.ýq.L 1 Tor thirty d-ays- 01 the-purpose of making iooil Encouyage Home Maliufact, *40^,The mon to moke boots for the frec- 'Mcfi wlio dwo-Il un broad acrui, All get ilie beiqt work froiii.-thee; Thy We!lington'g wijoin Voluntéem asmt Brîng everjy mnù.ly forin iiito vie m. Audtbcy say to the elioji-tilops which tri We catno f rom the 410ld Red Store." L tLE, R Mathewsô-n HEY are still Selling 0 of FALL AND WIN' AT CO ST PR Consisting of Winceys, All- nels, Blankots, Flannel SI Scarfs, Hosiery,- GI $atinetts,, Blank-et READYwMA Also a la roeefies, Cri BOOTSý Piïces to suit the times, fýr MA Brookrin, January 30, 1865. Glycerii IS the best and &,ifest 1 Such as chapped hands ýtrouble(I-durir-1tr thè'Wifiter cal Faculty. PULm0ý Whitby , sud vent the same in 3âmeà Lake, erince Albert, and thooo n'tif we', that it AlIvrytiserpents titis Davi coviqcm Pil , roi tac cd the wWi matter conclu& that it FIFTH DAY. and Daniel ýUOnà rd. remote foi.- ather partions of tbe County to would ho' tiuadvisable le reen mmend'Ahe t ri -fils - - fine botwedh Lots 15 and -kà anuary timi«. 1865. Mr. MoCreight gave notice thst on ta- Participa 0 i their bene . The overgi 16 as, it would, Saturday, Jany. 28 Ëitlteinant-Matbénont, PAteliffe ment, grant ýwns governod bT the Ãumber inrreîlèse the distance ta ho travelled froin %. morrow ho will toute for teste ta introdu- of members, fifty in the Society b i The Warden took the chair et balf P SECOND DAY. ce by-law ta eitend the lime for return of 0 ng slif- the Township of Nfara and the north part Blevon n'elock precisely. the Collectorers- rail for the Township of ficient, ta 'obtain IL At ihe lui; annlial of Thorah ta the front without ùny com. k»y Goo4 Grocerries, Crockery &o.-do. Piékering outil the lot March next..' meeting Of the North Ontariolq County pensating advantages. The lino of rond . lfr. Brabazon, reported, tram the sta (Continced.) Society there were uni: two dozon present. qiirve.ved by %fr. Lycose would in the ing enmtnittee on Ronds And Bri(lýffl, blyeorine Cream -Jam. Byrne. Mr. Campbell (Thomb) seconded by liltr. rerry expressed his deep regret et opinion Of your committeet bc preferable ta Wednesday Jan. 25th. If asked for information in roférence Pùlmonic Syrop-do. Mýz, Membre movi o for' lente ta bring in a the attempt being made ta divide the ceither nt thç other two bnà it belon esta. communication gent hitn relating ta M SCLECT COMbITTEZ. by-la ta confirme a by-low passed by - Black river bridge,'of th6 éxact natu'r( W, grants ta the, Cèunty gôèletieq - inýýf&ct it blished and properly defined, but not bc. Dmgglaisý Sondries-do. On motion of Mr. Mollah, seconded by the corporation of the Township of Thorab, wall an attomnit ta dCRtrôý the CoUgy sol. iag ma deffned your committee canont te. vrhich ho was quite in the dà rk. Non-R«ident Lu& Pond-of the Coonty Mr. Dryden, a select Commijtee of flie, vesting part of a certain Road allowance in "icties altoizettier. 'l' Tt wag, he said"' Trincli commend itS hein- aqsum,-d by the Coun. l'lie Wardan statf d that hé should mi M it his btisines.; ta attendon the Commit of Ontario, coýsii51jng of,,Xeuro. Campbell, (Whitby,) Daniel Grant, and bc leail a first lime. etisier for the totiffirhili, Societies ta support ty, but would rodniorntnend that the fine themselveq. t1ian for flic Conaty Rceiptieýq between Lote, 10 and Il through Thortth ?ri Rriailq and.Bridgeq and give them Briti4b Poriodic»l&.Ikontird Scott Co. GUY. Maroh, NeCreighti and Wheler, was On motion of Mr. Campbell, seconded tn do sa. lie wftg n0t One Who could bel bc the one on whichr ta eypend'the inotiey Information withiii his knowledge. appointed by ballot ta propose the stand- by Mr.-,blarah the bill was read a second lieve thst the North Ontario Society tirets lately granted. New Goa&--3*0« jolictiton. - Tlïe orders of the day wan thon proce saddles-Ju. R. Pbilpi. ing committees and report. time the Rule being suspended for that no benefit tre) Broch*,-becitige the POO-PIC nt 2n'd, Your CommiUce bave considered cd with, and lfr. lltirlcë's motion, vesti TR£Aquttiga's RÉPORT. porpome. Bj-ôoý, dia not send tn-tho fair and carr-y the priiver of the pétition of Win. Prioc, portion of road allowance, alrody mi logolient set-Peter Rowellilzley. The Warden rend the report of the Mr. Campbell, (Thtrab,) eecondecl by nff it sufficient nuniber of prizeq. Vie ifind 10' otlic-rg praying, for nid on the tioned carried, and a by-law passed selling Off-j". Jolanston. - Mr.'Marah, for leste ta briuý- in a by-law >arnount of prizetit that any one township or Town lino bet%,reen Rench and ITxbrid-ire, carry the saine into effedt, CounY Tressurar whieh sbewed cash on ta confirm bylaw passed by the Couneil of individual iniglit get, 1811ould not ho the ni- the peCition of Robert Pretitice, and 0. P. Neà lbevmon & 00. band, lot JoÉnunq, .. . .......... $450000 nnly abject in su P pporting ivi Agriellittirai 5C Others pralving for et grant of Morley on Bmreity-cf Peed-Mà xeoll and Whitellow. Réceipts siffl . 3076,35 the Townalilpef Tborah, Vesting Roadisociety. Irthixwere the case, thçy might the Bro,ý;"tc Ro,;d Mr. G uy, ebairman of the committeo allowance in John Cameron, and that hy, cil gay thn t the ProvinciqI.ýj -gociation ,,il afflilication frnin the Reeve of Mara and printing, intrnduen(l th,15 , report, whi, Chesp stoYe#-1ým. Bryon, $7576,36 n R fter considerable digeuii;inn, was adopt law be read a firt time. Leste granted aýq Bogor kettles-do. was no btnO!it,. hcc"ll';e RII flirl not get Raýna fora grant of mnney on the Tow allevring Mr. iliggins in additi 8261,33 and the by-law was rend the first time. pri7eq, or liecriuse a'i could n'et be exhillii- li.fie I>etween Mara and Rama, aln an ai)- ta his crintraIct; being the rate nt whi Pirsam's Bail-Whitby Deluge Camp ny. Oh motion of Mr. Campbell, (Thorah?) tors ; yet ever ' v mari who enntributed ta, plicatînn train the Reeve of Pif kering for 1 il compit-ed the loss of the ce selling Ofr-james Bain. seconded by Mr. Marsh, the bill was rend the revenue of the Province, CMjribLjtr,ý the conne Excesa of psyments... $684198 a granit of moncy on 14 loiding roa&q traient, thrnii-h Pi- Thornton'q giving' 1 Boots and Shoes.-Ju. 13ain.' - In addition bille maturing ta the second time, the r d ta the Provincial ý,%ql;oriltion througli tne flirrnigh Pickering and nn,.Ipplien rl ule being suspende pli tion froin i pririting nt the Board of Publie Insti for that purpose. government granit. A comprirati vely the D(ýI)iitv Reeve- of East Whit)y for nid tions ta another printing office,. 1 Hôtel for Stèle or (o Let-Jobn Forgnanti. ist February ................... 4000,00 numller, litt1p more tharl to viat Misnicipality. 1 report was as fallows On, motion of Captain Rý)we, the Catin - Ont, ;el on el tl)nfll'inil, Of the inli,ýtýitinti; tif Yonr r,-)mtnitteý in vilew of tlit, large The standing Committee on Printi Insolient Act of 1864-James Limon. 4684,98 cil adjourned. the Volintv of Iliitlirire, were ri* viade, fur ririails latzt ye.111 bfZ Icave In report: Ta infect the above there rema;ns STANDING- COIdUITTKES. the Provineiil E., n. ar.d, v,.t the Il(.- and the other îndebtedriess of the Cntintýy ulipaid by Municipalities County The special committee- appointer] ta tiefitQ liverlil gpre,.,,il throngl-l.t.ýut 'tIle 1crigtli it tirieirivittable ta -ecornmend nny That having examilleti the ffillowi and brendili of tlir Ontint fr, Sn et,,; re,-ýirti fier roads thi.,ý reçsinti. necoiint.g, recotoniend the payment of t rat,,s amounting Io .... $5718,43 nominale the standing cammittees for th! 7 t1r cd *n cotintfr IQIic fVIlieýq, 0fe (,(Itlrltv ýrl, Yiiir %votilil rermnmend 8'l'ine- v' present year brought op thoir report, which of Onflirili, 110 lelt 1 illit Vemr enfinril efrifirgil 4-1,1W Nn. El, of et- Orr, $12; P,,trqoinq & Robinsc - - - The estirnateil Hahiliiies are 6et was rend, and en motion of Mr Campbell, rrelld tri rair, 4't',oil ta linqe othi-r ! elle, Teivriiliiff of Thorih v(«!.,;tiriý, in John 1 A5 64; W. IL $143 40. A YE A11 down- at .......................... $3228,56 seconded-by NIr. Murait, thé report watt in the Prioilice. 1,et, lie s-li1ý if À coine-ý j Varneroil, a certain pirt -il allowartre for j . Yoilr (,nmmittee ivotilil recorninend tli mil-ti tiieir owli ]Viti,: 1)('tvcen LON ri, and 6 in the the printing Of the Ioiirnilï for the pri - - Col-\'rY ENUINEICR'S REPORT. ordered tu be adopted, ailler saine di4cus ta tiret, ilie te ý,rn.qhipý nt vent. bc tonflered foi ait go iiiiieli r ion The following are the stjiüdin- gr,,nt-,;, and rât impoqe the libfIr-n-ion 1 [ th c'in! ýf.ýsioii of tho qai'l Township e - Viiirs-layl February 2, 11865- a pal2tl, for ex-.Icuting th(, worlç iti tvt)t,. st) The Warden trend the report of th, Cominitteeq (',oiintv, wlio in thnt c1tse wotibl le(! lint 4th. ý'()iir conitnittre winild recorninend ' t 1 irrials 1 Finanu and f lie i).I,;t v'eir. No senirite ifýin.q ta This week. tl tl'eni elle 'l'oivrii'Iliii of Thorali vei Cotinty EnIrineer as frilloIxs : the Omplil. agent for rireivinitilie Law',- Chat. vriiir entincil confirin liv-lalv 'No. 6 of an a thý t of , Il' 'nln IlltInev' 'l"'I pillvint, il bati: stizig in David Thrl Coutity Enzinêer bogs ta report Barlze- Kencedy, Caropbeil, (Wliitby) r har,,efl fier qMied(ile, carrliirp4iýion, preý IIzeieýsz 7inf-1 Grant, nt rertain put of allowance for rond c , Another delay hu italien Place in flic that tiîmce the June session of the Couticil, Wheip'r and Haight. in7ý %le-. flerrv s-tid tht IV nri-ilifil 1 % ii,, Lots 10 and 11, in L110 10 vrork. Vwrerý', ke.. a ai] necessarv itupplies have been ohtainfild Eduratîon. -Mesars. Dryden, ' ' 11, il infer (-lire nwn,4hip. n1zo, thit thri advertisenient, o'f the ejqtrl laning of tbe Chroutele. Perhirs il wu 73u1 ýe ic et of the grr-i nt m-if, Ie-.Itiqn th'(114 (if tire ý,%iiI'T* rend dehill-d Aiiilitors' lècentint. bc il] 1 i,,ý the. iliii and Court Ilouse. That thle and Fensby. ilid il'it h!ý- týIp ýaltIF i', tir(* ýW of ivhieil in qlbniitto(l porposely done, in order tc provo what , - vntai-nirs ordered ai the October County PMerty. - Monstre. Perry, C0110%. ils in il)(, . 1 » for rit so 'nnh Per l'"é' and Le printeil in Brfivier type. 'l"Ivit t Our contemporaries had ta say respectine wns Chairnilltn. session have hf'eri etT-!etOd-, and borne Rowe. Nelson, SprinIr and 'IZeilii. thatit ta fI,)(-IIllrl,.,(, a ý:1)it i ('iflrk- (la fort!ivitli ý-itlverti." for tenil( or in the Coucty Conneil They can have full npressary repaireq maille. The accourets for Roads and 'Brilbit. 1 vil Tlriv. 27fll IlýfVÃŽ. in report Of Janua Wqportý = 1 week. ail, whirh liavinz been dniy exiliminefil ZB, MarAh. Canilibeli, Me. verv n-r the lilvllît' rose and ICT)orted thu and certîfi-d rire licrewilli submîLted. Creight, Aunis, Whel", NeisQýn, itawe linvo tho fir il Iii.i; n-ývn ilfor. 1-i 11,;!z ré- reffrrt wichitif, niriptifinionts. Yotir roiiiiiiittee i-viiiilil also further i Tac Mexiieu Fait 'NonTu ANI) SnVTR Tient a rintract liati . been eniered itito and 'kentitIily. 'J'liryýllf, orittiwiid, t1hat, thýj j)arýy or parties r Ilevt \T.irl% rend l', liera, n7l'l l'opirt roceived, and ta ho Ir witi Mr. eorize Phillips, firer supplyirIr 1ýi,;r gr-it doroct'. a tninit-II, tir;- c-otitrart fer printitil, or pli ONT.&Ltio, bave italien theïr Bëatg. Printing. -Meurs. G uy E c 4- and a p:iper in the Cfiunty bc allrifx 'C4m@rnn, the member for North Ontario (or the use of the C' ourt flous;, fuquiiire frnui tfit, riiaco the f,&îr 1 1 Attier advertising ilecces-try for this ('oti Ill Jail for the current year, at $21.50 per tel lic htl-1. Tir., béing introdûeed by the Ilon. Atiornfv- "' Coulluit adjoumed. ý,tAfi'linz t,()rnillittec On F(ilitý,itio;l Cil. 1 o Of-4 - 1 Ilil ai \çiiirli ii reqpcctftillv QuInnitter] GoderoLt-west, and Hon. M[r. Carling, and Tient durinz the seven monthée, endiv- %volitif fil. !!Iiýl e,,(, cirti oui, inis --;It et,,) 1 Iýv;i rfIpart. %vltiç-!i was ri-eu , 1 TITI.ÃŽ117) DAY, nq it would grr- 0ý4l re 1 -tr,,l Iif ri (4 %ir. - - - 1 1 JAMES ()1(7lt7"Y. Mr. Gibbs, hy the flon. Nr. Abo en lier l'Illi Decembitr limé, the -laîl records - 'l' fýl- infil coin. 1 The Warden ',ook flic chair lit fliq usual intrrrtý lion. Mr. Ilowland, This lime, noble lihow. Tliat 51 priýre;id-rs, 44 of %vhoui % r ZliiI teI Ille Mr. Eck- iii i ('01litnittec more fiiiii ;l PICI 1 ' '(il - Ontario bu no toril. A nil.leq' and i elnialëll haVe bet-n t! i el Ç! la i r. i Janv. 2ý) ýeI ashainerf of wer allv tlian Illat rt---,,rt rend azon, the %rd entifitid in Jail for vai«ious perîtdg, vary wolild hn Oti motion fil ýf;. Brib, all te îrkg fretin 1 tri 199 days. That 2 males Or A,, IlIlgýsliýlw Tfrilyiti-- ta hf, appointer] effort of of the Cotititv I tviq if) 110;tioli rhc Governnr and 1 fornale have been vommitted twice L. S. fer tile towshif, of I'xbtidge aiet-I Mr in rej'IV, ýniII le IfIî>liII 1 f il [,,r Ille A lengthy article on the l'robîbitary li. 1 - n'; if Il,ç, ýVhiIII V Iý,fiivling c,)iiIini;tcp on eilliration th(i volorgilviti4ji) 'oad nt Lakc Couchic durin!z the said terni. That on the 31ét Scott Mr. Nelson. ...... quoi- law la excltidpd titis wepk, in aider ta of Decemher, 6 mtiles- and 1 female te Of Louis Ilarpt-r arA 60 othérs; pray;n,ý neg: tif týitý of Nf"!Il ()f0ýI in._ 1*-I make room for a complote report of Court. mr.ilirli in Jail, and thst the average nuari- tient the IZý-vd. John C-im,ýbell ho niriloint rîo, I)i--ttfr ifiii fii4ý SIrl!l 0,ffilrio Il-Itll,ý '!- f !, (;r iler f-fTri-'Iýre r tho r!ýpr)rt ty Conneil matter. lier of ptiýotior% in Juif durin- thc siLiil d t tendent I ýIIf'%v Il 'l' If o thp fitrice of Scll')Cbl % lýI'I;n af'ri nzýIiI , f fi'l 1 Il 111t'f M*rIilý -------- tortu is Il. for towlimillip of Brook - ýfrý i wIIýrIi 1hý, Trýzl lis, d ýt il T 1 Ymir rommittre the fil.1ille, 111(j ivas siflopt That the nutuber of di.ys mi Of Thria. Hodý,s(,rà and 73 011il-M pray. i 1)"t.tl tI(ttf.,, a fnlý Haute that Jacli I)ijilV' le; beraming inore which priîe)siors wert; (In Jail ý 1 .1 ill- %Vilsan ; - ' - Io iniz for the fkf)l"-Oilltmmtlt of of Priz. Ir .1,Ir fIýi If 1)%Vnll il, lie, Tho ýýrf1I1il:Ilg, Clitnalittee o f ('aller fimus thon a ýZià rserv tale tel the iiiiias 20*42, and tire catit for food eighis, rend cipieurets. Ir, .1. E. Far,- of ur.bfcf'arrnll. Ife lectured lit 4).%h:twn -during the said t-In ii)cltidin4 4-crlraà *l Of Dait-aill ' Canit-ron, awl 12r) oth n(e# 1-e zlillel." P ra, l:q ý 1. M ai. 'I't-ilipist NI. last évoning-toa croýv4pd, niul doliglited nrd(,re.d by the Jitil StirgeeA, il ýVlielflr tri(] in ýi ' * 1 j j 1 ý (),ý7 pravilig thal the Soin granteil to thf" town- Ille audience-and they were doli,,Iited-eliar. showilil- 'til rtvet*llg(' Poist tor food fer eacli ship' nt Thorah, froiv the $20.000. he px. vnr nnd rëii.,iir.4 ti) tlie niil! t'o!trt Ilotil rcrtilif-Il as tho ('iiliti'tv- Eal. UW--ý-witti the exqukite ni' r of about 74.5 cents per dair. jîic of our P""'në 1)(ended between Latn 15 and 16. in the Ist, were te) he 1 neer. llave been exviliried hy (.,a! That the meverai iliums approprifited ta 2w] and 3rd concession of the gaîd town. In ';e fool et celebroi 1'Terry FÃŽtintgan." Terry )las riiittp,,, and tlie extviitirin dditil, bc expende*undfýr by law No. 121, bave jihip of 'rharah.-Mr. Camphelli (Th-iriti.) sele 'f,7ý %ville timillie tho ? cf)l.rt'CL 'ii - f)-le. Ciellulittrý', trou got the "drap" in lii!tl. Nfr. Mccarrnli. bpen expprided î&,rreeably ta th,» term% of Of the eaeporation (4 Thnra p-Lý 1>1,-,Ll! there excels a muslciin and Palet ;--iri the h, that the Mr Graillin-ir Schrt-il, Jr sep', 1 1 , l v;Z: the raid hy-Iftw, "-'th 'ho ecePIýIn Of amoutit aprortioned nt the $20,000 ta tho S. r,!-!!Ik Eý4I. lecturing lino ho hts chilkeil out an origi. $10 on the Centre rond, in Mars, the work town,,;hin nfThorah. lie exnn!ý<14 belwiý,ll -ýril41ol. E 1 Irý flutik! . le . -o rifi Riiiiiiiijpil thir yeir tIà ;_, -linef;rit i.ffill 1 'i 1 70 %Viii. l' ;rnes. j,48) *20 ; 1. fLite nal path for bÃŽmgelf--and even in Ille for whicti is net vol completed. lote 1:5 lind 16 ill Ille said Ir tvid iU VII. ca xvmllgl stifil lit, ý:VjA. ;ý42) o2; Thos. Georze Ytil very naiw of "The Ilntil;e tijut Jack That the sum or $856.11 bu becn Cp.mpbf.ýil. (Thorah.) Mter Mr Pi 1 -11, ; Yà ri, of il el f *o.. -.488 -2,1 Built,"- «in lIlkt Rejection of the liaine--he expl-mIled by your fonder bv faille Of Kenneth Carneron and 141 otl%ç-e rerepiri-Il i 1'll 811 JrIrln sýiIliVzrl, 8 hu displayed marc of the poet's cuilllillg No. 127, and that thore is work nnw under rattelpayers. tir.-iyil),,, the sum of Nfr Vr ),-i!i 8 3ýý; 1). 1 %VIýitï1f-lJ, -'l', ý thon lino hitherto attacheil ta the tribe- contract under the imid byýlaw, ta the cranted ta hic eý;enArd cri the Cezl-e to ýq 01 "! 1 'Iive, '.',C qi-) liviii. Brymi * ý$3 05 AIV! Mr. Mecarroll le rebwillin- -The Un amoutit of about $1300. but owing ta thp North )tititrn. 111111 $11) t-icli, tri Tli(,raýt. Perie, 3:3 Itv. Ra ilIC4, 'bû 50; ll;tinilto use rond frotrui the town fine ta the Talbot ritifl Dr. Oakiv Chat Jack BuiIV' upon a'j)ew (01111dation unfavorable state of the wealher d inl Mari and 112foi. Iz Il ; & (""., $'t-S .95; %Yni. 0le- $4 60 ; Chaj urà t)g river, tri be expended.,oit the lino betweeu fre:1 Wi lit Fsq. . lisliridge. >c0ti, ÃŽ21) 34; Rich. snoliv, 464 -, E. Meý the, fait, but little progresti bas been Rill-vri. Iý 'fi. srott, Revel. and ho is dô)r)g ît well. It is JaeWr,--the made lots siurnbpred 10 and 11, in that township bv NI, rIivý,11 "i,,it !fi" rJ - l, « , .17, 19 8 t ; Jolin Sprotil. ýG 7b ; Aile original Jolin's bouse, -ýVîtilcut the torill, with the work. Il-, 'tr'art elle. Iý,I eff, That some ri-,paîrs hav4ý baen made at - Mr. K,*rttedv, file Oiti-; becaube it la a biffl-Y Trîshinan dettes Of Mr. and 193 Others, Frftving 01-et ý'A each lie givrii ta tlfo 117r, no!, 1 I,ý 1;-ive 1lifl ul'ider rare- yodr cijnilrilittve hirive bad limier rortli the Natrows Brîdgein eonnp-etion wîlh the z , doing iL MO grcater trolat cniild bc in CUt - for aid on the town Une hetween the town. Sorleties. '1,«rltif)il the application of thu Deput Of itncOe, île acuourrits for which à ips or :ach tend Uxbritlge-, r. 1 marah. <11 'ý upper t'anatllW Ukrk ofthe Cfo-ty.,j, for a utu othuetc store for U8 tbAqý to liesr ýfr. %[cCnrroll, are herewith oubitit le pul lie do tte4 ý ans piued nt ai Méteting in the f 'r il Retoicti )rjiýe Dent airel Ilfitnl). -w-I (or tho and of t'bis 'Amire ta sppriço efrelry Ait of whick ;s Tellifectfully iiubmitted. lown of ',Vhîtby bpA at the ldechpniu' SaVR, Ill the Other liIettAýers of týc rntý-it,-ï f*îIýiI iii Iii.ï ofrl,,e. t1int, a 1etlp;l lie setit frcrn JOHN SHIEIL fn§tituý lie cýL- opinioi, ,r peir co.niiiittee, 1 o on Mondav evenîtig the 23ra inst. in In fuient tri thi. oriziri"l telrlt Wojjjýi ;le t'), haver'.the Ueput fil ýIi. or tle:it County Fà ngineer, ukin', the coulleil ta passi a by law ta Nfr. lirienizon m,ývtA *Il tel tliv li ofri e r(-ilIaVcýd to th 1 ! - -igii V: Ife giveil as BÀ.IL.-Tlie finit nnnual bail COuntv Fnginuer'g office, -Ive efître ta the Temperance Act of 1864f; iý%rne -,ý NIFira and al- IIS it Ille Cire pro-J v iiilis iii Viv ýýl>lIrz Ilouize. tif the Whithy Deluge Pire C,)mpanv, ÃŽViiitby Jany. 24th 1865,, linown nes Dankin'a Bill-Iýr. Perry. (IOýlvfI 1;,- t!ýt- Nýf. AU o! tv[iicit is sliýilt)itfeil. ý,r«I!i1v ta filA à Iii,ý filet as originally cames off on the 9th ieielt., nt the Mechan. WARI)ENI8 comurçicxTlON. Nolricu OF XDTIO%î. 1. Yfmr cliiiiiiittec recoinintlrid UfflVE, lot' 11ali.-Seo adviertisement. he Warden léft the chair nt 12 olein Mr. Campbell, (Thorab.) gît' fablp, -ç Orit if là 1-Ill"il ciritiot, mi Ille (if ý Cliairniar ck, roi notice it(Tort o.i théi 'tite rif th,- -ý 1 1 I;J i tiie Ife prior toi t Io 1 maiTen of %É. A ngirmy. "uneil taking the usual recess from 12 that lie wili. an ta morrow. incelle for leave Rý-sitlent, Land P-unil. 1 Perry, and, in view of nothing could be ac. 3bing thé M'atte- for. lvised, that its further leforred to the June objection, and with. lid by Mr. Kennedy, ýis Couneil adjourn, . u - ntil the -first Tuesd4 contied by Mr. Annisi@ introduce a By-law to 151 of this Corporation 0 read a flrst. second ,hwith, the rule of the nded for thatepurpose. bill was mil a first, le. ýANEOUs. thorized to write the ý of Education in re. r Grammar school of by-laws of no publiçý., adjourned until the ýDAY, J.1n. 30, 1895. 'lie chair at 7 o'clock. ,sclit witil thé cX;cePý rIONS.- Ad from lfr. Ej. jj, 'th that lie liad been on I)urldils Street in Ndi blit liad no inter- the assessiment was ever ruccived the as. ,onseq(intice of which' Jse Court of Revision,- )n of the tuýceq; -s 'ÉO, OFFICE.; 11P the-report of this 4 adoptcd in commit. Gibson in the chair, ppointinent of Ilenry à 1r. Perry stated of the number of 1-." coffinlittee, and as made from efficient lot then sent in ; and 'OUH net expire un. Ilittea- considered it filling up of the Offl. the neXt rnceting of d case of the asqessor )at the tippoliitlnc-llt Ce. Thu report was 'ntlya by-lav passed lamain assessor, iit a. L Al. Lawder and L , at $10, ench. IltNIN(; OFFIÇERS. rillail of the Finance un the report of that is adoptud without ending paynient, of timing Officer, North 1-$16 , Clcrký $8 ; thren.days, L à 1r. 2NJcDermott, k-, $6 ; utit of build. %TION. ire the Couricil the im, as Couneillor for (1 efore the Cnuncffi, ,ý by the Board of 1 mine that $1000 be a the 13.0ard. Powell, xeconded by Àdjn. of compliance -C.-IRobert4, Family ai rýinuan. Ilddie, ful, hg is-nýýq.tg re-- aille. TZ-A Lettire wig', . te rd inst,.-Sabject.-r--, Dry aiîd influcncqý-'--- entary. e IdegiBlative Coun-_ leed in nrAvida t1w yeà s and rays; nt,,re (1cniaild- the June gêsqiOn- Th'Lt frôm a'stat aPPOint COuatY Auditôm, and thtt the ý und 11W(ý, l-ý- ýd- ftild by oui n sidded PrOPer suppires of lea and coffe. Messrs Gair, Annes and the moyer. same bereaci à firet time, R, Iff. Lawder i! thé the scaf Oý the 'a , when there appenred in favor of-- rendered by your Treitaurer, the probabim The subiwqtlen't tablo 1 yi:xs--.M(isgr.4. 13tirke, Campbell, (Tho- bq ,a Could ýnot he Mr, Guy oeconded bi X(r.- Aunis mored ordered tu bc Lffixced thùrfýt». amotint required, is $0167, leaving Bil.. wag appointed County Auditor by that tic %vill on 1 rah,) brydon. Eck, Fcý"by, GUy, 31arsh, with equal care to pieuse the eye, but were fer lenve ta întroduce a By.La« for ap. the couneil. r. Guy, giveq notice deficiency ni $32291 which your committei daionors Io expe fAr lenve t4) ilitè,),Itlcfc a fieoiler, and %V èe équally weil furniabed with suit4ble viande nd a car. The Wardon uominated kir. Joseph Qsrs. Bribazon, Kennedy, are of opinion M-1y ho Met frôm moisieý tain sum Ofmaney in the Township of Dý I)v1aw, ta prollibît-tlie sale (If iiitoxie.tî-1- Ntý-g. -ýlc ur Trenguiem, hà hdj L'h towe which May bc in yo as the first. We baye board but one Eut Whitby -Leavis granted, and bylaw iîquii-rm in this Cutinty, in MeOfti-,ht, 'icis ersy for expenditure on tonds, but will Dot bi opinion exprosied by those présent, un ta And the Dy-law was -if ad a second and the Tetn,)eranee Aet of 1961 aud Sprisitr,-S. was rend dûe first time. Sa it ivax resoived in the affinnative, ýrequired for that purpose until after » thi the 4tYlO in which Mr. Cullen con ducter*. On Mr, GU third tintai and, signéd. On motion of -Mr. Xekiaedy, soeinided, y seconded bi Mr, On motion of Mr. Nelsan, the Conneil bjI Mr. Neillig, a reaolution pnssed that and the Conncil went, into côtnmitW Of lune semim the entertalûment À nie, the Bill was rond a second tinte adj . Mr. Eck- in the chaW in the basentent of the n o Uourned the County Treasurer bc iraý;tructed, and thé WhOle therc-on Your commitWe bave had before theuz the Couticil wpnt into coLni! 9 Coininittt,;.- rose nnd reporied that theY ttM thoreon,_ roquirpd tu lurnish each1inidcipalitý è-.nIîb - the Treuurers auditod report et the non Mr. Burke in the chair. the Countv. annually witb à de- had amended the report 48 instrueud by résident land fand ta the Stisl. Decemboi À 1490 befOrO 0184 o'clock, the choir, Co Ci Mmittee rose, reported the bill wiâ, FOURPEII DAY.- tatement, oi all zil(,)Ilevg coming llItu, the Council, coder the leadership of Mt. cuitée, and ont, amendinents. Friday Jany".' 27th. bis haniLî on accoutite Of suc'h - Munie 1 ipali. Report rece.ived and adapte& lut, gîr.ng a educi8o statement of thf Mr, Brabazon. seecnded by Mr. Charlég accOlInts, with thd SeverAl MuniciPalities ic aided bi & Mélodeon, played by Mise. L. L Report WN4 then ordered tu ho adopted. tyý respectively, and froin what source eanliybell, movà thýýt By4ar No. 5 of the County, and shewingthe bal , 'Mr. Guy mavei The Warden took hie seat nt 11 o'clock. said munies are recelved, a' - y ance foi Dow, sang an opeaine hymq. tsecOndý,-d<. by Mr. Aunis, nd iliedisbur. 'au thea4 eà èà d mliQ an, The coin. Xtý jM seil;pntaoithe of Thorah, v, e4p tbat the Wil ne GMÀ47#T' »'Mt§ owzqTv" du John ajW ý agw à gg4iÀiw pany belng no be'-tPattg"ihird Itdiýi Âhe 7 of ont standing non-resident tax is due on wl asAsmbied in the areu'oi Warden sign the sa a - t ftirnistied as aforwztici, on, or fýýjOré-th Cazacron, a certain part of allowarkre for thé church, was calte' tg ïttach, the sera rolid lý ing ýetween lots 5 and 0, *in the the la Decernber 1864 of $239Q1.33, Qoi first dýy of Januf-ry in cach ycar. d order bjI the of the of the Corporatiun thereïc, whiolà Mt. Marsh, seconded by tfr. Spring, 11 th conces>ion of said Township bc n,)w ding txbridge road of 1864- miniater of the -congregation-w-ho took was carried. moyed th&t a grant of $200 e"h bc made ROADS ÀND BR[I)GFS. rezèd a third timey nna that the 'Warden ;nclu thé Chair. 'Around him on the pjýjtf M", Guy zave notice that, on to-morrow ïo the Ceunty Agr',vtjltur.tl Sôeietiei;, and Tbestanditgcomrnittýe on IZoadsaid do sigit the ýarne, and attach the sejý1 of The Treasurer informe your corninittei Vrin, ho will mov 80 each ta the township Societieu:çf Tho- Bridges I)rottglit tip thr-ir report wijiol) th,- Corporation thereto. th;%t the Sherilf hag, redueed bis- indebted I, for 1 ave tg introduce a $ vere the Rev. Mr. Shawt (wesloyan, the la by. rah, and Nfaraftnd %ma. was rend, and 011 motion int Mr And the question baing proposed, the nets ta the Count , on accennt of ta2 w ta confirm by-la* pa" bý thq Cor. Brabazon, y Bey. Dr. Thotnton, (C. P.)' the Rev.-Mr. 1. Mr. Brabazon, seconded by Ur. Me- seconded by Mr. Niar8h, the Council wert yeas and nays were demainded. sale, tq Viithin betwoeu , three, or fout poration ofthe Township or But Wbttby Oreight tnoved in amendmotit thjý,t the Bildge, (Congregationatt) the eor. into cowg ittee on the wh le thereon, %1tssrsý Aniie-4, Brabazon, BurkI hupdred dollars whieb balance, your CoM. Mr. vesting a certain rond allowance, ýof ýpart of grant ta the COuntY -Society of N«irth > Mr. Campbell, (Whitljy) in tieu chair, Campbell, (Thorah,) Catupbel4 (Whitby,) Ingliâ, of Kingston, fin« Rev, W. it, Ross, Lot Nu 17 in 5th colicegâtn of the Town. Ontario be discontiiikl(,d, Dr mittee tr tho Warden wili, seoÀs shortly yden, Eck, Femby, Guy, Haight, -Marsh and the nmount Thereport reads as follows Pickering, who-attsuded by invitation ship of Eat whitbv i divided betweet the township agricultural fccreightý Reeder'and Wheler-14. pà ý a Charles, Reynolds Rfport of the standing committec on --your, cammittee recommended :that the 0 roportion of $50 oads and Bridges. NAYS--All the test of the mombe". The chairman exprooled à d John Grant. socictios in th p il - Warden 'ho' tred bis regret, thst a Captain Rowe, opposed the amendment; Your oommittee beg ]cave ta te in u-c'ed to dispose of the hnd , Ur. Campbell port. Sa it passed in the affirmative, and the the Rev. Ur. Bain, of Scà rboroi who (WhiLY) gave .,notice bc expressed Isis surprise at the course of lot, That your comnijttee have W bill wu rend âthird'time and pused, , beau expected did not arrive ; and inti. et on to-morrow ho vill Move for lcave thé dePutY reevO Of BrOck Who wanted under their consideration the pctitiOiýof riped by the Wà rden- - ý ý ý ",7,in il Io brînt in by-law a îlich time uýà ppe 9 e Cameron and 101 others, prosent. -lit. Brabazon, seconded by lit, Camp- sr OMW tbbt the Rov. Mr. Catay bad beau to Confirin the fol'Oprin just witat wOuld suit sOM of th, tn&elves Dowild 1, in 1864 praying that tg the interMti ci the, county, by-law No. 308-Ta »8t tho road 41low. in North Onturio. -without any regard ta cd ta vour Couiici t614 (Thombi) mores that By-la* 'No. ýe 812811W40 attend on accoutit or a b alIcO betPOOn lot.8 No. 20, and 21Y in the the repr"etýtn#Àves of South Ontario. M thé paýt. usine" $20,e apportioned, to t4 -ownshiloDfT" h -Ãeqtlný lit D. Before reporîýYQi;r coo. 4f tb& T l l 110PS0060L The gentlemen on Sth Concession$ In 14%ac Huckin8 4,d far as lie wns concernedif the voice of the Township of Thorah, be expended on thë,,iÊýMnta certain part of allowanco for r"d Miti»e would exýpre" a jýe that the the plat. others, f' ouneil was in favor of dividjnl;ý. the mo- 1ine betweén Lotâ iô, 1 P- 1),ý 1 1ý and 14 lemýdingont if*oen lots 10 aà d.l 1,'iii ÃW, !0ihCoîý roël a and depu form-44'h'*&M the audience in succession, neyaniongst the township mocictieo bc ý-BeAverto _ 1e; te à d tbla e tyreeres of tho" munici. BI'lsw NO, 311, To establimit the pro D, alsa the pet don of'Dnhi1ý *f ibi îume- thwrushiw, still in- îÃrear wilh eir coqnty en topicg of their own ChOosing, arid were sent Brock road, on Lot Nô. 26, in wu satisfied; but this, ho t contended, Oameroh. and Ã26 %ctbers, and the th 1 't 1 th - IVarden ag,'ilga tiýi Ãam e, Uisbeaed to vict rupectfui the Would do altogether avrity wi Il thé- Ume. tint. of the Corporation of Thorah fo rettahpè, rà teoj--,Wiil rot Wto be thir:'daty Io see ei,ý,hth Concession, and ta rest the a , lxiratidaýbe- 'th mme i.s,.IFjýrwarddd'- Tfta- vote of thanks rigi- fuldêu -of the County Sociýtië%. The isame purpM. théreto. at the' ta the Ladien for their net allowance for rAad i - coruin persans. County FaitîWere la crcdit to, the County, , YoUr committea bave also carerally.con. > d surer nt ili, t1rw ,&ýtbirà titno and part in Di-law Nc: 3 12. Toneatabi jeh the pro. - and ho, (Captain lkwa) 40 that poth. Bidered the petition of Kohneth ý 0 Merc "YotIr ermmittjë 4ýves "à e,.thýç Q; hW é L_ D . . 1 sont travelled rQad. un lot MA. 22 1. th. lux wotild be doue todô à ioÀv witit thà -M and 1£17rà ei%ý - il--' go inte commitlee. asseument lawq qý representatives of rio, were introduceý Meurs. Abbot and le Hon, Attorney- acdonald,-and Ron; matter of political -According tg à c-t- ýeived at Pari,, the'ý had taken p]ace,ýbë-ýFj- 1 the Khisn, bfKok&W".", k IAU oZýj6eAO0 men rorrn ta wheti She-18- htBýecaU" LE D. L. Lake; wealepa en the 3DtË ,%q.i - of, M4rkb*m, & whitby, Jan NEW ADý SELLI 9LD RI GREÃŽT DRUC