Whitby Chronicle, 16 Feb 1865, p. 2

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Oromaes, Winss saiS Liquors--Jobu Par- ~tyoeriuas ran--aaes Bimas. $ýolasao Julcee-Jauaeu Byrne. ~roa EavtusLesis hPowell. 0006tscaa-àLwés & Powell. 1 1d-miado Clothisng- Lowea & Powell. roees h-Lowe*sà; Powell. DIvisIon Opr-Oouuty cf Onaraio. b.llaug O1-Jsmes Bain. Boots #bd shoes-Jsmea Bain. Iýci.hofoildmatgga $al-H E. 0'VDell. tfpt giada Cot.go, Spring Torm IosntÂet cf,184-W. H. Billinge. Otd Éyos Mad!e No-E. B. Fout., M. D. If you vaut toE now, do. - Money teuLen-C. A. Joues. FîiattaIlddieo--Hamtlto:) & Co. Loch t!yho llértrgs--Hamtlt ju h Co. Dramatîi btortaisimetat. Mdssenic f.tJ J. Barker. Ohsncery al-S. 1B. Fairbanks. ONLY $15 0 ZeTs A YEAIR Whltby." Thursaiayl FebfUarý Î6, 1865. Tise Couledieratton debatt'. The. debate oaa the.Constitutional i eso- letton$ cf iis [îouorabie lb. Atornçry- <lOueraI Weit whieb ocoupied tii. greaher pat %f ut,ed vlich progtresss uring oniy b, the coitasîtuents cf the talcaîteti statesmera, uho bave delivereti thensselies Otie mcasenîus.tlopic of tie day, bot b, tbs P#>plé at large et these Provinces. - .&nd net'eaty vilI tise enias-geti vievs and vol cesilers!seaîiuunewiici feti trom lb. lIps of the aoving spirite of the Caia. dia. Legitlstur#5 vork conviction m inote autidtcf tise thinkiaag and furas- eing cf ont o«a cominnnity, bit tise force aaad dlguhy cf their nîtemaucea vihI b. teIt far beyou tise bouudarv linesos f iash Nonà A.arica. To uar neigibors cf te sdjnîing Stues tiioy forin a yu-mn andi dîgnifieti ausver toeti.coesaitirs-ails, Implios! by tise polîcy cftheis- Goverument tea relation teuals of Oars. W. tek.e due wss-issg front tuis unfriendly attitude vaw dris. a useful lesson firntii.esas! f-vents asow oceurriug ahero, aid se eaucaimly ans! earfutly shupe our cocamseaccrdingly.- To menses, wu offer preparetion. We are Wllintu a0 scept abregatîjscm urral. meut ef commercial faciîios and! privi. liges, becasse by uer utited ealerts ve eatu provide neolleutéat and avenues cf "cmmasicatbou, for eur trade, Uur pro- duo. ans! eus -icmrerce, viîhin car ovn errsiory. W. anser an un. friondly policl but -by draving dloser theo cr& vhicb bind s ntogeîhur lu thse Ïtiésof satula intereet, and! social, as WeilI as na- signal feeinug Ans!tises.e enuiatiens cf Caitadian gasasarnen yl travel a"eu yct fortbe. They vilI cross, the broas At. léutic, ae itdl croatesin the people of isat uotiser country, vie are ps-oushty vite- log ad festeriag aur cuvas-s career vitii au ftertevst tira,! alection sot hertofore lis ws oud!dol.honor tue .delil>er. asils. assmblies cf amy great tans!fs-c ipiepî, ans! as-, in eves-y respect, vorthy of tisa occasiora viicis evokes tiem.,W. bsave net provori dugenerite seus of noble aires. Britais irat carefiatly satce andatt *gnardod sur yosth. ans! is rsady te stand bl ir, ai. thst vo are about te assume #meat nation rmal se format! or seodi.fied by momeatous osent. aridiug vitisin t. midat, sud no more aemarkable a case m&y b. instasiced,, haiss tat of apeacoful *sd utpy enthmercl. bation, bi dia terble&oglê of event.%,suddenly acquir. tng the. feings, ihabiteand' ei lutinait. of a wra'ttke and l 0voip oa.iciity. Oar- ritual charat4 'r is, nov, ia the.piaocess cf osuaSisu, a s ari tbe- tenuet ofr etatou, carerî%. ~'poldu. r"ouf radeI1lB augets wlfor theral io f o-' <cdet isspes -in , le in otise poIeii of- aur, ruaeI, ,Imparnll s volt msColonil. Lot us i"go oun and! prosper"' in or ps-oent wcrk, ontil lb. attaiumont cf ai tia sahu 4ms prop"ied vil! ptase riit thte monti' - pis... of oWs aspailnsar ne Utopsan oaues«*eodistracted conasels sud dividet- ieeots mial b given Us tise ceaune. bftdà e'a ilnadisded natbonality, and mu- luI lioyress.,Our rade willlbe esltrged! U5V ld5Àqsouis îq iasigatou vii li e lhri e itu s *~of, sef defenece III li ssaesj Orlancentu@ -and Poiftlotabin te faillgof #aieaw vill b. »anoma Thse Muitta iteponti Tii. documenit viicis hcvlies betome us la inteeatiig as *011 Bs coponugs, d l pro. seuls ian antioütgiag aspect lise îmie ens- aîmilllaty difeuces. Msuy valasabis suggeolionu seitreve - ouItelicis no s!onbî #1bli âboied ha th' nov Pilit 13111, anuoM b, tIse Oov.rumeaiu. Wc noice. arnoig otiser uhinga tiat in ciesi anti tovus, vies-e tiere are efect ive Vu. !uuîoer Companios, theo latter are likely ta b. creditedt e the dnr1t for tise Service Piliia. Tih is i bsagi-eut lbeau, uns! miii prove au *ticoeugamnt to vciuuteaiiig. Th ii.bape<-ajcs u&& mas gosefor brougis. eut thu Proviuce, are centaines! lu the. report; andl tiougis, on tho viole, higis encouliums are bestoset! upon tie vas-loua ci-gaubzaahoua, et &Omo companiats cone ira for a doge. of cenuare tiat ongit le Makte tice ffceura sud men vince. Tieme is also a ver, ful*report oethle Rifle matches iel tIrogiiont tie Province ; but fs-uniseume oversigit tise very excel- lent contens, viici tec place ut Wbitby, Oshava and! Barra-e, e~e emittet!. The basa shoîs in -eacis. camp-day 'alec figure ira theieport; nd-.e aie pheauet indits thait Semgluet Icengi of rie Wiitby infants-y Comspany ila distinguiised as biaag aise bcst $iel cf' the. two compatalus having tiis- acis!quartera iailsplace. Sergeant Dity,. cf tise O4hâî!uý Ritles, bas a likeu dilstinction avardus! bl»., PEaeuSÂ.iL --Lie, 'ar. Budge te suls! seen, s, dissatialie t aieenureniaris wLticl a pptiaredsi especing hitD inu cenlait issue, and bas uaiCtrau e-xpleauiou. ,Nov alîhough tee do not coceada tii. tu libas a auj matas r cf igt, lu douates). va May ou&y, ubat oua- get ef esen for- efrrig itu bie speech asoefenasiv-e andl lutîupematu soua, thepassouaI allusionasud, ho bumatie therebu te a lcadiîag anti bighhy sesjaetah!e aembar et tic Meohotiuîl Chus-ttiaanti vhieb, vs ubiasi rMs. Butig n-lia acas-ceîy depy, -es-e bath ofaraive andi intemperaste; eau anra-ta. îey veme ns e rgea-drutby vaisy manay aiaîunt!iag aie meeting, andi ah sho have sinc. sait! anyubiag ta us tespetiag it. MîSSINoARTior Mat-ues. A isiotiary meetin ia yl eh ld (t). V.) Ira S. Au- tiie'. cbna-ch niais (Thursday) arcsing - begiiauing ai 7 o'cîock, in cannecticra viîh theU 11cm Missaon achevae oftise P-eslay- tain, of Toronuo. A tleputation cf xthe P-esyteny coâpr-ead cf Raya. Jamesa Ban, (Sets-barn) W~illiam Cilrliati, (Uxiritige) anti James Gordion, (Maniehain) il! b. paesent, tu as!dress the meeting oste eperationa cf tthe mision. A colleictioni vilI b. satren up ait lb. close in ait!of the Mssioni fend. Tbc publie es-e m.pctfuiy învisedt teattend. Velnaaa,-er lsstpeean. We tern that Captýiy Dartuell'a Com- pany ai Jb. inspected by Mejas-Penn, cf aie &l-val As-ilfles-y, aras! Brigade Major Dennis, et use-TOvuHalli -onstic 2tti instant, aîsi at, a t .m ig&P.à. W. la-isti Onr Whitbl Volnt.tce,-a wilt euaite *x%-y M- nonsuedeble Mentdon for atitnesatl andi efficieaacy, as slI ais the grodceni. tleo ai bek dcltig, as-niand su dootWý %Var Nesra. Genea-al Gragrt bas ,nîtiiascrale ex- tend bis liau e ont! Hctcier'a Rusiîh oh. appas-emt objecti cf effctiug e Haimiltant sud ulUses plpcc.era ps-sent. Vetèrent et 1812 w'se., lmoot'Illisemmu isas a lurcis ont a 4 iat-ti IitarY style, vitb adv'ancedi guad, baud sut! pioneers. 4k i FIouessuso îau>nANIS Loce %s~c - bsatei. Tis.e sioe. Fashre acbe ada iOuPrimo oraes- ai ILtmiîuê,jtal Oo's., viii lisernent. -. -- DaAusi.-The play-goiug pbliil i b.gu -notice, thtissî » 4tlw cea pauy are te aopenlt ti, eouiî' 4, , cn Tasay, thie 2§ist a-.-hey côm voIt recemrnond.d, a&nt i Fg, ,wf ýe1leve dei erving cf patronge. W. b.speik a go jiaper, a veniet osy i. letmste, lor wbilieb esgks to' 4id ï JulsI", et. a 'ttik,& Society otarlo. Tise Annua meting oet bé. membema ef the si. Patnic.k'iS ociety cf Ontario vas issîs at tiseRoyal bot, Wltby, on Mon- day osoning luit. N. 0. EynlssEq.,Sh.riff oet tis Conuîy vas re-electoul Presie:ut. G. H. Das-Inel, lisq., Banitsr, let Vice-Presi- dent, asd Miche-el Dulîca, Esq., ef Ocha. va, les! Vic-Presidet 1 M. O'Donevan, Esq., Sacreiary atdTreassur. CernisVIa E Or iiaiANAcUBZTei.-MuUss-. lkyalda, Dartntell,, Dalles, Orý'Doueraiu, Cmonan sus! Covan. la vis determinusl to rclabrate the fortii- cenchsg Aunulersaacty s balf, andiesos. P-. Clark, T. Hoston, lM. Teeltet, 0. B. Dartueit, J. Stsuton,- T.,Lawier, S. H. Cochrane$ F. Keller, W. Cutbbcmt, D. Lamon, J. S. spaovle, R. J, Wilson. vith the freident anti Vice. Presidonta ans! Secreta-y ses-e appointes! a Commitîcu ta supurintunai the arrangements. OffciletiAlipointumenta. Hias Excea.icnut the Gos-s-rcs- flerare bau baron iaiuaid te u ait.tic foilcwiurg uppeiaîtrento5, via: William Davis As-tigh, Esq., ta be dec put, Juigaeof tie CcnayCourt oethaIe cuunîy oi Siracua. Naui Fleming, Esqire, M. D.. Associstte )3 nce. buat aIebeet pieasedt u grainalLicences tu John REdgar- Tamijun, et ancebeer, Esqj M. D.,anais!James. Peluglo, et Cobour-g, Esq., M. D., toeanable tieu: te Iractise Physîie, Surgas-y anti Mit!vilaris-yleUpor Canada. Han ExeiiLcr lIce Goveraes-Gene- al bualtoaubeata pleasd o-teappon- \VhrRuiit!gs-,oftPaterbeorueb, J. G. Meredith. ut Duadea. Riche-s-t!Hayes, o! Hr.inrnigfomti. ans! Rîdiiei Ducluarî, of Coteaua S-wionc, Esquir-es, au grant Pus&- ports anat Certifice-les te BiiUsh Suhjeeust tu eniablu îhcm to travail iraiFais-igu parte. I>naaidcat Liucueotiauridtlien. M. Cartites-- Ah? lave suie et-àmi ce-twrtarii 'i-taieoria su 11tuatinej. Catier, s ile lu ave s-oaa rose. t2ne li vtdteaitil, suit Casriter 1ii '- isrrrt-.asr rilrite t.iil-a-u. ii tîerir ai etrel., teutri-. Tu Cartier. n attnktee phrase,eiLt rdut st *- -%j in e t--t tau...--iu >'tyu ma-.aJbaciStuee alet- Saci Canemr -H5y Prr, or tua, triobatl'it de. 'ti.i"î r--r s- ls.tsraombu5, saWc-ta ruai Yankte At i alto n Saeri tc 0RailSpiti ert-as-eurte tiai Aurd ilrsebctgres. wsau eail-u ttvw au-to eira <ts Abat tMonieur l ivar' -es-e s-u as-euteatII put >ouLUt Ar...ý* irers ret t ift sI. aay r-uî t2*et Lt- Ohamr tracr c s,5 aCartier-. 44t ze- u;,"rrO -i-rtSi1 t.aat îiî.aPati dig viutti rws neuiei.taimt rt - le d ý1ý rtt.s eizcuJ40 1 l'.eei tu#rurro b, lt Aend aithu i d . -romaiei Cixer u t-si Tutti .-tu,a I.r mie) R A.5 '1 t'i-iity Vieas 4air t- er-iroruse'ihi 00i 'Tw--eriiLrer fltieSare beerlilutAbIb ert- ald lacse f1r i eraîist rit tlat ', tas vs- is," ad 2migait And i! athîe Jaitgceic! ieo-aerotvieil sand senten- erail-ec Wictý4i 6ig,. Il- a lat $OPuu ar 0U,.lta have cmuvsslmsint aped bi MsarkIham Union Loslge, F. A. M.cae coff on Tbni-sdsy 23id îmet. Mlors-chIe Mamies-A MaiasPRllls hlm Fa- tcs-, Msi#bcr amndWft. <Fs-cm sheoTÙcii d at!, Foib. 3.) On4 ofethîes mes:cold-bîooded, hearileas sins-deïra suis vohave oser heeaa caties! upen to e sscraioccsr-es et Woodstock, Micbigaan, ninu railes fs-cm Hudson on Monda>' nigit lait. Tisenneu tcthe merde-mm is Dav! F, Bivins EsH3-wu tos-mes-yiynluhie aimmy, but,'beccming vea-> aicfte lissrvis, des-laed, eai itîsteat ot reiuvieg te bis fathes vsohe it ie sas ikving, htcoto p bis aS sde fil Grifton, in ti4,Stue. Sioce bissrre bebece-me enarnoreu cf e- yeung lady ah Griflon4 sud beesiag tiset lie coutlinet -ms-ry hem tehihsis vite liireali . e olsesl pon mns-derlng tise lattas-, andi-te secure hem babes-' rcpet-ty, eetermineti- te dosts-ey the antis-e honseholsi. Re stes at is-aure trnes ho viitet! i. feab.ss sitce. tes tise Ppseocf carylue- ont bis mus-des-eue inteartions, but oat eacb occaion bis beart te-lied blai. On Monde- ai t ho veut tiere egain, as!d, as thi etequel sheva, cendumanates! tisa heliéde lsiae! 'espusses!tirongi tbs dity l tnise afterioon oetta ey, and! ,ar- te go te Woodmtok. &"-iiüg aet bis ft-iersle h fies! bis hoee nes a shed!, t.taesd tb. dvwetiag, aidsasiug e- revol- ver,,prenies it et hi.t atieru tise csp 1esappuai ; hucoeukst-h, pistel agein,&ses! te ofles- emo e it e compcay out'amsa. Tistvsts w the hltransaction .o.fa* as o.fse-umeutt iastthse counttr-y wvte e O~s. U catis-e iflasy wrsn-6agcný-'be' matie.eut, a su eared tcy tihe oldti emir,%' it a-as comrpetenltesa-..Caincrnu to show iý, but 15e corsepandence vouldsh sow tiset cse e flie statomns h. bas! made Seae aoaiaecosineêvilh theaa tst.r tien cf bis (MF. Wtalom's) frieuds presout: ajîls auertiuoala is tmfl5 5u those. preseut vIse veto çntisfied vitisthse as-angem ut, liere ony Frieeeds Io hi. f4em sc 1 - The Bill respe0tig g Éifrs1ndRe.. glstry Offices wuasds a secoud ime, sud v ansen uetesa select ttonttittee. &ac se saBills-glatinig tise aictasof as-. Aise u Bill for tise relief of the O04a- vay ans! Prcsett< RailaY. Tii. duhale on Coefederstlcta vasobu- cludod vitis a four heurs- speech -fs-cm Mr. MoGee, antiwuva sjournos! for a fortuigist. Tii. flloitg Bille vere lutroducti MAr. Cartwright te smand the, Act lacerý- poruting tise tevat cf Napanue* - Mr ]urveU, 10 incorporsîste eSt. Thomas Cemetry Compsany- 'Ms-.peranit, te 5-meut Cisptes- 67,- Ceai selis!aîud Siatutes of Lover Canada. r.s- pectirig SalOn courses. Tii. falîoliug prlvate ans! local Bille were nous! e eeoenltibm. aid tubs-rît! te butainittee. M. Hdgbusuta, te eiratle lirs Mary Aun Disyle Io dispose cf certain lands lçt iai tracit by ber laite bheshati. MAr. Curier,to incorpomate thse crphaua boeeof the City cf Otîav. Bon, M. Abiol, toi incomporate the Mon ires! va-ehosiaag co9cpstly. Mr. McFartalue, anuect aseped$w tise Canadian laicd ans! migration company <imitd). Rusa. Ms, Cauchon. tu amont! tii. ct te incrporate the plots fer anud aboya t!îe isaisour cf Quebec. Bon. PMr. Ailevar, le %mant! lie adi in- composating ithe Qiebee marine iusuce Companay.giîw Ron., Mm. Ca'iiug, te .natulistLe iWhite Ashiey and ticharé.-f- Mr WC. Cairnerdts uînVesl'orm 4rsir ef recs-iptu ainri eXpenItit'rru01oaa titlirî s-cati andtrîllabar isîtîa cii-Imor . et is eratitsthUtcocntrol of thea gnverrirruri. [lic siid thhsti wor'^rr ireo rigiinllY culd1ta the Wtîitby RondauliIlarlaci Cetipaii3 fur $9(l. 400. TIre sjrîrrprrîy Iiil ;icid tii ir r ersairi, large ris etrafiig lu $..u0 The eoniiy cI'aiîsîîr-l liat the vorus Lei Itucotatu tiepnt-ciattd i oeulie o f la eonsrctiona of the Grand Trunk. sais! tht- Port fHope ansd Linai.Y Itailroais, crs I firîding tisaiîhcy Vreres tît a pnying!coii- carra, askr't a i .-a&vmetrutoufîlflu-anýt tu-r -lI ias-thegoe-îiiciti,ans-ti sthse tht cf Septenabai-. 1862. oe-eil to psy for tîsean irn cdfiairst i wat they houiais etiamo. chbii e45i.01Ticir oflfcr uts. tnti. epîtearti car!the lra-lrw- ~ul i.s tuo ather pus-class*ent fer $4-5-OUO. rît goveminwnrt irathe Ite n ltirie liziesu-eIaia vail rîtextaicti agaurat th otioapâiiv. ais! lies! sehzeri $16,000 salticis lte con pany a Isa iplcer1 irathe hturk n-lit ai viaiw et ctrr)-ing oct lte profepSW nen- smange-re-st silli ie Ooi'e-aiîi),te trandt litat als.o ttuteliuddtI tisulti thle Sa iift fil $8.000, 0su t -ai-hn thi& ri-ruey sua, ta- keu, upwaso f $53,000 itai tei tnliatri l'y the ols ceSupatay ita accouait 0i thistr as-ors,andthUe% 1lacs aIpu~t t brtilIitc baltes ir doitntîsen slieui lary gît lVrint tar regardsthe roà4i-i4. et aiirate n-lutc bas! Isecuschanges! fiontn a 1sark loto s mrs-y gocti gravel rotti. If $t. v0ea-. lise actiaci value cf thte rts aitthtec limae cf sale the couspiatu ut have liaicr ra vs-mg dsIe.tlem, vimte Ie srswncii Inkeit fs-cm tînean.aftles-thay laed pâal] mitrre than ubeis- value. Arntise? siibgihlir fc lus-e conntectei viOlsthe astarti acar- doit u2hîsemrDrapes-, an lidividîrl u intio' 1 i(s-.%t of 'Wbitly, hart gona tlsmcîaglt ie extra crdmas-y persformtiance rrf giving a i r--idte tise ges-esrimeralor crac cf iteoffci i l'-r ; indcntnily the igesernoneol if îhere- nea- ais tIcs vomIes aus! ctald. noet-te I ticna fr $45,CO.Ilie dis! knoote uexact aos-iii cf tise baud. bsti by tria MatWirsre n-iîilirn te asrive st wviueltise term9 cf it vs-ie. Ms-. Mee "ag iad lihe ge.vr.-rriient 1-sd en iobjectiona te gmÎntirig thit ranîliîaî but Urir uainesr'e ti atoentent requirer ceuse snxir. Whjjlie ws-e'akira ha sbjeci fonra! ves-y e-ge pas-ftet t disciosn viticla took pie-se on a Inrrt:c- ce-sin. Presssming tiat i-. Caeneasp- pestes! pet Uanaudv4àecot thuc oirapartYt but tise-Ilie spot.e for the puiblic irtaresit, tbc qufflticu vas bail arry rotig licen dnnc lu lIais ts-ans;actIisetau therounctray Il The correepcs-auleucc, zhien brougliti doter, woud shabs Iait tise trsipaey. altos- &grec- ing te pris $80,400. hlied psitt trct a sinnI. puortiern cf tisat sein -Oiîiy tise fis-st insiai- ment neeea-sas-y vto tealtsi huni tas itaÎii 2b 1h. Editor of the. OWhroicie.f SI.- In thé latitssue of1 yene paper, tiiere appeared- au a-ièle1 headed the Uxbridge Oouncli1 diffou!îy, over the signature cf 'iViiator.1t Now, Mr Editor, Ibis correndent la beurs bard te bit tus mark, viz: te vin. dicate the course of action l oi b r gangster, and! prejudice thé.publie againit- MAr. Wiieler, whiih, (if lie wcnld publisii, tjbq real faoas cof the. case), ha woqld miot. accomplish ;,but lu this article hbu maýes stalements wich are far frQu the. truc I lu th ii. ta place b. st'êtes that-Mr. Wiscler' sais! a few minutes previnus te the elec. tien cf Reeve, rut h. did net vant the. office ; now thus la faise, as Msr. Wbeler was brougbt eut lu the firet place, pledged tn take tbe Reev-sip if ciferes! to hlm. wblch be refused ho do, ahtvo public mneetinigs hals! in Uxbridge Village, for tie p-àrpose of briuging cit a candidats in pacae ofd'e faie lieseeiA. Té Button. Esq., but ait a subsequenrt meeting for the same purposie gave bis couseut, andthbere: fore vais a candidate!1 The 1mai faicta cf the caue are far diffierent fret» wbat yoatr correspondent gises publicity te;, ans! 1 shahl endeaveur te gave them 1an as fow woade as possaible, On 'th.e veniuag cf the ast meeting cf the council of 1964, 'held ait the Vllàkge of Uxbridge, a caucus was heiti whlch wais attendes! by thse five colin- calors ans!ailiers, viiere Mr. Butîcu gave notice »atlihe vished te retire, and desired the. 61ectürs 10 cbecss'! crie lu bis le The question vas tien absies! "Il angste if ha wisies! the Reeveebur ii. eccxtyear, if elecied, and ho sais! No, heweuld,. nos taike inyth»*ng Lgiier thau e b»Pny, bu Ftlec ra1i >te 6aause ords un the day ocf the Tçownehip EI.-ction wbich wit only a ft.w dr.ys previous te ttae aleüti n c f R-oes. Therefore on thi4 unjeraiîandinz. te thier councilloma had te choose the. Recta froaimenit-theilves, as! tie choice. Wiiconsidi-res! au brc btwepri 2les'rs. WVheler aies! eaâby, but viien lte day cf sLcIteion came, MAr. gaingster (te their burllrise.> gavei liionsttounderstartd tuat he-hais!chanted bis mind-and ubat (M.rk thé- word.) Ha le tuld bai Raere or noding ! They has!tu be ules! ha haro, and hlm eloae ! Four electeti coun- cillons sworn ta dos aheïr duty withoua pair îialiay to he rules! hy cn asen , wbo, NMr. Eitor i asIe, under these circumnstaiceA 1souts have votes! for PMr. Saingster? The elacior, then proceerled, ans! Mr, bee ias duly aind ir-ally dces!e Reeva. andi NIr. Suîn-,mer Depuîy. andti hey both tole tle onil of office; ailier whicb M r. Sangser said ho vouiti net serve ia tiat position, andi aiseti toa ielistai-e, as bis riziit hy seruîîriily.and ua a <aour, ais ho-dis! net itaetit. ix- rv e nilîber v"ar lu the couneil - fand litre Mr. %Whetem sais!lih? did nilat tu deprire the. township e? Pr. Saingster'm service.i, andi put iitub the trouble andi ox;îusc cf a saew alection <ta hie maporaai- blity, antd aiftem due cnsideraîaon, said bru sas vîllinii tc give waiy lisaccommodate- -. Satestr, if the councîl vere agreea. hie. Mr. Sangaier thins resi4gneOtu a Depaiy Iteeve, which was iaccelited, Mr. Chapmnaiia Win t- int-dlhiî liwhiclr Sas the fiast il-.i t lp auken by rie c4iuneill. ai aIl Issubuïitàaoeia transîteti aherefaer lu corîcîdered 1tu eeillegal. se.c canra.iidaiad 814cautl, UT, C. page 536, capý 54. Sec Cona 148, tiiei rend s! iefoltows - "VIeà "Wairden of a counly, or thm Reeve or "Depuly R-ove cf a Town, -Vilage or ToWnabip, May et boy lime rrsigaa bts 0.15oL, and inl such, a cues, or inthae cee thes purposo oralt the iret re;raîar mont "1nrearite viecaracy occurs, sletucfreita l'amniusîthemselvesa aqualifils! persen ltoý -i Bil! Ie office." !Nov, 'i.Editor, ai. vas neto douea ibtis vua acontinuation cof tise same meeting 1 Mt. Chaspmau tiien teck thechai, a-id Mr. Wieiem atso tenderes! bis reignation as Leev., te g1 ale-yseAréSngrar.bt-yu ...s f-aprQ~eedlng viitsgave se muai dis. ,atisfaction. Mmr0, Wbelcr, wue censures! very muets h fer glving vaàY, ans! on this greuns!d saIs! ho woulal etaia bis office, as ho bas! aise takenie1gali dvise fremn a Bar. ister ef bigii standingvlto gave bis opin. ion tipI public offices coulit iIbu va»shed util tise resiguaîlo, if teudereel, vas le- geîiy acceptes!, wviO vasnet doue in tuis case. Ms-. Wieter, tiierefore etuimes! bis sent. but 'wus adeises! te lit thec denttake. is ýplaceand be etecteti ever again seici vus floue. andi the vote vas unainimous in huar-faivos- andi net by is osa vole, as your faise. correspondent smatua;i andi Mr. Ediîus- the çuncillors., v,4 - suppcmted ,bitai dia ih of tbeir osas free vii, ans! oct unîtae mannur stateti by this correspondlent, thi-ongi intrigue, secet plottitag andi pre- earrangea !plan. Nov PMr. Editor viti regard ta yens- commente u the.mather 1 viii asIe amy %sue main.te r.ad them cerefutly, ans! b. vil! sea bec ridiculeais andi ceairatiictsry tiey aippear; fer exemple, jeu eay Mr. Vihuîes-, vas net cleoted fReeve on the fii.it day cf ceaincil meeg 1I really tbink you caunct have yens- die comme. slpo'iaderts latter hem covcp the minutei, whici )ou ackitowledgac ycu have bas your ýjssesien, os- yen seuls! nut have matie sncb abourd assertions ;-anifus-aber, I fuel satisfies! if the representafave cf Uxbidga hais gàne te lie couaîty council anti votes! in faveur of yassr last piting shuilip I andi for '177te Cironidéles Pet Candidate" for Wardoîs, Ihere wouls! have bee-t nu dotaba inlyotrir ens!of tie legja4iay cf tdr Mrlr. Es!ites-, I bave alreaaly taltoan- op te anuol tof youî epaice, eus! vil! bavu le draw te a close, tisemefome by giviog the aboya 1'fcci an iniser-den in ra ns sluairpalier, -t sbaîl le.! obliges. I arn Sir, yousmectfasily. for Many' yeas-, il te invite a repetiiti. 6sitiiont;ans!a.-little vbcleoe o atigs tionÉuj ' o s1 Ihave seeglit te, adibbtos-, -1 me-y'exereise saintes-y influence upon ahose viseQ aise reotléss enougi te maIe. thetu,1 au s!aoerrnag tiim fs-cntih. pus-nuit ofet ud ungentîomfiniy propeuilties, audtinr leatliug1 thorn ho repentance ans! refermatien. 1 WM. CLELAND. To ihc Editor f il. Wllitb1/ Oroncle. -Stin - Happening by chance le getl ola f our papes-te iiibaer daày, anti iiavinrens-as a latter fs-cm a correapondenst, Wsigaretihi& name- Vi*ntibator, <(bat if lhe bail signes! bimseaf Igncramue, b.osciais have beau neai-os-the trulti) I thiaik if you telîl taIe. the trouble te . compare the. minniteà cf the fis-atmtruing cf the tecunzil, cuti Vintiicaîar's (Igqoramru'c) lettes-, jeu vil! flutitiathleran ytig ut aiVindica- tas- of the. uruth. Fis-st, he trys te make it appeair, tiat I seigua. because I dis! net get -tise Rcevuship ; itichi i. aise; neihisr rlid 0~ tendes-r y sesigiantilon ait the ime lhe maIe.. et appeas- itnlis lettes- nos- baud 1 tae leait tbrsught cf se doing ait (bait stage ofthtIe pnoceeingc ; for ie goti failuha 1 seccutiet irm.Cbaipran'a motion, sncving Mr, Saingltes-fr-DeputylaReeva, Which vadarres!, net by Ms-. Saingite's Osat vete as Viasticabes- bayas vas, but vwitheut.it. 4î l;Ialis stage t1f the preeeeed- 199,s M;. Se-taster as-ose, isid, etates! that tei eculId net aiccept of the Depul>e Reea.ve Whp &ct., airas!he soasît' uitier bave' the. Ra'eviehip cmtiihing. Nov, 1, for onrs, wag aetes-mines! net te bee coercati mbo inytbiiag, againat my vil!, ands! seing tisait S-m. Wýheehes vais about te resiorair a tve- 4f Mn. Sangleaei, 1 telt ira duîy.isen tat tendes- tua resigitatiota, andti dsu-0at that lçiaz. cf the preci-edinas. M ay resignatien sas lais!on ce stable fer fursties- conside-ation, andi vite nettatIera "i- ans! disposoti cf net t' a lime Vintilcator muses il appeas- h vas, but n-as hefu the ves-y laçet, etscepi lhs atijorrnrnnemt se mieic for Vinriseats ntvai-nitalis glale.ar mnta. Nov,1 i s talegsy a fus vors-d on yensr - diteniaiî, fer 1, isaing a particutar fiins!4'iferss. T thengbt yen vult hava hait a itîhe mes-e regard fer aie t1mai tien year enaitemeut vil! verifs-. First. yen gay that th4 sittment cf jour correspondenta la eontlrrna.d te tise trttea-&h-, sien jeu miult' bave Ienîsn hantes-, -ban jeu oan ne have Ilae minutes i tra nas- eîosin. Seeoiusly. yen say tistaia Conneil eîect, must ut uiseis-iret meeting. electteole et ihensselvea ý1eve cor W'urtien, aietise cae may ha kçi. Nos, if jeta viii taiet. ie bs-oublis ta letis ntt ais minutes in question, yen n-lIt fins! that Wahelt'r v-ce dnly ans! hnesfnlly uleceatiR-eve, anti Sanuaster ns D.-tuuy lese, and aflervartie they botti a-ceignes!i, andnaithaie sains. mcs-iirg -(vith sutl anfjîaurnmmýno) oh. Catancilpsaes-red te alset Ms-. StalgÏte, as Rfeve, antiMs-. CJisainan ns Depuay Reese, rss jeu saiy aiiay vae r ily dadas!&c., pas-laps tiay Miglt ha dnly eIeceaâhnibut ahint net 1ev- tuhh ,. 1 viii ye n te oock at Cou. Ste-le. U. C. P. 556. s-ae 148, s-ara5t. municipal Inietittitiens. aid ut-e if ltaIt ilbeîaiP oet yens- aisprticus. Pras-ips tiilutwitÎng aoc mucis onu aits ba ansver yes- uspot., but nqve-biihece I imagina i ilsiens! lise 'tact as 'vsil ais jîcus-asieestina, yrau alec say-tisat Ms-. Salais- er'res- s-aigned aise office afI Lava, antiMs-. Chepaa as Denuy Reeve, conusqnienl av leu. gay ointsa eeo jeý" t I b.gba, ea think siffrentj, aititisas te h. testas!. [il wit> muet iiscIy St et, &.differé nttri- bunal' fs-cm Hitocins anad Co. l'rtber, 1 era vouares- îs-ribiy aîas-med fer feas- lisait tise tovnsip shusulsi b. pet tes auj Seipae. eirathtismaltes - nate if Yen flt tics saine ainxiet;y about pntlîig tisaet«,onty ta amy expense, T arn undes tisaimips-essieu, that aise Conty Ceencil s-ouli. nent, hase< isecal tranSis-s! ithauj extrae- obasgu - tars Tii.Paris Motitewpublishes -a lotter héocr- Wbydàb,' wbiob suppliea dotait.re- spectigthe festival of buman sacrifices We cently, 1.14 dat .&bomsy,. the capital of D&- bomey, before the. King aud inuprseece. of ail biscourt and greal dlg#itaite sof State. The letterusyszt- % .Tii. KiuLhaviag anuouuced 10 iÙ& Pte pie that in aiobort time, to bonor îbti names ofAgeugoro, hi. aucestor, andê Kiaag Gczobis faîber, forty prisuers bc. 1onging Iteb.rebel tibe of Uic Akouisas wcsuld-be immolated un tb. maki. place ait Aboamey, with the uuai ceremeuy. Three days afterwards h. decideâ that thus baubarous deed aboulé! bc acceuplih. ed on. bour, before sunrlse. MlartyBoro. poesu "ho were in town hbîd au audien.. witl, the anonarch, and implored hlm, ta, give op the-horrible sacrifice., The *Kin-, déclares! that ho couid not suppres thie national festival, but that in- cotisideration ai the foreigners, b. consented 10 reduce the number of, the.victims tt îwe4Or the e-vu cf the sacrifice b. weuî to a great shed, nder wbich the foray prisouers were secaired ta pot.ts. H. gave an order*that tweuty.eight sbould b. raleasod, -and that they should bc takea back to 'Ibeir prison, and tben addressed hiacîlf Io tii. welv, cthers lu order ta annoueanao them ubat, lu expiation cf the. crimes commited by the. chief cf thiair tribe. and te satls~iety.h shade of bis father and cf hi&a acestor, they wctald bc deoapitated beforo 'uta, asserubled people. - The unfortunate mien huard, tbe sjech witb ithe udmos1 iàdiffer- once. He'siaid tual îwe cf0 îriiam woulii4 lie cxecuted with bis own baud, and then retitid. Ashort urne ufterwardo arrived Pr'iiace Bocu Sau the i. Ri &brother. H. chose' two cf lte poiéon'srs, antéounead te thera thaft thubd, been-s.leed te, b. despatched by bit brother ,but, lu order te h. admitted teach au honor, il wa, riecessaryte PtifY thiaicrlan..stsa.eal bodies, and tbait they uest pais. the night lu the. great fetisb temple, prostrated b.-ý fore tii. idole. Oaa the uezt day tii. pri onaers .were led to the murket place, thair bands bouud, behiud their backs. The. rKiu- prcsided ait t.e cereuao-ny, seates! ou ai large iteory ubrene, surrouaaded by bis caurs, the great digilitarles otftth. kiugdont and the miui.stry. On the centre of the. place was a large silver vessel inîended ta, receive the blood cf the. victime. Wisea th. heur ha d comne, the King advanced aook a very tuin steet sabre, and depreaaed- thc beads cf ahe two prisoner8 ha, was about te immolaite. Theic peur wreîclies, ou ibe oader heiu,- given, *ere. placed ait the edg'e of the vrsessaIwbich wras about te ao catch thuir bloed. At thse concluieron cf the irst execution the crowd nttered enîhusia@tie sieuts cf applanse for fLIl five minutes, afiîe wich the. King resumed hi$~ seatun thetiireue. Tii.alter fin prissoi,< ers werae eecuted by the great feaisis main, or bigiT priust. wbe picked 'up eacb vic- tam s bead-aaaui sbowed it ho abe tie peo. ple, wiist tht-y nttered feroeions yelts. When ail vai oser, the ppul-aee feul upc. the. bodies osf the. unforuate--victimu whicla tley cultmiet pines and then drauk ther biopd. Tii.' Ring retired lu great poaMp, and caused* the twetve iseb . Q c fixeui on thc wau!s cf hie palace. Tiese monstrcusascenies oceur three'-or lonr times a yaair, and this inthe. nineteenth century 1 Uaifortunatoaly. humain sacrifices ara tIot confled tate ikingdom of Dahomiey. TheY taise placeaise very frequlîntiy lu, the kingIdoms of Âibsolcuta, Ashante. and ilenin,.aise situateal-in Africa, ~44ainathe gamne regiota as Dahomney.- The ChoilpioOntpîi,Vl t.Prime Eng. Ta te Editor of lte 9Wlby Crroictc. Urxi-tgo, Foi. 1loti 1865. lua us-issue oet tîis veek is touns a lettes- bu shicis tie respect. s--s [ouvecf tîsis township i. îsreec'ied hî'bos-oyou ds-iia n auaspectqr c mmt amiable andilatts-ectie,-itt a genîhs-main et unimpeaciabI'-vcs-aiuian inrflexible iitereaiîy, -quaitîies vitici, as aIl hie fs-ente, batb bare anad ait Stoulfcille silI knwues la pesinleoveficsing aint- ance. Ie orties- tebsing ucnttracîaitu of hlm, blits giv-n mte fulîj anti tus- vividly, [for s-cal veoiith arsesves lu bar traceenanti sppseointed,J 1 ihaîl with jour per-mission, lai> bebos- yens- readens ir aa tesi sentences tii.ecmarner ira viicli he n-a zrsaieîslsîvphieat, vis-n atta-rtting lthe Cisunty Conrieil atit us s-ceont silaings, uu uval wiîi mis. Evrrbedy fanon-s, hiSUir. pses, tisait fam ach et thf t are St-ch, ruintIse ccutny, tics-e s -a fresh ir-lection cf ive Trnc'ees es-en, jas. Wli ; ail the recrunt meetinag of tha Counuîy Ceu. cil, aitthis nteac f ni mis-iesteaee fa-end, tise wntrtlsy R-'cvc nu'Sctt, ns> nama sas prepoweolas oveore t o ete a, pîsoirrietifor a(th e-nacumas- Seboliran tisaplauce, aindi s p-eo a u s aLi-c tuh-avnrai L 51V-S by luasgo mejiiitied. miuch ta the cba.mnin eftahe virbunus ait-s accomplisses! George,vise vais greaaîj troubles! in spirat isy nhe tieadrul anticipa. Csra Va il.t biting the airneat urtmixed G.ritîlast ftic Boas-s!b>' bis enisaîtoea presence. Thes-u vas ycî hope. ilintu, ls iConn0il. ead Ifris-i rnotit eff0,9tere OnI y me-de wsataont dtl-iaijlumigharpil yb set aqide. With titsboîte anirnatiet- hi Sreast, my turin.& air as!taciasi frieut i e-, tewr vert hitise'seat et ai CrussaIer, ai; if tise fate cf ait lite Wheîes-.aras! Tsisîere. anal Tnicluatem in ise univers. depentiet on.h tis lin, anal ps-aenry wipe-es! mac tieý«c cssie me thtie Ceuecitlors, (hile a long lime nov, ainee tise Patieos-u lies began te ps-stise._'tisai asent t ftlin on. Moiliar Evr,)*hvisel iready votes! bu rny faiseur, nie-t tc lact-me ivotabchato' PempetraIe a grea vs-ssag tpon tise peuple cf Uxbridgo, fer 1 huit already .'dne. mucis rubchiait I1,bas! braken slcwn tise'Mechara. liep' îqalwte ; I bW! ursitduases- inb-, lisa comtnsnity, - YOir I teligistes in tiset - sert o ettiing; eandl mailsIbis reitl-etr tisas. anal otor. enormnites withihclt T1 vas etias-ed,-=uaecusat&ioe5 tha I T sial tuerety aie! are uise pauet ans! most un- anixeat feIsisusesios tisat user droppod fsrn tise -lips 'of slaualr,-tiere e-vase, T p, preheusdt'.ou tut trenbled. vipiotscf tise ve-cul arrator, - a long ps--e-y -, cf 'PP- henni eis rethat, aeeu ira sirn perspec- tise, tisrev a das-tening cicatie avec is-a anxios fao.,e-us!d mpsrteda amelancbaiy! sasinese te bis agitateai volee. Wel; Gril emal got iii se-vas-s, ime hely - place vas rescàes! ft-mthe iiappreisended poin- liea eft4seunisa-loi lu-nins-de, anti my eppoielment vau Ret oide by %fise iujosity et one. lenujans reces-sing tire illustsious areeenuo<f tisevirtians anal veraeci9ng EReesë or this toWnship, and tbse 10- bonoevaisle metes by 'vhiohils 1 raaccoa. elisbsos!. -do fooi tiset hi. a pity' îoy -. 1 formes! btissaone iflt&r,1 po ýo' b. strc4seed by the seu slaips I~q s mca~i ee, Cheus, $0, la I& îurged tise J-acting entiroly,.cu the. dhpala hic tb. irougîi.ùýber q d1 Points of thce ncmuYOsý ne.- ontorus! the Brob.r's offic é . son, lu Cbahham, luit aturday roisised!tisetiti ocfofuerbunds-s Mr-. Ileblson bas! fortsnately tisesest cf isis-funis ou the Pr îug. Tii.e enmce vas ofrece ont b, portion cfthie glass fat vinilov vicbpena on the se are, of the loven. -B..tescxs AT Wuson.-T.. s Windsor are buiug vigorsi forsard tovarda cempleticu. LoxAImauuesss.aras-..Wel suas!, cf tise egrsn cf a -fa a fter 33,7mars' captisriti bu A wu taken prisoer la 1831 by andi, oig heing, hoard cfb supposetitu b. des!. Dansü sic. attendant on lise late- 4n tieu ho manages! te eff'oct bisu bas!'been employads!as s bordi interiot cf th. country WIIITBY MARKE Whiîbl, Febraa STh% d elivemies of grain i beau faim, and! ali god.m rearly salei,90Oto 95 is. fé 80 te S2cts. for- Sprint. Pea .0e-ts, 40cts. Bily, 65 to 61 85 75 tn $6 St0.Hly, -$Io ton. Dry voos!, $2 50, BItTES. 'tise-vife -ef -W. H.,flacdy, oet LAMO-At Whitby onth -the vif. cf JamesoonEs, ofaà son. - DIBD. YARNOLD-&t Whitby, -th. ltOuis mt., Asie. the beloci Yaruold, Eisq., ageti 65 yetas NEW ADVERTISI] Tisebll, arvicit vu asmnuaciured mrn joins tga by a n ecinumt Lontiee firu t a eat cf £1.011, suabscibeal b, noblemeas ans! gentlemen vie taise art Ides-sra tis e ex ploita efthlie prize sinz, hie- bean bandes! oses- te Wos-mald, the vicias- lu theo ltm fsht, visa i.3note tise 'Acis4ldg 4i Champion.1 Tisecondit.olt-,onu viicis tabellie sgiven are ltai tse hoides-muaI ftas-e lse.jen, ans! figist fer ihaven, six mQntbe if cisle-iurged ai do se.lIbmthe e ofe tise hois!er'-aiintain'tug hi. olainu for tismue yee-os tise belt Secornes issss. lute 'ps-opus-ty. It- w teea i-awon by Tom ý§-eaye-aaainst the'Tipt on SIaser i e 1857. Tises-overs-e.everal .ontests fer il, but, Sayers succeodeol iu holding il np tobis, greait Satte wthElîHeenian- (îisà - Bepna'c Bey)'on 7th April, 1860. -Aftur th"t figit Sa>-ess stired faom the iurng, ans!'tise- bell vas places! .5ýi n m sion.1' .Tise reselt of the lata figbt veaidered, Wtsiimad entitlde tit, but airciimatanaea. 5'o&tai isow tisait lie l nct bce-llowed! te y e'iaiu ht long uncball enged.' It i. scai tisatinl lte, coure et a fe 'daje - - Mue-iill timote eleu lte gauniet 10. the ne-wchampion, vitile ini other anartura h la ruineua s WILI We cepy tishelioviug fsrn the BicS- ions Exa-sminter: - I Thés. missions (d'es.etofMr, Biair, !ruesday tise 10th dzyi iLh 12 o'elnek sucon, iîsns-s Portillon lit a i LEVI Theon

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