Whitby Chronicle, 23 Mar 1865, p. 2

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K.w dyuet~uns UN Di Civi-J. A. YcPli.rsbe, Whitby ifatry Io-apL. lateIl. Garoui ea ods-_ýC. I#é"vi. Giawb. atdIk 14w-0. Roberta., OnLY 8150 CENTS A TEAR WhltbY, Vtiîus4ay, Malek 23, 1865. To CoaaatspoUDsrs. -Mr. Harýd- YoIr lstar cddressed to Mr. Kennedy boas been receiveil and ls under eouaidevatiou. SHÂMîLrX CORRSOitsvaaOU. - MauY thauke. No room Ibis week. Th~e docu. ment encloïed received fu attention io a previons aumber of the. CtRoveLs. eit'riaiet bas been prorogated sud getimbers bars tjaken their dearture froin the ancieot capital. Wheu Ihi, 1Éroellency the. Goveruor General veni îhrcugh tLe osvsl formi of prorogation-, on stnrday leit, thora wsrt- ooparctirely few members Preseut in the. Leg;,;smire Coancil. Cham- ber, a large number cf the members of thB ons@ haing ls-ft for their homes the previons ovoning Fur the work cf ithe sesion there is- liffle ta b. reucrded. The Alien bill vas piserd. The Canfedercîlon Lesolitia'>, vers sdopted. aud îhree omil- lions cf dollars vers votedl thet the goy- ornat igi expend il juas t u ey par tfeularly plwssed. Tlere vas na remon. aisance ou the part cf Mr. Browu. this lime, SIo1 the extravagance and irrp4ponsibility orflthé mter,,sud the s"Globe" it stbel lowed corruption sud johbery and every tinlg clo that iu cextended javs cauld gir. tonigue t0, vau as mule as s dumb baby W d ollda&sàasucling dore about thme the vIole matter. Mr. George Blrown isi toy Prealcient <'f iii.Counicil, sud draus àtf Oa.yeer as a member cf th. ad- ieicistrcîiou, That mcii., cli îbadiDhr suce. Hov the vohkin woulth riç-vere te. "Globe" in opposition? Upper C.1 dsO@ece-French dominaion-Ro"hih Ilamce-Corrupî Ministers - "Corrup.1 tiloisa" on every aide voold be &hi e ry.1 lo, i sa high hcnded au set, iLs 1,'Globe" vould ry go gel p a little rreeo. lotion. Buot ast vs bave stated lÇr. Brown, 'th. Proprietor ef tii., "Globe," s nowa kMastl ofr t4 iCCras'n. Tesaret ebanqed. Tour rantiog Cluar GOnt bas a ruà etent, obsequinus, mild man-F tered pid-servan* cf ithe state ; bh oldi Ïîs tangue ccd clisigs ta hi. bawboes. We approve of the vote orc et;-,it vps ne. ceuary; lh vas tiil &aJ loycillydonc. *. oaly dglm taexpose the eantiag hy.t miorias. rhu m k!as b" ote ecm tbe"com.o dlarbý, cf t.be o*moiy. W. mîglai ill poq ibis ai Mach loegsh.C ,W. béaVé %t> esire P do »uOunneecri y Publie attention vHIi e properly dirct.d te the occurrence& that are toking place siraand nsuaided by cny effort opon o.r part. ILay -tha experience of tbs pasu pmvua * volesane lem=cu ereafter. __ eyond wbat v.ý bave alrcady noted- lb. hlin bill, tee<lofedratica resala an uncertainty. ln the meantime ii iisterial taxamissionora proeeed ta Zog. land, '"d the. isieutnamea mentiened are Mettan. Carier, Gali cid McDougall, to g~o at ti.important ssion. 1 The Grand Jury Systen. Ev.>'>' day diccleses thc glarng defots cf aufr Grand Jury systoun. It duos servoi a gond ud &e ise puposa. Tt maved as »Acliald aeue!aaproetelon té t. aecuaod. Icoanty Attevueyd, - GoI taspeeter, u - iscora ahai an openirebaniug..7.. et lessat §lfr as <Onr Quarter 8"0» u n cononead. Tub?, for instan ce, t is pro. eediiigt aI îe 1iai Sessins. TiieGrand Jury remkimd undpr psy t'onr e e!aya ý ïbure vas -11< cout of a.lecllng, suai 2aoniuig, #se., - éiIep, and'- Dot 0",o tLe cos t th b.triiegon t6 11< publie t buiees; for k neTory tb. h, i"ad - - Jury" rae M a bÙ ti»- obsiruoiohtj With the legal aausiseaof ithse tale mieuler for Mnoib ai o pand taé prie. Ilin'ltelligent iaqsuluaa of iii. seember for 3ot h ie wir hel.vorn.; ing Li te lb.syt, q xpseh4a oripediy >'l eviaand Meutt iatst>' de rmkîSwit he ïpyrime *o WMieh maed àm will berfI!Letredoae. Làw.-Ksr»t MqPLemr fte fias Of !ut doM.n Oaaeua e la i the laguicture 'hall exo[te more th&* ordiaaryfiellug la aothlag surptlslag. Ecloquent laud ifî.d S b.k la, II u Wtg b. exp.et..' But teUta ahast tao molorlons Jo. Gocld5 Ià h trehoc d who defsted a Gut i ligten cf ithe Crowe againsu 'ast goîdma odda. sud&Ilitbe ad- vatltag. cf offielflonfce, could Lave bson no ardia ary sula evory respect e bv. Camuron ie farremaved front the or. dins r 1be cf politiciens, and it is, thcre* fore, othing 1tab. roudermed atthat bis èrllameulary sarn sould attriot more tbao tLe canal abar. of attention bestcved uPOn aur-commou-placa legialators. 1Mr. Cameron maires bimasf board, sud bis voies lu tLe Houa. of- Asseuubly la not alome feit, bist cannes veight rith it tbroughout thé coumtry. Tans the atteli. lion sbihio b eemands- ia Parliament, sud frem the presî. Werc îLe member for North Ontario s popmirty.bunîen, or a man in seanci cof ioteviety, is vsuity might Le gnatified ai tLe conspicuons Position vbich Lo occupias before the pub. lic. But M. C. Camarca s a mcn cf dif ferent sîamp. Ho la as boueat sud cou- scieutieus in the, feld cf politim se s ini Lis privats deatinga. -Ha jeone cf -tins. rare characlers rbo strives tei do right, sud ebo nitl doblia' -rhoîoduty viîot înrning ta the. rlgbî an to the lefi-regard.eascf perouatcoanseqnonces. Veny oeasyvuuîd it haro been fer -Mr. Cainonon ta ire a sihent vais on the Con. ledaratian question, sad obîsin the. op. plans. ci miniaters venu Le à selfseeker. Were Uir. Camenan a moe trading politi- cian very easy voild lu Lave beecufor im ta trin bis suIs te th$ breeze cf Ministeri. aI favon, andeadrauce hbis ovu penscrima iuttreats. But M. OY. Caerera is neither a self seeker, uor a îradiug politician. Th0ron<ýh1y indepeudent Leo votes act& anti *peaks lite a British membor cf Panlia- ment iudependently. Ha does no neut blîiudy. goe examines into-ponders veil aven, and jadgea fsainly sud jýtt1y cf tbe nattera, broughi Lbefore hi.. M. C. Ce. menan acta accandhug te %u n oligeutud enligbtenad jndgmont temorrbw.-vere there a dozem carsacieuthons men cf his cru upporters in the Biding vho saiti that 'M. G. Canueron did vu'ng-thst Le gave a vroug, orsa bcd rete,-tbe menu. ber fur North Otario rouîd resigu bisc seat. %The people tréAs him-bctter than ibat ; îLey iava deue so bitherte ;thef bare tetted, coi oque a broe m d, or a golden caf, but a man, lb. patnioi-<sud it requires tmgpiu roein o f rbem tbeye eau fiai proad, and peinting proedly et iai say, '-t'm sOur b mer.' Thisslubar the mupn fef onth Ontario ibinli of M. C. Causeot. LAd crery day ja risaa-evary proudt indepeudent sentimucit rîblchoh ut- leva adds te bis popnlaniîty. lu le ieancely niecaar>'tagssy s yard i'n reference te the littloOnît shoots je tbis Ibmf rhicla oppoas Mr. Cameran. Tihe van>' bsmklug of tLe omas uthe Imomra strtthe liieicut-hcAfeesd etM. C. Camercu-ube Laneat h.a."5d.15.tepre. tentative cf Nordu Ontenso. Duakil'aDBil a Cod-tend te the Tae Tb@ f011>' of the sel of Parlisment kucra as Dakn'a bil laàLecocaiug more ase! more apparent .ery day. 1lethe uoabip cf P.cýtenge brec prohbitiuon coden tLe bill csrried onu'a vote by anuch- ligie! mejonuuy cf une, tbe tarera keapema .Lroughouîtbteronship cenîin. te drive Loeir ivade, wlîbcot le# or huid4ranoe sud mesp tlemr maciutua gelg lu ful! blat ; - vith ibis edosutage, ,thîey pal jo, Il- ena.. Teobnahieved of $40 or $»0a year these lme, la the. shape of*axens oaiething gaiaod. ic i ebis ezuont )unokiu's bill basbien Ccssaful lunaidlng b.e tarera kher, But IDeakin's bill loi.s agreat lest more dm i ii ufat or of tbo-lquar traffu, Section XI mub.aec. icu Il, cf theA Lutpnovidom s Lafi- Inns, «' TLsi Docolacton cf mI!ntre. venue $all Ilue te tabe fect rhb hi e b ika hiàts -ither se,'ta*rmliIeenuefor Lhe sale af apiritaons, fermenteà or cîber ucaubscture! hiquora ta. b. dnunk in the Inn, ale-boum, bien-boeu, or cuLer bouses of public ontemîminuentiun vhich %let ame is sold-or ags#hopJje#sW, th el limus fre r e tait o cf sailiqiiora in cLapi, itores, or plac e oer than ua, aie. boumo, bien-bouses or places 01 publicý utatinaisat." Se that. rberevr Don- îiu's billhapoen, 'te b hViii cor ne sella in quanti"ieaof lire galie tue! tipwrsýre Ilievel frocs iioeuse, soi! tL. lerd«on f hic smtion, te iubat sn cipoliiy. Dankia's i V 14a 'aree. -AS va bava jusi shova, luiese of probubtig, it liolda o a pretoiasu.for -. ase cf in- toticatiug lîqacni 1sel sprt frouu tIi facuasgmeat a-LicLi fr qfaui uIly nbat Mn..»aaikia" ro ier'llaipor la' semat 10 l W. agggIe", o"ctlaUt -aieace to101hpublie rbervul beea palseli, il. 4eprwciùo tue s4ruand. eoîaîl.' *4 paoeî aoi has baie -' Boirumailtl, îLe eiià u somsqueant breich of it and' soefwon, Vicb.almrusa) TU ebaIl 1ii. am th. ecltbiiaH ait Frday .veîiWg ilt;sttr thé. auspie of tI L : Mt. ý1i'Â8o~llf qatarlo', le cehobmto rs ettàe'.b~l o ored festivi uf st. yPsioý tis glor,',wus a, SplewI sue1 Sus. Of the lafrtioàsubi out aboi 1 40 ladies sud gellieit -atcbtded -th, ladies allghîly prspouderatlng. theL. Ha' vas -Mosit tsstefully deconated yUL L 16 sud bannera suad neatly devised sbield bearlig the nUmmesof distiagoiiet Tie!ý mon, graced the raIls. At theéemtert end of the Hail bung c vil! o*tecuted de aig obf *a Ecrp, tieasaring file feet Il heighî,il 8upported on esoh aide b7 rayi Shields, theoabieltis beiug c rowned rith thl velcome voiuis....U aed mUte faillite, aud "9Euis go bogllset ma green bat donb. The designith us arp rwu some thiug as follove t "6ITm TUAT 010K TEcOUGaTlt' AL' Autbhevesteru. end cf tL. baIl, o er e eutrance, sud mîirronded b>' legs, veU tLe Royal Arma, gi.. nd! of exquishi' vankmsuship, end vanhous mattus, anoh ai "Lot Erin reentber tLe daya of cld,"*- Br Ein lanced for sang sud beaniy,"- Shimmack.viîth tLe nords II Lare," -Val. or," "Wii," suumvcucding the triple luiaes, -"Pesos sud Praspenit>' ta Erin My Coantry," - "The Limerick Lasses," IAwul -leptt Iminerr fim e nia mulied1 tJpon Et'ilîs uour sud Emin'u 1uide.;' club many others cf similan import, met tLe @ye aIt erousdieJe hall. The mnic rAS, rappîied by the Preenan faux:1]y, Wha verescidue! by assistants ftram Tenante, sud very rresy havi vs Leard betten iu a ball roor Upon an>' timuhar occoau. hMr. Cahhen vas dia caîcror rhu supphheti tht supper. sud it is enongi logey. uhaltiers vas nothlng ieftunupmorided fan on Lis part. The suppen reo wuvas ais appra. priately fitted-p, le tLe piano ?itsnntscuory adjaining ti th,* ccad sas eutemed by a carpeise! cavree ,ay, temperamiiy cen- structed for the o=caion. T> a"y' bsi the bail ,was a gros&t ce es.imnet oafici- out, sud dees nal cour.>' au acuaate hide. of the <rosit el i ci attucuidtheiL nhole affair. The arrangementa wrer. n fect; the ladies danxiigîy Leaauîlal; mtme gentlemen <allant aud ceamuson;u c tehall saelus, ced ibougi vel filleti, nul aner- unovded; the banquet compric sien>'w <ced îiing'tbetcoule! please the oye on tempt the appetiue ; sud vith a&l thLe agreala idjmucts no ronulan that ail tLe auucSu that coule! Le desiro'd aetedeci the St. Patvitmk's Bali.Aliens. jayed -îhimetv ostuhthoneugh>' and ith @vident ueiglb snd (rom begiunuug te end tiae vas ouaI Ib. siighteit octcurrence tu miren tibarmen>' af tLe -occas;ion. On il! aides V'i Lean but onu exprefion cf opinionu-ihat hvas thé Meut pîessinug sud enjoyabie bell iLsILas yeut taken place lu- Wbitby. Ând e! b ope thaithtii. <aît nisasun of »Mooet t su ateudod ubja, tie liraiSt. Peiriek'a Bail *crn L i utîe Town of Wîby, vihi enceurage tie mcm- bers cftSmo St. Patricli'. Sccely, Lent t clibvate future auieruaiesof the patron Sant of Greec Brioin ha a imilan meuner. 'The devoîea cf Terpeleore înippod b: oe tLe 01<igbtuîtote " outil peu four o- Clcl:inluthe moruing, vheiu tLe ga>' cai psu>' begasn e panae, a&Il bearfi>' long. îng for s au mly ocailoo $gain Io go- "Tbrougb ali l m usoscuo0f umlth."1 -Toeîthe"film syie"ade!'genmn frei Toront-., Maubas, BovWMaunille suie other plaecaia a htaSo, vbo, not' rihhsuaadîugte.badl sai. tf the o rad aâ nelIememul resber, oored tLe bail rith ibeir sttendance', the ozlers and maMbets ofIte Societ>', indîvdutiiy' ande colhectilel>', acknoricdge theaiaelves azder W. e u lu tale'âoutemplatiou te bell a reier of îLe Vohuniteuasicibis Gouuîy an the Quesn' firt* day, at come cautroci eut *pois eO île Cont>.'.Thé <oldiW-c. pIe ci »roikiia am butlning theaiseîres to haro lb. atbenng ibors. W'a havi ne, doubi a ver>' reiable toam out unceno effeoie!, sud trust thb. atuter mniatuabh leut sigbt cf. -It k not a rhh teousoon to take thb. matier il ande. Thea iinhee u f s coumyni>oleal, and "bat, (lu bis asnce,) ne qua ein ai meus exroîhayuttma-.fcotm liigs usogiîn- t' Meeker. jibô bu l uisgiriLts, tbis w of Mm. John, 4rocu, GAUssîrSEM. - as, bsc receirced Ome SealsMr oua for lxeeplega Seedi, Impetnigam houasinathéc lntàb dotait. <Het4, herr)>The couutltetionof the Lo$;laatlre U> 4XlW«uthe vasme pl$ ome reforned toi n>' . pponcnt coutenmiit that IL. lYpper fHouse aboule! continue lui due-Ire bcd>' as aipreseut, instossal pf being c tmmuntad Chaumben, as itIt hpl- poftd 10 n àeaIe t. 1 can sutin Lb. Vieq takec by the Peidnt of tme Council ilu Mk t>ppsing adregsathe othor evening. nLItf Le said >. nould nual beuiat. b goi in tt cny liberaI conniltiency iu Western Cana. di and1 obteln heir sanion to th- Uicpnin- pIe. (l*aimm. Sucly. ai aIl erents- vas tha'vTu..1li i - .ia tes tl. . - t pan air, to atatn what willi ba-he poiin fLpper Canada. under the. ar-- rangement as dropo"d, and r find that Ita revenue and probable expenditure will be about as foliova.* Law Foes................ $109,00Ã" MIunicipalLoin Fund .........180,090 U.C ulding Pond ..........0o~ Grammar Schaal do.......... 2n'000 Crawn LtInds........ ...... 280,000 Zducatian Fund.............. 8,000 Public Works .... -.......... d4OOC Subsidilt st80 ecia........... 1,117,000 Other Sources ................82,000 The folloviug la ts Speech cf teVin bor for South Octaro, as repense! ,lu ntht di Qabe "knnicze,4 nd vhich ne gla4. ly tnanafr tàodn coluinus. Tiio minute. nas nith whtcb lhe ges fmb matlstie sievns boy stafully Mn. Gibbâ Las, con. t aidirM Ihfie suyjct of COeuf dtaton *u ail Oe ils béinings. The, faute nbich Ife Âdduceâ ilare dean, lld andi iucoufoîértibié, cnd sthe vbole speédb la *61! nortby -the mrei hafui pêruici la é aie sure t il l reteinfron B.bis constittuontas a-mn> heu. useubers rIme haro precotiet »me, thtat thét debate bas boun suifciently Sprotracied adchould 6 1brougmt tui a te lois, as a membor l.ateîy electudti te pre- it sent a nciîttiy and poîulous consîttuency, rlargeIy engaged in oraueria, mrnufoc lu î mn> dut>' lu staie mY rions on the pro- posed union cf the. British Amenican [Pro rinces, noit under the cenaideration,mf Ctie Hanse. Iuntm>' oinion, air, the 'genthe- mcn ueba oceupy Lb. Troasur>' hanches deserve crédit for the ecrucit sud imerge- tic nuanner in nhich thé>' have spplied themuelvres ta carry cuit the pheulges which ube>' gave thé country during the course af laittummen. 1 look upon it tuat tht vote about ta bu Laken la a fore gene can- clusion, anti, for ail pnaclical purpaaua. îuight mas welh have bien taken as moon as thc resalution bcd bain reati aid spoken to by the lIon. !Attorney Qerierat West. 1 bave remanketi, sir, limaI shmost ever>' t hon. meniben that hua;spuilucuhaï express- e d humsof as favorable toa it uion cf some kinti orn iler niîb thu Maritime Provuhues. aW bens the dulegatcafronu the Rastern' Pro. 'vuespt at Charlottetowni, P. I.L l$aysi thuy cautunuplitteti s legishuâtire lniaui amo 4thoualve',but wheti invitedti o riait Iltbec for tlhe purpasu of holding a confénencir with a rien to a union of the nhole cf the colonies;, tie fuderal prnci1ule wazs subtitutoal for the leiislative, Lovrer I tanada andi the F.utern l'rovinces ro:îîmg its a unit tonrlu, wmille tihenembera nepru. scnting Canada Westt veare divitict, the tAtty.Gen. West proeming a legislatire union, anti theclian. t'rcsideni cf tht Council a féeaona me. 'lhe sut'ject ni IlUnion cf the Pnovitice%*-',lim e bo look. ed upc» with lar, net oily l'y our on gaatememi. who tiave f lute ars regard- ed eti as a mîeure caîcuhateà'd t wncre- the difflcultios milicluhve uirîirounded Uhe legislatiaiu cf the country, buL by Icadinrg Alttesmuuien tot Englamutîas relIl nheîvhew >the proposai taLvorabh>', as being thea muanî of building up a great nation, antI alan ot pri,rring nionarcîuical inntitiimtiuns onu thIis Continent. (her. limar.) lr-Speak. ero, vhstever mni a>'lve been tie points af diftereuuce wbich gave rimu. ta the !îuîgthcuî cd discussions c f the Confrence, tht-ne nus aisne tîpan whiclu, jidging b>' the tee ofsaitîhe deîegmite..sui Ime gfracs thie Regolotions thulgielvus, thliee as per- fect unaiumity -tuai cof loyait t' anti attac!à. - ment iii tue tîrommo cf (Ieat tiiuin. (One wouiltihave tluoughtlîui mnnerasgar>' tu in, conporal-e such a ,.ntient hui)Ite resolu- tiomîs, yet Lie finalItIithe #iergieul ut. etunanco te an md la ihuua exproum,-eti: *1'lîu bostiteLrets aftt preant anal future pros- peviîy cf BritiiiaNorth Ameies wnu bu promete! b>' a feaiorl Union uder the Cron of e Great Buitmin" Wii.h regard ta tie future of ibis proposeil union, it us eunious ta netsa nh a hi ami! dmmiwr item iu reference te it, saune uîvging thut itâ inemitahle nesult nl ho a separaiomî froîn aur present happy <unutse tn ithi the niathar ceuni>,at ultlatu indtenmî- . nce, whlle cumttimr lctxas, equall>' ceufi- tla'ntdsclro t hat it -ill 1usd te sunezaulii r itit tue Unitedi States. (lear. 'i)Wbaî- ever the ultimote fate of sucacuionMicma bu.. il ha coucedloalb>' ail parties ihat titae ouais & nccessity for a change <'f .uua -kimmd lu the political relationsrit% xtusîg betveisu Uppera nd 1I .er nCanada, ant it !!lAtgntYiug lu>relect tllai an cypetileut bau os eised for sllayi,g î,the rancenr eus part>'#apirit t bl b I' n tafr.- 1quenti>' *;bite4on ouhej floa c6f- ibis Houa..-<(B.av, hean.) IWé May'congre- uIlate otinaulves. air, i hl Dur uiRepubl- humca neighibrs aro engageal in bh.'udv strifo, one portion ispilîng ia LSt 1 (i lat ln order to obil a nonw constiututiomn, wu csu tihouse lhe prepriet>' cf csaking, a chuangein curonv, lmlch bai net her> inapti>' termela- IlBlactileas J'eoh'tion," nitiiout let or luludrencu. but on thse con- tran>' witb th. full consent aud authonit>' cf theinr te a-bic)> ire N e alhegianc c. Itu this atmtemuenti thave ual includeti dia )huiipahit>' fpnd, as ibe veceipt9 are ditnituotedtihti toiloning yulyar auong th>e munilmruaities. Eatiîcating (hé ur;.ensua of the Iocal gommnuent at $150,000, nu have a balIance cf $475,000 per annuni fan *local purpoaca. I regard tLe suhssiti>'a altogc-tiîr lau largo. anmd ahaîllimipe te soc il rai'>'malerially reduceti. (Hean, beau.) - ?y honorablhe Inmont train Nath Ontario, 'Upon;the hbypothexsa Iat tic isaritime pro vinces c uuîibute onu-flth ci tic revenue cf the prepostticîunfedei'ac>', anti thie bat- *ance by the Canadas li the relative jpro. portion of tmo dollars b>' Uppen Cumula te tume doli unb> Lover Canadla, fournis au angumemnt therean, ahening LiaI ea.ch ad. >diticoual m-preentative puma>! for Upper Caaa ihi cost $17,00r). Non, Mn. Speaker. 1 apprcbendti t ainîmn the union us accompliihcd, andiflue dutîca equalleul, itix uuaecing objection null ta aonme extunt a t Icast, bc reuioed, fiil Itknowni tuaItihe Marititue I'moviiicuu eonstuie inç maortcu largel>' cf imriet,d gonds uer headt iuo we do. Bulot uthua principie huexteiuIl Id tr.imnty ami ltownuu.hp mat- (cm', u.md la î,uld nrc-iaeappropria- ( ions (0 tht" weslttiu'r townr-hips. in thc proîuou-, ti'u.î.t ca.->, cnmtibliteu taetue rervenue aI thse caumuuîy. a princple uImhiel ha% ncrer bu-en cout..ded far amit lacis nil! go to mi< hec (lit utis îctîuuuuode even opemu population., as ha liroposeti b> this s'hmcnuuu. Baut us t. y,.s receusry ta cqatbiim inesu itufr cîntnlbuting to ttc- expouiseut aif the loral Govremummenîuu, %itiaut oomipellhmg titecit te resarit e direct taxation, i ihiuk thme pninciphe adi- tiptcti. d'tuf r> poputitolu,nt tujust. - (fleur, brn. Aguuuu. it iW argucal tiat as t'amual s Wust c'u,tîlnhiums in lic proportioun already ttijd'eil uuu' tisa inluthe î.a>'muc of suto>ilicî b-,nili auuutnmbumitemore thlin hem tain proportion in tii pmapoaud onfen - suy- 'f tiis t reply, if tir hy patheuuls thatthLe proportion ch iUjupen sud Lorer Canada rcepectiveî r co- tritbu t the guneral rt;eeu bue oru.-t, andti hat the s4ubeshul>' nid elt bub"ud uponmurcr- enqe sud mot poupulatioun, tien, uuuduuubt. edIy the argument iut a ;gcoul on-. But, sur, let ils ec If Ille propo"u-l Arranmmutent is flot a greýit hmprorea.eît o eusLmetresent um.utio'i cf distiributing tie puli ulefnds. IL usa-el! tuownu. 8, thalt thue complaiit nisici ij1uper Canada-bus - maentiehoicpuit waý, that tie. zppi)ruiAutionsirere mlle, lo mui upuumu arevenueu. non arc-maaccording ta popula' hn, but iin utter dienegarti ar buth. Unuer the Os>'stoln wbich lbas hitherta pru- vuuhîed. f4r ulîidumug nonoy graruts, (IfLtme pîn'.ned Iliba.:ty, In tise ta-o Canaîliu. cm ýrCauuaatirowute!have ne- cerdouioliait-..- -----...270 lyThpres, mcuoruhm>g to ptpila-1,187 IDintemnce bi iror of he i' re- poueti systenim oer theoïoh onu .... ....1..............$114,171 liq the mties haro baea di8tributeti equal> in tLe puit, hetween Uppe> and 1 Lowen Canada. I maintain thaï,t>fc bal. anco of thie public ulcbt. s>'$50i000\te tue apas'tiocem betreemi houa, abaultl bu divideel in the sani a>', aîut net as Pro-t posedl b>' tbeFinance ?iniai4ei', an popti- latici.. But.i,; isaie!, tihe hue nIll lea?' te extravagance. 1I Lad iopeti, Mn.à Spaer lal an alliance riti tiluefrugal sud tiii'populationof thlisnatmPro-. vncas rouI-t induce Lhe ver>' opposite,1 ana le ict Lgreatacn oncin othe public9 expumîditumre thiasu ave ilafi ilu lie paI (le,oir .) NVith noftreîtcae, air, tte 8 oeil e1 tise loal govrenmceuuli, that sqljecl t bau> Leen lkit in the bauds ')fthi eUul le- r gisaturos entit-elr. Thie resoluiio show- r 119 irbenco Ibuir'incouMleis hal bu deri, t anId nbal-thie sosidi shahLe né ithotil motee'ing to dirmoltaat&RI4n, I cltii- u fr tbis sobîmo. iMn. Speake, thaic' il l givo P m' national 1mpotance But hore again td it iaobjccted tit-p chtain Iii, vo mmst 8 b ave a vnul population. When thlianla. canàUniouserndth iee cumec Oti nana atho parent ate. theim opulation ras set toenet 2,5000, ýamdietlîouugb animpres- sien bai v1e eevaI>' btaitilttu ba incrcva t iilupoptlaticu lester tban f w. bar.. an essuu,îuation cf tbe fauta seo- that suciclanellt. t, e-fcr, lu 1860 t lt1iri po tlitioi nexchdd Sfi0 0,0 an lu.0 cmma o1,200 p cco.ren hile cuire in the sauuêpericit. haqie easce! fronu 145"0 a lei 1784, te S80Q,000 in 1861, or over 2,. 8300 per cent. Conféeoration. air, roule! gir. us ustieouîllt>'. 1 peak -of Bajtish mationaJty, a .itioie- create& frampth ' a fragtuuntan> pontions et th. i;ullcent tI ý...w..... .., If t.ftaim onAis coctineaL i 7T Onflon. - nhrî iIihiyard Cancroui's sunentimunt ta stibmit the Ceniéeîîealian achene to, a rate cf the people 1fr GIlus hruporteti as bulea--auti ih frumît mîaT ne knon of the mcxic!>' af bis cuistituenhs ta ho matie acquaintei niti aIl thein reprecritatiru' ay>iuîga anti duinga a-a tuppl>'. Thia laumnîer la but a nier. digest cf thé speech. When the speech appeers in liii l>arliacuemtary tmin. ruin we nia>'avaiT eursivçuu Cli'ui ppnilî- mii> te tramisfar iL te Our coîuins in full. Mr. (fibia foit it bis dut>' teay a ira- a-mimaonatmLii -ucosiotu. Ilut iadl itatid ti thi"r 'rm'uuiumg ihiat bu. lied fiveuua pleulgo ta lia ontiitueia thmit ui'cn the Moationm cauuîu t>p ium Panliamuut, for Sub-, nîiîîingthc acheano e L toupeople af tItis prouvince, beloro titu resfut.omm more adapted, bat naultilrote ior tisaItuiotion. Wbile upon hî a mrass iii uhe Riduug tue repreweniei, lue lied ulechuîreduîlueooitet upou ltaesouint aia ttîd(tii e con. aimiorato> <tfdte pouple ôaflie Proncue iii tho light cf lima buahut ai at>agrî'lsmrit tut nighu iisrdbocutieritercd ebjuomu of iiuiitlualu', u e aof athou> coulai alter or, do-pant inca» hi withuuthe ie iîmîmunt of ise maliens. lIie au mot surpnisetithere- fuir. autlime sateîuaient cf theu leu. Att>'. (je.'n-t.ntuta heo pening cf tl imetscîîs sien, thai. tle ili.u smtaI rotaonlîthe useusure l iti - nwa>'-titier mîscept ornte- cet it sa h-stands. .llthaogts bu (Mn Gilhtsy bc.ievcd the resohutions maîstiàbp préermteti amud prusseid as tht>' utoati, ha titi neteiecteruhia att maecdnmcui oulti bu accoptei. Athiough the Psurihîniunt oi Cantaas atd liat ilcoula! net alter tha scienie in Itie sliiýula5h degne. h.oitas uat nîLlîcut tunje (bat urZhen lti duluga tien suint Ou !lngIan4 certain neeosw.-r> amoiidmiuts s'oulhuhoiniraducet b>' flie GxOrnupnt cf 0rcst Brutain. To, a cen- utain extant ho cortaiteroti that, mansheri of tuas leuse, appeut te edetuis c f tus gcicutme, bu1t wio nure lu laver cf the gen- anal prumuciple , lad pu t hm palitical coii- semco jibohehauts aoflime goullenien on tho Taisatin>'banches. (taima. Fle remeahed bu vams calrfîtuout hope that lie resîmîatiana rwould et aLpatsis mb mw ia thvjr prescrit shape. He baid faIt the niai- icer rer>'Impernt, affecting rer>'Matoni- il!>' thue co>nstitution uuîdun which the peo- ple livuti, and oonsuqueuitl> lia it l as is luuty Le frite fdr suc a sresoltiuîasi Llaa mui mitlce! tteb.cocideratiot cf, (ho flouse* b>' thebon. iniaer fan Pool.' lia' hati beon strnugtheed lin Ibis rien of the eue b> a portionu of the. report of Lord- Duorham or. lb.eauujeut eo' the Union eof ]Jppcnanti t.eor -Cuinada. Thlai noile1 lure! 1usd rucmnmendedthel amdoption ofa(1 gentral laýgis1àtiV« uni1on of aIIth it $iash Nor'th .4taiereesu l"roVin cesý $eal alsu, the sumision ef Ltphe inetio ' nto the people of' tbose Provnceas nn- thehir approi'4 -If b.e îvoasure shMle go te En land as ib is, orf' tf l hlhliîaedbyrthe ami0e Qaeru- maen "o4tld bu tifs lier 7 nissave çhanacter, 1 do -not foar air, but that 4b. treaty wiii b. reneved; enlightened countels nrIlprévau!, snd, with Lhe botter roeling existing botween the. tva nations, the sub. j oct willi Le taken up ln a propor spirit, snd legislated upon acccardingiy. (Hear.) T!be nonstruction cf the Intercolonial Railroad lx a'aid tôe eà neoessity cf the. proposed union,;s"d nithaut it thoran ic beneo. nion cxerept lu came. Calculations have been made wbicb show that this road cen. nat bcu used for carrying heavy mercluan. dizo Loeaîe rates, more especiftlly flour. which it bas been ,ihowd would caît $2 25. fier barre! from Toronto ta iHalifax, at tva cents per tan per mile. The Grand Trunlc Railway nov carry flour from Tu. renta ta Montres! for 801 cents pur barrol during winter, bcd ai the sauta rate a bar- roi cf flout' vauld ceaI $ 122.ftis ecoulti be doue, the difference in coct between winter, rates and sbipping via St Law. rence in sommer, at 8à.0entspur barrel, wct4ld be matde up in iq savimng cf atorage. intèrçat atid iatrarrce. Then, thera is tlhe miliary aspect ai the subjeet svhich lias alrerdybuen uborougbly diacusseti. I con. terni,air, that union' witb theblaritime provinées udt oniy allies us mare claîuly ta thon) sud te eacb other, but cIso ota bt Power vlîioh alunecaulti rendei~ us aid wbenrver subjectedti t attack ; and, ru- garded from this point of view, this rail. raad h s sd ta bu a nece.4siiy. Lard Dur. bain, in ibis Repart, saiti "Aitl union for cammon dufence againgt foreigu unemies iii the national baud cf connection thàt holtis toguther the great climmntiiities of the %vorîi d dbetifeen ne part f 1<any king. dam.orState aid the necti'sity eiist cf such a union tiore ohviotst than betwuen the whle of thuse Cotanies. fHe'îr, hear.) In conclusion, sir, if wu rt4-ect Lihe jîroposuti unionIl.vhat in oftercd as a su.bseitiute ? In tihe absence tof anythin- butter wiiitls will setule aur eiisting tiidicultieg, ehaîl wu rjet the apportsn'ity -now presei.teti andi Lliamaîy tilerur -recur P Rather ltlus, as nttnbë.a% 6 hest;nie frnily, unitu for weal or for woo. Dy it wu secure enfarg. e] camnmurcial iîîtereonirse. g-eatur aucuni- ty in case of attack, c reinedy for the exiqt- ing tiuflicltiius botween Upper antd Lower Canada, ant i aso rentier more Iastifng ihe coilriccîion now uxisting witb ibe uîothur. coîutry. Wîîile iii favor cf ibis muasore, but believing ibat il sboiitti bc aubmitteti fon tho apprmval of those vho ore ta bu aff.,cteti by lime contemplated change, i sbail ful il u o cny duity in thé flrât ln- stance Ca vat eagainst the " pruviauis qIles- tili " iiiOrder iliat suc!> an am-niment iy bc putl, and isa fur the motion of the' lion. nîcmnhecr for Peel-,1'hum> that shahl c,)mmue up fon diiscimaîn.If the ftrste how- ever, sliaI! fail, 1I <hall voate, Mr. Speuaker, for the resolution now in your hands. (Cheerri.) Mn. GIbl.s Speech ou lion. Jolon litiltard eameron's Ameudment. üow'a Foreman of aGrand i ry ileeces the. Couty Treasur Permit me throngh the free snd untrammeel columnq of the 'C]3%OrxoLgtWexpose one Of ithe menaeçt lutile trieks-lf net downrigbt gRieces of disanaust-that perbaps ever came ander yonr notice. Mv. Pherrili, foreman of the Grand Jury at the recent Quarter Senssono, and Who, as yon, are avare, lives just fou,' muiles fromnt te Court Hanse, claimed and received from the Oor1nty Tressurer mile. age for SIXTEEN -miles travel, nt the tormination of the sessions on Tluiraday lust! fle represented tliat heo 'vned a farni in Beach, (vhero ho di,., not reside,) and demanded muleage fromn the former place. Wa tlia legal ? And whether or no il it naL about the amallegt lutile piece of nisannesa ibat ever forem4n of a grand jury vas guilty or? GRAND JIUROR. Weil, we are indeed sirprised, and wili ho a littie cdore soif the Sherif and Ceunty Attorney do net act in the natter, if the àtateiâent4 of Our correspondent be ýcarrect, a vs ehava- no roason whatever ia doubt them. Mr. Pherrill, bowever, may he able po give bia explana tion ofthe matter.-En. Cunoii. Lad Pk e t omre!>'gaire a synopsis ar ci des. 'Pi le> aabeubml7ïuri tho 1ev cases triati hefaro the Count>' Cotton -eyer Sdccthie mai. began.ý Court. Wu <gire panticulans cf Quarter Sessions nov more ut htngt6. The huai- MARRIED. nous hefore tae Courti, bath ou lia cniminal PEARd-... GRAINT-.At Witb, oaleedau>-acid- civil docuett, vwu exceeadigly Tnesday'the 21d uIt..,lit theXuv7 r.' figh,-term1aemmgouI> si cn~~nI c~"~Tharnto>t, 1fr. Jalm Peu.vd cf dshana, t1 fortniil hîeethr-tro cammitteat for Miss Selen Gi.anî, cf lalibj. lareen>', Who pleadoti guihi>', oneu sault, __________________ anc iutgrfening nîth Constable ini diuuchangu of Lis duly, and one of arinse.On 'ubeWht> Mrki- County Cour- dochuet, there vere unI>' -the The mmaket ut pressait a istill> attend!. Revecases, all reportai! lu lait tvcôh'm etib>' tarm-era, an« d uc dvr's paper, - ingt ofl'emed. FaIl Wh9at-in godde- The (i'oiiiîggentlemen coui-poseti the manti I 90le 3C. Sprin'g Whoa; scarce GuReADJURuY. ccd nanteti tor sbipmemt ii yrail Pes> 1Vx. PAtriiu., Esti., Foremmlin; Chama. trauîtu fon sead anti shipment, 00(1 ,in se Lth0n, Chr. M',Enen, Juilits St. John, tire requet ; BDemi>'sorce muid muci un. Gu'o. hlarrison, Davidi Mattiiewt, Amfbroe quir>'fofe ad. Ha>' $1010o $14 per tan> Ailcinscu, Jobn Christie, Themio Irvie, Oets- 40 to 45clas , Fresi Butter la to: Chat. Faroewell Donald Munroe, Reumy. 22cts. pcv lb. ; Eggs 12ýcts. pur-dazi. Pluui, 1Granus> .hoato,Abijah lJancs, -=Z Zephaniab lar Wmn.'Herumi, Lcf-àter Hu- NEW AD'VERTISEMENTS. blu-, Diviti Tueedji-, 11t!ui taiuSin- _______________ The tiliberations nt the Grand Jury voie ver>' uamuece.suniti proiraictcml, corIsid. INL7OLVE-N'1'AO'9f 0 1864i aring tiecocmparalival>' iuîsigrificunl aneunt aoftbusimnessa teforo thetu; antuhîe 1, Ioum tueitteir nfJOýli(U .OINTU au mannar in chich thétiCourt wus huaimt tait- 11 eralitur f liius e- itar uet1t in- and lIme publie lime cocun.d, aud'loI-12,t I lpihua iumde an mssimmnant et bis public muimosadeaneai, <ire rixe if Coutinî cute <mmd ehiectîn, tuulr thue nchoya mollo fe, la commet yu acupimuziet r eumitrrigiàctl tul hoy s' on.qir. by numeus ai~phmentay eIhta îîurfmmidîtrueoaitîiiu ta-niinnithmi frein tii* ta th. r-,nmnt, Who a -aiulrgpd: i tb11dt, iith Ihu-ir ehushn,, pealfiin tit#,,,cnhu - being the chie t' aclsoe in the wuy cf thile>ulul, ifuui>', amh ien valuie aifit, tandIf exdiîr prceudnga.noua> ssinî the fiait, tlema nhlhuatteptti tmm epeîi.g tje pouune.jth, miii the..-oumahuanmiii support oif nIe Queen Yua. Jolie Napier.-Anson. cluulmît. A Truc bill wqsround againat the pnisoner MtanIllet, 2.Stlm tfNL!ia'uA. D.Iu1 nboae trial stands 'ovr for the Assises on MAL.COLM biulFANz lthe 11mbh Apnil î.iiPeîne T/e Queen Ys. Jurant Ilenr&r -T ho charge against îLe prisoner hi> ts case wus for ohîaining $2, for pretenaline ta hava fimished a vaîl in a manee n hvioh vas the proaeutomr, and George Cornie. vç. as tLe m<itrate a-ha sotl the case far trial. The pres-custor diti net afupear,- and hi, eognizances wreeorderued to b. the Ceuni>' Attorne2y. Fromnt tmc irculp- C01à oarL ShrE!ycvntA stances alich tranmipived ltecaseeftpppar. <"1o Wi m fL11i uumalirileul Cment of* ed te ha une of very grea'. cruel.>' ovants iitts- cf 1#t'mtînla. nilitue lehini utLime PConrt tLe unfortummale pnasoner,.- rhum L au! bren iQîmrer uisn ke tht Pjoucliiifrd, incarenaleti ou the palt>' pharço for neuhis, lhuaricjxa w eenecti eeral Young< chiltiren 1JatUrday, -2fh of Maroh, iot.- tcpro1vidmi r. The reuogniguesii-of tie 'ut 11 o'utoco e.u u th ron îLe cntfAmatt- pmosoeu'or ords-red in hae' ucheatoti wrie imuf the Qianei>' A«oeontsralriiing liai euteed nto q te su ofcris budreda. . MACI.>ONELL, Thme follaviug ue>-onns a-ho 'pteaded gq<tat>," ta indictutants fer larcin>', .wre - enteucue!, John UdelI, a lad of 15, te the Ret'orm - tîory Prison for 5 yearns. Alexander Biruuie, cix mouths aI hanti hsbon in the commun gaol. The choya comcprisos, the ttatIof the Quarter Sessions businesa, vhicb teck tihe Grand Jury lIme noie oh îhree duys ta gel thraugh vitlte, anme! în, 0onorousa vere@<Le libans pombonmed ' that their ver- ahipt'ei inteiigeucu's rere unablu te dnav op s presontaient, andt so mcdo none-., The Court adjouruced about îiiree o'clck in the alterucon et tLe uhinti day, mnçb tQ tLe relief cf ahi in attemulauco. Apari Irra the deacujpiionq oflthe berdIi9M ors cf an-thme cruel ai1d terrib~le scenes ""c 'Wce-iesi. el>' notbing lin -tho AI .IbspeofaI cor, or pro4restovarde tLe teruiîatiou cf tihe van, cm th. anesiid&on whiî thîe tber, 'te b. sinuuJ. Sherman is s'tilt~ on b maar.eim brotigi North. Carolin.- ( 4*eordicg ta theo1Nortievu açcoanlg Le Jo B pîa>'iug the muaciief. the ljorth Say tho>' Mr' Luio gel Liai just niioro lt.e>'Vaut hua.. - The. deslruqtio,îof propert>' ba4 be9 b -Clonr cf 1h. I'oatu, C. o.- W lhMkrci 20, 1545. il ýOv-NThuinsos ,tm..loth i 'f uMmmciibew ÏIme TonÈIai t tWhhIhî>, edmuid b 7ela~ orit.) haa.- L uh A RMALL ACOUPNT ROKt wiî h bîmie ecrar, enditq is t>usie riiten ita »Iuortha sut, f lheuogrmph)-.) lTic ftu'direr l li liberali>' muuws.dsd on roîammsmlsglt totbe ummer - Whltlîy. Msnuh 22. 1ea5. i TIXE STALýJOuN BL4CIÇ, II4WK URIJiE1 FOR SLE TS>L&CC HAWxIr atîa'I.a ceai b",a NEW rivîl of i-.An, 'open sowing. off. .Drifts a, cles, and rails aOu y tle vhole ray, sud tamagset stock evpiry. I here. I vauld soi,wvas ii road elver ini sech àatumw efore 1à ta i fot au im.- positi on to a tltJfroxa snob a raid ?. tl!. muow? 1If so, il siioniul udoae 4. tiadiately. "Ir oot, I hope the rad soon fal into banda thst wilI do better ju. tice tao the public. I an, VÊoCre,- s -At tLe ade-ball et tLe Tailleries the Emprema nove a white and'gold veil viieb, fiavimmg froni a superb coronai 0f diaman&a contribated, nu îL te Easteru tnnic, te <ire au oriental character ta the costume,-wbich iis described as original and .docidedl y ha. couiing ta ber. -An olti gentletran flamedPowel,cl. lyzati, andi ouly chic ta maya on nheels vho hadthelb question "'popped" ta hics b; bis nurse, and accepted bler, andth ie*, bmcked out cf the ongagomeutorî advice ei bis frientis, bas been ordored b>' the Locl. don caurts ta puy 2, 003 .pounds ta the lady (a Miss Lewis) for bis breuch cf, promise -A rmechanic cf milwvaukie Lu made a centre table for Presideut I1incom ConM. posed of i8.000 pions cof ncod. -The torrent of lsva naw runniug omit cf Etna fs25O fetedwiclo. -Th.uonerates are a nation ci r.4 -0o>1 BEI RE The stl iuig the ba]anîéî Grocei 41of whil jledpced Prie fle alsc nghis sincere btiwed upon - ï he same. Whitby, Feb. I if by ~# 0 or oigIat in tihe .a sdilel - GTAW] A 19- 0- 1 Admifatttatiou cf Justice Etiocalion ý........ ....... Literar>' anti scieutillc inatitu- tiolis.. .. ...... ......... Hospitaaanti Chîities... Agricullural Societies ... Oais froun building fond..,. Raids anti Bridges...... Interesti cu libilltiies ovor asiti.. ......... ...... Inier.t Un proportion cf debl 1 ta bu assumei, a>'... Balance avaîtable .......... 2181,000 248,000 88,000 8,000 5,000 76,000 7g5,000 625,b00 0

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