t. 'f i s iiieoit ms sd luite as h belved UK E dsU.&~ vored the adjaurmeut th 21h ait tati 1Ingtuithitere ould thon h L u udIoued guaritrl4Wu il anid 118,7 wud hâte au opporttuiy .ofbaçolu. log eeuaia m itit hierdtiis, ' Tb y@ n W wmdemuded on 1ÈesPsrtiy Hxjht, mceight, Nabazon oUls. lhow. sud lýeuu4y. Assis, Rm.4sv, snd hrd Mr. Pe.vy appe.l.d 'te tbe Caunnilte1 çelder the- Importn.. of theis aiens beforeetbepn-.ypcIsi140 report go. th obrefel aitieIoc, sud îsoivd agai lu 5PUdçUII ibai lb. Cou cHladjoqra te th. Ur.. Kasoppomemd ho s l wcouldu-'t wels"thei Ipbly. Mr. Perr.y l4gstysltt n Mait tigitinos hb. ailete"Sethe ne. eeuiy ," ahhougI1 upfinanc* rport 4eak vit $21000 et 1b6 Oouuty fonds )Er Msrsh -did nutaemesthib scesty of i.sîowing timorupon mio iaut a Uter; b-bod4i4Dot. ore squa,bout snoba muailt mste. ý Ur. M" C*1e i4ho4. i Ida a auap, sud Jwi seumach a»)4r. Penny siiou thb oony fému4.. The. sodceei wa* lo1 ona dlià iion. Tbe smotion for adjourumeut icanied and the coun49 jorpo4d unti ipu oçiock te morrow iaoruing. the Wandot okthi.ebair et pnecificly $va minuups efate cleyon o'eioti. ' The volt bavlng beau n lOI O0t8 itIlthe 11cm. ber, miii the oxe*ptien o! Mr. Btîrke, WoSyed te them nomes. )Iltlmp6iel, tWltb,, broogit up tise report aft us copmitt.e, Which oas cons i- dorei lu comumitten o! the vitale. Th. re-u pont et forth the amnt te, be'prostierift th impoetyear at $23,930.960 vhîch May1 4w edmisWl1023,000 in ronpd numbers ; bol recommeded the addition e! $2,000, su, as u t oqesare te redut.e the amounit of baul scoumbodtian r¶ninod. fitre. etimmouded liai tthe Treastirer lhoautborigp e&, la avp printeui: ifiorums o!fgniers ý,5Lthe Board o! Pubie Inutrucion; btated ,%aIt'the Sale* o!rçebenii.noq wvoteiTeciedý lu si !iivoabi. a Manner as coutl ho e;. pecteil cotsidoeing the tate of theoinquey market, statnd tihe.Sheif'sîndobtedwess on tb.emOrt sale ta bite438,74, vitb mter esi $831,», tucaver which swpuntlite Obeett hsd pimicerigoursuteps in th-% bande of ilm Treesnud îiitt tha balance due by bîi on the. leusaie vW448.41.47, 1fr. Penny enquired%hat tIbo itemA venus that vonlil ipse ;e e lesof o!the $930. ut. ('4mppboli n.plipd liane weuld bue e uluctions on ithe Cepmsny Clonk'm antd ClerI of tte N&' p l#S pueandi eu- the amount for -eotmty properiy sud gaOi smauagemient, in ebiiJ4 hhere vould bu reiluctions. Vn. Pnny onumensted thticfigures, show. lut the aumoxunts ,iniaird in îh,.se items dnnlig previons yosrs, sud euquîing boy lb. comitaée mme tu the conclision that thora voulil b. s roductian. Sa pointeil oui.tbsf ibm amusait incbaild fan psyint lo* umspenluttuients vas au enror andl tboolibave beau omitteil fromu the rnoet, lausm"e it has s specialîtfein providot for by bylav;»a dthat lu the cases o! Ouhavsansd ithe ovu of Whtby tho>pýi r rovu sup.rntendents ;- Wlereais accord »8ng ,the miport they veluInit atone have to puy their ovu but their shareol the o! the Couuiy'a also. He reminded the ou.mmttee liai ltme deflciency set forth Ie b. provfdoil for lit January vas $3.229, aaduow t bil oÎsoUed to savon thousaud dollar,, bm vautit [tta b. sheievu ow the af IL u 440du4ta uboCoupeit that tit o miaulil nfonmnâ eit »4 islonge deficieucy vo a cqpzl for, ý#aiu tieoO vas $00 oo.amtmugfrqom ut heOmjff i1îich. mai gupçppseW eoo.piitnaair daya boutue opooulW baitentaionaof icu lbt olmm e. Tiut u pW ou e tain ougragolb. ueafnds o! tb. oçuty - ae psy tis moniffipalities 1 acf volitb. nom veplaced. Iffo wu Iotil opasit a bmp pnilofo! lloviug mpyaLclpaiullem w vmialu sorplesse on baud, bec»»setbo1' we e< ute» tmtet ta unue emepy egýqedlip lI botter illustra lloof is(blfaat, o Mid, poeiditegîven tbsn lb. proe..dlugs of the cognit lo! 1861 sud 1661, mier; bavlnig a sorplus o! &va tioessd dollars ou baud, va nat auly éxpnoud is hlavbly, bitudmohe e moint $8,00, and tb.eer va'OU<r#teaW plouy of Cfmnds $in h mry. IX.mp , ( avon fsor mpu sely for thes bà m__expendi. m ta of oneyeav, asu ieb. opiudoil ibid tlvsu bthro uooul principle. The jodidaosu coursue Wvs la e bmfonde o! the . pamty close peeb msm- bis eperi- 401 a lpe is the îomsaLtp, tomu ùd uouity Titi Wmade ied ibaith# dolocieuay mws smveion osuil dollars, or. "theIb assosof the cuouy ves $nibis b.d s" dopiceid by Mr. Pgn. tl itemi l.ehsIng payant of loisO p Minlaldauls, lms dmiued, sloulg le stuai out lussmucb as il u prouidoçi for by diseo ommîîtom So deasiln. Bq&Ibo lpua o! *2,000 vas todaeoeq y, thesupaofP,448 iiin.heTtça-î suemvwi acl 4 a ppmsxsd by bis .report *~s.wa4wg*mamaul . asroa iithe uî .dm,,OfIUSw aul4 bu-h1. amttnI pthesm s fq thsý à 0#0M M' e sion - itiffiaimiè, t obsalalnurlho a fsrosu o belon ta ibe conuty aeta&H. ot iloue wertoqip 3,448, but pý,o0b luafdiiion reuiç410sai a uwdelleieu yin tib estip5¶iOe. He deoply regrette it the b butd of 0a.Ur corporatoo---wiiof o&Il othlexuuboul4 b9vpasperfoot , à I.dgm of the. fluauuq of tttltmçaty-à iioîd bla.dqçr 50 dreadtfii. Our usimuatei 1u4 scrééé. 94 fram $17,500 tg $251000; t "q a mat, teof o!ep importaure to tbhe tepayers of ibis couutyý sud feeling hit IMb. se, &d lt if' the$ .diii ltabir dnty. îborougbly ibis report cotIfi not lie gôtne ubrongb-whhb lods7 ho ibureforo mevei t i the bm ea., mi. risu hi onder taubsii.Wsrn umigbî bsave tii chair sud the Coqucil adjoura for as mmmi tri hâve iii. ficances o! ibm Varnuîy îiihoroghl e:aniied. .Ur Campbell (WMîtby) vwu t&qu1 sud bsokea np tii. correctuesa of kr. Verr's figures, sud after a few funther'relbarks the. comitee rou e notted peogmeaau obtsined leste tu aht again, un motion of Mn, Penny the Counuli ail- jourued to Tuesmlay ibe 20mb inst,' The yeaa for the motion Irrq #mman. Penny, Ifove, I#elsoa, Kennedy, Xén4ot, McCreight, fluigil Ç.upboil, Nuib) r Qe~uy, and JAunis, Il. rT" annuslMeting -mi ,s.ab=es -belin tuhe hall o!fithe nTà itut. ou 6 mesday cveuing, 3Ma tal. eretirinu 1 th, chair. Tiie Seretary, Mn. Thvsme1 rosi the- anulreport (rom whicb vo give.the fol' Iuwing eitmracts.The . mioro of momboral au the tbooks o! the association t. 125. The recelîsta from aIl sources $613,33,7 expemîditure $551,59, balance ini bird $61,77, available asteis $93,10. li4bilitiep $134,29 ; exceas of liahîities over available assois, $41,17. The uumb-.r of!bhoka, lunutueiÀbnary, accordiug ta lust annuel report was 1106, additions durlmîg the year 200 vols, total lI9 G. 160 semubens borrowod hoks rom the Llbmnry durh.g the yesr, aud thoenuom ber of ecïlu-nes iss.ard vas 2260, ahewlig au aterage of &bout fonrtetccu umtit enct rtater. uoe t The repoit val;nioveri, secouded and onauimously adojsted, viien the foIling gentlemen wert electeri oSice-bearors for the ensuima Jear. rresudent-J. H. lFerry, Eýsq. lit Vice PreesI4, nî Q. r. Sqà tîh, 1,f. B., Iud do. Q. Cormackr, eponug me.. 'N. Thwetîs. correspoudiug beoeotry T. Kirnitrannier, 4tee Bain, £ibranlas, Blake, If. J. Wilson, id. H. Greenvood, . irB. J. Hickin, M. Harper. M. H; Ooniirste, M. O'D)ouoo»aunsd J. Hoveil. Ilesolutions utfuiSanks ve. lsuauasly passad'to the Presîdetsud Socreway, for thini valuahis servim sreudenoil lu the lit. stitute dmsing the year. Th ii.emrbers thon eugagtd ir. s conversational dioeuosion about clae, ne uraiots, lemtres, le., aftor wbtch the meetiug ailj..ured. The lIoas liArder. DYING STATBNT OR hLLIL4 Mp GILLOML - -l SilenulMcGilock died lunutoeItospilail p thii ciîy eau S&terdaymmriug lest ai i0 a'ciocln. Bbu iWdgiveçappiîaual signe of ber appmoacbing diysuuti for oute days before, sud apjeanod <uit, M- aigne oi berla ion!té. 4 tuinian o! tbm Romma CasilhO y wa* pnoectt vii Mer ly peuilemm, ipd fmesl.d aboie o! 'he patient5 vbo vere &aboutto neuf and jn to ber. IJer seyigustiuu b.1il1 iarm u! the umtislimcerty. Buot a 4bor;t. spu up!r* e bed ethWb. qW'ge, wlacëb or tue tiqueTm M iue mystery. Tie bow vticirehiioderediii belpies vas, ae mea Ircib7 Jane Ward handkeocie!. Bravo diii mat ;tikp 4. at au? but wbiie hi.vas stilt &lire ielpad ta thrçav hlm aven Lh, i go. To bis latest qà puponts, lu vilI bç roipme.4 Brown pçrgisted lu ddaaug hiin uoono., sud upanl pens o onfît idbardly belieroibs ho vas gpiluy. Tiiene vire prçsent ou iii bridge ait Ieo hm- ecstlms BroWard anmd "eilcSirli aro aone spd lauiy Kenc .nov luis 1 peniteutiasr erumiâg a tatn !oç nabbrl McAntiîy sacit Malon e audi- -nosu bs o! ail the. adora l in dtedrdful sitqpei4MduJi In. Watt Icrvit Ibey vmm taipit gether foqr lbp ffurile sud ctîîd. Moln McGiitock ileclared ubai Malo.. kuem aitaboutÎ4 lue moitor but bat o band init, 1A i"s M-ft cia med Haunoy, viauld b Ibmthbampltlms soppoosit ta bave bemiou ibebridgue dm aigut o! thé merder, bol )(001110à der1 clarei ho vas Dot hbere. At ibm trial titi mifonlnuate woqiao just dieesd , Wi t wpÈ B ovulatIlel Hog, bupa aien"dbefoe e d thtal the Il vwqre falsp,' siarlt iip,,mu ibat mention; -Muit labat b. mu- iid n>ov migh b. vlioil upoqsu, bcakioW:4jlmw"d hi viii ber Maior in s e, li oon.-IoqNkr. Teth Ju 5iwqflà # Wli4ylCk"W&~ ma .- B summn'lusm I b çbm .Ak$ qq io UyrdcM~0 M asm ndiJ 4uis Secrtarl tif 1W a nall!y the u bm- jdanugomenlsf tbav o ç»0 " af meueting. I1b liai cammlttue for T 157 ai ton bl pust yer dd unuil the dy = tbyint: mn PlacesBtaIIrkbam, ou tb. S6sii l tua iwiiîcii1 mre reà oirseti si asating coloiislly. As titis notice il UOfS4lu tbai* pantialr, beglte say tbaU ftîbougipromeut as a ueit, 1 ob uo oelisl part iln theservice, aud te de. sire tiai Yom Il lu'erittis correction in- tiie oggt.issue or jour paper Y-oTurs reqècctfnliy X~. IMcLEi4c 4 u, Jus. isth;1865. T am c'wsWaite,.- Tboçwema once a Wise. etperar Who midea liw u.tha ete ýr, «Ml eç vo qame te buscournts afried Ssii alilât bp simvd. 'ibe senvlîsworm d re oJ t ý aipnotice if, wlien'the strauger If bt ' id, be mste ib3 immedtaîlseat ïud ti ird à la; îbereatte r as t1i te 4samIi. But, by a gpeut sireîob o! imperip clemiiicy, the. cuiprit asl permit., ted ta lutter eue viis uacb day, mbicthe ii essperai pleitged biumef to grautpro;ded it «Uane ute1 pane it it1fe. Mani hat ai.i Wheou. aedal a couni "auit sYouug son pregeuteil themselves ai court. The f5mb V bise 0001l g rscsI I l faie Que videluo ttimned Ult aver sud wasaabout u oçmmence 'do iii. otier, vitem h. vas suddessly seli a4 tirown imto prison, sud vas tols! of.bus appnoachîug 4oom. oro srciu ii .1o0l's jourgt son iesonittbu omperon tq SUow bisu 10 die ii lb. O euMof bit Iath. or -a layon whiab Ib. mobarcb WB! pieua ed Ioacord hum. The conttas accordîug Il neleued fromu prison,)sand bis poa vas tbrovu into bis-cellin uhi, ibiad. As sel0n aIbis hîçi bel doille, î4e yotaug man âuuid te bis jikilord 11 You know 1I!lave the righîtoe pake three de±rands before 1Idile go &A dtelt the emperor te send bîs dauglit't or snd a priest ttomiry us." ' be. first dosusuit'vas Dot mucli tu the expercers laste, meyertiteieso hcfeult ound te kqep bis Word, s&P4 lie herefor, compied vitti II. requet, itg wbicii the pristces& bad no li iud of objection. IbiO loccurrd inusitues wheti nS a p .,,holm ressureslu s a voi or n lua lover isel spart fur that Ptrpofle, sl ud othe second day o! bis impiso.îwenî îiio youag man demauded the kiug's treas- unes, If bis Oirsi demand vas s houd onu, Ibo second vas'lot leus80e;sîil ,au ou- pérero word is ascred, and havisig matde the promise, be u sfuLraei te keep it i aud tibméesures o! gold suit eflver ai joets owteplet aithe onte'sdispce at. Ou gattlng pol am of e!them ho distributed tbeftù profusely amonog the cour- tiers, and sano cbd stade a host o!f fiengls by bAit liberality. Tii. Ilcperor beg, Dow to IWte xeiugly nucomfortable. Ijoablo te Sleepi ho roseéesriy eath tb hird momning sud vont, i i (car la bis heani, Io tbe prison tobear âïst the . h;d wish vas to be.. -1Nov," aildb t hU ii.prison- et, Ilteil me wItas.jaour ihird Odi0s.d il~ tbat It meay bu granicit al once, sudd lou mal bang osit.aosband, for J1arSiil of your depaudu."l"Sire,", answered tb-3 p,4oe, bý4w;ou.mr lvre nuqest of jour 4Ms. *1ý-wWb Iion a bav# grntéd, I abail die content. [ls l *ienmly tiai you ivIi Cause bm. or Inuce Who y ufaiber tut ibm fiioen put b. tI O fi." Vergo," ýreptideitb emapsn.., jonur ..nýd is but natus su4 p 1g !o s goil estit Ltthe tii. ebrberls.i hoseisithoi.couelouud Luauiug ta bisantsrd. 'I irer l'ea t vas the.. stewa" "Ut the. steward b. seized, tben, eaid Ibo kitsg. But thie tewar4â te b~vit essl itelees, 11b b a elain ytbuuig of %baitisbo eu repotsled* m sud#W t fisasIbliutlier. -Tiié baoler *ee bd aWs smu poliblng etim ;er, sud ià a av a ne u à bm Daes.Bi tsisal'pralet imatbth -werm niteni; Ignorant o!feliat bWlbt-eu Iclhargod alaastllqfout; in sbort, it tiaSd* hat aoqctai uîb. foand vbo mmd oue coi.cuns eommthe offecl Ipnwhiicithe Frnnces &Wd.--£à 1appesi tao 0oe,:uyfather, u hteoier SotoMa. 18M, là e ho aranl insu, tie Count de -0j £10,ooq ý4 *80,000l Wiener vas b-ut lin "MiasGisilliaor't stsis'thi syW, ~asm b.averyflluu Hpad ymerdy, ii Croc Laui bspu0 -moye ppîla thlb &Bd 'Mr. t~ I or lia. ~JwJew-eIerye $et Brooeoheg, )clcs. g y ery iow. Prnci St. rI1r SNGW IN UMIOg. [îEabp.re,$N(>W linsai u estid, but ta T itet dpl * ý Opposite the ]Bank ofi(ontrea1 fiiuîî > i .o jêmtt ne r emi e i5 rouninýl1 - -1 f)eP.à iiýfPNiL I m o'.asenu of tha Imrgem î,mmît'u of susses ritt tlu i utcelutmbmelt ,i-llin itmbette agasi '. u"J-nhe eAire. C. give no- 'ce 7 iltwikle ~pstroià foton îeje t,.Vore,) tlt.t !V Wi-Te Inormq Welil e rocelyitI.îtIorsevice 'sîîffli tliu" the proeut aeetn. JAMES SIIEPARD). FES'HA~OFSi. JOH1N TBAPTIST hs~îc ueI'~tlvlu 51.,Jzuti 'theODaptifit, lu -muil.smnViiimge, ou a PUBLIC PROCE 31ON!1 olnock, a. sni., fornhélUt. ittoaî1aulim >leem. imter wlmeh Vine nnttlire, ii tt n p sîru- o'el-. nWiatiWhrec tfhe Lr. . 5. J. JEU, I *,111,: vi d0river a ol otourp. 'Tite lar throug* Itc, Village, sud mseînto itieLodgo, rnftft-WILL BidSERYED BY 'hui otiior iaudo fficen arc, exptote tt ÂH1 fi.,tlifeunlq-good maioloasudio.g, an W. M.* BUTron, Mmkai oe14, Cl,.ins,2gg 3ou Noitie.! grevl o imue, ram t!o ie..cif ins Iront r of 111y al be prisemeid. Snth t u.,là 4 Ow La, vaN., - "Je WEEI1 We offer hie! best selected stock <fo ~ngish#< anadian Tweeds, 1'ln the~ Çouisýy4.at.20 pet' cent tunder va'lue. D~'S. GOODS, 9,141 ,St<îçýk-of Dî'éss goods are super b, and C-hearer tèan tke GCheaPest. c T1 Mfi, 1Ian, m Co. ~c~v~x ~vc~ o~ Skirviuigs Pulrple Top Swedv. Laintigs itiproveil dudo. Teeeddale, do. easthothiati. Chatupion. Yýllow A ber WHITE CLO r'p .Are receiving large additions to* WHITE CLQVE-' tiih aady large stoçk-of cl eji§c A ouant ilv of (..iioc's Sunerviiosnhateotnime. v b Cbildres,.Ladi*e'Wand- ens' Sýtraw J-Iats1 Para'sol S~ill Mantits, Shat,s4 F A MI L Y tG O CKE lE , RIbbions, Iréss 'Bramze adid3ustitiîs, htu Wiesan pijtPote ri Aeinbo~and Giiey Cottlon at 3 0 peu' cent lnes than last Fali's pricest and ail other goodIs cquaI-é TEIlI[GWST PlRICeE PAIUD FOR BUTTER.- HAMYILTON &0O, No 1 anti 2, ?ill's BIoçp O'shawa rc e LOWE *cPOWELLW ~ ~-1,,N&,OMMlERGIAL HOTEL>, ~ .~ 1111CR STREET4 WUIITIJY< ~ T ~ Somukaynu incri uot; , $r foi T Nanti OhitiIil be lld ut Manilleaisn Tuesday, thé ISth, Instant, AT i2 O'CLOÇ <NQ9N,.y (kcinty Socnpîary. E& 4ýNN 14, S WTEL vOlimng iso14nunnty tlitti h as oraene4i me io ttml 66OUaUld bY' JamuasThonipmo l Uztdgeilag, asixi ah plae e vltom. itU recalle utenyaienticu aud aanvmtmenas. W-mes,- îux sd<las o! the Isest qus- liti. Anmd astntv flsvp.l f - DIVISION COURTis te& 40WE-8#cPOWELL LOWES & POEIL SUMME:RGQQDS ,ý f-- deené: 1. it X, ,ýýi e 1