the. 1)Y VIRTUE- 0V A OW FR1 0 Y > A LEEL i ~ - ~ ~ -cuiilained iniaMo a Êg.*fta4dated the iv', i, ~~EW gk.hîh day of Anl '-181h*ieadebsuad 4Q k - 4 olu, iauicr Oneenwood cf sfie seond ti THE XO)RTGAUE ALEt, b>" Publ1e Wilattend IMR. 7ÂýE*~cELLs eentja __ evenaXAtè W THURSDA Y, tUe 91k FEBRU7AR Y, At the aidue lime anod place. i Agent for Ircctor. WANTED. ÂIÇNTED i i JI0OQWAHE .Apply to MU& . J. MACDO-ELL., Whîty. ~ 11, Ontario Street.1 INSOLVENTACT 0F 1854ý ~ T IRretruof tlb. undorslged are coti- fe 0m tetCa ul uglti , lnth fe Ccuuty cf Outanbe, et Word'* Imetti ouin us AL thse Tweuity-ifri tly o! Jannary, 16,ats tueur cf twc e7etiek, 1). m., for Ille perpesof raaeiug etmteiinmb o<MS affalas, siud of nom.- hIng an -Aéugeea, to c cm h. ray inuke aie asagmeut lsuder thle ab3ve Act. Casuilgton, Srd chicotf Tsuusry, 1E65.t - JOHN SPROUL, Jnior, Iteilclllg jucussigon, lu tise4 flià-tors. South Ri din~ fIi'eM CLEARING' ±iÃŽAYULIUJN &00. HIAVING RESOLV41D UPON X _ STILL FERMIER REDJJC'ION! IN TRE PLUClES '01? THEJI ~ EXTENSIVE STOCK!' 0F General D ry Goods,' GREAT BAIIGAiNS FOR CA8il< lu ordler to make a THOROUGLI CLEARANCE preparae5ry to Oolored Cobourga. Alpacas, plain- and fànoy -,Wincoy, ;A.lwool Plaids, Frenchi Mer inocs and ppiettes. White, Scarlet& fallcy Fia-Duels Blankets, Striped Shirtingg, Prints, Flanxiel Shirts, Rats, Caps, Né&k Tieu, Scarves, Shirt CoUars, Brtacest Hosiery and Gloves, SeaI-skins, Beavor Cloths, Black »u4 Panoy Domkinis, Tweed. MILHNE11~GO}JPDS -NGRE4V4ftlETY. e; AN1 IMMENSE STOC 0K0F R EA'D'Y-.MA DE C LOTHI1NC II, îYpf a ~stuo,.r -for-t fli efniclcr of y.icr p~uoî. I lx<r i r'gidujiît ieprescîa A resi,14-iiî.' ttlirty'.<rii'tIl Co r ty, Ii ilfh oiîri of ulitis.!which 1 litre t îk' oll;ni:fiacCIiiml rcpcd Vitis. extend,.îl 'o'oioorcicIl wt'oiîrewtls'm rsas tne Ltit' I do mit imicrSeoc As 1 ic"rc ,-actel in C 'em l l'EU. ~wayqi ing mc, ýro-t)cSt e:etîoîstô reeluce &Y LU. ..4 ..~dour lmcti1 tetxee, andlprovucnt. :ascf4ilMi Os- ,Ilcbiiîdi'tiig ynu ith a4tnl o Jieb1 fo t*3 Vclcîî'ry gcc/eres. fsi) shll it bu Mny hc leti lyoir rtrritaîv 0protect the. iîîtctri.tc (of Lte utc h eto IînY ,iitiji bilit>,,"Iîy idc,>juii'wglu L'duoinOt in10thb n4inilgtraîio tfaurP 'vincial atlairs. Qiciiff 0faCpiiey, lpeoIAIi.fc%4l %ltich fnr v'îsképt u)p ÃŽecîicinl atuiunomci tics in lt' !Uhifg. Ii'iving boti flnrtlly <it pogofîlu, -vijll fut, I siticcrcly tiSA,bi portititîeol 11cittur iloto tliii conltît ; litse Lhthe luicciîiîq ofcaci c Iitîate uvill. bit weiglioc irirespoctive of acy stî-ch entqîder- ation!7. ct-oeil, il:it ri aitl av", inyselî S nittidiclaf e for yir sittlrtigos, a genarQ4fî sîuppîort ciotîlulhohetcicrdoîl mo. i hYO bocti in(Itcctl t>) presen iituc3'elt berdid 3'oti, aroîl ow cnidctty ià~tl"ta lu ot for yoitir votes att nul ties-,atttei.retb If nît former eloctions t l11,% bêenîllu cîl tha't the i.ýgtiîea tohc îeferinincîl were of vital itnportnce, titiîi ho4c' nîîch mueo force iow riight Il;h bc ged that t qeo1 qjiîetýoII before -t-e contry la ;-o(' tir hiidhcr intoeestiundl importanc'q, tisai Airsy tlînt IMÂ over heretofore be ti btolyn ted for ydotr conîideration. Wfitlîin the piist fetv uuou tIsa moýà- mtsthave beetuset tciti foot;and bave seeuj. itîgly heen'go fair tmattiredthatsbortlyafte tIse next useetinge(If th. severul Proviq> cliul Legiglaturei cof British Ameriea; *ý ma V Ioù for g>reùt cona4titîtinal chanýe* to takpla'ce. Sn rapitIl mdeecl,, h.tve en tlîd trldct4 which livo lîcen madte in Utigreant 'ove4 tuent, 114il îinigitlut stmt be saii' ou- cttrning tlîem, ,,,rht iati was abou tô beborn in a ili." - The great tîninrqtaa so 'tco Ui pet nti LoaVer Caniada, -ant ibtu bdtt cotlei opon a aiiattsîcssilSsi.4fitdtory4 auti 'the îettlcistitîc thé"i diticultles untiîst tend tciateriilly :0 enhanço ýtbrc4 îîorut'>rof boîli sectiotns. %Vhouî atruco wia proclafesed btwe.i, the lenctirit of thei conitoîscflng parties, 1t4 ordîr ta devise sonte rginsç wbereby' thi Pace ant i socurity ýf botha ProvIntes 4n lt *. stingured, anumotve bigWer thiut,, ed _t. and tUe. parties theuisto,htbave,1in tta Paitoie, nas wchil Athté ptitude" of evdaf sincerccll'wisièr iis cbuintr4ri TTol ding sortiestake inthfl È1rovîîncý amij with- a strong desire te sec the conaý ineetion tbetwten '-the 2'rè q>d '*ai .IrUitâ mtd ourueilves, -iicre flemy'c-- moitt, and with tho cnuviqf4lona *tLtba propesed i ienfedteration oftall the tfh' ces c British 'Ameglcsr. ig 1iiku1àtè4t4 perpputo tt neins i, 1 cd, gtve dtue pr o . e alIthess I4 cimoYPq"; by ing the dmuistrat îoft > h, ' 4 st;pport-týwrdà,oÃ"rf;tttn -th contnsjlazeatrîsgcetss. ith vepepi tte h- sny qtueition&- whieh wfil ariso reclýtiivo 10 thu adjuictsis of tIse flnania4 relations butwven n d13 s Uauu4i. da,by wIkich wl tf" ' rc tibt of the' uroIssce ý I. xhcia iand 2, Tý1's Buildings, Whitby, JT4. 10. 1865, SELLINO ý0F"F? T HE subseribers having reselved for the present ti> discon'tinue JLthe Credit Buisness, froni this date their Terms wi11 be Cash, except oI iswh ~piteir lut aceonta in full, anîd hae ed Im o'hersnt cy<ar. Goods purchased thismonh, illbetseld att cj- N 1~~ buto, on Ti hoctA M"111 AT THE TOWN54, sl.ieawskuh$mii cN 'lk k iO -î 7î- 1-7 1 1 ' 1 1 >1 Towný Idu, Bc Nimw à AT HýA"L'F FýRJ'GE,

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