Whitby Chronicle, 12 Jan 1865, p. 4

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j]1OXÉY2 LEND1 P 4ro - I '~ *~ ~.j k I~ rai .12, ai- 3< i~. .ASSURtANCE, COMPANY "&IWE DEARTMENT. w ILL takfl Iltill ndCargcu iskii, st the lowegt pogxible rat-infp)retmhîtm; ,i,#tr- aucu granted .n it uUrekm, for i tic,'eame',or vovàg, and a rbateoftwenty per cent .ilawt'd on the. tiei4ii ofcarro ,,retninn. of lutt ..ca.on, A ronrt, iberaI. and fronorahi e Mettleme14 ci Al u 1 îîpW Ie orpn inay be rolied i>on.OW Agent, Y'ort whltoy grOloe adjoling Jaq. Bmw., & Co. Whitby, Fnb. 92th, 1862. GIUVE &BAKER s CELEBRATErD &ing Jiaritines! TrIIF abmeri ber itaviàg the gof . Zieney of lie Grever & Blaker Maclais, fur tinQ Couteit ni ,texie, Victoria aud Durham,, keeps constantr on band, a reup>ete apfort- .niet or tI.e-0 jugtiye ee4ated $41wi9 bi- Shosmakers, Tailors, ]Dreuss- makors and Pamilies. tet for &Il iada cf Tailorlng; It li. very sUonq ra 11 in tation aad veryea.!Iî mnansêe<. (411742I KER'e FAMILY MACULINE Dots 4 àwlder ranre of work than ny nfar maia. e w I>teth eCanadien public, aoIl so simple ia its oonstrueton', am te en4ýl.ia lproatase ,ire a thorouglh knowiedge oft bAe eryre ely.Personei attention wiiF te given to Ikome pnrebasng fromn the sabseriber 11,il thay a, e .mte tlaôrnmmhly understand ite, anas. to b. .abl tedo ail kindii or work. TIî.nbsribe~'wnidrexpetfiIy ri-quet a,îegsine the. Urorer & Iker Machinee he~mprhaneswhere, eu uhey Wl!! end tsýiWyadgttnpiiciîyof t'en nahinery, a) glectlonof te.stitci. The tIroer,t litker stiteh, sud ahnttie-atiteli.achines.are fnrnluhad at tiiesarne price, wth the prarilege C'f q yh oglag&fier trial. - - TI;s m aohiuno.. arc al. -warmatad, and Urne girvon for plment if requirari. Remner th. ee Até geat heu, at-J. Wl - kiwnso's Jovelery store, Brock Street, Wlatby INED the Ild place, linEM eklSt, WKi. BURNS. 186L 2e _____ I NEW FALL AND Mathewson, Rateliffe &Cos Hfave ýnow t-o hand, at the store Iately Occupied by T. J. Holiday, in Brooklin, a complete stock of Fane>' and Staple DRýY GOODS, GROCUXES, ROOEIT, HAEWAEE, BOOTS AND. SHOESq, RE.ADY-MADE CLOTHING, &CG Also a l-arge -stock of Tweeds, Flan- nels, Satinetts, Blaukets. Serges, &c' of their own matn- facture, which they oller to the public nt very low prices fo r Casà. Brooklin, Decemluer 13, 1894. 41 CHRST7PId .iL/D NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS. - - -- JUST OP ENED A MEW AND COMPLETE STOCK OF Dry Coods, Croceries, Fresb Fruit, Old Port, Biranîdies, on draÇt-and in boutie, V hiskey, Iporter, A les, &c, Satcec;, &C. TRY THE NEW STORE P T. H. McMillan. Whitby, December 14, 1864. 49 Fam*ly Gr-T".ocery The tuabscribeù!basemôved tobis NEW ST.RE, (C. LYNDE'S OLD STAND.), Dundas Street, wliere bis custoîners and the public will fited a large iand excellent Stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, and choice piuie LIQUORS, from which to make a selection. CHINA., GLASS, CROCKERY, &C;- &C. Calil-and examine bis prices,? tbey are such as defy ail competition. Farmer' poduce taken ini exehange, and goods sold at LO WEST CASH PLICES. gArRemembyr the neom 8tore wifli Me big wînd»wÀR. H.- H. Crosby. Whitby, December 7, 1864. 48 NEW -GROCERY! Ra' 'ej.,CAMPSLL,ý In additi -on-to their Dry Goods Establîeh- ment, will open their next store, (lately occupied by Mr. - Roberts,) with on étitirely 1lCw$OCt : 04 ON TU1ESDAY THIB eigpurchased 10ofrtheir customers al Whithy, Dec. OOUNTY 0F' ONTARIO, 1 y vmtrE 0FPA WARRANT ISSUD To Wit: BDb h rsue fteCuty of Ontario, erigdate the Twentyfth day o July, one thousand'eight hundred and uityfor, and to me directed, for the collection of arrears and aae5smentu due upon the following lands, in the said County, I shall, on Tuesd ay, the Seventeentb day of January NeXt,,St the bour of Twelve'o'clock, moon, at the COURT IIOIJkSE, IN TIIE TOWN 0F WITBY, Proceed to the sae of *dd Landg, or so muait thereot ss may be necessary for the psyment of mach arreas of saaumtents, unless the mame, together with #11 lawfia charges. be aooncr paid. TOWNSHIP 0F BROOK. LO. CON. ACRECS. YE&ES DmTE. -TAXECS- REMÂIKS, 9,14, 100 1858 960 12 3 TOWNSHIP 0F MARA. N4 12, 28, s W part of of 84 29, S part 13, 12, 25 13, 50 1858 9 60 1 2 3 1858 9 60 1858 9 60 1 2 3 1853 8 1852 7 8 9 60 1 2 3 1853 8 9 6q 1 2 3 TOWNSHIP 0F REACII. E side 24, 13, Il 15 PORT FERRY PLAN. il 15, 16, 23, 24, 30, 44, 48, 83, 891 93, 94, 107, 109, .855 rss5 1855 1855 1855 1855, 18551 1855, 1855, 18551 18551 18551 8 9 89 99 8 9 8 9 9 6 8 9 8 9 8 9 TOWNSHIP 0F PICKERING. TOWNSHIP OF IUXBRIDGE. S126 , 100 18M9 60123 Snppoied to lie Lot 70, Farewell and Keller'& plan 29, 28 40 Patented.1 121 64 48 91 28 82 5 6a- 38 25 31 94 Patcnted. do do do do do IIALL'S CARRIAGE WO1IKS 163 King-St. West9, Toronte. Alarge variety of Carniages on h'Lnd. Thec proprietors of this Establishmen t, possess facll týi es fo', mannfacturing Carnages that enable them to defy compititien, either in price, style or finish. Cali and 8ee for your.qetiw-s. 39 COMPMEFý%;OAL MEN! Will find exctllent, and con venient accommodation. 1Wîthia- Fow Yards cf the Publié, Hall. Private Parlors1 22 Pateuted. 1 17 69 Pateuted. 4 53- do 4 11 do 2569 do 2 46 d.,- 2 25 -do 1 95 do 1 82 do 4 71 do 50on do 3 83 do 3 83 do 3 50 do 4 90 do 0 46 Patented. 0 46 do 60 09 Pantetd. 2,9 411858 62 3 ô47 B, Y. PSRRTS PLAN 0F BROORLIN. No. 'No. No. LOT. 1858i 18581 l858 1858i 1858, 1858 9 62 3 9 60 2 9 60 62 60 123 9 60 2 8 60 2 3 9 602 3 9 Goa8 6 40 5 90 5 90 6 52 5 64 3 91 4 65 6 93 Patented. Patented. do do do do do do do TOWN 0F WHrPBY. TEARS DME TAXES. REMARII .North Ward Wat. of Brook &reet. 210 262 322 855 36 WALLAOR FÂRE 1889 60 12 9.5 60 1 2 -1858 9 60 1 2 1858 9 60 1 2 1858 0-1 1858 9 60 1 2 454 264 1 14 5 15 4 76 A4 86, 5637 4 46 407 &KETLEWIS PLAN.- ECHAÀRGES NO -IIIGH ER MTH TE OTHER HOTE.LS IN WHITY. 9JACOB BRYAN, PRonn-ito Liquors of ail kinds 0f' the best quality, at a very low figurce. HAMS, BACON, I>OTATOS, FLOUR, BRANS, HORTS, Andl Feed of ail kinds, at Whitby, Junc 1, 1864. JOHN FAR.QLIIAIISO.rNIS,1 New Grocery and Provision Store, Dundas-at. DEM! TýIRISH PO0TEEN- In Jars, cheap at JOHN EA.RQUIIARSON, Dundas Street. Coal Oil of Superior Qaiy At lowest selling price, by the Gàllon, ait JOIIN FARQIJIARSON,' Whitby, June 1,18S64. Dýundas Street' IGREAT- REBtTCTION XIV --î- WHIITflY MECHTANLCS' INSTITIJTE!1 L EU I'rUUE o lie daliîered ln the Hall cf the Jnatitnîc, durig the sean 1864.6 Rer. 6mO. 5.11. M. A. R. MOGea. Pq .A , i Re.F .Maring, - Gý:R. R.LCe.ekbam &sq. Dr. Tuekor. 1Principal ut. ..W. ilJ.Farcwe"oEq.,,L. LB Rer. Proremsr Muruay, Rerv. R. P. Burns Rer. D. Waters, Rer. G. Caehra, J.»D. Eagar, EeG, Rer. 1. Smith, _ gîNDue notice will bc giron of the lime and mnunîet of oacli.lectnre. A MAmbersbip Ticket, (price 819) coustitutes the owne'r a mmher, of tulInstituto for dtse ,eiar endlag October lst, 1805, and entitl ieshm to tho ase of the Library for that peritid, sud alpn te admission, together with oae lady only, te this Couise od ectures. A Lecture Ticket, (prime 75 cents,) entitlas t, e owc.r and one lady only, 10 admission tu this Connse of LecturAs. .Ticketa may 1)ë obteined fr om auy of the Offleers of the Justitnte. -44 POST t<-FFICE, IWHFITD3Y. gAirs ar*eclose-I nt this office ut the foi- J.ilowing lianirra-(Snnday-ç excepteu.) G >TNO EAST. 001KG WP8T. a 5o a. m. 10l30 a.-m. t 45p.ni. j7 80p, nm. NORTHEItN MAILS. l>nt Perry, 88a. m.- Uxiridge, s 30 a. nM. Asibnrn, 8S"il . ln. j1lroukamnt. 8 45 a. m. (>flinelheurs l'roni 730 a. nM., til 17 50 p. nm. D. SMITH, To gthe.Electors South Ridl'n 0F1THM COUNTY r0 NARIO,, The choice, of the Reforni Cou- venftîoucelled for thé- ptIrpose o!f sleeîing a candidate te 611 theé vacaaoy- cansed by tha eleration Of thé Hon. Q. .Mowat to the Vice -Chaucellership. ,having 'fallea' upon me, I declare My willingaesa te mry.enO in the Législature, and propose, should a centest -ensae, te aitord ay friéndi and- supporters the epperînnity or polling their .laat vote. My views upon the.promineut questions wbich bave agitated the coantry,-are to welI knowu te require a declarauion lu tlhis -&ddress. The C-&ifederation echeme, upon whieh the eades cfthepolitical parties 'of the Province have united, I coasider a move-v ment in tia riglit direction, calculatedamit is te carry ont the wishes cf the great'Re. terni Cenvention helil at Toronto, la 1859. se far as- tha local Governmentm, and ",Joint Aathoriuy" cof the. Two Canadas are conceraed. The eulirgement of!fthat acharne by tibmmediate bringlng 'lu o! the. Maritime Provinces and ultimna incorporation of the West sud North- es I vicw favorably, preseuting us tha entiré territory do., -the ondine, of.,S-mgh. ty empire ; but fearfal, that la Our at. tempts te ameura the great *puamaof thaif tare wa may plonge lato tbe abym ofo!nu. extricabla indebtedness, ,I'cannot promise k-, my unconditional sud uaqualified: snp port, unil ita fartiier developement, and outil lime la alloweil to e gaill is pro. visions, paricularly aU 10 the Constitution - ,aud axpenseg o! the Local Qoreruments. 151:41i! embraée au, early eppersitîy of -iisiting the varions sections of the Riding sud staiing more -fully 11Y viewst upon the poliîlcal questions-cf tha day. Iam, Gentlemen, Yonr Ohedieîtt Servant, A. FAKBWELL. Est, Whitby, Dec. 7, 1864. . TERRAPIN RESTAURANT, 89 C¶ag Street Est. T FJST receiveid, per Express, ntt neabora PRAIRIE CIKENq. QUALRiiTPP, Piorer pattldtcs, wiIl Daeks sud Veuian. - in upî c f the. I J. I. SHELL ANI Lobsters, &o.. WIl 31 CAI Oottons, Prinýts, Ooburg Oloti 251bs. I * 6 oYhrk4ti~sé* ALL IS I BANK ormi Wiit'£B-Y i W.L Ifotaries, e., È.hhu. ekureel ÂG8MOK D UTTY ufflee-Oppû*

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