Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jun 1865, p. 2

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- . -"-' * ,* * *~., "" '*1' New Advertlscwnfl6htS is Day, Tusil>andil Clver seelfor al.Hmi ton &co. gummevraclatsaad shcea-.Jatie& Bai. concert.-Vwiga fillai'. Dwvson curs--CO.Ontario, N;otic.-L. Reylen. Troung Hors.' for sale.-Relti,'Chanlem. Hotel ard.-Wti. Ania. MsauoulcFOI-irai t ai Mrkbam.---V. M "iÉuffolk Paîcis." -James Sheppard. - Faisfor- Sal..-ThomS5 Lumaden. Eeutoved.-R. snov. speclal Notice.- Minerai Water. -James Ryrie. Opgoiig Dreughls. -James eYrne. Nev Jevlr,'-jamtes Johistonl. 'viteria Gardos--T. P. Freeman. ONLY $8150 CENTS A YEAIL Whltby, Thirsiay, Jonc 15, 1865 A-large.portion t te lava of Brait- ford was leutrayed b,' 6v. cu YesîerdaY. The leis of propert,'-la esima et a $125, Ou Tuesda,' eveahng Mr. E. W. Coe- mai, iso Carrne Coemai, Misa Rate Gage aid Miss Creiglsca er. anecidentally drovuoel chue rewtng hal an opdn boal, on tie Dosjandi's canal. Jobn Mitchell bas been arreied hy the Fêlerai sutiiorities for treein ha Nov Tort. GOel, 14%&. Alderman Moodie of Toronto lied lest m- Ir t f .J *aO.mnton. wW Races. The fathoomtag Spring meeting Of thse Ontario Turf 'Ch h iîisch oirono W.di'eelay, Tburslsy and Prdaai Ofnexi veek, viil lu expetol, bu oneie ff tb bot thbas uoî Ision - place ouis he Whit- by course. The îrseSdas nover in boîter eider, aud tic large number Of horsea on training drng ibe-paît Ico menthu oviaco tii. interest taken ln thse races et Whttby. Unlikie out friends la London, (visa are gentlemein, if net "Squintel vlîbte lb eu Of tiie treci)theti.mehrs cf tho Ontario Turf Club are up 10 l1,ir business, tho,' bave serveil a ortci $r nticsbiPte il, ma are 14 nu tle titt, 'AlvayS biherto lhe Wbitby .mme-acioze ls isItera every satisfaction. It vii hoetaIthe ýfbOam- ing meeting. Tii. b.o bettes viii gel te pursos, sud the ilurnes yl ho pald. Tii. cl officona of tie club,, Captaiu Rove -aid Kvr. Perri, , ill inhah7 ait in tise manage. mont ai tie eting >'ipoi Ibis occaion. Tha mambens of" thse » Oftro Turf Club amre. s underotso"-..ppiicmits for Rer Majest,". plat. oci f' gutasm, and cr tainly if a gond caurse-tho beal la Cana- da-i club cf honoabiile gentlemen- viiose priiainal desire la te encourage and impraoetie breel if bornes, ho ai, ne- commendatian, -nolieara botter ettitied ta lhe Quneas plate in Canada than lie Ontario Turi Club. AGouv-rto â.asanv.-Befcne R. J. GauiEsq. M. D. A case cf ver,' sgguavated saielvas briugiti an Monda,'lau. Jants Davis, s colonel mai, 'undIl"gentlemn,,i. attacheil ta itheturf vas iraugitl befene bis worahip for striking MaurLe gai, vise caý Tho conféerence helveen the. Canadien ide- la bis amployanent, viti a piacbiork, break- legates ail thte Impenial gomett'bas iig bhutheo nfortunate Rra's armesandI onet beu yet brougit tîc a close. Tic s mathiag in the ile cf bis uald. Thc restaitlisanticipateil îa prove satisisitor,'. f M. Hall, te sIillnovi agrinaltural1 imploaient tanfiantmrer, ai Oshtawa, died1 ai bisvmideice la Rochester lut ceeS. 0 ChmR Orrrtroulfflp or vUs 44081UWAvaVtsIrosTOu" .-Mr. Onn bas dispoiel cf hhinteveal luinIi Oshtawa Fltsdicnar te Mr-.3, Larke che carries on tic business ha patnerehip chah M. Luie,' eue cf the mombers of tic laie fin, of uS.ad Onr. Mr. Orrtas obtaneil an engagement, ce believe, as reporter ci tic gloo. W. bespak abthe goal opinioni offcaur cuntamporaries i<avor et car icv cSfrere, cia ha a talente1, ceil cdstnated youg gentloeman, and chose noies ce are -persuadel cillbu feunilsascloar aid un-il lihg as isaotzing bai-ismesake, ticeaS,'- The Conul-e Cuit, Tii. creviolmteof caur coluris pro- vent, ai,' leugtioe ermarilon coanal, utlersaIbis veele. * Sieugi, hocever, viii ho fouanli the report of tbe CeunI,' Cottuei proceedigm ta siev tise grass ia- attenicu aun heq utnt 4&- L. t.m.-f<ta-' corporation tle eontymaltera. Sa litîle did Mr. Tbornpmon Snov about lhe affaire of tise Cent,lai us thecounaili wasobligeil ta adjouru for a vee, attic instance cf Mr. Porry,in crier te a proper underataîl- Ing cf the stata afi ts finances i The Couatl Priattag. The report oi ai lie Cauaty ('ounichl proceedtuga under titis ieal vll explahua iteeîf. Tt la aal atone te te lufeior quis1. ity cf lie cork laie b,' lie enntrftatra ce canil cali ttentioit, nov ie il for the pur- puee etfS Ichaig up$ tite partihlit,' aid negleni of lui,' cf a prititng Commines of one poitisai complexion, vo write Ibis. -We eai but regret -the e siortomings oi eoitteeail coilvuctera. l ls ta lie icourbeuçe and publienlois caneselb,' bath, vo vould lrsv attention. Nec tenders viii have te ho girenon et, *ail tise Canuiy printia,' don. ver again iu consequonne o e ihabiit,' ai tie non- tractera ta execole the. corS properi,'. The prningccmmitlee tiougit tola cha i *Mathe malter. Rît lb. resit la Ihut the Couonni illiibave te psy double prhno tan is prlntlng t.I Hav cul th. ummies Wio votol tao intathe contractons hn tie vroîg. vihhoral hein,' aile la rive an* cord of reasen for Iheir vote, justuf,' thoemoves beicro lhicr constiluents? Va ocaa Gàanstus. - -The opanin,' iglati, yestovlmy oveing, wva biritiail muaccesa.1 Tic gaulons vera tinongel twitis iiangea admml orspecable galhilg ai ladies1 aid gentlemen. Thur#da,' avantags out fuisor notîie,aàre annaunoel for lie open. 71»- bretisof ci Lhanm Ãœni Val *ege asti u.lgubcriig LIdges F. A. M. cl oelaraftteiisc Filtl of vU Josaha- public procesion &e. iirough Markham ,llfage an the 24tii ipt., particulars cf wlis bviii ho feuil, anunuued lsovisgre. montor himarîf vite prectel a t-il,'de. plorabla appearsice. Dr. Carsan es ex amineil and gave evilena. as 1tiithemvene natire of the injuriès, adDavis vwu cen- mittel for trial, aitich Quarter Sesehns, Quenle lonst na, d Coimîr Court. Wbhithy, Jonc 18ti. 1805. The Court opnaI to-dey, Ilis Mnir Juîga Boraabam. presiding-,; Abruaun Farîeel, Eçq., J. P. Asseciatt. The panel ot Grand Juions lia-ing bien calaI oestiTie fAllawing gantlemni an- svanid te ther nutt.!, snd venue orn. SALPi ttAlRNieqr34 Q., sORCANa. James Bacon, William Fergusai, Elvard Elvards Thomnas Tedil George Burtke Ment-y Darling Jacob Heisoey Henry,' Francis Andras- Lapp George Liddle Wm. Miller, Jr. Wm. Mas-. Sen. Tienia Tri pp Jesse Wells Titut. Crbeal Jantes Sîtaili, Elvurd Waikar P. B. %riitlleid John, Lemmnon. AIVlte as. ..luir.-Action et pnamissoy note. Verdict fin plaintiff for $337 50. R. J. Wisonanid J. . il reenwacl for pihtiff; J. K. Gaîbraili, Bevmiamtvle, ion ilc!enulat. 'WaUwita l u 4'aa.kiln iPro- muser,' iti. ýt forlivplaintitfuirn $1>8.J. 1, $ruswSaaai.RJ.! Wilhon for plaintif[; W. Li.viaguf on for defendant JIMifstr vP& ?rî,'r. -Action on proe- mhsary note. Verdict faor plitiff <or $157 8.8,.Sil.. rochrane for pla'oîil' Rat "*s. Beacaot-Aîtion on promianco-y note. Verdict fer plinltif! to- $884 74. Cochrane snd McPierson for pisinLui; J. Rilinga fon defeidant. Jlulfoiiad -ce. D na aAi n prcmiaaory iota> Verdict ft.n plaintif! for ~$105. S. Il. Coechrane fur plaintIfi;' B. J. Plandoneîl fer dIenîanm, Casmpbell ef al os. Brown et ac. -Action on pnemtssony note. Verdict for plaintiff fan $165 65. J. K. Gardon and 5. Il. Cochrane for plaintif!; R. J. Wilson for defeidant. BajU of .alonreat ve. %«enmcn and .9uuufA-Actlci on promisaary note. Ver- drat for plaintiff fer $100 Il. J. Mase- lonail for paintif; A. Ranultbee fon de. isolant. Bank of Monreal et. .Miller et a1. Ac- tien on pronissar,' note. Vedict for plaintifi'for $207 50. H. -J. Maclanail fer plainîil; R. J. Wilon for dalendnîî. *Wabiasday, June 14, 180à. Theuconrt openeil siorlir mter nune dolo&k. ls Honor Jndge Biurnnam pro. siing, R. J. Guni, Rsq, M. D., J. P.. as- The grand juvý rtorned trio ýbibIs againtaHarvey Rîsclemao. ,and David Wood, fer arcany. Tii. prisoners vore araigned anl pleaddl Itùoitguilly2' COUITY COURT. Hamilton et. Jurrày.-Acti cionpro- tiasar,'noeo. Verdict for plaint&fofr $101,28. Mi. Nltsbi, fer the sefendaîl, abjecle L Ia àvrîhet bhi consent. The pies on record was pa,'nei and lie, legallhl'a pote vwu on te pont of iterait. Ex- ecution in four la7,- Paxrtoa n.HewM 1-Tiis vasai action braugit b,' lin plaintiff, Mr. Win. Paxtot Ceuil,' Tremçurer, againat lfred Ifeveti, so of tic liatbt D. G. Heetot, ox-Warden afi (h Ccanly Tiainouil of tbe note~ sas $8M0,the. mur'snasîc-ncnii> hîig LIra H3wëýi,.nd ndovail Y-aî à &thw....f ii f.a . eaL Thue.da.e. Town CouUISacl Tii. counactimot aet theToWa hall, on Monday evenitng ast.Ail the membens were prosent. Mi Wrslp the >isyorla the chair. Commnunlcàtions froïn Opta:in Darliail. aaking tie co.op.ralien of the camanil te- vtrds tebuniding ef drilkpeds, and froqi the. chairitan cf' tee ccnpfmitlecf, ad Homa. of Assetnbly on liii e4nhnctpal. amendtnents bill veruIres4. 1fr. Yarnild brougit nup the repart of this cotinittce, and-,un motion, »ei cou-~ cil vent loto cotnmitletei-eoîi-Mr. Oaý4 mneninbthe chair.-Tb. report, Vbicb vas adopted vitheet autenîmeo, ra mnded paymeiit cf sie umIl items et accunt;- aid-l ase test ln future the amouat fro thtee Clergy "csrie laid, devotol la edicatlc'i-purpases, b. ap- preprlated b,, bylsw inttc a manier jas 10 gir. the Tnutees ot, the itoman catbohia Separate sciaci a due share oi thee appr*e' prîatton.1 Captain Rowe explained, on Ibis head, Itast lhe portion oi the Clergy Reservo fond ocniuig to the tôwi hutierlo vas Sp. plied to the general purpeSe>oaithe towi' -voit ioto the general unid -so that ail -Romn, nCatholieas mellatt aProtestant htibita,te nif thctown stînreul alike hint benefita, and titat . ,had net bien expend- cd fer educatiini'ptirpcses. Mn.Penj' roolitup ii.repart'cf Lis- comuiître. n ecommendog payntor Si- canota of W. Il. Ulggins ànid Jates A.. Callbi ilch *as edcpted vitheir CLII THtEWAY. F. MCaptain PRave, sefontlîd by Mr. Ray, maVel tha notice be given lealite Wittiy RosI unI Ilarbor Comnpany la remova, pursuant ote astatut", vthin 85 laye, ail obstrutiohns (.il theA outh end of thec road betweer, mde fines26anid 27. Capt. Rive in moýi ig this nesolution mid laie id so partly in ccnsaquence oi a notice giveri ityIr. lieyden te prevent the rt-moral ai gnivel irom t the ecitanid ais otîten owaies wve ng .thesaime, lie watiteI thee ily outiet tae tiiarbor, Ile- longing tate i,.tovo, Sept ope n ndireei for theiIunpoisgof the corporation. On mîotion cf Mr. iPowell, mconded biy V r yarnei'l, $15 vire ordanal to be Placed t&e ititof t ttiMayor ta diSpeft*e cul? îorti-îa chantica. As.uOsT &5SA> &DAs tPowxNies I DtzN Mn. Part-y. rçcendul by Mn. RBy, met-id thal Chestür Draper; (etf )ovnihg Idreut" notorieli-.) bhavnthe l:nlvîiegce o iaying do1ivi hu lis ivn expenxs% a i Chit valS a onoukatk. ad iansrîRing on Byrnr st., thei latter goder te ,aupcrh.tandance of tha coititt-, ois atrt- an d iunpnove- Mn. Gabson expnîssed bis extrema mun, piise ai lite retîluion. Ie did itct. ha said. undenttaid boy a gentlemtan. via oppose1 a similar nsoution, vord ton varc, brought la by hinîseîf cnl propose nl. Perry camplained that M. (libson bsd îeglectad lis, duty tovards his cion Draper, tint il vas sana six veeka ago îclair. in, de rsolutian vas proposeI and thultich malter iras aven dance tien quiet. ly ol sigit ai. Thea abject in vie vwag, h>wrer, seo:plisiad. tae maka tic haro oftIlDovningg dreen" a marttyr; buil be,()r. Pan-y,) wanted, by the pt-sant neislution to test tic sinceity of pu-dies, sud it WL< o .scouthtaI, kihng Mr- Draper nirul priviioe.,ie na i.oe nteded pulting dcvi as ideta tia elia n n the mna.T!N. counnhl vonid nov ascit bîm sas fmarsuthiecretung vas canieanîci iflie wetld dose. lie (Mr. P.,) vould, witl tlb. plesbure cf lise couincil, vlthlrav hi* reegition 4 , Ud hoy usE fmasili Mrbecitià aI no e etre tbat Mv P."t- shotîli vithdraw liii resoigtioe»; but coul Dot beip athît expnesiing hme surprise tet thse Muan vb«jpond a imîtat- reseutici vient braugil up by hhunsaif, Xaonîl b. of aIl other mn, thle mai te propose i1 IL wasa strango. *"t Lshes-ed liai tic oppqshlon thlin vas cnly for opposition capI. Rose stateil thot bo opposatthee resolattion lioi because the course aken by lhe proposer ainoonted ta a vcte oi consure tipea lie cemmittea on etrets 1andI mproveuets, aindopecially opon r K. Ray, ta mehof the council, Who nesieved lie sicevatk lt-eutDrapers niame Aid very properly reatovel thl ' e(apI. ]Rave,) exsined, il for bis os-nesatisiact- ion, aol feul test Draper vas as muai acnommodated by lio "aide valk nov $m <hVa eiL vas hafore, viti lit addition tisi a nimber ci otera vare nov aecoeq- moîstel by1i l, <bo t-ms lberetafot-e an- casmodatel but aise mon. Dr. (foin -touS tii.raisint cf tis, aide vaiS to bu an intentional -wroag- ta1Ur.. Draper; il vas, i.o tati, an ijry ta the inaLi'n prcpetly bils reonvaL The prost. ont cnasing ho prainnaielunsafe aspect. aliy iii wîiterwheî pîew, aromul tel ; andieotDraper bêcilfat bo lu, bie ta x payer tnd ntitlol te ftr play. Soute serrig (la vends) to plc hoween the Capteaied lthe Docter. Tic Captali ciargol tic Dectervite lfgaj "ie.walkin hGetre sf..w-aaM yei hus> uil utcn amen stanc -brou iete tposlanas. tee chiefo oeil elptmsang his 1Contrition. the li loct.a -- - ~ .-.,-----...--- -- ... ~ - -~ I labo lb. uecebaary o~pe for beildtig ihe RamBics, ~nd Co., $8,50. John Bell, 11, Thé Treaures report, wieb vai resd b,' the Warden, sitevol Cash ci baidlolt Jannar,', $5553, prooeeba et dehoatiren solil $11I350, Ceun, ase Mimeant, amaul received tram (avarumant for erlutinal jusice dc. $,l,îta-2,1,and tbe expendi<ire, inîlollog buIsWpayabte, $22,469, Ipauiug s balancescf P.448 Ti. catimates for thc coreut year wre- te replae e erond find, ir' sae cf dI- benuanos, appliet6tegeatra t eiat,'pur- poses, *7,000;-,lebeatunes maîtelg $4"0), asl varila miellaneffl iteesafor saa- es csaeanittg altegetutr te M,9669. toiiistm. âte tra mmcii o$5, e t Ioa.ug$U,$0 t provilel fer.'lThe report alecâsesforth lb. standing ai tie s"vom-ilmeiipaliiies lai accuai viti tise enit,'. Of R. Staretton, anl Qiers, pra,'iig for a gr-at for tic imprqv,ýontal i the rondl norti ofai tretoavili -mv. Sprhîg. Of Colligvod ,Har-lansd ethore, prm,iigta b. appoitaIecavc.bke cf uic Nant-avt Bridge. of ertanratepayes oftha Týoship of Wtby, pratng forîbe passage ef à b,' lav ta preei tbo ta1e of intosletiilng iîquar.-Mr. Dryleâ. Mr. MeCroigisi. aseeed b iy 1Mr. Brais- sou movel t"atapproprim-tsth@of,$50 tirý Piokenin,', and $40 t* Bmk,1 buutile te ti Atrisultural »cuetof 4 loce lva Mr. Spu-hn,' cbjcted blbth ritterîs,' ,' pi oftho grant. te the cutr mecietiet *0-id esSe h' itatowcship seeheties cf Pickering sad Broccs ouI mot compete ai lbe comjtt,' sebibitioss? XMars aui Ba vorela biiirni euli~ rou iieivr.- metenes, bauthee ag no oas he art of~ ~ ~ ~~h R-c-o ikvu-Fl motion car' -Otoioàof Kv enl' sconàel b,' Ur. Reflis, tise T uMi u dirhbite- ta la,' beforo thecamail i'a - alatomeni 'of thé. carto f the slectors of jrrsm, sow: tmg tic aumber of lAya paysaith, *e"0'te 1 MMM On meot.cu cf Mr. Cautpbell, (Whitbyt) secoalel , M.Dryden asapecial cnom- urlîle ofibv.e, cousis7ag aiMeurs. Bru. basata, Perry adltise mavtr vas appoint- id, for lie purposeof tst hih;le hulas tuen utî!theo'municapal' -aildasesant lac nov botore Parliaàmeit, -aid repart tbareen. On motion of Mr. CampWel, (Whiîb,',) secilded k4f Kv. Dryden, the qtVandeuloit, aie chair until twao'ook, Comacil -Atstiedai 'y minue#s û tbr.e oelack. 0 f Jeu Cochel, alcertain natepayereý, praying fer a at-te hairo aile rosI' Norts cof Mamilla opeuod>up ilndmaIe fit fer travel -M-. Kened,'. of Abrahams Fartecli ail ethar te- paera of Oshawa, pruying for the passage of a by.haV ta prebibit sale oi latoxiinalig liquors. Mr. Brabasn Waoght op tuis report viticivas renasna Ooumotion the coinoii vent litoeocmmittee of lteé viole thiereen, Mv. hanl#tu lie chair. The, rort vas adopted s folOVI Tiist lte sort-penalthle tovnebilscf Piekering il establithel a rosI tbriegli lot No. 12 la tic 3, 4 andi 5p concessions of liaIt evamnblp, id ai applieation being made telte emmite. tisai thse sues of $500, g rantel b,' by.iav 127t to buexpond COUM~Y COUNIL SECON D DkT.~ Whltbys 3une. ib1848. In Mur report l51ut O4 'e te cll. ait "trying 1 gel over %WliEeulty.$P rierlioving là a faittful 6eÃ"iniuation of tho repart. lit. Brabaseti regrettedib reguladi t1 :permitted by tbe Warlenl 1 ili eamBd9 th. dtfflcity; and sald ho e<jlnot balp tbirqtug upen hlm the inials, vbe ,,byaccient Aor 404e hno,4spug thse 1gert4is cffour. sagubero mb 'giving iissm oaiy tbreo, aid four to lte 8eth. Captaa Bove Obargu tisitistha mittee, v-sap poiited eut eor loors, îsat the Wardeî kîev 11, and -tish b éiIt box vas simpi,' bt a OO$obid, iii. wroig bing. Mr. Camphoi, <t lbyrigroel dth"i Mr. Kennedy vas delayel tfîrocgh sSaevs,. but the écoune ceul fn lo t hf liai ava their daty te proceed to buiness, aul ýle$ did so according le their etbhbdris Ze F'himieli vasin faior ocltii. opea vay, btho sav no moans nov ciresedln thi. taiter. The danger at- laylng lowa a bad precedent, he mail, aboutti bc aaoil. md. Captain Rave remildelise lust speaker vheu.otho Wardeu, bj' bisove, ,ovoedIs ých-argel 1the ragni -AAilysppoited »mh4ô on equahisatien, ail'appotuteâ aiothkr. If il voe rigis tu do tu a lyear vhy nat set upon tbe preedenî nov aoi do ail jus. lice. But ail titis vent te mhow ithe great danger of laying dcvi a ,bad proçadeit, Mfr. Brabasoc aain cemplahielci te mann in vhuch the interogis of the Ner- thora tovnships hsd bain irnorel. Mr. Perry pointoil eut boyr truthiui vere the vends ai the rera aifScott, '-What's ibe use 01 My, vninig, the. viole thuug bas been determiasti upon bufore bail." Mfr. Nelson 1i1 vigoro. terme cambuta ed the. apte. ai votîg by ballot asun. British, ail la the. preseitinsanie flvtr les the. selec icon tai sPacSaI eowmâlte. Ha vante1 no cocealrsant, but lesireil chat îhey wure ding to appear apeol,' before tii. vend. 1 Aiter considerable ierthei'- discussion, Mit. Kennrdy, as stateg lutasieek, vhitbdrec hie reselîtton, aid unho hediffioul,' vau got over. The Wardea laid baiera the Caunicil communications Iro. the. orneocf the Cbie1 Superinisadail cf Edacatica-from ilev. K. Maclonnan resigntng the office of Orammar Sohool Truitee sad recommeal- ing the. appoimîment of J. X, Gordon,si hie scotrcmuia i rons A. Farewell urglug tii. importance cif appoint. ing delegates tu the. Détroit convention. bers anavored i? the rvelI)gi, vith tlb. uiception of Meusrs. Guy, Boit aid Burke.. lgesar. Guy aidBek; onterol durlug tb. ýoaâtag ef the minutes wbieh 1,10 Sop.- prove8. Thse Wardon read aà commiunication ires Mfr. MoCabe ýla relation te- GRÂMIUAS OROOL aaEOLAitiIPa. Mr. McCabe, l isommuî'6iealoi uggso u ohairmai cf- tb. Teober's- assonlatlon, ihe establishmeti tGramm_,s. school sobolarahipa by tii. Conty Conuncli,; aid tbrcibly put forward' ihe alvanlagea as incentives wo honorable compoîllion, dc.- It vau ecommo 'nd dthat tho coaaty b. dividel inte sections embraeing: eue or more ým'uncîpallîles, tbp , divisionI heingý basel apon population. 'That, in aidition = a îrîhuthere be an emolunt, cf $401 pabequarterly for oie year, thse tuec* cOsaful candidate' 10 havs the aeiecting, of the. scoolot h vîld attend. The hold-1 ing c1 ivo eductonsl meetings, one in the1 South,,and anaîher la the. North Rilhag, %tý vhléh achoiarsbipa might ho proseated, and addresses &o., made; the Board oi public instruction andertaking ta coaduct the. examinationa. A memorandum Shov- iig tise propesedsections vas aabwtted: Whltby township âid lova, 2 oehoàiarsbips; Oshtava aid Whitby Bad, 2:z Uxbridge. Bco, ; each and 8cugoi, 2; Pitkuvid,f -e ~ocki 2;- Thoa anad àMareai auÉmà 2 inail,1415. Mr. Marsis, secondeil by Mfr. Sprlage obtatuel leavo te introdoco & by.lavwtu coîfirm by-law No. 358 ai htîwisbip of Beach, pessed 6Ou Decciaber. 1864, for olosing aid openiag certain road allovances hoîvreen 10 aid Il la the townshipý of Reach. The by iav vais read a second il.., aid reierred te the committee on Readsanad Bridgea. tXIilt?- SALE OP LANDS Voa TAXIS. bridge itin a eoabeperle4. That the ceutiatto. ooasldar lhe vod., lugocithe 4th-ai'd 6thb aUOîlousf hyav .No. 127, >as ratitor vagbt ,u in»evtiueê 1 lb. appropriationa 1te Thorak ad Mar4 aid Rama, coul roooiUlttxt> atheA Engineor cause te b.e výoidd od tbidge1 ,)ver the Talbot river on the centre rad, and dedgct the ceai proportionahly front the appropriatins %e Tkorelu aid Marsain *Rama. t *Tho cemmittesase r.ommeid th c. ci firmiag ci bylav 858 of Beach. 1 On the 4b hcloue, lu relation la the ride oevr lhe 'aI bot river- a discussion toc0k place. Mr. Xennedy objected, as far as Mars and Rama ver. ciceriol, ta havo aay pars cofithe appropriation te Mar& aid Rama devotel te the construction cf *tbe bridge. Mrv. Brabasen rosidthe claussof the. hy law maklng the appropriations, as foi- "iThat there shaîl be f-apended ou, the contre rand, lrom the toaline of Thorah north in the Talbot River, the adm off oie tbouaand eight hundrel aid oeventy4vie dollars, and that the couaty Erigineer ahal hoe, andd bu'la hereby app6m-ted commtission- ner for expending the said' sum oifqaaaey. ch- b- Thiîer hh oopendelounh te Atberley, the sain of tva'ý thotussul Ivo huidred aidseveaty.flve'-dollars, aid» tht the ceuoity Enghneer shah bu, aid ta hereby appointed commsiahnor for expadiag- eaid sm af money.9" Aid cintended thet they aboyaI piaialy the intention ai the concil ta include the Talbot river 'bridge in the appropriations ta Thorth aid Maya ail Rama. Captala Rave considered that it vas inteadeil te buld the bridge octit aithe. appropriations te Thoreliand Mira sid Rama. It vas net likel>', hlie& dthat the camaeil would mette appropriations fer the constracting oi the rads nt eaeh side oi a river, aid lbave theqa vitheut a bridge uniîing thectn; the thing vwu an ahmurdity, The river wua the town-line, and t0 eauh township bael the praper duil equally of building the bridge. Tbe %Çrarden concurred in opinio vitb Captain Rove, and believed that il vas the intention te livIde tii. amoant noces sary for the. construction oi the. bridge oqually betvei the muaicipalithes;- that if ach cere nat the intention ait additional appro-priation for the bridge ounl bhave been made. Mr. Kennedy laid that a petition fr0. the inhabitants ai Thorah and Mursanad Rama lidbren preseateil pra)ing for au appropriation te coasîrnet the bridge, but tbst it vasiben statol thut the bridge vas ia geod condition te lasi for the. nez& three 6 3 , 1 t o î 4 % n a C o .1 , J o hSell , $ , IL H. dôhane, 23,88, Wm.. Raines, $1. ii. risprt'vooommended the purohas of cuahonAg for the meats itr the Jury box - on the uorth aide of the Court,1Has, theý pruhsac gaw vire cloîbes line, sote stheh vtarluh.coûoty beildingi, 40., and~ud vith thb. stateut%,t that-tlb.' coiUffli d ezaurln o hegiol poie aid bail eneured inte lta msugeot and tbe fut'atslng ea(supplies, Sandfeuil a11 Twelvo o'ciock hav'sUg irrive6 lb. War., don luit the chiair. The coÃŽnacli mregembled 1sborffy gîter tvo o'c0o0à. MEMEEI TTEEUn ILwz¶aoT scIa» OZ 1XÀDB Xr. Brbazon, msecondail hy 1Mr. Me. Croight, ioved tha't T. IX. (lihhs, Eq. mê P. P., sui bu appoicted delegates tu tho eauî ni Ïiention cf thu -Board cf' Trade te bu beld st 'Dotroi%. Mr. Lltaro. vell'a na4e vas- auggesm4 ,i additioni 10 'that cf Mi. Giýbbs,' bit WIn'éh iîash. bil éxpressedla dobiibeiher.or'tiot it vould ho ioiveàieut for hlm to attend ihat cf Caplaib »1ove vas alto ma4d4,* ao migl4onte m gh ait $vents&ho . OTbe.qCIcepaao uani.ua, Tac 00171?? IITING. Mr. Guy lîtroducol :this report recom mendingpaymeit cf accoînt of W. H. ffigi~, '?7.8;È. Mùhdy. $1,60; Lute- and Orr, $7,38; Parnons ani- Robinson, .$28,18; J. A. Caniphel, $6,,and on me- dion the concil vent iioacommittee thereon-Mr. Eck in the chair. Captain Rave, requested te bave lte contracti with the present couaty prialers The Wave.tiafemding hîa tha te gonîbeqasuaW4uc iougit tb agatnsî him> get pa,' <oriel a754 er ocaic-u fer' siaular carS M val muiel leue to do.Ifie coul4 & tual b. bddbis vork cwnaçiemitioe thýt if doisys bock place lte amt bis. Hoe fois aggnicvel astih brous-hI againal bing, iterelaquh vays enîeavcar.I te liseharge i th 3i 00oUnîvty tiahesîbutfi& *Mathgs but f.q Ms. Kaano4 te ibe 2Oîi,saw .an aiadjouvua ihy vould bave log acqueintel The yess ad ekàame zn leOcomlttee on *be retn'rn of the 14oe. garer ýCM thlisubjeot. Tb eîgma. ehewoé ýthat the seleciora reoevo~ pa o(04f 8eacb.. Mrr ]enndy,, mg14 ibt I abject ln wovhï1 (9ortr , WFAtoi ,haw that ,the priatnt lajtom vaWi.gad, ai« 440 so Wroý'e that ertain statoqmts %Wdeby.-"Qhbgot ofinciaW' tls8hor,* WAt War4uen)lu vo. gia.d 1(bwae,'bi ~sbefbot, the ço'll lut O d*i ete Wari4 Mr. - rabazon aodcenined. the aystoam and adriùî9d s ltl.og9i tl t 1lj4îsture ta- alter the ldv. - lir. lOrilitdé' hehZt o leur@" îbsa*,7ij blem« ià achualed tu dtv e Wrden more thaq4of onuejs' lse.tub irdiu lta :be lsej8 whlq iw wbtby to do th« orkr, h 't ad oA ight hé .hould b. paldq 1fr. erry ïatd (bat thu Wardea vus ixý ,Adi&ëenî positionfot .ohrmleer over Wboni thecouneil had no otrol< b .s tb âàss nio dntroli tvWMr Waai!ea bot t4 0 aod hd tb&a ý a. fr isî el, h wt oïeeld ùy tà'.it tben'e puekt w1tio t cy le dt" id"r- prlo d Th ouadcy i oitO.utanid v-char- pila19ýTh,, of forty uto f Osnal îi l polaoà fountyâgf is fisa tanadlot learge so 'ont of dats-fricltansactions deane va lter dà-f lte lyrduw througbo Ihe whl e r ëftepardete 1l7 liter thgl ai ofr ftiaar cUterdi et1411 Ue«a aa<Znqt rýore!j dutrltig thé. a ahaiuefit ýand a dlWgtkefl l oitericg o the timéo'ànd wasteful- expeuditure uf tho' county fonds te have &peut 21'dayÏ in, th# soection of jurera, and, b. çerwanl Weanld net hositate go move a rogoiution plâcing his opinion of snob conduct on rooàd, and thon lebt he valepayers of the coanty '00 Who ibeir repréentuative 1s-wero that oncour. gd lt& Wardon therein. Mr. Perr.y recapituile4 lb. reuiarks made l. b iu laut session, and reqnded the coînàciLlmav ho vas thon met by the.%Wrdea îhat"<' lié [the Wardea,] hW not pocketed the> mai07." Bui 51 that very lime the Warderi bail pocketed 842 of tho 1,pouey, and on the 3Oh -of Jaary efore b% left the lova h. IlpocketedIl ibe balança, tndee4-th. that hoe 4id' not -int.nd to taire the poney st aIl,but ho did pockot 4is $8U, an44 i4 atatomenut in jauuary that ',bel bad btot- pockeeod-lte rsonoy' vasbut a lUtgle plece of cajolery od hi. prt. It was lome thep hadl an expression cf opýnIcq ou liii.t tattee solo ho Wald'moy- 166That it s wiîh mnuh regrat your Cocu. cil fiud îbomsoelven ooiatraluod ta place, on reoord their opinùion. Ithat î tb cour rparsod 4 beb.Warilahe lticton of' Jurors, involing4ai uoneoeury an ox-ý po'ia4iîre of îthe ounty <pods-, of wblch the large taincf $84 vas paid tae--h. Wardeh biqaseif va4 not tbàas best cals- lated te prenlote. ibe interestil of this. Cqîu? t l aal eene ie tdoto h Mar )aeu 4«. 4'heco- to- k lutacit a Teap u The ac te more roll listing i bern, vuil Mr. (Campb report of tli port set forth ibm present -v bût as cf ha on the ceuity, aih w* t $a27,0a00eô * di ameudq ei Mn. Gai,' rosI tic contrait in vhich il cas stiputated tuat the jqarnals vers te be printel la type, ize, style and qaality oquel ta the journals of 1864. Captala Rave sekel viiethor lte jamrnals oi lte Juuiary Session, 1865, cane printol secardlag ta contrant, adcere in ase style and quoilit,' equal ta titose printe il the CuatoNtaLE Office, ia 1864 ? Mr.On,' repliaI thsî ho hsd ta admit lte,' vae neft; lte lyre vasnet te "me, the curie vas netlte same, the paper wus cf infeor ia qity,, aid lte vorlc generaly vas net go vel! axecutel, Captaia Roc. expresseilbis astonlsb- ment tual no commaent ,pon huastite of tiniga appeared la the repoen fai tte print, iig ccmmittee, Wie, neîwiîbstanding thut the ceailvactar violalol bis contrant in- ovory cingle panlicular, recammeidel psy. mont'oai bis accouat it tiut a vend 1 1fr. Gai, said liaI the prievas fvo rY imail. Mr. Perr,' rejoinel uhal neoie could dispuste butat altise Pries cas ommal-leý tact iliculonsly se, for lb. cark ; but lt&t vài he .question -.Tii. question vas nai au ta te silount St al. Rut hae (Mr. Pe7r,1 lesireil te bving unIon the notice 'O-'b ai unchitis -tact : tbal the cisairman cf tise priitiug 'Ccmmitýè, (Mn. (uyt)' taies op and Passeo e inat:fer voiS equai te liaI coitractel for-aenarding ta tise simple if lii. CnauosioL-s cMoff. - sutp- poine sumch corS dois fer lie nonil b,' lfv. 'Hhggîis, vbsî Wonlî the chairutan bal% Wal&ii bis rëpoi'f' If thaeouneil allcetel theircnhreôioru 'te pvtnt -tlil 60opy> wÉa linilof icS vull is.','gel? -Wbaî 1<.1 of jourinal& voull ltbuy g.I torthe preseal essïo? If tise prnt-ng iomaiittoo had net a vord ofi vtuastraice or condemnation for lte bad vork ('elivor- .1, chat vould, he p'i1uilér conclade vbat "U " "-"' e"h e 't 'ë' ' h of '0îlnag4 Thuy -Wig5L gs-t* "i" vitle tbig lu a siseei ofiiie Priace Albert ii1,.- servir" anldlise'pnintor mig!tt jualiiy hlim- soif b,' theo mhhatîceof-thelb. ccmitteo'ate- porti. Tt'Iil cortahîl,' apeav not a littié extràordiiqxy <bat the. ciairtuan PI the pv!ntttg eammillo, heretofora se caretul aulexacinmg vilS lite former coniraclor for tuiseecubty prntiigla miold b. sao-reti- -çeht- uov lhisat cange pi of îtracters b.ad dea tea scertaiu the aumoint realad b,' lie last tva sales ai laids for luxes, the ameana pail tic Treasurer, sud lie atonal remeiaing daue. The smato tomberg ho mai, heonghng tl bis îocasip, vert net psîd fram lihe fuit tiat lie tovnshiip oi Mars ail Rama oxpecteil rtant frossitisa moees realitel b,' teoae aies la meet Ibis paritaular bomaîl. Noue bail been yet receiveil-peepie bal beau put le muni lnoiveuleae hacoimoqueico, sol Iis cas the. ressan fer bis anquir,'. Thte Wsrdcn referrel lte neuve oi Mura to the Treaunren,report chiai te said, he beliteraIcontaineil the necesar,' letuils. Mr. Kennedy ail Ibat he 1,1 net con. sider iiie information sufficienîl,' explicit, and moyeu, mconuel b,'Mv. Neilis, tiat the Treser la,' a correct statomeant, la letail beore the-ceancil meciwg lihe amauni remlsol b, the las sale, teepwt Iva ,'esns, aid lie amont pai litt he Cciii,' Treasar,. MtYISiOtt'L *Yeb &EsmEt".I AIt. Mv ,ie (Ceani,' Eaginoer,) askeil hasve îe correct Mv. Kenne4y, anl sahulihat viete cquesti0 ats puttaP h ies(Ur. Siier,) he bal onî,' étalaI thai lie bridge migisi .hseefor travel intilOGaber. Mr. Per,' alveateil ticennessuit, of an independent grant, for tie contruutiei of te bridge, anl cotenled thaTil vau as cehi enîlîel e I s ticth*bridge serasi te lianSriver, or Scugg,'bri4g.. Captain Rave lileérel iopilouif foM' 31r, Potr,', aheciig tuat Saigo,' bridge wus noua:,'ilpraperi,,aid, tuit -cvr nthe B"ai river s bridge betveen Ico counties, the as- c Talbot river, bridge wasila thi nature cf *ane«4 olveous djehuin, v1,îerthéise ceci yeni1 mak. fresi Sp. praprisîhaus Mh15 ear or net * theunder- standing wvh t 'iahotamniittee, and the. c'odiànilbiig'thaî no appropristeat coul ho maIe. 1.fter seme fturtior distlctn, lthe om mile. ec ail vep-.tuhisv ipil. th. édoption ei'îhe report fur a grantoaf $600 le coastielithebridge acrout tie Talbot rilver vilci vas lot-Iltossu. Kennedy, Porry, sud Nellitdonly sclfng The neefflar.' by.laus t'ounded Upan the report cea'.thontutroduced b,' Mr. Eraba son, and, pa îappoitltg the. teinty Rigineer a nammncute temectute t ixpenditure eft tise appropriathond, supen.. 01

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