lýistenlîte lui theo1i ireo saiset voieo. sngrtig Vcry 'oit mdl Wïa tb. son« a haljlal of à lady b iit gaved from uA aoly peril by s <allant knlght 1 ors aiong uof baaie sud a flylit<foue1 Ptay, 1 bave <rgAteu-'tâ 3e long ig.10 a-- Sseelyhalt renlemooetd>noîe tissu balîforgot 1 Ieau rnly tol, yen vbst the saug vas ot. C L : ! E ~ U memory nsfaithfitl lif iot lept ilt tai -s, '.u Heard Onentlu ti lht-moee ijeard agala. Ever z dîbriuu<s twllght, but ne twlllght A To My ear that mato ou oit quiet vis.- M thO % t1 f Aftr tutuà i iti6L, n the dreaeitgglt Wltaio togr Ail tht I arn sti ,ýr, la tht, longîu< H Y r sil e<0,,ffhe Soume ou@.sang u t tîht Vary avet sud low. HE arstiSelgOfth i Tise Pertissiire Adrertiser quotas fF L ND WN E the folowing qeaint tlin"s troua Lb. .IOI fl beai uf a register of se«autil, com.A" (I '1 tY T 1 mn~ciutg 2th October, 1593, aud ending AT. CJ'Jl),L î9th Anunt, 1596 4W. toîll sest. [aavl wve savto reap, Consîstîung of Winceys,'Al.wool 1 W. reap sud urudig, as ye me au, nlBaios ?a lSitH We grlx tetabark, vobelle. Le est, nlBaktFa:e hit% We ent La lve, vo live te doee Braces, Scarfs, Hosiery, Olovea W. de vtticlîyat.hi' lii~ -Satiinetts, Blanikets, Buiff Advelire an A Tunnel. ~ A r V. A lady travelliuug by tise land routele- o " P.E! 5" tweeu Nov York -sud Boston, vas enfortu- tiate e7ough te lose ber perse couiainieg aAsetsfý t comiderabie aMeent of asoney, whieh vas undouitcdly appropriated by a geutleruauly £ ~ u f~ eE tI perseu ubo oceupiedthie seanttiexI ber, G oe ri sC r e but Whso lett duriug tise ime thse train vai paning tbrouegistLb long tunnel goiug BOOTS, SHOE loto 1ev Tris ciîy, hiving msmaged to pick Lb, lady'& pocket derieg tisa une'rices to suit the times, for Cash nudetocted, ashaIt au bour previons Lb. perie wuanonteo bcuslo e. -MA.TH.EV On recouning ber Ion ta a ftýieud sWho Brockliu,,Jam uary 20, 1986.~ vas mone mer about ta make the saineL L] irtg mou occupylug tiéDsent t e a opro C tected femasan sd. te tact tise danger ut L rutitig te sppearatlOes nt &il, was strongly ilet opuen. Tise ew tousisu as pariiculsrly-cie .AlI'G RI tianed te bovare -ou ging tbrougb ahe tunnel aiL Neorkand biug tborougbly admunabed, eoncluded ta keep ber pocleet 1 1 boome, gruspod je ber band during uhaL per. R E B u-cE D dlous pasage. Tise lady martd; sure en-ougis, s geetlcumanly looking rmonsge, ou tie arrivai outheb.train at Springfield, c sulicited permèamon te 611 tlb. anoccupied seat boide Lbe fair traveller, visicis, se- 4 cordil e thurabmies out rvel could not ho refued Tise sîraeger'a umucrs vero thomo -1 getiemanly eue, (pick pockela ins 7'hie s u1eribe~r has, musvela slwayu are), bis costume ie plain, nc teb1'eoh tiè f seruiieeabo and adspted for travelling.- vue aplle; lb. offerel ýbe lay bia ies W ini uevsjaper-lt vas oidly deotlined1 bt volmantercd a tev routrltea, viicis reeivad ouly ciillicg monosyllabie rosponmes. lu tact ho tode nu pragreua wbate-rer in io- Ail of w hich -are -MnIi comiu« botier sequaieted viti bis ueigh.- Reduced Prices to make i omfr1 boeum, and etidently givies it up ie deupair, oecuipied binu l b hbis nevapapeuesd aI a cieap novel.. Tise lady i Mset for. ) t*Islke~s t4IisýC guiLe ber travelling compiiuon sveil as tb, edvioe of ber friemsd, io;u r-tgltsanee'tutk o i>fi collection ut botis ,,ddeny lwhse the te'lstoweduon hira, and hopp'stc ber de Lb. train enterel tbe cimmerise ýhe sarne. darkne&co te L.tunnel. Sise berriediy tembleil for bots pociçet, and tise flnding ûl Whitl, F îeb. 1-4, 1865~ a lady'& pocitet smid te . tadm of ber ctre ____ la alen a malter ut difficulty, sud nov in - _____________ the iuepecerable darlenese seemed doubly BA ITISH PERI9IOALgo ta. Kervously se feit in tb. direction 177,- wbere the suppused tisai appeuclage vs., T e- n oui at lait tiseaperture 'wu escheiod ud ber band lbrem4 in u froid ber onlest- aîvtv bouS tell tli the train miousid ouerge Th6E Biualrg Reviow (Whig.>) %ailn ýiuttudyligit, vison, borror of lier. TIhe Westinster E.vie* ot borrora, aise oncountred heptisego.-(Bailel.) ma's bund Inu-ber pocist 1Tne North Idtish Keviw Wbtber ta acrea ufrainsistance.,AD (Free Chaireb.) aIse thimumder, or iu fact visat Le do 1 À1 aise srcely kucv ;liowestr, acting uon Blackwood's Edinburgs Ma- as 4ndien reolution, thiseimewd tise band ~ r o bell un, dterusined lu show t..- vil- a'o Y laie detected le tbe tr a 07sto on eriag L uelustuhuemeawna"rn a fm tbe Io te ligbut. -viuiad urcabt a0 ir. "bu Tise train raiîed loviy on-il seeuW e duiiheyar 4ô luvîy tisat it as if tise end ot tbait er- ust<al.i rible tunnel Weald never be meced-sise TgRXS Q 15. cachte îis ntrudinX baud vita l air erse>' eueofttPehw ...t e noa 1 o-asp, vhîeb mald, nu special Offert 1t e .. 1F:rsnv soetitre t evuae- 1500 B5lWtdai.Revew....1. Mm ?antiegton bai adîremieusui-Lbe -fol- À fevewas , uie « sýywbo n-&*tf5 e i lowod eppesit îl, y %.rwlouerePr Dux Bsit:-P*thspm jeuxdon,# uev iUtD 'asebslge to thee omtenL.d lad;h j is.lE IoBS vas gafted lut faillnûte v. ig cfrIba asy, J mpp e use llà g ertilliety. 1 ICKt01 for I wvclumes-by Mal, pet péïd vrote to Mr.Bue . il a" bts aLlupot ~LRQNAUD SCOT C& O- lua horeheo gsao e vaht - usedl Io l. 1, uc. .5. te août*sy . jeu .Yok tbýs to yo tô $et iAaOou afcelOtlg#UOh-b uen get bituendol pseloonefo,1%e wcJag. mlt tw. of tior parruta laureL tbelk brobm. aA 1 ubwnisvisaMausvÇpthiug J Wuqruld be.i Imu wa u s a ParroL. 1,4W Dot tiitb S Vould " aoc. be vuS Lbthe va.ip eugpký i ed n' DI tbluk beho uld ne, a00à ha 1.11 tisa &vamp augela lova lu Charleain.t go saytisa van viii bu over oece, and le vIlleomebacS aVitoriaý. l'u»sre 1.1 luwi veoyer novor bsd't us ,ameud jet. Yours,RUU P ARTINOÊrON. The pmonuueuptiot of emvinee lins toWss toexosemotie.,tvoaIo danger te, grtiryt io eelslJ. Op u@ Eglisuaban bees bit. on thebl bta fliin stene. balan ce, of ,th!eirExtensive stock DRIY GOODS,,I ýj SIORCASH! Plaids, white and scarlet Fian- its and 4Ps,-,Neçk-Ties, Collari4, Fus, bha-WIs, Maà tles, Cloths, flo Robes, Grain Bags,I CLO0T-NGU ery, Hardware, 1, SALT, &io." 1and ready plty oîily. WSON, RATCI-1FFI. & Co. 4 ZG OFF determin'ed upon sell- es &Liquors, ,e articles, at greatly 7Spring importations. ýppI't#l ity of re'turî> D have a furthcr c-ontiuualîce of JOIK F'AItQ[THIARSON'S MA N-OR TEI K[anufae=uros "%attention Ã(ie la sd b A alleinvfe ta <urNëowt, Doutve ROsgvOOc wlich for volm..anp1i niy are cmn rivai 'cd by uj ipiuerto oIfemsl un tht. umarket. -'bey cgitaits a&lLise tmodenu uprovetauo4i PRF.NCH G, RAND AC TI ON, JL#RP PZDAL, <ROMFRAAMB .OYBII8TRL'NC ldhisingtitment beng stade unudr Oeapenal suprviabon ot 1 IL J. H. GROVEST EýE N: Ifho bas ha4, a pntioal1 e*pemtenc6 Sf ier 80 yearqin hi er ruiciýtur«i in aGPOVESTEEN Pl NO-FýORTE,,," Beceived the hblibet aro,r f mât- oyecir .*il essli nIbo Cobrat.d -b thenutushio lu, Pa .Cermi, i Q4 rIe$E subscribers havingreoedfrtprenodiçtm 0 j_1the Crédit Business, fronithis date their Terms will be Cash, eýcpt to partiew-who apiêtov4s accoun.tîi. in full, .4d he opetied à accounts £for ýÀeî»-Tsentfyear. -Goods purch4 this moiîtûlbe~ sold at And notes taken for accounts an d.1 purcliases, payable next'Oct. Ail their large Stock, conSistiDg Of 11AR»WAREL 1RON-4NAILS, Ciass, ail sires, Paints & Ois, &c., will be offered at very hiucl , PDUCEDý PRICES, with the oibject Of H1aving given notice soitietime ago, -ý.tht Nve required pay ment of ail accounts anîd notes due, and paet due, and as many have-given no &ittention to said liotice, ~rAS w E M 41JU ~OE WVe mnust look to thosêý that are iindeltedto- us f6t it, andAtheir accotints will b>. placed for collection without furthe r delay. YARNOLD & Co. Whitbv, January 1, 1865,i 'The subscri$er hais removed'to bis (C. ýIYNDE1S OLD STAND.) ýDundasâ ret heehi utoir and the publie will flilA a large anti excellent Stock of GItOCERl,'S, PRO>,V',SIONS, anîd choice puie * -LIQVQ1tS, frôîn Which to imah-lUt el~ecticrýz Cail and examine hspriceý ?they are iuch as dlefy al comfpettitit. Farmer'lproauce takeîî in eXcluaiîge, a .nél gonds *sold at t40 WEST CASh PIICES. Wý J ïemr lrE/e ,tem ist ige 'ith the big icnndou's., H. H. Crosby. Whitly, Dcceîîder 7, 1$4,4 12 à e& t " bý, 1 é bbr 'ud ubber-BottoIed- 24eat, Liglx-aïiýDurà bl ç cli n time and get a pair at the QLDi - STORE, WHITBY9 JAMES BAIN. -IIALL'S CARRIAGE WORKS Alarg variety of Carrnages on hand. The pî-oprictors of thîs Establishyuient, sésfc l'tle or rnaîîufactu riîg Cairiages thuat euiabie them to defy compititioti, cither in priCe, style or COM M ERCI AL ME N Will find'excellent and cî,nvenient accommodation. wîlim a Yew Yards of the Public Hall. Private Farlor [L-7RGS=O WfE TRATM TRB- RTJACINWHI3RYAN J Ptorîzaoc OSIA-WA-MANUJFACTURE. JA. IRLAND wou1d ' frbi tlé public'that ÃŽle tas ,just ,open ed a new Furniture StoreI h, b, b6uately 'ôêcupiýed by LE0WIS IIOUCKÇ, Esq., Gcrries Buildings1 oppoffite the Post-,offic%; IrUDJ~SSTREET, WIIIT$Y, Where he bas on baud a superior selection of ail kînds of -ftrnî- ture, ýWhIch teènnade at- the Oshawa furniture establishmnent by the. best eof orkmn1e.--- Orders for anytluing i the above line- snpplied on the shortest 0'ticé. qs p ioewîhneaLùes&îan'd-despatch ~- hesubscIriber will seil aU gctods at prices to defycompetition. - - JAMES RIRKLAND. Ws.ttl.- fla 1864s . L- 5 Notice to Nerehants & Otheru. - BROW T- &1) WUIT FOSIY Ù-9nstnuîicarcrpanA idoaloruiii nalilkînla of AGRICULTURAL IÈPLEMZ7A'?W, Conîbimsd Reapers and Mowerl, - pour dl'erc)t kiît'14 ut Twvo--hoôrs'e Wheel Oultivatora TOtR IFsnrrs STIIAW 4ND FEED OUTTE4 CIANT 0GRAHICIUJSIERS, of vuri matu s n d, t . 4sylos;_ Steel Plowý 1iand Steel Points, 147rAN«NJNG M:L LS4 SEED <1AND ýUTRNIP IULLS' ket c- iatl Nro lit elttiom vlirea 1,vtrytluinirit loho n ebttlntstatientdod to with t 11tichuility and 'ta riaaeonia teruma. F&LL A», VINT~E OLOTHINcG-. T tuev stock of PLAIN& &FANCY O'L 0, T kit i Ail1 Yatrd t TREfwih a A - - ~~uiuU A r, - w TU ndrned bI g rcceutly inventei £ alinororký»in,ýg Bttr, for wilill b o ofla tlî t tten t o n f Il tbose il, Q . , trsde. 1fce-luJme for tate SIIPOIio ftve a u y , t e r i o c c s e oW î , m n fc, é 1 8ahO n g 1 u the 0,è daled o1b$eeti f 4 croitlyolzu the <ifferent Coora into unif uniforni 00 or- banighing niilk iind inipuritica tht oxiat' mch of tic butter now brouglt to market;e bouffe to tie tarm in, t la no leuistiactul tai to te inerchant, air tbey cas work butter <roui the Charm fron i a epond to forty poursntda tiato, fic ashort Space of uie; and no milk eau exiat unider !te oporatlo luintthe butter.- It wll a - la m aka it itta r olt ,, ir t chasi. For refraisce-tlie prize -butter. worker au bis mccl in a' mont dally orcrtion st the stord, of Mr. Lewis ihon-k-Whitby, whero ordori wili bc received, anti cxecutoi,-1-promptly >y tic ur.dersi ied, undi ment to iny part of the province. e 1ie w suit the tmo. JOHN SHAW, Mankufacturer. Whitby, Jeu. 10, 186b. S6 Jo.FiRai ner+ Piano- Forte Manufatoturer,, IVAREROOXSW.H1T,13. W. em- lIEUE mc> bc fouad a fiue aasortimeîit of piano Fortei fi lu1laisi ind ,rnamexîtaI Cà tes, train 0 Lu 63j, 6K, 7 and 7)j octaves, uaanuf%c. tîîru of le lea ,a<4 nf~itl proîîoniiled b til iniet di.itinguiled Irtit, to bc tinsur- I asted by streiigth anîd purity of Toile WilI Ic t il on thc momt reuasoble ternis, and wer.2 riiîtd ta tauîti any cliîntc. O4erfrm aaî part of filemcuntrp pronîptili aUaedi . ,1 Attioe troincti Exliibltioiî lfield in londop on,,ito Sitpttiîbar, 1801, tI,re. priaewas ewardd to Jase pit . itllevforthe.Auerlor- qoftlity cf bis P îî-arc hieta ceatoii. cdii egrdta71.uc, oi.,Equalt 0cfTouà ad Duradutyoj Fia.niîd alto two extra prizes for thie- uperiarpulinlî o! hic iîitrumeît. Il~ glaatook the fiitpri;ç)s nthe ProincialJ, ,ol 88iad 185. ï Vic lIliiîoà of Jas. ýP. Rallier Wer&s pImed in, tii -Iîigbcoèt clans atîuia diplomi awarde thefu. I ttiief o licint ina soit kiiow,, to t1fe C0andi ain l 'nbllc:ls f i a is -n n s t r rand ' ré rtiiro a tin f irt lî r c rm c d tlan l th a n th t %wlîtcb llitA iîîstruineîîts an jnatly earned. :gr liti01-deriing, plias ifteethe flamber o Plaîto satuteil. JOýS. . RAINER. MR j. V.ALAU tixvilglbccamctlîe proprio- or otb ic boe, will Jie it carricd n under ha sîor'tclnea Mr. Uineras Foremuu t A,.L tire, fin tiseyem hein vi B AltRi! Lav. annt~the C liotarjea, M. c. ~ S.. thic-it>l nary,and tt> u îi