Whitby Chronicle, 23 Mar 1865, p. 3

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1*~ ~~ ~~~~ NR.~~nr r~-~. ~7. Theé scriber begs to announce the ar- rival of his-Âtinual suPply of Qardaen Seedà, for ýiot-bédý jutd »Open aowin9ý BEE DSMAÂN 7CA1?AWBM & ýOLD RYE WHIISKY. 'A Alot bf very fine to Iîand at 0O 1,on the'Corner, OPPOSITE BLACK'S HOTEL, C. ROBERTrs, i t-47 Ildeby Ie'MjsysJus!o* h ece for the CouontypQt 9,i'o b Deember sesï lion, 1 Sa*, to the MHareh Session, 1805, t - ~.. -ils a - IPM Nam* of Pr*euor. 1; Name bf Defe ndut. John Ryo~s~ .Ju unr Natuato of Charg. BgellIngTIAquer without 11100n John OoulW ..... n K oon ........iolfnc. onte isb r i a &thrbrPetefll . John Quilroyle. à. ba.of ovgo. ja,. 80, iWS. Bright.....Asul...........J)c 5 Chrisir Cariton ... Tiootby Ban-.rahing imoney frocï h6 mcP.....Yb. s, The quenc.......... eobn Kepier ......... ..............I le 1, Wine and Spirit Merchant. 1Wm.. lauuy.......lkburMe . T he subscî lng he, balance of Il 411 of wvhicli 4eedýeed Prices to ie also tal ding his sîncere thaï b'estowdd upo'n hiro, the àmre, --Whitby, Feb. 141i Hôtel f or i" n vtectf la '?wer et $0 Jsemtl Wiltluim 11 s-Rad la ,tidtl.e upirt, sud Jiote tJlrd part. There miibe - XR. TEHOXLAS 4ý"C AN N 1NG* TOW>NsLlI> OF Jame tiine.....Ed#ard at J. B. flould........ BioIoelI......... 1Charles Relis....-. Euianuel ebr....) andi Di" Keft âa1old .~.lJhard ont"re HawadJohn Taylor. Auslsudt a-y....... I Âssldng~ Constable ln-'the dwi charge or bis duty,. Driving through tollga'wh out patibg tofl............j imO6t t' 'i Larce ........................D. I, Âmau............Dc 29 Non payet cf wags...... Pub. 22, 1864. -. Iuterfering wiîh Baatln laper.' 3~. B. Bickeli . .John Buce Je........# formanfhbitdaty... riber has deterred upon seIl- - e rfouneo oke e- mu Alstocck ofvaut andi rcl'sibg te go to verk. Riel. L Shir .... ýJa es yan ... .. Maliciosinjury tgOpropertY ...... e.'l Is, vi.nes & Iiquoes, R. ir .....Thes. Glaagow... Maliciona injury te propety ...... ... Feb. 12, aîe eîui'earicu'ght MeLean ......Th:a. Alla. . Asmault and Battery ... .... .......ac ,' aiee g(,,,tiui....aricles,............ 7...rwn.... niake room fotj Spring importations. JaesSocnbrrgh... and Assaut and i Bttery................. b.1, t kes this oplportîînity of retuirti- ry..1. Joeeph trottier .. lÂmauting Baihlf in the.eecu- Llks to lus friends for th.eir libtoral patronage Donald %os, Balifr... andi Dao. 20, 1884 iand hope.s to have a further continualice Df ~ Brothers...... ...). tion of bis daty .. .. . ..... ...1 jWinl.>îorroiw...Mucthew flodgIon . Asault and Bfattery........ . e.1,< <-~~o>~FAQUIAS~)'S TbotnaWalker. Joseph D-Mason... <Druuk j (t 1re11;Toma..;:: : :i 1i~i........ -......J"u. 23, i.. 86.5 W. ti. Bu llngs . James Siiel,. .. . .. ...buarva language........... ....... il 48 t SuaohPinder. Thoa. Pinder. . Assauit.............M 7, Josepbhtsn. 'Sal. Farn F r Sae 0.<W. Ncii. nt Asauit andi Battery ............... Pcb.4, Sal.W Warreornale 'iib aie citidin f% --1A, . =. . ...... M. Ketehen ......... Violation cf Militia st...... c.2i, 4tulgamge 1iiwiý'ilt Ni.4i t"4Ie',j"',~î,f . e......Aies. McL.îun.aan....... ............Pcd2 t*vife njt n it' fl !I c: t~ t -o t-ta, i,ciulO John Fia nr, Ju.MeDunneti AssaulNeI 4 î.ffere o' iblce t i d' A .-in .i rat t'iigtI lRobert IBiler,...Eds'.rd <YDonouhe.Wagea ......... ..... ..........iD , 0 86 w it ii' ii 'i iii:i.tti i' o Alitdl-y, i. . ....Pu...t..r Di1, 1.4 an ýtit i- " ~i toui yT,, r. i Ptear n nelly . ..Con Doyle,.....Wages..............e.1, I~ . Nartii..n.T fahny..,Chas. MeKmnnon. l3. reacb of Tcwnship ity la'. .........JFeb, I1% 7 ~~~~ ~Patrick Hoaly .!Mautice Seee. iidemeaner..............J5 ilsi 'l'lJuoglph Droule. n adv . sal..............;,Peb. 4< , - (Ir l'y 1ltiii' jrepa2 ii let. ane Rs . ......E ardn Bean......aault..... .............Fb î WALH, hOI.~ ivigatn,..,.~liaon Wd reanil iker ..................... >'Sltr t, INSOLTENT ACT OF 1Ê84.i a TON .4~i2 'IOR-EMc-"LOU. lantfJotiDulon ........Edwaril-Man rcn...... ....L-ny........... i. ~ 865 ejOudày, the àrd day ci Apitil, Nexl, nt twnlc n'toclc 'ion, the .Ioiz voluale î.ropirtv vI~4Ilt' lotceI.rnd mel.> ltlilie4iiulite 1«ittiblikVl1îLe Or ft~nîn.ii i Ut.raid Towinpili if liriî.k, bcltreorpr~.l~f <'rain ptrt nt 1,,,t N lîm bsr si,ntltVel. ~,ca,~î rtho L.11, Tuwnmhilp of Brock, vuuttiig h'.v.riicîc met ftc..ilthaî (if titiocvre,, aînd <lit l haîid preinliem rç. nore partýçularVde"a ibed in the gaid mortzilgir.' Tho ptarehîtier lm tg pay to the Venc4er'i go- ltornt te iie e ga'oile 1 ti<of<lîîc ritHitti- dred Dolctrî. .nd wlthin oine moilîifirom thet clay eÇealo the beuhiiîce ttliîu prcvhame içnrcv. -The. ouveynuo lete bho pîarud et Uie pur. 7v¶rileparttueclare c nd ittditinîîstof saise ma bhoIîaâont the. LAW'tfyflcecst theVenilor's ýSc,]TitntB ntcleîî io idnt the Law <fatîc ýOf Keller and Lamon, *hity. Dated thIoi thirteenthi lay f March, A. D) Ci]A... KELLER, 10 Vtdn'.Sclicitor. INSOLVENT ACT 0F? 1864. TKHP, -Iltora of itheundtlralned lre tnt- P1' ed te meet Atthet. las' .11.of Citarlets(C. Kidier, t teîninpgteîî hgitce Tow uship Breakc, ln the tnuuty oo<tiriti, on i Ttîngy tihe twenty.eight <loy ot Mruli, 1965, nt twlve e<tlock néoni, <ur te purpoie tof r.'. celviiigfiattemrentiof hlil affairm,nit of uaminq au Ameigneeo owlim omatîy malteun toitcigu- mentteauder the elov.'Act. Latee nt Caiul.gw, thim St day of Jilai oh D.J. 1885. JOtIS ALLEN. H.eldiIn utii.Townohip ti«irock in Uic-Cuuuty fOar. -CiIÂIL*8 C, KFLLER, 1, SoIl4f T Or trIitlC Et 1 ESTA B3LISII. MOYEU TO 'S BLOCK, muercwIaHlW Street- Teriviller, anud 4ltna JOlI-N WARFEN,-Eil 'theVillage nit iwaa, ini the County of On- tuiriiiý Miller adTrader, Defendant. 17'ý1t 4atuî lOî tii Wr1t cf Aitnchnet U aîîeiwd the retturt tiioretîl, aud pa. p.r.4 tf»it- .10 --; le.* thiit the (C t-lituèsra nithe ,liençii.nt y miaîd the trc ierebvt nt'tntieotd t4) tauti eiit the uttce nit ue tleik uiiIlei. <Jnety Ciirt i4v the C(iti (4i'y i titriiî etitht T(-wtt i-f Wliiti>, lithes coutty of i iltarin, con Konday the 2Oth of IMardh, A. D., 18M t1,c 10 clncêk iii the forcit-on, for the pirîîr'ac <f glî'liîZ îli'ir cvidoîcctiti uthe apedutinetucîof titi official Accto Date 1 m tW htby tthia lOîli dty cntibru ary, 1965. S. B. FAIRBAINK$, 1 ciaifor lPlainti.f. Durham, and Devo.n Bullè -Wanted. WANTET>. Twn ymitng Bilié ,net tnex- oeuti <wo yîar# ni tge, oiu, Dunrhuîm, and ontitiletoti. A n si l7 p rtt.î i li >tlor ecuber te iapcetifcii crr'<pndwih the Pm-isl <lont of tht. lIari onc Rnina Brotich Agricultu- r4Society, (ctatlng price *te.,>) te Atlierley . HEMTORLAW, Socret.ery. blarch, 1:;tit1865.1. GOING TO, Remove To the premises Iately Occupied bythe WIITE FLAGI ilie suhocriber prepantory 0 %pti wisbes to oel hi& tock oi S T0 VIF.O CLEAN QOUT. 1 1 'Will give ,f<iinducenentz ttepurchasera for two weeko. 'Intersted peruens w iII do weltoc6all ind e= M, 4Zoe. ., & f- pfore purcbasslng %V . Fergusen.i Henry Ken>)...... William ffarvay . 8.oecka'r . Captaisi 0. Pretice Jehn Kilfoyie. Edwin Iooen.. andi 'ohn Smith. .jobni Qilsp . Arthur Maelc Wè. *tleaqy... do. Win. liright. tTbre;&tenîng enstable la tloe diachar. geofe dail and pmoeontlng the arrit) ocf ILas'kins Moon, chprgod witb' Larccuy, and Asseuit ad bittery.., maicien. lujury in preerty ......... Non payment of s'agos ............. T~aIm.................... Wcr~gMltai'7 Clothin;.. ... ttegle<ttiug drili ....... .... 1oý Gol. Wu i tr.... 1o. aIW.. Geeu ht.. . ir . Bare. 1 '0 184. & J.Gnn... -....* 1886. IL. Harden .... ft.T. Harrion,.. S.T. tramaon., L.C. Thoins.,.. sfl ol Gilsi. . do de R 1obert Spesa.,.1 Win. Smith.. IJoseph Goui ....f Geo. Wh.ter .... L . nToms... N. W. Brown. .. 40 do ... T. er........ do, .. do do ... G eo. Leask. sud Wi. Nelson. OGo. Brabeson ..i 1.F.bp . do. on Raoliff do. dé. 1865.. ~'esôh~ $1,0 1AJO 2 OQ 200U ô 35 PI.. wb.u paiti, .-o tb b. pwg toi, Rpaid Jutice. Pa iowb ast on otion . VoUajt........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... Within 21 duji... xotetp.d,......... 21 deys ........... 10 days.......... to w~ IdM over by add Jutice. Wnhtto inrorn mlxd l*a othi obssgyaoua. e4ueIrwâaa i"batu, 10. Son.tg .........I~l eWIJadLtta i ~...... t t. ....................................................................~...O'.. t. a aî o 0do 4sibl. tsd0tIatý ,i8isoâ 1!~J. . Gldtveurrof the ~~~~ Tumo.......... Tobepl oouliat. ........o........... ......to............... .......Tr ..ure........ Committet te .commoa ga9i foi 8 .oâtk4 OU 1~ ~~Id~ *th......j............... ..1T' îIr, 210 ô 90 2 0 à? 9. '01 104 400 5-00 6 " 200o Oftbi~b.............. ~ ....ur ......... .. ...hiî................ One wu.k........ Vorthkb............ Pebrtk................ .......... ......... ..a.............. f9C 1GuV!.......... Township Tresanrer ..... Go. Çnie, Tréatuer fer the'-Idu. ........ f ~ac... ... ......tr ... . . . p4~ t. t- svai.br...,4a~~t.C cti.psyL~ Comltted fi21 Net P414. Net yet piid,'bau Do.0u4; Pild7h T.Paztni't Jo0 i'. t .................................................................p ipip Mjatant Giu'l per Capi. Pretice. ,- de do Oouuty Tremmr.- to this tote boetobeaRear f.Upu Oitlà~kf the Cierk of tài. eoe,ý"' . Whitby, March 14, 1865. SELLINM OF EREAQY t 7 K:.11' - B"EL,ýL'N G 0'FF- AT 'GREAT1LY REBDUCE D PRICES Joaepb 1 Robert BI{OCK fs5igut.d<3 ~îîJge. C. O 9-iir. sprintg CottQns, PF1n1L 'I'weets,' NEW A»DV-ÉP,ýills -P., m 1P, iv Il'i' 0'.' .........

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