Whitby Chronicle, 13 Apr 1865, p. 3

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SUMMER BOOTS." JÏust opened a comipl ete ass'riment of Ladies', Misses, Girls, and Ghildrens', Boots for Suminer wear. Everythuig that is uew in the Shoi3 une,. will be found at the OId Ried Store, -at prices that will astonish- 1brqers gUrREMEMflER TERMS STR10TLY CASH. Only one Priée. James Bain., Tio Shoemal>kers. One-hundred sides of'superior Spanish Sole Leather to baud, Nuniber one quality New Styles of Lasts to hand Machine Thread, Zinc and Iron Nails, and ail sorts of Shoe Findings, tthe OLT) RED sTORE. JAMES BAIN. Wlitby, April,12, 1865 Fire!!a Fire!10 Has re.opened the C'ariag acoyla occupied by DONOVAN W'ALKEY & Co., second door southi pf lisIgte Factory, -and opposite the Town H-all, Whitby~ where lie is prepared to EXECUTE ALL ORDERS HE MAY ]DE- F'AVOLIED WITH. lhitbyý-April 4, 1 SGI 1 JV.n up Business -- - --- ýýWANTED 1 2o0OOIl Jmes lProoîn bas instructed MIr. Levi Fair- Ilks, Jr., tW selil by Auction, tie whiole of his valuaýle stock of ~ ami%, I eR*Wb, Croker. GIaswa vBoots and-Stioes., &c. ~Vithout ReÏerv. Go and buy. J4 Iroom wçýiî;d re-,pectfully beg ail paffies îndebted to him :o cail and settle withiolt dlY. Whitby, April 4, 1863.5, 13 SNEW ADVERTISEbINS "proviîîag1)p îoprty, îîîîd îcht u u f afi naitaApu il 7th 1851 i ILUN1~TNATOUivf e J 't Bpynnng Fiîîid ini tac foroasie by S olo 1~tit, ilb t IPURE GRAPE V1NE! orecr ecnai anod Satcramental tic,. 'rice <niy 82 a»0(lar guihou. At the Fatnlly Vrq to iip. JUST Rt ItIVED AT UNMES R. GERRIE'SIU 1001' SEED SOW ER, AND Jianuro & Plaster Dtatrbutor ,Wpatet for tuire Mai Uehis, wbuuuh ho w lra 0Iutroducc o tihe notice cf the Farm- [t will 80w. and evenly distri, b ute all kinds of root seedst iii any required pxoportlv, pns. t willat theo mre #imp distibute manure or plastor, i4i auy 1h yl pboy and e4ltriboo$t the Posedaltitor wheithon 1 uyponr orpiutmr. Tt ahI di- iljry, rIlliaie or ahes over phui i ep io tu.inue l tbr iiightbog unid. itlhan.c"0dejitue r aeIo roi. or aue .or ab,'e~o..I u tht mOut esta Tt brcngh tu'Inder pubhilu nto.. patent Slht» for Conoties cant Townahipa fer aal. Âppliciea teole mide ho MM~E CLATTON. Farmitf lImplemaul MeMaufaturer. &C., 1845, 14, 1$ luth. Snd itt, ooulalnlng (if b> leSter '4, -_- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.I INSOLVENT ACI 0F 1864. le tihe m9ller or JohoIi . i, a ioivlî t. Tf IIF reitî.râ or the tc.oiVe11ît ae otifled jtiîat iî hhou ingde ait A04akuumnlt 4 imi extité îîîîd îffertp, liiolar the atiot,, Act, tii me, 1tle ki îfirîi.i1ieI t.îeee. anud they arc' requit uii tc iunîitmc'. c'tIliq twn O)tmio he rm tiîi, date, wth tic rc idnit, mbei Rthe. go- eutiîv tiîey lîî.i.i.if aivt, aid tho ,',Iîîoof t; xit I i olîi, pttttlîçi Afuel; tii l icîlc a uit- ei ukier outl, witi theo 'ouC!îern tui uîiu)Port oîr >;til' oi1tiîi.. Pou'td t Câaroi.îgto!-, tialaltird dty cf April A. D., ihOe. I W huti,, A pril i10, lIib. 14. TAVERN STAND ]FOR SALE. rIl T wci huioiri 7vrn Stand formerly J oupied L'y Wra. Oliver. liit the Vilac«a of , ,-nomaiota, à. orred for sale on nioderule rrm. For partiaularo &&o. JAS. VaotbMAN. Proprietor. Vecomanton, Apîil loti. 18416. 14. M< NEY TO 1JOA1N. M O)NFY to lenu on Xortqage soeurityeta ia £Modeite r.te ofîuîtereet. Apply toy.%Vt n krl IOr ho Barruator, W hîtby- ADAM GO'CDON. Mercillint, Manchiester. V'jOyon want Wbinlkars or Mouatuchet JirQ recian Compotiul wlll fore. theiu ta ,rw 011the asnotisî face or chini, - hair 0'bVoudalp, ili tSilx IVrit. Price, il .00- a packngeu for 8.00 5nt hy tiail iywiiere *omey sooleul, on reoeept of prie.: ý ' Wd,"*ARlqf Kà GO, 14 Box los, rnckiyn, N. y A LT pcrque re herby outlocd eainet £1 purchuingr or iegodtaig the, t*-Çthw im nta1 et iid, lnp*mtiph as ý bayi reelved nue vaaia for the. Main@.. Ono imacla b> me b4 foyor of Johns Am-u âtres ti: Oi, w dl Otitor marci,,1845, uud payatil Il outbtter~date.'Another md Sy me la favoi of John i±owrenberg.r, for 'l 187,.id Biot of Rmar, Pb-196, ndpaya- ble 12 months aler date. j3rok, ApriIl, 1185. .14 Mortgage Sale. PUrnig ATI Uuder and by 'nrtue of a, r"er of sale .-.i laio . os ca, bearitl« ct ho 14 entl tLbliQ Ip1po, tj;ti tthé (fyou go to the rigbj place,). is tbe place to buy your GUOCE RIES, LIQUORS, -la IJROnKeR TR'Y THE, STORE OF, DEUNII R ~ND 11R#U4iUT fn Gibbs's Bloçk, vI4ere wiII be found, in addition to every thing .in the Grocery line, VISi AIçq, Porter, Brandy, Citi, Whisky, %PURu I i Yvou y , Noup '~rn Parties desirous of getting a good, ap4 unadl4lt et-ited artil will find it to their advanîag,,t tt buy 4( thi~ sI8avti Estald)ifsh- meut. Bremner and Urqu hart, Vill not ooly Iwpep the yery best, but they ar1e dî'termined to qr41I at prieq iliat çannot fail to gîv stttisfaction. Supeior WInes &Brandies, &c, for Med enlPups. The Grocery Depariment will H b founct,-am usual, crplein everything, and at prices to quit. t le rimes. Just recei vtd a fregh supply of that ~ZCý6UPERQR 80 AND 90 CENT- TEA. 1Oshawa, April 10, 1865. BANE RU?! ITE OF Ulousehold Furniture, BORBES, CAURIAGE, h&. TouE ux4nde*r*lquteDa bais beelncina*tr aetned hy oeili b> Publie Atiction, on tie preimîsea, in OualiaWao4 n Saturday, the lôth day of APMi N"eta 10 o'ciock, e. u., thot Houi;ohold For nîture an.d gersiei otrats lueloung to lti. eaktate of JOHIN W&ltRiN. wesltug of Piano Forte; Paror, Drawlag Boom fledrooma Dînlng lBoom, Kiwi. sund othier *uit4re 1 poaStoirnm OOtSBook.CiSO$,» n et'a. Plew= uF"MUe,%aieprof Sa Md, o Fiatr., liorse, Orrt.geslolgha WAaos, and atthet àrtitica toc nomorotus to nenhlea.. (latiogmes wahi be >MprM ibefuare th# day of iaiesho d uaybe - th-e OUi offie Mf r, ibid., ino*taiaat the bohels, sud of the. A uetioneer. The. Eersbiture aIU ho open Mu lsp ftoer ture. duy* preceding dey ut ache. 1 TERMI 0?OF 8ALE.-&ii stuna tudar $50, eohabsov, that kcount, sud oTaeplu $100. titre. montha; 1aad for at ml*emo 80 4ld npvarbt, sxaottiohaeuît *M bda<le rptrchmmerafurnaigopeo uee otJ emom ~ NIndel thir or lmnttabee the ii.lai s Il seounha uxaattled at 1 dlnd rat4t anda et 5. Eqsolltr, for oeleSmt LA8. Donoor BREM1NER & UIIIWIIÀRT, GIBBS'S BLOCK. MQa'tga Sale. -anl* udmtreut o cu id*nat l the irbMopd par, hrti %i hoa t o e aIý wile g6 o88ei ILL&R4 0s'F-0OSHÂ WAI, Agwlotulturua nl. btyand i.Est Whit»y vi b "mVR8J>Y, luA For Hm oft priMIae, ~ra* to patuirs. - aoti of Wit- B aff tohe,1 àitelitlon 0f Parmers aoId àn rySl o tl o tI mitre~cni t ko!a oro etInrle j10 s alein aiit ' flTPTJ\ ~POLLOCK v.IANN larcithlI 1;ue lu',5cîteftul e C'uhr t an Juet rïeeivM4, consistingthylIl seul Publietb Plak'àid, Tares, Carrots, ManiàgoLld, 'i d i' of Tim tyl, Clor, Wityteuhaiu10t1hiFrnlrp V i Wrtel urip Sivi'sAU- imro,dehitpe Topnd do. Banghýéoîm', do, g efO T IO 8*ee'Whith oe spfrelow Aberdeen, &o. k-.&I. l of >t.edMahuhliahmbnByp A O#L la ESCr'fTPULmLT ,sOL9IMITE». R. &4-J. CrAMPBELL.@ N.B.Th~f>leNew Spring end Sum»nmer Stock of Dry Gooda W111 bd dped od Wedgesdyi- th Apri. Whitby, March 29, 1865. GARDEN ,.12 - 1 ~FA~3DS. The suhecriber be s to announel he a zivgQfh s upp ýoyof tardeùi see8 î~eë&t aMid ce ROBERTS OATAW1ýA OLD RYE WHISKY. Alot of yery finé.to Iand at, No,. 1, on the- Corner, OPPOSITE BLAC K'S tjOTELvl Wine aU4 S§Piriý Merchant QLEÂ RENG T SAL Nqminative fAme, Objective POSSEOSIVE Lowes & pc Lower!1 'p TOWN OF WHIT y oit THÉ 28thd4y of Aprl, A. D.o18650 Attvelv~ oel g. 112,ou uieî,nay Tii.h certain, paTe 1ortriat l li iatatl the Tîjwliiubîp cf PWKERLUNG, 11; TRE COUNTY -0f ONTÂRIO1 Contalnlngb> adiuu-eaunreuet O Ua, unr Agrès Moro or bc. les opoclotti MeNrlu hait o! utlu.io rft.uie u tih. Fircat mconee'io f teotiisull iwngtht0 of ,chat. pa ronet tilt ViltagteaOu tae ~ub areut <oIforty neswracerd, and ther, ls àa Smal rime <lottago enected.on the lut.- Tlj.eoonditionot of sale arc' the staniuàfnz on'- dltlcsis-boiCourt cf Chasuluury, oxacupt lithe -Tb@.Diàf"Châ'0'r similtliat thit4 O f cale Pay *)ws dpodbitutiu. proporton of taienod for every o.s téi lred pc'uîîdso f titi.purahao mâne>,toi so muit of 01the bbatiusuuue asas[a mroubise. lldlfiiYtlie maitîd puu'ehie Monay * ànBlweaka lifto ti dat ficle, wîtlr hitrcetthreo a ti.rata f oeu npar cent. lier qnutn, afi4 th olmît)i ic he sured hiy tnortgagê ut the purchidor'-empulude. on the bsalit pr.miaeg, lu due yeer hrooLn. ti day cf tisq aaid thl wlu Inlroit Us afteeemp Foir fuitiir parhlouiiar ap? et the c offiee soin (n unpoor Xédslotgr. a 5 U0>.rit îLaiç a thu 1t f Toroi-to, or et eoi< Dattait Onrt ula> cf Aprîl, 185. JA~<E8 MoLENNAS, Vendor'. Soliottor. Mucher. THE WORLD -19 AND SQ 18 RIIATCI H VN crl.asead urlttcd h~~ nklaeyoccupied by tihe WTIIE FLAG!ý rokbtresi, whQrç lie lm opciiliig uI abIai14 Re>idy iu tise lu Âprli8, 1888, iw la to ftw 116 pat; Iuabe ourig a *un property. VI TOMI reosi Fire! t A tr rlcent 1 Nltxie(o uamra il ry largie ho -Euro >011. afier ta on h Mfr, ,etand augc to iholon i4 otil )e are as. SA_ cuis ýg or itou..

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