Whitby Chronicle, 11 May 1865, p. 1

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M < 40à VEUS, 1%, W.il, ITIGGINS Atbis Priuitlpg Eatsbtlisient, rLook street, Wbitby. TmmRX8si180 PER Âmaux. ADVERTISEMRNTB 1 A .LL Advertiemoiiut meanitrai)lu Nenpsr. £,%- 10l, and eisrged ut thé rate of 8 cents iPer lii#, tritieertion, and 2 .,euts per line, each ubieg uet 1ineortion. lapeclal eostMste.mado wlth advertisers hi' the year or utiîerwise- Oederx te dlsseotislAe audvertisernts mliîs be ln wrltlng. 13AS9 QP MONTREALY wuî'rnY BRANCfl. W. a. DEAN, xMýURgprr _____________________-Notice tu Farmors and Othores B ARR18TRiR$ ANIAT'rt')NEVS-A' -LIiotIWîe-eauî'îîlottti. Mirtotttul'ailti- I> Lave, Salotera it tiottil ik oni Mautretal, ltlri' "gltu 'ii-trl M7itii0t 1!14 tii,, C oiîr ttl t Ithe Cotniv 'if Iitnle, tiiiei uI.'-;l't1ru u:tra Rî'tietutas NotsnIom, &t., Att., Willtby, C. W. XVluîaikev, Iuo. .10,; li-st ltar ihler>, anti M. C aessQ . L.J (I. iiL.CagiiaekBrand(Iy <ur hL iCa, witlî a ljst of J.1A llAqilonsi% nt (igaoilttim t t'ai ttrttîili%. t'tiN(Ltee ytaai-sti pain guiat ,itittriti'. Ap- Attenti-ve i tiuiandhItirci ta lire. Il it theai Offeortle Atîil, CtstrtîIti5 .AuADR net tîteig A.ALXADE Broirîlît, Jant. t, 1868. 4 * ~UlTESAtorcys SlliLrs ec. S T A. G E a o u ç3, ÀNG14Uti l~~N .i~NiS).IACI'NTON, 'Zroeo, JîulyîttSi9qtoeutr lOltN V. 1HAM. JR., J3ST Wtc iIilitr;ni lteiitun iN) ilt ll ltittî.te ut~g a saî î ii Ulte-.'>piutteLIsIltiIIlolil. 401AL1 J - *"'lOIUNTY CtIiIWN XTTOUIN2'"I'FttR uNJUt1ES12t-('K. taTýlîî,hirriiter iiI t'tiw y t-lslS ut'rtlii,'tt r. 'IÎtter lanCtatetii!cry, Noiory dlr a - - -- tMln isalsv' WNI OlOilsE IIITUY, ARISTrlt, ATTUIN FM, tîCONVEYAN 1?rtr'utiiîfii"ovtiti utic- Ilr nni "ftîtim tliati ti'i f ia îhn1 fnrîfliLs iis. (Ie lt t-ier.. Xitsüiii - " - - -al ntl:ie sles - . ~VICTORIAJf>j- -' ROBERT J. WILSON. R1$IIITMZ & .%TrOIC)ti' -r iLA W, i- ce RL>SolLci-toran<lilatîery'. u&r.titi1' . \W. 1 IT-îî.îA M 'St'TT, înh; rîi OQ lea- vietorla tlilîduî', I roÇi t. t.X ~tt V Wtt!11 17tu,'. SM. Je.kRvIs, ANtuLO-tFRICAN MIOTEL. B AitttSEII T- L IVANDliS- IMCt-Ti lti 'tittîis C ousitcre. ,iintn 9 lanitt I 1~ tI i.rh7,rlia tteI' ii t iioa1ve ii KELLER & LA 110'N, Qi0j Iiiia CoUi utI'ttliiuguit stos A Ciaticeri,tîcirv to-'-u &OitI-e- 'irad Tiqak Rsliuea I- l. w4wilAs. C. KI.lEL i-.LLiî (S&UM t ide of Risfla epi,, Pin IXhtuty.) t'a niîtiî.îî 'X' lw,»- 1 llntcek. C. Wif1II~astr ist , te l , liitoui,.ssI J1. K.(OtS , B) ARRISTERI.tti-î:-YL %%Vutty. C. sV' 'e W - 8. Mi. FAIRiiANlI0. sOlICITORl, NiTAlI i' UIC, &t. A&t. Ohssaa C. W. ton, Brick. '. I Cehiutersi, N'îtbrv Itîilit. t gilnet ucr, &o.,wiliity( C. w. 1osi.î Vcoi Vlîk, next to Regiitry Office. ont Itrock ttr -1 49 J. 14, I&A1UMWUtLI1î, bTA B., Attntîcoy-îut lii, it,tttir tttttr',"- bcfthé Posiat tuec, t'lî'Ct. W. 41I LYMAN ENiliSilIl Il.. KARRIISTElIA i . d trtat ia 4A1 -L t>tf, lca, rie ilItrt, Lwo dlîttîrtii-t T. C. Foriiiali's sttrut 12 C O'NVEYANrlFtt, tan) d îî'îianirliQ reisenable tertni, utdti r.t reiittanceis msade. Beacistoti, $opt. 10, 1 511 RI. W. CL&RK, 11. D. ClirHt ofht, .1W. Gi sots' Stre, Itrota Itreçt, WVility. 44 R. J. GUTNN, M. n. SIUIt;ON TO TIII( COUNTY (lMlllý, iByron StreetW XVitltl. 4 TIfgrdAS DEVIÈRELL, B U tll1) É , &c. &e., GI2EgN STR1EET, Wlitby, C. W. J-ILERK OF TIIE ItTII DIVISION CO5URT, %j casprsbing the. Townshsip Brok. Ail- le..:Csnîiiîgeîi.14 TAILI>U antidhA'I-ii tt)ta T(Garmetats tiate t> ordor iin Lie btet tstyle suit tashion, 47 A. PRINGLE, ~fERCILANT TAILOR, lailOCI< STIlEET, W'lttsy.1 DESTA URA NT.-4.irer oft tan ud Ex- Ilplsuîcde Stroee Terente. lefreslments !OWNOL1BK dTEASUER, WIIT-iY .Lgpmce-Townhllenetta ocok MONTREALý BOUSE, 127 Kisg St, West, Teronto. - :. JOHN. If. WARLWICK. ATKIN8ON à DOSWELL, T> AIRI*T ERS. Kine Street, 3 doors Fat et D'1o*outo Strnse!, Tereutec. 4J5 AEOCIALD BARKERe «F ïViTLAQEo. Wiu OFFICIAL dg@ for York'.slud, Oetarl oNtar>. M. g %BATHWAITIN, lsf'D.- sud £6RAJ)TE O IE tUNIVERIT'r or F E.MeQlIC0>Befe, (auceemee t te1Dr. Wsne, P'rince lb4it. 4 'LCTR8 IN OBANCEET Outle,- SoL"ite th Royal 11ctel, Whlîby. ih - DQJa51!lN SALOO<, e XTOTRZ ÉOY-L LCEU i tig WU late 'tteu~vr iLet-t ýialtiiocea ltotitt-rt-itin t '1 litîtIFse,, me l i lV taely iart't I"l Ilu(c lîi t ýI l, tii-t w i i- niej tîseten lis- rtl t-lt iîî t E -ic '. 'i r! l ai t t StialIîg, iaid iarcil ,t otntiti - JAMES luniil. Itltur Apeil 7 ital ti1 J1 ,i i fo r'i. l'u. N4 it i ( ryeti t Ier te row il. u ei % .N1 por t i .ît- i, lami te rer l 'îlt. n Sp dig 1ftll 1ARN à, ETE4ISON, p ttiiAd2rtl tpp î1inorStred t C hr I lu r ortii of the oiiitarii Riak.47 W 0O0N'S 1-OTrE L. uqtIAWî, IIOO ri BOT P ER. North ijritilha ud Mercantile Pire &-Life Insurance Com'y. %y . I EAN, Bati of oliteal.Agent. BauiU4 U4 *ýl 19,ra il rAS Ui \10, F1) l>Iis Liaw Oie to tesutr IlChaîihers, ý.q7 COita unr Sontî théti w itb), J" '2 16t THE ROBSON HOUJSE, DUNi)AS TReETr, WIIITIIY, C. W. T II E eilîsorilîter beg ta anuiiiticetitat lie li hersie)Vite huildtiitg fofiiicrly kuown IIo $erirtiire'i t ltel. whiih hni hý-üii recîuovateî,, retaltrnished, as8t:ttt tii,) p t1iroeglînît, ii i te best tif style. Vsit reiniises are lilenasont iti l- unt. opposite thio Itst Otlt', tla t!l ie e at- tri, et the Town. Tiie tiîilwtty l>miilî,îîa tallIK ri tîIlotel anti the, t.t fo<tr Uxbridaco and Ileuvertoitilu tie dooroerytairnitîg. Ilonrd Siper day. GEORGE ROBSON. ilV'Careil ltittlt-re awue iiatendalite. Whitby, MsV 1868. JIROOKL1ViN IOUti. O CALL ANI) SEZ SÂNDYI 4 TE lietateen the "Bgoolljt I tqesc" ln L.BrokliluVilliae, wh ire lia wl l iti ta &H 1 hie frlendil. 'llie ,prenîmises re Wall fttd op sud cenvenleuit, andth Le -acormmoda- tioi god, a gudtA. but,-tor lac@teces ho ths ~<Ieo o m1é~ rpi aisei. ist bacs proinoteit te i(so unswelI aa'0uUWid.Bots new. At Siglidy's tttke yenrr est, lSatdy's table lb.;.ho tsst, Satidy's goond accommodtailon, (isn'thbesot lu sil tisa nation. Tlpue roue-frbendi tla tnys Arc ed tegive isie huanse a lII. ALEX. PERE Breoklil, Dec. 28, 1868.0 W.:H CRO(IISBY, . Preprieter, EAVING Lease) ishéui7isva 11eotet, bas re- tarnlshed tis emlc htt neisu) uise) hIb, Br wlth Lise Clanlosat Liquoa Ounrie 1)Iint alla& fèstatrant, C lItIICH t;TREET (OppOSITE IÈT. )Jitmeson lîdî,)'o .t.Dinuers joisii ,l-tiast Twelve tA Three eeoisC10. . (b,h iperi . I al irs. Wlnes, ýiqllurà, dc.j cfthle bisst brndg. - JohN 4SMITII (LaU io lvn Motel,) lPUOpaIAon. CoM1iqERVIAJii OTEL, -- autiotit @crasE?, VIsI,?B. CIXAhILE MoIiIIDE, P8QPRIETOi. EGuttti stabiîg fantIasteantive baler,. 20 CANTON HOTEL, D UFF'INS ('EEEK, P'ICKERIING. 000OD accommitodation rfi'rravellers. 'W. CIJTIIB1RT. W M. BOYNT(5N luiratae'afori tise iu- liatiiîiaof tth enuiLuàt' ofVictoria endt atorot'itîii <hsutia uit ha t:si oîaenei t tie Mteal tii 5.littlti Streul laid'el.ocupic l ii Juewue ti i a i0e h ait IlIlti suS tand tii cd Ini tîrat srs-lvis ittnat V111lsidavury conne- tulente. XV ue liquotrs aisd Cigaýr f tise, bec! tu ,tility. 15 is attuittve optlct elltys laIn itln Liîudey. FLb. 14, 1 «14. Il WiM. MARGACIT, L ANlIAEN'r. AIA<>TIXtilERlAGENT' fo~ tr sue wni l 'tu- tîtY iijb i' -Iot hetIi iltiutiN oi Va"ioi ln, Qii't n un Ii trita i>!tctt-FncL i ri e-t o f ti ('tUt i ,ls-- TUE ONTARIO HOTEL. ItliESThVEE'f XVIIITRI'. J. iIEiROTlTOM, LIEELL'SfIJOrel-, ahuveo WecI ie ' etMuil,1 , evCtrLaellig cettîiiii, i iy' til ii lie hiib et iss-h lht sitt ntriti t t.caâIl hutte,. lietttble provi-i itc, initL cen ri t in i eacti ltae tstr sttqt- oee-s tl"s-c Ola, .1ii -TI i . JAMlES INIhit. PI«ENIX AIE SSUIRAINUla:(). r EsTeIBLISIIED IN 1782. u(.t .l ï otl viE, Muil' i.uTT A t . p it' dc I Nc.t'EX NI in ittttîihlie i t epari ît) l.w it i iriti f,î.- ai ir F.ttM I GILON iti iliPaTlni'iatye'r t laaAiug fi-a-hie. t> at'i pi r:cte--lolit aauiti uastitnux-b IrsurEdnburgk Lfet Assraon Couep'n client Lireroi u otdt.i#pbit cp lise olcl Fie nmuraaceComauV Travoliiig Ar ti a yoj ttu eie, <sîita RoylhAaBrth Ameraîe Cuavepr.' I oln NWiîttA'tL uate t Aoa i, liii Assua nctith'Eevott('oiiisl'isu- Etabrneing a opitttîof 20 illIioutevtdalhsro. llimks td thAaitoontof 32,000 y"I ha taken ilt asy annuito, uta applicsatiotsa t JO)RN 4GN'W, 42 The Compatîts'a"Àct at*Ititby. BRITISHI A.MERICAN EXPRESS CORLPAN Y! QFFIC-FIrae itr.tt.t t utb>.5tt tdocr Le I4egilutry Offie,. B., E. tCAMPBELL, SAiret i e forrthb.W» Montrent o(>ccan tmutslp Ceompaysuit fuir thse <.aIgUW Line Stouemnas. Whitby, Aprni, 11M8. 20> UXBRIDGB:HOIJSE, XAI11 MIET, otina liE UBSCIBER I 1ETURblNi, Tu T tIse lutîinese lu"tnerly csrrled' or. ts h'lt lit tiispise, olits sacali, from 'lis olà eu%- Lamra athetsapublic gaoeral ly. Geot ics. teitvaOil4p. JAME TIIOKPPON, 21 8M. Poiert C. I&)WE8, -PROPRIETOL. -rvâv~?ftaP@.TLfrAaUfl atHILABOViEiU CASH -FOR HIDES Crocker Hte AT THlE Stone Tanùery, Port W'h.lbY (LATE PLTTIrS,) ROWE'S STONE STORL YL$ON2 RETTORONM 0 mIb~ sltatilerbepc taintitisateta theseia RUSSE Ij"S H OTE 41 Wîthy, il) soumtrroitiidtit, coutry, tliit Ui~LJI2JJInoseisbaralhy parottiz(dIllua e-hiçlustuor) ef tisa sbthetia toruimoretal Ilotel, tisait sie luis siioceblet ruII qndestershgneit Proptietoreofa cbosNeblssStL Tuuteitut. luivitîîret uceilots Sasme) MIOTEL, bagresptîctfttlIy toau1rlzt lu lrtiug np thte matasi-ta - tilttlne oimert te theirtrieuda ciii patrons, tîtît tiseyhisavetiso- tho"e nybus ay pâtriuiizA usit, lie n'ihî tt reughlv tt"'ii- lus3r aialaîaetit iltri>.g Plaftae)te $etiti l t IdIietc. liu e- he s It i>. thue slistu't5 1'1,it:o titibs dtlin nosa tii cfen tu AIE IIiIE tlîe Menibere --i t't. ea letliiire, aid thiemTrs T'OrIO,it JIta 1, 18 r4. 2 veling Febti t .-.ae otiisnoedtstios. lun addition te the :q'u laente t i eliait ussi -i n- ypl ter, ticy have t, !r' lr t" ie-roonirt eM a f t'is -iss<o, vili ytrot hare hssate r o"leLîu i is, fate t',nutlrt - 7 sud cenveals c . reunnus s ýe-d PticecILty _____ v SOX. rofit by j? PNTISTRVy.,k',IAIS -<"filE subsctýina n iilsretttilitg is tlaks iL for patio tvani., les itaa ritîra 111 alil auimo is -t îusro.î il airrtindieg tutre, thast lie WIlie itî,ppe L, t tuiîtoaail o ir in etuuitLo lis ct-ue. Teail lapte) on tiais, Silnsr or iVttlaiiîeul iteisher Bi,. Teetis ille) an cîtrusedii tt est paiseible Purtictilar attentttin paid 1 tLise neeuilstiest oi Chui eis lutstîî. AIl-art s'a i-ait-eut. Yf.4 . fHAM, LL, iB., l<-riv:. Toraltît, Noaîry Pu tutu uis hiai'.at rnusnsuticI tîta lîratitice 01nitusprtýtaimi.bil Litph tieu Cattadla ('ount$. lhe Atoriutt Letieralttî ILC 2-Qci 'lie@ nioiieiiie o i ier . îta n-ie Nlie Chttty,,B. e& A. L'o.att(, %Iv:itln M.isjfrs. Gi4ttu A Vu>Motret. Tiso Ilistron . ~ituîlM . P.,'Conwa-lîl. Titi Itresil tut ort Ie lt'îîî iilKîguo Isle Apaîii1a & A. Fitxpr"ats'hap'î-, Kitig>tol) R. J. i'ClntMist, >Fuc7M. P. ., NIatatet. Ttîc Iliît(-r( teS .îsi i,. N.1Lm, ttîhitnrg. 1 oilIu,& ian, it ullon,.eul. Torttnîtu. çl%.T. Whiwt & Co, T> te Pittiitîcs. New N'ont,' Farinv, it .lî t ('o., Type Fituutters%, Ni-w Vtirk. 'r. & J. W' (Io>., Lalînois- IL . t.1.Siilti &lloi'uîallert, Itliiilophlii. Key & hlnîttle:, Lisa Boekaul. phs.it- P. T.lsnaeit uîîo Mi r. %ehtao, G. T. IL R., Cutînitgo. 4n GEORGE OORM',ACK.l le Jinute,trcen St. RIlt" fir ' o 13 N ) E RA KI . -f'tNXIEt<AL5tfulla. eppliltandi~aa<ada OIG4sMAC~K W i. hitY, p(b. ' itJ, S5 - ' -47 - n, etii u'tt: lise-isole toiltuah tttrelélistont of PRIVATIM, DJSEASEu FY ii u)At elîitie tccs Y ear' isenetitte etîioi, tro titra raeolt ewtsi Il s i etoOitrtrtitI ctiotiertîi persmotis e-lin 'ltli t itst tileIOtltior c'it -do so wVahti e tinet seerues'.. t'I ara P Iiss'tuiL, cea'iiii, aid c.te',tu titnt sti îrkit(r clitapoyvenra'iet. Cuill nit titi' attaiuyiîr$itvlog Dm y îutlon. lie ttîitrgc.i Witt tue -tv- Doteo ;I 111 tone. Yoaitet iea in te tir it-mim a lis St ha iatlu -cana rurceivi itîinîstiîate relu(t taviîpillzti n u lIoctin. PIttist ltte) t' julen, uit' Iuali- chiia-s suint <n'a omfront iitga tri-r usit, ,tut)a-Il patsitîue tiNlîl. eiltintemoiii tuti! r ü iii ttti ei'eiliir. '40. WIN,'DSOR'S QUA&DRILLE BXNIýD, BIIRAN INDSOR, MAJOR BRASS BAND. ,1oli ND. MCPIIIE. WHITBY BR.ASS BAND) Whitby QUADRILLE DAN!! tF bsEa Mss-di, (si ra e ogtier î-PAY'S T.i. P-tarei t nlit rtl Mric'tl iic t! soieQlt1t, totîcer t, ît tut.( cffi ->OlfEC&LCLE Frtert- ias ri itangagsuiiu aittîne,- <orur> l*it tritt J. WOLFENDEN, Kisg Strett, Tronte, C. NW. 15 $tcretarvFirsi dec>' at cfof r*,Van Book Race. ____ -- li>ti'lUCr'ED AC<'OiDINO l'ilBRITISH TO ROW'S ~ t-PIACTuhE, e-itnit sttatllfivt:aîliaimt-. GO Tc ROLotte - Preqniroîn-csettu te hatiieaom ait>. ut-North it terieti Flou and4 ProvisioIl Yotuzus ppDesigin. lour.2nu prep rrt l rLepractienltit i Wlsu krnps tailgaitl>' a3isiutttus No. t Plou, B~nshiqrts, CoIrand- Oat-meal, Oae, peau, Bictýn,, Suinr- caret Ihtusi, Apples%, PetuLous, tc. 11"t 'l otgct tliplaS eoruier :,f BYRON & DUIIDAS STREETS Aeseca aormut j .f aisp, Caod u Ckftney8, Hurmer ad<eil *c.,4t. opposuite tIs tt l,it Offc(a. AGENTS WANTBD, AT $78 per rnoaîth, atin xpens« a pîite »11 ilurJNVEH8AL CffePAA TOUt..App>., peau pa), An) siasipa ton te- C. P. CON<)tLY & Co, i Dl>'. Campbeltfott, 0.. W TERRAPIN RESTAURANT, PRAIREeClicxrxEs. QUAili, sNiPE. P,?over PsLdteiui,t î Dacks nd *Vulgon.* SHELL AND CÂN GYSTERS Lobetets, &e., Wliolasale aad Retei, al tuahiéitthtsr llbe. aîu amfr iteieal Istu- Tuie CtuIrI-eg af iîî-.tItrc itîa siuu ttesNctaiis. fie lotik'KretiiigîBaik Book-Keeplitr, 'M'in- as' ttekt-ec' Ra01cioq,uuteca iuîiuii Clîàtitiiuiai,,iaew,4itutercit 'teiieiuete Itauîlîrgles îriuuciîîes s-utEttirligla Cannposi. tuti tntitu551 iuitias-lulî,'Iciogirapliyata Staff of Téachers and Lecturers ir. 1liA Y,1!itsiqtiner 'lit e gSe ir otAc- COtuItr, tCommnereilcaial aliuitit Cusuî cit. oretittitte aud LeCLurer on litixi aeis Citutumg. Mrt . LtJlleANMA Barrister, Lectur- ci oni CommterciltutLuiw. ?H-tt. ENI TaIE, olaief Operater InlMon- litaI Tf.4egriny i Cootpqnyî'aOtitea, Tôotente5-,a atraitir'ls'Mniera1o>' Nt. W.B. rBO91&LPSONt Istructer lu 'Phono- grsplty.- XB'TA huiYiaai uucia ilearc ne lu eeitg the iolisaing pcntlcsuiai -Rev. Il. J. GrAsat, Alex. Muirray, *hisq at MOIuat, Msrray"& (io.A.htMctLtc Ilq etMctater a&-hiro. Goerge Mt ie &L.Favi m3eIa~Eq., 1wtI, s!n lîan' & FiîoIi - Ad.ani Croake Etiq.. .-), CU.,1L.L . . 13 baithia Eiq., intsrDA' .L.; Tenante flu.Isilie Bni- shuass, M.P.1J' IL.,Jeno, F.seU-; AiliaunittBoseu. PMq., hlnîmlltoti -, 'li. Bell, Esq., Mantrerl'-W Trent Eaq, Nesamarlcci; 11v. Ir.Gtecnu, Wel: liexton Squate, Chiairnotetu et Ceatut>. Boattd et Puhbe lnArictho.., litoni. '"' Fattatîn, ttirts.(çuolcsing lotter tm.- GLOBE 1HOTELs T Eaa e sslkîsevis, lii 0stab4lsiod bitl ni iretisî ae baieptn lutueia b ii Lit etlcrihar, sels-reuli e-wlib sîways be foai'iiti itti hàiit atiy to attirtî îseeushlly t) tua seasts of ia gtCtts, a&C. Tus preinisemalaîasiuiiticoisveuiestly an) carsstortatîhy ftted i ip.; painteti, pripenati, &e. witliuestern's oftaoftt aatertûLeivesli. as) evaaey miodesrni iprîuveîrtut La nicze tîu tîtvuller ri home durnrg ils stîty, an(Itlo ua blut beuntita-- hy mippuel nt ail tIlîrti. Agent,otWsty Farm for Sle.ny 'JrlE Nerthi portion ef tise eeutl-hl of ot JL 4o. 17, lu tiie let cngesslof oPiecering, eonteiing FIFTY -ACRFIt e lrost-eiaas .Lin).Tîiere arcaSgooil Frimse Barn and Shoit, sud theoaare alecAflAal gras) beàrinor Ores- *rdl. atndia very Imuontiouc rdve of Or"nmen tai 'rreea. Thsis trin ;a very fatverably satiated lu tise t1 part oft'lekerIng, nuser- ged Mille sud Dtîtius' Crack S aLls uaisix miles frein tise t'eusity Town of Wilitby. For téerni asni furtlier psrtleeiars appiy (îîrepsîld> ho JAMES (IIIEIG,, Piokei ina, P. 0. Or to Meusrs. R. CAM (Â1PBELL., 7.tf Wlslitby. ) f y Mstthow Teofy was '-e>. aincisrespectecu b>.ever>.oeein revelt tise Peigisbotisoed, sud esso> a brigist cyed isaus girl li)tbsodgbt it ie seoni) like toe duange si lier naîme 1 ts.ô iko.But John ',q weu uc tiladhts;man," Tise tact vau John -sai sews yery baàul. H.ievoulutratiser he cameî cern Ail day tisanidargo 'tise cciemony of hé ki -au Introduction te s Younuglady. ,set that u>.ohn diialiked thie doat, creaturea; far fromn il. We behiesie tisait loie, buommen atitis ail T4 bisi, sellmau niea in en, entertained'the et dg .yer>. higist.respect snd admiration fut rýé o thom5 An) lsis sei, aedoulit, tise'pril. pel cause et bis hasistinesa. Ha tis al An tise>. scre Bilperler Seings, à' at hesî wuc anslie t uuseerthsY te esdofisl abti tist enntermaeof Snake equlity. But w. cannot stop ho moral iie. lotm 1Nancy Clark wu thlie dangister of a ver>. tien naspectable taier, ithose las). adjeiine tise t tise Jicbsen- tsrm. e' h-) XNacy sa apreîty, saI>. tie wsitch, an) iso littel John Jacksor. WMon tise>. secte chulutren, ib.>. ttende) the. sane scisel sens Au d nsï toem ears lier senior, ws e rlin â~m - firet t pbon In cbildbsb dispute.sti'arose, and iser ceaipanion bun going and returituiug. At thse c lest, John becam. e 0 acho etayouug ma sU e, si ns te be keptýfrem Scheol. unsle isad been bn ut ayears. tJobnltdiscovereýc ton ýnIhid~l ho had been growing ln staturé, sud il secai'.' adu as ifb ad licou groilg tutofuha'pe. ij Iffia 'faet 'a7&4lé goa'-pps&red'ery asakwarde; -r,,, h. db) aot know visaIt todo wlth 44 ande> gATIO is face piepkh'ipid 9siig al]inailfo h sesinc=act1 in k nýI t ine sens ne t l spece ou tileugut. VIinr tieueaincacl- dutietv, and a he tirne) tise corner, snkesisip came ten) sitis a sahiz tha ,qutte refteshhusg. Wile d'escriibng tie tblld'ciclei as her i nesr lise group of wner.attuek girha< tout removing isagaze, frein tsesnakei< isage) teo r>. Ot- - <ÇOÂALL L MANle' luh.ez c moment, ho Ina) sehike) eM tht and quiok as thioughit,, reuarag ;- ipou' (thce thetsidaetoftthe Sos-- le ALI.iL M h4N " und se-a>. ac e w coruibr se rapidl>. ke oaude) about sahisîle aud lther feta< dedbltS., MAL' !igu . li- OP TliE -ox Wlth caim Printed woqrds, great thoulghts and nutiniig d"dtrYv we adsroatc e 1, Porsé~swetUohro VOL IX. WIIITBY, C. W., THIURSDA Y, MAY 11, '1865. Tb BE {EIDAT OPENING (;, WEDNF-BDVYI 24th ]NAT, WITE *" AGRAN1) CONCERT 800 100$NES usabr otî ndursigiîed colmpAny,> stiÎaI n ogîlnt ShUO ttentrdal 1iren the viol dr iîts o iri nti oit enwhro étlty lri.i Z tu bela goln teet i W str i fe ptor, they coM tl ani s ti the Ctonvený tin n ueln aeroay nti tho ltwo ruding t"ys. Ttiseanb j f l ai t8m i ollhib l ieCuL iu of r wuuii? rmi ig bcd pzi d t rnt gth ai ...litell twil, fildVilageos whrov A it'tahâ Once til ue..ir, vae ina s. 'nor ,ciicda hava dte ontie n t arrtheubimoe intusfixe- ctti rfad ntna litt n entiona os, e linaîla s of wtrandety octsatm ir ajs'lic b.i flhiiiiiti?.medn iill enslti as Covte wlsarc u Cenve ure the mat t. vanhtlaceshae jîou ae ric i hesocial nconespirthet bhronlity lpabot betii tingifrtnalta > othe ctirtrait n t&-I!suecea orl nn.tral litewrî'vr I cimhiebeorlt n oglît ba ilitî ni. lerti atyfcareti ta' iidalir aitt aeirn- tay in anut i iaritrt, fui ocity an ti mnilleer.Mv aisiu s l ad stortlfictt onvtentiond li'rînkmeut.VpWsy, as havmie temt rîî, teactes of ecfv ler o- l tffring 10 iîsiie taecoumtise lo lert of buliglit tIe eiti stîliaeffi ePr)~- Ioe tlor ti taertdt(] mt ieigtnînstu tiin ut an fuir di-e h er clgit ntlifitigld pesns.P Eu icas tlter ab00 t 1,000sigera stiootieti adv lieépea anlla li iuviati o e ty tird- they c)xteiyhve il eatiy el ader ni Mel li ave a iteArtitti t )Ia t-ind îe on onethetGan Ti iit n tu eaiieabout 4o ilesr et of Toroientoethe o'ionk, 1'. M..on tirs a4iî. Furid l 'trtetîcltio wiil iieiice us ¶iýKfr the estforqiily auccmiatioe ofttue aliudnc ie o vrski, t uiId pto. .lt le"23 laq.00t ,000reîur ti reaîý.iPtI o Whsgienttlapro l, l. M. n 15e24h .11 etes oft pssile nefreioiis;he lntter A.oegleda liaeb4l eit ai,frtieu J .flot'0 KI SEe, ees tnsreyeto oe<nymca'tby C. W, êiISs'n ~at o>~ ri Se atrippeti off, un) sitis ne caver. in SVebsliueo-comuienîy calte) lisr ehh-rt-sa reauancd hUswork. HIeaswujuet- ceugratulating isecîf Ou the good ligues hoe wasaviug, sec ~e chance), te diaturis alagc'leck îjaea genuino twisit, seili e *bite ring aroed bsic Jobn ruas no ooYard, 'but ho was moï, -tally afrau& ofmanakes. uSeif preservaténi 2 tisethem. ith ps8a,treiei)o1aae prig h TUE RRIÇQ.te pimàlente car ofasenth e bthd, ~'iînk sn'Lyafhteerisr exrml>. outeisba garpinituuetspet1 - lu case iIgnsrd~ itout .creBtan 40,gâIt, onet egrmeeniitu -~Yebis.y uaL knowWu nîvearnuitly isbaookdh'. Ilîtultie ioîm e weltn8scorsilrk- e ea tati oha r ha t'eope Au 'itdl tîtn thtty uttItise she.u saoul). o eil a ots be)y.aut TIala -uantly tLIieerissa Iequ offze h thent ' s ocaloiud th Oh fo ilt tii os torgetface, hamsat son tk t rsam aicearosnt- Tle~tetie srIfaua ciitie gn. O n as ohnarte iabng t - lueriage Iistue otis ierar ulful re Vao tew u d. lufi Chut ifih ettiatiaîto o~î isîbu te lr d a<n te ieto -7111k getly f th OrTn feelin t fbsourint , wame o te sire e) ïpe ki~al y t ioft eoe rhgien> it l 'B r s L. - -s it itt etiohc1iuai e isbora mini) t e thés littusecui c t iti) peac lpýiri-o g air, ae t lfbt.is5ttsr g resse it. W~tntf llîyteuîeue retserp nt nod Verseof l-n.ie grde' _Yýn»jnt toÇv i ho i u, ý strrt lebi-sh lJeeaOait - -Tit Yu t a't1 J or oltttiî , lItto uts tc eitltIsba quiare eg, s Ifsong s ib st n.e Anrei muaethonta Lîos tcc iipou.nei a bo ut bisn, b>.dys. t Att) tiitti yt nstteehzeTî is sa te muh -,f o haman cder. Ai1 -lipe) lii foranu t ibtiei - ane iîsnyll.uIta anyyt ~ **utrac avbe m ssoon l, ma erer, ex u l Ho An ltnigi ly isltîid Iuiit iy1 scebuii ise nakfeeti'a'po ai e ossa nuiia AtIlloitii he 11-e us gi irita 1 liuit wts ti'e defaishion e is hiUt oaeont.In Tha lnitii4t i tlMyir a isse , frira a sey btariO, n thc kfeI on the oirgttI sef, lie îcnw hbut latuit îIlsiiut'ptiaIrît bozî ulebu, anorgo tiegrlsforomthse fryîitg hieligo 1gbiycmeoerhm S, Tp eult lt-irt iactisare, hut tise ee. bi- m d th tu AidPU 18 t uiI]t GIUis îttIL ua b u.b> 4 is t e r Jon svai eb tlin T t 19oiet :Picehaeon, tan' rofdafet isehao 511t in tts Antil !t)nî eti>. priseorti irnareofùl- h 4rs Tlîîrlut iots tiled at rit , iu'L tpe hs pe, iba ea nr dsu ht - And ctthina e lii pi te, i ings ap u e is e nt se a n'o amete at pTlseieiprýtigged pli ayto itîu. dsa tis ta oTe obèetv wjsaiicoere hd Sptlîoukmin'it te it arri n gs 1.h ibppdrytooftmu t ha e l j iâ arutuse op in c on.i)h TVia eit ina t Irals t n h i is> ue toactil o i tlbis burig lt sot t hk ise il. s nawe. rLtoin meerd h irssd frac îy uoua Ao e a i ot, ho at orteil ha re.isowned. glins iiJoh in s ontise>. ncset rm i L'il nLut bt ith tierhttis- on seseFrllo enedat ecm MAs ' ar ttlest riit t ise rae, hou. fan, sud h aonce more h. alea . Tisenvo --c--o----la' itsr a ake elt eut i mrtel ej rpi) Itîrtît, tr anrtlonc, im reif a the gratitude of 0 fuirgtqthet, itikiti esyt loo teeti grave, e in the e nel)he pO l s e t Att) as theitrilît itiiieroin aitd r, ts atsnhee~ba Thttoth, - With azitlo ron ta. On n tep flove ohst n ) urg e) th To kpoîtt tîil Iit morte ataineo 1 ulig ogtth ilfro vrtii Te feiadtutî eertu rort ehine ainîyt ha n oîetpn onbudi U M k, ugirs, andas'Seturet isheyr ownderet tis AndbaL41 eclitriiderii !cr. ifB rntie cal I came'rou n otis a saisi An i J1gLi mt - Surcl, I eemtewhay bot aflar stisefa:Json cfas ech-ia Cila ta;oaRu i '.. tiirs .So t se ba ill tft np. E t tm And h- " - ty pratsteerprecionsè S e n '.sste id iatUusg' Ttioi eue, sl al I d aispohc tiaatg01-'sa top of ia.-pHa Abisrq.Ibi regb - we seel te e5ad Cl ' ihcu4dt e ione-yen te-Me sudas JohtinJackson wged ath s t iler>.uasrosh a he Qolse otis1ýt-orse. h ha wuithlattrolf,',.. ow ..it ..'oii.-i fr- th-- ' f- l irs' l kè lce) by susir. WIihnj 1i - -n ad. pi Ikist t)', 'BY lh or; 1 ttXtst>., f, r Illee pist~ v b>Ona tueSCrîpo tais-ut déc i ~'ey tise 1 i .1 1 1 1- , 1 jýn«x

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