Whitby Chronicle, 16 Feb 1865, p. 3

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B Linuox ÀT Wîunao.-The Barnkiks 4 at Windsor are hoing vigeoaly pnaad foaïvard tovairds completlon. LjoieIMnîuSOimNT.-We cei-wention -- mad of the returmocf a French offlator afier 33 year' Captiviîy in Algerlia. Re wu tlaken llriaoner ln 1831 hy Ithe Arua.e and, uothlng being board of Iim, houvau suppoued to io doad. During the confu- sion attendant oi th1e lit. AraL lnautrrec. tiu e n .pAaged tu, offect bis 'escape. De bad boun etaployed ua, a hrdumau in the lolsmior of the country WIIITBIY MAiJETlj. T de Whithye Febraary 13, 1864. Thdlverles of, grain tbles woek bave butai fair, and ail geod famples fond ead y sale at 90 te 95 cia.for Fai, and 80 to 52etm. fer Sprln!r. Pesa, 60 to 61c18 Oures, 40eta. Utrtuy, 6Sla 68Osla Pork, $à 76 ta,$$ 50. Ha>', $10 to $14 por ton. Dry wood, $2 60. ICÂDDY-&Ï Whitby, on thâ 9th lest., the vîf, of W. B. C addy, of a daughier. LANMON'At Whitby on the Sth jil.t, the witee ofJamelaaoo, .Eî.q,Solicitor, of a son. DIED. YARNOLD-At %Wbitby, on Frid&y, thlb. bi ut., ANN. the beluved wile of B. Yarnold, paq. aged: 65 yeat. NEW êDVERTISEMENTS. Ch ancery Sale WILL BE 80b1) BY - - tjAtcEloy's loel 'quesýday-the 10b day of Jan., 1865, À t lu c tCli, leurnaut to a decc for GIBBS V8 BRYAN, LEVII FAIRBANKS, j uflja LOT N«. 1. A Valuable Fuarm ta nEast Whitby, Bclz! Noirthlî lat u l"It Nu. 15,Ili tlîl.î4 on o f'iItEat WIt'i ,v' vxcptite t. c!,e vitia , dlible Lard Wood tifaheir. Unon tahea sWù-1on toî c ella, orwé rIi,-aual large çvttio su-e aîdtr4./AtI-, a voutist Orehacd lu gaaaad Ilarl ig, &aai!gui excellentat priiaag sud 4 Theo Islso îpos lia pioert> a twa-stt'ry Tli) cpetviliibocfaored aut unii ust pi.of 04(90. . -TimberLaid ini Veruilam* The Eûxt-hai f or Lot No' 23, ýîa the lrd cou- cesco o f vertisataa, loi)acres, aire ,> leua- A wild Lot. Tlilila).o ,orty wviiiU a ~rd it au a>imet LOT 'No. 1. TIMBER LffD IN YERUL&M, Thi. 1,eot-bal! ca(Lot Nc. 2u, in tiie ralcon- *aasouaofVulai O9arcu, tuoro ,a.t)j This lu almso awiwid Lt, andl vi 1 :1». ogérti at-ian tieet.pioe. ,f4i Tag fi E4m.9SOP A4 - ,Are the. -,Cun4itoaîjiof ithéeCour t o Vhaticarï, w4ti h te liiiig varitions. .,cnti ie,,1 bu. rate 11f tîtnieutf by nioaiqs- 9,at coul ala aOn pan the e uits, at the 10 prea ince in hiaipos. âllkill elI be haIdlan' th" I ,i&e4ôin Mo au Iii lla 0ane u oarei #4l 4p ~arkb.saaialot Lodgç, on 7,l5r Ê - ien1g, Febra.aryi 23, 1865. Metaubere oC t Ile Ccaft $ara aPOcial y nî'ltoate wlPu JAMES 3 BARKER, Sec'y. A thte bluia iti s ti. it lfe akhd ftanlp; the. canse.. andittreaaîi,atrt e ;da'&1CC t' 1riiiarlatge eutiai. oi hu Iwo;id; houu'. er eu ai a tlioui'uaaîd tiîligs aever ,.iajSiCdbore, renad the. rarit.d aend etiltrgeà ccý1ttQit off l!da alLi.Couita .ç a m ains luanle a,'n raaa oaa., îeaill, ail a giau book for ô y 'lie 400 pagea. 100 hflcAttitîuaa. lrice îr.(au tcllt, tlle 'tat iructua auy ddjan,.. Dt.iakti 1211). b huliai ut the &lok ettara-it, or wil b. eiC ay mai. pobt pid ona reaelpt ofet ti, e. Ad- E. B. FOOTE, M. 1). 11800 l4ruadvc, eNr Yor. Moîey to Leîîd. 000- (N 0MOIIT4JAiI F.ou luiprove I1Farvaipro- Jp ait.%. Apjîiy ho a. A .IuOIii. F.b- 14, 1165. iaolia.itr, Whiiby, MEg~ANf~S'HALL. FORI ONE NIGIIT ONLY 1 Tuesday, Feb. 21, M86. SCiADDING & WRIGHT'S IIIIAMATW, 'TRtiUPLI The gtcat I)rnauua atftthe IENuUNaJEI. Stlag- ing, uasic..3a1J the roi'-ing Farce ut OiN TilE RMAi1lA G E Taa~ket .2: t U.acrcd aette4ka. DIVISIONIVOURI'S ("NTJrY OF ONTAIO. NyIaa>............ici il'nlerang,....... ......>a.... 41Atiele.......... Wtitby, Fol). bliii.lIS Z. BU jmnal Iat, 1865, litai, lOtit, ~ lOti,, " tUila, lUIt, TRNHAM, g., C. 0. e Murtgage Sale. NVILL. BE iSOLD AT PUTBLIC A1TTIONI j ~ id i tatti aia J'St r f S. cort- Fa I lci, 1 i, aal ikaa I.,sataIl tii, ' qttullI ot hoarai 0 o ila it. ('l ai ,0 rât port lîalallaa àloUe, lbis %vit., ti Ii. ,eerud part1 a Ji ructr, uf iliiVillagte ef ara i 14 a ila pat, for me- ctiriiê a huin i ai tabreilu. i1lauiulwa pro;aert &. u:-lie weet-flt tLut iinuiLÈr w,:oucAie . lai the, .îid TO WN S+êIP' QF- MfA 9f:-0YE 7 HUNI)RED d Ci ES, moiti. ot iLii'.4$ Tihe Sale te take plaaea on Thuraêay, Dec. list. .4.D. 1084,1 YiJd4GE 0F BEAVI>0)11 At i2 v'cluek, ývocen. T1EMs, - - C4S1 X.or fart!uar paat4lm alrspplv ; the. undn-: Bigaîcd. il. E-L 'D KLL, »esaverton, Ag.ut.tar motgg D4ted Diii NoV. 15$. TIi, tabuave bail lisfirtiier prtpoý,W 4_titl ii ôti, aie> tf .roh, 18f5. Datat! ~ Apli th BiartnAgnt igr kc4pge.. Dtd#hNov. 1844. ~ 4 -THE $PfàI Q Tl IYE1NESD4Y,, F.raary Ibjl$ JEIIIS for tutlop snud A>ozarâl1jing watliiug, pow rent, aPaJlc1 lina &Te. $0O per terni f e o ol Thie raiadaat paipila. pr o lityl.y parved itlî p.eparaticu ia tbur lemoila, sd tlagar generelceneluot qserefull Iràtohed eui4 rPort- gi t,) pctenito. Thae uoardlig bogn ucvi tabîicl iid y Gev- er»aaaieit teemt ai Pravicelal vent, anad lu lioeally ocqn4iaoweala* si u tiimlpas euh. justiîata, not wlta c uew toproiltibut aolèIy t ere tîrlae ipotl sud phyoie.li welNye o f tii, pphpilp, lvito trJiay ontq . rt $%Dyy hune. 'Vorprgpptoi, "a*ppli t te lprinipal. Tereauto "Loadar," lamilton Tinime" ana "S8pecataor" 1Laondon "I>rehoitp," Brallovi le *'iatelligoace," Wlitby .'L-lîrenlcle," sMW Klîagtou 'D.A1lIy Baa"laienrtlt PyrbMa Toronto, Vebrlîary 6. ~1»»vozt Aét o~iffl gN the nitter cet WILLIAM the8,lb Â700ttgor. TVis Cieditors of thi e *oIvont ara noUelad Ibet. ho hiemode an ca icgitant eflixe uate Fiunan cËaddiës! A FRESU LOT ý'JTST. TO HIANI). LOCH FYNE ItEýRRINOS HAMILLTON &eCo* Whitby, Feb. 14, W85. Gr e atargains IIUMBUG R eady8M15f 1Ithing, GROCERIE 89&Ã", ý&CG LOWES &POWELL Feeling grateful foi' past fiavourg, and being in waîît of' moiîey, are dcterniiiîed to give tbeir friends anîd patrons GRE AT BARGAINS for CASH, until their Winter Stock is disposed of. They arc disposing oft tleir Winter Stock of DRY GOODS at greatly IIEDUCED PIIS, in order to make way for large Spring Importations. -Ladies Furs et less than cost. Shawls and 11antles et 25 per cent less thaîî original prices, Cloaking at 20 per cent dis't. Cottotn Goods at greatly reduced prices. Dress Goods at au), price anîd in great varicty ; ail must be sold be- fore &pril. In Groceries they aréa weI stocke'd wifh Teas, Sugars, Coflees,Currants, Raisins, Spirits of ail kinds, llerring, Mackzarel, Cod Fish, White Pich, Salmnon -Trout. -Oatmeal, Coriîmeal, -Dry and -Green App-les, Potatos, Hlaws, Bacon. of Liquors, Goal Oîl, &c, &c. sold cheap for cash. Also their tisual stock AU of which will be LIOWES & POWELL Whitby, Feb. 14, 1865. Glycerne Qre~rn S t4e best anad safest 'fý-meIy r>ýaII affections o(tte sk-in, Isuch as chapped hands aDd ips, vinîh which so many are trombled duriug tb.e Winter months. Recommended by lhe Medi- cal Fac'u1ty. PULMONJC SYRUP le agu &ade4y for CO UGHS, both ài children and adultê ffust received a. large asserituent of DRUOQISTS' SUND RIES! - JAMES BYRNE.' iDispc4siug and Family Chemiat- Just receivid a small lotof 'eOLAZZOJUICE9 sWai AT M.~ o o2oIVNs Cardage Factory Some good second-h dh'd Cutters very Cheap. Cteffe ZCfee PURE JAVA, VERY FINE, AT No 1 o~ he.,Corner, Ce ROBEýRTS,Ç FAMILY GROCER. FINNA-N IJABIIIES! .Reduoed in Pnice!1 Â 13'é'eh I.ot regularly rcceived at Noe 1, cn the corner, OPPOS 1IT1È IÙLACK'S HOTEL, c.eO6RS 1Whitby, Febrary 7, 186&. Faznily Grqçbf anti Wine 1Mççchant L IF£ ASSOCIATIOX: QI B-OQTLAND SCUEME A. 170.rZLNND XPZDBY 0771THE 07KW 0F ,%Ptl)FV!bp TUBE EPENSe IOP LIPPS ABSURANCE, ALLOOÀIIONS OP SURPLUS OR PROFIT BilNDE E Rimm nTSAcR aimthe im entio<er" boi Anaîli aiaac.A caidmevalareiauset Nxsah yr. ThesamaiRate frai *oiokybme .laig prv8csct vlU brO guiefy costÛ ai iipaecau ou abatprel- umai-ibatla, sPelleybhol&r viim praacl.aa la paci ebsalcaiieyoetrenta fin o ah Pnau e<51 aw isc.i<bm coproenu la$190, cittalas tm, 3etoaIs zutad et 100 oints per 81 et Iheir pu*imu Ut5tiOy moeae, o aethea basa rdccudte ma Ma tw$4 ëf tonn .whiu Wer Pelcy-badmmta" ahs4ed DWbscdeff ft Wry pe.ai,-4is l,"be ae msrueqced »v ulrdad Tlclrty Thouaaa* Pouade Ott. Nouzoook nue a muuam ad for Six.Tazr.fomcleu.io A apou***ia" tmm2kba jaeU, raOeaual, nonue"da, t U ilater' XEMmntiwMie mrd *I~iL, ~'racen'àa~su, I -Prices to suit the times, for Otalih and ready pa3ony Brokh, min~y 0, MATHEWSQN, RATCLIFE Ë N~W ADERTIBK~NT8A ILVEN ACTT01? DSIl Eorodi;ror thdn4g »t ed N iW ao et!t.attî ciiwdp hi c3nuii onf oùain theai i .1, or,.i... a . a a j 11.01 Wil do vellea Vu tai J il A ~ut trie > IURPL4W. Moeeta~ a~ - îr-s. H. Vocuahboe. &N'a'ILLE-ll, E. Lxueeuvn. c. ai - a The purest'braînd of 'Liquorice-very lar in- Engiand. Oc'My stockof Medi-,neà. and Uhmic~asjC'on Physicians' Prescriptions and YFamily ~iprpy , 74bnç R lie ena- tnuY neîa kt* pu.- none, stitit der oath, v rtIaebray iien. . tua O, ôLP R'E-DIrâ8T E, WHTlBY- ,For thiifty days qul, i $ under ôt.r the purposë-'t'making>robm for Sp rinf bd Summrer Encourage Home Maiiýfaèture, and buy yoifif6 à frorn BÀJN;. Th~o ma te aie boots fer 111e When m,, #pread wil #ld n dac iiihn Xen *11e dweil 011Outarlo'i broàse~ara- Andod -w ra<ltndipWaluil'fori' Yiur Doubi -noýfqd a1. 4tiar~ns1n AiU#baý%tibosiworktfroui thee, Yoor Warm..lie uno rvo e wat, au Thl Wlmgn's w8Ihon Vclqlntter AMINîh, Vour 5ýatner-proofs, BoMbe bottn d A n che y' ay, te t8i&o lait i Ofvîewil heboit, nota Andtha cy t he 'epcloe hitytxnblo, Yoor. Dancinig boot4, lippers ii kairc; W. came Irom th11"01d1 B.d Store.fi Arc'the boutftet i 101d B.d'SIoro.", iREATEXICITEMEST - IN fROOKLIN. - CLERN -À- TEY areý still Selling -Off the balance of their, Extetisite sÏc1Ë of FALL AND WINTER DR-Ë,GOODSi AT COST PRJCE- FOR CS Consisting of Winceys, 1I1-wool Plaids, Wvhite ý and'scaiet F1aÈii' nels, Blankots, eiiannâ Shirts, Hats and Caps, Neck-Tieis, Collats, Braces, Scarfs, llusiery, Glo»eei;, uré,, sbawIs, Manties, Cloths' Satinetts, Blanketa, Buffalo Robes, GrâinBàgs, RgADY MADE CLOTrHiNd~ Alo a lauge stock of Famoy~ Groceries,Crock-ery, Liard wa-rdë' 00. x . . oui o

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