Wag.N rd No. ,4os. IL oouagomo. ry. Ward Ne. 4,--John loigh. Ward ,]Rô 5-mariN $bopdsr,* Ma. Wri1e mèvs., îat the. t.hirrebd. Ing -of 11, 1yaw tb tablîsb a road on à ý Lot No. 12, in the third fouth and fi coeec.ubous, b. postponed lii lbtheet meeuing of thé canil-Oarried. Mr. Wïu8on moves., the l eee pant his ordsr mn itheTrouarer i favor of Wm. Thom, forthe suma of *$9'15, for wood aupplied to ithe Wldow Scot4 by ordor of the Çounil-Carried. x'. W1gsonM~ OMa, uhatiIbo Broughama Untion Sabhath Sehoal bave 1h. use of the Town Hal pranied t10 hem froe of charge ror the parpobe of holdidg a soaial tea meeetg iieeing, for tushe nefit of tala 'sohooll-Carried. J&r. Wi-zoon maves, liat ibis Council "*,d ow 1ocrù to bonday, Foi. l3t.- lb h, EdUtor' of lAc W7dvhtby Chratnide I l7 À %-V m «- ii--r TTq'Lr--m'Lrr v'XT A v 1 V p 11 lLi -, -k- oi.il.f-. -IMM - THEWI4TEFLAC ci oiiogEstablishmeii, Perry's Old Stand, BROCK*-'STRtE4uT, NORTH WAEWD. Te White flag U'tothirrg ira l'the go. To bout of llrrnkrîînn astock ne'ers.. GreatCiýearilug, a-le -eAT H !JE subseribers will commelnc tO ciTer the wbo[e of their ~.1rge stock of pen' DRY UO9Dsz (CWiNG In trrîth, ai fit tht ail maitai know ' lunever ba -.sson en Eua sibib,Jacn. 1I9, 1866. N sabyst-fi offer'd ivre, But bejet <f Clothing Ive supply.ONTH 0h1SAT St,-Ravig business in Whiîîy ti at. But Clothin.-g liant boqind tn we&r, !ro ail <'un finds-o-hlo wis,htr ilrî. ai M tendj 10, 1 loftithie bating inuoediatidyAi ( r~tIv g au r uri aller the choring for tie cadidat.es was No alop.ahop Coh glteyo'l nd.ý itl hnk fr5UL -pt-Ie ii t G r aty Re e d -Prc ovr ion th. day tif aie declaration. rBut Crien' eoti vrn youi ,.., Wb ntt osrivetooriLsts , oo b... ., wts a go eneieagquit. natr Bal nd in Troen' oCity naeerAni d Yoear catsi i va - 11 ruii -o i n, FOR CA SH OR PRODU UE ON LY. T BEY OFFER tub hm, not satisflcd tiret aie obvieor, i DY FINIJI!, ltaif.îraranoçttinthe relde. 'T'ie 'Wliito Fiag' tll trievr ay fricrid. Immense Barg.ains iii Cettti Goods of ovory linaL. shooi liowet he ÃŽvioce and exaniple of tus candidae#, and retuin homn c friend- Immense Bargains in Drc-sz Goodz o a i .ylio sip and gond feelin;:, -made ain inflarna.1 . jÃŽÃ tory speech, %vierein tet IlYatie gag" A S EIZI.!.-'l'He ~'U!fSbe- Immense Bargains ini (Jothe 1Cnd Twotds. j wu againumedac, rsud ynur humble iiet..1 i 4 , a- -eaol aaîhealizead for baving circnulaied ai ifig faS0 J1 vu si&1vcè 0t'O mi i<> x. Immonsci liargains in Flamnels. wbllful snd malicious tic, because1 toi o ' . 'o liai on the è& 4sjof thënis tuiaaio, M, 11 ((fI UUl-li rdrtE)<lnjtt< Immcnse Bargains in 3lurke-ts. ltuchard 1Jlowatecrsaid. ilf1vain trust Mr. V 1lisjter $1tor.k, tht. s-tuiv ill il>e ff',red4.r, ,, r GuihhRecausoe ho la an Oraragrman, 1i si v «Il ,mm-rns-3 argains infl r-C',, Colr, vuci , TCI obacrc,i jiclped ho malte hbmli' t siucl i c s htill Yli l vs.T<' a spv(-(j Nov, sir, tie hitory cf ahis sulrn sen. ~RS(<X ainu uozlra! ..roceies. -lents, whicli, withnai sntivinte'ntion i onmv C e li ce.. paît, ha. exclted go auvi fr'rlirig, ii Liquors adWnsa n~hblwtervic ply as fou ows-n-.Iugi b"ore Il).-show or b au s xtakf.n, i was n iaditr'. in ahoi e ii i r ior*flc1 111tlv is.or pi.it .i crowd, a unite nn.tiwesa. of theitr' r.lnjeS r uririr ae l. vil lîoive l .I sirrlîrle osllw it'î if.vîaaii tu the tlic, ilw-i ý8el îr'pa t ose eO suîuy tIo:îîîi -'.to-p IV teg oni. huting wtre ctprti it.ro e ; shail eomrneiice early in the ýseason, ul>tî l it-unvi svitlî ?iIze.itheli. an onsoa-eapecriof ihi om1rnraris 1m.-îarsli 1. MeMILLN &Co. or thecandiats,,and nome orre cf Mr. ahsiîal slaîer fuh htI )' i i * 16 Gibbb's fÃiendé macle tihe abori -aari.-I1 andi 2, Tricrrilt . ;i 'ti i rio-k-:. ïIily,.n Meetinig wilaltMr. luua-i hithe tbouserroria C oliaes' ~n'-g1us'~--5 friend inra ~e eeniug, anrd aaliig n.'r Ut-heUU fi7 i E5 eveats of the day, 1 ni orie'nîîrrrr-d rir- aia- gumuiance t10 îlo, as inodîng Io ettore itîntOf whie-h duec notice wiflbe given.G e WL II tiat pariy istiiciaioeer l nl tir- trry 1 1 tri lbniselves. Mr. hua-k asl«rd 'in liai,' 'îr .~îîny24. 1864. . 1sdandIsdI gave ibm tic- 'rme ii Mr. 'gowdeni bleving-at thea tinie thurai iî a -_ o------ -from hlm tia txpresaoracamne. At ithe aincal meria of tire T'i vrri rp ~N~ " G c I . $ . C A I!P B E L I agriculturri sud ty ri i lin k oMaAli r.ý E O land tour! moe o-ih taiii r.. t iReJ Ma- B E e% lg beea1.an Oriiogema tacO1115conrrry.- lo aii fr r odn a tl WA TCH E, JEWELRV,&. tioned il te 1fr. Barri, and- tuld i tia (Mn. 0- Onre ieadrst day of pçoIling, 1 mtarr. n ?omder to reduee stoek. ai Headen uColumabus, Who al;ieîrrdi~r'îvî<duc< Iie pieaîed et vhat et ho hot lcarr], i; sue o0 ý, % l b sld-igv nie tint ire did nom Icaver Ille laitirrEti,-%flt q fier tic show of bands a va unt<-, irtai hirat Il coud 001 bave been liian %hoiruadle id»se inii ant o M0 d N e ,ise of the expression. .1 lannia »i >iiltid <tI .-.od S l him 1I wu sorry 1I md u4é bils namp, tbtîaa i telO 'êV4 () 'wil b a îi.ý bmpivexsbe ian -minarwas, r mît, - amoatgrt tire crovd uaIlltie lime. 1 1r tri rr)tut1 il vas Ifils voice r tilet ittrd i.ia.m r Jam es Johr'st0 ', saiafied r] fa-eaatatva.'uCc- irrer, titat 1 had beau mistaken Mt/s ,andth tat anme - lVracîniahkcr andvl .lu'ler, J3rock Strec. <'aier vdici thict Ma. lHuwdîia auet liane ' i itiiy Jan. 25t1î, 1865. 3 ottea-ed lutla-. itit cr'uwd. DNiit being Orar4eaman nrCaltr,______ --:anid tteaer ravigt mid watb eier h -_______" party connieaîî is, 1 nul uitthcinat tisianat 1NEW ADVERT1SEDIENTS. VtY e e Cch'nts & Others. tuerc seayting bu t liai erîniti ie ia.ed 1FIRST r ii'- Zi t'<r ' rr-r lu) $tir tiat.-, aanatuntint ia7 thittt ~ -~ ~ i~ r ; ' - r -:î. --..f f t il il- rnay have bien piPoirulr'ali ed rineuiy I LJ.-\'iU <'. i-îi'..'c<" A i r..rr vwiii be spee'dbty at!ayed,i i t'i i-riirr.,« am>Shir, ii' lt-irr 'lae rr iiî.î.nf r i'r ii? ru ir ttiortririi. ir e'ri, i r Via-y resîteclfulty youra. lbtn"1ur5~t(IOll!!<ie - tet<-'-, .r.r"'<îr,ri- - JOHIN RATCLIFF}I. ____ t-ir .t"he ir <<eiil-.irrir i 0 1111E Fi. <, îa iis-4L1 4 t '- a.i.iie <t'O.rrnrn t - eru.- fr-,tri rpiirini-r--tîiri 5 Lesrt 'iFrîr-.-A fev 7<ar. ago Sir'.wi d iîu iiî u 'nr ifDurne, c-il(, ' oitu Con thiare livedin tire West of Engianuir an 0.4pMochanics' l ili irn W e <î.a '.itbyt-î,re.ILw elti fermer cf tiaïname of bMain.lHe vas <r ntir-i p---~ oriize' rtiu.eno-ioinar i very fond cf 'someilîhr- a tdrink,! antd*ii'iiiirrir iii;--treýn iith'. irr't' if:-Mn. Lii 1865i iiii-ii. Wiih-otitv Mhre iriiiri jfooetîieé ota draputo mucc. Onîe ITUIURSDA Y E'GL EB91t 165 ili r A-irnd- 'e-i ro~îy i Sasy, ot market, feeling a tickliog ion lis Tlt'KETS $ '0.r- r luier ra-iicet, niiii sel t 1o nu a -rt -uof ite ubroate éaacceed<ed, afier hmbibiog sons ral i E.IAe UDRLEDN-jýore. lirr iew".1<0 tiit tIhe tianei. goed glaises of bis favorite be.'erage, b in EIA JQADRLEDAU I W removingi, aind haviog a wreltrfMied bottie -J*OHN STANTON,. Mnrste. ;in hi. pokol, ho siartA-dfor home. Hte Wihiîthv y. ifry .* !17i i' bed Dot gene more titian a mile bîftrc 'spinlu' -ro vaited ;anti1 sweyine irta ud 'WANTED IM~ME DIATELY, ïlIortgage Sale -lrov e fe tlmes, ire ttuioblîtiovcr bittie i~lAT I rbottiom ofibs ca-b. Tire irome, lbodbaagA 1[YZTGR. ihat he wu. minus e driver, saon matiebis. - JPYto O F va7 linafil.-One of Mebn'sareigir- MRS. JAMES LAMON,' r V i j aT bers, happening te coma. thtira y, un-. >er>e ii-rk.iyrcii Sac, retn irrr,-. T1S P t il h hiucied sthé horas.fromein aie CenduidmoFe il home.. Mter awvile Main berari -teg [ R ~ '~ 'VRI r .J<W> >~SL ,-ucenroudend, efier a baird truggle, E R R 0 'e iîiaiY r-rt ira OFA MonW' ni dnR rd ticL aucceded t- gtiîng siâittti poturt.Arai. A 1i. îe<a, irar a nd '>c sacc~dst 1 ganio a stlig jestre. }luST i'IiZE & lItENrIJUM btoraltnMr-I)1orittfLiiitiret partati Lookitig arouad, - bis qiod osuRIcnnsider- Arum il, rr rwcr i or thei reordc-art nare Mijii7 Ifl ig, J'va dehber iost Clothles Ilorse !tt olragm r;l trisa 101 Iib. solâ avyery good heroetpr ll'ye 'eand ae-ous .erdIerrrea(tbi6.)Trà t~t gond cart., Il eli t < t i <5t m o oplotec (tfier Horse M 4 #,ft E D. TOkNG-M.CGOAWN -On the 121h IOinii., by Ihic Rcvd, K. Maoclennon, John Y ný, o L eti owrimhip of Wlitby. t Ilr cGpWýan aif le townuhip of Picker. NEW 4DVEeTISEMENTS. The 4nnual Soiree Wlll b, e -L, (. V.) lIii KONDAT, -3th 3ÂNUARY, 4eganlng ai. .14 o<"dock,1). in. Adiresses on tofpbem or iiterest will be cli- verod by Boy. F. M. Inglix, M. A.ý, F. R. S. E., of Kit gton. Jtev,1u. Ir. Tiioraton. D. D., of oSilwWQ. hleu. Jams i i, flieioot LAd gaveai l iffClorirYrten Of th, Towny viio have bocal in vited to attend. Tiehasof ad wl.lon-To thé pîubllo gener. aaIl , ict ; -tuad [iti mbera <of tus gongt ega - lroSts. To ho lid alit Me stores <of Mesan. Yartnuld &Co ~MOsm llimiliu 5 (o. Geo. .Yul., jr . llober$p, John iFarquilarson, 'T,I Il. MUCI* & Co,, and nt lb, door. T. 1IL MoMILLÂNï WMtbyV olwiteer Infazitry, teriXvïïirit ('r-iaty Riglits for s-rie. A gierctec-laneo fnr Canpaiernson ritinet Makrsti tike iaarrirry. f'cqrnat aiae ROYAL I<>TEL for s fw iiir*rrtirly. 31 N'ow is the time STOWv"S' TlIF saîbsoiier bastonde arranagemnt*îst fm0,. to Broork Straet. andi lcng dnr sale (brap l'or Cash. - Parlor Box '& Parlor ,cookiag Stoves at reduced pricos. MUa Steve,, tiheyw, rkjnu ike aciienco, Balte o-,l, good dtf 4and keep 70e v4ii Htcu inefscrt hie bvois clis le the tasO, Tioy ar est tic cnues tlie irmra n ocod, Now If >'oc waert a S10nat all, ~N'iadou'tfruïgctn l atcah's oeil. DUNU4P PR'EffltWHITay. cott2n BETs. (nrawoolca1J,)Qii o per, Bras vratiglrv titge , ' ard. Porië, taio l n ane - Pyaçtitvottu o a t isud ûii- X. B.-AJi penaij>1ndeblcd tO hlt irouirh bris pilïurK. J111.huaq S'TrFl, ar retIored- AT TnE SROYAL IROTEL, IN TUÉt TOWN 0F WHITBY, IN THE COUxTy o or TARio, 'r> Thursday, the 2nd - day of February, 1 t2e8è%uaria itras surt Fouar, in Bloýin asnatwtr $ Ix, elaid <'tonea pla < iote Vilere nf W.Itidn-,r,% wov ain] Towaî if -9 Witi,by <'ne (ioemnn r PevliaIelLtntiburveyr, andi tteîog port of [<rit No. 26, 'Brokeni Frtut (!taa cesaoir, WIattty*, Aiso paru rt tIhe Wor-tilf; of L-ît nrhr twnyseven, ho tlir e rnd cinceisithî rtrTow)s1iitP ofWliiîby, nctw l'oroitu itirt of tire'sain Town o! WhIbbhy, bai- ted anrd, bounrdsd sifollowar, ihetins tu xay: ctoiiieig t Ithe $oti-.eaat angis o!flihe thon North, abîleen .tg[se.«. et alo ' nit te Uins ICtrvs.O thaelCaat Sud E'cal I:ul Vi of gaa [<rt nuin-or Twcnîy.ievo, fine el irlus; licneê. Norti goecity-toun dogreos, West' tve usina, lieuces otthrsixt eoe,5Eart five ecieurs te tai.front of <uebl Lot; :liance ob Meolly- fýur digrees, ivo bsitir., o the opitoc o!flboin. obing, rsîving and ecoeptiong lhe ns. cfsa trip twit tctoid. along tihe Eut aide of flic s.dd laci nreyive4 dfor Atrcet,cgc e plon ticrpol'mneuby oreJnql ier ilaProvin- cial Lafiati Survaeor. ,î¾1 '.> $,' TERMS, ",- , CASH, Ali lï cliioditions nmade knovn on de1 of Sale, or on applcaton ticth uniersîgned So- licitor. a Dsi.4 tht, fth 4ay of.~uay-s~ LZIF AIRB~ANKS, jr- 8~Ifetorf-t' lia-r!juïtt miIli tlCrltS-Ill Ojf the hulatîice of tiacir Fali & Winter Stock' At itîd tinder COST PRICE FO)R CA1SH C rreat Bargains are Offering lIn Frenîch Nlntitiocs, Alpacas, obouîgs, Wnes aioa 1 irtiug. law Maitîlc's; Lnadico' Fui-s in Stone, 1oclc Martn, 1 ank iii Svat-ieî,Whjite 1)( andPacv F anlt; I -nktSheet- in-, Pl>rîtî. urîrd W.1) laVitŽ Uo1ïo4z,&C. ttrtrd ('loths, (:u<nîtt.Cariadian 1wd. GentS' Fur and ('hoth Caps, Under Fla.tanels and X'ool Plai& Gets' Fancy ~F4aînn<ii Shirts. Ties, Scar1, Br-ats îy alla a larCug tock 'Of READY-MADE CLOTH1NC, Of ftheir ow.î tmanufacture. that must ho sold. THEY HAVE JST OPENED A NEW GROCERYl WITII TUE IIEST AND IIEAPIST EJ' Groccriejs, Crockery azd Glassware, To be found in the ('ounty. and at unheard cf prices. Call anîd cxamiiî2 for yourse-h-es. J, & J OMPBELL. 1 SIG Ni'0FTHE GO LDEN 3MORTÂR. 0OPPOSITE BANK 0F' MONTlýEAL, Brook St., -~~ 'WIBY. The Subscriber has just.reoeiied a fresh supply pf - DRUGWISTS' SUNORfIES InCludipg Toilet Artiçies, Perfur iuet5 ?'tu'eryReqositea,' Denitl109 dern, SPiccri., Cà ndieiFruiîte l{oney,V. C-Orchi Cor>cs fbr Ale and Wine, imnporl Sponges, a fine lot. Te!gumot, ig, uCitronelh% Geraadowi, Péppermint, &c. Il'Evening Star"r J3i ?ritliemadç and Oz: Marutow, t lyeineo Creaan, for cbapped hsutdu, Piîmonjo syrup. à rainable rewedy fc Phys;iciens erdev*ad prosleription. a M'iyroi ,'e pÃŽubfi.iiode>r îhoMe( .NtW IVR[S-M Ni GreatCL ~AilNG A lIAVIÇ~REClVI[)UPU". A STILL FUiRTIIER FLEDUCIO IN TIE PRICI S 0F TIIEIR ~ EXTENSIVE STOGK!î General Dry Goocis, WVILL îFIVE GRET BRGAiNSFOR CASh,ý Ini order to matke a TIIOROLGJI CLEIARC preparatory to ~to'-tiig i Oolored Cobo-args, Alpacar., plain and fancy Wincoys, Allwooi Plaids, Fronch Morir. sa-nd 1op]inottes. White, Searlet & fasicy FIlaonels Blankets, Stripc d Shirtings, Printa, F??lrnnerShirts, Rate, Cape, Nock Tics, Scarvos, Shirt Collars, Eracss, Hosiery.=nd Gloves. SeaI*skins, Beaver Cloths, Black. and Fancy Doeekins, Tweeds. lN G.EIT VALt[TrsTY. ~IIWLSAND, MATLES! AN IMMENSE STOCK 0F.-, READYnIYADE" CLOTHINO_ AT HALF PRICE. 1 and 2, Ti1i's Buildings, Whitby, Jan. 10, 1865'. 1 S EL LIN G OF F,' TlE subsribers hfwing resolved for the present to diséontinue the Credit Business, fromi thî s date their Termn' will be',Cîuh, except to parties~ whol have paid thkir Lust accoiints in, full, and hav opùe acouts fothe prl bsld at GoodsépurèthesMi And'notes takciifor acco unts and purehases, payable next Oçt. - .Ali ther large Stock, consisting of alla - ad fféftoe,1i%. HlARDWAREB. MON, NAILS;i flrliugl -m Ohar>,,ery Sale NIEUSI fil 15P Strav. 11W Yotirîh d.i f ?bray At2iLile1'tipt .jPro i'4l i t. 'lèert'< :1id fil i 't-r Milo4 . <.;l) rr ,iî X o f Tli- r.E i A 1R r, ,j u iii o Tltrê L. , oro fe lLroek mi ruet. id e.PîC' ln M ce ido!ii i r -fM.'il rui. Paircel No. 2. Lot No, et« 11,ii the1t rlonb-in.£rt Jtrrrr-k 1triet, 1 u ,Ilrh p or t i lot, ii <t.14,r.re'- 'lin ic fr* rrai. b reirir rDr. I,rIurkra hlort<ïo nrrîUen lahila.l GRAND TRUN"K SITATION, n lawbitby. rork Lti,~~t 'I d31 il 1plratcfpata of J4<rLr 29 anod .1), hta int id tounu.oao TOWNSHIP 0F WHITBYý rnrtioa 1w Joir tl r-rq. 't, .Tis Lot m wlti line mririAil-jettboa artrage lrald I1 Parcel No. fil Air-o t1ie fnlo-twi TOWN>-LOTQ Lot Ne.1, criiCon:etre Streert. und qart n ot No. 7 0;, %Vitiiitira -trr-:, !Ila retirro 11, ona i 4 criantrmt'ri «inn rrrpDirtot(Ac>27, iriha lJ coy1' cession of W hitby. <' -ParczI No. 6.r lot Nn. , i V01,J -. No., -!iOe Xo.4, ita ttoek Il;in i4o. 8 nniyd9-, ilioiz <,00 a - Plit fp9rTIt -f'rAtd !oLnt27, lu 'h.fils trait In L'tic !it l 1' iI l týr Oi ft lntiaa<f prt o"e1 ocThrremot4 f i ItI>-.1m N aentd mdiii Ire poit n", t oi 3 , siahti'paylwa or.l'~orrvneryttIoo o<f vitiiarfune. ...... lrom ..ti inrs, letl Masr.1 nti the pmrrli aIIce aitLîil Sao. 4irronq, Cos- Ili 'A la.-IT-im n- rvý y 0 Ti %r lm 1%ýT rirq 0 1 N 14'. VV A 1 0 V-Am. el. m , à M lm'. MA Ly f%ý IP -2 ý,ýe - MM e il -, «- i ; 1 im 1 i eeme è s , . , . .«A"- Parcel No. 4. whitliv, jalluary,1865. N T v JL