Whitby Chronicle, 13 Jul 1865, p. 2

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ud -iir d frepi tsatreets.* tuaber n bocuses andi Lotà,- r-cs-di l'ta1 bsi t o sf. 9.Relates te cillen only. Sec. 842. Nov suis-èttIn . reTfitlng tô Coccîtîieà ul' fer aatessiug sutdcltarg- lag agalist AMYt outimunlclpatity. iy aum of mnsey tissu May bliencacsss.y te 1epair su>y s-eut vthîn suais local-mtuici- lily, vhIsîcilocal muoiclpality bas negieci-ý et! te repair or mintain, fer the spâas cf titre. tmonthe, muid aise fur repairhng andt maîulshnlng tic saine, Your a moettee liii te Seo tise justice cf se Ckitn t>' Couocil ulteumtnlug whicit meade, 1 1s a local munichpIilty, uliat muni-1 clpsltj isle terepsir, aut! tuintih. lu thîs case a Ceunt>' Counaili ocîti have te piower te les-y a tam ou a lccal i sbniclpaii- fi, for e workltaItn aïcrity cf tise local .munhialplity de net desire. Thé' Cuty Vounci tisai ortera te work, anti croates the cents,. uold net lie tirectly rscpons- ble le tise local municipehity-% ibat votait have te taxes Le psy. At most, the le. cal mîuicipaly veilti hava but tvre, anti possibi>' but eue, repensible represenla- tive hinte Ceutrty Coîisil, wIile te r. uiairing memsisr of lihe Cetit> Couusail repreietu otiier Teawniips. If tire dcimi- set!improveotant, fa of huspqntausce te riic local iufficailiuty. tisa corporatin viii have the wouk. "donse vtlout thse in. terference th ulaC'bunaly Iouncil. Wiii if tise rec'isl- a Icatliîg couîly rmatit, but af ne parlîctîlar ixportancc te tisa Town- hlp, titan the ctlnty ahoasît db tisawo-rk, sud fnt force tise ccii oon tise local corpors tien. Tut, verds 'le repair ant! malitiin' a ronad, admit aI a vcry wit!eintt(mrctaticti A rend is being conisiiualiy, reptidututi ol If lem de a gondt graveI, or mttcadtmmlst-t rond. Lotu ts tae.the Tôaaislip of Re"d fbr an l'at.i.. he tiru eslcriit fs-ctefrei on t criste south, thisobgiott t ITovnsip, ai-e fais- renseanti enswe lte wrasts of thea iialsîbtant.s te &a fir tic- grec, Stihi t-y ara net stîtUcienui> god', for thea 'owsî,hips it resu. Sacst, Brakq ant iTisrais, tors-cdia dinsit mai ket. One ycas- centre Brock, vus c0ntjinitv cf Jea council, gasys te Itea,.it--" Yîur centre s-catilaeli but!repais-, yoiî ustitt itt. ps-ove it, a ndt tiel p jeu te do gs e wati Ceuni>' Ceuancil vil! asauesjeu. $,0li Tisa fe)iiowing yens- Eut Bock. fOndesSim. cee Streauts'ery mutuliout, cf-- repsir, anid tîtreugha e-coînliinsulota lu tia o ults- Cotnnail. eseesees houais for anitîer $2',.9 000. Th'ie ihiril year West Break, ni Scett do tise carne ing foi- the Bin-c rond, thitimd-R-'cch. In tiis casa Renais will b li tirondealsnmh--i- ovoexpoissa fue biteiaîtt ftise (îounty, Thisihuit. irnîlts "teis gueuler or le."s exlent, w-fl! Appîy te everv ' I'enslip ici Ontai-in.Pis- tailiy inlhe lProvince Ilieomay lie oee or twe içevnalîps-toc blini!tl tiseir iswei huleet, as net tii make aveni nei'auy mu' pairs but, bû force cre or two local ntani- CIpslieR tai le esen j uKtice, te ttisetn"cIre. Ibis sectionsla in aing tee guet a power1 Ir te is or ài1eCeutt v Cotaneil, ai wcaîion fit couldactai seet! very harshniu' agiinît the intîesltt cof local istnlipàli- « tien. YVeisu ý-mnitte lhîrcfnre, hope, tisai ihis stction wil le exputtgcd. Trio seina section pritridcq fismrantîginig viuh ad!lcinlug eî,tuîtiee fer improsing cotitty hEs. Thiis tà a uaîcisdoshuet! atn'nnt. Sec. 843- Addtihnci poverxtot Town. aÏ-is for gr;uting moue>' for cuttîug dcvn sut! retstsirîg Trees aljo;iiing read amusa- acecs ; for pîclsinî fret Gos-cmomert ceuporatinins or purreso, wet In«-;, sud te bors-ev sescy for (bat purpoeo, andtut thuathisait I*n'l%, anti dispese oftae pre. Party au, certain priczéi, of arigitîsi cnest, an-d "xpce c driining tfie saie ; for ma- tiue Ingalnue labur taxi agnint &t Vil. lu gving ut Toîw-nshiîp Ceotusil tic Puver te- paresaso wet landiciuich pumpose cf ti-ainiig îLe sait ied tlhon m.lihng ttlise eitlnde, gi-calratie asutla be laiton in carlly g;smduug. gainstt abusesz, -sud-peauuituhone w-briaiscouilalUc carrici tiiroqtider tisese s;ect-onsç. See. 62. ' eandl DopttyReives te heex-ctllclo Jueiee of thse Pf'unerothse vhclc Coint>'. Ot Se3. tjistyitasicea ntctte have luu'siction icicases of eflences ilu-tue cty. Secs. 878. 874. 402 Ita teaitasq St". 414. Townaships ia s>'ctabhuisîs Lock-sp lic,sesC- S Sec. 41î. Ever>' Coutiîtv, Cil>' anti1 Townt scpareuilsg rot sa(eunty. shai! within tw-o yeaus gîter tsepaeiing cf sait Bill, e*talilli s liuse of lndi»try. an-i a Hetise cf refusge, aid mttalu tise gainé. Sîsouul ttc population cf taro atjninilsg ceonîlen net exceeti 2501~0, enly one Heuîec afInluisîr>'noeet!bcoprovitet!. bult tî cllînu cf sait! couties ce;itaun fai greater1 i'epuialion titan 25000, et. if sait! coanties Tisese de y e are novl putsotdvse have erganîmeti sWew municipal bodiytise Ce- ont>' Coîucll) qute quai tothho.e sdtitA. cuti tîties. Tite Statut. law makhng evesry etbes- of a county cenrcil ans mx- efficia justice cf tise Pesos, tisey are by thes iig4iseantitoriig et thse land pitoed as eqesie.-, to appoliîtesl Kgl*tatee;, undcr a comission. Iu addition te tise tummisens or tise ceuni>' cotancliSeing Magltrates, - tise>' ciao b.ing -espinsibe tf iSerqdop- stiuenta, evets If mli.>'brougit, ne nmore lutelllgenco te the auduiiug c1 tlse ae c- cauntis, vottlsiahat biritsg marc Inter- cal te bear in tihe pruteozlen et tise county fiudx. Tise cotant>' cou.ocil havifig ta pr- vide tise toomyg, le psy tisse asimn- -jusqtice cailms it dama appeer soaonsible, chat thevy i'soult bave tise audit cf tose citis If 't la feai,àst b>' thse, whas acetili areta' hoa uiiaed.that -4- ~ - a N~ew ?dvertlséents - tlls' DaR!# Mevt Groey sut! ProvIson -Stoe.- L. Hna Oasis for Butter, -L. Bon*f. Cern ad Coru Meal, l'smhte lons. SpectlNoc.- Sisoep 1.;tten cm Siayd,-Samuel D&s. Stcre ai Manchester fer Sae.-Wnt. Steel- Inscivput ?4tice. -A. Bariter, Assiitnee. 13ol Whimlsy Io ôtbave. -Ohbeap Faee GRohion. Brck sr Sale. -K8 J. Campbiell. OflL! SI 53 OCEfTs  A Viltby. Thiursiay,__July 13,185 Imiportanat i aips vers. If tse exclamation f-", Save me Ire. my frieuda tl' ever ysî bati pointeti force or mnesuiug, i might Weil be uttcret! by Mr. John Hall Thetupsen, te Wardcu cf ibis couuty. lu bis cmee dis frieutis" play tbe Very unlciief wiib bis character for subpr enat sud hujs'igence. And tbey, <(te i' friands,'> glaringrly, Cas ail vugar peuple viii do cudar èucb cu!cum 41500e.) expose theîire ignorance. Iu fact ; te use à vulgar, but very applicable expression, tbcy malte a Ilbol7 show cf theoelvea,"-aud eof hlm toc. Tic Prince AIl crt peper cf lau veek comment. iug titonaen article in the puevicul week'i Ct4sNicttJ.-bOaded Ilmportant te Tsx. payera" undertalthe titennueccssary task cf excusing tbe Chairman of the Finance Committce. sud-ilh. volunitaryoneuf de- fcutirg ttc WardetiaPhavirtg catteet ie the roasening cf our logleal ceeiemporauy. .1Wheiî 5Mr. V" »reâsale btir ternaUs, b.teck Cam t popue qtt.t5 eieli r¶t-h" rIf uatutirs. m'Ar. *My urrs %0 snswrrunsi *5mppea *i the çhsîr'nuflthe l'issue Culc*ee vai au la perosttei tiÇhrss gircs. île saml ukd sa1te*ii. fuir.. hivreer. in poCure ihlen, th'se boguy rp bewîg mn the uShuce etie Coutty Tersant..; and m* i mi%% ore wevc'dclr. tir. Mmtrh saêrd îlsthe «ariten rave the chair "suait ,'tin, 10eslew hie, thee1 1lcr requed. iBut sus wrnald m ne eMr. t>.eY'. nds; he wiiu t.tîet gire the cesrnian oftthe Cm te.Mr. Carnpt>rU ,wvlv ton minutes, in ordre hi h ils tssts 5abouti Iv siwres. utacf. etio inairrialmoulittictheCeuir-it sdiu m nilt he Nov lit se happenet!" thai ,e4 a ingle vert! of compîsini or dusipragemeni sap powaued lutese collâmes against Mr. Camnp- bell (the chuirmait ef tbe Fineute'sccen, minles.) Mr. Campbelîl naeer16' mked a fev minutes to nueocure tae esaary papers" toe xplain bis fistacia e roert. But &fier issarin, teWsutleu' lame sud-se it bas ince tumcd ot-incorrect replies te Mr. Peruy's inunîies am te the tste cf te cautnty finances 80 satisfieti vasMr. Caimpblcli of the. necesai'y for an adjouru. ment tbsi k nctouatly voed fur hit 1The Yeue for d1lournmeui vers Mesrs. Perry, Rowe., Nsecn,s Kennedy, Nellis, MeCreigst, Haighlt, AKPOUEL, (Wbuîby, Dyda Guy, snd Aou'ta.-Tite reaofer thse sti PerrY, t/&4t the Wizrdsism atin t«4a g noramu as to e àdate c Aeo tst $ss»aasce; asd because titeru vas no:asile fsct4>ry inormtaion upesi tbe sabjeet- bofore the îCeuneil. -Wiess ihe Couacil .ei agelu ou thse 20th cf June, teen dsys afiter-P varda tuer. vu afrtber information before the Connoil; thse Warde i.nte inieui-m baving tiposteti" imetIlf. Aud nti itt va it 1 The Warden, a i eegulp swalloved tise étaiements made by bitenW day4 pro- vionaiy, andti admlîted the rretnm of 'the ligures addmced by M.Ferry in every cingle peuticistar. Tii. dragging lu of Mr. Caimpbeii'a namin lute matter is- altogetiter s gratiteut &*$uni ptien ou ibm pari of tise eiter eoftthe Observer, «a fistce ef offictenaneas fer wviticuuat geouite. sa l viiscarcely ibaulehlmo, W.irden fortuher on ila 4quetleg fkoS> th iito gotc*>Vain they imi. vi.trop- porided .report cf th@ Finance andas ""ant commitee) e ,tIjevr aasesing ithe coay ive boffand "lare in emo f té tiseasates owaswr.-"Thl. wu-*ate,Ïei L d MT t*$ îh.yver 'asesoes haceetytvathouemsd dollmes in exceem of theestmae. u qnaconirtee Cut dvu a liiïuteV or the items ts the, Treaurrls e'inu,s te te i.xtentof»«» *M - 4 leAt lam"A fte fae ofIbo lie ra m&.W nolt alni 3 Why ber. l. tbeir vole eue sdustted. The. $9QO '-cudemin," id i t6e$IÏ'O@- U.nolwS make up prolaely thi.e vrmiii maie opietd f ln thq4sevoa The Observt.-r-m&n -muai, lu very sleepy, trery einpid, or sctaiîhiug eI,, fi.. he eAtiompla te arirue aftar ibis faoila-. Ag ( quting fi*nm tba ÇERosoS.L,i Inu vain vas i ho «n th*%, the Warden sotd for,91J pur en t, Oe006à> 4ltnv vIilch slsuld have brotsgh 96 par pont, and for vhick hiiiadmitited h7iva im ord bl nd îVskilI oLçtuqviug botter. Bei the.ouutty hrA C'bd te pay 'the piper for lis biondrngperformantce - à*14h.1itu e*zIelb"onsB of thse abupe re gsecb.beati tts y dia net r.Perry - ýtttisa96 otered im s fcý ithe eenin " Mr. Ferry vas net consulteti otie ceutîay, tic Wrdeu tdienoly evoldet m&H intercoole" viis bimý ni tbe etibject -MrlLtadi . Mm Perry valst athe tîme -chirmmn c? ils-i Finance Committeu. Thseapiaiîataen cf Ibo mis- t^e tif thune vitevotet! tg hast titeir evu reporttisbreugh blind I gnorance, é ont But ho adds -"Titere esly csim i'n titis matter is tisai iiey madcea mistake." We gaila no mors,' suad inataîing tisai they dit! se lu ignorance ve were net mis. taken. If Our contemporary venis thoe genile- mens' "cricaet" ttcert!6 l,§Li,) belt!op se publico vev let lti but andentafre tIser -defence -eut! ve-amidi acosumuodate hlm. lu tisa meantite, - perbapa uerbtsnsi t,,t Bi.i.-Tbe bilt of Mr. MeKellar te amont! the muniapalav le e measure that abeulti commant! the choest attention of eveuy Corporation 'ln tLe country. Muait mers important andi practicaaly beneficiti la i, Use efficient verking cf our municiipal lavi titan ai tise useerising and! fine spoeiuh. mmking of treubleteme peliiait.. Tic mn visepracticshly underast ute vous iug cf our municipal instiu'mtiens' aie thoy vho sicuit! nov cerne fouvarti andi gis-e lte couinty thie betsefit cf teir experience iy uggtirg suai ameudusents anti aternalos se ticheprtsent lmv as uhey censider ativiabla, sud by poiuting cut sncb defacus sas uquire to, ho mniciet. To ibis gocti verk vo are picamat te sy- titrongis the exentieus cf M. Ferry -the Cuunty Counesil have lent tleielves. At ibe lautsession ibe Ielouiug mesolui in.. 1 'Mu. Pers-y, "osidà !by Mur. Brabaxe, movedth iaitishe Chairmas, Mn. Ferry, ci mie select aommiutee to a vist vs efemuet! tise propeset amontimeuts to the, Asses- ment sut! Municipal Lave eofUpper Cane- das, t and lais ucelty mtiorizedt! t ea- the report cf te aîit!cammitue nov under cusiteration printet! antid itribntcd ta tite miner munacipaitles, and be requestedti t report te thse isairinals sucb ameudmaente as ttcy May tinik advisaisie, on os- iers t finit dey cf Auguatoemib ta i at!select coumhltee viii b heWar!eus uit! Clerit cf titis eorperatio e muse crepor ts cf tise miner maicipaltuies, andtinciuameasuch ameadmenti as may lue uggesued (vbiab in uder opinionuasuc ssiable> lu tise re- pent cf îLe malt select cemmitee, ean t at sait! report soabe checneltlreJ tereporé cf tbie cotporatuhe nd tbat M eWrtiti lit anut! laberebyathised tat!te icct!asu buvriard Patitions te bots branchses of-tise Legisiature,- ps-yiiig fer asWt!asisunents, andt4 hateh.abarman0(cfidmalt eect ce.- mitce. bave sali report ai fmllly vevieetii ant atiopte pteph sud o a coyy tises-et f«tes-asdt th e otier corporations. of Upper Caa tsequseetngthem oncen'r rueea tàneiudy '-,. luta accom4si p ith daim reolutien Mu. Perry bas Wa lUt.report vtiais appears lu tbmie Clcina piatai,ant! cpies viii bu at once diesibute4 sngs -i-h*meraI aui- eipitiieâoet Iboe ceutt. Action shet est etnce be taiseab>'tisese nunicip&iitiee eand ise rporte reicmncti te M. Penny wvuS sneý annesdmeni. ibai ima auggomt îbemelv.i ta t e0 sevenal municipal cousueiha. As parlismeut hisexpctmed to, tout emmyIn'l Auguis t a utise report vilibave toe b piet sas inaliy rerised no tdune aoibet lest. Wê give i the beeit -cf tie çircal. atLÎnoUf the CRESeIcus ai a documentsitibai sbonîti be.teàt! ly aen> ymans (ant!Whvitel ne10 t,)inestei the mverkiug of our municipal itys. Tise 6"TweIfis" i Bucoitilu. Tb iseerel Or"egoLodtes in Scou Ontsrtp .elebrated Ibo Telt"ii lent ni Brooklo Ils ie Loe O4preut v*reth DMa Dffs Crueek, B»eiia, «rouit- eood,, Whitby, Oebawa, Ashbmw, Golem. but and Brookll;,-muetrIvg,_liogeuher about 600 =en. oba We4aEq' thie Çonn u4Mter, aitqd y ou t.v theii otbe Ledges, bh cb polmon, vIlcb niarcbedthbrengli the.principal etreets cf the. village ta *oeaet amsie played by thse Whlîby, Ercollin,* sud Oshawa 1 aads. After dinuer the. varieus Led. gs re-formed and inacbed te Mr. Frait .1.'. Orove sdjiiug tbeii. id ago viiers a conve*ient plitforoe wuerectut. Âddreesés vere dellvered by Dr. NoUue, Bey, M. Cokbaù4 Mr. &da»iiai etbers, and by tii. Cetmty mauter, Mr. Weir, sand yuLh tiree roue t keaiers ferrithe Qosen tbe.preceediega wereebreugiiîte a*coue. Tise DettoL5Cem~mat1eu. at!titieuai aSeemeudetion te tise publie cf ten talents, tact ud utcemIk -peineidkltm asa echer. Under tise vork4lngoe our prumtsimua, - icipal ssent tlReaves," viso iappen te becoe»eh by t.e tersa *ietnt, bave aprougt ON llui; uibmacin5't t le tis fertile coutiy. In Ours-mualelpa, as !IR oter moenieaisue-sase lavariably ivus eue sida; Mr. B. ai uhe otbmr. Bluter MEr. A. or Mr. B. ulgis make s pumsble, "lIce." Bui suah i t ateir ihstity lowards eccli cbe tisai tise forcisu a -elteait!. vii comine-Ms-, A. to pro,, vet Mm. . u ointj tt peuitieus, aet! Mr. B. tu prevest a tnupison itu b,patt of TMr. A.; sud ts>ey eot M1r C., s ne. body', visedees net kuev R. fs-osa s isia' foot. And se tise rusal i t ttLipemsani, pte is tisai'tise mui&cipalty snd -ibmë ceuni'is bundened vusith hprewneiofe Uchance" corlucempetet ts'proantati're. ibeald WIih*redýso setu tien of dîmilectly lus il people, Thaun hovu any o ln the. couciy of Ontario, misrepremenied, sas my-i v. regret tesy, novr e. tatement, vu give fato. a insae te ipreceedibmp s of cf tecoeenty onnal iépeal teu JbB people m their reeves, i wal 1>. îiiu the elec. 1 mes; uie ushutet!a es! aurpise-nel te mucZetihp,,ersie-onally (fou te baud entici Patet th vi mplure), Suit in thte sauner te bat! alce othalnigbt. lRe knew -e"eu eue ins titat sec. a fr (ient!, sud Lewu ustiafie o te ueurthait tie uneber cfhils frienda bat net dimniheti, uses- iir cor- tiiality tovedubits,1or li towands miemt, As îeanythiagt!h etttise "ride of lise Atlatic, bu abouit! t happy, lu the loug coaversatious wblit e b opet! ta bave vida seul0e lie fidee re ha laitsfor Quebe tegive a &Wteilet!accouai. Thora vas sene resacu. in tise puisent atatofethîev Irias mmd, visy bc abouit &airesalaW coeetrytet uîiifhl a . batlteste. Be vas ou goig te taIS busskum. 1* va s rt!uty toa s>' soettiag, autIbe aidti k far- [fflay îs"ho bat!d oe,el eatiowct»t. lis souecli ai- Wexl crut,visai Le di& inl efuen tio-.riluuuen t lui ait usaipi. IRe til i deliliewllZà ast tisugbt a l'utle plain ~speaking vu nuvur more cemaod. Hie fen I ~cecnts-Mea fultl ab otcions. t rie ns dtiet vraite atismutrous Bis tenM' anti 4 Yorkcocele t te disagres. aSIe pardions or them tifeofy Irias Tise ~ers. T Thtsuv e*i ofOfor enene 1 jý 1v .1 e vido ai. a Kecerding to tLe Leader tise Detroi ocuvenlloff la ilkely tu prove a >tszý9; W. regret it muais. While dcimig 4 tise course adoptc4 isy4eTo'roto Board of -Traêvcrqurmma word V comment. Wist hmv itey doue te eaure tbhe eus et tise,:convection-?. NaIl« .thsey authie fýsi step te, meure tih e pm,. ration cf tbm doiegate of lise snrroanning localities? N6tA!bit-of-ilt. The%1 $legate appointe& d,, îo-4emfttts chnDtfP ni serrendlesildtevec taly6blged, te oistahu admission tireegt uit. Cobsourg Boart!1f Tuade. ad vite arc tbe Te- ronte Board of Tnét?*il higbly os- spectable gentemen, u iwbubt. .But vu certaiuly Misa uhe names of auch mau a -Rowland! Bau r, F. C. Caspreol, 'and cîburs vitc bave made s special- ty cfibe meut luhortati subjecta te te breugisi ters ibm Conventions No vouder àa4"fiai ont" le antiiitet, MISS CÂaR<iLL'O SC900Ol«EZOt5tlO.-. Wer. Misa Oarroiie ahoot exhi»uiin mure fraqueut, the people cf Whitby wouit! te ohtuer favoredtfi tif ome althe mosi piessing btoistonie trente vu ctuit vuiht te ejy. Ttat ou Tnesdal cveniuug, st tLe Mechanica' Hall, was lu evrj rel- peci admr*ble; iandi va ver. ory>,muais pîcageti t eu aceeolarge, respectable &nd appreciative an audience preseut. The bal vas wel filteti, eundmachs teste displsyed lu the tewortiouà mnt lluing op., Ttc opèuing giue by thse viol e scisol, preseutet! a meut pietaing talmlat. Tii. Thse fort! ciltuen vbe sppeared tapon tbe pimifoun -ne thé sage ve sitoult! bave aid-t!ressed sa prettily, M îbey voe, w ers s really splendid, If ' ct s mignîli. cent sqigt ; but neat andti utefuti, mut in evey iespect iî. kcepimig vitit tiechcitcer of scisool chidren vitisi. The cbilitron acquittet! theumcvea rrntarkably veil. Fronsthmie nurser-y mytes of "Little Rcd Riding Heod"-dov a tebuo. scialaiof "4Loaitiel'a Warning!'-and tirough tise te. icarals of-.,MMirame la Norvl"-and' tic petIte ceties of "Mrs. Partugton's tea pary"-ailwv at tadmipable. The sang sat! recitais by idsa Jenny Lavter, Misa «curie, Miss Msaggit Esu, Ms Fogarly, Miss Black, Miss Ada Rmy, Miss Frances Reynolds, Misn Clair. Mies Deake, ant! ctera visse usm e eregret vu canuot nov rensumbur, vsre net aloee pisaaingiy executet!, but dispiajet a talent anti a»aptitude vIsicis as occa rpnlst! sud deligbie.t t¶e audience. Master ,Is.k aut! Mater J11. Lactier, tise uv Maters Woifendeut, Mamter Tommy Fason, -st tise otier itile beys exhîbitt! a dorc5 net cf precoeity, but cf eviduntly carefulI trainngsnlu ieirs- iagiug pérfeuseana? aI the. -Frog" .-"Tiie Contsy Bempiin," Ac., trnly sston6iig. Tise dispiay a&t in, at wu oeeof vih bLlas Ceuro4lbas elgiass om Lverpoel ou tise aflerneon, of tise29t unit. aud LondbsdeucY on tise st arividet ai Iis peint te.day da rctst e neya là quite meagre. London Ott<s»y$t tW.esabp- pyte sate tisaitie Britishs geverument are ke0ty usuri se te tise frîendly feeling nsalibleeelstentioUs cf thse American administration. The onipeuringe of a vir- lentu presu dtise privai. correupendeu.ce men wvie ievi'oferbaliice tWqr ju4g. ount gave ans eaggmrated aoloring id smn f ise cemmuuîcatos of et Pedt jýisn. monla cabinet, but vi hoe.asd belleve tk&aîubers h8a e ep set deteuminatîcu siot te 'permit auj aitumeary dilersunce cf opinion te cause auj rosi estraugement ',etween tise 5ve uonnries." Tise Liverpeol'btiadetufa umarket bas su upvard tendency. Flôu irmer aud Lolders demandutaiance. Wteaîbnoyaul aud adsanced i-t vo 2* pur coutai- Pic-via Xcla eognm-vew. A Mest einjoyabie rie-nic came ofF neye tise Ca ibolia cisurchi, 'Prcemsntcn, on Wesluesdaj lest, autvihutncarly a tioimaand people ittendet!. Tite arrangements vers coim- ~pete in evcry particular, sud gcnermi satisfaction preyaîeRed. Ainusexsents of evory description vers induiget! lu, inclut!. iug sîbletie sports cf jumping, ttroving théteatone, feettracing, bc., yhicit vcre !Iep p tilt eveniug, vissatise rou'd-dia. perset!.  Baud Ireu nd itsav vas lu attendance, vilci atided ts uaquota te the pleasumea of thc day. Rer. Mr. Braire, roielveftise guesta viltiat ourtcaj sud kinduese for visich te ir se remauhable, mund vas incessant lu bis attentioni te ell -The occasion vas, la cver7 -respect cee cf te mosi piea.ting witresseth uring a long taim.. Tii. refroieuts provideti, theugi luti net leaut, amuted-uoite a pic nie -psmsy,-bt te a splendid banquet. OCti Fra CapârY.-Tie momburi, cf tise Deluge Co ., No. 1, cf Itis tovu turnoît outinl force on Tuestey eveinq lbet viii englue anti bosansutexercised ' fer ebout sun heur on tic leasling streets, Break anti Dundas. The englue appeauot te verk butter tisan usuel, andt îrev a aires. oI more titan 12 fout aver tbe hoighit cf Mu. Luing'a Brickmse.. Ttc mcii tcckec nuat andt idy, anti thc got discipline dis playet by thons orgues favcuably boy veli tisey are fitteul for active t!uty on an emeuguuay. We trust anti be that the ulme le far distant vbun ibuir servilces vili bo- require ttu obru ughtlotoieactive requlitien ; but abeuliti arise vu bave every confidence in tise Wbitby Delage, Compansy, as ai premenu orgasised, tWa 'every mou viii do his dty."1 Fan.x. WsuiT.-MU. Aunant! cf Uxbritge bus viscaimaurlig ô (cmi 7J luches lu l e t i e . 1AssI-AL Or Me. MeGsc.-Ou Fuitay nigits lion. Mu McGee aïuied ins bonureal A number cf bis friulot met ut ait the station in, give hlm velcoe, asut esya. couipsukt iim tu bis rosidence viere bo deliveredtheb foiicviug repilyte a very Execution cf the C6ipirts i lirat.1 suratte Payne, 'Ateerott sud Harol d. Wsahhugîen, Julie 7.- h ie ondema. ci md cnspiratera seutenced, to 'le isanget ii to-day vers executeti. 1 - On the petiion cf Mary B. Snrratt W titrougit ber coannel, Meusr lken &kClam-. pitt, Judge Wylie cf the Saprenta Court tl of titis district directed an issue cf the «rit e cf habeas corpuis t oea. Hsucock -ceint manding hlm ta produce lu court et tenV *ccock tii moruing the body cf Mary E. i 8urraitî itbte cause sud day cf ber tde-2 t$stiea. The vrit va sgervoti on Gen. i Bs'ncock ai t e' - Mtrepoitaus Hotei s 8 te otcieck tbia.moruing by- United, States 8 Marital Goeding. He m mediately con. aulted yuti te AtWrney.Gencral aud tai Secretary cf War. c Ai 10:30 o'clock tise «enerai bat! net-a obeyedthettc vit. Tii. faci, vas brongitt A ta thse notice oI tic Court by ber Ceunsel,£ but thse jutigeoasitiie bl! cit te pover i le enforce the vril. 0 Early to.dsy guards ver. placet ail1 round the arseual groonda te prevcultice intrusion of persans a thie sceuie cf execu.b tien, noue being admitteti excepting tîLe. previously auppliet! yuL tickets by Major t «an. Esnecl. t The relatives of Mr@. Surrnt sud Barraidt! apeut several tours vitit tic. durlng tisen forenoomu, anti tic7 vr ou ia ttcnded by t tuer spiritual advisers, as worc aise Payne t anti A t ero t. I A few minutes mter 1 o'cioclc thae nter 1 prison door vas opencti, sud Mis. Surrat i i was supperted eoulher vay te ibm gallova b by tvo mUitîary ooeIcerý; uext folio"d a Aterict, Haxelt!d ndPyne accompaniet! B by a guerd anti their respective minises e of the gospel. Seau vwers providet! forus thein on, tic platform in tic follovine order, Mms. Surriat, Payue, BSaroît! aud il Aizerott. rihe ofictrs cututisteti vith iuet. execution sud the. ministers occupiet! Interý mediato positions. t Majbr Gen. ilsutouif visebas been fromà tic commencement in ciebrge of tic prison. Il crs, came fortvardLaut! readthetic rder of tse War Oepsuimeut, alrest!y publsaiset, appro. ving tic sentences sud ordering tic penslty1 cf deati to 0b. luflictet!. A besvi guardb viii st:îtioncd en the val aurroundhug tiecsi greunti whlo belcv scldis'rs verts formet!81 ou twe aides cf a suare. Ticre vere ' scirerai iundred civilias pressait, auxionua speetaîtùs cf lte solomain due. One cf!i tic preiesss ttcudiug on Mus. Surueit ro. peatet! e about prayer, teaviticit Payne,t w v vseaiet! next te issu, etteîttivsly liseurd. The minieter viso bat! been et! mit isteuiug te Pane, expuemsut! in thec naintecf litelatter bis- 'incero thanis te Gen. Esruf anti the ofoecersansut soldiera whýi bat! chargc of hlm for tbeir porsoual kinducu-tbey hau& nei ciiereti anu nkihd word, nr glien anutampleasanitecok or ges ture, bntsemcd te compassicuate bis mie fortune. Tic utinister tisea utterod a brief prayer, asking fer Payne tise Ioegivenmu o f ail Lis inisut!d a passage oct -of' thurwoeuti iitc tic jova cf iteaven. Tise miaisuervite atteudet! Usucît! alaie returneti thaniça for the kîud trentiment oet tse pi fseuerf sud viffered a prayer beseecbing ibat «cd voul6 reccive bis seul. fiareld vws. affectiedt!t tears. Tii. min loir vie atteudet! Aizeroti aise re!trnet!tba*tl -fourhl 'ta eu.s Ilartanifsut! ethser omeiers, for Iitiid atten. tileus, mut!then invokedth ie nteucy ef «cd upen thse prisouer. Tic condemnea wiereten requiredt!at risc fron t dr seals, viiets thse>-chairs ver remuoveti. Tiey vers nov ail on ithe draps, uiseir bands versýfasetened .beiin t ti, , anti tieir _le a banâed i tbelov -snd ever tissir iscade. Atzerott, ---ile being propsuetl, for tise execticu,, exclimoti f 6t (lenilemen, fareveli I laite cars,sud geet! bye." Gentlemten unovbefrs me," e ue of ilte clergymen stand!ing neari- exls;mcd 6'toay -vo ail meetinlutihe etier wvend" As seen as lhe noe. vp pla.ied suosiAt eMshuneck, Mrs. $urratt beig thei.êtone a4juïted, tise Section cf the. pisîforu on vbicb ttey -bat! beeu standing suddeuly 1.11 sud thi.enImptits veis itatîghng, several feet fronthtie grutssd. Mus. Barrat anSe Payne marceiy mevet! a mucle. Atzcrott extý 1-lbia aime t vitcliitigbut EHaroiti sisov,. The Atlantic TelegrUpb-ThO Tarif.-' Tii viol îvnt.theebOudret mileu of tise Ailsetto tei.gi'apiicâble vasen. board th*s «ros. Estern, .sad as soc. the balane ef tie aying cti macbfnery was. putnip, the. eiegra ph fleet venld mil boms 'valfttia, snd k vas bopea before ter departure fronstValenti a t a à Unit- cd States goverament steamer would jeta them. The veasele *111 probabiy les,. l'alentis on thte lOtit of Juily and arrive at Heart'a Content,- Trliiy Bay, about thse 24th July. Tii. direclora of tii.- compny have decided on a the. fdloi'hîg1 uniforin taruf beiweenu ail points ef the United lStes sud British- NorthAmerica te «rosit Britain 1s.£20 sterling 16?26 verdicrisee, and £1 for each additions! vord ; te the. continent of Europ%, M21for 20 vorda, and £1 le fer escis additions! ivold' te Asia and Africa, £25 for 20o wards, sud £1 5e for escit additioual verd. Tite address, date sud segnsture are ail te be îouuted snd cigîtd for 1inthe message. Messages for places ilu &ani sd Afrkw, te wh!cb thte telegrapli dois net etten<1 i iil be forwsrded by the lirai mail, postage faid. Messages in cypiter viii bo cbatged double thes. rates. Thte directors are convinced- titat uniesa tii. charge hîgi' prices ai lirai there vili be suait au accumulation of busi. neess tbat great delay will arise in thse trausmistien cf messages, 'but they iterid le put dewu sscw cae s a st as possible, sud -tien- reduce the. pricea. The câble wiii b. opened for business as soon -trier t is laid as possible, aneti almesarSÈOOIuli be- forwarded ini the order ii, viicb tiey irereeeived a iîleart's Contentaud Tînity Basy. The uew sîecli o!ôt tc Atlantic Te- egrapit Co. slnluLondon et n preums, and oit! £1.000 sharea ai £560. On the 2t o f Jtise shsarebol"ar in the Telegrsph Construction Co. visited bhe Great Éastern by inv'tation from thei directors of the Atlantic Co., sud on the rullowing day Mlr. Adamts, iii. Ameiican blinister, tbc Duke aud Duchesa cf Suther. sund, the Dute nd flucicas of Somernet, suds largenuber ni other distinuished people visite tb ie sitip. The itealth ef Mur. Adams vas drunk t aithe dejeuner on board. Mr. Adamsain returuing thans, sait! tiit during tii. recunt troubles ha vas sîfisi enough te wis'î the cimbîs migit ot -b. laid, as h. would have beau overwielrn- ed with telegranis. But nov ho wisiied il, every succeas, astb blievcd ih wouid do more uban sny ther agcncy te streugiben the. boude cf union between the ivo coni ries. The intercala sud object cf Great lIritair, bcd ai alenq becu te mnititain pence, sud uow that tgeuetlo'ustwtieb hWt distracted thc Uniti! States bat! tcen putt sun end te, the. sole objeci' tbey had li vlow was peasu&don. 1Nu more visitera voue to be admittet! on board of th esetBEastern befere site sailed, Thc preseut condition cf th. câbtle va wuailt tai coult! be dÎesiret!, sud those Smoat intercateti la it emed tu lia perfoaly, corfidentiof' ils-cbflplete siceasn. A BDInhk,the Famllyr opan thenon. Johnu A. Meudenad, tise isauorsuy *degre.e ofD. O. 14 Cebcur msut! Straiferd bave extemporisi et Boards cf Traite 'tuo"-represeti i tèetn% tbm fortiscoming conventiion in Destea. At tLe conteet of the Obleago Ssnitary' Pair Leuveen tise Iriendi cf Bhiridanlanti Sierman, ise latter, viwres ut-voted, andl Siseridil ge tse goit!-mountcd pistol.L *A company basbenau ogmuize to eze phare for -oilandi verk tbc petroleum- voit on tbm- Putian Beserre, Meuitenlin Isanmdeo vitis s capital of 8300,000, lu is aateof $10 escis. William Beillvas isng s ai akegan, 1111, for tuurderint an u oWIiiaufh 5eoh. Jactait te bis ntaurying ber dnitr n der- thé gallow!u Bell mate a-long, peecbr - declaring bis innocence, ut! commendingr bi'nnseif teObCriet, aller ities Le vas rop. pe!int-O éternîit- Tise SLip lVillham geIson, Catit. lSmiths, front Antwerp, Joue 4tL, et!ù for Nev York viti paseenge rs, wvas istietd 'itlie banka of 1New Fousiath'lsd on tise laIt i. 1About 30ef lber pasaougcu% Were* pickedY ap sud ishen te Si. John's, New Feuud-ýý lent. Tic hoats@vtiih eecrsv,- bc., are missiug, asu t itasuppesedt! liai400 liveS bave beunlest. Thc steamer LCerinltisu- tbdhg i60 pati songera froc' Canacto le rumas tise cote- bratien of ibm <ui ef July ai PRechester. The talltes of Chatbamt preseutet, tis1 e- vouiteiers ciitt a buanîlîi fie ca iv - retuti frb«ise l-fI'ntiertise cuber day. Tic 4se6ecý New estatas tiala hriè. uneret in vefiliufcrnted cuctles ittPar. liasant wiit ha couvenet! early nemi montit. Frit!sy aftes-nean tva girlà named Assu sud Brit!get Borna ven 8eîevod tr distance fron t teir Leine to pick berIeu anti vite ibus enguget!, vers seizeat tif four meu wbc repetet!ly vieset thce persoa. Buliget, who is but lb. leare oit, canuot live, lu ia sait. Soon &fiter tise crime vas Puhhicly known,- Lewis Major, eget 40 ycsrs, sud hies ou voe riroated asud recagsed by ibm girls as tvo cf ubeir asaileuts. Taiis alteracemi îhey vere- taken before tise Police Magiatuste for pire- limnury examination, but, the puocectiluge batd acamceiy apenet! vhen a brouhet cf the girls, abat the citer Major uvice iu tior art sut! le&, sut!d. evas felloeeti'by hie motter, wvi t sickMajor as bvy-b1ev vush a isatet upon tise tea!, 'Young Borna anti bis meiber vers, arresteti, aud-. , Major vas carniedtota is bouse, viier. w îhrsateniugmois vasouly teterret front resortiag te lynct lav by tise srcsince of g str<iugPolceIo'e -Tise Breaiford EapSitor supplies*lte. folloving detafiIa espectîug tise defilcatieur cf Mr. Kerbv ofiatîfr - "Mu. Kerby vas agent for tise Royal Insusace Comnpany, fer Brantford!, sud in thisu capacity he vas eitrùitet! vitit me aI mnanelhfr insuramce, vici, as nocV appeara, ho appliedtn h is eva use. A- sbert tinte since, m-sspicion -oae lu the - muds ef monte partietsh tiial u uas - rigisu, but-sîil ne anc gaie expseisieu lw tir i igivinga unill tis e scodai ireste-, vealcd certeus.- maîtens of eaiharacter visicis' at, once led* is4eleoeing cft.e Royal Insu. ronce Companys agency la Buututfcrt, an&i the in7catigi îlots ,f its agýescy business:- 1bere. Eaqsalry led te furtber t!èvelep. 'ftsenIbîsut on Frit!ay lest, Mi-. Davidien, J on.'o cfhe Cemptinfs _iuspccioes-, laid su informtation againat Mn. Kcrby, before- dcfl-audin'g thc Royal lnsurutce Compansy,- and'î eibezzlt:iing isfunuit.- On Fridaj' afterocon, several -wituesseg were exàniuet! st! auch facts vers brought o~ut,- aS var-- casiatth.amsie i n r u einsulàk ltt. . ing ou c f ii crt, atter* entera, all tucnscioufl of tIese ehauge saunes cf cojafu. sien vhîch Il iW tio winese', oI thc isu-t! t -baud atmuggle l in.i erâ o-be engageti. Fér nome time, varlous ammlP prepa-a tiocusandot signe have giveatt ok-enoc(un ex pectàet! fut > a pair nf briglit-das'lfreyeï have groiet soIt anti ubougti crochet andl hrU4iantcauloneti *pitrhave beee titrovuasnida fer tino>' stnipes <À' emimi fine, sofu fimne!, satdvisite Osu i oss ýthe- whe.fieh bedliaa iiud veeintoîu aamimg ime'uha'asf teavesat floyers. Veny rscentiy, s snsll, tsy b.ti;e:lvél- epe i fl Bac>' feltetfsatrinspareënt du-ne'ý Pl, %Vbici culj hall cen-cealimarvehteus frihîs, sud e perfecti>' tiraculous qui t (tkr veut ofsanut ttéblaas>bas t.akeeu lusplace, tisily veonlng 'utir asi)-ndPbtanu>, sy morset, se douelouinut sort, vas-iwvrap., pinge, %btIsonee cen but Peti got a g1iwsîgeý et a Mltle yet! noàeand a tvwile of ameutÏe- tbîaig hl js~ vrbtyscys,ioever, uh t s tl"a beauiful- baby P' andth ie de. ligittIal p~atttatsa sisai l e, vso rung titifrount docs- bel! for colt! vietua!s', hl ;ivilï tinta quarter matead ofe"'a cuif ',Thie danS m> es vhicis bu atld>' eec se misciievona.y, as-e nov cleseti vearily, custainet bhleng lasies, vihis lé>' mliiiotf1 te visite abeele. Fnients have ceugretu. late!; te prend fatiter is fuit aI tender mnt davetiesa; ciseriabet! bcpes are roahizeti, Yet, si- intervals, a lange leur forces iii va>' downthrougi tise tigiened ejelitis, abovîig, tiaIonie ieat't ai leut, enu bard- Il reogimits jty!. - vu nie appe shau resui son* meve ise Part pany reci men 1eid tAYcxlcsleOassas burial. -Tise disi1aî lsmt!dimtli. Them victeti ecumpiratons Tise Ceuatl pauet sauti-liqus 20 te & Tise sy- te tise-differenî apprevai er rýjecthsl Octets-r next. À Ahioe teaher, Slute prison, vile Ibis manaciet! haude #iuhvise asgurd - iaaaeleeu i& lb ras' rare, 1h.. Rdent, there amevii -depeuding tapon Ila Essai tt iin is iegai ; andti i be pes-istet! in, Le "Ivii *befere the Court cf Chanq A montsi iscking'muri gentleman ln BritisisCol% lit vas acting sas Colle and Intian dcpas-ttebl, i md an India for attemusp frltisont vas-aut, wvalti trauda, Ttc deceaset!ha fb s-b nlsimn uscas The Buperas-of Mcxý istufesmo lu regard te PC Ale visies tbe Meicas footing viitt tise mot i tbis respect, mut!d "ru casses and tise pcortrP butter at!vantages. go edupation te ut.e priest%, -goerumenitees net vist religions@ mattemia. - Abýcauuta front Bermis r teport ubat iypboid levai Su aiarming exteut. xM -freav reported t! a .pac lantilton ahone, sud sen pucving fatal. -- &Mglamku Jelois.'lu] fime SlIse in Baikvilho, lliest. Lavrunce, ce e place cahiet!-Udley's billes up tise' river frisa Watstemptitu b al Sîtes front Cana' ,4vamped and vas lest. -A tan in Cinainatti flnding bistlictroonstc fotaisle- alccp, got cs 3- Wilai asleep te roulet fsereof sud 1,11 on tise 'Im78uaily kiliet by iL. fi Ttc Quebec Cimoah.i Ris-vin,- se veilinevu aparting coUsuit>', asr day bufore yeastccday vit * icenttbores- fit for sad carefuiIy seletteti by 511c Ttcy kilt pigesby aIes - grat luon day, vida ir put tite pige vicitasu peu belo, eutdlifts * gibiscu near hy, anti i sgmiu ie oScsidiug vs »cine flfty porcines ar acrapedtiamet, cpli tadyfor sting vitii

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