Whitby Chronicle, 11 May 1865, p. 2

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i j. K~uu Aîî'criSîllWfbS uis in- linse aIrq Summer BonIs anti Stoes -Jsaes Bain. Aun mi 'ro Shosmakers-James Bain. in BasI î Dry GootsMatIsev5an Raidi? & Co. township, Groieles-at5tisoan adli? & Cos. anub Boets à Shous-.MaIIsOn Radlif & Co. RLîcIiffl' Black Havkie t-L Fairbanks. is a td 1'osipoueet Auction Sale-E. Arnd, ai. meut une oolesPhospate or Lime-C. Roberts. ctaractor insolvent Nastice-.Jates Tisompao. distinguts Note Lesl.J*On Newpor't. derain Bill Poiiog_ýJosoph Nevisur>'. souglîtt Èîanta-.Josepb Newisur>'. iniquit>'. ~'istby ~ace. cames oa osolu -f Boori e! Public Instruction - tte Court Ceuni>' Ontaro. nuuîclier c Tt'unls-J. >il.est 'cisc ÀuCtiton Saue. Ierieon, staletidd MaN. detlLul'5, -nf heusehalti furni- ad no, lare, &o., ou Saturaa next, 13th lint.w t.FoirbanksO, jr., Aueîloneer. tisai o! Mit. LÂAii'5shusehebti furuituro, ke,aseet andl valeable catle audtock, on uessia> uhe uuggi -ifitIs iat. L. Fairbatnks, Auctineor. miatie lua Mt. A Pi. O51 Vspoed sale of statoînelà furniluro A&e , borcues acnd Msock, aisFrida ' v isath] next, 12teis mt. b. Fairbanks, -jr. Aie- atîempi ionear. Liaitfo! ReAt. Esc-ni. Tise valtiaiste îav0W I ouaUerD acndifanes praperiy. helauging ta M. Bu, Mr, Porry, oti Tuesiay, May' 27th. L. lFair- Liis, os bankes jr. Aucîlaceer. utbj tONLY 81 59 CE N.TS A TEA~R ithe ("arrgian 1eBiay (breal offerts, 'ce lerveive, ara hciuag tuado by paries in 'Toronsto, -ataooget thes mont praminent cf viame are M. Capreol, lu keeping up tIse agileuisouiontise suject o! tise Geergion Du Aaal uct 'yl %I. Capreol succeeded in obînining $200p frcm lIse nov Council1 ct Peel, towarde tisev expensos o! tise suvoy. A spechal meetinugs o! tise Toronto Cilty Cooncil l oise v altet nomoevmaint; shin 'ceet, ta onuier lue subject. TheanCity of Taoronto iu astral ta tranafer is stock inth ie Nomtiserss ietîva>, lovartis aiig tise pro.iect, Meetingis bave beon hebI, ant-IsuibrIptieni solicitea in ail quartons b>' Mn. Ctpreol, anti soine peruana joined in w'iel lim in tise eldeavar ta farta a commiteç or a campanuy. e itelieve -or aometting ni tise Iici.t ail byetst. Andtini fart oîîing appears co hiare been lefi unmone, ini hriogiuig tise projeel bofore pubie noîlce. Ail ver>' goond anti commeniaishe. TIse eoruii4; - tioen cf tise Geergian Bs>' Ci sl wvoutlieb a prendtiati lisckj day for Canada tisaI sisoulti usben lanin compleion.lBât tîle ativoee of Meeus. Capreal, à Co.,, uphy extonds tb a terîsîn routae Isehodirection of thiscty cf Tercto-eitisor hytee Humber or ftise tlnIbnd river. lulieroute le this direction buas ben proeetitmprac- licaitie b>' ompelsuol engineera, vite have carefully examiner! il. Wn have before tus & report ec! IMr. Keofer, C. E., sIsswiiug tisat.tIse long tdeep cutlituag heon te Hoîland i nd Hlumber routes, a leogt1à of no le thtan ton mites, vouhti railynre an oxcaraticin cf soins fifu j-six millions rubie Yards!1 Anal tisa 'otli floet ha Ie nl>' tiifflculty. In a cuting cf suris a lengtla no precautionne oa science couolt suffice ta -»cure againat île accidents o!fIland i eies, anti otitor intlerruptions visivi the nature lof tIse soa 'oulti noecearil>' presni;,anti1 visicIs for sucS an oxtent, couti net hyt pouibiîiuy ho jîcardeti againgtt. Anti even 1Wtua-iis sacceus!ully aehiçet-if ttc taillions cf mono>' necessar>' te. succeen coubti pesibb>'lho founti, tisere vaulîtibe tIse obstacle o! a feeder; for thie Rollandi and! Humber rouie -'culti bave te depend F upon a feeder n loy as LaCe Simee. We1 are atioeales for is thue t tetin o f tiset i3eorgian Boy taosal. But etv advocats ils constructioun hi a prcticnhlo route. TisaI roue lu trough t oCenI>' af Ontario, by Lake Seugog. Tise prodica- hulit>' a! sucb a roule, lias net alan.s beun demonaîratedtet, but il bas beeui provo e te tise ostiq practicabîn route, vih tIse exception of thal isy tise Trent, vwsore, lite hbat cf the Humber, tise oxpeoSte *routi ha se eoarmonsus asla mnder te untiertaluing Impracileabl., Tise ol>y difficult>' in thse va o! tis tarino 'routle wenld b.lietse Witges in'Bosch, it ies, sceordti*teo Mr. Keofer *volti hoover- boude hi a short deep oui o! taI! n mileî aud vitere te excavation 'coouliehalegs tisais leeemillion enhie yavdsciiitb, compareti vilS tiseunine çOr tffls ps o fsa - et b>' tiseHumuber, wit lgijfys flilli csable yards cf eox-atation wil!1 ai buoshowiev Is upro4ly ft!ý rout tbnetsgle Ibis couuty. We voult IBale biare ttc asivantage of about ton sonilcntise s/larer route thsa tisai nIWcated b>' Mr. Qapreol. Andti nl uI>'sl titeoadieu- iages, bqitishai o! a feedier b>' vas, o! Balsta LaCe, oar Gall river al, the desireti __ evation. - «W'bave aIBO <lie evîdeuscu tlkon iefore a pat'ilamenlari eadhuiitte, ilut i faar O! .«r rente, oas ;ii gthse haat, tbhe cleapest , tb. sliu$rl»4 oud nietoprotillable. WItb tliso fas belons thse pushle v. trusitisait f l Gi. agtablea o! the Geargt -Day actuahi> o! lime t huarticg LtempS t on Asseovor te Manu, facture Party votes. iramous at tetopt bas just been madie Wbitby, by theo Assossot' of itaSt pta place on tte assematent roll or' of spuriatis partY votes. Mr- ü%asessor w vlzom 'ce refer, AM b-paceti Clear GOnt cf'n4 socrnptslaoianti uncmprominlng, er - (la * this respect, being iboti fromth Ie Liberal anti Mo- Reformera,) and tiwu vas howo te perpetrato ibis piece Of lie returneti upon bis raIl the f sovemal. farmner.' sons w-bu, befomo t of Revision stateti that tbey bati ever prosendeti to have, auj inter- ltever iu the praperties for whicb e assosseti I Beforo ttc Court of Dsrveral cf thos 3Yaung men alo distinctly andtiernpbstically, ibat le u t their instance or' donire, uer tlieir fathers, ibat ttcy had beer. 1,but et the instance, andi upon gestoi of o!Mr. liatliY, lu ardor te ro votes o! one. They matie thea rata inî the presonce cf Mm. Hlcliff, J ot evon, (isecausO lbc could nol) to vtTer r. suli(iiry excule iii pallj bis uaiwortliy conduet. Thwspl~ noi wcre, O! course, oîruck oEiV- r. Rid:? vff ent seuh further tfian a towlltiip ofier, as was clearly lied ai tie Cburt of ieviidon. In >es or joint owiier8 or ocrupeutâ, lbc ypurjposely as..,esed jointly parties bcre t bc favorable se Mr. Gibs I,,t ejIirj ou, i as te depr ve hr rýai'ehj ; wh-reas iu the caseof r jiliosed to Mr. Gibbs, they ceerc to rparaiedp, se as te give terr cri t-r marc os-at I A coue uu- tuet i 1ece o! gharig partizc-aithiI- -cf potaive frauti upon îhe ftancisse- sas itet coe steoaur tuovhedgnelsce the fcouds tîilseli ntcd te usseill mîction.- Andt if tlimaijei in chat vase rrctiseni suitiishinent for pluaingthgue signaturesnoo voe"m upon tise poil book, Mcr. Ratchif? de- eervesu le for tis altempeteIomanufacture ati 8uhittess votera ai:.tise aRsessmu romll l'ise OM gse'ul ttls certainiythe isasame in btiamroes ; fOur the ciau vlo ocuti trjte emanufactuie -(-r na;ie vaoute wuld nu) Iruite e to placea c aise anc t-iretsavotois, li. Andti iMc. John Ruteihi? e eue of those purirndia., pu~irise ti elava <cudi: agaitaat corruptioa i Whuta tir tmissesa pubie gàtheriitg far tisa perp~ose tuf jhajing 'the demagageid autIc plaruae. Lt ii lamenîtableo tise eatreuue taeOidtIsimen Viti altow tisnir hitetixannliil) t -mof fuit eiandut, la priviise lire, ei.ci as Mr. liai cliff- te se fuir geltisais ittem o! isole sensç o! i-lght atid justice as ta leie tulitt o! cour duct surI asne veas-descrileti. And sue. despicaisiecoîut iluggravaiei5 antialo lue moore te ho cigre;5ted ani cioiden when u n uas,r visesilappoimuteti te ai office o! rtsi-eluofir fergela bis dur>-, ana Iso tieclaration c! office visicb Ib. pcakvgi as to wau<ssr itit tisa asesaotut sr1rrvwbk hie maliou a semis obli,4hioa 1554tuni coircl>. - TitîrGsuLr NIMutc'u.COesvasLi P >X.A Brit-.urvc.t.:.-JEcry lay hast atuans slicv theirgreat saccctA s ttending lteea- forts af! Salesr. Evemeti & Ca. tic intîlzu this s<lendid musical deînenstratioti one t tise gnnndest tiusplays es-cc jet; holti ii nCa ada. Fi-om ail tîuatncua nunlers oettI hasýt soc iis;tjai lue bProvince lochsphar- icîg an, la 1111 uptshie grandt chorus of voireg viaieli ow, %vae art iliafummad, actoslly ox verdit tlac lirat licuit ofoneOdithoustieuiiper fuesri. Mm. J. ElHopikins, thie Ser tam>- o! tlse Couopiuay.us doing 'couderai i tis ieigliiraa' icn pcaparing tise sjiag ens4 tiuder lais a4te invcrucion. A fort niglat agis, lthe>,litenbereti Soo )" lut1ah anti a-vry tlay rtiiuco Tuas elpedt îtireait .he caturîer. iThisi 2ntl tsithae 24t'o May- %i-ih hogil thym iodaed -lsya sait. au exquisite mnusical feast as la e or hefurai bet enjuije inla Canadat. let ouli lIce vrerether birove pncpitioosandciiBoy. cîaîville, if utot tise g'Otesb, vil1linsv reasoon te biaeaeL cbin;; hue tostcoutisue place it al Canada. Tue Pàam.estvaav 1&yRtpoaT cFia' T CONEsnnniica Nîoue Dua'r, ortiocedti riI reperunti at loiglis, auti prhnîed, lane% vonchutird. Tisea coneletiing portion vii reaciseti u onuuT dai luiu broagit tbt valume up te tise ecuormocus clan of- 103 pages. A costly' mirrrfoé taeiaisrà loak ubrougis foc ibeir elequeace îiWi-v prmo"e tr the ceoacilr. 1li..u sv u. gre6t,,«,va n athe towo la now stsppliedi. Mr. Josepili'New- burjy bas entged luté bil possileg lUne. Hitherio po.rions gdttîo4bilau ptinted outlrd,iucb lndonvenience in bàviug- Ïbedï* ýp'*rlyâ àstribute[ id Çjsod ii.: if ntiorakon by them te'tàkeu a disagreeable eoe, ..adif ontruitedt i beri' the work wu carelessiy done. , IM no niatr what tIse pains tuiken the varie vi' geoerally ineomplotC. » ill posiugii toa mort of buinie, la a way, thitirequiei certain tonin, and applianos-to * tually. Andi il requiren a&-tin ï o tte prouinoot corners, tioad walis, d fOoce that dau ouIy bhacaquired by a 50o>& deal of "pracileal ob&ervâ.tioa.11' 17!>44 Ihere le aoeort.aiu sort of apprentictlp neusssary to ha servei in order te kn ,iï e- r. to This firm, whicli bu opened i olu on an extensive ovale aI Itroolilin, onnounces the arrivai of a large nov stock of Spring and Sommer goodsa-la addieion to everyîh:ng that "'D ie etiquired <or, ilu the drI gootis line, tboy are surn.lied with an extensive stock of Family groceries, and a large slip- ply of fteady-oeade ciotbitig and boots anti ahoee, of the noeet style andi finish, and of ,hobes umateriale. Messre. Mathewmon Ratclitle anti Co. are the well-l<nown praprietors ofilie e;tensite voïolo-n mille negr Couambu wherse 4y oanufacturo tweeds, aiii'eos, annéis, un- ions Az of the finest quality. Tbey offre their ovo ruanuractattd gQ04às.rotnil, et whplesale prives. Ma. Wu. Sxt:m, Posîutouer ai Uxbridtio andi an ex-Warden of tbte Coitnty, bhs ai» notibiomsef from the. cee o f i former honio;, and i l,Lpaul oflbis fnontis la1ntitu ing hbruntimely absecen. H. hanleibe- hinti ii, vs are inforatot, liabilities to a heavy aamouqt, whicb tncinde untorsatibusý utf frientis He in aise, vo am tolti, a debtor to the Poot Offlco Departmont. to thea&Mount <f *70- M. Smith 'Vas Inketi upon a careft<l, safe busineszman. A CAVADIAN t51tnoO. À sçbol I1- tory qf Qauada, antirotbor Jritiah Ameéri"A Provinces, by J. -.1. oneis, L.L.B., a. G. $.--Jos J.ovew, Montre ai. '.ibe publisber hbascuas t un tit tile work wviic i wa Mms4sfi n ,aýso of natibonal hlsory, uwsprdtending ln appear- Arthsur Min>'r, Etquice, M.D., AssOvi. ate Coroneor, Caune>'o! Simcoe. tbogis MCKU a De!Iktae, leqemre, ti heaa Sat-ny Pulhic tn JUpper Canadai. ffts Ecxar,v tscrom.Oyxastuat Gat-cce- àr bits alun heenu pleasedti t grant License, to Nelson Shizule>'. Of Kosaleli>, Esquime, Eudwini Henry bertllndofi, <fingston, Idqs. M. D., and Alfredt J. llcrsay. o! K&iîgta, Psquine, M. D., taetiractine Ptyaiec5 &mge" anti Mitiifêr> lu U pîer C &ad&ti. Uàtrx .S., Ma>' 6,. Ti Bermuda papema coussinu long accoucits cf-tise judi- chal înveatîins nov ileltitibold tSiS. (Icuargeq, o! teo sterupta e!fIr .,Blackiburns ta ittradoce yellaw forer inoaNov York, Philadelphieaanti otit ortnbernocilies. Dr. ilavkharn'visiteti Bermuda oslensi- hI>' eau a philanthropie missIon,5 lu coanc lon vutiste causes o! yeîlow forer. Tise evidetocu i sowssi b. ncalectei, visilo there, Letdiog ansd eboiog taken frot laver patients -Giat be purcis4pt'ant in-u fected,so'c clcthing, vIsicIs te paked inl trunle pudsiloft in-charge e!fIpartics, wvus ordure te enrwand tisonsNevw York is tise- spiug. Que viiueon testle"tisi $#ole- bons repminentet imtsel! as a Cofotirat. agnt vtoos ission 'was teaesruction <of tieNq& omnes. - fI WASabsiovo tt s eveir.l pmrous conunatotivas Wleê8euCy o! tIse <Coufee dotestm ,e agu1kamt of tise.facta. Iý_j. &tated )tisai tisrvere tous trins, tiuee <fvý!bve aseen !asntiW thi esutopts butsicid4sy the Bord of ialtb ,f elaclibornis wcrllkînwn is iiseepro- vcwas i a i4he stetulnm rebol. Tzooespis rt1Cli;ar-We- také -tthe folloitl,grous 1the -Malta ceoneno <0 the London rt 1 ss# othesq22ed instati LoaI stEurottelli. Townu Vounetl. By tue tstaasipu Amrica ant i*br- Wuîva;r Monday evcniicg,May 8. qia,> the former on the 26t lantitise latter Ts1enclmtiiseeiaiegs o1ùjoQkr. f-ia Worship tIse Mayor in lue tb an tIse IStis nl., vo bavje latat ativices chir. &RI members present except Mr.a froun Ennapu'. The nova aof thse assaio- Yarnoid.A lien o!, Preaident Lincoln crecteti a meut assuoSTRiCÈTOl profoaui en8atiati anti calleti forth ex- Thse Council resumet ii Committeie h <pressions cf tinepeet synspatisy. Resao- second l medingof the by-bav foc opooing l tions expressive o! sorrov and Indignation tt'ees-eb<. e tbson lnatise chair, Tise vÏeota be mevet inbtise fHanse a! Lerds camuitsf ropontet tIse by-Iav vitis cor-lP tain ameilthiOmtSs icis *ene receivretiand y, b>' Itar Rouell, and l is e Fouse o! Co- adojieti, andt, on moellon, ttbhbil *uas m'êai monei by Rit Gearge Grey. Great tanet- a tiird titan anti passet. Tise by-lav ' luge vere hehLt hrogtoat th e country Iut auttemises the opoolng cf tise side-Iide ibe- vicis reu.oîtio-ns voro stopîsti expressive tweeu Lots 2J'anti 23, in tîele IsConnes- ot Isorcof anti teep sorro'c at tiseassassin- scaon, anti Secondt stree% betveen Brade atin. heItaia Ch mb r o D putes ad Centre sieel, in tie setis W rd. A soatioptoul an atidrosexprossing grief nt 'i Coahhrsiti tau uio vs tise fate c! PcosidetieaLincoln. Ttc 7<tnt oti tee ofuîhe vIjoleai&ciithe petiuion of Mr. saysa ta the great American 'car is virtu- Darnil, proienlet ou tise .11th January aIly ceetib>' Lee's surrentier, lait, proying te ho rellevei fcom tise psy- Tise Tntes o! Tluuradti a unu:r .Wiiis ment o! certain taxes-Mn. Pemmy in tise2 tise defeat o! tise Southenners tise difficolioa chair. Thse Coticil moesantutiroportet iit a of tise Fetieral gaivercemOtit set in. Afior tise Clark b)erinstrucîif, te cueîafy Mr, Dart- - tise mt.taeatiofa!Federal authoritj anti teell t1 t-bihie axes munt ho pait i vthin on r eduction o! tise Souotiste ohedience, an monits, ottcrvise stops vaul t ire tn for overwisuiing prospect 'ccli opetc before tier recoverj. Linceln's admninistrati-nc. Mucla lien hctvobiu rAVIse utremiAS sTr.ct-ET. 0tisa eotuquOll of thse Souths anti the maira- A meouuttiontoovoti hy Mr. Rtas>, tisaitise tiotf t Uniaoa. lu the face af poliai ai eusiuîcuu onatiSre-euscad Inspmovomorts prohîesaof unexrcsplidtilificoît>' tue tcon-0'be insccuciedtie40 1coeed ht h ci ie paviuug frocîti, arucis questionsnan the regoîccrctioicef tise caler course aul t[lati ur tl bide o! ,- -îisr cummncj, efor ofo!tise tartf, andi Dinda s nrcet, 'cas aiut thesuggestion o! .managemet-lof tiseonatounal debt, iipact* Cape. Rove, laid ever uci tis te coumtt.oe nt a tsej re ici iems1elt't, MeY PPean brigs dovu tiair report. r isignifivent." lii ica 'no'n ltsiicE vAlît. The Canedian tiepusltatibOit proceedetiI M.Glsosceitjy r nn 1 te Londaon. - Mr.oei chs iheaccoueîlgctttCDrapnon e Ninecuoti huindreti anti niuey-îsr'se miles n r dta. h oni rat .Dae c f tise Atlantic câbtlecar eamîslpe'lee, and tirhe piviege of aying dovtî ce sue watt ci, 51,400 mles iarearatiy ou board Is lemJeutsu hi cvaoclthe. au tise v eut neri IcfBreeh 1 Easurti.smfrtclRa.J.Lwsorirebs Nraevitlstastiuurîtihe tîng symjueLtlty fell 0wn preosisan. f fr tise Souths ut Lice .-ol. th te lîigtiuc atituavî saidt ctIit vas mther a ao! baes stirmecder ws e-t ,cijvid alelu .'rt--tt utge icqueit for ait>- Wùilc tia u aIltle aeatisfactian, Caus1ni nie-a-uelt sva frdeclice in Conc ' l nover bai ubjocîod, cnort itihe com m rci l c rci s. hi ot ti w u tti bject la any priv ee in i- Constane Emiiy Karti coliafsseti te0daim- Auliyn a@de akalitd l P mitiog tise Rond Housse courtier, wlsicîu- Pcamtseeif lai tloogLt. proper. Bot le - causeti se much excitimeat au fets yeauu âge,(Capt. [love> sai t ie -Moiiionvas iutcidaed e hLdsurendredlienvl.usa a vote-O! conoualre on tisa me.nhers of tlae Me. (Ghadtonie hta intie tis fiacial cOtmitle 'Who bat i tmovetithe aide svalk stcleenct ici tise lsu"esof Iomunt tu-l fruo tisa veut ta thse ciae side et Brock i tnMi Itrect, oppomite M r. l)naierr'u,ýùad te ..*ýhow8 c surpulus n cr-aur . urtinoti o! oe)wud o Puavoee pouis sterling, IlIe lru,)s.I-c usIo 1taIte tao1n (spu.ravnùoe) 'cauti ofithpais a etciie - Pen~,ce5 off tise inccme lti.six poueimruoff tise frteuiuo 5aujecbouho!t isa epoeuncde e c;cudut>-, anti educe tise lira-etiriurat-ltsduc> oe iecomtebopihc eotci Is 6 fid a llermin r c ange . T e n ws- she edti t bis Cou nicil htther lho as ight papeis gene-i'ltlV aplurove Ibths-eeme. or vrocig, acnd reqeted tIsaitise malter a Thea. (Jaroviteh isd-t Nice uSuitla>-.woultl bu laid river util tise Conmitte où a Tii: Czar, tise I>inceîî l)ogcoor andth" SureetsandoiIrsporemccus brougisi down Quevi o Demar wec wth oi. tiein repart, asl te (lttî. Rotvi) tisongbt Markiets firme . -WliosL ost&anodibarhcy jit wsnt'c uethnwa udet in god demndl te committre. au oot denot. - Afeer sorme furtîser diseuq8i,iut, tise tuo cil, ai motiona o! Ca1t. itj% u, seuit-d by yCricket. TMr. Raj, odjoumnodti 1cmtvaworia>. a - 'Thie I )t t-rits cricket t1îbt as li(-en - s- r e-trgcin.et. At a unceting laie-ts Board o! Sebtol Telst WhitbY. rs'tucs ire tolavita lig weru -e eh cte<t: o lucil ~î Atetie minlcg of! tiadonrt-I u da N. G. leyuuui'ls l>~ -l'mcs - - v.-:tiiug, 2usd loti-, Lice abvcgpo-e- jr >eausar', 'uq, Vice- Ptecý,iielit -,C. logtsit, kplace:-. L- Noisrbe, Esq, Secreturs- and] Trtsurr.- 'flu re Uluincuan jIrae-nleal the nsouaîlly 51 t'tuctuittece tf nsigcrt-Miur. * retunit Irias <heovoral selunasîs, isevîug bleerts. s'.4. îten, . V Roinjr. cci lta u sunll)ertof puapît on thie cols, et lecury i- letcui. . C Stri, J V.llaijjr, alSCteet, '277 ; average daiii' attend-ancsc- :h J. Kelîit 225 ; aI .JohnStreet 'l117; as-rage . aily a _ * .- --- Attarnoccer 105 ; et AusulesousStroot. 38 ,d limc '.Ntirs1.-M. Muedopncuciru average tilly atta enu, 1S. gros~ui îrderspwiorî gîante, !ici favor a! G. Car- Ln gre pplgop a 3ge o - - inn I,$ S,; L #lrMeztmm. -.Q0. Tise id includurag indu seticry, &c., %vàusoct'ex report o1 theeuh01)caiiteu i en ds of hibiteti onufnral.ay cveoiutg arcsinding to emuritsanaterrnite iontshi>- ettantis maiote- st, ttiue.Ovplth ass e fora à w(st adoîcursanti tisuChairustoIlcawsin- great iocny. Tbi ise;ua Unet Uit rWOI rsr fietlz u hetrt owing ote titn-ar-i-val a! tise p*icrtnu Tisnetiuîg leovetultimoieo teu, uimauethse by raîil,*-y D, an -v e-te(l, and titpratei fCouits-Cotnceil ta -riot n certain ruucuec t7r tale forwamdati by tise Railsvay C.omnpany. o!f<r-Giur $lia Slustrshu*ilr coit- îst3 4i~4 ç <ltu 0 ie1ibh a iis ¼ lte pullNuhuoi-elîng thmisen. Thc telotriai l It umruîcrutie tte tr citugs oral. Andt-i wcassure our esiadertT,ltdtt- luitJîe. of tisaitiitrre t-uta gpool treat i10 lae for **~ n.thie. TIse panuoracma extcotin.civer 3,000 Oicel5 i~umiOO 'efeel ofceauvass, and Ii%, îîrheiss. ane of tise eceua(rtcs r-lirgesi of tiheltindevr cpaiiotot. ..Hia . C..E.alsu mifgaot tie fltOEXi - *5mee il-- t .k te o -wn .igenl Devo ButU-ual. Tisas. Ailin. Aged Grade Bull-laut, Gcu' Ogston. 7inta yer aid Durhane Bull-logt Jno, Thomepson, senc. Ouie year utufl Durhama Bui-Lst Johnc Dryden. One year oid De-nons Bull -LstIL Specer. One yeur aid Grade do. - lot, Win Je!. fi-e>, (, s1utcatiitiaimal o! 13 mocîthe, veirluoti 1, 164 pountis.) 2ui, Oea. Britîn SilSer M.udal Sweepstake te beat lare cf asi>' dsa, at-ardbot to Jobepis Tismp. Boni uIl Neiseuby.'l 1Prebide'sitiocn a eset rrt muation -tî?cniiig "tle followinx Te-Valdo form the arcast, un ltce United SCrte, of tise liersona uientiooei u-hr tise arý mccl o! lerffernn Davis, $100,000 ; Cie. meont C. Clay', $%4,000 ; Jacob Thamnp son, $23,000; Oea. NSccdr.S(,0 everle>' Tuekocr,*200 W. C. Cleary, 410,i00-. 'rha>'arn echarged cilsh avînî tineitOt, canvertoui] anîd 1tocurei" ibso sassiatîtion o! PresudetitbLncoln. Tueker, Saunrirs, Thettiponanti Cleairy have pot lishet] lette, ets tictuvugthe ti-uîifuahnceso tise chante l'a ile stroogont languagiu, apc demonti te prou!. Great prsparaiions ainue bing ,madeil Wohigtott for tlue trial t-f tIse suspecte( partiesavite lave beecu arresteil. Numisci have haem imniiond, andthie arresîs con - hues al>. the beati anti heart have beon pis -ced ie the Army Medical Uaxuaom. Tho disposi tion of the reu-eining portions of the body is only linoien to vory few bigb oiiciails. wiI4qonn expedition îhrouetb <enrgik aqti Alabama have been-oe eof vliolesali destruction. Pive Ioadred millions worl or property are sad tri bave beem destroy, ed bký him. ?he d.itincîlon titrongitthet South i of thte tost lamentable cbarac.ter. The vel1l known Il Ur. '1'amblety" bai -bafn arrestetin an accomplice c3f the 4a rassin Booth. Ho e Ot by the nan'e 0 "Dr. Blackiburn" bi 'theStaten. If" Yoaa, May 8. --The ý'lnesWaeh In 1gtisecial ny -lougbt 10 b. un deouod titaut tarment rt.ano forrng a roward for the apprehlension, o Jeff, Davis, as one of the parties implicat. stiltg the allsmnsillon 'of Ur, 1410001; it not bssueti by President ;~obnsn neasbisin. dividuaàl set or uierely, pon bts persona opinions tu the guili of Davis. Tt ev issos¶l in pnfâgane of the 4eciai0C of til pr "legal antbority. IL wu firseLunau! mously tieeldein laCablit meeting, tit ail partiin a ny way connecteti with tl çoarupiracy shoulti ha trieti by a militar tribunal, and hot by civil courts. , Aillth teuîiony relating t te matter wuash placeul oteciaily inth andei of Uthe.Tuti . Avocate, (les. lio. Jonpb Hoi% wl exauzlned IL ivry earefully atid matie an selîsnie;binTt tIose e ofaroslakwich ig e «tergihrblin tb etf.' ai câvJthat the drytikre 18 i-gibly marJe on. - goauetie t1 tise- ofpiel Ltt*oti; pei ha tise voano;l. b tbI-sway ktihe defraacitir5's I&Wand"o5 ! eIè .tiee ~ ijgg~1rltc5içdeîslto Bto"V.pacing wilIj n e IoMsg trui;glo îlat rent berin hbce ta , ilarge, eot, tsavolidet-u; iutwhnnphoosie ers Wh 'cent dao. The atate B* laen' yis l, 1* o o A o lIS aê eqUIppd m oto oders nex pý b àiglat e oe i nay Wocbe, &I' t f I li roNe!Cua aii os shudb oc naeen we4ad iyt-.,i41te.tr th o tonei ge apartmnent,. by aIl mosaii hltg tise tOP ttgtituehdanfei veyýpo ow ho caomo ps-ntice of al1o>vng.butb6r inrellis B i gs nfgs~piano8oî atoi e ç sc.fodi stoggthnr. tn the ne.- 4efo C tegpm- oth ilr f o 3,tien of a cfos sýîuSty atmoqphéer. Those tae1~Iam f~ou]1 70 -f ý;,ÏA'A.1, oiiiA a fi 'a ofen - - v tho RebelGevernor ef-F1oIiu~ fhitby andi East WhîtbY Herse and OseIlle Show. Thé Spr .ing Iloras anti Cattle Show O! se Union Agriculînrat Society ofWhttby iud Bait Whitby 'took place on the fdeunty Agrieultural Societyls ground, 1n ibis tovo, n Tbursday laut. There was an excel. lttexhîibo00,au te quality, 1itborses, and stock, althoUgh net numerically larger, pertaps, than the exhibitions of previous 'cari., The wehoir tmmcd outnpropitious gbicli prevonteti à làrke attendance. As it was, everytiting vent off well. HasUES. Bkad8tlaiofl-lo, Sidion Beatty, (Mr. Arkland's ilKennetti" having talion the firat prize lest yoar, wao îaot enteroti for a prise alihough exbLbited, anid vuld ihavat carried h i ffthis year again if the mIles of %bc Society permitt"d its avard.) SatUle ô«'Cérvage - Ist,.John H aidy, 2nd, Thomas Hotignon, Srd, S) B. Brati. Shaw' (Mr. Dawes' ilG-rey Bagle', glood lot in this clos, but as with "lKennett" in the provions cIsss, cottld not be awaideti a prise, according.tas the rules of the Sa Cieîy.) Statuons for ('veneral Ptrpose-ls§t, Wm. Armnstrong, 2nd, llugb Macro, 3rd, J. Chatepau. Draught -I t, Gcorgo Thoropsen, 2nd, Hazzlewood & lodgsî n, 3rd, John lSaun. Ge ÀPssBrood Mares-bel, Win. lticbardezn, loti, Sulas Ioch, 3rd, Richard Marlitn, 4th, 0. Fo8ter. Druught Rrýoo 'd Mares-lst, D. Con. ant, 2nd. Jas. Corbett, 3rd, James Shanti, 4th, S. lnch. Two year old CoUà, Ciea. Pur.-st, Thos. MeN.eil, ed FH Starm. Teso-yer rOUd Fuea, Gen. Pur.-le t, Hlenry Harper. Two year oW CoUs, Draughflet', Jas Kitcheu, led, Win. Flcon. Eiesi pair Car"age Herses - lost Ira B Carpenter. Best single Horst-, SaddUl or Carriage -lot, A. Alexaunder, 2nd, (Ico. Liddell. There vere neolIdroâthanji oentoriea in this Besi jeans Gm Pur,-lst, John EHUis. Beat Draught d.-lst, ea. Dodge, 2nd, JhnoliTompjson, Senr. T ,he Butter Triede. Fliomphale of ,Lim11e. suicide of A circular issent by Meus. Akin & The folloving lbIter- bas refurenve te ThMa Kiptik fMontroat, centaine soaa-_ tIe.application of the above latvfmu ~ Kimatice,-!seàcai-]y francB) mirablo sud useful remarks on the prodc- usanurel, vitt Wbeat' Vetbes anti Cor"' thera ahei tiaes o! Canadilan butter. the increasing crops. on bearing? iûiparlaoce cf Ibis branch cf Canadiatt C. Roherta, Seedamnan, Agent for Whiit- Richmondi, trade make lit one cf deep interesîte tIste by. ' - mieo fermer anthIe counry mercisaîit-n Leiterfron& Dr. Loto, a 1&ig1ý respect- c W. sOqueOstiy. c masîtlf eur' contry asercisants del ii but- ablde geiftUema n cf BwntanVilleC' place." tem lamgly- Suggestians thon îending ta RnrATISsvN, Bovmanvillo Oct. 6lth 1864. TisNt, eIèvate lIse standard cf qualîy cannot ho Dear Sir,-Yoc5 vilI porcelve by 41 Éev.i urgeti vit h. tenmach force upon ail co_- my large order, complireti vitÇ the stoali- sine-e,vas comet, he roucr a vîlas hebo er, 108of my farm <1 2 acres) tht1tlerfsi of consedet vto~~~~~~~~~ afhwî-spos hguteho fr ! opinionu o! jour Super' Ptosphate Orleans. Whoaffrwads ack te btte fo a or-ofLime, as a mantume. I testeti it tisis soquonco a olgn mrket;-aod ai Ibis season of the seasen--thu renaît as foîlava ZI1saoti t'Omani, ai, year vilI be founti mosi apropos. one acre anti a quarter o! landi, isicis bal tbere vos Soriîegoodbasalroadyrestilted in certain given tvo cropa cf aceini succesio, to bisative secihons front attoention ta hints supplieti [bcd farmingj with Fife Wbeat on the 20tii a gentleipi by practical Individes; but clthough tlae April ast,aud viti ltho Super Phasiphate umbus, Os gn era roet sossmaipoo ors ne sarmel te thse acre, tho arop vsrowu i< hmv on !exrinuc !afew ycars hack, sîcl eefrtvek1 uospouoaîol nd anoîl the dufects are Be oumemous, anth îe gon- oral averageo onmucis below what it might eigtt bushele excellent clea Wboal, same tise grouni be, thiat we venture again ta urge the im-soaitî paiches,th jocfislni, e- aAfr partance ci scliuig sorne offmutuil remebv -ceivet ine manuro ; bore tise stmaw andi eams te Flomitit 1cr Ibis cryiog ecdl.Thias la tfic more oi)- vere short. 1 îleo tried ius ofrect an thse vocatit portutie, iuuaiiucli as tire prescuit deprics- îhree quaiors of an acre [the sainefield], tician, anti sien and prosperciveo15 s lumaiuly ocra- itis vetches. The produce surpatuseti my orner o! ti sion e-u by lic e vry infrior quilily of tie montsaiguino expectelion. Thin patcb, huiler in stock. The kheurt cenpetation eforbreadsi wftengjrin AIns andi high prives during the 'uimmr clfan ordessat cwfleig fe s uu fi iriiaitli.s, doutlless tennlered ta liru cane- the firaI vee laJane tae i cd Of' Mall Gaz la-ssineesut lrinigftle clushng iselsi'a:oui t August ; tati nul the soasocu beeu dry, tise -Iriah mens in vicu' of tlau dirsticîruu4Itlts i;t Jlacs crop MLiii have cotteti on tise grouud. IL planneti a ecîtchîrd, flic wisdni o! geter eut-e for licele eveîî mare valuablo lu gardon culture, scooters w fture nîiitl bc pparent. * farciusg lice vegetablen and net feeling tbe vag. one VThe niOttor lii 000 w liili, on ftie score gmau ,a . ti, sc ale an di othor m anurOs fto o c lbth of hilCrul iecanenty. stiaululegg ai fet o ot tuis attenationi, na thôtisands o!d.llunu a e Tordor.î,a!ceti o1 aliuuacrlly hast ta the couuitry t.hroliglîibmh . caîtu.-s efemnard. Shippirs aîve exueri-i-qO-G~H O . ot i etcueelonmeu has, ,disappituumeuut, ual %a. *A. CoO,;MMontrent. *Hnei v î-x r ti n î f r u u a n y y e au r u i l, ce x < i r t în uig-ta* k n o v i n g it 1 ttru tîict, %w ere Ct' aa i- il uuutta- r lit l an g rtiw - Tli E N INA ,e t .L 'a r r o saî.- h u x . leaJ x eti f oi îu 0 iu s p1e, u au , ui u csefeq î a it i l e îj î i f a cac jo u l to s tm o ite l f idt m ir , mo m b e rs t inapread, itiust ho a lrge ciieseire Gle aiol o lcsriSeo a nePesdn nso h ta cigag rttontiolu. rhefactîh'ctqualitY aia o ies'rirr !arhl1Peiotig ni -even areortling tea ur ewci standlardl of in tire furîn if a uiymt of $lo000 10 t for bis fût 8insltili, urlieil is b)elow fluita!f ritaiui his strie aeui eily - cao peracai au givo muet nithe -is bo u lir c lu var:uge eceips froui Uhu- -orro huauc $1 --seern a teus cjrpielo nSunday p-er tCand, nt îat anueh o!vact arrive, antinaimly.- Abrahans Liascolcu bas dietio secret, sijectet] ta ibis test, iveuild b c ci ul as$!l,ý fuir chia c uu try, proeie y as if hie bcd lman ie Scaîci . greae, or huct one rarusove froni Ilespereiru chui t i d,,, w tilt servicag in her croues.- day travol r asta c ocu n t o ! ig ora c o rcm c is a a c l 0! t N o one uvbo n o w v t- s bis% d llar cao ho fo re a n a ie lta illriultrv wltiel, stispecuut Of eceli, 10 tiagratiice Isimsof mmnbeirs- only tte ajudti c tivation cln eeetuiitly cala tiae paowrfaulu or- lu a nj maraner, serve viso sor occiau; but inoflic aier settel aIl-z lits owu private cnds. Mm. Lincoln vas constituen tictut, wleere stock i goieraiby gond auuu beocu puiti $25000 au jear icn greenhcko; bath-day1 l, pasLcm age unoxceplion abîr, th e c miiuuni w aiih is hardly more ahan bal! tise-value may p roie alefeetut <bser v er i re- ai si teiîlly %witlluuut hl wie l a t rce eire d iii n tim !f ponce, casion o! excuse or palliatioru. - wbie auo m rehy his lahors a d auxietion ireop lta n T h o c o r r e c t i o n c f t h ec o v i l t-v o c o c e e O tta h eu li s o i h s i a i y h c s è i o lie muainlv in the liccichi a! nurcliaris ts lum nbl isieiy4is olî uag Ilinsslve. ati ecionl hormcir.ihe ~ o! hi, haineiou, havre been rtimous- oitsanti -propor discriminationi li put'eluitsi;grn t yiirastilt~ uh cdsroutd evêrest1 nuacsfrcturers. Se, alo g i t i rl e c tice t hse difltie a s <ot is po ition, cîc di hlied aa groater v e abtuius of payig uf unifomnu liice fourmvcrv p ro p cu et! botter timon hefome lm, ho id in Eng l thumag orcred uîuden these n teuf huiter, s u str jeton de ti hy an usasic, anti th e $100 , Of tise me , long nusut bc tihe gievnco ir ptiated 000OItfor ua socou tri tor iaitishe peopie hati - and i n c se, L eutit hue jp al, s r t a a d l i ar a l i c s o . N t A V is sali, racid.andgtnorally iliucurtut dhmgc ohiscesr o bu cithoner jucteul cltogothmn r auîly tutken eyinliaulay, nom rcusvoleuuce, but simple jos- turneot fr< ai ils pr<prtiooutte valaue, andti uceiurago- lace, requîmea uhat thus auuraie mcdo up tu respenden ntusuut bus hoe guven le carrful and coti-.lais famsily, wielaout regard ta Ilîcir circoni- by.gone ni parient cnauftrttirons, caul the creleuts aitl stances, visereof vo ktow acd iti'hh te Cawnpore sioenl wll in itthir ntres t im kow otitir.We Irust ie dolcmrwill bu the rondti c prove. giv e oîu lu lis fttoily by u j but shose , W hso tAtioaupr c 1 is À u v- lîu rfru i Oyd- wo uid rîatler puey--itian ual--isba feol it a cf con-fni Psrlueolht la calleti for, it 111.t otf eîuir-c vttet lc lcfml foren n ih1 tiogiiat the Dairy ; asnosulreq<ut do- <çslgio0 cele asl foreitpt cih tnricsg cacu cure tre defeirt3eaitiutter if ami gond leader lieyonth le posîbilily cf wapt. Sert immei gitoally hasl ; aitdiexjierirece luas siuowisl %Ve boite snoa 10 heur cf soanmon having Tise Nen, th t t Iair unlm uriazuu u-lir-1u lrkr b heoîu appoitet ta rceeo contnihutians iii picturesq u -- o0 g esionaiy t<ica tuugta ta i trccply evrrytîci g tib ciey. W u c ari busi!d ail m quielte m nu -,, inloresini i ulsiruible, ila agrieviouucsfallracy. We l rive monts, Ion a r nc ce sutisfaactiaci, but leius ttravtimu cen it anv humecte zticd:l ki i n r ev ry fiant puy aur de bt.- I. . Ta-fbus,ç. rectet v e r e s ý; c i t i ah o r g o o t i i u t t t e r , a rc u u l i t t e r Y n i t c u tyt - for laîm iit fo d. uu ty Pa)r tue proeiuctiouu or gooulbutier, a lOOTceS Sou41, I'blLITONSa- liScs. pe$ Wei crai, alry alal.,tcntilt, semuuîîahois eltuauli-- UreSiaO\:Wasucs:o-rosSQc;nTY .ý hlie2 %V whiehu- cessasanal utwcminess las -rery delail, coul Washiu'ton en, rresp ei' frt-9ycttehaining, ar uîipturiîiî.-. , apidnent o! îtie Sprieg- entciu 9ý j'shoanuiulctiînt lue keîtt fuar sustl-reà ad Ms rloutcas'rta.'.Ts l]varie ta retiin tot>uung ic, rie siîtlk for ttslsomy itut uesgainti -suoh ide circulation tihe poules sai-p d icre'euea 4uatuit, urat ra ith iat li.unth 'cao sae buscarrioti> ta Sentitor 4- re!C tq -iaO munng nuultlh atG a taco- gle'% clcnghtur iW fortiah ly denied hom. - ep'ribed in perttreof 4 I.Let-ire hua * bo1 a- thei4ce cstclvo evi eta1 owevem0 thise tu j e-s abrisklv cad stsusdil. îîm.utrA l i<' ratt h1.thisevideiutro 15 in privabo 13poa> %va-shi leisteitrr in tî ier smiagWtO 11Ieorn, wieh cuuuqet ho qec. Bst t eu-r.near îb.iq rccla froul;a nil, oileq iL tou bet aeriualbhodenieti lIai IlootI s ve ry -iRc'ult e 3s(o caut ioisaruueli. h'uiies oin uusbjictt 'iss ivea acjiui dtetsgters cf procuinesu li. Pon, O- ýd sonie.ns salnckage in velgist ;l itit avoid t i ia et's ndrpeettvstthdea1 ra ovorw om khuug, as th out itflec s s o t gh an dt h e pu ti oa snal b o et ss t i routrosont b -at i nes, t lise ofê i~ c-. cla mcnuy. (soeurl butter lias a1tiiglut Irans- ts aina btust'iae.. Ts~ tp t ne _J parett ipcaraoco which iiI-workoti or have kno,VýRrchat ho vait'icu e ily a sece-isq it overvuasltOtid iil ot presouuit. Aliunt ionisl, but a gamesiter, and wWacç manger. vrould set prodticng ricîssuanti uniforcnîty of caltar Sncb 'cas li& getierai noputaticis, bi1t ho- sure, sa0 )hile, Daity Noe= say: - earn througb a gentlemien revenu. 4rranvap. 1b4ý a rieport reachoti iot time bptare ho lofi, <bat up. . the capîpre 0f Petrbqgsd~ 1Gavornor Milton.-of Florida, sunicide at hiî - i~ence, a fer Mariana. Ttc report vas euh. confirmeti by a refuges from-tbat ew Orleans Pfcaymun addis:ý- Jabn Milton, serge twenty year4 s gay anti dashing yonngisawyer erable practice ut the bar la Nov Ho a tatit floe the city in can- if a' difficulty witb a yaung gon. xising- ont of an affiair in whith Sa lady. À short lime previons rent bure the laie Governor killotil. su by the name o! Kemnp, at Cal- e., firing a loatiof aibck-shotijn. ,h11e hoe as cmossing Ibhe stroots Ion Ioad after, ho bsd falleti te rliavîng the nhîy, Milton returneti à anti hecamo a preacher, but loti Dot sitiutins imlie turnetipoli. dsacceedeti in hein- eleuteti Gav- bue Stote. .11 Messaglt'd REV'cxO.-Tte Paull zeUe relates the following-- "An ber. Sir Colman O'Logblen, bas 1surprise for his Scuottiet fellow. wtich proves hlm tobe ne mean- 0o! the great qetiono 'chsnový le Edinburgh inileot lidethbe holtitlc gasrdon on theý nort aide 'n staîli hoopeneti on. Sunday .og rColman _lsa motio'n'before tise favor cf its boing apeneti-: anà bhat Scotch parliaixentary business r lb. 27tb, andih<al. very, many are engagoti fur important mleot. wlsI or 22nd, hoe choauns the 24t rpose, 'bocaso Scotch members ir ho absent, or ho forcuti ta travel! Y*' Tho Baroud,>, 'il eeeMs d'maked cf bis joke,' bot means te punish in embera for tlseir vole on Siýn.- Iling len Irelanti some lime ago. idreadftsl pisition, fanrtie Scotcl4 ý-especially thatsect ion of tborà r Sabbatbiariais tot please their idces. Are they te breakthe Evas.- by travelling in, order ltaisoy re ici the gardi frorn bëing the oc- Sabitatsbreaking: orare îliey ica md lot thueueemy lu' by defaulte aod question. for Presbyterian ca4. woulid rovard tbo ingenityof th* ef ihem.-to say7noihing ro! -the invenience, of duscussing suais paot îh now-a.tiy8, insteadi à! tie tju Wr To C1 :ae- have just çe- ina- visil te a ap.re,sBaya acar'. 't. Wlie,î coçgtrast tise ovents cf days, 1 cantiot, helpadmitting that i la mckinà a- wonderful eslnde.0on ta civilizittlon. fefore 1857 tis0 asen tet a mas, ef filtlhjnti ascene o u fr o w no n e e d ,1 0t lt e -e tt e r, su hbarily describe. This bas chan- annrçcably fo.s the botter sinç o. coria qitr4qno,' tinb a is te mo4t ue cq wel aitILe mosi titoia ig spot liiCaiinpore, la the grea¶ qof -te place. The oçPqen e rr the vu-Il, mb owbicb aar ill.faste4 enpi andi vomeanti thoir io'nîQ'ets ?re tisrown, the alabPjler wbilene4, reuder itooupilunozks log béeire thse gardon pIlet, la moally a beautu. of ttive art. Âýrour,4 the lbaqe ao ataI, tehib i fanny muse be about eicenfruo is tmsusiifulY id, ia s aroiltthe wor¶ls, :"Sacret ici ory of-te gres Comipanly ofObriinliart bhiefly. womerianti cWldres, vite4 b-9ptit, vere eruelîr naasacreti by - aVjoms af the rbel Nanja Ditoanda. Xithoor, and eut tedtying vitil mbt the. veil below, on thse ith 'uly, 1857' Ai prenantthere id -sumenr houne, vheress a domcat zarcelv snfflae fur on borizau ncnln Lterd iiais. Wben a a P 6sadn ha la ail ptractivo. Th trct hie rans Dte oy o info asati.,e onagiarlyfrim Cara-n hetrs l'arting anti 11ke a praitym îZsigisi but =aver moral dtidUeik mui. Parls fartable. Del -citoulsapoki anti tirul l.o antileboaaCit. vince. Ils el contaiolug Cv six anti anti-th gunet, nov agi visobe, malt frota Keaingt àteadti taWisc 200 squares,i ht Parla b, ue rdn comItéi Yeîlain itlia population Londen is m thaisn Paris,. t ouiabmentia t- mmensbtY -, i k ,0t)0 emaplei 230 eah tni ibe-mosi-Wor gantroal, or Tise Belley gri Tueatiay 1 - gainst the fi postmasteof Thse Sinâla r iweblinir bou - peat' S.insco Tisursday lus about $1,004 ica5tied. istateetast an 2Newo l;vn lives. The c iln ,STOI ~29yn AttC uan ocur,, . 1 1

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