Whitby Chronicle, 9 Mar 1865, p. 3

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1NEW T(>)ýBUILLPERS EDUtilbo r"cIvod by the tinder-l fo trho.ociaa ofa Chuitt l 4,the Wwn of 'w liogof I3rn.r dt Kîîî9 5nd Jordau atrat. ToaeItoit, ,1 8f. TNHOMA8 IRELANO VETEtUNÀUY SURGEO8N *1e ISIDENGE...LotNo. 8, rdcoencas- M *on Pckering. Ail Dîseuasou f horses and cattle promptly ittended to. ilqBoLVENT -ACT 0F 1884. T fied tunt aIt ýeIvsi tlnt afCharles fi. Kealor, ut C< niuîlt tiî a1w'fnwlumhip ut Brook, isit t nioty sif(lasrlh, ou Tuesunlay the twnnt '-aightih alsî v ot Mn' i,, 1805, ut twelveca dok Iawota, for tuas pturrtmnof re- uoîIvltsg stgitdmtetts -ol'hIis rail ofnantîîî nu iAinaitoto wltnlie iîny otalu au sagî niet iievth 4i)o ctJOiINALLEN. ioaulditiji iali te ~oItip --)f lrock l, C11ÀliLthe Q'Uaty Oîu oilauio. r 1 alîou' ltu Ulvtiît A VALUABLE srAND) ltLA Wagon Ma-ker E lTlHElt îoir 9151, or Il> ltitO lém terting. Towstntit P k.r,u ,itiitouiLotU,tt ii Coureioia, ciOi.titase (if -lt, lvi va 1rui, oIt wbIhlm Ia nlargo'Shop nnd l>w.l, ab lowna th a larrgo )iit lng ljoîe ar.i ittatle. flîtqru s I.a 4,lutt!tYut fruit tr.tb -0 tilplt .- Yor turuher atotaa to uT. C. Iltîîdîvri oiu 016 0mitasL)i" or, if hq làtàCt paidi, tu JÂttLS.$KEITII litras.klttà 1'. 0., C. W whi ~, Mréa"1845U. t H-OUSE 1110 LE'!',-q Olt SELL.1 A TrW-0-S TvlKY llriekl. Dwlli lit * Iloîut ta 'Latt ricail, litl.ý.vl1 l il 'juil lita a~ oi' f -5rut nd hiltort i, rttt«, iiîî,l 'tirerliyt o1j,. i eu (If '.N. (1lhuiîî'FI %rlurtaa -.ix1 oatbiaima14t11lkit IalatriaortlrMi-t Il.et. tnd b-y esLj 1OOtîtu 5 aan m tî l at.l"t t e.u i gît' lot-1 sautaind1te 1ly. ,Apply Ontthei pruit!à t u tire *111II1tM&-'i UEVEIZLIL Çouso and Haif, an Acre of land in the Town Gf Whitby. ~FOR SALE on Tl 1F.- I ai 1 ail ii hu-e, vUlouliaililllhi ,r115hi, aJlF. doitwltrg . u a iitilsoîîîas ia cuée i.îr 1 l ie wet u.b il 'îlîuidiig t, î e t itit f ilut îe,-it tiia lZitlutaur,itut III . iS e Atpply(lf by lettotrua lii,*)t lie Pubi. %22,i, 7-rf. Farrn for Seale.1 -ritt E N.tlitportinuot4i.ittiltIîf of Lot cî,îitttjslslir 'IITY ACRI* o tl0 rlîî1 Jail. Tliaeri alras & gonl FreineaIre udtl atilis,1tce ri rea ni a iit iall poiul l¶iril tirait- Le1 nt m a nvsry llirssiduautaIn Giotvi itt01 i Thim tri. sia p ry fnvor4tiy sitsatédtu it l# teaitlpart iii talokerlîtw, tarins od uiMil 1îe il 1LnrkeItuA.ailwitlii aboîluit uale ire DufMinn' &rank Sttionî, titi3ti xnite. rtiretu C'oun.oly 'vu u WIlilty. For terna andturtitiT îparticuliers apiIy (prepl*d)ltu JAMES (11EV), 1iekeisiatt, P. T if Wlitby. HOUSE TO LET, OR1 SErLL. beaau tifti Villa.,ai 10 snanti of é&Alatîisitua iâtbut 40> r-îî1s rî-,Ia. op lte front rond, ataninsci It h :tlo- I#ndiiiititlu juin Mawrt. '£,ieq l&ujve lu tstiltn f[n(;w Whiteiubrick with e.11l uicticairy f ou tuilîliiîg, Fiiiïsunutaitns .flciniatr andi vtet ila.irdaun aoted eyury aomifartlesaicou- vuuîlieuve reqtiîeil for a gi;l#t1 ranidaucti; cloýoules lit Slaof Itse C.lt,p<tuthito, ttdabotu ive militntes valk W lta1- ilage. l'auais on or Leturas thelu âpril.' fortinor rtnIta anl~ prhaa. 1ý1I1M1ND IYLAND. Oeia %a, Fb.25,.1860. ain 0 4~T1 C E-!' Canalt cf Otilsrio, ,4Ilnrnhy gsvota iti fo VII:f, thaCourt of AmInsz au-ljuirua yer ndtniot rtiir, andi (loue. r-u~ al Q I Delivary, wll lu luoldaî trsiasti for thhoiCti ty of Outiri, aItita'Court flousa, lu ta wu of Whitub3, ou TTtM8DAY, APEUil., 1866, At tise itur cf 12 oclo3k aoon f whItieial Coruatra, Jiolac li tahea Colittnleî sud iallere coosere3d w1ll Inke u'otlen at -aant.lsamialvaat aaacordissgly. 14ELSON 0. iREYNOL.DS, Shitlf, C. 0. Par C. Notuasu. flhoirffr Offiai, - Wi1itýyb . 2T , i,1865 JAMES HOLDEN, OFFIAL ASSIGN ci ~1~~PRTAGENT OFYyc0.-Oillite he Toirn Hall, th.toe ?*ila.&Ibert, Mirait1,1685, -iL01 a_ INT1omlowamTQ entQwf4 RE"EIPTS&EPNfI!1E OF TRE CORP~ORATION 0F THE TQWNQF-WET BT iOR Rk'-- --- 1864. ElEPM. iFilî asit LVEOtA U aSAhEoWcacs. Jan. 1, Balance o c Caslilu Iandt ef Trasanur, en 3ZtîDec. 1863.. ................... $2025 9 Aouont paid la Tresanrer, by ' Collecter for 1863, as rea limeal frocrnibat yeýPà Rol» &(ter lot Jany. 1864 .... 849 i1 Amnut recaiveti frein Connty Trensurar on accànt cf Nan.Raideaut Taxe ..... 9.4 80 àraaRoalrtitis Paon ccyati<imt. Legitaeive Sîhool Grant.. Clargy ilasrvea....... Hanta for une cf Town Hall.. Corparat aai..... Marktl se faas ...... Stone Hanmtusrs SId ...... Fines . ................... 5 Shop Licenusa, a $40... 1 do do .. à Tavrre Lcenesa a$40... G do dosa$30.... i do do îraoaferred. ilflliard Rouie Ucase .... iTeaeran.se Saloos LÂceusa. 1 Crea Liceesa......... . Suudry notes diacoutedal a Bank cf Moatoual. Aibunnirecealynatfrons Collait- -tor for 1864, on accannL that JUas'Çolectioes on Iol 4tt9 8à 1 290 GO'i 232 26 - 522 26 140 46 2000 20 00 - 00 O 40 00 10 00 20 D M 200 0 3816 011 $16130Ã"55 Jan. inot5j Batk onIst Jas.'6S-g ceuty Rata for 1883 ..... Soedry ansalilamant . j Arreara cf Salaries ta aflicra, ai Oorporstloe.......... Suadries, for a.leciing Jurors. u tersitl ay. 1864, ce Ncsa ta Execotors cf Ihie j Mr. HagI McBrie ...... zUM 928 00 M 7t 1Gl 33 14 OÃ" 29152 0& eâatxrtaui ttnatatst iii. Market Debanînre No. 8.. .. Jannary Coupons on Marit Debeateres, Nos. 8 ta 1à... Jnly de d 9 telà.. Scoacidebannre Nao,0 '1 jean intereat oe No. 10.... Bank ~genansd &àieau 3tà 13 80 00 70 00 403 00 24 00 -l 21 108 641 SALi.1tà Âxk çcsTidaNtitK. ThýÈnuasHuston, Ciert sud Treaarer,inful -. 11eurý gHanan, Asso Alax. Cabierun, Chief Coast& ble. ,................. 'l'bops Danford, do do àIelyco 14No. John L-ybasBi Ringar, 3 1............. L. H. 8oieldt sud K3. 1Law-. jiet, Â44itaa-, la ulnI.. Joha Happer, Hall Keeper, haif year endittir 31 Dec. . jiex. Pringle, License leapso. tue, EWlance aof "ry ce lai 11arc1, 1864.. .. .... 1Zxtra services Chiot Consta- hle, Iaw coas&o..... Expaaia.s atteding January, 186-telectiana. Northt Ward Expees s auendiogJ&nst. 184 elactica, Cent re ad.. Expeuns aîîendiug Ian>'. 1864 elactiona. Sout Wad.... Printiug and advarlisîng. Municipal forma sud bindeg. Selecting -J urors. ....... ... Daas frous 6 ring catnon on t Quetrd's Ilrtis day .... Saaedry paîty diabnrsenscnts... À,ia6kIi i-pudesl on Ordans front Board cf lechoot Trus. tees, for details, ea thair printeil repart for lte jaaf 1884......$3557 Leas Sebool dabeetiareansd la, tecrese. c. koded je ibis ssslament,uneder a faraer 4.du........$425 IL Repaun and Fareitare for Grsaesr Sciool sud Pire ......e........... Mot. lom", for Town Baby.. Madiosiattendauce apon indi- geent ras..... Âllovsne ta Major for chari. table piJrpom ........ .... $450 O 125 00 63 15 00> 45 00 20 O0 sa 00 3 33 30 20 25 00 18 00 30O 201 13 10 37 14 D0 il GO 10 94~ 2731 36 461 91 65 O0 200 siffm u MI>mwOVSXBMxr 52 Corda Stan.sà $2 60... 1001 do do a $ 40... 15 do delivered lu gea Cordsatoe .eai$3,00... MahgmLrepairingatone hbs «ad bondi«s. Cadet soeetr. . ... . W. 8#epbheuo , mei., gý= Vork bc. in North do Centre Wad, do iath Ward. t e iet.. 3193 271 185 ag $135 20 432 Y5 57 90, l,63 g Ç7 e8 1P9 62 337 9 #OItma4new'dpe at Bank o'1 1(ol~.........400 0 »lauîtemd Bank t Anel og notes dkmauiied,... î. ég. 1 P - - tteM4 laI Ja. tlo pig on note le , Mn. 24 65 i I 41U 24 NIiILTE - ~ ORL'EATOF TE On 15t Jan uar.y 165 ~Iaaoe n ha4Is i of dsutTreuerr éW1tua eaiaînéiee lit Jsuiaiy, by Dolleatr, front l f f1864..2 iluaotili de. upoýClep o'Rl for S44.........43973 0 414 Uumtassr*oitte4 sud AeIoe*biib iuj b. .Madne1d, asean f -taxpa ~dou Bell, W neled4in COUSa. Coat orf Kno.al. dent Taxes. «#155 70 -168 7Ã" LeavMg 6àoi~tuor184 t. kp retnrnad Balmne of Noa.Beuden taxas ie hands ef COoqpti Touas. for collection Àaiouis dlbý T'. 8. HavIy sud J. R. Townu Sosies, Firne Bogine.and apparatea -, d lpdladts Tire Brigade-. Ma4t LatýTo!B Rall, Hafl sud Ofie ýCodëiËoâSeolis, Gramniar Scoboul, &khaol Ferniture, -Librariea & 764 2732 271 03 NpM Ito othe Executor ofuthe latlar. fi. MCBrinvitk letarst ta las 5~e ndedleoetaIBatk of Ma t*ss..................2200,00 cnnty as t oi 1864.......1056 48 bn. Gov.riiuwt Pr*yincýâl »sty ce T.ieu im ,-or162 ..... ô 00> ýsiwae7é of Sa"ries tb Tawn Officar - fcdS4.... ............. 131 6? ndry ainali Accota ............... 38,94 loue Qnrtar% s aary dui" Maloky, Â,AmwilaMtCredit Purince Consort 'Testimonilal Funed..........-.2 . taies for 18M,'refauedp,....... ..It 2883 33 11643 63 3767 16 bMarkes'Debeetrs, Nos. 9 tel16..... Balnce aavig xceusofiAneswolr 1160 00 Lae is,............ 4i 7:l 600 00 8000 tie $18574 8§ 13600 $~85?4 89 We, thei undersigned, Auditors for the Town of Whithy, for the year 18635, certify that thé above is a correct stateinent of the A4sets- and Lialbiities of ýthbe*V 0 o stauy 1665, so far au we have been able t.o-ass!ertain, a atay ROBERLT H. LÂWDER, Wbiitby; 8th I&rib - 186à-# NEW ADVERTISEMENT S. SELLIQF TrO MR EîuÀI,,)Y Sprlwg Wportaions Ci<ttot, Prt'its, Striped Shirting9s, Denimsl Tweets; ob~ug~, c., e.,at Creatly ReduÙoced, Prices,. A LARGE STOCK OFW BOO ,TS & SHEES, Womend' talf .Boots at$1 00Opr pair, AIarg0 -,assortiiwent of Làti'de'K id Pr'uneIt' alters 'fqr sale cheap. Good Green and Black. Teao very cbeap. InqoIxATioN WÂNTED 1 ima, Moetathe Wlîltby "tabiou luatn¶tnny vitlablé. ,brother -.John giOj11 lnua*ssl àa tise Puistlves a01ltaé mid Wni. à. Mmdli hav bannin thaeNa1tp tug andi socrottno tains sn4 ~ ' asr rnae bsdi ý J,, femmidtht tho 1na is a~s' i~ a catilon ail partie* agninat pnrchssuing any actsq nq 2ollstsssgany alter doautsets spur- eKn.obear tlialglau of tstai ns . Jsg b Iis vif fort aeut, as alit bsreby giveea n<tla tfstaohéw 1 àt4t ha resppualble, And Notico J h bateetfartiter gaven tIsaI the uid W un l I 4Hadil ktbwtwlf yasfp)rda4î lu vui.y daaJtte i.rauni*taea, and tuiait s th aà f thavâ.parara of viea wald Win, fi.- lladhlUbere veaeno lawl ul deteaide agalimia hh.'-Ieý - ADY osacidfiij'-'1ufocri6tiÃ"n tb ÃŽe CMsWsoe.OoS riefliagthse vJiorëhoaté et thë sald tià.. I caifftr.a grant ravor upoaa [is distremed w ifs, noil papara OOt)h iieaboya w»I partasrin a ohart8at sudt = CaLy4t JANY. MA]iiL1 Plckerlsý%, MaraIs 1, 1885.- third Anou(i l4Ibo. o f Qomd Çurra'nts W $ 1 00. - tubs. ufGood va. r fs, 40 à IL COrEHMAN& a Whi~by, Ma5ok8t~i865.1 FA RH FOR>' ALE, vlntnut ar àpever or sale ecuîrunel iu a cora Idoitue o Mrtggeuwde be. ý prtthèe> lilbeofaereal fan al Ata laAu ' b .r.'Levi Rflraukrs, jr., td$a, Sthe 22,4 day cf Mtchi, @HAWRYSE Anid 4th thea npprobucaîiiîorf GcÃ"deiga isry Dartanli, Esqaire, lt tige ater rt LIaiiiliCourt u t WhilbY, yli aasld by te iaiti Miaîr aut w THIE COUNTY 0111ONTAI-RIO* ON Monday5 the 20(b day of March. 1865,. Au lte Isour o1 12 o'aloâ k ns, Wpaoi, - lita 11"sa presisiabeisug omuilaosd ut» lta itisIilt-thrna Acres, ttis rdad dfoue- Lanoparaîn., c4 L n-ltlfof Lot XUNER TWENT Y-BIX;i TOWNSHIP 0F WHITB7Y, IN THE SALDCOU)INTY OP ONTARIItx v. t. w r la coausu.d aOflth as at lixty.filvnû anrai,.; îwo1 roU6da astiurt'a uperrleiox utu iaalL Wlufn 'qnastity ot aiti lnti, ~Mîw a'-' sali two pnreala wvIdaI l SbacDnt'duec a& ai.;. 04de. 'Thomane roatatiupas laaa îriataa aed P1ramen l{oumaa nu tri naid ouLlsar oÀlt- o g ctiCrtard wiulî about aiztt3 ira clînar a nd. - lite asoli lâ exoUleLaiita'21 4lsbrlâ b- ocit"d asst plo. ra cotupaue t o st Ei.gitîn-An ron t i ý vitosquantauy, as>d liani atmaisotely Waaîtsný parcea Quanas tua aito us n tiiait rvny. T soian s aî'utluis ai-o excellentnd titue liîu vali watsed. Toaaan.baittg utla 1'araloe VteylbW uffutnd flrat al ut L plut prion ut 82,000. The panis ouar will liante priilage o±unk. ltiugée PacXumber Two uttila opse t.it.. Of $900. P'arcol Tw!o, (prtvided the pauraitut fPar- cet Naianîîr nd nedo -ui asîoùlec-to ktis aa yull bc Ofrnd ut atupbnt priait ut 4900.,- ltai pnrùa*.r or puraîuaeo ofPanral i N oC i hasîl aItuas tintas of iMt;# pas>'dowît na ià poat iii Ithe proportion ot £W» rortaier>' 2tOU of filo utmuéiîai, uusooy, assd suffili isî itl is 'tfapuaziL a toila eUp ltas a--aut $t,1,)wCiîlî, four waviafrotta itae dey ut. aie,-antI-,xw,,,,., a niartgasfor taobalotse utoltae purvliniso sîsolîny, wit itoet asuanuly nit nlx par u. ilà u iaaquni InstalnsainLtu »ait thae iuhn.r extoaadiitg ovair a pariai net exceding t" yert, Lias 4w lQI aunli inusttalasnca tbta ho puyb- b ui tryaxdfrassithe dny uetsaTi. Tite purcaitter af.Pusrcel Two, ttabllpny dt1UV- ae dtoiili lu 1 prp1,q os !10 forti4very £too iepirenohassotiuy, sud ltas baiuàata- Wiitin four weaks fron lte duy> or És.le. sgrnaltt ftr îitas lcouplfoulon -af lte nritn Th. Vndoi all udte .bunuti tprodtsou ADY titiji Jéea tnin lAspouoialalon. as ite à g jtW]Pgj»tiitry OtIie, ui n itaiprý pu tindadi asali anrtgziïg ait hi. oiwi e.,- peuse. -- Pul2s aioru yl hogivad on t-lita i dy'of Purtht r partiaUlAra nay bluitatiroin J. il,- Greuw*oo,Veiidor's SIieitor LI. fftzgsaraId, Etêiquino, Toroîsto; R.. ,. W itl tîuit S. il, COairanft,,Etqnuraa, Witîtt,y ; andti hoiu le. - asthi Mananuet ofitis Cts. - - Dtattis 2sitI day uf Fbrnary, A, D>. 18355. - GEl). H. DARLTIELL, 7-d- N.I.&C. TRJN-KS, VA, DIROCK STAI q - IFS 14S&9C1ATION 09 #OÛTLANID FSpcctUG- TRK S Y}&5N8M01LIPE AOSÜÉAIÇV1ý i TUB 4V tesamrale~ga 1 - -, (r' v * i îrî~ " -I Moue in 1 2C 1 1 1 -

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