Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jun 1865, p. 4

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- . -~~~ Mir i t\ ,. IrTT n 1ff'UXi Thé Fa.emt. <fli1eillihy ncm lauilod ,rhô farn eIsheut~neil liii ealllîuai ecat i ipoit gi Ajuil Ci Iii 'lt l il t s a i l ci Min thmii ullpyilîth et tdu.ben Ill# iflaus gIv" ment lu sver). lilllgm Up (fentithe uiggll a t il lig. filet tillk amd iti î c orue ', a nd ucisest Are liT" lis tileffr, ,ul' cltili Olur eleue u,ustireIt ltrulbicise10I, To lcc li z1 ) nuiI d ecus the Wise. t-le tliemn b%' ictie nu.e stîr latst Tuie 1î1)loughuuultli isuuu1; moîg tile great; mroe ulej1ýlt thctt i,) thîcy tIl Titçwl"P"t1ub erttilyhbal Ail ýi Iii1hyue firuuler$lyuiuuig antI oli, l'UIli01, ysur ,atmgliwth cuurise bolti 'Vtuir wrîiltîtîases tirettîlt <iir cîtu. -Your lîlîiiuimilee f'euîyuu lI. If, thti, thîu' lotig'i suils llîm'uthî'latesu, A lit juiuî uî ev eryr ruîuk tuti cuîti,'u lti ik u i e rnrs muako 'i btîv, Amil cvcry maistîroeuure a1lîtuigh ,As Alexunuer Polpe died in 1744, il wotld scar:!ely ho correct ta a'ty thât ho farcsaw hie î!aîîest that hue beenmirgiuig forthie ptt lîir y-ellrisaa ont; ?urbelIl~. bors hîut ltile follovrug lines IToto hl IWîndsor Foretst," arc reiiitrkaduiy apro. poil of lthe present clate cof affaire t-- Ohi, 141 ritlî I ., 1U!t gl, fir l'enucî 1 f muich ors ti' ssore rill 1 e'IiKe , etît ;tA'-ýn E N il t',mouxl '1, ii it'fr I îîiut Ilui i udr native-t'grottus I 1etlvirirb'xi fruli, aui t crut lii sableî lut "t"moresr srî, r cfKiuislt'* h And mt1, rt iw- isil ieo 1o reîf.-1 tu-bt, i i l'xÀlleiIht.froiliu eîrllute o iemlilcl, 1 llui ri iiec b,,ul't sitîi t.îcaraele lbisel uill t bgislytitu 'til'e, Pale- utrri r. glon'cue fieu,- l'tisbt euuriluTmîl viiiiecr ' relr, u,1ruuu,îusiluu,'l, n 'tlés .>%vil r Il "lu.l ,tu 'ii c ttu t uni'i ir lieu lfi', Ami grai 1 !furiest'"IirAt for bîîîîtin li ubî." Tiit COhITtET OF TUi ti ot'<.-Tbe Vhitworth1 rtd Arin4trong coimiiote,itppoitited im t he .ear'of tue lait Exhiibitiont, ereelbbcratiuag lun thpuIr report, and we understandt hai the pîrohablet conclusion wilI be a recommenul. iliOn whicla doobtitas will be receiveul with - - uiisuucton;"forwhiie urgiîg lte uuiopîiiîg -f the &rmneltrommg proJi.ctiie, il recominends the Whitworlb gun, nailu cnacltiîioti ug ;oal. te rufrencc of bath to anouleer coin milnce. à raliblheprivuule Iler Bayo a l aneong Ilr. Liticoin'e papers lune bern fotînd a parla luge of lettprs, inirlued itn his awn hamdwrit. iuîg i!taoassinatiotu Letlcrs.m White uany tui-tin titeatetîcuhl i 17., othere warced tutu of ploîn la toell i. Il-, menus ant10have lecouie sa used îo ulitgi cf Iis sort that tcitier lindtivmode any imprcsioni upon hlm. FrotaNorthe (araina coule the idings otf lgliiug hctwemuithe cutý-izens aand the tiares., itouerai bute lue iig liaI oui1luoth bides. 'Te tîiiuehrefuse Il) rorlu, cIabuin, thal ilîmir ittTrs owO Ilîctu a liing. 1e- cor i' fSiatcry lsi mailyel remntived and te Amer-*cun peoplc'luîuve a uiiiiult proit. leco i sIve hefore il eutirelY pusces -away. ONTARIO, FLAX MILL! I ili;u ) o INFuIIIM Tilt FARIIETIS tituut1 il e 0luuu'i ~llI' . Mclîiîs loir Us ItIi ,niiaetire af Fiuifreti,- A . IT l &(Vo', cissic-ib le utël. r'i lue yCucilifur i> Yquatty cf Deilet-ruid cnttuuv utui, 1 i ttio1,111. r woulti tuutu ltu raîueu-u lu vittii w4 large N hreiwtlt uii s i u, id c iita lfair t ,b luulll ithec e'"-'îii 4Uet a9a11 îb it >il bbl'eC i lue l iýjre-_ l'roi m bntr WHISKIERS! WHISKERS! 'a gu-utw tuetIt e cunuuu re l cc' t l , )r ir l )out icd les-le, ila'Six ltcola. J'rire, lM- a pRe-L-tist.for *2.i«e. S-uIIt 1.vmaili ato wluore toecelv-vI eqi e1 , eut riu'cb- f te-ut-. WAINFR I&CO., b4 Vix laS. iBroolIyn, N. Y. c nier. iouiteitble. or oc iu-iitiut fui t ut gcIaicmcim. wil îtht.cic vhr autcrt f 'T1108. . L'ilAMI'AN t OLD EMES MADE NEW. (urtl 11,1 or îuf îb,,u',nie r tiirîe.-Seliut hytmail, re', or ibu fikii e-i. A-drems. W. I.I"tuTIt, M. 1D., 11U0 lroauluiay, New- Ycek. IF YOIJ WANT TO KNOW. A ?LTTLEf %WF-EVEIi'a' tlllN; ti iu)ug 10 A -(b,, lintua ensm'uit.utiabe u.t cntie; lthe uauucu'c uîiti treeiat ot f .îuiuc.t uie rricgc rtiftuulne oh4Ibue-o. 141; liuuc- tu litirry Weil andit tt tuamit id t iiîlgs uit,' -r lu llbîni ,i i'foîî-, t','nt tiiereebacu imd ut,,? tu I tr.cu'hîtluiof "Mry ttL -À.C,,uim'>i titia, scuibtu' t-ok triticuil >ni% huobl'i, il tii x,1b lookcforiur cy ovne. 400b pages, 1lOi Illi,'trittiî t.A. uPrbtue 0Co- ht -'.4bu' 'm-nt litb ilieut diires. 13-Oku' tua> . utiy b#,141t i ýlz t u"rre, or ai us liemv l'y tmail, pun liitplt e'i otf tiîcprice. Ad. 11 il )tîuuwiuy, Nec'York., THE CONItrhMIONS AND ÎEXPER. IENCE 0F AN INVALID. P UI'I'ullEI1) fur the Itetuedi, anti a a CU- TI-N Tii e V)lN'tIM EN eiîd others%, wîuo mîuler fratu Ncreous Dt'îlltî', Pcetnaiure De-. tii> tif bllchuouh <l4., sopptlyime antte "ame tine 'fuie MsitMýiyO7St.ti CuuîuiBy ociea cho hiagiuug ctîiieatl--caku Y. ipre1uiî'- buI< posinge, sinigle copico nuy eluudo NATIIANIFAL 1t&YP4jjl, Emq.m Brooklyri,' To Consumptiveis. T'll* ADVRT181-M HAVINEI IEEN RtISOTOl. temculy. iter lt,îiîtg cicuh e auverid )-cars ailla à soveri bing ailcîîcui Indtouilea l d a ctet.Cîsimp. ebn-s afritionstut îukc ktauiwu Io t iilw.Usc thc rttane is t'uuie. u Tra ci lin t ulsrc iee swilll ioimla -où 0tihe p seiîiutto.eulfrescfrltirge.) witlt tecIe efor irpaîbtmg sat!usbutig ibe saint, whieh Ihey c-ail ld a MUCtaE eOUi ctuseram.AprAi. asmirianxwt, Ac. 'hitecatiy cjet .o(mite aulceruleer la acebig té Preecuttin trioeleit thee ehilied, maut! opicouifer. moîtin whiSt lic coniivs tcs î b valus leî, end ha leîtpe s very iafcrer %il ry bia ri.iiy, a ku wlhl omi uttneiiltbx. esui uaa>provoa ba iig l'unfIc, wîuihuîIbo prescrtion 'silIpi*" ades. 7-Su. Wiilluessbfý um'gi. l ups Cty, iewyeck. INFORMATION FRýEE 1 TO NERVOUS SUPPTERERS9 A OIINTLFIMAN. curaet fNorslsDebâliv. . I WhoIesaie-and Retat, R. , & .C A1IP«BELL 13 g toauounce that they havegray extended their pemises in lliitiolon of an enoreasod traite, amd havaug purchased te'bufkof theîr Gu OOD P CASH, nuill lie able to ofier CASII CUSTOMERS, the Chieapest Goods, as tvoiiuas the Largest Stock in the Colinty-if Ontario. They voni d direet special attention ho their DRESS GOODS, partioulariy tw a large lot o(dhallies autd Delanes at 1l6uts par yard, eiieap at 25ots.' Black & C ol'd. iliku, Parasols, Poplins, Hoiery &Gloves, Shawle, Bonnets& Rats, XaùnËýès, Ribbons, Clotho and Tweeds, Linnen & Cotton Drille Cotton Warp, Curtains & Carpots. of te closest biîyers. REA&DY-MADE-CLOTHINOI. Lu Meuis' and, Boys' Coata Pauts, and Vesta, rmade up on the pre- inises. 'ile ra1iloriuig Department je under thîe eupurintendance of a first-claffl Cutter, aniti ul garunits made to ortior ara warcantod. They have openeti a GROCERIY & PROVISION STORE, Adjoinitig, wherc ill bc foîînd a chopice seiection of Toas, Sugars, Coffecs, Tobaccois, - Ham and Bacon, Oat & Corn Meal, Crockery, Glassware, Table Cutlory. And a large selectiouî of Garden and Field Secds, Salt and Plas- ter, &Lo., &e, f t t ie iowest price orfor cas. 'flic attentionl of Country Moerchaîis and Peiars is requcstcd, astie crnaw in ahîrgê asiortment ho seleuct f rom. ~Vuli, "119, i Sf5. 15 GnRîOVESTEEN & CD., 11 A N O-Ft) RTE Manufacturers, 499 BROA DV* AY, NEW YORK. rl:%I itt-l itintuf the itlielie tidnthler tratli., bita-ied iii ituir New Seuite 7 Outitvetns(oawooul Piano-Fortes! ttVhich for voltume nd iptirit>' arc nr.rivil' ,cd hy euîy lubherlùoolired this hmarket. £bey contaitu nil thie uitdiileraiirproveinenLsm F'RENCH GRAND ACTION, HIARP i>EDAL, 4RON F-R431ME OYERS7'uvN6 RAtStS, 4'c., 4c., And tci iîntrumuenct bciig mode under lte leranal feape"-ision cf MRJ.LGIIOVESTEEN WIao luas lad a practical experience of ,)err3~0 aears un ilîcîr maunufacture, in Warraitod in every.particular SGROVESTEEN PIANO-FORTE," Receircu l îlc ighcst award of menit over ahi aIliers ut te Ceîebrateti Whec weu-e exhtbited instruments tramn lthe et miisker-s of Londoni, Parie, Germa- it>', l'liladclpitia, Baltimoare, Boston a"d New York ; and *so at Ut. Anteican Isuii*uefor 5 swatebauheWSWa TIIE Go)d & Silver -Medalsj' Front hotit(if wih c cou héseen ut eur c'are-rooin.1 B>' the Introduction ofirapi'evements we nake a atilU more perfect rPIANO-FORTE!1 Andl by ttinufacturing lnrgoiyc c-lt a srictly cash sytiern, arc enabted to offor thcsc instruments, aI a price whicli will jirc1udc competition. DANI'S DoJ-CObIMERCIAIL COLLEGE Kin tire.at, f tc, 4'. %V. Cottons from, I Oc. upwar4ds.' A largq assQtifent of Tweeds, Prints, Uot-i tons ,attes, ahawls,, Ribbons, Ladies' St-raw Riats, Boots and ,jShoes, School Books, Statýiônéry. G iceîes.&c~. % A LARGÈ STOCK- CHEAP. BOOTS &, SHOES, 0 THE LA.RGEST & (JBEAPEST STOCK IN TOWN. SohoollBooks #cStationery., Groceries-a large stocki always onhantrd, l4lbs. of good t'urraîîts for $1 00. Good r'feas nt 80 cetits. M. 11i. COCHRANE. Wliitby, May 3 8 .17 FLOWER SEEDS, Thbe subscribcr's colle,,ction of tliîe fll)ovv-, jusi received, contains ail the novelties of the season, iînported frorn the best seed growers in FRANCE AND CERM ANY, Bly Mr'. liley, the ci'lebratced Ilorticulturist of Montreal, ineludini--- Asters, ail kinds, Globe AunaranthsX di) (?îiilopSs', do, Petutujas', do. Fir«idoor Eastof Wuleyan BookRooia. 'hit>y, April 19. 1865. ui ( rF'D AM-oRP)INO Tu>BRITISII Fesuile. ci é îuut oiiûofitg tnwtitun etilf-ràv,, erarif- Staff of Toachers and Lecturors Tni. IsAY, Iuetruuu'1 r iii tise :-aictee cf. c eoititg, hXutunercil âl'petuautt cutitu r- clii.! <'rre«iut.tthcsuc, ttidL.ectuurer n Iluol- ci aioiuit ,muerci&i Liw. Mc. lBEN. Il T'Fi5 ,( Ohiciît Oprtur lt M'i Ireall TiawogniCoieîtty'A tUhice, Tcmmuto, itu- fitruitthie tuutrth> MrW.B. 'rIoNLISOsN, 1i'ut'or bu Phuttut - g aPhI.Y. Refereet. M'. I>Av haut ntulu -eits'urc iurefs-rriig tut Ille foutoiac-ltggiiluie -RIe. Il. J. ('rait's. Aies. Murray, Esq c 4f Mef'tt Mnrrer & t-o. , At.eM qc, b. cf Muitititrr & a lrO. (4eorpre Miettie & Co.; Duti uiclsn, em., Bercer Univeruity àJ. ttaî o's'tmxtater; NW. l"iufi . Eq. Oo lwaued & Fieà; Adanm Croulas E*q.. Q.. M.A., L.Ul;. ; L W. $mâtit,Eil. II;trnt-r, i).i',.I.., Tacantac ;Ilinl. Ita1M-e eliscioti, M.P.P; IL. Jason, Et'q.; AtUZII Broc-mu. EoIlatnito ;ii). Bell, LF-.. %MIntreza ' W. Tretnt Eaq, Newitiarket; lter. 1;Get,~'h iiltn'4sitte, Chairiuuof Coutil> Boairdl af icuith Iauîaclu Dltone. ltirlirns.dd-ea,(euclcatuog ettttr tamnp.) JAMES E. DAY, 'racelical Aeooutatt, Tor( utu, -Forutrhy ni'Luindetti, Ecgutmed N. 1.-Nil partIes Iil<iiig iNlvertiol<ne SCrlp, sigtiod hr ir>uitt, filcuttan &Co ,or lBryatut strlttisWi 'k r. mind erlz t' ly Jaues E. Day rttîerehy iufucrrmmied titat thue Ksa ilh b. ret iieu bly 'heo îleiuetl. o! etit~g -Ott Ms. ay, ae noilfleut tthey cou do i ho iey el mas re ef ehîuurgo . JAMES E. DAY. Uroekier's IIoteI (tÂTE PL&TT'S,> NEL SON I9' 1RET, TOR02972 O - Ahove King 8Streét. TWhitby, adaurotiii cuty,4u No. 1, Savon Octave, round conera1 RosewwodPlain casté, 275. No. 2, Buron Octave, round cornera, Rosewood beau oulding, $800, NO. 3, S.,.e <>tawé, round cornera,i Rosowood Louis XIVstyle, $825.- Noît Casht, ln Curt'cnt Funtd.- Descipl~cfrcîlagspatre~ 1 ri 13a1saîîs, ali kinds, Catlceoiariits', do. Marigolds', do. (lOîivoivuusm do. Diaiîthus, ail kinds, CarîlatioiuF', do. Stocks', do. Ce ROBERTS, SEEDSMAN. SUMMIER BOOTS. Juîst- opeile( i acoinplete assomtment. of Laclieie Misse, Girls, anid Childrezîs', Boots for Stimmer wear. Ev'erything that is new ini the Shop lUne, wili ho foutid at the Old lied Store, at prices that will astonish buyeýrs t-&1WMEM1BIt TERMNS STR1CTLY CASII. Oiily onc P-rit c. James Bain. To Shomkr Orue hundrcd sies of'suporior Spanisti SoIeý Leather to hand, Nutuber one quality. New Styles of Lasis to band Machine Tbread, Zinc and Ironl Nails, aînd al sorts QI Sice Findingea t.the OLD RED 8TORE. 1Whitby, April 12, 1865 Fire Fire! JAMES'BAIN Fire, Lias re-opefle(Ithe Cartiage Factory-1~I occupied by DONOVAN WALKEY& Co., second door south of his late Factory, end opposite thc Town Hall, Whitby1 -where he is prepared to - EXECrUTE ALL ORDIERS BE MXBEPVORED WITH, SWhiîby, Aprili 4, 18654 O-mi NG E' ?'%HE stibsoribers ha 1th-.e Ct.ed0iet Bumne -s-O - NEW GOOPSI- ~I~VV UVUW' CHEAP GýrOOD S,. t . H.'IIlYILLAN & Ooé' I. T'he subscribers beg 10 atinounice the arrn- val of their Spring Importations, which in extent, variety, finiah, ane elegauce of design,' -surpass] anyth u nthis miarket,' and as- for cheapnes---týhey defy competition. Theýjr COtton -Goods of~ every lune are imnmenseiy cheaper than elsewhere in towfl. Good 334-moi Gr~ and White Cotions.from Ilcts. Good yard wide Prints froin 12jct. Good Delanes fronî l2icts. Good Ladies and Genits Rats exceedingiy cheap, aud -Boxnets for nothing. Their Stock of ' Spring and Summer Týwee.dpds, CGîoths, & Dgeskî nsy Ire superb,- and are offered ai about ManufactùreraPrices, A pr.rriium of 3 per cernt allowcd on Batik Notes. Silver taken ai par. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. SEL LI NG-OFF AT' GItEATL'Y R-EIIUýCED PRI-C Es The su bscriber lias deterînîed upon sel 1- iîîg the balance of his'stock of- Croceries, Wines &c Li quors, 411 of %vliil--are genuilie ar'ticles, at girea-tly Reduced Prices to rrîîke roon for Spring importationsi. Uc ailso takes this oppoî'tîîity of returîî- ing his sincere thauîks to %his frieuî4s for their litUerai patronage bestowed upotu hirn, and hiopes to iîa.vçv a fiîthci-r cotinuance of the same. JOHN' PARQUHARSON'S Whitby, FeU. 14, 1861'5 HALL'S CAlIRIAGE WORKS, 163 Kingu$to West, Toronton -0- large variety of' Carniages ou band. TChe propnietors ol this A Establishmant, possess faciities for initnufaLcturingy Carrnages thaU-enable them to defy compitition, either in price, style or finish., Call and 866 for yotraele8. 3 Wil flnd excellent and 'cou venient accomm-odation. Witlun; a lTew Yards of the,. Publie - RalIl. Privatë Parlors Notice to Merohants & Otheras. T-a Machinerofxworking Butter, for wlîli lie soîîeltiglice attentuioniof aillleoso sir tiage trado.e ei»n'or the Nsaporiority ovnr Il other procees utow iaiume,in aucomiplilslin, tiue dlffnreuet colora liteo opeu ifrtler; banisîallng niik and iieipiiles that' lu miieii of tîo-,butter uîow brouglat t10 niarktt; hiencitotW' ti-ac ri'n t le no louis nul" hautl to-thé unerchiient hy O-tu work butter froun thé cleucnfront ortê poiimd 10teforty ouatle %at a Uiea,ta a short ePace of ime, aie, no imilk cn exist under'lteoparfatîot tii tlïe butter. It Iwîll almzo tonke ,Il mb 'colle, frs lt ri. For ccf'ecene-tlte lurizo botter 'Workr.r eau hc cen lu alateat d0117 opc'ction nttelue ctore of Mr. LewrIs lion-k Wlaitby, wheré ordei *111 bce 'rccelvnd, 8flý extcoteàl pcounptiy by the udeoreiud1 'anui sont te aie7 lien Of iIî province. ri'ce loir bc 5011 t le tles. ýJOHN SHAW,. Maiiisuac'netao. Wblhb~1 4om. 1Om1- 21 n6m, Jos. F.1 RIai în< Piano- forte, Manufacturer WAREROOMI, WHITBY, C. W. luo 6 6 i Plain; andi,,)runm«ntal cenien, ttiedofthoe.,L maial', aid prononineed 1y the most distiaguinhed -Arti6ls, rto bo jîngur- ~asseobystrotigtliatid jnrity of roule wîu rantet tailaniY clitnate. o-iarqtrom a pari -of lecountrp promleaituLdd Io. At the ['rovinoial Ex ibition field inhiLondon on 94 to 27 Sopitombaor, 1861, theb.fist priz. wag awarded ta .Joseph F. Rainer for the Auporior quallty of IlîiA PnioFortets, wlîich îivere tes.t- od ireizard 0 Touch, Zbie , imlt<Fof Toilet for th. îerI T o f î !the ifltruin e aoo took tri oit iirrieat flie Proviel* lTe lit 18.58 tinti18511' Tiie 1iuîom of.lni. F. Rainer wero plaeodin tliiîhiglîestcclaîoo and ii diplomti awitrded tliein. r-" Raliîr'imnre ii;Weil kîiowuî t e (Janadigtit 'tililî,as iaIlanoinarPtaettnrer, and reqiires tic ftiriier comiinendaitloithtan thal wlîleh lus ilistrtîrneiitg %0 fîistIý ariied-. JW liorderiiîg, lions.te ti he nomber p Wluitlîv. P. RAINER. iliti J-V. IAlu i:iviligbecomettiepropirie., or of tite uboeev, will lsavé'lt earrit-m de BROWN & PATTERSONSW, Aurhultui'aI Woit AT T*14 01.1) WifITBY FOU DIZDtY, M-iiîittiiîreu iîi leujlero lit ail klî1c1o of Wnii aWILL ag oOIUxD TIIR]981rnNL;llACHINERg Combined Reapera àând Mowera, Four -di.'feuemt kuîilsof Two-horse Wheel Oultivators STRAW À' KO FEEDCUTT&J GIANT GRAIN CRUIS'UERM, Scotch, American & C!anadilan Dloughsa, of vitrions înnktts uîîîd otyo Steel Plolws1 and -Steel Points, M"'FA NNtING MILLSI Seutlers, Corilcui-Potato ÇCultlen1tortà SEED AND) TURNIP DÜILLë1, imâ 1) SCuA PZIZ, &c. - madtîe t., orlar, PIw Cv itostiuirs !n*.rir1ut vfiriety. Eceéry trtiolo eoîîuocted witli tu uie ite114, kepti ht,î. T4iriýeli~mz oit short noîbi. uiinsrpîo Ivirytlkriou lie aho :ive htîinilec" atten4oc ta with iitl dt.at nraoatot~ms FALL AND WINT]R OLO 0THINGi, T IEoiîiiber bus jit rccqived ap1 . PLAIN & FA-NCY OL9THS, For FuiIl At:d .Wiliter MWeur, evory pioco of 1101 um-b-el C1et1 w;th great cure by onu Wloinirtalne is htrgnod qumlîye onugs t Thenhcrimpteri:s io liFitne in Rsaing th4i tins 0f koit roe] yacd or Brait JINt uu 'OU TIUE ........ m ii 13rock TERXs 8 t-he ya, or otter orderg t-o dia B awIISelle audehie Corpon, ply u et lic< Ointrlce.t,'z AGSMOZEL B RSTP- C. 11. Cocaeetu <Jflte-mopsti 8.HCOA 'OUTY CM %J tarle, Bri 'liior l inCait- afP5ee-Iut Bizole 31i'eet,Plietlrr. A.SITER, tyotOutario. C 'iver titou by. 1 na . 13

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