Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jun 1865, p. 4

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()De tire grestest diMeui' ieIna raing tobbsgn 18111ire argi of tire soutworw. We bave completely outtwn tira. for urnue ypars past, in a very simple mauner. W. taire pueces of. newepapen, siz Incm ssquare, testa seut lan on aide t tire ceatre sud Ineurt thre pleut. Dring thre suit e4ges togetiair, and place ta 1111e sarlir or a pubbliou thre corners, aud thre voria le doue,. À plattorm -pifpapen le furnaed arounn tire plaut tirreglir vieici tie worm cauuul penitraeu. Ve did ct loe more tirsu twu or threu plants frunu tirt ceuse tire lust îwo years. We alweys tirmk It s great point gained vireu au effectuam ai. Suerd cen bue obtained >ageinst tire revages - ut jusants, and vs regard tis as oui of thée diacueeries of tire age. - *4-* 0 CeenteNT lVOa..- B. Stantun, Jr. ut Syracuse, N. Y., urader date of gaty 24th, tonde us tire foluowing :-si We have rn ciutiy nmade an important diaccrvery laine which ws vimir to iniele public for tirehIse riefit uf everybody in gêneral, and tireir cur rani bualuinperticuler. Theraages ut tire terrible currauct wrm centire compte -tily stoppeti, sud thre enemy destreiyeti by tire simple appitcatroii ofr oad duit. We trieti it lest yuitr viti perfect succenis, aud the sane tins yesr su far. Gatenr-nhe duel virmn it le dry andt fine, end leep it for future use., As soon aindsas uftern as thre worm mekesaun ettecit aprinkie il on andi tirruw it up under ther leave6 aur tiret it viii adire tu bath ides. Tire iret tirne is imirmntire dr W iou lu the mornrlug. Ru, mmber ruad duel frocrrtire striait or iigir wey, Try itv" A ively Hibern erexclimreti, et as atray virîre Tireodore Huook airtrueas rire ee fiog star, .1 Onu, Muacirar Tircodore, but yriur tire hook tiret rrbocly cati bale." ]URINE DEPARTMlENT. ILI, r.aknr itiri in i r trritiiqlË4, et r lit W loweict poieisiiiiCra-it ipeî"iini;Il, tI.ir- aride grirliet ni, irîuîristrIt, rrI. ' ici" ufÉt s .'e fSira c anr lîî i4Lînr-, la field frîti uprte mi B hirnl ul iiiiiririlii iiiireln'd eg.i t, l'ont W1ittly, 1PY4 E ESA Y,'-; THEil, iiirv,itiii ýi e ..iiti l'rrruti.i 5I telli% la, I ilie hiîeltiilit l-fr<ît i'l ily >'tai vwIi itir nil rt X'-Iii rî1 :îir-iifirîl4 .ltiei i >tir 'r- e tire r-rien nluit h Reir I'iv"nurny. 'llite îiii'it iîiprtLJiwel (et tue Vîrji i 'tairi. iiitire liîeoi-iul et'ii tire pumb lienuit il i: tiieil taiu. rendit it UZe ltc i ,iitin hit.ý4,-Iiîii>iiioi li e iîuî~rvurl - ri tiL rît lititw. drci- r'cnîioutnIilîtiîirr iii he gtieri fttiilreiit- îunmatiîî nm i iiî i iivîiljecu. t- r i tl- - eIi .i, g IpritýgAir lut4ac..'nor Amiti'.e îîîton ln >ikje( etiua, tt .i R>XIPHOCITI': t gayaffiragee to 111iitee t'îittii -tîi citti'.riie. i Fir.-t Plru ..... .. ......5$*, i i Second lrizo... ........ -..o-Ci The ii mnt.li itiui -iI r t-'iîl' t2oc lr ri.ruiiiin% ofTarTi rretng itlçarcni n lie to i ul :iIe, .tl reirtiii i, iii li i. ut5., iiie irboe Siatlg l ieli i~t-. Otire Mî-rîu iel t hi-ltnaii tîiiu ïli 1 v ni l'yu î~trr PRIDAV, JUNE 22nd, 1865. Trirà e JIagci wtll lie naîicouiiielil art xi oek. D Oi> yaru wauiltkerue or )M#Utel lt OuriCicriinputponiivil luer ihem 11v)-rr mnn tîth -lieauýtIi-et teura îrchuite, li ait >îlrii haurieI, ini ix Wesm Prie, $1.00- à pua-lairgeun fer $11M. Sonul y aili uuyvhere ioaaely aiet. rur(111rtcit ut prici. Atldrema WARN'Fil & c a&4 i' i x lIr. tBrooakllynu. N. Y. Waussz.t ii--'niiiee wiautn a fin.ea st rwliakerie, à em mite iîueiie.et or.aiiif&l lucaro#ii rair-ihai. wil i - reaed rthe iArd nsTHrus.rPa itAIIMAN uur enruther pai r ietrsppMr OLD EYES MADIE NEW. jo PAMiijF. r tilreting Iîutw t'a iie(.iily rns mj.aone mcalit 'ii tivea rp m.pceeIr ii, itlii o-tri-id etainetor ut rit rlirie-Seurt by mail,1 tou itreiuipt- rtfi uu- VaAuitrere. E. Bl F iOTE, M. D., 1 3 li.iIionîwiv, New Yor-k. IF YOU WANT TO HNOW., A LITTLE OiF EVFETIiV'4Nl relaiinu t-a tie iraniirrryet-.iii. maind ud t i.tia.'h escuios aiîutn retaati-tocf itest; Lte uuarrisga enetonru ut the ao IIl;1%lu-to bt'a iiimm-yenmud a ttrousnut dringsniait-c' lîiluiiiil Ictrre, reu il th esis4adi-10îl iirgai adi-amuirofitise orcear COaUMtO-4 ns" e niinuran I r iter!ir 3ua péiapti., cui t eg book for every one. atei-ibleuent res i-oe ny eddrma'. Bocke Masy t- dneettiîmt th .ia tnre, ni-tail l'exs,'ri hy mail., pot peniîî oun eceiipt o<tt i-e t,. Aid. 1130 tiroudwir.', lsYork. TUE COMPESIIIOItS ANDI gXe'-R. IENÇYE Of 'AN INVALI>. p PIq~hlE1.>tuethe lianefit, uni m,%et nM T-2ION TO VOTING MEN ad orlio, vir suager troin er ovocr-t Deirili-y, Preucattne Di. fAy ort lnauiuno(Ii, &i., sRIplytug ci-thi, canne urne Tffe lAateei Saei-Ccv». Byrruaviro higs cure-I hl'.it ler nu-rgigoiun ýieidin.- .im. goirug eoslderale qtcokiny 'Purpy 1 n p s t a e , ain g le o p eo M a ry l e u10 p t h 1iATIlUN 1 JLi, MuiY PAIR, &sq., Brookîpu, Rinp (»'. N. V I ~ -~ i 1100T SEE) SQW-ER AND Man .&Plaster DùtributOr BSRIBRRRSOIAIH frthé aliove Iite4 hb iriu r dusmru %iq.t'~cite artwt i othe aria' it w oand ovenlY distri-1 bute all kinds of root soeds t ini aI'y :equixed propori onse t WIUat the sMme tim is4tribt-tte ~nu'r or p1aster, in any re-- 1 twi 1saw :r'd1YMbUttuiss 800ed wlal rn withowlra~ncaieer' plsaten. It w'i 1.& triuts it ltoitilry,-utpIerabhuneauyr Aut li n t a'hhaeauenotlironîgir tire 9viond. ït wil sow dorefle or shriaik-two nova on one st a tUme. Iiit e n e ore îiY tralusi labor, om e icrrS ii- t 14 tire mtii.i otrpete - ertimie if t a iut,~inde cf r e gtratext- Ot1z- LA BORSAFJNG INP'ENTION& Iet nitlrglt it ider pulhlilntie. Patent Itigiris or -couuntiem sn.l 1 vnhp tor- adi. Appileatione tt "ini-idiu tii 3AKE,$P.OL AYTON. Wtti l'yApn "tir 01 8a.5.14 Just Reie F Cooking. ParIer& Box STOVES 'T'ie erit-neriber wtiI cirini irc aet tucu tut-lie iaii'el tleiaign.isit- hay ea' are intI le Wlitley mir- 9e. H'Vî. i ,GROVtESTEEN & Go, PI1ANO0-FOR ITE Manufacturers, 499 IIROAl)V* AY, N ENV 'ORK. T7 atlter-cntior ofititi-'Pulican Inn ti Atrade, ti lnriti'd cr tarr-New Scale 7 OcntaecRosr t'cod Piano-Fortes! Wiuh for- volumne sud purty une ulrnva.3. 'ed by ecuy titlîcricioffereineai muareket. o'irey cotîtaini rIl Ltieurmoderr niruvretntit, FRLENCHZ GRAIND ACTJOMN JL4RP PEDAL, 4RONFPRME 07ENS87RUNG 4nti uzcl a insrumenrt beiug modceunden tire pmrsonaamyrpr-tioau ci X L .J. II. GROV YESTECiFiN, Who hsba huma praitIcsi expé nosnceou 'aven 30 yeers in thein manufactur-e, is Warranted inovery partiçular TIUE GROYESTEEN PlIANO-FORTE," Receircil t-lichighost acr'ir rcl t rentur ail othecrs aithcie Celelrateil Whene viee xiired instrumcrntnn trou, the bcd raakrs ut Li.nuio'u, Puia.Germa- ny, Phailadelphi*aI.ltimror-e, Boston and New York,;and iîmot thei- Amerîcazu fns<ulefor5 ôtcecasim yvearý,~ Go'Id & Silver Medals Frott bot-h uofrviich cen be sien et our wat'e-I'ootri. By tireintrodtiSion otitaprovctacaute malle la tili moreperfet A-PIANo-FOftTE! Andi hy .mamafatt-riig iergely, wtli £ atrictly cicxçh iyrini, anec abled t- ouffer thel.e-lngtrctmnrt-s t a pnieu which wili pruclîuile cornpatitiucr. No., 1, Serin QOctave, roupd corners, Rmeeou6dplain ceue, $275. No. 2, Surin Octave, ronunti corne rar No 3, Suveit octave, round carners, 'oewvod Louis ls Wyle, $2ti > 7 ERJM Nett Cair, in Ourrnc4Fuuicia Descriptive inonu - btatul e pareled tr.o x lnul for »eiivened t Mny Mili, -tu tirsFu.1 I onît urge on ahi tàairenetarUput ilulas lage a r-eenti arpipoelble, lnd Kiwoet àfuir trLl ;sionli ir duon beat ifavorl It WIl5I b à8t pro- SA8.MUEL lLL, -Proplstur whatby, >jr'i 25,l845. 1 Cenàuty u uunn '5lc-iy ieu ia ruoiW'it: I lie Ca> nt ofGene r-al Quarter Sassions tî fthe Poue'i, -i adCônity Court, l in bii'lfor te doury of Oitaniu,tWiri hIn ûMnlicr-the .Cont lôuiai, litc.gr îiihon TUESDÂY, JUNE l3th, 18635, ktthlien aeuu'f 12 u'ccluoo.i000 un of hicli idl Jnicaef ittlr lionei, -'oriiartc. onsttablea aur ail liotheri re r 'i'-lii itae natice, antd gavena thrîactres Ac.riigi>. NEVSuN G. IiEYXOLMS -r ii~e if . . f l'en C. N4,u144S. 1 If tlils is su, iili o IJrofit l'y it ?y aurd tirh.e i nJe itiptitqi- on, Pii ieut, iruilîii urtne tearlhe tneittnioit ut' PRIVATE DiSEANS .&t hiA i Oi urter-r, i'rrity yeL.t't expueintCiceia lî ienî tii cuirair«eiit ve.i, iaarry Pliint tinft. it eiritii cann Per,î,îoi* whoiiw1ml. ta incacitLiai' Douter (-eai i tqo vili theut ciodnt ccftrcavi4y iy~nMiimi are pîrainiet. citu-ii, sîrl -ii,.u. î,î-#'ranit scl, rer-rk itiirî clii or i et. (Iluon the i.4agiyiri îiig a- 'on 1lu ci le OiArLri'i *lr.iiiit2 tair e.Marird îIer-.rient 'a.eau witli nu1 -lii lirix I. ii niuea. 'inir 'areir e liiaver til iir niIoiairu reteriinica enra i ia'v i nnreliiate m-tfyii t b' c;1lyiligr tIle, l)eîtrn. lîr,Itc . tut-ýl 1i.>' f1ritr, s101Jcae VIii-. ciii fta-c' hàt îir JbiiO r i'uriosiiri, i. ci iainigaiiili t-e rîiitt îr. . Brooklln Drug Store. I)FAL i ie rît rniun'P it,îuiMeltir l'itam. 011eius ye '-trill îieilîi Horse k Caille Medv e 1ala yà on 4wiadô DA y PS C:I-COMMERCIAL COLLEGE' tFutrrnylry rt. Strattriu& l).yl# Kirrit Street, Toronîto, C. %V. FirmE dor Bad*of IIeaLqan Bookc Ruera. P UMI»X ltMU. vili tutulifniingai- e tlit e neti'ie'itii 01 tireliumnînacoa iîoiariiu- diti of SortltnAnniriri- yonng mrenupreiccraýl for fie , îrrimndtra, ni iiicutilirilt uirai nnl tor n erali >ýjj.- -Tire curr of 1it Iuu..rrrrIomr anaur's »Mere-su'e ik....Iý«th 1te ituul.a,> ofeu itzlhp, Tgle pri . StaffofTeaohers and lActurers , in. DY, luesîracteur lu ahereSeiae of Ac- ocrantse. Coariereal Cslaulaisti', , ar. <'unar- Cunl COa'neep.ctrdaurce ad letturer un 110r1. ies.u t ator U. ÏLi4VAN,M.A., Ilerliten, lcu air. B914,HTi a i1îaaiImettntn Mnl.. trieal Tileorurpin oripar'aUe, Tronto, 1e .4riîticr litr Teia*urpy. M rrWc. 'j I >N rutnctor lisiioblci. eitrerees. M 1P. A1 Vhamucel t4birrin r e'rrrang u thre ufvuwInx qulinrtri-e-v.tH. J. "titreL, iAùx. Marr-s i!sq., -4t Muiftt, Mmarar & Co.. AtLbJl aer w fut MeMatrr r u tn. George Mieti*ù &rA.; l>aVW l uci.au, 1'l., BrrUanifr.nity ; J ial. Pomr4uuner: . k14c,r, Y.jofrtiniand & Ile bdan Cro6k lkirnrimir, DC"I'., Torno; Ion.-, bain Bu- ehr.niuu, M.V'.P ; iL.jusara, Eoq. ; Arllr wli. !!aq., Ji.esuulleun ; In, Bet, Ei.q., Ionreat- W. Traz e iawnt kt; ev. blt.Gnauan, X1%i- lingloun Sî1Rqtare-a, liarmai ot Couty Briard tif Purblic Illucurrntorn. Raltin, Fnictieal AI"e) etuant, Turc nne, N. 1.-Ail partits hold'inig Atyrirtioing Serip, ..igirautlty IBryanrt, tlotue-t* CO.or liryiat. StattorA ;tp. cueitas*IVraed by ,lra tF. De , rru beraby fiutence4,xJrttim ano w iii bcre&*t ed VWtbe W40" OPud. Akxikjl stedellitie oli.gur naai.. isignedlsud eoiuatNsigurrd 1'-iie saccu nm eui sd wlsigtir t ooumpiete or reiie train ccrgi oft indies witin M. Daly, arne nutifleti Liatthey çnn do8o lit tsa lime Ir"ul ni 7e - 1 JAMES 0, DAY. SRINýG IPOR-:TIO3S Cott*n t s' ý r A Jargeasscrtment.of Tw ees -lr!nté,~t tons, Mantleas, Sbawls, B.ibbons,- Ladies' Strqeo tsjES O,7 ALARGE, T9QK9HM.s -e, BOOTS, SHQEýS, THIE LARGEFST '& CHBAPEST STOCK'IN TOWI'. Grocries-.a large stock always on hanrd,, l4Ibs. of good CUurr anfts-tir 8$1 00. od Teas at 80 cents. M. U. COI1N,% rWbiýtbyj1 May 3, Irý65j' - 171 FLW ER SEEDB vie subsc.ribeir's colh',Ction ciftle abovi', jusi received, contains all the novelties of the season, imported from the best seed growers in FRANCE AND CERMANY,' ily Mr'. tiIey, th lb raedIlorticulturist of Motitreal, includirg - Asters, ail kinds, Globe Anxaranth.;', do CftIlic>psi-sX cdo, petuiafs', do. BýaIratns, ail kimads, Caleohria',do. Mtrigoldsà,',(le. U'oliuvlluS, 1o. Iberis's, do. Viarnationt", do. Stocks', do. C.,' ROBERT'Se ,Whitby,-April 1% 85-a rSrEEDSM AN. JuioI)(bed a comptete ,aà,,orIuc t f 0 LAdi&Wý Misses, Girls, an'd Chi1drem O', Bo fol. Simmerear. EveryUuhing that its new iii'the Shoe-le wl wUbè found at , WQ Old [ted'Stýre, at prices that wvill astonish btivyé.ýRsrIEM9MtÈER 'rERMS STI1CTLY CASH. 0nly on? rioe -J mm'Bàne To -Shoemakers. Orn lundred' sides of oupe.dior Spanish So0le Leather to hand, Number one quality New Styles of Lasta tri hand Machine Threadl, Zince anî Iromm Niailsý, and nill sorts of Shoe Findings, at..the OU)- RED STORE. « Er _Fir 0VF-1_e 'iref LIasre.-opee~d th, ( tgrravFc r D'SI AWXLe o î"IC of hï-ý htte Faetory, and opposite t>iç Townm Hall, Whtby,'where EXECUTE ALI- ORDERS- » y BE-ÇAOIEU -ý Wîî%~urrYt VÎT i i SPRIG IMOoLlATIOŽTNS, WhoIosaIe -Ïand Retai la Re-&J. c1t8PfELL, Be oanunce that they have ral xended their premises luaniiptono aeecoeae trade, e Xdh'vn ptrohaed tho buik of timeir, e9G0 01SIwlibu ecr aliIo e. e,' CASJIIluSORSUe ~bc~~t*o4, ~ eI ie heLarget Sctk ntmeOunt o f Oirtat'i4Q.e Theby' WOl Idkret seciali attention ic U teer D1RESSGD, prti1'y toi ai l'urge lo& of Chales and Delaricsa t Ildtse r y4rd1 clteitp at 25ts J Çaok & o'd uksi -Parasols t Poplins, ' Hoiery &Gloves, Shawls, nts&l4âts, -IF n dPit taget utcinlupoinr wl o'htr teto Oltsana Tweedsi' Linn,& ottoln Drilla Cotton Warp, Curtana & ppt of tihe oore tbamyrs. lREADYM-AD-EiCLOTHfi Ind n' dBoys' -'Ceats, Pants, aùàdi esti,'.made np'-on the po Cuttor, anud arll garn n ctu aradu to or4ç"î- pta- warratîiod. Tiacy havett opeined a GROCERY ý&,PROVISIONS1RE djoinng hcre ~i11 bhoi.' bua i chcîe selectîca pf Tou, Suggre, Ham and Bacon, oaê* &Corn Meoal, Glassware,- Table Cutlery. Aida large tielection of Gardeur aund Fieldi Soeds, Salt ahti Plas'! tdri-&p. , theUic lwcst prit-il. Or îir The attention of Coutrîy Merchiîts ,ind t'cdlutrs is reqnE!Èted, as tluoy can ailwitys tiiid 8alrge.moltineliftart t4-muet rfota. IL -& .J. C A M P IE,-1jL EL LN G OFF AT Q1U -ElICEL _1Ies bs ribi lias detetineiid upoui-sùi-ý inge the balance of his stock cf Croceries, Wine 's # Liquors, 4't$rvh4 aegenuir'e rtcle, t r ty Reduceti prices, toapueke room for Spî'ing iniportatioéîs, lie lsotaks ti~ pportinnity ofrretuuî- in. is' sinicere thaiuks to, lis frioîîds for thoit' libvrraiputl atroage hesto*eéd ucçmi -hinj, îàtr hopes to have àl furthet cortinualuce ôf the 8amo -- JO hN FARQIJL{XýRSq)Ns Etc kt lit n o>ii c HÂWS ~~ CA~IGE Wo&, tA.Pb,-',YnT 4jrocker's Ilotel (LAtTE PLATT'1, ) 1 NRELSOY SIRE7 !VORONI 0 ý b. 1 '15- - 1 Whitbyo April 19, 1865-. [W tby, Feb. j ÂME$ B AI yFhitby, Apn'il 12) 1865 l"i Notioe to o hut* b.B R .E ueder4dhvfn reaentUy ineented u a Ih in e r w o r 1 u tte r fo r , w i l ir é s o i c tl t he e t t m n t i 6r l o f a i ,l ý o e I trade. Haclaims for le the miarn ý; other pruçisavo» n e in 1r l the lunc eôrdsired Obleu 0t orroc iii tire dlfferuut color n totuone ~nru oo!or; benigbmng. ilk and tpi 1 ie xir r aoe ut1yqa butter now brougit u rrktt 1 h "ïn ",' è t o t ir e -Ia tan e r , i t la n o l ei ' e s e f ir I th I toà tire Inereirsotnu; they eMau wor bat~a thnr rufromone iu frtyprus ti ,1, 1se ihort sAýo cf lie, 1 ud r.riik e exlstundar Its operatio.- lu tir btter. It wjli alio mari t tnýo rair fnlb clatise; For reîwo-4r p~f utr nier enu bu eeul ludne» 4el yestion. et tire tore bt'Kr. Lewislih wik, Wiltby 'Wlaiere onders wiJfbe ncisjan tiodà piomptly pb t -i nrdm r9i rede and me t lu any p a u t liaie pro--ap. rie ow 10 suit th .liut -JOHN eEA'W, Tjiii Foi'tmanuifcturer, wARty, on10, 85. KTmY .W .Jos.,FllLERiii onde f lauo-ore anictirarmrta aru tl'um Rto OUS69, tid WIHTtWo, îianrrrrr t' eao t ir uotn au a bearra t a' : 4$ theu Pruývaiel E1 Ib9itIon iila inlurLurrde ont 4 to 27 Septaruben, 1861, t.h fiat pnize, ws awarded toJu prF. larortire arapeniorr qaality uo r isM A 'Pîno FurrW, hj9iu i r e teu t- d lu regar kl tu Zbew h e , E iti' aqra rr v r fortheueeiorpgi o fi ii uainstrurilit. lit &lrotok*thé fit prlzes ttire Pruvincal Pairs Inl8b8 înd l8iq. ýýýT 1à ire Pl air e. ;. F . . R aiae n v re p aced lu th~ - lig hrcatci.srnsand a d !pio la waarced tireur M r- Rairaer m nur e li Fs w l k àowar tu tihe Carnadien Publie as cPiar.-rîîautetuurer,en1î wiaciîireiastirm artn rr a stl rarnp -d. '. *W In lu rdoriarg, picese ,.tete tue nunibir o Piano waited. JOSF . RAlNEI. Wiîitby. th'î.. V1 tira MR il V. % lA ! avlnghecuîna iipropie- arr ft tie abore, viii hava iteenr rrr rmiînder lbe aîperirrtenloruof oa*r. balaieras Foron BROWN & PÂTTERSONS1 A à- lei uturaI W orkst ATT 9 ( OLD W IIITBY FOU N DRY, BImgýCK I~ ivuruny M-tuil5,oturer.. raii deala urs11 ilkiruis of AGRJCULTLTRAL EPZfEN2, THIISIIIG MACHINES - ombtid Reapera tnd Moweriri Four diSurerît kiaii ut'o STRAW AND FEED CUTTERS, GIÂNT GRAIN( CU-UMtUER, &ookh, Amérlcu & tCnadiah liouhs, u f vîîniern irrce u d t§t 16 ; Steel PlOWS and Steol t'ofnt8, IM T W G PL O WS,~ SEED ANI)TURNIP DUILTT. j COCIIRA le M

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