XmathoWTef Rtcrxnnc< t eW, ifAiiti>0 itu re v y,~ C. W., fiutalid a ~liIi a itews r h m t ue Walea 1'u' f'i2 l irt a 1t 'i, hlcocn* mt 7k, - ii 'noî iieat fr mliul iiuvu'torli lum 'li lit ii Il. ti IS Mîmt'liIBRTtut F. RAINER V.TTERIONSI Iý; -% o l-CIs i ýtr coi-unl E MA K. ..4 lig it-Ii? zie xAou viii, av At hi. printIug Establishmnut, TIRX8 $150 PIEU ANNITX. AX.LAilortiomats uasrîinluNonjar- .,CI-Iisud cbangmîdO&ut thea raie of 8 conte por neS, trot insertion. sud 2 autm Per Uneî, aah lubsoqacut Insortlon. Spéelai contractséuaode with advetara by -thé. vaserlwet Ur&ora ote itooutinua aitvertiaeelilts nuit 3ANK 0F ONTREAL, - WHIrllV BRANdti. w. In ,V W. R. DEAN, a Manger. AIîTI AND ATToib,' ilAT » b.v, cit-cre to tic hau i k(fMuîitmet snit tih. Ccrporminnrcf tthe Contvli'ifrbtn, - Iotittla, &C., &t., hhly C. W . In. C. Cvweuic, f.Q. .. J. mîco%!LLt. V*'Ntoetoloi' aflîmrtrtv p ~tho ttceotw SqC4itHli4, MOSIRISON & SAMPIION ARRIISTEltIS. Attorney%, salicttomre. i>FFIE~Waiumc .cmcirance il iuhgoe Church $tnemt%.Ton'to, V. W.- ANf)jus mOts(I- J.A. RA mltbt. Toronto, Jmlv 2.285 v COCHRANE & MACPI1ERÇ4ON, lrillelt,'e office, l'finu'a Alliit. t.H. 4onià t, . .1. ie. Mu 40lc J.lotrite'.. s o u'tu'a t if lii ( i" . l-- Mueff rleooeet's hiihoc. 4 GEORGE Il. DARTNELt, Ometh1'~Eh, T'roiNh. iltvA7i RoBERT J. WILSON. PRtTtt<lATI'l)ItN' AT LAW. B> Solîelto rin hm1(-'eiuurý. p. n. ittî' ("C.W. Offce-Vctr'# rok t. îuit . li K1veuLLE('Ini & , l<-19 Mier the (niuiumn.tt'.Brtrm hlit IBri k r'(7. J. ,K. .ORION, -vetltttI r tr itNY T.tui' w1lithlm. C. WA' s (IIT0)1, NuTAR 1111Pt LIC, &e. &oe- S Cblian, 4C. W. CI1ARlEtgl C. KEL14ER, ton, Itroci, C. W. c- te ulîtl.'i- .TWl. ii it'TOiI INc or he lib. t '. !, 411w. % NuV. umW. l 40 LY3§,tlFrEGtITI. , 1,. fl'RC. IST ER AT I1, ýW, hleui in C han- 1) CryCumcîcytiCimm rr..Ar 0 JOUX flILLIN(.S T. C. Foriiaiiis stîre. 1 W. E. ODlLM.1) rcsoiît'l tain. ai po pt iiîtifl tc .ii';tore, Baek',troee, Whîthy. 44 R. . (lI<NM.D. ýuRGEi4N roTO 11E COUIT GAOL, s v3ron Street" Wlithy.4 JOltK 31ETCALFa c conprliii>g thi. Towiîlip iBrook. Ait- rasa. caiiiitittoil. 14 aie ~ AtI >11 awilit)tAl'R-Ki lIrg St. Oshawa. T Orincninittde tii rder ini tihaset.tstyle and finliiiic. 47 A. PRINGLE, -IlERCHAI4T TAILOR, BItOCE STREET, D ESAUIANr~Uiiacrof ksn îd Ex- Riplttnade strtacta Toronto. Refmahmantai !T 0W4CLeFRKit TPYAQUt<Elt. wIIITBY i. eoTognIsili - [liurx 9t 1 o'lock.- i îqiTttiAt. BOUSE, 127 King St, Wgoat, Toronto. IY -. JOHN. bM. WARWICK. ATKINSON à flOSWELLa B ARRIMTE8. iînir Rtreet, 3 doora East of Tano.tc llrpet, Toranto. -4.5 AXRIiBALD DARKER9 'rAltlII NX VILLAGE, C. W., OFFICIAL. Jy.AssoIgnee for YrarnditOntario, Notary PublIe.45 CTa delaEI 0100,TuWAtem , D. WDcï princea AIborI $OIIOR1S INi CHut.IhOEY.- iee,- opoieteRoyal lotoli. Witb7. J. V.HA M. C A rqs GLOBE 1HOTElà . rI aoavoit nno-fn, #,Idesablisicd Tio"tasidpm.iiiscs hava heeu pnrohisd yl the ihîalleiemâ, *Iiere l it i lvlays b. SI.îd on liaîid reay to attend personslly t3 tie vele c f la if zietm, &Cu. Thi. proiiîîiephamheuen ente,îtlvandi o,îmnfomlativ eflmm,'i p;' patiited, papered, &o. withiaiter;%'m cf ieoft vater tii enali .iui aer y ccmrii "1imrêmeiit toîmilice thea kriveIIer % ,loin. d..rluît ip %t.tila), ndbtheTabla bountiful- IV miipplieii et ailt tmuej' N~otice tu Farmers an.d Ã"thers fAiuîrs Wlrnelu.al fmiitlil. Iio .il isa an- y îmo. liegallon om hammel MN îgri* ' ~I 0nlevit, duc. do, . : Il islmîraExtra Rectifico tVlîiskCî. -îlin O lii aI l'or'. hlhîerrvami (Nougiiîiec Broid.N for tmiie.euh-1, vimhî à lii of Ltianid ftirif M lie 1cci htrnnts. ttheitivc oatfleiu, and lniraesht re. A. ALEXANDER. RUSSELL'S HOTIEL. QUE BEC. w r %U£Z iudrmigood Pnoprlcto'u of the. *boy# i namod IIOTEL, bsgrciportfully tea arprizo thoîr friande and patrons, thai thry have tho- roughiy reuovited thelr catohliAhnienî lur5g the vînter, whioh anahica tlîcm nov te atliîr ta the Metnber% or the Logllature, and the Tin. vellinW- Publie o nror accommiodation. In rÀditi,n te the aparttmentx they- hod laaîJ wlin- ter, they have now Parlora aaîd Bed-noms In a larre 1i Jumo near tne Hîtiît. whleh. for cnmtort and oonvenience. ore unnýnrpspcl le the city. Wu. RUSS ELL & SON. Oat'uroo DanE-mg 11811& Restaurant, c IIVRICH eTIIEET. (tOPPOITE T. .liîmeç' (îhîrI>Tori'nto. IlinnerA t romn Ilill-piîat Twelve to Tlîree o'olock. Lnnhes~Oppea,&e., aiinl unira. Vines, Liquora, &o., ofthe hast lrnda. JiOIN gMlTII (L'Iris lbiaflile4l 'îtnenRIM. Â""""CANTON JIOTEL, NAMILA. j aocamodalanW. CUTHIBERT. ISAAC FENTON, 4-m ~ Proprietor. I'mcpietnr. BVTN8BTL ftetiem llur'Ilir. 1 ITMltbS'uNbau, tn iifuurm lise In- - - ----- V ilhiiiuumc f OAr itnniilr cf Veiria ccl A V 13I ON F O E . . îmumcîmuutc~î"uriia-,Ilat, l un uu% pu.cd the li'u'ii on Street aic orcrir.'eu1 iim, PDiS rala.vutTy .cmat. ai e lui iii'baut fittici antd tsurr J AM FS IBLACK, ai in lorat cIcmi.iiuir, vt.WUlfimavcmy cocu'. 15 Iriiumimîm mie' 'c.Wiui'a, , iiLiom,--and liCîaro c f thea FAST WI NI>ieOt1101174P., WIlîTBY, An atteramiao,.lli tiasmys tln e am'.cl WlnAtiser, ritornmcxtu. reîclpart iftua mvi, (on1tbîc frolritil. ii.e.immn.~tultiifor trarallots. (bOout VICTOR 4, MOTEL.. wX1111lIMSCO'TT. 1ll'111FlbTOIl. ilais A',(JL-AM RIC NHOTEL. T 1 ciau.mlilu*afit. iau; im ch-smve niii T î1etAlltccl litl.tý irhhca-feturli crm ceucii tile, t li- isivmp.mulic, <2 v liv a lutn-l. <iod - tnlbiîirlg cilr, m16 Grandf Truit Rtliwuuy Iilehp. s(Ç-,t ida of Ruilii'.ztiD#EJ> rf uii.t i.)p kucmîmn.ccaamîli tii, 1I ri ufriir'u tim prrieli arnlo. iiîýitiuro-ti'mrr.i-c .l" smrali lcli. le uat ;,.VC!,dtthe 'il b'p llng uta egmaimi al tcuiliiii. f ir;ti.c t4IVlfur.4k1uiyti- ar'. K r 0 t iii wl II' i'il m, ilui 1;..KiigCm veari. u:i-,mi srtielet irri, 'co. No liti, muai-. mii**. ijA.Gimeimaru' iriiicclsmdeasiPocri tlii mhrirlacl unotie.cf t4île ual iity mualaria] tii t-ha nmu4sl.ttylurs. Ai aima mci pmi u lic rrii.'ocp. Suii ri iînaiii ufaea îuiqnsilty, ami VARS & rFTERMlONý, site t l it niluee- Eit suen C u i trct 'i m i oruomîh 'uftisae i'lt',iir E-tint 47 XVOON" I TO1TEL, IN 00 N & B ROT IlIER. Nonf h hirltlb aud Mercantile Pire IL Life Inisuranco Com'y. W. R. DEA,.N, Batk f 1,nti.lael. Wilittcm,.tupt. 7. 1801-2. 85-i' SOLIITOIt, &es, &C., AS IiFNIbt.EI'thic Lawv OlIe te (iitcmij Camiw.i.m. on te Door hieubtiforthe Wuiti'h> Jaii28, 11SU. TUE ROBSON HKOUSE, (LAT-CCIS-elmtrmoe ilTtiL.> DUNDAN IITILEET, WVHJTJ3Y, C. W. T II Eti eiuelbe maeto annomînce liimaI heieait loased uV ie i.tguinu.rykucoan an Soiî.turm's IlUntel. alun. humlenmuatiovlttel, nafurtmklaieriamliîcitt up timeiog tîout-, it ieitiifi.tyte. Tise umiie r . aiîtyAit- ited, oppiielte tht post Office,aciii ln thue eti). tri. of tise Towun. 1 rise laiiway 1ibnihhmu e illa t tise lotci, mnd theitagea forn UnlidleanciiiBeaivertmu lcsvi. thseiaor avryirnmîg. lnardgh par day. GEORGE ROBSON. lI'CarefuiliotIcra alwaysinattenitanae. Wisitiy. Meîiv 18.1) 1BROOKLIM B1OUSE. ~sCALL AND SES SANDYl «43 JJEhas Imknthe "Ttraokhm tn4loe,"l H Braohimm tVIihi.ie, vlm ire lhe twil beiul tape * aI is froies. tlepeiasaavI filmedait upand cevenlecl, and t hm c acommoeda- hou i t, I.ver y getau, 9Lt.b,-tor lie setste tthe ccmf'urt ar manu a i îrxe lilmuelf, icinu haclu promotemi toii etns veil mi oafiite lis nov. 'tSauulm"lins ltéy ur rest, Sandyltiiitst hel'est, Sxidv's g ooit eemmmaittiou, <Unn'i ha liet uihe t aion. TIein tnmeraus frîeulco of 8auly-ail1, Are asinc to gîve hbhounsa oeil. ALOI. PERE. Broolinl, Dois. 28, 1 Sol. 60 RLOUGE JIOTEIL0 J oiXPRW4OKN. ÂTE OF Tg£ENon-, fj uoniloelandformtiy of W hitbv, t nones* Iobis frenda cithtisapublic, tdatima lai rnteteit seiove vll-kinUa otel, vIiai ha nov lu tretrste ortlar or tise.-reeptuou. of: guests- Win«s Lhquora saud Otawrr. Gooit $"abicgaud AI;0nilvoeths' 1 5.iy liriutmmm. Fuis. 14. 199i4. WII. 3AR',ACll, A ANT) AiGEN T. A L'tO lTiMINI 9RAiWN T .à F,mrlii-- .uuo i 1i <crîup n o i r tl i v h t iY uti c. cniaru i rp oi iî', rucîil ltirhimof. iltiieu-Flrcî Joucr acî f mi t "OunitBiîJ THE ONTARIO HOTEL. J, REUBOTTON, UI)ELLh< iIOTEI., T li E uni dae uîi ni,,' to i fim,-ri mtb I rîr ilcule andh tIc uumlia bl 1mt I ccc ?.'ccî.u1hue ah'iva el itoc ' t'itviulia rîrlui cirmimi t iii l fi tuîh Ihu hat riim iituitimi roi ctoa'ii saeui1! mir,m. Tise laiuc ,r tel Utl, Pe iicuc;thic 1-r cp eec>iiig c iai umm(irlerli,. JAMUI EVE<uN PHEFNIX FIRE ÂSSIJIANC LO SR lFONDOK ESTtILISÃŽED l' 1782. <IL-.iES'Ig, MI.Fi0'uTT ArO1., Ag-mti foi, l.Oui.'Eii FAID> vibluîîrefèeeuce te lie Bocri iii Iao'îul mt. 1Jnly i, lm. YEOMAN <"chiS'0>N, Agoni, Wluiitiv 211 UN SU RANCE T Il E tnnîerxigpti lha. heen appoiiirA Aget li tlt loealtity for îtîc fc#lovins reî~la lîîsiiîra icei-iuniîie.iwlie lixeprbpamed t ) aceCîJ riakP-gue. ltfu and marin,- The Ediuburgh Life Asuraeace Coipiay The LiverpW <and Loudon. ?Ye Mlouireal Pire Iaesuraace Company. T7he Provincud Asurance Comanya. F. KELLIOL, limaua.v . 18 , 1863. tataîm sa43 Dritiuia Anarica AMant e COnpRUY, I NC()Il>ORArxi) unditnAct oftlîc Ttiîrd set4ioîî of the f eîeîith ProvinelalPrt- ment ofllpporcanade. C~APITAL £100,000 trsnrance etteclcd on Bll dl ,ÃŽIè. Ana thait coiileat. Every iîoiniîîaplclousp. Plicalleut to the nnderaiqneti. Mriellka ortherus«ouotrforl'urta. JOHN AGNEW, Travelling Agent, Bvroiîtr.at. Whitly AD VEItTISEMFN1'. K@ oyola f3rlriSb Aunrlea, aud Liver- pool sud Leondon Assurance (2"otip'ries Ilii auy ane r£gk, on applicattoliîta JOHN AGNEW, is Tho Camnpant ' Aqiit at Whttby. BRITISTII-AMERICAN EXPRESS COILP AN Y! jr'FFICE.-irook itrjcit, it byý, nent doct Agent. Agetou IdAofor the u ijotreai Ocoaua Sceaifp Company, and for ic Qlago Lina tiaanro. c. :) 14, 4 PROI'RIETOR. SED TH& AB'),Vt iied ie spremises ýe ha! iB u i wii the If this i8 80, will , Profit by it DR. DAVI ansd tisa. lik one'a on, s» aelvotea w m e b rse Ba ,id AIiildoe T.onc C. W. Vem'ei1rî4 nablje Mnta cl tientted aithi t Ntrcurv, col Cures vu Persoosawhn w!iclte eoccib"tte Do dlo en vibis U m h' urtiretl-eîv. Ky ri arc llaiati. rivihim, anti a . u. Foi op a'ork îr rciiiie yonr muiet. Call Doieor; i" g a 6 Ayimu m'h iwa.l unthing fan ulm-ice. barricd luc.nuaon9 viti aifet -t e 0t)morrhlil 411alne. mcen elmo hatv,,f<il lrlnal s crin racirm imc 'iute rriel liv uplytli Bte.puitita imecatt by tu'l'mr se oins entfae (ou dsmngor so*iO[, untîl ightinthIli theuim AUCTIO .-1- jbL 1 MR. R141, .CAMPB:ýL Il VING uîuaat mdn Aimtion 1 MA mfli uî r'ifs t. 'o:'uIli hotho# r) in c- laIll io theisaImraci umt iddi.. c tri.l u. ilim pmq'prtc ý '0 a I*MAI. o-pl vl*tiiric v, ortlu of it audJ thmir rt r iuclu, veMIiT P.. E.ci M Whiusliv,April 39mbliii.Il Land- For O roFAiMINP, NI CIIAN ICI.A' T ttamuenulal dons iciho t F~AR!I PHO?'E - O It ~T'ta l lai lim*t mih tl 11b* lutrCa-, 'or-i.auas umVtat'ueI I1ne W14ii 7, 3 'Tuiuiuto hLit 7, 1111 " luiliocit ÃŽici 11, 7th " Vnirilge, W f4 V.,14. sth R'ilr, lult 1, 'Itis Vrl I.l17, frmit Stuifl l'ntiSb,.isth d w I LIl. 'Il7mbfi uo -200 6.u N E3< 27 and Wîitiiy, 60 4 SsIec. aîsleruhnhablllina Iota forta' Im els, and pri v0c ectulones ii the Towis of Liedi sayni acîlWiitliv. or familier tfumnto Apily ul', ROPT. E. PERRY. ,Wifmttiy Wililbv, lIOLana, 3j«5. BRITISH- PERIODIOALS,- riz. 'Tho Londoii Quarterly ,R16 vie'w (Cana.rvativc.) The Edinbarg Review îWhis.> The Westminster Review Tne North British, R.viow. (Free.Cboreb.> AND Blackwood'a Edinbifrga Ma- gazine (Troy.) Tic A.sciii.n Puiihics m Colne inrqumuithe silc',i icictipentudcasa. liiano ueeci .or p.etitg hsedômAiabf t icaie uermry tâad sau a- as. dnumIiti, . res ie.. l laley inreseet hris conmpuf lsd ta tvowue ett tarnas aibleva;s TERJIIS FoRa 1"3.' Foc any one ofte Ravies..$0iCt=,Oç - Fersar 'bacwn otie evJava .....000 Pa I iu i i.fevievai... 12.00 For gulmkvmwbiud'c îsagamî.... . 0 For lttskvonuî ida sy wo atfbe Iav'l........ .... 10.00u Potalbcklaendii ree tof tie Refriae.......8,00, a For uacunsoct aiîoii *. . iîs .........s ...... 15e 00Ble Mubeentisa tise Bittsb Pmrt inevi romitI la B"Iw" nd icl cesisa a~r fme E Bcview l lcLtpprend vil e ananear mrlîn Pwudn. 6ý1O10 eaagciuam îelaemaded i ti-i. - cori>oratio of lias conne or OugarWo 'Y adirocag.e Poac, Progra, QIeg Bohhod >IISDAY. IjULY- A Ny " bdnt agooulsiot bu, oai by sppl'yIee utte Ceuooez.s 1.. Witbl July 8,116o5., fo A GETLJANereitor meronalq a. - . hIlhtY, h'emlittnre fDean l, aiithu* efootg iOf yotlhui indl,.eretien, aiur hie hppy ta'lim- ulsis ethurs sih thelis. ng a em (f, jAtcWiW). Thigt romndy Ita Imple,sasie, sudca- tin. r For fuel partholam.,by returun mait pîcasu johN nB. OGDEN. t' 60 NaL-sa s t., Nuw York. VICTORIA GARDENS. 'lEVeolmGardens viiiuntoili futher J.~ ~ ~ b itieb elfurprome-nade .2e., ovMr ~THUURSIAY 'EVE-FNINI, Yrom 8 to hal at ac anoeln.k Ituale by tise lreounan finaily andithtie Wbt- isy Bâtou. £grDANCING. AnMqcme-acilyticket% for acaconn $18. Ladys gameitlocamu acacmi, ,80.NlurItly tickedto admit lily ami gaimtlamnun iuta4. J. P. FREIM AN. Direetor. DIVISION couRTS FOR TliIE -COUNTY 0F ONTAIRx Whuty,.., .lily Tt, 1865, 2, îetrin, . $rSd, , <-ih.............Au m.is, 4 4. Uiidigce,............ ~1511 5, Caîitiit,cii . ... .. . ..." i ' i. i Z. BURNHAM, Wiitisy, Jnunist. 188.5. Jule,. i TWO GOOD Faims for Sale Bl INGtlucîmîs oh iota Nom. 221Iland 22, in W Ternm liserai. For fumîliar piînicuiera appiy ta THJOMsASLUMSOETq, 23 L.'siisrille.. P. t)., C. E. 'YOUNG HORSES ]FOIR SALE. SM Spof mnsmhed I birlut biy, veil 'lienihsr A11 sc-f.ina ym.ur. olu-t-wik e llr*m p rire mit -balou ainle, IIEN»Y (CHARtLES, Port Ferry. dnk, 12, ices, 23 [COMMERCIAL HOTEL. BROCK STREIET, WIIITSY. hg*re ciîhoiiliheal"-ve virilumiaoi pl-a'iic' atil uvé, Icciâ tmucayluiurniilieml ai.d rcio- voteil hy Minii, couier. thti littecnnîodii- tinstiw mth atuii, cd etteotire ~U~~p~ca ux JOHîl N Mcreto MONEY TO LOAN Alipiy tea JAMES K. GOIRDON Or te fi&lTtuto, IWhmtby. AIDA» <a)l1DN, If arebaruot, Manchester. Wilishy, May If, lus. 19 NIONEYO T toau smînt a luai rate orëittereut upu P arm Prol*rt-y liitihaCounty offJ.itarlo, vliencutisa tIllel idt iput*ti.o H. J. MACDI)NELL. $ouioior, Jomin-iîause. Wluitly, Mas Sthis 18. 20) SLARGE Stnoin of haine-madeisfinks, ge)odul a- trfmuT7g CHI EAP FOR: -CASH Aluaitdy usuelgoaitStock af Bridles, Whips, &0. Farn 1865. Ouir WhItby Gramniar SClool. 1 sav thse tur..eloudite aute hrct lu vuves af bine cmiiigoli, £r.s twililglt hadem ofýApril are lsif eort a doricened toi. %ajb fletingeoed as elindrc. timme > lpa Ou tov'rlIjIg hui- Thi Plrdét of ehîol. rlendita absout tr, And thoce Who wlth us dveli. 1 vsebéeuhosis oud-eh an<iug Cloudt, Titi carthiona markeued o or, Andt an i vatehad i tlîoegt it dmusait Upoîn the.day4 ofyore.- , 0f happy botume, of mirti %n&ilie S petit 'cia ent nferuIe Whben ve ver. hoysaînd giri, ithin Our WîtyGauiateoî W hare arc thry nov-aimer>m ara li as fçms h hl.arklt I hoanevers visre,- Wliicn rivera ral thioiji, ares o'er goi, Witiîont &titglt~se Wher. (C1,011101 's a sols Are *1reli în 04vier.4cce' W-boro nu$euLta.euopeo autîa çat Aura.. Atiatailea u.oep. And anme imongCai)iiditn ailils, tif meiice candl îgled buv'r, Hanve siglit ancfmiiifuîd c hotie--itid-same Nov' ive 'îiîmmte prairie flî,w r.. The lbrave tii gîîa rîîceouity's cuse, Ifira gamue I!onli fieisiiwiy,> Ai mItiers gait e à la ethair, 'INealiltloemtiou' s aay. soma are wilere-Feclîo nn.Wcýrs aber- <ioiîo with t: e ahb and vavo- Gone ie rIryouid the allore& nit.fi;>- Voa, goîle i-Oyoiid the graîve. Tlicy wire the tho prideor of joot sud home, A .licinte tnd.. 'flict. tr.t in LeVery net orfgond- Tihe gay amilikiit thei glati. Amil ai;.1 i îind the treatirod past And ~remAnîtiqVinail o)intuot, Abv wthe lowtriiig ekies Mata nMiîdow% at niy Irai. 1 ravelled loni)wioi nunry miats, I ieuianiof- Lonig Aga, ' Bol Voies wlimpercd of the Nev, Inlu i.ie* ssort aliJ low. New fnrsn% oftl join'ld car merry gronp (iWlipy hetirta nond lialit, For wu e'uohî ono veru toilisig on, Tii remt n lirntfiir liglt.- Sine, tii,cIlI lenve olir* Clascie hall," To wi-iauJ war NI. 1) - Te o lefr Atm', Muer'. erown, Moï fortune tinilc-mu:y Iiela green, ?tir ium for iver low, Anîd wiîh ceetc',:.înc ynr-ruay they Wittl rictiar Verdhureu grov, 'Till ionoîaiîi asl'nalittins ara, Of flriî itdrenu leme, Tl;e Pnei's lyre atiali live te bles Our W l.tthy (irâmmnur iehool. B. Et.8. Wlîifty, April th i845. tTwvas ail a Pream i The aid unaid s~ uit nher aid srp chair, witb baîf clozed eyes and pensive ýir, and without a blusb ou ber maideu face, feît int aid "Murpby,a" aveet embrace. She dreiaaud ibat berbusband, kiad and truc, ber farmtot bis aidb ao foudiy drema vhilc in accents gentle, cloar aud slow, b. caiied, ber the deareat natua bclow. A. firo vas kiodledtipan thebo hartb,', ohilsi the ica. kettlcsang a werrner iel %banu baill tva1î. [Hire the peol kindly pauses fora thse laudablo purpose of puooaglng thie. 44 Id crittet'&*' blias. But ta--ressue .3 At liteî,se edusiey, dias fviligbt, vas fast giving place ta the, shaies of nigbt, abs reacbcd ber arma fon a eot sinbrscs, and, &u aishaseI fcuud empty space: Ai frota ber viicucof blias ahe vaine, snd founi that ber iresti bai perisbeci mnd bhruin,sbe 'rosead sudi, viti s abîidiering migis: 4"6Obi vcuid 1 bad marricdintadale gcna by 1", No Foitd ai Wss-Tas tfvYork ' WoiLd assecIa tisot Doo w dolaibas b;en aii. on nglaad fer Alabvtma damsgua,1 sud addse:1 "'One' tlmpg is r5ry certain: The peu.d phô of tise Uied Stales sud tieir gaker# l -ment -b5xs made up tueir minis to stop1 figitie-for the -prespnt. Wat .baii noe L)uger aul attraét$ctms.for di. - Wýbatever1 vo n"uay ssy about lile ldourcs doctrine, ori fias Alabia 'depredatious, 'c du ual pro. posa ta go ta var vlth is ter Ilugadd or France if vo cou ecenthl ôaape st con. aiot After tse Ivtett theé civii var ih repsined, sman ou inces bave al 'mb' - aorking cdru, we mal bave a 11<11e figbî, vitis B>uglsnd or Frnue to kocp cen banud lu:- bat joot 80v lise universal Yaunee us. thon i.l#Intent upota peau., snd aothiog but a moit imtoirabis provocation vottld pro.i vaineni iaiq figini" NO0281 Ada!' i»rnoaelohes Weieomed Like a'Rom Au (4eeral. -ktor the Lnion Tlmaca, Juce 21. Eaylng been for lmre lime deve tai oporaf le performances. Asticy's tbrougb the venitlity of Mr. E. T, Smith noa as $umet & double eharser. By tbe revival of masà eppa ftho thestre becomea once moes equotrian;-,but oseauaset of the Beggar's Openo lieatihi pisyed, wlth Mn. W. Harrison sud Mis Cotteralis the Captain sud Polli, is do'e uo l togrhher cesse to be operatic. The reeptloaima tsAdab losme.Meulen, vh isaruasfroid a moisttccesgrl torlatn tbe or atberu provinces, approaches tasi vbièb a Roman populace wauîd bave se. carded la a victanious gonensi. The -cois brm4sm& ,,allop up the three piatforms produ. ces asR enthugiusta vieb spcial even to -ezceed ýtbat af lait ycar, vimen, for ihee iraî tiiue, ans actncua vanspsen ta perforni a feat on *ýîçei iprcraaitise afety cf Ildom- -m'scuno;alnne beiaed ;antitbc crowc vhich filiha very curuier aorlise bouse. bovi tbat the love af bippodniatic art is s strongug sever., R.iiP6RT of thd 861 , t OM mi < ttes ta wakm iwrrt'errecl th4,Bill Il"ta cansoli.. date aU à ci d iî1 nant Lamo of Up,per Ccnadia. TOuMe fUnlc,ýPa1 Cauimil df Ling carpo. ration of Lins Oounty of O»tirw. Tour camuittee o bg ta a1ort Thaï the' hat'e examined tlbo Asses.. nment Bill iritrolitcéd.>y NMr. bar.Kenzie (Ls.nibton,) and are gstfleld.to0find that, thse AaimeniMçq.luLinvaare enlng-.the carnent attention 61!<ieIegmctm oYur Comînittea suumit a brief autlino -of the, nov Bill, a wnauasa 1ev duggcatiani therean. UNaccapîn.a LAWND. Accarding ta Sec. 6. Cap. 55. 0.5. U. C., ag.neWnrs are ta miake "diligent enqulry" for tie oný,,ters af non rosiîlent resi estate. Unîler Soic. 1 nt the nowVbill, -nly -jesi. dents" and sncb 1-non reudente as person-. aiiy, or in vmiting, noîr the asseseor -nre ta be avgaesd." To efi'ecî thiq change Sec. 6, 28. 48, mind 98 of thie presont 1ev viii reqîlire aîncndnîent. Aaar.aamagT oe;ACT17.t vAL. Ses. 8, 4, 5. the utnt syiltem ,.91 assmgming reaietate in tonsihilie on si 1actual vaine," and in citiez, town, and oilîges, on the amnni lvno)," ahicis annuiti value ista he tmkeri. iLthe uctumil relit; or et six par cent on thea actual valu, 0-evller is tefins)geet, li Wi prd. pomed to amomsd, l'y cssmig hîeré afte r ai st peopèrty. whemever iitîimted"à lue full valueîoasiIt wouid hoc appeI46ed in pnyaient of a juiet debt fron a airei.nt doer.m" Titis ;ir'd-e, hanp fmeitf %vit ' htiié coriailapproval cf your, comiit-: tee.- Sec. 10. Sub-geop" ô' 14)and 1il-cf sec. 19. Seces. 28, 20, '8, 17.1; 101mNT AiSrSEMBIEN. Sac. S. Wisen two or mare persant are nsssedt joîtiy -gonder sec. 25 (preutent law,) It i proposed I' luit thèy chà t .Ibaý ascemstd tisereunnIn the prop1ortiond beloir.ifig re.upatiroly t6 ati.' Thiic propo.mid âarnmdment %witl have tise affect of duieckmmg thé- ilimpoition tking moot Id 1ton, niaîîy ntiliteicpaniiee of putzutn mis- et-sor a inmig ue cf tiscir office ta mamtir- factura puliticitl votera. Uîuder mine. 7. Ninest on'tismi'reata** lio countud ongie in nfkîmtg oùp imts ccd retuins req4uired foêtt'nicipal purposes. . i .VAcA1.i I;OTB." '_ Sec. (),.-in inssescirag vncimt tawn lots in a. block, at uipite valirueeiui use ghiculd bc lepacad on eaci lot by -ti s e- exsor, in crier ta ineiremi leguil cale cf thi prcperty for unpai<h t"ieîm; The clidin g saule fr ceesing PorAonal property crfd iimnufouniode es-; ý 8 ane 34 (priesent liw.)ietd b ho ilbltih-d. Ilerraiten It ih propnsita ascese pers'ona~ propcrty at ils cttiiil rlit. unîler Mo. 8 of tise present lsw. , Tile nniendmà ént meeti viit-tise Ilearty appravnd cf youi cornrittec.-. Il. i-4 futiser' pripo.gi tisaI no incarna union $1300 sîmotihif h. amseed- If tiias uni vare fixed uit $410, it -wouh& bc. a tep Itirtiser in theight direction. That Ilincomate" does oct memai "balnncei cf incocue for que yea. rfter îiaving hsanse- hoid expenseî,' shofild lio cleiriy deflved; 1as 3'cur ccamittef feéar tisat riijn± aki tise aivtramte cfp a mental regervý.- ctîon' bin gliumg statemeut,f.cf ucme Id tise -aecors. 1 îaruvi r srihoirSOS Sec. 14 cf nev bill amendx sec.40 presant-lite, mmklng a-4cessrnstît ralis rs. iirnbl-l5tb Apnil in place cf litSfay.~ The ch inge of tine ni force inn in nicipilitlesi ta apprint more thtn o.as iasaeeasr, in arder tisat the roll 'miy-b. jreturned in thet ime catnpd. o'In hi opinons ni yoii nt aiuntte io diffieuitied il a- There are iu Europe fcnty three reign. ing Sorereignm, nt incluiing thosecvbd poacée es laacly. (.tf tbese farîy.îbnaa, nine beloimz ie tise Roman Catboliec Reliaion but one cf that numiber lha èxccrntùnicated î ibirmy.one are Protestants, aime is% of fbm crîbodox Grece CIurOIm, ome ma Mabamme. dan, ani tise for-y uhirdislatht Pope. The Catholica ara t-va Empermr-Austnisansd France ; four Rings or Qieeno - Bav-anià , Spain, Portugal à ni Saxony ,tva <IMncca -cf Laicistenatein ami Mcnaco. The ex. cotumuuieatcd Saverijin is Rin.- Victer Eiuanuel. The tisirty'onc visa proîtef the Cathohie religion are nine Kings on Quens -cf Greist Brîtiin. Pruosias, Swedeti anîd Nervcy, Dcnmarh.Hoihand.of foc BcIlgiina Hanover, Oreeee, and Wurtemhurgb ; six Graiîd Dole..- Baden, Has3eC".set, Mace. lenhergb Schwerin, Meclenhetgb.4tniiiîi. Oldenbtsrgb, and Soxe. Weiumar'; seven Dukes- Anisalu, Brunswuick, Nqauasa,'Saxo. Meinengen, %axe..Aieniborg, Saxe.Ce.burgç, and Schleswig-.Holstein;- nina Princes- Lippe Deh muid. Lippe.Stbombargm,' Henr. Griez, Senti Scheiz, Scbmcrlisrgb Rudol. suait, Scbwarzhar1tb Sonder-bautsen, and Waldec i one Elector-[Iesse-Darmstndt - anc Landgrave-Ueaoe Hawbunizh. The 2rihndox Orce Sovereign istise Empeorr of Ruais,and the Muuhman Sevceien the Sultan. There anc basides lu- Europe se. yen repablice, fao exclusively Ca'ioli- San Marina and Aadorre 1sud Ove abere tise majorisy af the inhaisitautso are Protes- tantss-Svitzerland, Hamimarg, Brement Frankfort, sud Luboek. Tcxts Gan "FA?" aIl rtrTue WÂS9.- Agent leman recenthy arrireds, aitaniors frem -Austci ,Texas'saya tbat Teys s i,11 tbresd nt 60o per acucu, Congreus gaituu ut fram $2 te 2,50 pur pair, bleseb.d Sec cchfau froiu lc te 14e, beat graf chatS nt resid4 (ro '9e 1 $110per, yard, sud olson 1849' isingigo proportion. -The bites cf lbinp hait iu s ccummerÃell'point' cf visa beggars 8ft4r description.> Gooda are fitefally giva§n ol avay. Klla o f dollans muaetie lont"May and baudre or c ajeculurtors ruinîed beIors coan, besines uéfinaiiy vctme4 op.'Tise vane.' thac bauses branud iat Ibe'mtottiof the riveor Icent- .last fer thie uext tacnmy years, anuui bu bougbî cbcspor than lu, tisefcru Maie. Prcpenty for ablis fifty liai dollara vas rcfusei six uuonthi mg nov be býugisL for bl asp maay bue People gré luaviigt.ecountry iin bu svery day. If lef1i haeif, hiatafigral Nuassanend Bermudi,"wiii sinktsia însignificauie.-Neto York Expre* &n ilalumau vont iatc a use sslned ibenieofai spdir of 1 Vor fuirhber particulsrà With oaimu Priuted word9, groat tsouagitsaisuuiril VOLIX. WHITBY, C. W., - 1