Whitby Chronicle, 23 Mar 1865, p. 4

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WVVffchès' - ewelry. INiltit rttyIiniter tu redace stock, £Il (.oods will ho jUEDUCE1) PRICES! TmllOme ilaiwaccct uf agood JAMIUIJOHN$TON, Wtatkiitar ami dJeweliar, 8rua.ck OStreet. IMA19 TO LET. . 1 1 BRJTISHR PE1W)DIIIALB, t 18 #1 Bro ~TERM PUI JAA - VERY FINE, AT" No.lo1, on theoprner, C. ROBERTS, FAMILY GROCER. Au st t o H a àd One -Case, 0fth Celebr:ited0liverpool Rnbber and Rier-Bottomed 0, ~QVER SH- Es. Neat, -,ight,ý an&. Durabl.e. Cal] in thnac and get a pair at'the February, 22, 1865. IN BIIOOKLIN90 CLEARING SALE c AT Mathe-wson, Ratoliîfte:,#COo.'s --(b, ar sIL dC'tili "i lliîîg 011 tho i l inc <of their Extensive stock Toi iALL ,ANI) Vu \ IlR IDRY (J(JDS - rliATwel1 l aou , tjlclut o o utl sa the - - Ionldson Pari ,contalntng 190 mves, < about lOi> ei.iirccile "W.cilca.oticiuitg àtîd isitl cillct cltaht rîtr t tt, eiklU,20 fruit.-Will li lut fcir a 0(11ieï A . D N Ai. e) N E.q 6 6 à o l t tiiilliiif l a- cal 1ù o t iib.nl)'4Il fit: le - fl icito , 1, 7 b tkli' i1If û tv i. iiigiuý Lu i ReROOMu %ri h I4I , C lelbiu. rijtdtf lt iie lyeIti a>le fcttdca-iîa - ssrdd s o% lt i . cîiti f i t l i iorita- ~ 'ie. frdia Il i 1 1 c,1< < e 7îaci i < o fîtvtt. t iaact fcmur tht 0* t i tii il t 1-aactiîrccictit. citb eiclte trO-cal iticîlt izA &et 'cio uîrîhclic aair Tt ii a if -î,ls » ttaitaciýrtwercaaîead liare Ic 1IC I Â t{ tf au l le r' icyao it iaIi ar.4%u il cai t tha e W r.ajtî.ci li u l e i layoitcio 'Strcfa ,aa rour ir uftiE thri denîlt c. t e tc. i 1i. lit, lrdVauî 'îcultetoi tt lelil ' ,JeEN T I RI E F T 01 4lac 27he, O tac c. 1a. I Ep -I MwRaijl t.11cAc lait F. il fÀ I§'- or ofa h liu abuv cfTn-,w i lic, all î t a ael (,ttctil't-o (.1, Ille aacid n eralD ~ I t) t ti , 11 ta i i. 1". niai e u palerdi.rW L , G tii- iahotti~al ci igt î ti ittt e)wcatie) r. t r lt, ciiaaac or'a tti- 't t t nd ia t olit e ,IU I[1u'r ia iiav nt siittccc'ccn cit l .cuaa ~I.R I t~ 64(1aýio ic-t, t riet ca-c. tliv% . l 74ccaarace . GEEXTEGANSVD RUSS-E RSSELLO&EL, 0F 499 Bî) , 1 v-A , W hi- WS aLL '&Jfie The LedonQua4ery .et y19oW<(cPneAû&w v The Westminster Review> JTne North Britiolh Review AND Blackwood's Edinbrsla gazine (Troy.). 'rite ArrientPubliahorg coîltinue Lareprtiithea 1.cc dooiird. fiar ptiecoc opa or iiifyoixvrobdad, werl-denl.dluta1ith. (s, dutihl, ic!laMcvtc l rc î,wreaiwed, they arc ccoip,,ILed t aticaice Uîcir tccrnifi s fauiow,± 1TERMHFO 10w Iaor atiy aiiaoor the Racvccwil... $4,00 per mnuam Forall uccy î rillfîe Icc i .. 7.00 ' i For ally ilireofibri Iicviews.140M0 foir ail (Cur oftie Iocçw..;.12,00 t FOllaiiku'aodic a gcilcîn...4.06 t- oir and owo cd nIi aaltacvitw. . 7.00 Fur 1iiicaekwot icci d uny twai &)fine 0Leviec. ........'... 10.00 Fur 1laickwuccd nccd Ireicafet Ile Reviciws. ... ..1.0 For Iickwceoi andlielîr - eiCv........... 15.00 iicricuc li ae liraiit 'Prl.eicîea wîilirccnjt m iaiiciîcccic tai flattepria-toi wqiAy fol ieCls a yuw for lIiacitwoaod-od eiçhî ceta < o r fcho.91llaeic l Oovc-r tcI .fi. êccotnu4v.tl 1ic) tifiîper ici c' oc-c ri %Iilcorienlijt'rriodi. ncvuccc. d li t i cc r nruca tci i is iz c '- actidt-r gc-cîrntii lit- ile ciijjji tolliiaa 10 ie cpie llil t tpivo ritath.el l4Ic allia i'tiaaillaccil]ttIlle arigi.; fon m cai tcccýil. *i.tie.. ttr ctrr.aeaal Jrieot. oiii bci Çcuial uidUcvi). fer il.u'oaltcalit acf milloier (uroixiaci, ," ihocctcîfflît, '-he coiptiiuig pîtc.-ait licita oail.a flO1a'c aiit l !, tc' A'acccll ie orjeaclai editions, wiivil li ilivî rvbci p rr.ccuaa cl gacid cnacaid bc Iliictoi 10 ntccr. taucrirv'uo ($15) ealre cldiihgylow. téda i .l ilas i iii(4icitil c ', tacko ccir catialn i » elti tl tac lia' i iitl 'liiiic-rÀibr *(ty wtat4 undotaapyaij ini Gaj-.4L toiiii l aetalhlàit.ccce (uî if > Ï)IrIg $2t ix) mf sirenr c-cc- occd wu nt tat iilt tocmmi. cve toi qclrd Le . ia i 'ttirel ic jjild i.y out eût- forriicérci and ilio rpnclacqi iccîiiv. CIAuic'ci rlitii talc tîOur i Iiaaa anta tl icsoiej.: liflicaai liîguc cViilctjititi iae y cracy c .easildcjr. (c i.-o rnt <cdlcecNiirontatttlaict (ront wisic ilitaisatar e la. Le rncana dedn-arîIl1 iaaivccocit yl%,to (Iacitiîe cafida cccccaury, ati'vacry uretf alxuitiiy. ,% re rioW at occlititcancce riaoiit itatand iwi Ace auld eat H5I ir w'ic etr, or $2 fltraity n-- We oate, Pîabii îthe Il' e('ty itica'rc cEdinftifiaac.îtnth lice Jt,'. P. 'Ncccc1.I g-yacie CtIice. 2 vtim.Rorel Cctace, 16 igan uundtsefurutia 'agtiii* c ii.E $1(cur hl '%o voiiriag-icy MaI, pMat paià LEONARD SCOTTI & C0.,: Boos #Shoe j')EG- taiii,)rn 1-;eC'tittuierc, tilot bu iatIL lteltI, aI c lucs l riteracety flo.atc iii dî Lii . l il iii dtitetaioriter. Repiirc. a, ;lita i 0O:ý'TFLUNES FOR -SALE !i-0 Çcci.%aca , aail i1etrial cdu ooîîviitco c,I laot a i c. c glt itrî rta-trbacrgat.s !sit ttcielopt shit1 ibtao haitt. t 4 i"dbt Jint Reeive fl O'UTY CUO WIN taro.- 134ra-tati e ~& ~ Cooking, Parlor& Box Wlcich iili i' aolai nt low Ipricet§. - tutu ta theiat i tttici'il aiýmî~ita calis l Im ry o"aLà igà or' Il Cook ing Stoves, fIros. - tttr inkexa lii ey bra Wl!. RYAN, At lise ONi Stat]a, Brtack Street. Wfiaity, Sept., 7, 1864. -85. POST iiFfICE, Wi!IlToy, M A LS ao 'loie at W&officie mi tdfoi?: NEW YORlK, Iî ttention oîf tait Publiceaal dt1e trade, aitavited ol tnur New Seale 7 Octave Rosewauua-d Piano.Fwortes! led by nbihorto offerdnti ralis amarket. They on~aii a moiteaderta împrovemets, FRENOFI49RANDOAC'TON, IARP PEDAL, MRON FRAMPuo; OER879RUNG A m .Chb inhtrument 'bÇing mae nde tise persoual suapervilioux 01 H1. J. -ilIGROV iSTIREN Who lhas had a prictical experience of ')ver SuOYear in. taoir manufacture, ian 'WarratedinecverypMtioular TuE IG SA LE & Co.4 PUS A iDUC1I ION STOCK!l Goods, ORt (ASII, A.NCE lirepau'atery to, ,y Wnes lwo Blankeo, Stripod Bhirtîngs, Prints, Planni Shirts, Rats,ý Caps, Nock Ties, Scarves, Shirt Colan, Braces, Hosiery and Gloves. Seaimskins, Beaver Cloth, D3lack-and Fancy Doeskins, Tweeds. IN ýGREAT VALIIETY. - -AN IMMENSE STQX, O. READYmMADE CLOTHINO0 AT I{ALFc1,RICE. 'GROVSMY NPIAN-FOJRTE", an1'.-P ll*Anrt'VhfhrTnl ,iF ait trthers at the Celehrated WVhe:e wue oexhi6%ed instram~ntë i'omi lth "t aenit<i of London, Paris, Gercuin ny, Pliilaattlepilil, Baltimnore, %$aton~ and New' York ; andl leat tit..e Aounran 14ituleJr 5 ceim80C earg, GoId &,'ilver AMedals ?rom both cof which eau bho mo t O aur at aot-room. l3y the inltoduction-of inaprovomettaOe inake a t mliimore perfect PIANO-FU*VPtleÎ And by marluf&o4prini]rgely, w il.'a -strirctly -<esh ai tern, are onabed.to eifer fhsiffle aO mýe-~1h hwil PRlOkS: No. 1, Sevori )ctiave, round cornerý,, 1tonewocad plbin c.a, $275. No. 2, Seven Octave,.round cernera Rosewood boairyma.idng, $900. No. 8, sr Otvýround cornrs, 4cWpwood ZLouis 4 stI2'85. 7ERMS: - FQ4da, - 86.17 Ai na z, -iAIOUUins i ~ ~ uIc U>ng , u Jan. lu, ÂOUt> tilCLEAIIINÇGSAýLLE R.,-A AM PB;EL L H1ave just commenced to SeIl Off the balance of teir, Fal "& wÎntr~o 'At ad dunder COST PRIOE FOÈK-ASH>Â iaryJtun y fc 163 King4Ste West, Toronto. 0--7 A rgel vi,îiety of Carrnages -on hand. The proprietors oi this f.Estalis1jhmenflt1,potsess facil il cs l'r matuuf.tcLuri i g Carrnages that enable thei to dey coînpititioin, eithcr in pnice, style or finish. Cali aund see for yotrselvcs. 3 3Li>t\i10 A lia ,ý%rIIVIDi\ L ON 3101t1'tiA<,E FORt VIVE EARS-lt, Ilone vtcya-riÏhco,ttd DjeI>tcatk,'ct'iilcc. (f' at a La c],cc ilcargy Rcacarveue file, surarctipc aîaplyin,&. OF'iEHUIN'IOE>F4'l-8 PER <CEN T. PER ANNIIII. g:w,î ai ainoit gtî cr a iict Cacac,Ij Cmpiy, . i.tlut m ac! alOper Ctat, onc iaraca iaropoi y. Aptciy, (fc <at ~-lc intt WIIBY B La. .oieva.e)t j nti tiao C4irlloi caf th j botairev., &t., &C'- Wi M. (,I M. . Onour, 4-C. t.mài f tloêof:iîs $âutb wîtgIr laid M AT .COT PRICES FOR C.SI CO M M E R C I A LM E N, 12l tdiil >Lî Ittl Brcs Sartiîit, l aîe s, ov4cliz, IO l it<a' is, a;uî l e l tils wtina ]Few Yprds of the Publi e Hall. Private Parlorsi VMADECL THINC Aise a large 'id cfcaîul f, 0 e , I'O( kel' , amadwa re, - I>nPices te suit theiile-l f r C slot atc nud i cady p'îy ouily. - MA11 X~ ' u, IATCIcÇFFE &C(o. -30 io-kîi,.ttitr (, IS -h'. 4 CHA GESNO IlIGItIEIt THAN THE OTHER HOTELS IN WHITBY. - JACOB BIIYAN. FINNAN Reduced ifr Price! SFre.'!i Let 'ecruIlrJy ZQ(C1 ' ft No. 1, on the corner, 1- ý i)1c1b 4- D 'I ' 11/A( l U 1. l' 1 SJ ~ L~L IN G FIi, VhibyFcbtîa'y C. ROBERTS, -i 1L86.I C OF Fîuîuuly (caocer anîd %Vine Mercliant HlE subscribe.ï haxi ng riî1e for the pres'cîit te discouitinue --___ TtéCredit Business, froîti this cý Lce theie Tcrinus will ho Cash, lif ' i' LJ xcept t lîvcppeid'h -rî last accouin iiIfi], sand this rnenth, iwilî tacsold at An ( notes taken tor îiccouuîts asîîu piirelia.tues, payable next Out. Ail theiÉ lharge StOCk-, eîuisistiiig01, DRY' GOODS, GROC"ERIES &..wil le 4lered nîtt ver>, mu ckRt-.EDOI~E PR-cWIýS, with the - Ç)bjèct of - SeI1iiag ail by 1Ist March oext. Having given notice sontetirne ago, that we required payment of ail accounts and notes due, and ?aqt due, and as inany have--given 110 attention th, said îlotice1 - AS WEUR, IR E W$ iWONE Y! We nust. look to those that rîrjý ii ýd'tcd tov us for, it, an d'their' accounts wiîl bq. plabed for co1heffion without fartier delay. c ARNdLD*CQol@ Wb>tbyJanu~y1,16 by c -' .NEW, FURNýITURE STO RE, OSI-AwA M.ANiTiFAC'I'URE., JAS.- RIRKýLAýND Wvould info itepblie tlat he hýLas just, opened a iiew Furniture store iiith sopitoy occupiedbyLWSIOJKEq, - elrnie sb13-uilings1 opp Oiite the Post-oftice, DuN±% 8REi'f W'IBY -Wherèea le cîa~ u d q superior swlection of ail kïnds-otf' frni- ture, Whichjis 14ceri zulidt at thé Oshawua furiiiture establislment by the beet:6f'sorbùèén. Orders for anything inî the above Ulne slupplied on the shortest notice. ltepairiing doueéxvitli neatnes annd despatch-- Thé subseriber will seil aial goods at*pnices to defy-eompetition. -JAMES KLRKLAIND. Wbitbl, Decembèr' 186i4. In French Me and &fink;, Se& Flannel Shir4s READI - -~ -~ ~ - .~' ~ ~ 1 IIII)DIEN-1 ý 1

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