Kiw AÃŽVrtkflItttS til Iay SPrig #ot-LOWOB & Povell* Boots and Shee--Jas. Bain. "imtpraùt notice- The Cburciusau'o FamlY Magazine. Map or Wall Atlas--G. C. Tremaine. Mtimà onia-B. J. B. Gr oresBremnter aud Lrqubart. iqer- d Whlthy Races Whlîby Bire*er7. 1ùeaîq jo tend-J. K. Gordon. tVoluteer Reuion-C. Nourite. Nfotice-N. G. Reynolds- ONY$150 CENTS A YEAR Whtby, Thursiay, May 18, 186-5. Tue C&Nà DiAN DsELuÀTEa are meeting *iîb marked cunusidersiion "ai home,' ad ibef r reception -80 fer - eta"'ly argut'3 vieIl fur lIse succesafaaî roitilt of their mis ioii. Thuy bave bren cuîeprtaitied at Fiab. ineuger's Hall, and their açeeches, lit ?eply to tbm tôsi of lIse Brmitish AneriicaiiPro t'inctma, emnel ne¶îber 11b7 nor bitiingggate. h'e littie joko wicb ibm *Leader,"rî-ttits 'ahot Mr. 'Cartier being served iLht Gasi i dod, suddBreon sauce i, ire are assured, aIl gà mmon ; sud htIsaitilwue part of s gammon cf bacon, sud greens te vihici OffIciait Appoinninul.. là r. John Junes Rosi, 31. P. P'., bas betn appoiutmd a esember of tbm Board of- Agriculture cf Lever Canada, in place of Hon. Mr. Turcotte, decemsed. Mr. F. W. Stone, cf Guetp,, as been also appeiuîmd a member of the Boardl cf Agriculture for Upper Canada, in place cf tb. lie Col. Thonipson. MAZ(CiIETE5 QUASTELT Fa'AR.-The Yegular quartsrly fair cf Machestîr lu ad- vertissil to taIre place on Tussday, thse Gîb of June next. Great succesa bas resutteil te buyer sud seller, froni the establishment cf these fair- vbicb ove ibeir origiu wholly to tbhe erli ns of Mr. Davces, of ibm Revers House. Tbm forîbcoaiug promisese te surpass 115 predecessors, aud from tIse business excitions put forth, te make Mau- cbester à central connuty fair cf Ontario, vs are satisfied tIsaI the undettaldnt; viii be bdrovueil vith ibm igbcst nisîre cf succes Ou tbm Fair day lbe bousebcld sud bar fuirniture cf tbm Union botel at Utîca ilii bceforeil for sale by publiceatictien ai tbe Revers. Mr. Fairbanks, tbm popular &uc- tioceerl i iil oficiate on thse occasion. YVoLxTxsziR -eîmo.-Tbe re union ausd concert cf ibm Velunteer 0Ontpsaues,to lie bld aItIshe Meebanici Hall, ou te mur- kov <Friday) svcing, lu W bc a grand alsair.-" Music, Sort; sud birîh" vwiii lAmes prevail. A' yaung gentlemn de.> bervedly ceietrated for bis vocal abilitias, will tbon favr a Whiiby audlience vit - 1"8omtig." t is in contemplation te bave a du~ce ai Ibm conclusion of ibm per.« Iormau&é, to viicbgalautry ou ibm part cf cer volonteer slliers, vwe trust, car lady ressers viii net objeci. Mat. Liiîo's AVOTION Sà u~..-Tbmeanc lion sale cf farniînrs sud stock vbicb came 'onffon Taesday &asi, vas, nototisîandiug go lake place ou 21st, 22nd andI 23rd cf Jute next, parîlculars cf viicb wiIl be adverismd. Purie Ieeen, $800 sud $1,000, sise, greiupon -,sud ibere la te be a tundIs, sud a twù-mite race. Ment. in Iis veek's l'ssue, nô c onvct#the point vould'ouly bc weaksaed bys replyi, W. slsaW aittend te Mr. -Jon Ratoiulff la tuae, ikiig, ar, hovmer, to Ise ib pt ilesien of aIl tibm facto.- 'ta WHvgyBRK'BIT.-0ur friend kt.Clark tili kempo the Wbithy Brevery in good wrking order. Mis beer-6 bIeegi gool litoloisome iqmr, sud noe adutterai B>i'tpe 9eOff .-Ms«ro. 1Loves and Powell aneusme freth arrivaIs, enbrmiDg large addil ôtÉ irai tready splendid Vsau~,sFAseWy Mà umtusau. Ai tustion la direesilto -Ibm contents of lie D.haetiber, adveetlsedinuoth.r oluates, -Seefter te coete of s4h mentit7 tiume wll be notloed. OMWA i loaiu. W. aganmhttqostI MIE GRAiNeMeasIGAt.Ce'%ZIMxS o ebe h.M id tBoviniauville nexi vomi pnooeisO5 le be a epimudid succea. We viens favor- mil witis a catI by Miessrs. - lirett sud Hep.) kone, u ypslsnday, snd ibos gentlemen infermius tIsaI tirmarnangemesnts are uiei perfeclel, lthe7 have accumpliisbdans Hsrcuîsaff îask. They have drilleil, if vie migbi se qus e m esrmt,,ever ivisve inn- dred porforimna s ttCeu ibmoccasion. TIse firaiannouncemeni va s tis by voulil çolisct sud train fron 800 to 1000 voices ; but-tise measurs cf succes vich bas attenilel tieir zealous efforts i. fan byeud suything tbey anticipaled.their classes nov nunnber %ipvsris of 1200 per. formera, sud every day mcreases ibm nun- ber. A grand nusical convention, sncb as tIsat contempîatsdl by the Evereit Comipany, in in itsef a uovelty ; ilte altegeiber a nevi enterprise in Canada ; sud it is jual eucb a nue as deserves a euccmêsfnl resuît. hi is ibm irai Provinctal musical test te wiic Canadian voices bave bemu put, upon 1:a grand scale. Sisonliltise veatiher prove auslicieus vis have ne Jouit cf ihm succesa of tbm resuIit thebmmalter of iletail vis are favoris! vus thse folloing ontdine of ibe pregraintn. Ibm enclosure bas been anraitged, fencel tundilpruperly flîteti np; it is au Oblonur 2.iOxiO5 (set vith a grand plaifenni fer the ingers, masuâring l5x50 feei. A mst-iificeut mrgau bas besu pro- videl, viu tusfinetote1, pia.nos,Sand alter ,musical instrumuents, wvs belieive, sud every- tiig basi becsi doue iin ibm way of provid- iîsg praoper acconmmoation for timnmen se gathezinua -udici certain te assemble. 1Is tise vsy ef botel accomnmodation, tee, eietytlii"T iitcii5t5t7 bas 'been doue >ail Ibm boteis b nardinig bouses, sud pa os f etîtertaîment ir iibu brougbit mbel- cmie reqlaieltien fer tIse tume; se that, o c tbm score cf proper accomnmodaiion beiug ptrnidel, n nos vrm*bter-ueil be (li. Ou Moulay tmorulssg tbe antheîn singera viii assemble as early as potà sible-not laler iban haîf-pasi rina 'tilock, aI lb. tbau hall, sud titere engage lu nehearsal. A promlpt sus1puntual atîsudauce AM ei ii parttcularhy requesel by lIse directors. lie uecessity yull be obvions le tie singera lbunieelves. Ou Tuesdaj night s concert wiii bc bell ait the tovu hall et wviiai200 cf thm anîhem petfonuers bave hein spe cÃŽaltY engageil te aasist.Ibme Grand Con- cciit yul b. on tseQiueen's Bitit Dal, Weduesay, ai isicb aIl the singera, - anablem, psahtu sud iymn, Wyl assist, sud luring vibici-thibmgranlorgau, aud iustru- mentsal musie yull býs brongbt loto requisi- lien. We sbîsld have sttleil Ihat ativwo o'clock oun lonelay aftpenà oon, ail the pet-- fut-mena are expecird te b. preseu ainitte Towu bail ai s full rebsarsal cf ibm entire convention. 'i'ere'cau b. mno difficnlîy in beiug presentinhutimte. Theise asy <omn pa.IÃŽes bave, vÃŽin mucIs itbisli:y, placeil tise (ares aI a low figure, 1goas'to asLnd chbeap sud ample accommodlationu teb public. Ibm fanas fom Terento vili oui, te $1, for s relut-n ticket, te sud ras - lio-nanville ; sud frein ail îber peints hait-fane vihi enly 'ce charguil for retire aim These arrangeents bave been mary. ouiderateby mals by M*ssrt aeret, * Company. %. Bcvnant4 sio b. muvted, li Te ce-aý lebration cf ibm Queen'. Biti day tera, in tii miakeil nannen, ahIirender i fauieus.ý Ouber plaes-anongut th. e ovin0 godl lofetWiiby-useil ltiae sp)lendid preparatitou for tbe ceieiralioss of 11cr Majestv's Bitt day;: bel thii.yaar thm vieti nme n.font play. &Searci vau maIe eveyvibene for hlm ibrougi venod., aviampu, sud milî ponde >by the !iolm mx-. citeil uighboritoci, bat in vaia. Not, a trace cf hi. coutl ho foudd.'-Alontnight cf agouiin- suspense pasamil by, *benu ts ter Hahay mml upie .ýti. asapeaslable doightî cf bis suxi ous naveuts. '#at hai bbis bu?*bore onpeaiîb$sd teeh taen?7 ,Ris Èiory P te~tsétbt iafà - pà tby and Indignation. L Ëè iÃà > theiietts cf foui Pisy.. eurig osvdfos bis seehe's, be sild, ontise Suuday oveniig vitet ite*s fit m d, te vis bidaippeil byldmrl msisaviegaggéd a&idotier.- sud tiere!osageil by the ikidnpper& *itb betng &aÉ Voley inspirtor of the m4ssisb Bo"eia libat on investigatbsas hola. dis ciargeil snd seul bommê bis mCney,'wichý h. s1aisew , hâ-î" stolon by lthe nisorqaute, bis 406see.-r TIbPblisies bave oosmpilst4 arssge- à the verba cf tbm besi sud moat popular Buglisi Ijevehista simiisneotaiy iii h hemr pusietion lu Gral Brîtln, sud before they bave been reprînted u ssre mtgoronaly vmitlou artiluon 'a&l popittar2 salbjece, extracis frmetb leadtng prm *cf odWceSui% eU matfttv oleaiied ardltegomL ____________ M _____________________ e- s bad notthibm 4'er cf God befor% bis sYcu suad vaisasttgaied thersio by-tIse'devtil.a Naturalîy ibm peoejein i ueigbbon- bond are very >mucli oxsperaleil ai ibm foi. tlovi's rully consluet, sud * vIhoIo e uthe r bjeet of execration and reprosci mnucis comsiîsraîlon lu folt for tbm respectable famiîy te vbicb bo belougesud ripou vibose beada be bas brossghî sncb shameful bumila. lion. - Iu jusice to ourselv6s vie make tiese facto kuovu %nd trust îbmy vilI be regardeil a sanficieut reparation for tbm commente mbt vibicit ve wvre beirsymil vben vie bail no ressort te donit thibm alocf youug Hlsiy'e preicudel violent abdection, SÂTURanTI Mar, 27T-«. On that day ibe valuabie tevin locationtiand faim pro. panly advertiseil by MEr. John lLa'u Penny, fer sale vili bu put up aI Ancticu. To secure s place for business in ibm enter. priaiug tovu cf Whithy, no botter oppor. tunity men rpreamniel lîssîf îc public no- tice. Ibm tovin prcperî7 iplu inbte veny beani ef the corperaiou-i'iibmhecentre of tIse leadiug business mt-est of tse tev. Wbiîby, uastIbmcounty tovu cfOntarie, bas9 msuy adraniages te recamndi htt business mn. Hure ah tbm Ceunîy ocdl. ciels reside ; bers ibmeAsises are beld, andl tbm Quarter Sessionus and Couuty Ceuni, whsicb tike place four timas a yean ; tIse divià ion Court, meetings ef ibi> Counîy Cr.ncil, &ic. ; sud in fact il is ibe great centre tovards vibicb tise trade aud buel- ruels cf oesf et meaitiesi Coiaties lu Canada is necesariîy dir-etsd. It mnjoys the repulatiou of being the ist vbeat marke-as the contt-y rounel it ia ibm beit vibeati grcing country -in ail Cana- la. To ths business muan of mederaete capital scekiug to seule devin perrmaneiatlyi in a rising Conuîy bovin, tevion cf1 WIsitby cifers attractions infenior te ne other spot in Canada.1 Ibm fermesuad lande offerei for sale by9 Mn. Penny have ismen mosi caretulty select- ed by bites -If, aud comprise some cf the ment valuable lands in thse towinship& un vbici t tey ame offèed, for soie. Mn. Penny1 bas mSuh mapenieuce lu seIectiug lands, F s&d va are asanreel tIsai ibce now efféemic et adcien by biaisire amnget ihb sat vib ite ess. VIse terni, as viii b. seen on referaeze eIte silsertiiement, are centainly macet libenal -no o tiay mdeciog, "Krxx&n'."-We i(et muccpleare in bsing able te siate ibis splendid first- cits race honte sl111 remns in this locati- ty. fls irasadrentisel to b. sald, itll bm recoîlecteil, aI Mn. Arklauil's receut sale, sud mauy viara the regrets. t susnb s favorite borae aboutl de lest, te t4e aeigb. borbool. -8Kenct," boveven, stilliv- mains, vie are pleabed tn aay, sud Wadai- vortisel te travel tbis jean again. 0f lIre pes-fenmancea et t*Kenueit," seot a vordi oedi b. &aid t te e o Wokne# th'- borne -mmmv 'lby repuie. On thse turf, ýte bas "tçefQere iad nse superLor, sud bis apisut -diracaiag oe te bmWhithy course, four Yom âago5 vieà h b. tÉdeol ,t1srnniugt agle t.u tock in ieP~i~e i be remombered by esauy. He bas. carniel off -tfilm, tpo»«,a front al tbm bot-ses agaiesi vbichobu .baseauexitibiteil. We trust thst h. -vii long romain lunsthe Pos- session cf bis present oviuen, Mn. Arkîauil, le rus races and vus prits, sud ibati f dis-. ponedtof aal&Hi iimal be to sonsperses vit viii llretain hlm vutithe bmCouay. siTh 1 ansi 8r, VATES. 7b LMe Edior of thes WAiug yCheroseid& Sm: c-A. neighboherbasjuil andsd me youn pa.po cf lest week, visermin w, name is msyfresly baniîed. ov as.T sa net sasre tisaI joua ier pensent a&tthe Court of Revusuon. non bhave ern tise Asseasusct Bell refsrrtel loin, ýhtisafcé #nie. mlxi bave benTS ta vit îer t-ohave bal qoueling more tien asu experfc version of tbm tblug, especialy ass vitre1 I iViguousî3 inolined you tmigit bave1 usinues ef sens aluoon g iitimathirpfaibehdrston ý seeent Roll, but raied aeparato4y I vIosIthouiitonll b e sed t M. lis, sud jtsint4u litote vins ilsouelat vOuld bin lu ils(amr. -Nov. &ai0 ANNEXAxsvON.-A vorib y correspousdeut, 7h the Editor of the WhitbN Chrmeicte. vbose wvitiinge intli si"Chronidie"ethave elvas a een viel appreciateil, seuil. us rash- MIL. EDITOIt, SIX: Net having the fear cof or a reusaskahle latter, ibis veek.ý Our tbe Englisb Oxford Professor before Mny frienid muat be libmth "Molly.Grumu." We mycs. nor any act.eleration cf My pulses, sahal Dot aîicmpîtoa argue ~ai ibe chorus cf bis discipleis, aud yon.. not - <- JUI; belug respouailble fior vour .,rre@Modett'a Ibm "by tes ;"ibmiin' h s0 sol :ýdeo; croîchetg, I place thm folewng before you. th "tte ;tth MD advillainy o, ibmheprivilege of ibinkiug, andl cf atating kinils, ibm horrible, 1recoi'd wh veOur *thctais ahîapply, asilU cnrs. wicl iSurse otIat made us witb eucb large of ibreats cf thbm Islood.îhirsîy bruâtal snoit, disccurse, looking beorean sd afier, gave Whoe attempteil bbc infamousoutrage Iponus not-ibat capabilitv and Godiike Tesson, U' t Poo t rusi in us,. unuiid." Tt muet be vi- ths hLmsuad liberty cf ez-President Pierce-, éci to&UlIitbeir feelings sud senti. tbm murderons crevi vbe siet ilovu iucoud gueula b. visaitbey nîay, thai Canada, blond, innocent cabbInsu, in ibm centre cf jus nov, is iu a position tIsi ma apily; 1 e termeil 'ticklisb." W>anc not pros.' euligitteumd sud li ers.l Broadway, for pré- penu-we ses no prospect cf being 9o. suin t eprssOpinions ovuhira Doubi ais1ta te future, pasralyses us, and ibm lavîs sud incendier7 crovil Who rse hsus oui enierpnise. TIse Banks won't d venture, snd Capitalisis qîssil for thse frautie te tbm bouse cf ek-President ilu- monsys rimed already. and uiterîy refuse diore, sud tbreatènma that man-venerable to riik a doit adilitional. More living ta Witb yeara-*ith violence and bîood1à bed=ý,thebmloitcffanai. Ournenighbcura alrmady cali us a "asqualid populaation," sud asaun. Ibm tnfuialmil11nob4vbo ileliberateil mur- mdîy rmere daily food lsa spour result for dsred Joseph Shav-a Deusocraîle eieor years of twilt andl hardship. la thili Our in he tretsofBalimoe th ihumisfauli? tJurtaiasly uci. oy iben? Why in im sicetscf Dllinre im inuma i lahibmfauli cfOr position - OUr geepra- meusiers vWho fluug a felloi passenger mb opitical position pritciplly'-cur destîny. tbe river fro n ie cf ibm huais cf Ibm Wc -aretsaii, snd iti le rpeateil even until Brooklyn ferry, sud mercife4lîr alloved ÃŽ fein eoe caeie, Ia ~e lanildoua snot vaut lt. A very damnable' hlm the perilous chance oif sat'ing bis ovin sud stisîgiug.. aye, sud 1 fear, a disaster. life, viicishere prevail vsw shall1ars temiug auub. ,%one),, altiso' our iYater- ibisfer noîer tme.Lu tse usauimaest is caltivatiu.r, and cor ionul' uniainsîci, ,bi fu anthe tie. n te mantmetiiey won't ginê. 0ur chance cf being praylng ibm Altsighty le keep us frous "eîîîigrated upets" by teslt cf ihousauds, barns, sud ibe grestest cf al vis-annmx- as ia te case huai nov in ibm States for atin t th UitE Sttes fics edifIlatiots ande purification ci Mexico, ation10 Ib Uniel SItes.terrifies te Tubai, andl bermeticaily <JisamdStaua.eals the useuey .bsgç. ileqm, tIssas aumiable arte armel bordes, are net tbm sert - uc wish for. Peaceable additions don't MR. IXtVTS TAIKEN i cone. Tbey %vol's corne. 50 acres fnisç - (e leetie stony iscrisaps, sud a lectie eut et M.I)avi. li he Presîleut cfltsict.ssv tIhe wav also) wnstanîsd agaitist l.-O tise defunct] S$ttheris Coutederacy, vas cap. bail offered in tise Statua. Commuaerce tunel ai Lonisavilte, about 75 miles freon languisîtes. a Our "InselvenV" record is Macon, on the l0tl imat.. by Col, Pritchard alsrusing. andl swelîs horribiy , lu s word, as the «'Globe" seil. s few veeksaugo, coîn[is-tndhîag thît %.iiciîig-t:sCavalry, (ib o ime 1kftilt irting iturîsal it un- Expeciaticu ii.ot utp-toc as te wvitat wilI siud ilss aîy lu ils iâssiac of yesîerda) "'lu bc doncrte vui1m. 111e arrivaIl n sh. sa prctuiary posini t ofiew Annexatiors te invas expecteil tcily, We trust the tise Star"a, voîtl benefit us gncaily." Is titis so ? Let us examinte. Lt îvould cer- Yankee suiboiies vilI art magîianimonsly îsiuly give tus aecuritFrein ibm bornra oWilarris tise (allen cisief. cf ver, roin being n; ih vere the Bclgiurn1 The trial cf ibm assassins ofrl'resident cf North Aiserica ves sioulil bcecniirely, Lincoln ta goiisg on. Ibm UnsiteSSates snd firever./rec. as mighiy gain agauredly., i No Orgon bouudiry question -no San aititrities aifirsidecidedel te ulthbm Jusan qudtiea-o Trent danges -no press. lThe Press of aIl shades and opin- raids non renihîon nascaliies, vould tbon ions nobly acteil in concert, proclainird afficct us., No non île A lahanta damages tbm pecitîe's-rigbta andl, sioil fonvard bol. vibethmn igitftslly -or wrnugfully insisteil y wilîs a firtu front for their ovin rnd ibe nia. Hene, ceriaitaly is a gain vus; sud1 appreciable 1,3-al; sud nauliy if Engîsuil Peosle's libenties. The adminstration sue. sudliter Painphl'teer. henshilly-shallyiug Zismbei. Ani no* ve wyul have nisiaits- sud ber hesitaticus. and lien somneviai mil reports of ibm proceling aislte trial s orutul aud coid et, ibat "ase idon't Amncgai ibose captured vilîlsMn. uDavis want si ,' abat une an set up for ourselves kuowing thittobe imposible at presertanil a'ere Mn. Re.-an. Pustusaster Octacrl ; involvitîg mien oi theb score of self respect COiL Harrison, Privai. 1Secetary -,Colonel and self preservaiou . jîsuciion vutIstige Johssai,, Aide-de camp; Col. IMorris. Cil nightiv proaperois rtelenergebie nationM rulbbhck, Lieut. llataay. and! ailiers. 1 jettlIipeat, Mr. Ediior, thso' more1 'I'uee' smein tiorrowv than in auger. tIsai if Englanil1 uI I)rs81etrouble lnuntIs Ciroin-; tîiiks haus, ne alteriative romuains. (t bise val is vrtualîy Over. '001d raies %Iny ifirni thaI besides the tuexpressible el trons 130 tal18I1 advautagca cf emtire freedoin fromu ver on -*4e---nggrcssion. îiuy other benefits vould ies; Europesn. foiiowr. 1 do net profend tae dcl'lc Tt - ray be sa. Wm sec lise, atm., bustte, eu-i flY thse Celte, u'Iic arriveel ni New Yoark mngy, abo-ndance autongst or rneighbnurs On 1b li 1Ist, ve Iart'tirfflluints et -resources unboudel -and nont yeî haîf sympatby vitb Amenica stili centinticed tn vonkel out. Migbty publie venkq-buge pour iu. Alîneai evcny public baody sud ariuira-btsUg navys, vasi citie5.sniviuMg place in Englanil musi bave given expres- iownsq, rean ibeniseînsa as by asmgie. mson cf Ie s ympsihy 1es i'bî-re is ne deuying it: and Engand anad The Hotszac..f Cmo voteil tis e itler plesait Professons musi assunedly ing provisions e of, ditnone's butîgt, na-e't s1ecitele.4,if tbey doe n es, an sup- - but tse reductiin ofthtie te-S duty is poai- pisse vwu do nul sec, bow ibm casze staîad.t porei tilt tlae lai; pfJllue. - al'-snyas vie aitlovche boad f'lag; vili- 19a ibm lIteseof Tonrds. in reply te .%it jgly as m~any youd1shed tiseïr life'a anquiry relative ta Canadian lefetseêe, lFsrItuIe'loluinIs t!nvtce,, atili ttisâtconstant Dle GrneyandIt ipon aaid thse guvernuacîti îever-eudimîg atruuggle, ttrs vile iloîbLt iadjuai commenceÀ-J rsgotiatoirts thlIe sud (casa. viii ecaoti tise siotlursiloy. lepttatitenfrein Çlada as'oild >allreport siby. sud Iesd moun atasp, mter t so la gtttos lol nw ste ropr tsn'er lise Aueruan1 Markets are repnnmd ieadyandui eslir ViXta âtassil till intelr tIse p tle sh: -. favrable for cropa. dov, (coldiy exteiaded.) ofthelu Britisb. ,L1 - 4 * (t-untoc any hegin b taisk buis: sud 31r#s.lWhatby te Mifisehovimatille. iudleed it lQ scunemirat Isimiliatiig to inilke tbm confessiontal vie bang upon ii.}, ailt;<'rru>,e i-tur, mere atufferascm.Hlai a million (reuev- Ilovi fee! 30 oi iwitt ser iit.r - ad iwt>e nila1saocl li yuUC"i n elTsi aiot iltide al twl)o ne n esndsl '(c poalrale m.'e, o.,ers, place ibhevisole Continent, Norts sud1 tadarive miii ait yo'tgr tmale" t 'ot Soutis, ai ibeir disposaI. Causes ai[ quar- 1%e evilà cf Ibm poli'at levil, rci aeultiform- or tscking eue, tiseyc r.ti. mrils Jua gin. uIlu's but. vi otîd creste one. ReLier, (ta.y. b arlnay)1 Fros &Ir'1 lekirth saelelxtitamirIn (i i etma apart, on honorable ferma, vwith iTI -sotase froinl<vaeait tiia aa,> hî ibintsy Empire,. tisan belftef theb lYen itilbave gsysnba'squît> rail codldictuni cf "vie dont vaut you." I ro -s. itite l Ã-Ã. itad s Uit, 1 .can 't . -n mt ii eeiag' -t 1 M cgsting plenty of dirt at an opporient jr the hope that smre of it will stick, but close wîth the advice that hereafter ycr hear both sides Ibefore youjudge'condeinn and ezeècto. Yours, JOHN RATOLIFF. The Boadehbili Murder FIVE YEA.RS"SECRECY. VOLUNTARY CONYUvOUesoAMO SURIIENDEIi or CONaTÂI(O5KENT. The circuntatauces. of this mysterious murder have neyer heen forgotte,-rovw, nearly five years ago, tbe body of a male child, which bail been missed froin its cnt, vas féond lu a privy suta ide tbe bouse, and boyw suspicion bavi ng been directed tovards Misa lentibh eldeui daugbîer of Mr. Kent by a former wife, sbe vas examined before the local magistrales, ai the instigation of Inspecteras Whicber »Id Williamson, of the London Detective Police, and acquitted of the charge. It i. hardly a secret that nearly a year afterwaêdo,,in consequence cf an alledged confession of the crime by Miss Kent I onu of ber relatives, aniotber ai- tempt to irîvestigale the qiatter was m4de by the dective officera, irbo had incurred tbe censura of a large proportion of the pres anad tie public for their proceedings in the caee, They found it unadvisable, bowever, to act upon the fresh information wbicb bad reached thern, and it subseqnent- 17 transpired tbat Miss lent bad been sent to a couvent in France. Notbing more cf a raliable cbar.icter vas h rd of the case uîîîil Tuesay, April 25ti,.wbmn tbe star- îliug information wus cobeyed to the chief magistrate thai Mlsw lent vW",s in cnatody upon ber own confessioni upon the térrible charge, having been accompanied t:) Lon- don bi the R.,cv. Mr. WVagner, of St. Panl's B3righton, te vhom ýhe revealed ber guilt. The 7imem says: --Altbough the cir- cunistancea vero se long 'disîct;sed and and were examined witit sncb minutenea at the tigne, yet as five yeers bave lapsed, a short summary may be acceptable. At Road-hamse, in Wiltshire, lived Mr. K~ent, au inspector of facbories. Ile bad hbeun twice married. Hie famuly by the firsi wife cDusisted of three dangbters and a sont, the two eider daugbters beiug gvovn-up young wom3!n, and tbm îird-Coustance-a frirl of 16 ; ibe son William vas about 15. BI the second wjfm bc bail tbree children ; a dau. ter fieo years old, a son-Francig Saville Ken-nearly four 7mars old, aud aniother dangbîer stili jounger. On rhe nigbî of tbe 29tb of lune) 1860, tbe lumaten of tbm hous ere Mr. aud-Mrs. Xent, and seven childeru ve have mentioneil. and thrmc servats-a cook, >a hnnosemaid, and Eliza betb Gongb, the nurse. Iluring that nigbt tbe cbild Francis vas taken out cf bis cot, stranglmd, stabbed. bis throaî vas cut, nnd bis body wrapped ini a blanket vbichbhad been drawn ont from over bim, vas thrown dovu a privy belongiug to the bouse. Fron t iat finie until yesterday it bau been a profound mystery who comn.iited tbe deed. AUlthbm ikili, Ipers verance, and aculeneas wbich justice could rmploy for ibe deteciion ëf -ibhe crime wcerm baifled completell. Se vbolly did mvery dlue vbicb migbi lead to the trutb rail, that tepublic vas reducerd to deal in vagrue suspicions vbichi io 1w samna ere most unjuat and cruel. But wben ths details of -bm malter are cousidereil, ve cannot von. der situer tlttheb popular ee~mn i the neigbbourbood should bave reacbed sîntositIo frenzy, or i bat boUtbmjser nl$!ppy fatber and the nurse sbould bave been tbm objecte cf qndusrved indignation. Lt was impossible tq believe but îlbai thm murder vas contmuted <y soeune on Il*têouseï islience va iudî'd, giveR rspectingkîhe opecing of a- draving room 4Wndo*, but- vbat possible induceiamnt could theru be for a 4tranger Io pouetrate int a dwelling. bouse userely for the sake of destroying 4o unoffending Infant?7 0f ihese tvmlve peison, zibent, vho verein tbe bouse, vbwich vates lsaurderer? The disposition of the br-d roome w4a as follows. on thse fim'it flQor siepi 1Mr. and Mrs. lKent,, witb the eldpsî <'f the infant cbildren;- in au ad- joining roým thebm uqrse, Elizabeth Oougrb, vitb Fraucis sund tihe other child, Frsncis - NI~1 'i ira t ibt Constance bà I sent ber oui of tise V1iay ,t for a moment, sud thai viben aise gel homte viti thse basketthe nigbîdrss vas niissiug. Titis 51cry wvas in itsmîf a- lame oee, for tIse laundresu salI aise nemenilerel seng the garment, aud ibai tises-ewvis otbiug unusual aboutit-a circumstaudm vicb, if tnus, wouldltake aviay fnom Con6tauce ait, motive fer ceiseeaîing it, since tise only reascu for concealment veut1 bc that it wvasataineet wuish blacil. But on Ibis glatemnt Inspector Wbicbmn applied fer a wiarrant 10 approeeis Constance, and pnblucîy charge ber viii s tisa mut-daim. Ibm folicviug us tbm confesion:- al aIlConstanlce Enilie Kent, asIessud unaideel, on te night cf tIse 29th of June, 3 1860, murderd ai tbe Rcad.ill.Isouam, Wilt- a sbire, case Francis Savilîs Kent. Befons ibm idjasd wes doune ne eue kuevi cf ni intenticn, uier afîervande cf ny guitt. No case asst f md me in the crime, nor n u te evasion cf filiscomery.,q tWool IProspects. A corespondantl(cf thse Ùetrait Free Prés a ippilus thse fotlowing, shicis ovincM teibme umportnt tsubject of -whicli it incats *is dcserviîîg et tbm space il .accuapiais: WcVol. it is tbougis b.y vieil infrunited parties bere, yl cpen about filty cents per peuuýTisaI them re utI be s cen- esiderabte dceceasae (t-put lasi seasou's lînice j vies expectel. Ibm prospects et a speely 1supply cf reliais, togethen sî'i tise cousi- ilderable atiraits cf wyo nviou baud, tcannot feU l toaffect tIse narket. 'ris r vanta et ibm aratay aud ibm other neeesseny rssIts qadl *TYçts. u -a, tour 7mars' vian ate4 se gret a deffeanil for woeien -goode i clseroadt aithibm oodcroîa hbiiacr sin;hiteasely, te inaci case ua tise nûrtîber cf slseep tueing iasthte loyval Statua duriug the latit four years ;1-3,542. - f07. luscuir ovin Sirsie the inca-case hssia arnouniel ta over cite sud atu laI millicons, acca'm diig'i tise relient cf tise Agnîculitural Bureau ti atuaiitgo-ari tiiea- hai aucuens alipu>st iacreelible. Our wcoIl clip titis seasoîxl uicttut te net fer froîn tiie uillions cf poude. We htave s suîggeaiieîon r t ut akle witb regard ta 1tise diapascual cf vool, un salft, 5505'T as tiý A Il tItILY TO SEtS. ~Vn,~egol1, like pt-mIs, uS ind -et-y otiler coîuunodity et excltange, Isas its paît. ic. Tise servous sud r.ciied si-oc t oicrs rushîtieir isluecp itîto tisevicier msrty lu ib tespriiag manuis, itîl tbon rutatuiteta halo tise liahul cf tise stueangr, .titen rush tise vool off b inarket hllÇ a.s;lean sd half put up in tise umontlof June, and as a con'ecquencc glul lte sarket. Tise bîsy- Sens Lauke advaubage ufthtie surplui le the uanket, anthie seller gels wiîat is effer- ed hitî. 'l'ere rc sno tmd cf tis ross. and imîprnadut baste io gelta îi-t.'sl iîto Mat-ket. %Weel, n 'tike m tiansth(urarticles doms net decrease by keapiug, butotheb cuber hdiae rrases;,- sud is mmrc f(r aiaîy 1liability of apoiliirg.TIse 'armne-qsud y ood growers as a cl:sss arz indepeudeni, and ceas afford toir)vait andsît ike advautage cf iho îauirket." Associations aataiotig fermera ter boy 0 tise woel .et a givYeus neîg hborisooît. îînd tbhon ccli direct le lte mtanuifacturer,, sud titus avoid tise utiddle muets andllîckca Mil alto give s greater profit lu te vool gmroven, b' rct.-inisig in iss owu ;>ookeî bise guppasi and profit thtat sic. go ta utc maiddlle ment. Aaaelten ilvaitage iull be tisaitisese associations cati l le lteina- nunacluren ilien lahees ut, ansd mo's needeS it, 'Ibus aeoidiiig s glut ins the mar- ket cul a foreelnaisr est tisewyol bclov itis real value. * Mauy bt tbm fat-rie tave a very cane- lesl sudd aisreputabl - ny cf isruparnug ilîmir yod'for aruket. Tulise tîrsiretplace tiîe t sa , felin t uva Wsis il-;inj 1ibh ýn -dpûe îcy tire pnéity - sus-e te canefulty roll up ntsdcôcceeaî inlIse centre est th& ftt.ecè. ail: tise. 4g tecks sud otlter .reeîu u4 cûtlasaiîy Iiey ,procure tîteý a"l tIse ,al-sUt a quailrter tfai poul t t e n ,p ilue ffi-ecuu. Ttis i;sdisis ansd sIsoulI render p iutuble -tisose vise business, -If ournState exjmctà W luike thae stand vitich tise 'atuoîSîs sud 'excellence of ber vool -Jinixlt entittes Ws:r to take, greaitc a must buclsaeerved iniprepartng yod 1cm tIse market. Bu>'ers sisouîd b. expert in tise business, manufacturera aboulut employ noue otberti, o as Io bc prinso judlges jin sugcb îlttbsnq,' and by1 prnmiIpîl"Paciug'a-bandeomnetariffupion1 ai yo--doue up u-isere A A.di-1 A FOZIU RIL-Baiber a cruel case of.jiiug occurrmd luti vemk in E4inbnrgh. Ayoog femie.occuiedin a dress.maker9ý establishment for somte tinte put b been receiviug thm addnoses of a YOpuçlg4t%. ic, induetrions, and vuthal toesî propdbh. ing in appe*r4uce. Maîters beiveen Itbe two bq d gone se far that the day> of niArg. age wua rra ae, and (bm youugusubi invested coneiderable Of bis Savings lu pur, chasiog articles of furniture. About a fuit. nigbi since,jsovever, tbe younng 'roman re. ceivsd intelligepce front the Cape cf Good Hope, tisaI ter Motboe' brotiser liad died, bmquating ber a legacy of £300.TIse good neyas u Oo uucifor tbm milliner, auJ,-çoçkiug ber Ebenezer, she began :0o regard ber intended rather frustily. TIe Young man Aiudiug bînsà eif thus reate4 prmssed tbe à ay vihen the nuptiala 4id take place, vibeis, tb bis surprise, ha v*as tolil that their acquaintance 4must noeee Enploymenî ebc looked upo~ as vulgar, sud a toil.hardeued baud not fit to -b e offered for tbm acceplance cf the fair'sex. bur young mechanie did net, Isoveyer, vibimper, or evince auy symptoni of molly-coddling, but bravely sufi'ered ibm jilt to go on ber' way of pomposity. But vbat bas been tbm deiou. mm£ 7 The £30 *0, it appears, bas turneil -ont a mytb, anoiber will cf a later d ate baving been discovered, sud in vihicb thse legacy bas beèn iransferred to ber brother. The disappeinîmuent sud- confusion of the foolisb crealoru osay bu easily couceived, - losing a buabanil and fortune in onie fort. uigbî, - Sarve ber rite 1" as Sa iS'1Ný vol aaid. Gv eabard ;,à bard bea4,ý sud se fîmb I btinsteait w icb ieappears, soft bamds, hoft bede, aà nd' bard hearts are nov aIlibmthgo, in iat thse dyspeptie pimps cf etiqueite caîl Ibmhe &a monde.-Edinburgli Corr poy1ngt Paf, oAisre Adverlier. Mr. John McKee,3eo, aund'Preaq. cf a Building Society at Torouto, bas lev4nte4 after victimizing tbm socielX and 4isio eo»nfidiog friends 10 s large 4antn. Thse miasing gentleman vas also Sec. and Tise. for ibm City Passen-er 14i1vay Ou5. of To- roronto, wbich lba s îgo mufferesi front bis operaliOns. The %ey. Mr (lamueron, laie cf tbeCburcb of En land, ihm gentleman vibo proceedeil lust winter fur the purpose of oblaining thbm doctntsne=ceary for Ibm defence of tbm St I klans raiders, bas miasde a public pro- fe8sjo. cf tIbm- Roman Catbolic faitb, before Vicar qeneral Cagman cf ibe dioces of Qumbeç, 1Meussru, Betteroviorlb and Mose4 beiug vituesses to bi& admission iuto tbme R. C. Cburcb. T AAT SittzLr's Wo asOdtalZaidiipu 1 peltiaîg Woani'A vil O1'itS Mapuetie hamacs for wviA lsse Ol .I F ygis are t-oaa uA nemmor di or Esixpiio cif lIit tisa cfitue bleout. llnigg*' Tullasa ne ý$PEqC1 F OIa Iraseral1 ,Koiamfer s-qy ;)et' ezà eia t$1. For ts ifu, euuug Iîo lu ihe primaer. 1 'PnRIN The Turkiis-governmeutisha vakiug up.- Lt taîks, af bfil dinlg a railviayte traverse tise %i4ole of Buropean Turkey. - (Juni Stmînbach, a Rtssiart, expecicil Pariesbotfy, lest th.isn uidmeil tho~ 'nobles au't' diîuict in -oeeniht, at Peienuburg.- - Mn. C. Baillange, -it la saiil, bas bemu dis& missel by tîLe gavmrrument frocasthbmoffice of arclitcdt cfise Qtavia'boililings. Mn. T. C Sîreot b-s gmneroasly retusmd to îak-e sry censiprisiton frein the cit, cf Ilamiiîo;s for lim servies in eiig-lvismuhen arrangissg vutiste crçdiýors of tisai aunuci' paity.. A "1brevet" or tIhe 251h uit. gi-es' Maj. Gon. Sir JohnuMitchell, K. C. B..,te local rank of Lieut. (lest. lu BrtisNorib Ans- - crica. J usticehas ai hait tritimeilun Plila- delphisu. à céiored vorusn u ua scored & verdict ci' $50 fer beiaug putcùt cf a berqs' car becaîiseiser à sku vas na~tt Mrs. EiJz4PitzgertdLfell f-om tis1e noof etf a liousin 1Nev York, onTuta lii tiol vas mmpitte l oui ii ssîpike, he A ycusugtellevi cfrireal 10kis sQuaksrn ese. ,'iilnd' si a8bs, 'tisse mass uaqsde it.'-O, by Juive I-but 1 iutî,t suudthlie Youtis, ,<-Wetl, lt-bruItans tiseel-hust sworu, tises rtssty do i buttiien cbuat imalta a practice of ite. s TIhe fllo.kyig anecdote 'l ois1 ol bîýY7& O'tCnnel. Afeeting a prolifle pampbteteer vibose produetiauns generally ilsind tiseir way o tets ta mutaýn,lie Éaie1, Il rFavi soruetti'ingvery good in ytn-netr pamplt thitu in 'hlal. i ,, ssa , LO- tri lu Chit Straw l Ribbo'ns,a] and- Grey Jast Fa1's Iy Iow. iy cenatle Itest'-ltaLI.i trltu b laiVe Surti ,tner* (tous tht-mm dame l'armer 0t dritikirag Wliitu, Ci, ut Beer. yuuail moanre aiti8t4n dei ud, iave tnluses-roe sirin uyouendiu lu tilîiakt,)t la sncb tssyec's la5i Thec Temnpierby the Icii iAdt, P,. S. 1 truiAtituat mieis svirtts str atusi !usn mii bbc lvîl,(îttu, casa 0 Aud l-eop oo- telsapet. tel1 Oaa tmnrtl, As5 i vou tatiglît lit aarly yf>nti, î boîaeîa't Yyu awijl ibisnillid,Mi, Pheosphate m01 Lisme. r4terfrMis Me..Il. o*fsag tchert cf CsaUing * Foxce, Meraus ou MRs. Aatt5551GO&- Dean air î-4 ud toute of tite 8aspeer-?baaue eur firtu bougit cf yeu lut apning, poprt of afield cf Cori. - The. fil d been topdireamd viutitfarut raa4 =nom tiI*uiriýniesat themIlee