Whitby Chronicle, 16 Mar 1865, p. 4

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t il WVe stod %wbero t1j uae-ko4 Io v qlmbncd over te imoadow ititr, Am natcli e 16. yonuug ullittaparklad Theoey rit là ber courinwltite ctir. Tbe el-ioviwas rid tbeneati-ose- Tbe air had thoe meU e! Juto- T'h.ericket olrnped la.tit egmsüsu, And the soit raya of th* MOOn. QreW 0 li1t dOàws on the îîîad(ytw DiBtortiât uniJ ltak satil mli; 1119 shadow wins kisL1 uy oetdo W- Tliat won to bust oi aU For then oua eru, ôithîe a dow Won t round titis i adove fute» 'I luvn you Mrer' lartling - Boc.*teyoil tre î ollirni d L rur yottr eyll,4 ebWildtvriug iosueo, And tie titi!of? vou-.uli4i bâtir. No qntleeulie. itaiiï thâitue wailttr, No lark liitsa * ode u n Wot, And yaur rpm youttig ljte lire reddtar Thtau t l lver lit Our test. M!y lheert w111 brak wth lsia foUîmes, Likoe chnd i orcharivid witlt ruii O tei meMergrydbrlîîèg, With hien and snlscangauwerei- (I %il it tellbwlit- Ilot Ition bâtir flit bitittioy iadu %a kitladîîg îny uwn egailu. un prouulsei to love m tri ly- 1 lirotti»Ctil ;ulois buit lfile- Till tue o irlal ont of the lieiven Aii! hec star- with awire rw diih. 0t) ttî -raizta 01ci iiii'e devottoli 1) thue' wi woilittit M)ttuî k 1T,q Voire t.îii-tl!it blitili attrep*¶uro Crttkc reMiy cver my checks. gr, fougiida 1104 tItte silsiq Iullt.r Thuuî fltet ofut)mfloothlito urie, And i ,orriel a ouueeiwiiitiw NVIrIli i l oeu groi% ap ttigirls. Aniti -dia! 1 piu andii;, ti~isuh Dia! 1 ii ll ý lte cyeeore: Or bmreti îy boultIdo yra tiiiey. For iure tUiat wsm il illu mb uire t 1 stand t uiligl itie tnien-lows Wj-ere lliu-r) suii I tuol thonî, Att'! the ml lait de ial wu îvotiutlows ()it i i't*ifilte grese it 848111. Sn ilose te uMy otitliitgair , 'r)îît VtnAlltadow.. tocI!totetlur- 1 luveayiti. àMrery. detr. ""r'ie ltf# oit elmoitsrie rîtiîon, Andti ilf rytiîrel es, sotrilt,- Bu ca- ut t- lo1eut eUia A&ita!11ei10e ait!puire sadtrUe." 'Tlù ,ie v ltela ~rèr tiai litrjm' .%uid a i otgliad. oua Se, ie 111_17 d tteisiited ltiîî A dyer, inu Vienne,. caugbt a youngma paling somewbat too naiduouaetion to là iWifo, and revongod immeif ini a peculiar !*albiou. Calling severat of tho uaaaiiti 'ja)M, ho cauoed ibe youth Io 6e rihnged iuto one of thei. Wa, and dyied a beautiful ibu.. The youmig man't; frieud iuplored 11e dyer te o ra relh ;oor felîow tu bit tîttilral bue, but the piiese answcr was," I. eImpoasble. IHo in of a-heatiful col. .iurp &Il I can dlo fuir himu in Io chuange hîtu Io à green or VI'ÃŽobet cubotr."' Sheridau, -aàoîsîr, wit, sand apenidbriti, I.ing d-uned->Y, a taitor to pa.y ai leet tii. intereton bis bill, anawered taét t wu %lot is interest te pay, Ibo principal,. net bit principto ta pay the ntereat. "Sai," aaid one bittie uruhin ta noth. Ptr, "do.. yaur sechiuiir ever rive you ta reward of me-rît ?1 "-I61a'poao Le do«," Nvsthe rejoinder ; l"e gives me e liokin' taî4tery day, and eaiys 1 murEt two." - A man vory much intoxicated was Soent 'io priacui. e'hY don't you bail him lîutlt" inquired i- bytliander. 1a1îî him, orn Il' extaued the othier ;j:yptu couldn't, paimP hlm outIlb" GROVESTEEN & Col,, VERY FINE -A-Tý; NmIm HIALL'S OARRIAGE IY-tORKSý ________.63 King St, West, Toronto. lare sarietyp f CO n i l ànIîn. -The prôpriet1ors of this A zstab1ishmnt, pcssaeas facilities-frmnfcuigCra thatinable-them to d6fy ompiVition, either in price, style or HAMILTON & Co. liAVING ILESOLNED UPUN A STILL FIJRIIER REDUCtI ION! IN TlE RICES 0F TREIR EXT'ENSIVE .STOCK! 0F4 In ordér Vo mako a THOROIJGIL CLEARANCE preparator-y to Stoek-taking, in; Colored Cobourg - , 4lpacas, plain and fn icyAwo Plaide, Frenc i Me rinoôs and Pplets 499- BUQk)W A Y, WicSa to&ianylanel6s TIHE attention cf tle IPublie aria! tht t rade, i. lnvitod ta aur New Sose 7 Octave %Btoood Pa no-Fortes! iTblich for volume sud pnrity areor.rival- led by auy bithorto ut1ffed ln this' cîarkcb, Th.y contaim ail te tsoodoru improveînts, FRENCH GRJND AC!TfoN,_ [[ARtP î0DAL,' MRON FRAMP, FEQr8V»TWN,. BASS% 4C., 4cf, And tesch lnstrumntt being maeounder the porsonal supervision o(. )XR. J. Il.GROY0VESTE-EN, Whbo has had a procicel exp ,einior of 'nvez Nb0years ln their manufacture,Ji. tWarranted in every'partlcu1lar GROVETEENPIANO-FOUTE," R.elved tIhe higheat avare! eofuMerit over ailiotiiers at the Oeebrsted WVhors vere oxhîbited instruinentg roin the b.d tneaktrgof London, Pais, Germe. tly, Phlladelphla, Baltimore, Boi§ioi an~d Nov Y or k; and atîeo at lb. A,4m*.r i.miwtleifor 5 aucsuom yars, THE Gold _& Silver'Medals Vtrooe bath of wich eau bcsecen at our - are.roolp. Dythe.Introduction of Improvouaenta w. nia s tllimore perfect PIANO-FORTE! Biankots, Striped Sh{tnsNn~F1anuel IIirts, Rats, caps, Neck'Ti'e 0, 6eartea, Shirt cia Roir and Glorois Seal-Be 'ver,,Cloths, Blcl ad auoy D skins,<weds IN GREAT YA~RIETY., ANVWENSE STOCK 0F READYaMADIE' ÇL0TtINCî AT IHALFYPfiEaý 1 Énd 2, Tii's- Buildings,, Whitby, I'ân. 10,',1866. Great CL I. ýîý R * -o- & J4aç~ ~a ~. - - -- liELQB~IN't)To A PhIIVATE INDIVIDUAL, ON MITGAGE FOR FIVL rEAIIS,. c>MWzm]M IL C> »1 IMM lm a.MLM t3, Mortey adraceca!, sud Dctedtt tiuttti out tif tii îtîuLitîd ulif! Cîcrgu.RexItecrve Q u 1fîr bartifie appiyiug. Gî.ItATVS 0F 1NIERIEST-8 PEIL CENTr. PER ANNUXI ~~Isnaea0genit 'or nu .liiticom-t1it v, wmiot lo îae iC~t tS Ipur ccittonli Ft-tii roptrty. &pî,(if byilehter, pre-piclil>ta Islilîte hur, eltîuuy, SA4. Jus't to HacKn d, 'One Ca se 0f the Oelebrated Liverpool Rîîbber, an~d IEtbber.BottLonwd OV10 SHOES Neat, Light, and Durable. Cali in tline and get a pair at the OLD RED sTrEWHITBY Februiiry, 22, 1865. JANlE,$BAINaý IN BROO00KLINO* CLEARINGSALE AT Math ewso n,-.Ratel ifte *&Co.%s IEY aire stili Seiuîg OffT-the.babmce of their Extensive stock of FALL AND WINTER-DPCY GOODS, M. G ROIISON, AT EJIU .1L /l5LJ 4-12tu JT.CS RCSF R C S COMMERCIAL MEN, .Will iud excellent and con venient accommnodaîtion. Wiuim a Few' Yard, of tbe Public Hall. Private Parlors [CIARGES NO-tIUGUIER IIOTËLS I. * - JACOB) RYAN," SEL L,,I NG OFF, I MIE Subscriberz ibavîngitchîdSorerI for ftue preselît Vo discontinue the Credfit IisiiuiSa, frtîîu fuis date t u~'Teroî-rNy'ill lie Çash, except to parties Who lîav c.ilifi thtir La:-t accoîttîts fi ftll, andi have opecl aecuats for the pretettyer Gooda purcéhased t'Iijý nonth ,w iii hi.. bijît .And noVes tken >Cor accounts anîd purclihages, Payable next Oct. A4l thefr large VCkcuisiof iDRY IL Class, &c., wili hco Maving givei ail accounts i G:?» ~*~ [8,GROCE RIES, 14WAR MTON, 'IS t- ver~ AS Wii- mustt-look ta th>ose, munts ill bfi placed f Pain ts & Qils, 1tIDUCEM PRICES, with the st Nlarch next. ,o, tl.t 'we required paym'ent -of iat due. andus many ha~ve given >'si4 uQticc, iu4debt'ed 'tous for it, and their 40ou without further delay,. Consisting of WiICeysm AiI'wool Plaids, îwliite ;îîîîl sci h't Flan.' iîels, l3lankets, Flamiîel S 1iVsIats anid Capa i-is, Collars, I3î-ucc'mScarfs, foIer, lves, Fm-ç lîl, Mutles, Uloths, Satinett., Blaiîktts BuîfTalo tlc.,rinig, R E ADY-M mA DE CLuOT HI1NCe- Also at large stuucl of Family ,x roce ries CockeyHlard ware, BOOTS, SHOES, SALT, &c. Prices Vo suit thettîîs o Cash anti î'atly pay ùîtly. 13roilii, Jiiiiti:i'y30, I1865. MATLIEWýýSON. RATCI EFE&C. FVINNAIN Reduced in Priée!~ A Fî'esh Lot rgîa i rceived rat No. 1,on the ,ýcorner, OP1POSITE BLACK'S IlH OT I,' L Street W2 Mule la ,44 'CAMERONq & MACDONELL, IDA-RIZISTERS AVID TtNE-A " Law. Stlicirtt, la i i l3.ui i ontrea 716na tte otpe atIo i ( c1 v 'if Otiteîr 14otéýc, tk«, U 'WiîitluY', C. Vy. M., C UOÂmwlou, 4. G. I 1. 1. MÀutONEt tiMonntytoloieîn pait goi>i ecaurity. Ap thotTîle oft!ýrmn, Colrt Ioe, F O1I8s nU 4 j SNI PSON JOHN V. IJA.mlI- Piens, smuad eîerh- Ictu,ý t;io 1t tCourt.- fl'OINTY CR)WN F'ýY )VOIt 0.S taino, Btrrietcr sttUc-iLW, ,itior lu ilîacqory,- Nq*arn' Ptia)li2. &c.- M2Ese-1n BIleIw;ut Nd.w '!ttUd;iàg, Dmie! 1W h~~,aitliv )llUTEXl, ATTOR Nil. GQî>KUYAI EB T. ..I..SO. - 1I ilckoo'sEdinburs a gaz'à 0 Troy. l'ite Amerirau, Pulichea coaliue ta reprîitte abeve named periadîcais, but lutthe coeu of' prlntiug lies douWltue pi ice of e~r scarly fretkd. anld tax. e, duihx. lieense, ie, g i neaad, lbcy ara campelledita aî lvstluelr.;erusafo(pwa:, TERNIS FOR) M5t, For«) anyee ofiliteReviom .... *40o:pet annoam. Fer any two afite lReviews.1 .00 ' Fer asi hree a? ite lteviews.. 10.00 For ail hIuc otiie Reviewh...12.00 FiirBilakwaadie tlaasc 4.00 " k or Blackwiad ais!ueRIavice. 7.00 For Blacitwoed s<iayîo it Rtevîews...... .0 t- For illakwood sud litraRlie. ............ 15.00 Suhscribera blit e lriih Pî'uyiîe Wittremit fil addionua thece pruce& hiuî1i f eus eieeaipt-arfor 13ltaeiwaiilaîd eig-Ar #t-ca eyear r f acdiHaviez tu coterthieIL Si. -Pucieuge. 'l'bc wîirk will is' pnuiledo n aàreaiiy impraved-qua. sîîîppr.ad l licîerly ai Atnieric'eîî Periôdi. uan are rtiiv'r aîtrail'rd iii ut-ire ur reulaci iniire- JItti'ry gelieraile both-te e»tlconineibsu 1give ciiiii Oflesa 11,e tiisitetaieul ointe ori5 eiîa diuois. lilice, aîr precritîprlcewill%,>- badeteaP. cor thie amamît o<ifletr farnlshcd, as litaie oi'aiy <ifîlua erishetiig ieroil i ibis auel- wlîichth ie preýi'lipreiniam agi gaol iuld~, &boteul$100 a yvar. ellrprîces (015) uartoteditugly .Ad u luthia lite ftt aito'maitesir annial psymiâ*i- lia the1to li uiîPaii'herafor e'ul-y seets andl sapyri$ht i GoUl$ i iigusni iis lime (Jals , teeu) luaariy $20in rutrýeney-îad wu trust hua in lte$ceaie we bur iv(pted'we citalibt t eliivjaiedl'y aur cat. .iblîau-e iiihié read!igpublie.'* T- e ilîtrree of ibo,, l'erioicula uAmerirau rea. tiers is remier liiieeess.uitliaw i mitlihbe' l ueali- i'i'it.- y cuotai, an aarf'i's2W'r. sud, ittiaghainae- tiïnés iiiged %with prejiclîîeyamy ci.t on.titr. uig lies, greit uiiiiiy sud ltsediffereni atsd.pabtt front wliielîilte- are wri-tîeîi, lie rt-tuad etu dieuliuth attvsulga aytiteuple ol'titiaeoountry, uî'every ce-ed *andl pany. TME FOUR ItEVIEWS FOR 1863. A few ces O e itenrrareraain un buiut. ani mil lie s9ul as l35 farir evickmr, or $2 fur aey ose. Ws aino paileiti le AIM 'gGUIDE. 1R ITliti ÃŽlilheest. o ai iuhaegt. snd the laie J. P. Niuuiui. litColiegre. 2 vois. Rayai Octavo, 1ION pagea andti fimoas lEiigrsuiii. PRIU;I-;* $7 for lte tWO vlams-by MiI, 1pos1 paid LEONARD SCOTT &CO.9 3,0.38 îJ'aUcmStreet, NYeYerk BÃ"oots& -Shoes Fanlfly Gdrocer and WTifio Mercbîtnt Whtkt"v, 'eÙbrry 7, 1StC 5 NEW-,FURMiItTEIî --sTfORE, ~~tt~r~ OSHAWA' MAMJFACTU RES' JAS. KIRKL NDWîciwlîb lialo tfbônta thejeî îfiid ýh ud ti wd infri~hpubic tatlie hý-just-openeda new Furniture StIore_ in the hplty occupied by LiEWIS, ]JOUQK, Esq., C ,) in t Gerrie's Buildings, opposite the ,PQst-offie,, -, lc i rf, Wi .ood Forkiniertuh rlasnl IJND AS STRBBE T At th lmid StaiiîI, t Wliere he has on ,hanid a superior seection ofail. kin4s of fi-i ture,-which bas been-made at the Oshawa fXrnitiure esttablisliment' by the best of worknhen. , F'ILSî ara C1ouatihoiÂe Oiders for anything iii the abovet liin supplisif on the-sho'rtest notice. Repairing done witli neftweï ~apt4~ t~ i. - n- - "' î- The subscriber will selll ni goods Iltpr1Ç8çt,ýqdèfyçoMjItjtjon,.'14$pm. - ~ - - -~JAMES x M-k t ". 'PtPer 1, 186-5, AInd by menutacturtng largoly, with à.- %trlcblY Cuah Sygtem. arae.mab ed t bf mi"i. ntrumonb, Lb a price.whlch wlIl pnechîde couipeltbion, 1>RIOIES No. 1, Savon Ootsvai, round corners, Pbuawood plain cage, $25. ' u No. 9 even OQetsyoround corners, -an ~SG47 Théo ndonQurel s view (Gouaerative.) The Fdnbarg Roview Wg TeWestminsàter, Reviý4 TineNortii Brltiah ReViow -KELLER & L.lN TTuIRNIcYS-ATl-.4W. SOLCI' zbte CaU tueîCLr 00..., Brock At r RA.C. KELTER, J AIt. 1L Bitatk, C. W -J. K. <'OR DON, MATTIIEXV'COLL1,NS- B EGq teeiiforiît L:4e eet inar, tiutlclits re'ttovet ilueîo r1iee muB o liof iiurîcar rie IBOOTS &SIOE 1q great ycaritty, cacn l tda torJor. Repairg STRU ES- FOR SALE ! a ' Gi e e 11? A lsi!-Io trial uili oociviîtc wiiere.lte rigtit sort cou' bargitîiî.m iluthe Buiot nfii S)tue liutiet uo iaud. --

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