Whitby Chronicle, 16 Mar 1865, p. 2

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'lj 4 ~~~mw ~ Sd -d tr~,iisUsDa1e. 01fa oo cnisg ileu' u "i èOvsa lsring 8als-Lovws sd Powell 0r Gd-toWe& ba dPowrell. Qroosles-Lweand Powell. Yb$ WYhite plag- N1io~s 0ot Rensoval. nage te rtmenî-R. Hatch. Sem ad Tinare-IL Hatcb. XMortgs al e- 'Iottl for Sale-C. 0. Keller. ludrlecy-Puller Orot. 1Notic-James Lamon, Sol. Bale Wanted. ONILY 8150 CENTS A YEAJ Whitby, Thurs4ay, Maroh le; 1865 Coiederatloa Carried. OVERWHtiL&INa MÂJOR[TY. Iopeople or, Canada ' ue ôedrto or «Do'extion. "litvas of opinion, hoie. ever, thbat the mswl;conttutlou ought mot ta b. adopsed ulîhouit lb.coment -of the people. - nhait Pledged hlàis.f -ta vote an appea.!ta theut If the -question came up, mnd h. o mîfi therefocre vao>f for the motion of thé ho.. meabreir t Ëéil..-ý. And 111e'yen' and nays ou. the -Vote vere- Yeu, mai ton, Camero erville, flou- Gsgnau, Gal Hunlingtoa, boisie,Ljaie donald Mr(o loran, Paqut R.Criîc. Bd Thibandau, Nays, Mel = enuit, AuJî, Bovn, Brou veli, Carling chou, Cita1 The debate oas Canfedermîhon vssoDwuet brought to a clone on Frhday igb,-or atel, Frerguso u-thr at four o'clock on Saturday. m6ru. Harvaod, Ha log. Tise vota wasaas foîîov :_Iluot.- Irving Ysse.-Mtcsrs. Alleyu, Atchembacit, Leeds], Kulm Aul4,Bemubîiem, Bell, I3alleroe, BIlanchet, Attorney G.r Bovaman, Bovu, Brouui, Brown, But. M DKensie, h Weill Castotîn (Peel), Carling, Car-tieru, M 0lolera,M Cartwright., Cauchon, Ctabers, Clispaîts,pMeKol, --Oockbmtn, Cornullet, Oowenb, Oua-net FimFli DeBomaiterville, Denis, DeXlvervilîe, Dick- Renillard, Rc son, Daltasase (Montcalmu), Duastord, Scoble, Shani Sysiiun-lFergousio (Froateuco,) Fru i. reot, Syla. aona (SoastSimcoe,) (lt, Gaucher, (lau WVas, WeM dat, Gibbs, Harvood, llauîiat, liggiusou Wright, Wrig Ifomland,, liot, la-vine, Jackson, Jonuesagotitat iafý (go"b Leede>, ýJones (NorthI Ledl), electers of sai aiht, langevioiBonhîîiîèr, At7. Oen. not bseua decei IÙe<*Wdu, Mscfss-lalae, Mackiel, (Lambt. tom) Mkastea ( Nofal Oxford,) MeCon- Gi's, mac!1 ay, MoDougatS, Mcoa-e, MeGivoriu me- Pas-iamient vl nay e, eolar, Îlagili, Morris, Mata-jean îcry gotah. don P-aiPope, Poulie, Piupore, Powell, as it is guatîti Lanka, Raymond, tRemi liard, ttobiiaille, pres aos, Rase, (Citamplaisu), Rosa, (Duedas), pres ois, (Prince Edvard>, Scuble, Shan!y, Respectingi 8m116 (Durham), :5miIh, (Toronto), bain, ve know Sonsvlle, Suarau, $ta-eai, Sylvain, lTomu bis dourso inG psom, Walsh, Webb, Welio, Whiite, Wilson erpld WOU, Wright (Emes York), Wraight (Ou. nyrpev -tava).-oi. - scitome. Iec NÂYs-Bigarnommaei, Camercu, cf the gavera Omaon, Compal, Dosion (Hochelaga) Do- Macdos.gall, nr " as<Aa-hahaka>, Ducketa, Dutremne, tuIc7 ve api Xibervlime), Portier, Gsgiatu, Geoffraon, t a er Sotgtes, Rondie, Huutin;,çoui, JaIy, Lare taamcna cho-Viger, Laframboise, Laj->ie, maedou- ton over ?r. èId, <Comavalil Macdonald <lengarry,) reason being t lfioadî (Tarants,) O'Haîloran, Paquet est pivate met Pers-suit, Piusonnesula, Pouliot, Ryrmal, ta tho nuapri Bealulerd, Tachereau, %lbaudeau, Tren- in blayo Walilluidge, (Nattit iHastings)]-1. ,ttc7 could cal Thei vote ou the. "previaus qnaatipn,11 Confederation wu petvas aineditely before ihat oita cammitted hi" %a sainqstoa vas laiseu, stouit85 should cramne ysio, St jear. niited, andl if1 lisat. Pavwl, Pairkesr, Gibbis, HUot, once tisa itIV uraenium-, analGitudet, vIa vote-aiagainsi connIt shafto te previoateqacation, voiet! yea on theb if it. belioveali smaamotion. 10; hav isads TVi*emajeriaies front bath sectiunit of inI lb. Province armlarge -frosu Uppea- Ca- nais especrtliy so,1titere beiug altogetiter ",,dtIl. batelgatUp~etCanadian votes recordait matter lefIta da Oppesition. TItp maJority an the total tison is lte lac "w ils vasy Dme u " ttre ui ne ;sMd lte part in' bis' vtel-M3-Îg, onu or 130 mambors (au. Tsar. la nue elmlag uh.spsmkt,) 0"orcfth*l &si~ vseesdanluthe Boum ê The aisum àe asa. a roa bM ou- e. eu-s, Notmac anal' Kucra, utay ould doi *t uuppor Canada, and Raest. Aitiit,~ . oa U)aoust, and Dunkia, firan Laver Canada. 80oI lteUppex Canda aeailers voulal to tavï vOW dfor tho scine, if pressait, anal resoîatloce foru- -we hoHive tisatMs-. Duakis làaLtse ouioiea andv al votu1 of the abset Lover Canadam embéirs seit lisa iehie o vromilbavs voiet! nay. So fat as tiseae. parliamentary ai ~p-essu110ttivsa 0fflie peoplc are couteernet!, M-Cmso --omi t .biaitvotes a-as Me.takeas as ta , t He dik netsfthe àffil ettest Ofvisait the voice o!flte Poo. ascidt a l p«ie vsia , veto the Confederaîlt so- edt ithina a soln saitnitted for their approval - 10 S"y yen"ci Canadabue declareal avervhelaiegly rfa.ai. Thte Logi Ve fConfedoratica., laInttc Uppet already establus vor cfpeople i. 6e aM Rensae, Il yuîl b. recolleoteal the vote vas of votiug on ZD 45,1te15, lunfayorotheii. cheme. ibeir mo"eyinA igitsg is ho Oas- coqt nat emlcrs. naltérs of a foi - mate aboaid t4i rt-Gibb. Pledged bisuscîf lu hie pritei aa ncaure vitich *aMMli 011111tie ciidors of SoathitOntas-h ôo 16O deitt. I tiabefore te fiua* adoption etrlte Con- be dufferea fa-o, (O'"feiteratoecheme letvomît! vote for tub. anal beieve t i: C peole. . hisd1ne mseas taisal vwi t sbîi g o lte ol'n b Qet rect expression g adrdensutedhieplealge. Re tha-agitout confedeataîou., i -dieolared hinssîf vmrmlin, efâyot of tc by a di-rect vota. Vanfetoaîtis n of te Prc vinaes, as aîd bis 9180o vlan1b. M oppoueaî, Ma-. Freel, -wiit snome ra. anemlsea veto ander ont, paesan msrmdiee-te principal difroenee .. lsr. M. C.-Camn tîveocitm, hovva, aiIng ai îo ahe Con. conhi go on fori alabmeO f lb. lppes- fouse vbich Ma-. ti ,t isL wiîtu IParevel agoa-d bing eleclive, mut! de. ever, wuvas net 18111e114 isneif determined to 10shpld ba c assai. Bigmge çgs, '0413;ç lian, Dotion, DafrésnëisPrlet aaofftiap, Glbbsj pioiten, Hondo de, Maciouaall (otnvmil]1(Ac onOetMorrison, O'Eil uob, Perpil, 4>uttol, Ros srdj ynl- otha asta Ahitolt,.Aleynt As-hant- ~,Crir- Oartlgh-Cou- mie, Dénis, fleniveivîlle, rhxck. tDtres4*e, »te éid1 veeta, Dn -Frguou. Qalt, Gaucer, laultain, iglstEsi, IKoKnzie, »0 aihY IfcGee, Giéo, Wod, s , N.oGibs, at, I out th iyt Ontaro,. fQr.pnçile, Ste rie inà Tluapsom remb1sy, nis, Wb tieo, iâoc, Wood,-_ ut, N. aogb.s ost lis. -»t fiugt bis'ario à onchave [r t-sightfor orth Oncl ii, a -isi, p-ovv-s mt sa. S umet. bunt bis ppottoMr. ontlah erands sud scpnd w4b ' b me o! te~ naseeîb oppong4lCaeiteat ont H n'at île peerrat huas. n. ember vhom lte7 uoula trst, cipleal minleter uponvlona it roly. OunIta* subjec*i of t.Camatoîq, neyer oest ne ht for iimef, moheiw~ -f gaifiad in- tnwh~l V'Oulal bel', ~ l4c.ts oild laveh"biatty support, il ta h. ýofhe«.4;4 is~d aeion, but on tiais anas jsÏtiom by thir vo"zg in à way Ïr1sch tb. 'ioeld àot-do if âail th. fuoubwing io the natter veto in t ier possessn. a, read extracls from té lb. Globe show thé hePneident of the Conedit hid trongi, cotoverled the teroolal -ralromit.- He did mot cite thean for the ,purpose o sewinig that hon. gentlemanse ineonslisten cy u epoiit OUst tx Itou. unSeambers th& the old leavea of îheQlobe,,irvbwerit teachige nov, s11111 remaiued lai the comel tri and vould have"" l.~swhem 'thoe oeil -prened tbenaeolv - the pola H0 argued iu fivor of &Jegiskoiaîfe ie of i federal unIop, d eetemued the statmieOiha .114. ther provines vert -OPPOUP.4aeatymo.Hson I-)y orgeod reterring the quesion ý.ïf eou'fad eration b te people -before is a6n'a"Iadop tion5 iii muit thïtIW thelir consent vas noi asked thle-Homme miglit depmnd apon il thez vould sooner or lter tàkhe moans hc panishit buse ho hait denid thon iheit riglats. Theo-Question of Dcfemce. Tliouneasinenseumd dopreselon ia tbc maneîery sud coammercialièdiMes >of casa - oosv~~tbm astanding-top.c or ospialut for aIl comiderolî vîlers I1ý theProvince, ant in luame shape or anàotbeitetil xaaplesssci b~ orugist hlet t lite i anal convie- hsÏotas ofeacit biiad-vinaind nseoberof tle eoimài)dtîiý bbiesavo<tt&ua Os-" emplay. k-Èene atasuî ont p Ufiand a dif- MIctiy in teailziur. *el*,s re eactuaily -efibtd.Thebauamer compîmins of loie prices fer aitsbè arateaé Wriàkrai puodec,soid Ibis, àaidif o defieienu ca-opa continueit sva- sries ofyeart, ncreans bis bauo. lsaetbeloaad vat hoeCao bia. Tise vaieîof land, bot clecu-ed and vilit, lave seàelbîy iimialee vithin a fev yeas-, sud au nimmentse amber cf (a-ms eihber have been or vii b. slorily exposl fo la , suitfaIti na thes ne- tiaueeu-'a hamuga.. The grisat iaflux of Bagl"Uatapital vbîicis-okplae vithun te ast fev yesrs bas niai oly eecseaf, but lt.e citrent itas et tite otitet vsy, saal0. ery effort is being made -tovithdra. it altogetit. The hauts have beeu obliged te restricî Iheir business, hile Ibeir lia- bilities te depositors have iactsed.- Capitaliste fiai t t the stock in our mev- niet! institutions puehced by thym vithin a vea-y reeet perlie bas depreeitîd ian maYny ueaces tanaucit as fisr.perecent: and aluegeti t t if IMho d.my ltaI au aoasay anal unneu#tatatua!dpuichqfeeling loa-seives la s'xamisé esrefuily vliesher a remadycan b. (oued ato - »Sartain vheltbe-5alîbougit tare .ay ho-aM enes i! vrou-'a10aprasco n»Chta stte of thiaga ~lo Oîa ur, isunediate tontre!, titere is- Dot tishae d d - gomuam u leret L 00aut chc1vr slr#eiy ucote bai -jUc1 m cewbo ra-mo ttue att it ofi 'e>te Parti :ýcàîIJ-.ie '_,.ako èiv ie rsin.jior 1 t n ulh cxpc a ire perfectarf o-- tr aam ""u a"O ocom8nunly. mwhaeener.lo aatsn vas electeit udt eWhr à v ,&edtot re ~oitlit- vtel - Was-açi~,ôcpisu.dt acutmcue * eiglbe-rs propartly. - Pniy hae hie va laeo~Ie, ~îm tyby iseiieinpl cndiiceet nt eaisssveysîc a biwta 4y -j harois onsstecy aty.~sagt~'a ioiistbOs-sAilthoir tutrgto e t titq-<s.vor-4*tî -their bd anobiac ou corv-afbufdsabout-e«d,â" Ii libiis-lu";"i fru yuseiCrv, ad 'tp vhte.u4 b MGOIe a senat io-.W~Whe iîs-u hjutice, ad 14' !-i-upet, u iti .octis, ouof t lu9gÏ%&tClvfjW&se, m@d 'ahoîe for vestes! rgt.. -Haliax, te outery agalo ia. But crushiug of ils so-gabesai Rebolice ' t1e- capr"sa.Tesca tha 50asatarla~Mu- anl l tioçausaîla' tt stotstaailmter hom-atv,.tr oeexposse, c I-spdt-fpe4 u. ameothere,: à1iile r sou-on, bave been vit njury....ut!Chesier Draper iqmesakeaJohn imla-.cWamdIs~~Igiswe-utlual, to soc. mr oibta ibout temeassemplsy &s W"stLt etÇat's; pope 1409")M M.,-anc Iadragae, aceuPliilt i% deogning perpooe,a rl t pheva ftsmpoiGr axchusega feiel, ssii, gssses-aly, Ite as î'hey are succSsfntl. iteterexpainbispaliasvIos cma-, c cosueeba îiaasculus ile ilibut ene- prominent leita ira vas asmgiro b vva n t di&vas-ti t - i'5tpiout<tt aa-ti teiagrapbio re-port. -44, stlsibuaAimai becociésticafmarai-gat ~Z.-2 Iu. -BerlI gratai oure o-aW II 'Tb* survey of lte Harbor asio lac seooadsd tilsreesutpte g.tm eu'o-SU thisat poction o-te rapes-ty oabte DM ,MM Pi -, ý ~ettvtc he$u oitnvinsolti ofo#4 P$4 y-fase tbiudv4 lisor la ssatasos reaealb ta-ye l ea .ve iaE 1,pireoncft *pp» eeople «V f il gunir spisIsthoug anst ta rsi Ît eOriginal bueb, or ntiniid. or diet pel ath Je o fsl ivtslub ls da ise>cfae". îss the govreant gastleita lice àaltmew i tI .ousy Wad fOccpation. rwuaeb mou asupposes! la isald tbs principh. &i tha t ubo Dragon's e W -ed11w7P140 dsqa péantc, te lie mm eP Euted sbialit aj*le rhght- fa'ota ht t~Molisiil,but 'O il, t omposmioo for iîmmgau msin my anoasurea Wotaetas-nias, sebleis vt boi dirseagiats !sas aay yleeatoo Stereat. Ir %bey lhaithis ame th cr1 ty»btee*oonà ousetea ,itrls shm. st epem pp ios uUuh1 ,~ctpies-, whisls eut ou thse vater trat me~ ~ ~ ~~-u fbuidlarmti-safrrai mc d eoeqtlueelsevher.-oliePr-pvery uas'bsIi iy lavehil pTohc o is, ueasimes leafldàte s. mt-aer0f npte Ru.obst.I bh voliadal nany Iasioaa dege by t1sé acissvledge th5 anat xomai onidsMrs. RoberstteB.r Pt regard tadissolution, a iaher- prmoeatd.feIn ems odfion, tus-e cf varsitooss, p1fra,4. m a M-. iJtsr (7sie ua steIsts aae of ~~ 5.as opiateal arugeoeqte fo- tii. îlos vouild pu-evut ths di-lasu 10 dieguise tisafaiet, tiat Ou lb.'fis-tlit'1ton et alarge grainvaeaisvI qf osou% -or41agalnt anal or tihetosalu-of v',, ail ve ald thelJe tt.mproveuteaas 'VT.eenter cItait voold be, obaitnealdo, vomi t pttpsvaîtho- vV'eet u n Io alý hew b f. He dtfrefiront hi vswmpî br:5 baof'y iOuvil-Cit aid thai 1o4 huM sato n v e-ra yal bh atch of Lestyear-ai vilîiug va abonaidgo on a"Oseet pt hive e tîae dsro t tien, usetust has,"beu-o agcusstnao: a Wibu- ie4t1 sa vs4asSý .*bespvenu A to boU, Ili 8aqdo, e a il. iex teedes vUasj~ -.~uus~ h u-ly iltly"Pou patent for ibe-noat ralceble portion ol any cisaog ~,ii4Er. Rho le wfilJeng weptif -e sji. ~Thi(sva osay1at Pt titasiWho t WU *çbî tiaaMIe ang frijq74)1éýdrectea0 ortaqip oueavqe 1bu slt $Th utJitte l e ss-s.Pe-ay at powuatios~w .-ýa6veig rthe bm»aua<à1 i~.e aihabaaeae~7blse,-î ratintaue hpo oaas.,at' errmss thé. propeety. Ie. De gree 4aJcmom1th Tm j eySmOgt tmbpgs s f *tbiý ,-mb ~sof t plse but tîts anceut If vitt la bit aset a-,' Al or ta Sdon aid tu - long leut ho timides ier n ld bi, Berry erteIO lsdim ofthîe kind un te eaunty. TIare are goead sav milela îl te vheînmsy of Wil.c- ysli at! in hhe imasediate village', ihereî are cooper3, laksoithn, harnai makers', aud cabines mtaIe-s' stops-a vell stoçked sdore, kept by Ma-. bMcPhee, end iu fact1 dosiry &W igo ta naik op 0e ttsrxvig 40,~ paosperaus eomtnunity._ Nos- as-r lvet4wIle e ranyser oves- {loaked. An excellent iwtev bleas. bon put up, vitl stables, asheds, ho., clberc every requlaamienita omuet thimaIrveler'. wvansacao le suppliad l.i iaîavlis tept by Irt. Bastoo, anal vae peak fson pernon. 4i txperhucce uhen w.say thiai a bettes- establihetofa lte kind haîter kept, andl pravidcd. in eveî-y respect - titere la ual Io le fouet vithisi lit0 font corUetLscf,- t.e caunty. 0f Mjor miils ve have spokea upout a former accision:; îhey are, lte largast uing teills, va believe, in ttPý eaanly? and tolu -îheiarenîca-prisiaf preprie- te-, ga-. T. P. White, tle ga-evîl sud - pi'o g e , if stot t.e v ry ex itenc e, cf W-iterIe ais ovicg. Ttc village ie eiîns.io on a brmo 'bh o!flte Range,nun lb, lice hoîvecas lte iti sud At sconcesaioas of-ickeolng, teaulistampi about gl ijles ta-on tise Djbri-station aun l ~.T. 8-, about fousaten miles faonlb., esItof t Witby, -and-' fil~eceles tu-en Msiant amvillater Ite pu-eset papa. --'iepréparations, sud arrangments for ,f-;lll on Pids,, (tosnorev) evenleg, art bing cars-led out-oc a grand sele, snd bill, c reuesatistlesl, vlan complticci, le *wd to'bb ina rs',respe o tuCmeOnsutate Mov titat lte Caufederation dehate hi bftn 1,wound up,'5 the Oher busiej betaro it&Hu e lsbcg praceeded Viti Place within îbls-vWeeky as soan an Iitelvo of credit ie pasned, and lte Ingislation rO quiring imnediale attention advauoed stagne. This vil! permit of an carl7 de paîrture aiflte Ministerial Commiseonei ta England ; Pàtrliment ta, meet agalu i July or&Augamt. Ou Tuenday niglit the House Vent lot commiîtee of supply. Mlr. Gmît mcdo hl finauds! eitatemeut, hn committe., whie van coufitied ta thec-discussion of Ivo ri solution.-..one fot a vote of tva millioni ta mcci atse expendituro of civil gavert ment, and ane or tivo extra-irdinmry itemx sud which bmIs aicuded a iam cf $950,00 10meet the e«Penne of theo frontier fora up ta let of September. The uther voie of onmillon dollars for permanean defencé works. After ua'ssiderahlo di cunelon bath resolutiias vote adapted. - Concurrence la 6e taken nexi dày (Wed ~4iueminss mdrosormg Oufldc b excise popar prejudices, turne 7 êffleto show that ve arePreParoit heurt- *ound and robbed the vevy men whona ri tl4 o~lh eedax aroa sud they ha malignied. Are we saying a word sOur- hommi jia4 to upholal Il&H t.. iIl5litO. b'to mach, or ta0 severe ? Thero ame y fome and tdelo kindred aud eatiotiauy "ester Draper and Joseph Gould nov the - -a hldmnoî dar W.aba! O0thw> prietors of the Wbltby Roïai mcdar., i.obece by this course i vo &hai l Ot 0On13bar] And se such proprietors, in vhat at 9urub~ ~'trsaog. Ourmlves, respect have they benefited die commu. ta ralreconfidence luont rea . ý ore tiatahe .Old Company ? Have il ad shil>it> at -home and abroad, bot thel donc as mach, or n eari> as mach, la i1 >e "hIl couvince our warlikm ueighbo rvêrrathe oouvenieuces of ahe community as 6- îhàt. our attitude îawards them vil! b; 'ijeit lCouaay vr mcvoti 1 chaagefd, andl thal in future ihey , id a& oe the Road, or don business ah the l a s their Cacadisu neighburs, a brietling -aboand vho speake the trath, miuet hedgehog icatea of a dofîelemite. 'girev a negative reply. And now tley . 0- - want ta rob the Perrys out of their i.Governmut aiSnrvey of tihe Wib saebVadsointIk fte t Jl~arbour. ttob a ihaertii.Ntoe t -ioenttVititseeking ta accomplinit 0 ASTrOUI;DINO DISCLOStlig I *îbsrespectable feraI, theyt la cap the ýr Durlug the puat week Xe. BaiUslàargýea, tai or their audmelous .,roguery, dlaim engineer iu the erâpIoaynî of îte " 1 % e varehommea nd varehoueproperty of af Public Woarks, Iabean occupia mlu eils Rowo, 8; Ca. Thcy daim the malclsg a smrvey of Whtbylmabor, havlng prlvate property of titose gentlemen, alleg- beeu seutl u'p specl by the Departmini i glng that it belongs ta thc Whitby Har- rfor that purpone. Tisie'a the survey ltat I -bot I Thene tiMge are almont beyond boliof. sbould have becu mdcae aanl e But ve £tâte facto. We cannot bcliovo makiug ofvwhich the oid Harbor Company, Tor a moment ihut te prt-so:î goveru meut, rceel ,but unsuccenefoîly urged upon; when made acquainted yul the facto will govàrcmenr. Had the solicitmtione of theo'fat a moment aiounteace the infamouo, old Campany been acied upon some years [deiogn of thane moa. They have -no mgo mach trouble vould h"sobstsaod 'ob ee mod noditheir chamelesn ed, and4r.GAt injustice I peritapa peens' erorts by thq succeue v.ich has litherto Ba h betof tbp preseât eus'vey,. t astended lhem. lBut ibere ut, vo are Ibis late date, would flot appear ta 6e me Jtbaskfal, another anxd a diYrent govern- mach the oittainiug of a correct tracing of; mens, sud auohor and a very di(I'orent lte Tiarbor iteeli mu ta discovering some. commiaiioner of Crown Latndà ta appeal !4hmngtbat vould adranîage, Cheter Draper t Wnva o va il!i o ed yb & Ca. -te preseni campaul. lu osIer patizartship ta do or mct unjusîly. lanlte, varda, Mir. Draper, havin&P gui îheiaarho, Jmeantime it linse ve!! thai the maclhina- as fuinig, by haok and by crooW t1 liang of Meenre. Draper & Co., slould hald of the private property surrsssadiug h. j e tborougly ventilated. And Our readers vil! doubqieug not Ie a littlenunisbîd vhen vo inform theju iat Wbitevosls, the firit bMg thing at vhiel ho grab. tihîe Wesrelkao extesiv warboues nd wiariti rigis e tcarcly newW-itevaî, v'wblenipans. ofJaensve wehune& nCo. aaÇaT igite ,,throu-,h il the ailier day. rie great. of ~ ~ ~ ~ bs Jesae,&C. theme le och y I minrcorefl appearance since wo pasd Cheater cdaims la bave beln I.ietded in~ jae cai fyas g a t n hie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~9ý pucaeatI ira rmtt o ruly surpri'aang. And wvu vero ne Sean erumeasl Wlsas aa cy catch Iim voltd urpriiaed thaua ,tratifia'd at tle indications b. for hlmu? Tbe remiSer need noui ha itll lentsurrisd aiibi jiece f ileligc of sîeady progrea eviderat on ail aides.b 10toud in t e h io h etrc t a of nem ure ta -T he ueu aolleas facury, ere ted by M r. l utondng s it ll Itli tre a b ara ha lWhite opposite hie fiant MUl,'-giVOm lte I Jamies Rowe & Cu., same quarter or acen.pa.q.i --mufcun pcrao tory agu expended upvarde of $20,M,0,; in mi.îilg le76x43, 48 flestinho bighti, brecig upon thihoi uaprivâte properly: oriOOM. il ftd rcsdl ~mrtunes, ud areousaa;fasilhies(un expected ta be in extensive operation te smurpseeed upon the Norihera Ob'of ai AISIlbtter pari of ibis apriag,. A nov Taowa Oiàt#ia,) for i!se recepsion mand eliipmems f[haill aiSerge cize -60:23 le alao a greM, of 'produa.. And it ia true "ihebeyhlai addition bta i., place. There insa&a a a, Ilb. itieMeally suppoea ta lie goodsudi ne brick sebool bouse in course of erec- aiilcient ta bold the retea! ele OW, onse,Mrt. White beiug the contra"s'r eeseie "r SItt.,ad uposi visicit l te, baduch we vere amured, vas denigued ta buL 4Eened teir sass. lii vhî o~ the bmlargei su ad msticocimutliaubuildinag N in t ha ores' d .,vssuo.rIrfepc- 1-5 I--- 's,àxucw inLse,vmu-lL lîcice, Et!q-' Birrister. 4,C., vîlI dt-lvea-the naît tectte ais Yaiiisymaigltt, tuje 24th inti.sutjee- Thte Litetaltru of tIse AmaricnWm-. ary number bus been raelvia. 'Ttitpetaite the fluet ciapter o! a usv surie1 "iss MajoribankàIceMd sait ceteJon ocille 69VI. ait la, the chuiezs macamp of lta fleoa tate States, lS63.6'.' Co,-nelbUI O1 Dowd's obics-satioius nena m ansd vomen snd oîlcr îhiugs in goersal, le coatinwsa .il. u-omaiang articles being Kulgbt Osrentryy-fa the lttenluay; Modes-n - 1?amonology; Rtoniana, seelent' and mo. ,deigL, Pas-t l; anallte Rightii fosorbla '!M. 'Olatane, Ma. P., Pas-t1. Quarter -leeseons and Coquly-Ceas-t. es-osE uBas nNoRas Uaae UMAIs-tem Wmra-s, Tuxsoxr, Mardi 14ý - Thc Court of Quart e eeiontopenit to-d a a12 o'olocs-, file Hor u> lage Bntroam prasidiasg. The Panel of Gu-nt! Jurors vat calet! aveu-. and- tiose prerent anveredt! t tbir nînte s ad vere, aveu-nl. CoUN".TY COUftz Basl tas.PaîssL ActioiinDr asmiwrv- I i c a an laito la. ~ NW.TwoÀuM&npe BrUoisa$ore.fromlhet - pboeletiivé Ksssbaads, matdBrnîally lu 6otouacooedi vbciory for Otaét mBragg ovsr Scitofieli t a place clo@d cstA % tM g lîul) Fré 2'ds b.Kiston lna'Northt Carollua. Bragg id At eleven o'clock ou-Wdoesday ngt e -r ep o r te al l a a v e c s p tu re d 1 5 0 0 . p r i so nt e r s v s c u l d d o e f a e m a m o t n te sud Iwo places or canuon. The filloviitg cases eer brougitt before 'thoeibar of Our~ re i lte Norieru version of ltaé afakir. Circuit Court. ,IL vas a case eli caîcu. a, NewvYonir, Mach 14 -TheWraMd' cor- latealta, cal! ouI ie deepesi sympathies of~ tespoudeuce from lu front cf Kinston, N. manle nature in behaît f cf lnacce suad r0., dated thd-lith, givéo the folloiv!tig 0- virtue, viic bal been 80 -rulblessy troal. «count of tle fightiug thae -9 den under foot, ad tw arouse hie fietcost n "On Wodnenday, the- 8t1, the eneov dgain*gntteèrpta so consitingof Hoke'. divisioti,-madc a 7. uigainbagan, ole ackpeadrs of lermined effort» tho h u r cita'lfisdak. outrage@s ainui, 0bakadcv ID They came np raller 'unexpe6ctè4Iy mnd mai13, tht tb. fienas of darknoss migtî is furiouly, and? the conseqience wiaete ell stand back amaesea and abubd. Iou on Our' part of a laarge portiono!ta Abifrsm of thepomnu fué regaments, vlo veto fianked by au- In lte cms, as appeareit faom lte tastlm'n. r: petiotnutbiers. ny', veto. these z-Onlte night of lte 9t1 10 *The left cf tlie hléld by th. ind cOf Sapleier.lse4t, to caiples catàramfrl ndivision. (Ga..Carter), foa!ghtdeslftlyo, Ls Bal. ou- the lrhu froi Meudoî,al resorting o titbayonet whn tlb dhlu- m, t14lb.nd 19, ution sa i e atiet d. to o tîe n- tte fur, t ep te â rdy ttoW. s T itésgen. DU t e l sses b ei'e,0Co. S a&a& i the 12h te ttian vr* U r.,49m ità azid irk ( li ceNew York cavalry omade 4aletbti.th ie na0) soldiers d ~tise l i lhliuoi*,s*lo h6À resu- sud capttr nearly one hudred saryed tre. yetrs, ana lied recenîl, te. £prieoncra. Tht sailie *aftc-noon kn attack turneal 10 thair homee in Blirusu county. il vas muade on our right andl repulsod wltb. Thse ladies vere dangiters of respectable, i ouit Ioss. Geai. Schàé.Id came ùpithe ti.asd vell.to d'O farmera living mi Dover lu evening and ssume<Y\,cotmmnd. Nigîl -Buteau, coonty, and vere cngmged- 10 ho -coming on lte action c"ce&t d. Capt Fiait.of te 12th New York Cv- married to ler companions -Mini Fauty Ary laed lbt two maili !oitzers. sd- L. Stornto Mar. Smith, and Miss Lvia CapI. Kley, (artilîery). lad blos a Napo. Seiger t Mr. Coma. Thé licenses for t. Jen lu. Wc lad laken jiut*'sp& 200 theue nuptiale iealready bean procnred. prisonors during lte day Ou. Saturday 'the Party spent- the day lu " On Thuraday monrning -île 9tb, M'l. vilîhog their relatives sud lu ridlng ont.-. loy fully regaincd bie original. position -On Soday, Sfternothytacdotu lit sd continued to ,h old it. T h e csem y Ce tr l 0a 0nual track, ic tend n t onvi gr clrged upob biàÏ three imes in the fore. the Cnrlrira rcitnigt dnon, and voe ac iîe4isl pedu't iacr gràsïd.amisw living in thst -dires. wath a niusl l fItas of 111e and moeJoa of 14on., &rrbring.,at ite usuel plac o t tut - In prisancag blIeux. The faresiocu vas-'ing oilf '1. , cocln d i vs1 Jtah e8 n t u a l y c c p i e d w i t h l i g b l s k ir m is b 'n g - m ait e a v is i t t h a tu , e v e u i ai g , t l aj g t b nL a t along the vIole lhue. IWc still beld uur ataute-ix a'clock ,and sa pudw ore foriginal lie, ample breasltwork4.,having tisundtu erc been erected and s taut beaut-t oc upy n g _il pi A t h r itnce on titir rbth thm and the skirmisiing pi. à Ait relrn tey met twa persns, in advance trough te evnng or the t, and te f a uumber of others, vIa lied apparent.' night and anorning of thoe91 t! tidt, [y been folaving 11cm. They paesed r. lte Caufederste fury again belcbcal fartît Smtit andS MisestBorms, anal on meeting Tbey bcd evidently lenrned of aoruthin-, rt. Colman and Miss Sciget one cf them ihat urged 11cm leo unusuai desporatian, laid lais baud a- Mise Siegar's atm and e and wo sfteu-wardc Jearaies lta it imuet a l-have been the receptin of intlligence by ked then if îley didi vewnt more coin-. i l i e n a a t C a solu r t o m npu v e J n ' n . M . C o i m m o s i d t h e y d i d n t , a n d lu Con Cx. Thtis, cf course, necessslcled attçspem t eaa, ve bsrfin srou arnsd ppady onset lpon Cox, lunp.ced lÏemelveo o their pai, ba-ring tI order toananihllae bilm before Coucd further progrese and ueiaag indecent andl sboasît ene up mand proveosa('ouch of ungentlemaaaly language.r. Colmn lhoun-io Iberu kuocked oneocfteom dowo, viten lie van "Ail nlght long tbey cbarged again andmtclelimiucuî yneaioies, 11gain.-runking six or seven different citarv. takdsmlneuy.ysvaiohr, s, anid thi e r a iro uskery and tcanon v tith flost, tones a t kîivesnu Lti e as thal as deafenlg. nd terrible an itl eft on- the grou d enelee. - A siilar - aept and! sîrged thtotigh lte nieht air. scene vas -enacted vuîh r. Smith cund Tley laed driven harle oaîr skirxnigh lne Miss Sterme. The gentlemen beiag _liaus -froua their rifle nilts to the brcaslworks, reudered pavrl.erioseobxbcd cf theit dartd they a,-eaned deîerrniaxod te, pour their mouey and watcîce, and tort on lte grouod' bordes over mit iese, but tle iwcve wa% for dead; vhile tle ladies vere dregged sent bourding lack lime lafte-r lame, anddovtt fnally n te m rning f the 101, ai îiey d w h ill, eaci between tva di-if te a tem p ed ericher fank m ove nent up n r ffan ,- pu sie t -c nt te fonce, for cd - out 1.0f, It lia saoit!thal ve took front . theni crosil.hestream, aud inoa a ild, disapal, an asalire regiment cf Alabamin. sud unftcquented -part of the rmvia.- "Frou titis lime Ilacir valor began t',di. fHere tbey wvetr oithei cf thiteu-vattiheï, -mîniel. sud yesulerday evening vIen I !eft penis sud rings, ail tîb& isse >boing thru-em. t le im m e d i cae s c e rse af a c tio n , lIe u-e va s o u d v t t d a i if . e y a e l te a t , everv prospect ltaI ve voutît!sooraregain tle akirmisir pile and vin saitandaneomovbe-and Bovie Jeaives vote brmndiubed iu Ileir, tory over the m d tened fo. W e ave foacl-. T ey sieére a Iea ct'ipinally sàs'o a' Iiî. probmbiy taleen rom thte commencement. ed. Titen t., eft em iand ttc ppor, op 10teslat eveniug, - nol fat front 2.000 iteart-brokeu irs tar randl, outil prisoners. (lit entire loan frosu tle coin- fortune, vitcb for ithe brief titaugli agan.- suencement iu killed, vositdeit analpri. iaig su- d eartrending-vwible lad deogeda soners, cannol 'b. oser 2,000"ltao, airpecîd.beir-veau-y footstepo 10 the Thoerea ae'lte uual rumours abou nh ctiago.oi liteir'kiud old - graudmatbèerý-' Rticbmouil being lu a pmdaican iaI'spro.i Safe 1I once mare. Yen, soaefrom thet ,p" rato me vie .m afrm g 'or, bga lrnel bande sd tortures of îe -vrse tian S it r u s m d S t t dner m r p oti t a n dg a a g s y e î d e s p o i e it o f a l t i t t m a k e s impotant - tov*enteau4 ibat~. ifeverîh itavioL And fallitg- an their àmorcmtm é hý atte inlim-te rra gndmohea.'me oor, îbey miaîgled blair Mmovnsn9 4 tis laterinclna evads ega*ltgether, sud- sabe iet souly those -te-,l ormesj r, lwrarda s-at Great eau vWho have endua'ed lite ttia'ti.- - i Go d 1811. - O eu,-Jtsstenmed lato te ov as fore sis se, lbaftsroomsniderable diffculty,- L at et ïu o pen u. v as proctired, mnd tietn l i 7 a" td in p lf.% ttc jana, sut. ýBat, tba deed tad beeo doua, a»4 By te94f froua Soethstaptov OSlitahevomsetian 'tlerers for' the, iteiq lie tsianal hicit- srrved -a;Nseaà»îdjfr- espedt- Tiey teon vaut t ri4aase on l t e euii g of île 4th la t., vabâ v& P ar lntte, w ert e i ladil a m o pf wd . t e f ( 0 1 l n h o e a es a s v o a v e ' -e J ,t e &f . - OO WiOg~ T m st diligent seauch foz tie',qplî The publie villest whîih gret regret ps-le vss-ne omecd 1btyi Ithat Lord Lroula bas beau cacapelleal, by efforts veas-Çnsal, &,the delfe~tvà lb. &lots of bit healtia, tomixa thtie post Police isecomi o1onviacW eyItimal Ia4t of BrisialMinisterat Washingtéo. SirWaou..e dexclriptions gi _eby the .vie.- Fredeu-ick Bruce bas ceea appoiniteal ta b. :ims --,, w Il ise gant m_,.. anal ot-- s UNo,gsdntlemm,osleu pcesta, as tise ladites left ti wtdetstaud escit other. & courte.11- ii Thea," be roj golng to get jolJy druak, fe drink more Ibsu lte7 vant A Young lady le lb. soie tra erolenm lmads ilu Ktuchy. A co.pssy of -tub a ately praposeal w gi for lb. plac, seiit ousisi taimlal take 81,000 mcaus Jplai iteed, but ils fair st preseat to acceptthe ou Thte Minister of Ag-iqai *~ ~ ~ é cniaiu ith-the <ereuee ta tii.ekisibitiomoe dul.The inhsiry sia grant for'tbat pettpaee. A vety iteatifs! Jevem mot ti op. At itmth heu -~"Anal yoa neèr saeu- é tX~a, ir.P l b repliai. teaciteas o 0avalal every yoa-meill, thetefore, excus %D'ay furtier conveteatias at A Frencht paper atates -~Eghhcoutese, vitose1 nhortly le before tle .Divoi rrive aitIPauise haiog i k Zu sh'~ot sreet in M -"f dm=ae nee mar-M '-.-.es, and sol-m s fr. -ÀA wagsassa cod&hsfarij t aose mea vWho eau picd& bas coaîmand imagine hiama 'Tharîy editors sud priaI the killed mcd vounded'a Thel are gratlfellova viti tmig sttc'ke A voman lun New York ,ý,zJ6Ète5, recentl. ThteUndeil hatel f St. <nu-nture coeî. 81,615,409. Illanoass uougauised au fieldl one hsndted and iuhy- A San Fm-uciseo latter sa of gold in bars arrivead ic -The. Nev Yor-k young h -lit afearfuate. sDia W -A"aLbf(gipoe of th - "ld Dan Tuakîr van &&feum -Aand dled-vitS, a tooil-i-ae lo ssq the thbmlenlt, fDan T le man. Ihat, etîthe Inauguration bi -icoin looked evety inch a -Hefs oulud all Queen VictS va snppoec. to briug it baxk. ý 7 -- 1 . FI 1 >, lu the aftruon thc AddreWnon Coute eraliou vas pa-entedt! taRieExcellenec vIa repiied.as follova : "1 have lca-ned, w iîh gatsatiactiony lthat you have edopted an, ddrean ta Hez Masjesy, prayîag lthat site vil! le pies..d ta cause a susaute for the conféde-ation of 'the BriLtsli Amehcaa provinces ta be laid liefor i the Impe-lfgomerment,msud i nIai! hsave unuel pleare la transmittinar île saine ta thc lon. Secteta-y et State, in 4srder thai it misy e susîmitiad to Har Mr-. Gibbas tSpeechi. Mr.t. Gib,'ai Speech wng, ive are toIt!, a s tine, iuauly uffor, and tie positions ta ken lay laimsuuppairte! by tacts and figures. WVe lavie m- yet reeived but s synopsis of ut; baut c-rpecîta obu able ta gise il at leugîl tn ounu- ext. IN.QUEs? as TUE Lâvu Ma. N. C. Gov- AY. l'ie hnquesî oua theblay cf ihe lat r. N. C. Govai., vas casurence a t Ber- liia, un tle, 10,h ime., bciote Corocer BovI- hy. A namber of witees ee etoeamihi ed, itut 50 fatru n uov cnae la aigned fo r thc accident. Aum aajoua-umenut uai place ta Frhday, 24t1 inst, Maxaaamca' INISî-r'c. Titere twill ha no lecture ai the Mechathea' Hall Fridey evenhng neru, il bahng etgai;e tar the St. Patieke Bail. II.l X oS r Lest,J,roa. Lard Lionit bai remi-uedt!hîe pan: *of British .hiiteto asington, aundlii sacceede! ay i- Fs-eserick Bruce. Sek.taaxs LInwgc,& PowîLL. - Sec 1ev ltae ', Case rtdn aual test!Loswes Pow~ell'$ aclverisemniet. 'l'ni, Watim FLÂi.-Ttie grent Wite Swi-ich baugs c-veuytlitïg ,for cheap iaîlin g. lbasa lotorenioyed t bWilkin.

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