IÃŽ Tle. Iltil C't4iiO deiremit a ll fi .leinnioinîof LJ.ftle puîhlie lu tlieîithoie iiîoî.eîrlulil illvef- tili ilie, il litaiorlie leoffcatiifor sclOeltihCl for truîwiîcîîî i tor 'olititieo I iilefietilio(il i irsîiriiimc ie worîh wrth imn i Labour-Saving Inirentiono, It hImA luii lflic fill),Iiiîîgudctic - kinl.il iiTuifîrlii , Maî i-, 1Ilecti, [teu., Citi l i l à M tiiUi (kiio n tiîe t ie 10l- » fln 'i. fln rinli i, re-iltv e irului rdu- 1R tlit -1ll n fluli if -il, i. s iiii reovuî THE HO 31 IS STRONGEII, Aîl i l Iî f h*t t i 'oi l il, ur Iri "U; A (.:lî~î'î it ii ii;i i-I tîlliii i ut perdtir lt.il rwini u'c il c oiuclîîîîîî NIîq lii fi ONIS TIIOUJSAND HOOI>S, t ltlîîru It lîilln îurtil4ii tliter uîîul 1but. 111 lforcoclireii. îoî fb.COMPLETS SATISFACTION!1 The pfropu"ol.,r -î l îîî ici)1.10iisée.'ii, elurgerr - iuîtltii!t: for hii u wi I;Rltic îîîil iuukc uito iuiîîc. til li i i miiv.' i il ;I e...îîl. Ir . worîcii,î l u l.qnîilrî ifil i ue, îiti iii iuîpcici'u'îwillIafis Iiiiid, Vnti.tfi Sir,,et N M F."TY4i)%l 1I1 :',ýt 1N, i)t er, tiGIl. 8 PAtL AND WINTER OL"OTHING, 'PLAIN & FAXCY CLOTIIS, For Faitl n ui t élr Vu'r, cvry iîie il *villllicens ' %vifwtIl Lcrec.ut cure IIhf ie The '.uicri r îlu- i.m, îuaîe'< iry ii i m *ii tiat lunl , ', Oel utlilt i f Cloi114, Wll hi'fouinu aliîrc uîîiiîl1ty;ii i..liKuairii o rayllfig uslcl îiuî hl1 li. miiîikî . tinus ôofblet i'e C 111 teriiid, toctudî iio, aimdaa -AIl docriî houeilitil.kel i r8ufliu y the 3'rlor piecu. <r mile it ,v)-rdur. 0IICASII AND NO CREDIT.<Çl ,~OUTPITTlNG'. --it 'îîcucîc'i it, Co pr, t'rmruc. i.'lr* "iicy Tic.., uau.îc Puckd I laluuî-lerciiif, G 9v', ttekc, &e., ali of th iL c ..tjnl'ilt. kc'u cooillx I orcle, et the L- ývoistla4)Lg lPrie . Autr uilIsolif- citeL fi IIltUE (;IUftl Y. Êruuighuint, 0u.n'.r. 't.1 Brooklil Drug Store. et., d&C. Mlordre 4 CYoeUIe Modkcfne«a ltm ivs on k I)JOyou vatut Wfiiikero or Miutîlc (>ur Greccal ('îiol;uaal wfll icuci-. lhonî %> irrow on îlîeoemoothlcmfâce or ch in, e hlir )nluold honda, litfRiz Wcela. lPrima, $1.00- à packaïrcu for $0 Son11 t -.-mail aîiywlione flosoly eoalcd, on1 iceliîjt of îrîce.. VU NrI& o., î4 - Bonx 138, Blrooukln. N. y. inaaai -T. ffl cirs IaO aetoiwukmN i noce uouaiacle. oa hamfal hea gm euior baai. *111 jpluuotrend the rccd i'l OS. P. LR&PMAN i& à wterIiecotiibfa.qr.¶ . Ã"LD EYF.8 MADE NE~W. PM ETdirellîna lîow lu spnodlly vo. A iiortu iglil.atiil lit vi' ipuo lii, with. Oliahtofdcto un îu.Iilou.-Siulby mail, <tee, on rmlpt fâjne À,dnk s à 1980 Iroul-Ivayu, Newr York. iIY OU WANT TO K-&OW.- A LITTLF E FlVKltY'rl1lNf;rûlali.isetol AL itel uuelgi l mItii. utale alil iointt hie aa#usi aml lroafîîuîft o1ca-dss; the înrnlago ou L Ouxutheaudaf' a nlotri bouk fuîW4Il n à 6POQ)j. nd 0 fetbook fer evory one, tontestlbIe tiont froc to auy Aulilrsi. Iloock» 9"x >1b. lieit ut Lii, tBook %tore, or wfll lue ccui'l 1Wmai. ponI taitidofmfifucip filtie ;pc. Ad. rî. 1l POTlv, Nt tn fiE oNPBislIONs ANI) gp-ERt. rENCYÃGr Al.çINVAL196 . luppl119Dfi* h bell'ot aaC 'Ui;- P TION Tu, YOUNG MEIN ald otherm, wlîa mSer ,from Wrvou Debility, Prommeut aDe- - cuy of MAnhoOd, *c suiplylng Ott hie ama fimo Ttia hauawae# sn4iuaavi. lly ne, Who bs cur,'>himeoif fIcr iitrgutag cunuldor. ableogoiug ounsidcvalle i ackcry.l'y prep minguc " ~aîuybe"nau> of NATIIANIAL ItAYFAIlt, Euq, IroîiýIy, 9 AifIÀtYihiTWlIfl IAVING DERiV N .iLfaOli ~ad io hm"liin a %swwac"ks.by a Very sanipi tm. a k- .atilla fff.fari .a valYm îi à a=i0 ',ns-r, ,lùt rc.4 «i IMPORTAýTIOS JUST TO A U.RGE STOCKC H-AND,ý 01F PFIkMILY GItR 0UEC %Vines andI spir-its, 'oà 'tçm'amî"d 11 ies. %le 1 i bot-i 1l'îlElIEST Pt11IE FAI) FO R BU'TI' E R c;jë fl x mC> Et wxC> C HAMILTON&#c C.i No 1 att ,Tilrl'f1lock. GRzuOVESTEEN1 & Co., PI N O-eFORT Manufaeturers, 499 BROADV AV, NEW 'YORK, truite, is initlu it;,' uîi ccScale 7 P i ano-Fortes! 'uhich for voume îicanidîiuiy une urlival- %cd luy any liitic'h ert 'clil this umarket. ulucy contaitic al tf e înoutiiîiupuirlmia PRENd)I GR4VD ACTION, JIARP PEDAL, 4ROY FREVIE OYrrSTR77UN6 BASS, 4-c.. 4ec, ilcal oah imstruent luciiug mcdoe uicr thce pcr-o-iuisutpeirviiocn et WhO lia lii a pruit--icci expericaeS-f 'nen 301 yeursnrcI luih'r îîinufactu1rc, 1, Warrantod in e'ry partibular TuF. ~GROVESTEEN Pl.INtNO4-ORTEc" Receic-eitthehiîgîcest aucanlofurtot-L er aIl uîoîites thc CéiIva*uâtd Wbeovitre xhbid iclinstruintus îrom thie be8I inuktrs o!f.ii'ui Paria, Gcrîîîn- ny, Philadlluliat. ttaluimiru-. Botstikuaiid Neiw York ;and> atu.u fit the Amet,ica Ie ititefor 56 succesiv eam Goald & Silver Medials From luoluth fuhicli Cutibc acen ah our ,naue-room. By the lntrcîuîchon o! rupi-qcmenls v make a attl umore î,cnfeict PIANO-t«)RTE-j! ,4pd by mntiîmatril!g largely, wIth, aîrtly euh bystenit, are' enableâ te *ofi thesc uiiishnumeaim utat apricu whiuéh wv preelude omuîitition. 1<o , Seyen <>k.ave, round colllUi Ro.cî,ood plan cave, No. 2 Sevn0ct. e nad corneuu Rosewood huit-y mou1ding $000. No. 8. Set-en Ocb.ve, round coraom Roýewood Louis xliV stylo, $325. 7ERMS: Noîl ,Cash, la Currerîl Ftiafl.- Decit crculïrd senî-freef '36 1 a tn 22 1 DENTISTRYs! nprN4eit K n I5 ii 'ui h1 fim haf. L I. li- iuc fctA t , tguu t .uiiýurt4h ttu it hi ujuhilul -i Thi Towuuit iniu iim Lfîout .iutny, lhîulAé icwiOhle happy lui attenil coul1 oir durm tain eu' lto fd .ê i- liiufPMI.! -- sil W,11 TBY RÂSS -,BAND! Wiiitby QUAD ILEBA"D! I ane .-ep-rt'l l'u iiirî'crlui Pc ie - e- chle IgiCuuiu' J. W014FENDEN, ASISCRANCE1 COMlPANY MARINE DE1PARTMENT. i- uy ctqmýthe I '1 i 1:.n hee, i h - - VV ccwecî i e fi I' I inu ulo, innn ofetult c'cârlut 9, 188".'uleu" uial tu G tton-s fr _upw,,ardsi. largeasr eto iedPrints~Cot- tonilS, à F date ,Sà , , $bnsq Ladies' Straw Bats, Bckots and Sh-ies, Sehool Uoos, tatio' er'y. 6 rdtëeries, &-.. A> LARGE STOCK CHEAP. 'BOOTS ý-& 7ýsHOES, THE LARGEST& CHEA.PEST STOCK IN TOWN. Sohol ook, &Stationery. Giroccres-a largi-e stock always 01n bând, l4U.of good '('urrants for $1 00. Good Ua.at 80 ceîuts. MII. COCHIRANE. - 171 See-s. l1i(f subçîcribeýr',*, collection of tle abovi', juis ri.ccWO<l colititins ail tie noveltics of the LcIIsoI, iînportu'd frorn the best sewed groNwer in SPRING ifOALOS -Wholesale and, R-Ri R.~ .CAVIPBMELL Ietonnounce that thyhegeaitly xtended their premises n aticp'ation of an increased tr ae dhaig,.purchased the -bulk of their GOOB P1~CAS, ill ,be able to effer CASH 'CUSTOMERS the Cheapeet GFORd,CHas t s hLvnrgc'st Stpci atho CouVty'Q0fOnaro T wbn'uld égro pctaWil sà tteîîtioé to est00sbe el iri RESS GCOSc I)partieculdrly té a large lot Of Callies andDelanets ttlEtospur yard, cheap at-'25cts# Black k Col1'Si1ksï, Parasoks P6plnS, osieïy &Gloves', ShalsBonnets$& êtis,- Mantes, ibbons, Clotho and-Tweeds, Linnen & Cotton DrUs cQtton NWarp, Curtains & Oarpets. of the do-test bîiyers. RýEADY«MAD-ECLO'lT-HINO. In Mens' and Boy.S' COats, Paîîts, ttaiîdVests, nmacUP ôrl the pre. mises. rî rtlrîgD pri nti tir htsirîtnlllc fafrs'ls Cutter, and all garmieats ma)de to oir ir ro arrantcd, Thecy have opened a GROCERIIY-& PROVI SION -SI 0ORý5 Adjoiniîîg, wliere wvil ho founid a cliQicc selectiQfl of Teas, sugars, Tobacc"s, Hlam and Bacon, Qat & CJorn Moal, Crockery, Glasswà re, F R A NG E A ND C E RNA N Y,5And a large solection of CGýîrdeî aîîdui Field Scedsf Sait and l'ias-, ter, &c., ét, nitlhe lowest pîie. lot' '.tii- lty Mr1i. Riley, the cplebrated iio't icultîirist of'.M-ontreal, including- Asters, ail kiîdi., tilleAîrarantlîs', Potuitias', do. B~lsinail kinds, do.' Calccolariîuti',do. Carnation&F, do. Stocks', do» C. ROBERTS, SEEDS AN. Boots.b 7 -o0-- - J usi opented'a conplete assor'inient .of LaisMusses9, Girls, and -Chidrens', Boots for Summer wear. Everything that is new iii the Situe line, will be found at the OId led Store. at prices that wlI stotîish bayers týRMEMBER TERMS STItICTLY CASH,1. Oily one ce James Bain. To Simake rs.,O Oue hundred side 's of* super-ior spanîsh sole Leatheî to hand, Nuluber ône quâilit~y New Stylffl of hasts to band -Mchine Tbread, Zince andi Iron N'ails,- and ail sorts of, Shoe Findings, atthe OLD RED i STOIL& JAMES BAIN Whitby, April 12, 1865, Fire! ue1 ire -G l<Ias reC-op<»wl d theçnÇ urigeJ7aotspy leily. occupied by DONO'VA-N WÂLCE Y& Co, second door soutlV of bis late L$actory, and opjiosiie the ToýytiHall, Wbîtby, where HE MAY U AVORED WIII, The attention of' Coutî'y Mý-î'chant-, and Peiars is requested, as tlcy eaua lwitys fini]l altL' ssori men'iit tii sett'ct fr-olîî. Whiitby, April 19,18015. i. &'J. ("AMPI3ELýL SELLING OFF A'T CrlREATLY REIJUCEI IPRICES- ~crn icAé.ffI.x rUilesubsrih; r las deteýrmined upon seit- in,, thie alai'ee of his stock of CrooeresýWi nes &Liqu'ors, 411 of %IlieIî iare gniîeartficelss at gîteatly Reduced Prices to make room for'Spýriîlin pôrttio-'à il 1-1e al-go takes tlus opportunity of retuirui-- ingr,, bis--sjncereithanke to his frien(Is -fortFîieir lilx'rà Ipatronagye l>etowed u-pon hi m, and hopes to have a fîîrthor contiiunurioof BROWN-,&-PÂTTERSÃ"NSO, ArùulturaI Workl - AT T 1E OLI> W 1ITBY FfTJ>D:Y BROCK ST, WIIBY,6 M'uaatfncluirern d ait oeraitmifsi d ofu AGRICUL7URAJL IEPLEM4n - Foiti Tlerent lis of ~ Two-'horse Wheel Oùtivatore STIAW ANYD rEED OUTTERSI GIANT GRAIN CRUISTIIRS, Scotch, American& aa1u>ligs Steel Plows ýand aStpeel Points.. the ame.JO lIN FARQUHA'fl ONI& Whitby, Fob., 14, 1S6ý5 ý iaîeooîîn,1 .v l ort untiolu wht uiluespt - Ufôt11flIMi Main ither I PCOMMERCIAL COLLEGE' tFtonuaerly Bryat.t.1rtit4ey & IhuyI; f Pj71g dor Eat o f 9eslqan BookfiAo,. jf3 (1lN tI V'IF AC4,Or&DiIN) 131LB 1811 viiacimoclleicton» ai-, eýp ulty of Nord] Aîuierlca- 6 Yo li-ctre itued lr tili e - -ldui yflru'kth.îr we Ollri Cýe»odice, uncots tht-n iuehius5g) Yciiigneltil, TcIsogl'sptcy 5811t îREE, Whithy, May ~ 85 Flower -fr 1 TW'O NEW PIÂN0ý. Y dig Clip fer CfeJh. Noticel t'erehunta & k 1 m und rc w cd Iiovln rooealY lnynted J. haulia I~r urkngBulcert for wk hé solifl itte ettaùn or tail ýtioseo ti thâ traite. THc ciing c iolethelic apoerliîy.ov auiy oticir procuat owfln uiaanluamitosplis le mucti demirecipt eîOfi thori.uughly muiciu tiie diffutnent colora 'inîcieole unîfofn o là ér bauishing inilk sud iuoporillea huaI pxis4 l muliof liq fb;;tter iDOWvbrouiglÀ e lu ict -c l~ocluthéiie lu true, laiq io 100;â ihcefui tîbý te the mercbau,js ie>m nwrkbfa.freen t1hi lurnfroan czO Opuadtb irlyPO.Ilà taI tinte t hot sjuçoo lme aîdljno îulk'dȕs salà tuadùr jtc opormsloit lu lb e batte., tU iîlomam m uket ihuroli,, grtire laýw " Fqr rcforeîicu-the' priz buîter worker oa" -b ecal aoimoa dalyoporatiôn ut lice sure, o Mr. Louche lion"k Whîtbr,',who,ffet*- yl ho receiveul, 0mail Cxooeutbt'Jproiptly,,Uy thce ur.dboniztiï, 'ui f4eht tho animrytcf the prov'ince,- Price.iow le suitllbthies. JiNSH1AW, Whitby, Jen. 10, 18 r»5. f Jýo 1s aFa Rainer Piano-Forte Na[nufacturer lu llPlinl ilil l > ioîtiia oss froint8l 6 te 6%, 7 ami >73 Otavëec, maîtufue. tuiroi of thei iuct matiafuulo, and pronofiicëcu by tihe miiel diitiiiguik4ie.lîc Artist'u, c fte~ ocr boic hic3 up Mot riiua 01llc îtr 4avw. hutttià t Ici mIa y ollanâte. 0-' ais/ni» cagi Atth VfliolnOvi~al EnbtçiWoiu fielit iii LÃ"udt on 24 te 27 Seplciaber. 191h. tl. tiet pria. w'a awuirited tît i)uieplu F. Rciicr fuor tlitleifiu qnliltyou1111 fuiel-iuo-Fe'rtci. hcli ffrerc'îou,î o in fa grd to 7cih, leeaultj~ and Duuraluif u/7atie,cuîidialto IWO Oxtro prizot. for hie cul poriuurpuilhlt ai tlof licttui 1Wt. i alusc5toul he 8114 psI rine, nutlihe ProvlîuoÃti y-aire Ii1888 taiud 1850,1 Tfcclinaou oi.fot. F. Rtiiior wero _placic1ln thi - Iiiighestucuacd dipl»tuoc awarclcd-thip Mr- Raiiicr'.IamUtifie laweil'Jcowiu teriT OauuidhinPubli e aminniiuarulne'taourex,cuul reqire 116furtiir coitmentîiloii îbaîu tligî wfl ii litr1meîitc mu Inetlr 51ih'f. 3'iiorloriug, pI£omntc taeliîq punprly o piiunoWanted. <JOS. F. RAINER MIZ j V'.IAMlitivihrbecubto tiue propidu. Ir of the, above, urill ttcîu iturricit 011 ituulr F'o sciponiaitoeuceoi t 1r. Rielîirsa 2Foeman fi.e i A \Whithy,VýApril 19. 1865. 1Sumnier CA 19. c 1. 0 -> î 1 Trouî