Wm flult, W Il sierk.>Wm nair. %N"m nW bieriregor, Thumu CorkweIL 31arwhall"ýwIlenz Jarviii Hortire. Timnthv Rp,%Mon. Aloisze Monge IV;ý Yaunir. J-Ain Thompsnti.'l'isitmai bInnre, Pnin %Vrn. onn. John Tweedie. Edward Ravo, Dà oiril fihmrerf Jas IVhile. (losirqa l"bifins. John Young, Gen Phi Afrx Filitlir, John NeBradr. Ornisix llmdY. Jorn Afndill. Jntiii tAvroiire. Gco 0q,4011, Afichriel Ke#ýnr, Thnmà s Mntilp$-. 3V Il thintins. Inî Gord rL Kes e Delonir. Simpon Puijiey.. blichael licardon. in Peter Rnleitio(tii, 'Illomas Chammtm,-rw, John NfnirtLt Tliffl-11-tzlewoM. Johii flanner. Timniby Murphy. John-Kerr IV MeKay. llichoril Monre. John Chiollntm (le#è No-al. %Vûrier. «Niaitufil, Thos N $Ieven. mon. John Tliampmoti. Gro Trimer. I»ckwond fingers, Noble gnnno,-l slevenson. %Vin linittht. Thon Tiirnor. lVin fintilby. Jetai lvm lea-thy, rien) Alleil, Wra. Alaw. Sarntiel liards. Anron Fliridon. Juba Minard. John (;nlder4 tmniel Ledivhnrn John Blair. Ttoger AlIpu. John Dryden, 'l'fins mith, John Orrrisby. %Vm Rodd. 1 Y, Pritro*. Al#-% Potw.r, Lutte Robinson, %Vin Pranlri>b. Wm'lintpite«nn. Thni Burjibam. Cbai Hopkins. Jas 9,rilley. Chas H)chiird. ni. Joq Atkltt4nn* Fluizh llnrtqsg. Jas Vnrréat.,Andrpw Nirol. Prntieil (Inrtult,'Jnlin Poldon, %VmRrtiwn.john lfall. .4 "lx IVitlxrtl. James lvehgter. Reubell Pearxnn, Thomas Ntifflowen. ý Timalliy Fititi. Eun ffrib4li, linr9ro, E flrjitir* l-,*I(Iridize lbiiiigo. trenry litanclomt IVm Ifni#rý. Colin Qlicnter. Wm L)erljy, %Vilsnn fluh. hell. %Vin r4rCrity. Fre(j Deboim, Norman Larab, 1-bn ('rtbxollý J Nt stmnr-. %Vm Kejoer, John Goldohn. T Pentimet. J M Ivilkilignii. F(Iwnrd Moira. V*11 R f4iI1ýý las Dveýr > John NN'arreri.'Jn4 $ueh. 8affluel IViekf-il John Dn%&-e4, Chi% Pari4h, Jas B Bictellr ThosFà ùghý ja-aps f4mê. rinhart silipman, IV. Albilt- Nelosait Gtnlo-ir. 1'tn4lw.-r Prudhomme, (firam C %Vhiiiimy. Chaoç l'ruminer. 1-fulh-rt Ofýiirrir, -JOS Rnw!eY. Amos MIL Tfios '4!éep. Ibilt %Vallnce, Th4ýq *rnvlnr. J#-«gm fieurr. Jas 'Ilririre. Mlier Chubh, Thon %%'Iterrv.ir. John Wilkinaon. flirani Unikiits, %Vin Denrbnin. ffihii hinnil. Huiij,,i4one. Roht Diejiz,ý,, IP,,i Ajinia. .4niiiiiel .13!rpheiur. Thý Collant. Nen e ,le Mfflripo. John Andrew- Th.p.1111.1.1u, 'Ir ' *ttete!r. tlalhietw,> Johil 8mith. A IV 1-«,,trewp.ll, W fi Vprewell. %Vm, IVhite. Joint Irvine. Tlinq Ilind4, Robert Nleliip. john Pmti. rien (iib«nn. %t'alince 1-aroweil. lis pSrbnra, %V Il Gordwi. Rieharl Gordon Jirnei ir.. laines KilriwarL Dmvf(l r).Ntitiziii. Richard Nlit. rhý11, Arph Trewilligar. Ad"Inhuç Skinner, John At. 1Û.4on, jolui Evely, %Vm Ivallers. Ivm illnrrij;. ftnbt for, R-)It Smiih. Gen 'L'hnmpçnn. FIvianfi. ltnt;t (Anz, Il. ni Kerr. Rich 11allett. Chas Reed, )nq Kerr. Tienrv 11111. infini Rav. jj.. IV A air. font ja4 Cur1i.-ý-Geo Mir'lar. luch TAWIS Liike. Rich qnnti,. %Vqi Go>mt-; ir.. Chas Mire. 111m finnnnli.WmPrptii-h.ThýgWilkinjuin. ..,nlledlýrgsr. nýr. Walter Tlffl lémiie. Jpen finnt John wriffhi. I*regl Ira). firanc, lvisitmArmth. -Joýý IlFécke 'b- Min Froweh. fir.tirvAdnmi, Chnqglà hlxuk. Wm Mcy« Jobli lovai. 13 IV 8r'irratL Joho Gmhain. Geo Seurmh.' MM-Il ýNfcPhilliP«. Wm Colliris. Phil-. fin Palmer. Lirrirviituadie. Thnmin Salomon, Henry Burr. Luihier Cmytorl. 'rItomiaN Kerrý, WM Rant. jekh Kerxlnke. JnIoi Ilrlit-nzie. friand Roy, ýfmpqm Vickery. ftnbet t Prinalm. Tlinx Oo mîrrinn, Jobsi Ormis- toit. John ffaulilîti. John Griffin. Jnlijl Jftmo,» Jiýwd"n G- Dixnttý jnoq TA"fn fratsmi ffM1q*nn.ý Wm. -Drà r%ýî,- Gibriel t4ander4on' Luke ilirker. Arthur Spetlçer,' Allqlr.ili-t %Irflripti. Johii Nlm#Trti. Rolit (1jarke. Tires .[,i,; Wil Hall. Gen, .11ichact Uniac. Owen letisier. telijah Footer. 1ý 6 Ford. i--- - Toivii Couneil. Whitby, Friday, Jany. 25 1865. The rirst meetin,, of the new Coutteil took place nn- Friday evening lut wheil thp follotvinr gentlemen look their geste, N 21, W. Brown, Eqq,, Mayor. Meurs.' Daniel Camernn, Yenrnan Gibgoni.j. IL. Perry, J. B. Powell, JamëSRbwe, Nathan.. - iet Ray, Wo. Thew, and R. J. Yarnold. Dr. Gunn, was absent thrangh illupoi. The u4ual declarations of qualification, &C., having been admÃŽnistered, the elec., lion or Reeve and DeputY Reeve was pro. ceeded with. Explanations were made by C3ptRÃŽII ROwe, and Mr. Perry, sud allier members cif the Cotin cilrèsidered nocessary in Conlequenen of sciait nutside talk that Nfr. Perry would be compelled toi occupy the subordinate position of Deputy Reeveii Every m9rnber of the Couricil emphaticallyf iisclaimed-any such intention, and doclared ýhat their eurnest wigh was ta carry ont iny arrangement entered intn between Mr. Perry and Capiain Rowe themoelves. BOth Captai n. RQ,ývO * and 31r. Perry ex. ,Ireaied. theinselves deairous of leavino -the Jouricil, and allowing, the Charge of ûtini.% !ipal affainq ta fali into other hands. In this state of things a motion that the Gyor letive the Chair until vwi Moired and carripd.- shr)rtly afier dix the couneil met agâijz qheà Captain Rowe wa-i - elec" Rëeve tnd INIr. J. Il. Perry, Deputy Reeve by se. damation. The fo1lawýng weré appointed the ST4'iDIX0 COUX ITTERO. Ënance and Assesq.mient.-Meuré. Yârg old. 0,ibson. 4ad %we. i,ýý and lui P, ro'vem'eng streffs 111117111. Ldwe, Ray and Powell. Fire and water.-Meurs. Powell, Ray Camer'o'n. Printing.-Meurs.. Party, -,Gnnn ýan4 Tovin Pioperti.-Mýesors Gibson Guna u.d Cùmeron. y - » ý 1 1 Applications tô officis.' Messrs. Perryi ..A pk-- lbfs Bûofs and Bain ïptniib Sole Léestber fer galoè-Ju. Bain. .,;hemot,4 Patent Clothes nom Mrom sud Tiowaire-'11. Hatch whitby VýlUnîeer Intantry, Co. order'- Dà rtoeil .3pecial Ngtice. 1Irett clearing sale -90Xiltan on. XYLY $1 50 CENTS A-YEAR lvbltby. Thursilay, January26, [stc5 PUBLIBRER'S NOTICE. Voluntear 0om ý la th COLIlty. Tbgy ha" bitherto Prov ed themirelves-highly or- ficien4 and we trwt wili continue té do 80. The 'rolranteer force is au honour te the Country, sud la composed of picked -men. Strie attention to à rW and,à Pro- per Mmilr ai Srp - 'ili be necessary in order! te malis the-still more twofol sud ready'l for any emergency. It was expectiod that Mr. Gibbx wollid have been enabled te seccnd the Ad.,Ireag. f'regRinx busintitý and the early date at w ' hich the declaration prevents his atten- dance, for the moment, upon hiq Parlia- mentary dtetim.,Xr. Gibbs will, howaver, be at Q(iebue en Moýday next, and will rujike hi-q ýobUt tg the Ilember for Sotith Ontario. They w[U find'in him the right ma". Inflf*tinë oif the Coanty Conneil- The meeting of the County Couneil, on the first day, fri the yï-ar of grace--1865, wu net a very imposing one ; %itbough the sombre solemnity of soma of the mem- bers on the occulon, appeared as mourn. rvl nq if they irere going te their own fan,-ral. And may' net the event typiry ihe Corrrate death, if net the Corperal of mai)y of the aspiring municipal Ic,!i,çlnt-brR asiemhled. John Hall Thomp. Inn, waà elýctedWjrderi, and our report t-.Iq"-vbere will exelain itafIr. Whitby lnt.ititry Company. We havý muets pleunre in annouricring thn appnin-ment of C. A. Jones, Eqq., lot cý,"s cwlet of ih" Military Sehgol ag drill instructor of thi% corpi, with the honorarv rittik ni Captaîn in the Volunteer Nifililia. (,ftptnin T(iné-5 iq a highly accornplish-tl Offlepr, and We have no doubt the recruits, iliid oveli the nldpr members of that en rpg, will find much bptiefit from hi% thorou-1,11 Lcqtiaititanep with drill, and the rrneral rontine'nf nîlitary datîes. The (nmpýiny 1 ri!l on Wednomday and Friday even. in7ig and we arp iarormed that Captain Dariiieilba,% very pmperly dptermîned tliat the rules siq in iho attendanci- at drill will bc -.%trieily enforcéd hy bim. There arc, plf-n- ty of men ready andwiMing, te take thr pInc" of thoge who are lukewarin or iiiat- tentive in thii respect. -1 os il o usTy , co" cnt. 'that lit was une of the dutiot impôted ùpon of tlme pouiblée- in Order, te put $4 a day The à 1ilitta llillôt for the COUUtY for F;'tiphonson, Jo Iýo*AA, David 131rrA14 bite -hy the virtue of bis office to attend inSis own pocket ? What were the facto Ontario. DtInn, Jqjln rdtcnnv'cri, (,'Ilrliitdollor 1. - -filmes jivanary Blottissions, 1805. nt the selection of-,tnrora ; ibat t' wu à Up*io the preoent time the selection. of ýllailltýt4ii, Witt. Nis-ýIntyre. 1141tlLç Mltifilotall, imn TI#ýma% Carmons; .10%Cloll 11111;(Vi Jiio GlImolir, very i ý ortant daty, that bis, liait worked jurors ocM ied 21 days ; in all tbere-were Brnue, Abrain Janos Moeil(Jsi. 'J'IMON ýVll1tcýIfJcM, FIRST DAY, difficuilly and faithfuUy,- that ho did: net 432 jarors selectnd nt a "" t t Rolissirt lotaisio Parnctt, Jol- ýVti Ruib Jolfil Turesday, Jan» 241b.' ýPrIntract the siiiiiig for thé 8aýû Obtilning Cil Of abouÃŽ $550 ; or ili ,,lier WC,,,, the '!Jliârn Xenfi, K"ÃŽtlt Kennedy' Pio.r(tbn,'W. P. Bettes. Mèhert Ji)ltit.4toit .1proitie rici Wilson, four dollare's dage which bad not, sa far, selectinz of jurari, 1'leott. Johl) Ilairer (;rt.ntbwljt)41, Joli. BITI(sir, 9 The Restives and D,,pcty Reeves, elected thronsch the instrumen. ý1,11;tpoltl, AIfýzý R'tioarit. Spe(tr-&, hl the »Tisserai Munieipal Cannelle of 1 the been pocketed by him. tality of the Wardon -whethor lie wntked Moirdy, jaineM Tient-ie, Robert Wond, Iloitry Aigirllw millier, pavid Tnrtlinr,, Jolsii Lotf,. ýC«nity of Ontario, - assembled ait the Mr. Perrv thonght thé linportà nee of diligently or net, cost $1.25 esch 1 But if ';lleP4rd, John 541,1111foit, Win- ONt.itl,. Orso. < 1 Aliridittin Vins. -the Town of Wbitby, on the matter demanded an atrsw" ýlibod s Adam liow go Lawreile , IiielifitIl ili'grii, Ir., Tlittitai4 Court Housse, în- or train the the Couneil erainincel the 7 great diligence llPkvm. Georizt. el., r - Tuesday lut. At a quarter beforn thiee Warden what amount of Cotinty pli 11011" lticO- % cKarin, 'rli(itiit% 1,caper. TIiûiný4 bl-AvoYi per was oxhibited they wnuld find illist One day 14 W. Jolie, vilelfit Filin, Jo.seph Lintoii, o'clopk the Caunti Cler#i, H. J. Macdon now afiant in the banks jurorofwere selected - on -ânâtber 8 vere H. fluntiati), lienry ïVitlterm. (Ton. Il', Ilftil, Joli) Ilnth montizonitiry, iciI!)e4 corirtriey, Franchi ell, Esj., calied the Couneil tu order., and Mr. Thompson roplied thatjast &Wion selocted ; on another 7 vrere selected, and '»Uv'l"tit,'O, lietirs- 4,410il, Briail, Efl. Joliii.-Gil-bort, Cils. lielli't,ÃŽt Georiru Ar-,Ytmtr,-iiq. W;ri. met lem Keller. Jno JaMiclis Diicnv. ir., Walter Win- called ores, the narines of the 11reves , and a Muni of $7000 wAs authoriud by the sa nu ; and thig was the iiiigence exercis, -fais, Hiliri, Eililli 1%,frellerrie, Tlin-. 'Jolin Ilni' ilton, irý, %Viti 'D Joncil, n W. Laf-lier, IL P. Clark. .1, IL 'iieil Aie Depoty Reeves whose certificates lied been Couticil that ho belleveil that amoutit had cd 1 This wns nt a cost of $25, or $. X , mitý lx Morgan, Pin: ard.- Fri&tte4 Niotilý, Witt. Creairii, filed ait follows beest exceeded but lie -fýlnct4 Fillt- o difi'noi, kniw la day ta the ratepayersý of 'Ibo ' Colinty, 8vott, fiýirtjftirjîii StitrIcs T, 'W . Clplz, I)av-,,l , ni, -J riiiii, IýýIin4 ilisey, wiri ith, Jet&', Élifflisil, Baocjr._Joý !Jail TIDmpïnn Rf ré ire o Jalill ývillitlut4i %Villi.lla %villialIlt4, David what exteni, and that morieyiq expected Wheni (mid Mr. Perrys) we have ntl y. epu ai -à hi à é"Muïïîýipaii. Îît ri' f the heïd cit ibn là ý;nr NObertm; 0en le'. 1,11 trif. Par (George 11rabazoh, P ' fà Ilice7c, had no. hall net yet beW p il jil wbn lier. Gorslilti, Frniiel-, Win. Con-týii,,Inlnos ker IMI, G(te 'rioaton 8. forma his duty in thils in * anlier, it wu about DonaMmoti, Niëli-Il, rinwell, Otisi. )I)nltlfi lUrqmirt, S;iiiiii(,-l Jno ?IIcý Ilb, 0 ange took plA lbnitilttir, %v- Crollable, W. U. I;e(,Ufstt, Airre-1 l ktruziiiia, A. -mwit7ýr. lienry cas-per. EA18T WHITUY.-Megtre. JaMell OIGny In reply in Mr. Perry, Mr. Thompson tÃŽ a eh ce. But Mr. Thomp. Bllql4lili ljr%ýItIIý iléI- ýJ. -r. P Reeve, and Annis Depaty Reeve. said lie. . wu not aware of the nmount of son in bis explanation said lit, did tint poek- Harris, Tharrizim sýilf4i Jrý. James kiiiiiiiiiii )n jollit llt,-t, foraine Travc,ý, .1siffoie Fry, l.eliiiiIiïl, J"'Ili 3, - flic!Ziu 'jolik 0,#«Awl.-tMei;mm. Burk and Eck. et the inoncy lif!tsry V. Kylo, Git.. Erl ),.g 'Fisiwi-, soillon Iliwlielly Ed. papier now in the batik discoutited. fact 7 Did Plcxcrtllç(;. - Messrs. McCreight sud not M FrIgls, Boltes , 1-*"*e" -(Ã. Tracy. Mr. Perry, in rising, said t6st it was, of r. Thompson draw train the Treas. Lt. Silart NoýtlIav, Drenfils Ieiiiiiiiùrs, Win. course, necesgary thaîhe Elhoui urer 011 H-. 'rhui-ant, Fiý4 r. rhoittas liait,, Jalit, account of this vêry moniey ? Hé lic give bin marsh -Il -111illes Clifford, Patriek Ricieu.-Menors. Mlirsh and Spring. (mr Perry), wanted le -state nothine, re.L9orý; for liroposing bis candidate, Mr. but .1% Il. ,(,,OJ Jidin ametcilti, (J(is). fi. Gier Joliti Grecr. Altrir. the boire facto, and bc anked ,%Ir Thom. joli. 4. ;f)lltllwell, Micling-1 ('fiad ' V. %VITI. Stili Os. Clark, Siliw. Carre Tliotntj% Biclinnazi, Reni Carriribell. IIis olvit naine bad lireois Men. son ta correct bien if what ho si. was j lkil'y Blittl,-hfild, Tjwq OF -WUITBT. -MeaSrg. Rowe ai,(] tioned on being a candidate train Sear ta lied 1 perry. i', no ti:, J-0111 Kellip. lis Colvilln. P-1visl 1 %vrii Jiiii '%V ]jrriývn, Bot-iiiiiiiii yrar for th(, office -of Warde t the tact. (Mr. Thompaon rtcqilieqced.) i4. Carte, Charli's Wil), ballid Iîtrk., âo1ili Gritl'i'.111, r llctirv W UXIIRIDGE.-,ýtOUM. n" but th'q & d was tint the balance attraiting Mr. l'hiit)»ie, 1)ftvil Lawrence' Albürt Lamilton, Stepileiim, Jfii E, Ve 110119 %Vui Wheler and Feaî car, for sororal, Yonsons, Le bad witil An hy. y Thompà on'a arder ? The reeve nt Brnck -IntiffI. Nlc*(;iil,.Jaiiic,-s Fctt[4"îe, Peter TuoitAu-%ilr. Camphell. drawnand expresseil the.desire ta bu, tripnds in bis explatiation fivf)ided making, thiq ,II WTIAWA. .%If,'% Nfe"t#v, %villiasil thut it should liot, bc mentioned in connec. [j,,nttv.,rilog. TiVtil I.Viv, LVIe, i ta the Conticil. Thnt $40 coul %vin ilsitbv. 'Vin Mm2lill- Mâtu and ItAmi.-,'4e«rà . 'Kenredyand tint, with the Wardonship. Thef ail knew d ho r-.id t Ja filill'i ý t. 1, *Ji)-,. 1,11 taek, l"ich ti.-I t ýOmhn, ýwt, him and ta the others, but the '.i!ttor' that nt I:à 1ý clectitins in nome of th, initier equeci of A. Bn, y .. :.ý,ix t ý IkýfXlIvtI, !,et). Il wick: the Coonty micht La dilhonorsifili. Biirk. A. Olia-Ac, W - '!. 'rlj(lt4 %I(,x Fliiiiciq ïVaril, %Vm SrOTT.-Mr. 'Nelson. Nluni2ipilititis the question wu nottbe fit. , What c"il siý». Nfatlit iv 1) lica, FýsrL-IY,- il lewier, .1,sivi iisepii brettaw elirist:e, fililéli --t ,%VHITBr 1'owNsilIP4-meum lieea of a cai#ýEYlatf- for reeve or depuivhii lid M r. Thom;On cxm Mr. Perry nêxt T, %V. Gih4ý, E. Giitr- lle.tpr4;o(itt, Irlins Campbell and John Drydeu. rf,,errfd ta tFedr of Municipal iitTitiN, or any afting thA Milit;a, and t t The Clet k informed the entincil État 1 ýiU Other rit' leil flint waq 1, iliglili Nttlylll(-l Ji)sol)li Luire. T. Ii"roef f infirication ; but Ille 21rAnt question . dlutY In which the Li-op-lril, ýil;fsNfitY, Ocio, Nlýtrll1, 4:11ri.q- 1 -first hnsinestl il% Ortler w4s the f-lection. or was---"Wili you votw for Perfy for War. was la aft r «;St Wîth out reillY. thn staintes not '110,71aill, 1 , J cscph (;Ir' ilb:ll- provIdiný any, t'itreýt-1, Wm. %le air(!, t(:ý, the Wârdell, and thist the rule by wlsdeh ho den TI And the very moment Il. waq U. r But what did thRy filla in ti.I, 'Attife would lie guideai woulq be that 't)eretorç>rn certained that the caiiiJiditte*éi \10t; - -v ýLeifIions helhe fact ? The duty wast combinsid vitil 'grIr 1. lia» ktelier Ji)!i si i -Il purimed in the f,,,iuneil-to ré . Ilir'f' ,tpivn ali il](? dIfitlt.(iýv wn). Rit-il IL %vers? favorable towarflist Ilerry, or t1m lie 1114t (If t1lim gèlection of itirnrq-ntin hour nominations, and theu ta rut them tr) the timénir %V,*11;fb:-' Wiglit, W lit -;ri lth, li considcred thui Periywi tâe reliregelà tati"e In ench in tour, and go dwdinTý thpm. the -ultiiiiv, jollet volte in the ordissr in which they bad becsn of the lown of whithir, for the timO wM çtPlir, out as; it lied heen, and tic. s James Woivýi. T. C.- '>niitli, ('idul) (*i-ili-'I,, j 1.)Iitiçltll F reccive(j hy Ilim. cela Icit-zéi WITT. office, lie waq markf'(l in iliolte mut);D;,,,Ii. tually pay niad., fnr ibn Nfilitl% drart, Rq 'q h'. CherrYl NIrý Thompqon frotte and sta4.p(l iliat IV. aad comhinsitioni tuide to P Fýs1. %,Ide iv,-!l m the os-lection of jiiiion. In Peel R. fi. Diu -Win. Dertnii. fr, front inaIvertent flic t1icputy him tIlý C, il I., %vti Fis, ir V fil P ut y Couticil, Tliq lire, the ",Mn work look onli a sinzip day, and :1 1;,j:j Nfiivýsr,- Frýiti,-iï 'i'rilop reeve of Rrock, (Mr, I;rý-L!iaz )ri,) lied om Viner 'I'» N. C I;1)I Jý R'Pwrt G sent year, rio le les j'si, r Sïtlian threû munieipalit in York tvhprp thpre ara six or qPvP, tim,,q IlitwiLimi. Mitted Io bring, hif; in tý.o CIPT-Ir, iriri4v thi8 1 th- number it took but a Véry few flayli. Juil 1 WITT. Ko:%1"4. % lie test of fitness in electing 'f') ipt Vs-itcýi ir. iliij--v that il, would ho here, in flin aril 1 th'i, af'd dýputy-tii(-y doterinittel lie-( harzed the Illiarden vrith takie up TQW*ý.4t[lll OF DIV)CIC. Ankrsiy 1-'Iiri.;ttl)ller 1,'IJi,;t Fsltnï .4 1, ,L,4kiýd that in ibn, metantinne bis their qualification by-,tilow will yOu go t ho rfrgest portion of the time ba!tntlinff A.-ten. 'Vil!nin Wit-vil Jri ýp'- Set t l'lit, Jollit Thotit -, ("ro4t)vl Z'ÃŽteVýIrt Mq. V.ft,'seý I Tillialilly John ýhq permitied il) laite his spat Pert-Y On lhç, Wardenship 7" A ild r the Milit'-a for which hl coutil not %Vltltg!rliýqit-il thut h', fi "if' in hi'§ thY Ment Io th,ý County Cou-iiell a drasv pay, and zivinz but the vorv qWttlAït. --One ('l;4 tnii AII-x I>t-,,w-i War 1 Frais- m)t")" oPnn th.t' 8 0 wh"ýh rrý(!ve and dcruiy who wers:, never rpprescti. P"rýtioli nt his t-'rn s,-:wee;1nirwýr, Cii rivs hl, initnTled innviliz. Caies; Ikeiti(14 1'iciiilie, Dilvid Plikkir. tVfll. ci4 ),,l roil Ge.,rgu T lie 1"ýtk tativê.-i in a municipal couneil bufure nrder la cover hiq $4, por di' Ill charz. ýj W, I)ýIInI 1 Nleieati, chi-4. r:tvl"r, Tilos. (*'ýIiw[IY Mil Lpp lUiliry 1 I>itne- fi arisén ;TI Ille Vourily Ceilincil wh# r(ý 4 ýpine batý- frnm the Alalo S11(fat "(*t'd 1ec()rdý re neneritaitives whe never ber,,,, ed hitn with kep g*,"Illt,%:itim -joilli 1j,ýy Jililles Li pi J illisoil W -1ileil Inenlitsi werf- rirev,-nte-41 Ikiiz tll'if 'sat in4he cotinty cotincil, mid the thirdwho, enrincil thêSn facies, in order In con tels!% , Ic. %Vm. "tlrfs&tl %vilec-11:1 îýrch ;n cnnqequenco rit thei, afier eleciii) some libre MA -,çn. worse titan faultle. when 's cn,-jzrï)v %VITI N'Ilvitiv jollil ri iliz flied. In thisi case it wni tru- thc ce,- (TU f.'Ur Ligne Irilticiilt4..I, nud fitiding if ho wrinfed ta do hîs cal did d Il 1 W tri. Fair. Tisos. G'nil. W-4t. D.)hle, Nl:%tl aý;V cunigiancoq wo.re similar, blit stifi in IiiIi out that, perhaps, saine of those relecte. a. tY hl should have ecplalnt,(l the initter and il Ksilly, .1ftiglr..i Wile. liste. fi' lwi ý '1011-r. i J t ;t - opinion file rpevg- of BlInck 011,,ht CIIO imlle they werert partial te Perry-bocu-i- lie rhar-,,PA him with delcw N fi% t-rs JýIiII0î N:i*,!l il.il Cwilert-il I) rint (et hi procluilià frani la'i;1Iýý, hié; qoà t, 1, UllIplirov, .1114. St ir#illl, riiiý Slin-ýv W itt ý%iiirlz Cro-s Jiylly) agissin, and contrived to miid -fi vuhr)fc tnatter-takinz thi.î Mener Thor Ii4d a th- c-)%trîtýý 1 goil. \%'Un. l'te ;hl rti. Al'ef) j,-. jalili Crýý; 'l ýJIIn "ai- l tvhp titi go it bliiid Ont tir the pockatlil of the raternirerti nt file riw, j3a,ý,-, Jiom %re-t- Mumiiiiiii I;tnir-.s M,-millan '.*Iiri.-t,%- & Pd in the Flouq3 of AsqetnbIy in the tria-sieà ;, f ! 1 1, 1 ri! lier Ilrý vlai NII-VLigtI Win Eltzligli ti a4,alust lmrt-y ff'r thil Wardeli-îllîp. Il was connty, whn-", inierpits ho was ownrn In i %viii. %VITI. ri ý -c, Mý-rri4,,q 'fair, Iý% tri, ýý11tII Grilis (;iPycyl .1 relli::% 1 1 r Mr. DfInp. the member for si uadý-r th,ýse circuniîtanceg,--it Trait in Jo Th#,Im fnet-I hp. Perry.) ' v limwn qeo M-ovt liz W.. IL, ta; î thai cup. the inplube on*lte(l 10) prad'i'. laisi in ý% ir. Th,-:iiiLý '17lieet C 1 Mr. ThotnreiJin'4 charco rfits !IWýir Vith ilit. excia"_ of ilà (Mr. 1, 1 rnittior the proppr Inftintut-ps front the lkýttiriiiti-,- iýi dic way of the wa-K'I" Iip ÃŽOr Or duil. and out or no iii-feolittL., huit in i %Vqi litJl.v(!v [)Itlllcl m officer ; yetthe Tloumm alliitired thst pa't 1 \V.i!,«, A!itre-v l rnuiticii1aliiieit &utà dîgà ç iýfetifer me, %, the nidor that thn etres or thp peo,,!e of the A ls-si Rile'y of th" lassi, coirripelling liq lil.,wluction t', he coutity c-ýilIiciI--it Tras Tri Ortler thifit mu 1 enulity mlzht br, 'm'ens-il tri what was talc evin. U'Injih. Fti-tLýrjr. J(piiit Kîfrlýv wili Ity!ý;n (IPMMrlqeki w1th. Ilcm theï ail ait I. j . rtiý. siva.t. ýri-,,> Jarilifie, Vlias. Clilil jltt-ll I)olilrH NI(,.Iiolutl t.%*II1% '17nux %VITI Ilicipalâlei lui 'Igt st:1ect, 11ILir beà t men ai% 1111Z Place. H.- alon brnuzbt it De a charge 1 il f, e4l;j;llt, 'fi; en Lý '14,z,!# %It,ýl.,ý..il lielity lliiiit,,r J'Ilin S:Iuitliir.,4 W itt Mattor of tact thrit ',Mr. Brahisixan walt 1:40 réev.. a-id siejýuiy, %%ith,-,ut refs-rence tý> azainst Mr. Thnrnpqnn. that hi, ne-ver ait. -i- ]tri-, T Nt-il -et(ýêlt .%I.!% iiinii',c losfins 11enry E dulv plected depuly rt->evib of 13iý%yek, aud re bien -tht hi, tI-im(g might not b, a, sIiIýntý_ tended fi Meeting di of -Qilarter Senfissions ta eo!yniznZ thni hg-, (Mr. Perry), thon-hi fi-- the Ri0;ý,r.I %t'ilnfi I'ttr,'eý li'z bluck ili the Ivay of II)eir lorope, audit m-conntri, where one t»iird nf or çhorild net lie! nen.-îved af ta4in_- Iiii and that týf,.7 and the Ct;tà tity (Ixpeelfl;ture of the cotinty Waa rnntro'lied Jo lie theiefore fricived, sêctjn(led hy -Mr- 1 Ciiiricil mighi bc benc'fited hy gý1ectiug as hy irresponflible mazistroi and flint Jfà 0k-e, Da,. id filirliq' %V il. .1.ýtTites 1)ýiiiie!i l'el kili,4 %Vin 1J.1vi4 -Illeilil-4 Tyli'r (1çir, P, .%, I, le11,,rv, Ir., I tri ii,4 lili2li MeAr- Rlelifirtlýorl Jý'IlgI A ltiniq Rioliard Win -rhomplin, flint Gen. Brabaz,)n. E4q., hriv, titi, hessit men amtingât ilient i effn durini the qPlection of jursiffs, and t1ilir, isiIit %IcDlilllId, Il, ral,! RfIbi. firown John l' Jalifistoli Witt ing hoi.-I (filly electissel Dii-ploy 1'l' illat hu hail scituc Il) ballotinz for ndiiiiii. whpn 1!ifý. ftfll»-.Urtlpl Messires ilieit $;(ýnrge Iiichard Langdon, fatrllf4 WeL.11 Jahil Pl IkIi4.ýlsaw. Fox BnittlIý 1'. Il Toinfinsoil Bra-ilev . Bi-opk. be Miliniîtreil in takri hiâ Ment priiding iletiItuýt)oll Iltà naine bein, tyttblawtg $PlzgiIi-lýq 1-4 place. Nfr. Thomfýqrsn ah4ont )'lit A et Ciii,!'jtit elj' the filine of hissi e,-rfini!rlto. and n-ils tvon M1Lt1O£ýed m J. Pd bÃmself. qa ind;&rent wili ho a% te, -ha Kilibs-rry, !Iectnr flueliey Alc.< liradlpv John I";irkýr 'Henry el The lipffIire I)tittiij,- the rný-iiJn, malices or thc l7qu r .d;tte, (O'r disit of th- r Ity. desir-d tri, cWI dis, attention of ttiI,- Cautieil thov, c Gýir.frIlf, -. !Zttitieiiisti èvhci.m lie, (Ir. PerryJ nomina. 17iln'i rnindg. ho gaid, hi no'ninat .1tifiii M i,!;,r.ýýi-, 'rit, si. -iirt siti. J. i-mi, )1l'i If') IgP4111ii Jir.-vpli in the wnr(li or thl clafise ef th', sitatule, Itýf1, wili (etit. whý) licll a portillon in Ih,ý cil %fr. ("IMPhell. (which bc rend,) reqId.-îi7, the, filing ofille Ccutity 0,euricil hcetýtoftire, he wu kiwwn à fr. Thomw n -in explanatinn denied 'Ait err4ifleittp. Ali lie wanted was fi) bc ex. thuà e who 0IL-a liât witli Lui &,4a gf!tà tl,. the charge of Dot lookinc carèrully art P r R onerated front, any ro-nsequimnces tliattini,,ht risau who, the mroment ho took bis sestist at the finarfsceti of the scoursty. said that the art entre. the tabletint uiïetiý.- sipliglât le) mproseil-, bis hhlltitin,ý- for militia wu necessary flint lie Tle,04, Tt,,Ieit linivIiiiiii. Wili cli capwn Rowe W no obinti*üu ta )Tir. Divin muiiicipaiily, but the whole coualy if) waç pretrent witil the others atithnrizrd ta -Ilolui Li, yd, Min $ýtiniipl Iiiii;t, 11ohfirt liain, Daittai Bmbuin takinir bis Tir 114il, Sýi!it SeILS. The 111lestion te l.eflit. %% lit. Ský é ,rve the catitity-nild dýjjwjice tý, mako il, and that Ils thristit inthorited o'- Jug. ji-IllIAtitu, Wni. ré pre. 'Ir ' Mil lie'l, I0ýItcIÃ, 'Inr the colint-il wu, vas hirsi doi hell, 1ý M4 Kolegal. PAI alike. li; ý%:aA nw rur the int-Ipât of 11, Mlilt!M thp sellelifia nt inrorswe I'ralitleili, Ji,411 %!fi UIV-. Jiss. '.V. er.1wlord. S«ipi)o-ji!)z, ho aqked, , IW the, WVderi ttu C, Stfsiilý Mz X. RO, Johii Ilolt, Joliti no happened te lw, élooted by X thais iv hisi endor"lQre(l te) n#1éýâ ct),Iflty Coullcil-whî) c [me ta get 'VI Wili. eutinz volé, an4ý that in con&eqtencL- cf tbfy COUA. wiloi,2 sole aitu sitifails to gét Q'3artimr spissionglut wh"n lie dij 150 the JnIn(;eý Rë Mi. à ral)azejns takitie'hi6 geai eml"try 11) what tke, WRA no qTl"-,rum, poil. rhoisissi là tilgt»y, -8vul. Lockise, 1.'O,ýort y could for ihÀr ewià Mcltiilsrier, tav. would net the electinn of ihil Warrien whs) did tint coizaider tlm brouet interests off s Mr. ("nrnobell dpelinpa the nilminatioti JO! Il J;LInrý. he illegal, and his acts illeent ? l'lie cae 1 Slrier, Williuin $ollitre, an 1 Illé> rJi eutinly. aitil iah(ffl ailli, tvââ tri %IIezýiair liftait lit,, and hi% the I. Johil Detty TIi.,%. Muglui. Týiî)niix IXow, Win. reiferred Io by INfr. Perry, lip sisid, was one .. C Marti Wqliiii- (ý'fIIic-I - jaillir Vt-itelt, JIolli), ODontiel, Thtîm. othier partis rf th,! cour.ly lut <il, dépaty moire, were reiedzed ta Mr. Thomp. * ' r - ,, Tý hrcueht before the HOQ&Q by the makers aý th-Y cculd. Counéil Mort, and that ho did tint wiâh ter, placo hi% P.c)!,týrt - In»yy, Josepli 0rr, John Illa i Ic, lý'illIJlrl elark %Vin. Aiex. colleazue in an alekward position. J. Aiox. iloi:I' Peter Sinclât Ofthe law who might assAumes prîv-legt,.ï the" Men ai its board îvho wouti t 1 1 tica Brnee Jaj4 Buatty liardi-, - Johis whieh the Ctioncit coutil not presume upnn Cklfll;idiýy the interests of thil whole coutil Tho qtiest:nn k.av;ng been put, iliere o ... cil O..BJv 1", 11,13arlar J. :licli fiel Tiji)ti;tImt)iI, 1541ward litis;Iiiell, jý;)I.I ï,1vý ait i -Nlieli.I"I CIP,ýitv, John Murray, Wrii.«Strain, who had te, be iruideà hy the law. On the ,TA wha in dâinr BD wGuld Misirze all MI.« appe.%r"d for Mr. Cmpbeil, à 'rtbiir Donelfv, ws». -laillers D 'Ivillix, jolin V, What di th lifis, IN*1)1-. Meuait-tlani Ajax. rnv1(pr, %Vtri. , ela - lod fownebli, of Wbitby, mnvp(l by John Flain the f«t. It vlà on 1 plue hî8torie el - 'Foro)th. %Vlli. Glintilett, Ittellull)n, Wni. florton, Poter M00rialg, Ci'b3rt MMEVýLn Perry, £«q., 4eCOUded hl john Haibt for 1 W liat were ýtit dùtk4, if not il, look- June,4 Jiirry, %Vm. NtuGliitry, Thnniilit BIar1ý *fier the Finances of the courity "L "And ;thodid kili UticiERobla peak, Win. MoÃktgonier>,, Wili, Mi-Arthilr, W,' J. pAq - ? TW ' NIcLýUr-, Alex Nleilzic,-, B. MI. JOIII) Georze Br&bîîon,ý Esq.', J)epaty Duamies of the couaty were the chief And whodid kilt Pirewell, - ý%felitittit,,, Garilitin, Geýrgi 11.roctor, 1 Wel,01, WM Kuf) Calvin iru-l currie, Ewen camero'--, Alux (11LIer, Ore business cf thn ccunty couneil. Tliuy And who did kill F.lrowell ? Gardiner, lYm- nf à vork, mored b. Win ýNejsonyý'; 141ba ilcwlL,*oji, 11unry- Ftiriit-mî, lýobý)rt blo. se-conded by Albert Spring ý'TlV4R 1, said hold Gihbig, 'Stourer, jolilà Breillia-1, Robert Taggert, Arclid Franklin Thomp,- were a Municipal enroration for conduct- lie tolà suclisid lltbbo, Clium. Illiguire. IZA)bertKoibr, Henry KlIIRIlt, on, Williani Wadilell, Dou %ýd j3rneý, George by John Hall Thompson, &q., Reeve'of ing the financial 'buâinesï ' of the couaty And 1 did kilt Parewýoit. Jolin Aoiiiii, Duvifl Jam" BrKe, Itonijl(j yrucr, Dénlîlý ýameroil, unti Brock, Col. Campbell, Eiq, oenopded by and if,. their, Wer4eti - the haad ý,qf the AlIioný George Palmer Jolii3 Keelor, Jerdoji MýiéMm SffiIýth 1)aiïcÃtji on KOPI#r, cil.-oo. clark, James 'Robc)rt Citteipbûll,(4uorge M;&rtiii, AluxMulunio, fleury lit 1 David Burk,-, E*1. a ricif kne nýothing ab à ît; fià lai And who did sec hini (rte,- Dickson. Wm. Dicki4on, Adani E. Yffle, Riubd, Ptar*4 Roubon litévc-.iilç, 'Sylvester Atietir Car Chas. Marah, Eal Reeve ofReach, mpv,. affair,41 f-M whUM migbt Ther expect te And who did gec Iiim die ? __ MMRIDGIS. ýjohuTilompeýon, G00.ýMatthLwè: Win. Richar4 by Alexftndea Kennedy ERq' Beeondeà obtain any knowlede about them 1 ;Upon 'Twils 1, said brave Perry e If Il C Fer Vhe 61 poll" wmî ton heavy, gon, Jollii Beaiimnnt, %Vflb. -Dowdle, Joliii Ephraini Render, iy Thos. Nellis, FAe the présent occuioli thel 'round that lhe &,arf, T hog. SSrf, Jt., Johil K; Cathbert, Gno. Browil.- Charl 9 M And 1 did Scelim die. Cowan, %viu, Gardon, Giw. -Dawko)%,, Jalin, 'Vio Mr. Kennedy, in moving Mr. ]Warshý Niaïden of laat est kuew nothing about c srged that he was a gentleman in every them. And when lie, pe;iyl) joli nyt,)rýIr., 'iUýisïdl 1 P^ Jolin mllà r? nlifFu;ton. Win.1 ýaýec -V rt 78Y wortby clf t6 compliment and it was th t1à i ibii fliclanci h4-,,ouu. Arld Who diq dig hiq r cul Uguffi , , 'l, _p,4rrIAh"ý 't tue to the township of Reltch. £1eý con3id. ty were in sach n'condition Stewairt; 0 à t1;aý 'TwRýi 1; Raid McGill, Wm. Satitil, Lewis Grant, Win.?f1d"JrIf,'»rý lit Il;-- et, !ï-ed it onfair,'thetý 'the Miere of B lek sureen cheques were te Sburpe, e".go Guinb(t 'U m'pli 1 ro Aqhc 4ck 'A.Most yiualnôug 1-pill Wl 4 iýU ', ýbould bc put forward year lifter whal; would Lbeco ýril hi, %nd I Mil dig bis ýgMVe, Miujýnrniii Bawuinil.'- Jolin Loeï )Ko1A1ýýho ri, "D B il 1 r year ,#Liiaidç,to% , lia 11*AýI_0à 0 1- wh;#.h fi'. ur.ýA.. '-e l.. »ýWel Deeker. ý#à rà lieng. Ward No. 3, _Jog. ?y. Ward No. 4,-John f ô,-Martin Nigbà wude Mr. White moveil, thst f 1118 Of Ibe By-law to estah Ut No. 12, in the thW ft be poqtPonea meetinx of the Cauncii,-Ce Mr, Wizwn moves, thât il bis order on the Treà crer in Thom,.for the aura or $9 sopplied to the Widor Seo the Conneil. - Carried. gr. Wlucu moyen, tbat Vnion Sabbatb Schoni hawe Town Ilall granted t.0 them for tbe. par' 1 pou - Of lhOIdIdý imeegogihis eyening, for rried. Mr. Wixionmape», thil OW Id, =m to Mondsy the Editor of ae ffli But whitby. J. ensinesa in tend to, 1- lert the buting a(ter the chepring for the loyer on the day of the do bave sinels bpeti informed th, Arltiand, with a gentlenM to binie not satisfied that abould follow the advice a the endidatent and retum 1 ahip and good féellinZ m@ý tory speech, wherein that ( m again exhumed, and ye lýIWSlunt ânathernatized fur havii wil Irul and malicioos Èé, 1 -tiat on the à É,ýý of the D Richard Howden-zaid, il 1 Gibbs becanse he is an be)ped to make. him.'l ýNîo.w, Sir; the history ni' -tejïee, wÉirh, without any ir part, bas excited go much- ply ýas follown -. -Just befer bands was takeni I' wism @t cro.wd, a little northwest of to the bustin'.8, where mueh ini On respectin-, the comp of the candidates, and sonù Gibba's friends made the abi Meeting with Mr. Burh- kt frienà in the evening, and ta events-cf the dzy, 1 men edmitince to him, lu tendiný thât party etill claimed all themoelves. Mr. Burk es said i4-and I gave Wità the illowden, believing nt the ti, 4rom him the cxprémien cam At the annoal meting or secultural soc'ièty- at Brook land taxed me -Wilh iti ad Howden could not have said Dg been an Orangeman in il ot baving iqeen Mr. Howd, under the saine impmosion ai tioned - it to Mr. Burk, and 1 Arkland) on. On the finst day of pollit Nowden nt Columbum, WHO pleued nt what he had beard nie ibat he did Dot ]cave ihE ajier the show of bands wý %bat it could not; have been li m of the expressiop. - 1 imi lim 1 was sorry 1 bad usèd 1 the impression on My mit amongst the crowd nt the à it WU8 his voice tbat -utteT satisfid from Ma utatement had been mistaken Pets, a other vqjee thau Mr. Illowdei le The irregùlaiit-witii whi'ch soin sulmribers have rereived t lie ('il an.si ouc dilrin(y the $0 ith O:it,;Ii-ii) clowhai now bewil rectirlimI. - The es .-Itement of such a tremendatis eciii 104t, fil)(1 the active pli.l. whizli til Our exenFe. As hercitofore, %Vil, il future, rcoeive the Impor with Tinio. telling punetnality. Andi here, wA have got' nnotliu %vora to may :- those ilidehtésI to tui kililh qo acquil z1leir mil Consciences -do lis in'tive- '111d so lielp lis to P.1-Y oui. 1111.11teJ lie&% and enable m.4 to cominit tlit enerny- wlicilever l1w di'easimil fiereaftrr. The aectinifflation (if .4cliw .A5,000. (Fifteen thousaivi ilollars)- macutit ot neeotmtq, .11; p.eývlit dut f his Ofuco'doiiii.g the flint, yvais exist. ý'ile(l Of the Clllt()\ICLIC iS, flÃŽ.IrIV Milli q1rgee (and especi.111Y illivî Mort, o*ýîng to the tieplî.reti(-e thau il (lie forbearnnec oi-the Publisher. %V( Nrant to r ge q gmedy thi% This 1.11 tili ii due'us in IIiIribý anil eMI11,9t Let th.oqe who cireles4 v t,14ink *«their ti-iblI (if iritit-I)teclntâKg l' 110 cIýeet Congidel. the vaîe f-di-1 y ; ,md, by payîmz pli, tiov - save ils troill ,ho diiqagreeibFt,, iievessity of i-e4oiiîtiý. to a Moreý expQnsi%'(,ý mld. (ta thvin ttnd ourselves, ) isio.ît disa.(rrceable mode of couection. The nýdrpqq in rpply in the speech was finnltv ent-ýÎ(-fi in the Aqqf,,mbly, on the 2.3ri. Hwi. M, Dro-ioti's am(,nlrutat, direc ýpd aý!aiiut a 'ý'Çpçv N!týiniità lijy." wa% rè, ýi(,ctpd hy 64 in 25, and the parazraph.-t re- lathig Ili Contf-deration were carrîed by 70 la 17. A larze num'lx»r of bills were piarod on the raocr on Tuegday, amone which wê notice à bill for Ih,ý pun. iqhmpnt of frandulfnt vendars of prodiice ; IdAn in amêrd Ili'?, Nfunieipal jact of Uppri ('anada %vi th rpZard tt- country ronds , Io Prevent the spri-A of CanaU Titiatles ; if) am-,ioi and cor-qolideve the il-uesginent lqw or 11p'per C:Innda ; in niné'nd the net em'-)Pcf;ný" the ourtýpney, and Reveral othi-ra, AddrfsRès w-A tnflvpfl for cýOrs of cor t%-qpntid,-nee with the Govornment ai W;kghiilcien reîpecliti;r the paqsPort imncit ; also fc r eorresponlence resrêctînz ihe Ror"ip M'chy Treaty, and fur ail entre. spondec2e with the Imperial Grveroment wiih reizard tis the defonee of Canada., ci-bho, of South Ontario, hod not lakénehls sent' ïp ýé*roë«day lent :buf çviii 4 in big plaee 1rt the 1îotIeý on Mon- day nmxt. 14r.ý7D*irêw%' M. P. P. - for Two 'Nfountainis was arrented for Forgery on Monday, and, on examination, was 1 ommitted t9 falip Ks trW nt the auiz«. lie was admîtted to bail in Montroal on Tue*day. Soittre. -The '4nna,,ers of St. An. 1 drew's Church purpose to hold their Accusa 1 Soirep, on the evening of Monday next, the 30th inât. The refreshments will bc served in the hument of the Churchi nu. der the direction of Mr. Cull,-n, Confec- tinner, hy whom tbey are to ho lirepared. Severai clergrymen of known ability are "KL,-.Cttd to attend, and addresa the audience, in the body of the chureh, after the rp.res4hmetits lsitv,- beft served. The chair wili ho laiton nt 8 olclocit' by the M.ini.(IeT of the We have no doubt that the Soiree will be wýli atiended, and proire m int«mtilig, and u smisfactory to-alli conneeted *îth il, as the former gatheringt of the stalle kicd bave bien. Indoed from the.caroficil preparations which are makîng to rouiller it attractive and sucepesfui, we allait be disappoiijttd, if it do net surpm these provioutly held. - __ " Our pers9Mil absence from the Anapd, meeting, prevented -'& complote report.~ We shuuld bave said thst Mr. George Rickingbattom wu appûintëd £rat vice-, Premident; and aboula alhe Ègve'aà ded thata,,eeordîng to, -port, the fonds of the Society stdud î$ 1 fbllows : Reeeiptâ, -front every source, 46. leaving a balance in thu Trpimrer*s handg, to the credit of the ýSociéTy, of;, $331- 19. Next week we maý publié the detailed account. à Our space is aorain csar d with Couaty ( conneil, matt'er. 0 > P, - e i f '%Vho are exempt trom the I)ran. This II la Ila-letiofi soxionail pu: hy 'Man"çmmg mf'n,' Who lat ly hâve liad the tinexpected j plemure of spein their nafn(l îuraied as ýeing batiotted fitr service il, 'fer Nfilitia.-and it iî afipâ lui. ýn-#ed by other Poquîqes go to the elyect of el If Draft" and the means zecessary 1,1 ýo3 taken te avW ÀO axwe. k -la'ng,ýe et Le proviwions of the Mîlitis act vin pe1ý 'lape satîery tbese anxious enquirerv. and we are kappy to, inform LbeS of their po. 41on and Tb@ rourth section of the *et, in quels. ilm (27 Vidt eh. Il,) is that which pi-g- x-ides fer the exemptions. Those who elle tzpmpt rrom enralment fofta but a amali ulése, and include the Judgen, of-the land, - the ciergy of ali Belizinus denominations. pro-ressors In luniversilies und Colle"'ese und offl tracbers la relîgiquit orders, and the Wurden, al keepers of the Provincial Penitentiary. Ail others bletween the &,ve of 18 and 60 are &abject te enralment, but ut exempt from, attendicg muâter, and from "tà ai service obt w1y limi'; except -in tau of var, inil a, or irký»urrecrîbn Yllamely: The Réierve men,."deni.herq of the Là egWmtwrTboýGoverument, 4nd goveril 1 ment offieem appoinied under th+- Grp&t 14al; Doctors.llatf-pel and Retired Offi, pi-Pl Pontmuters and Mé-il carriers, Sill n-t, Pilets, Seboolmal Ferry-Men, Mîîî10ýs. Toli-gaie keepers, lirl mastori, E'ý!iae dfiyers4 Conductors and Switcht-ýen ; M., m bers of Fire. and flock and LvMer Vmn - pal ; Members of the Vo*«it,ýîr F>-c-ý. 1 wbile on the roll of their re-sil i VO ccrfe, "ior4, Canatmb1f"#, stn4enis, in publir 1 and &H persona d;âahled by- ýkqdiI1 iüfiWty. In ordet,'bowever, to ob Jan t6 benefit of Ibis exemption it in ne, embry lhat any -parti claiming it à îould. at leut one mo-,ith before he claims such benlll filed bis-claim thereto with an Jildavlt of the fam open which bc claims auch benéfit, wilh the à erk of the Munici. polity within wbich bc resides. .. The clau of persons ibus exempt form ne iiiecýtisiderable number, land, as thére iii avery probibility of the-servit-ë, Miliè.. bel. ing eillèd' on4 if ont for six inol "P, vice, et leui for air dayis drill, it bebooves 1 the parti" ýinteruted to tee . thât their à ffi. darits and eWou are priperil filed. ý We bope one good elfort of this enrolment will be the rl filling up of the varions Vo-' Inutut Cômpanies throu.ghont the country: tu, tbeir full standard of sixty live nà en; -but ire trust thatý the ý vol coLnmnndero--of corps wili fte thât the se;vice shall not be -9 s4m one, and wili 4trike off from the Etallahy membtr Who does not çolnel to the itandard of an etient Volonteori It li es with them, 4qwý tu mske every, man F irý ner lu VIIIIIII Ille Warden of the M y ý - ý 1 --- - , - 1 -- -1 1 - 1 %, bad acted in contmâling tho cqonti 67 And wba didItoil the bell.- (Mr. Pere,'j bel 1 il in bis - hand . i. eh And who did toll the bel,11, eq"& $Twu r, eruMed -'ýI Chc&terý for,$108,60. of their num.,,d. ir- - . 1 tg] 0 liere The following gentlemen were appoink of4cers fà r the ensning year - Jamea McCreight, E.iq., President. Win. bisjor, Vice-President. Jôhn Phillips, -Secretary and Treucrer.. DiitraToRs-Andi-evr Orv;&, Peter 1;«. it, Joseph Montgomery, DaniqI Thornt-oni, oseph Jones, David (lilichrist, Samuel ,reen, Joseph Wixeon, Jr., ana, 4oliq fitet en' and not ý cffice a Caci>dq lýIresby.te-vina Church, Whitby,, Soiree. e Ladîes of th . 1 1 fi. %Ve informe wî la ie» jgttmQd to bit tbeir lut Jeaes Soi villingly jvajk th.at tb.eladieýà ' r )rovidêd ro, the' occagion, a ýimdjomý %ry dutieq' they funds of the and the Do this C6ngrlýgqtiGn w SGiree, in,,tbe Xecha ý!fýning of, Prom tbe m&rkedý et