Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jul 1865, p. 4

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)L4TTIIEW COLLINS BGS rorr,1* .aonergta on lirie bisi B romeVrr.ltu ha rrperrite, on, Brook mrstdorafromtli trltyifia rr BOOTS & SJIOES ucIngetti tir, ao t Jr &Ar Ob' TRUNES FOR SALE -C4~ ivet'avCOil A itýrle triali wili ciruvitrir wirtra tue a ri it mrt.ut'i irrg.r. iti li te Bout abli siie ii- lire t.-he Ilà.rI -'HP. CELEIIRATED STEAM-COlLEI)110QO1.' T il V. Pi r. tc'4prtf-e li iiittitiuc lion, iheril,ýt iwhic liei' ir- l a trm'e il atiO for Trpiipli.îprtir ('îîtrrtolias dclaîîsriet crt Ili litrîllitWrtrîli ortrn S a Labour-Saving Invention,, l imoriertha ,fAroitiirî r1rr 1ra- hurile% it Tinter-1' iii, Iitrk. N nrBeralr &c., .111ihoi ireti iii tira itrirrfiurrr ai Ille 110 PA, ndl thida, fottr eet n tiherd, naryenîriil.iroupir imterati l im un1 ec TH{E HO:3P I15 STRONGEIR, Arn ne-il l hîrrorr thier, tre,in rv irirp. A Ooorper etiimnkthrahin fourrr t ir. homr: lier day murre linwith thra ir.il1itirpliti-hiffr ONE T IIOUSAND HOOIPS, Wilaifittit rtlonal frîim rnnty-six tirrnaiyt- eighrt iirn1. l unIe 4 trerilfehrliler uel 'et-ii ter fîr ttîipire t. Wlir.reer tihe invion- ttioi 14r10 rremInt une. iitre riii't-trthe Iritet "-,C4OMPLErE SATISFACTION I Tira preortirtatt tire matilirie, cirriée îrrttirntfer hiq ,iii' r ira tdrti un ir iririre rrrtfl ticreletter' i -riemi'plewirkrîtg ordir. Flîie-V, thl ir teiaîtt t2.tt ii t r 4 l o i'tI'lie watiîier-î ni thr fi".anan arrhrtpecion wilatUa fy art>' îrracte.nii n. Androrw Calte, Weinirgtonu Square; Wnt 0«rdtfrr:At. irr';Stopliten Sititrer, (3ifîaî lt*ilo" Toute SItre-t, Applyi Ite Irroprbetîir hall patiee, JAMnESeTri.l'rN Whiteveie P.O. Pcikrine ]PAU AND WIMNTR cO OTIIINGe TIl lrarlrber %ib jirat raelved a apiArrdid- irnow t<ntk lit PLAIN & PANC~Y LOTIIS. For Faeu mni14A I tet r'îi vare' ple or rui heit ."-at qetccte1fle i am ,ti irait hy oe VAtirr era-ttile W4iriqu rilWî'îfl atg ietr. Tire *rher l'rire tri-ii.ratiri erre rmViitltiî ti UA preattit aetatrecttif A('ltrtie, Withé feinnul argre qitiýtnty tif G tr e n iperor te)aaytliiiilz upalrilt trl-e) <irîit r krptelaliinrp kept rrra-le erjela. SAillirirl tte isof Càhrkepi for Saeb> tlire YKard or piure. Ar mitiIe tn ire ra. -t>CASH AND NO CREIJIT.Çl Portike.t 1Lmlirrjare'i- r 4lii'.. 5 ki. aett tleir itenPuyiikig Pricea. Ait ariymlI til l- Brnuatirm, 0Çlr'e-r. T994. di Brooklin Drug Store. I) PALFR Ine Drue-r. Pitent Me-llrtima Palîît. Uism, >yestttffir, Canfiediili. eti. . gorse * Viuile 3fe ctiS#ri<llWtiis on %andi lirroklinu C. W.. 184P m D iy3on0Want Witîolcnrs oreMmrirhr? D (Itr Gree l'lnri trrprrtirl rIli fon'e ltin -%«# grow oni'tIre srrietî.e.s faoa or chit, or ar JOi hild i lih. tt i% Wa;ix Pria., *'41- 8 psekaretaor $ 100. Barit 1-y ntral *>-Vire ,ioasly sealeq, Are rr.'ejrt of price. î4 Protls. Beriei. . Wtnmnnss.-hlé ti te iintsfirne t ofwiieern, wii ame e ritir %aciofiiu s. r.lt Igm t t atItr pototrpeî OLD EY1MS W&DZ WEW. PA Mtî!,r di reiiti ),& tomeer uoolhe r star, -111tt erive *P a w'acrn itir- ont ail rtfnlrute Ar'er onieire-ui'ort b>' mil, tre, on roceiptarrfI10 toil. A lirms. LB 0.vitiE . . TF TOI WA!t TOXOW A 'M OFTII IF iVv.li'tiil aiito- P .te fi Fi -rnIr cet.I'tn ni r i re m é ler rt'; Ili, lait-PrniAiUAIred-ininittif i.uarent: thIremruriag Rî4trn% tr itirever. la;ru ri muirer 011ailtn a tlurrrr-i-trnrilrifrg t herle'rlri rftre, reintisra rvire,i n"( .irrilrlîtn-ertttin Arfi pjtrOiL Conswer 8tmntl" n errrilnrre hrok f-treuatr t)ie peole. iunîtle-n hboek for sve" i> me. tenta tiblt ia rrttrie etoy ntdnrAen. Bilh tn'y hi- lirnnlt tira B * toicg h r w ii le.osmrt by tar11. Pattîpsit aurreauipl ofrlira price. Ad- P. B. <OoTE M h. fit. CON gqlON<8 AND gIPER- ie<COIP ANÇ INVALI». P T111 Tr V U ~Nuiand ti aer',rt erffer frit '.urvoi'aDelIita. Prs'ittrrsDa- aay rf Nspilfin 1, &o..Isnplrinz tt aIti%âmet lnimaie Te N1sisai w ti ' en.B>' tN e hast arre i1Iint-orfater nte. rreoing oeriir Alrs w eomme Irra eriî cq tirokar. uee. t myreer rit MrAniae. shle etipierus ulireslnad o0(lire rriitrrr. X, TFI %Mn"lA (Y'i~L. rot IuST TO J LA1RGE STOCR HAND, 0F 1fIL Y-G RO0C EIRI1ES, Wines -and Ale in bot-1 TME IIIGIIEST PIIICE PAID F01R BUTTERa HAMILTON & Co.1 1No 1 and 2, Till's Block. GROVESTEEN &CD~, IAN 0-FORLTE manufacturera$ 499 BiWAI>V AYJ NEWYORK.e TrHE attetion rof thea PuIlliiteaidtha Zîrade, bu lua'iteei tir ur New Scalar 7 SOctave Itostroird Iiano.Fortes! %Vbiclrfer volume anud purIty are ut.ifl «e by niny ititharclir arlere n utitis mrket. ebéuy co îti ll thtemodern iin>rovcntentr& FRBNCFI GRAIVD' AC'7702V, FIIRP PEID-IL, #ROM FR4.IfR OVFVIS7RUN6 &ar4 eech instrumment being made under thre persarnl rsuperviion of river 30 y cars i thirn tiae', la Warrauted in every partieular GROVESTEEN PIAN-FORTE,» 'Raceia'erlthre hiheet au-aid. of nit over aIl otheràa t tihe Gelebratef Whnre wre a xhibitei instriumets tsront thre iret inaicart of Lntlan~, Parir. e.<rmra.- ny, Plriladliphîua. Baltuerre, Boston aid Ntew York; anrd aite ett b. Gold & Silver £Medlais Prom betir aI hicht can b. eeru at out' n'are-roeli. By thre introdurction oflimptevements vs oeake a mtlii moro perfect PIANO-"FORTEi?! maril by - Mer;nfaturitrg ierMIY. vitir alrictly n oBl t mf'rare enabled tbo relr, tirent lnàtruênetentee, t a prie wvich wnu precils aatampellitîi. No. 1, Seven Octlave. round corners Roswood plain caie. $275. No. SS 5voi Octave. rmunit corners Roireooti hat>'mouleing, $800, Nto. S. Seiven Oetave. round COlinOs, Roseuvod Louis Xi V style, $825. 2 FRM : 1- Nett' Cah, in Ourent Funtis. ; Duetriptlve clreuln# goal tfie. 22 t' A4 large assortmnent of 'Tweeds, Prints, Cot- tons, MýaeeI ti , Sbtw1-1s, bbons, Ladies' Straw, liats, Boots anîd Situes, School llooks, stationeî'y. Gr-ocerieîsi &er, A LARGE STOCK. CHEAP IBOOTS'& ý sHOEIS,' THE LARGEST &CIIEAPEST STOCK IN TOWN. Sohool --Booike, , &-,Sta-tioneýry., Gr0ceries-ahIwrge stock alwa 'ys on hand-,' l4l'bs. of good U.urratits foi' $1 00. Good "i'eas at 80 cents. M. Il. COCHRIIANE. whitby, -Maiy 3, 1865.17 Seeds.i -- - 'l7hc subscriber's-collection of ilie alovv, jus? received, contins ail the novelties of the season, imported from the best seed growers ini FRANCE ANO CERMANY, D ENTIST RY. (ly Mr. filIey, the celcbrated Horliculturist rphtr:siiractherut le 'riirliairi lhrk trenttTtaantîteiirrnr"lirdingug itrn tirai ire iii ire happyi toatatu-id t l]ah or dera, arrirueestati1i1;xi, irti Tacth m irt'ln-ttOhd, Suivrt tor lc;tuintef Tagîluh i or extrtreted i lienuetîpitruui ie outiir lirfiaeirienAttettion paîd lui thera irguiniot- ai CJhilirmci'e Taatir. Ail wormr4-stinit.i M ~ W. I iltiT). lWHIlTBYBB.ASS BAND) 1 Whitby QUADRILLE BAND! Sinree-ialer iore'., flalta v. il ri.Oui-r tib!totet For ularintalait êuteginntrelrmlC- il U - NCFC I4, P NAUINE DEPARTMENT. iumtu .i l i r'r trthes, aiit ~Vfi î 1.01 lean plnihr' ile r irierew cu <r or ril eRemAi r t ritni <r.t.r,1rrre)f~ anpoy fintheiilraL-ke' itrai matre. &c.n à jltý1011W rtisrutsrpaitliethe Ctnpi. nr>'urY rrelied JONBLOJW, Port wlnllrrf g~'ile arjooIo Ja,.Rave, î& Ca. b-OOIXEROIAL COLLEGE' <farteni>'Bryat, tlMan KIreeIltr Ead of OittÃ",CBokW. -n PI NDUCIPl) ÂCUOoDINe TO: &ItISR tJPRACTWE. vutir air hMtûileàtiîe4Ar sit- 1 oui thr e etrarentis of lrhstosa ouatà, tit>' ofliNvI1uAinenont- loaunr ru ptrp5rlrel ire jpftflaa i riles nt te coanltimer tloue.ai tfor pereral bîffi" Balsains, aIl kinds, de .,. Calceolarias, do. Marigolds'e do. ConvolvnhusX do. Dianthus, ail kindis, Iberir'i's, do. Carniation?', do. Stocks', do. CROBERTS, SEEDSM AN'. Bo0ots.1 ----e-- .1ust. -opened a cotnpl1ete assortient of Ladies', Misses, Girls, aqd Childrens', Boots for Suinmer wefar. lIverything that is new Ii ite Short uine, will be ftauid arithe cOId lied Store, rit prices that wil a.tonish buyers teREM EM DER TERMS STICTLY CASI. Oidy one P.riéce. James Bi in. To-S hoemakers. Olie litsndred -sîdes of*siuperior spanish sole [-rather to hand, Nuniber o ne quaIity New Styles dp Lasts Vo band - Maehine Tbread, Zinc and IrOn Nails, and ail sorts ef Shoc« Findings, atthe OLD ýREI) STORE. JAMES BAIN Whitby1 April 12, 1805 Fire [t as re,-o() occupied by of bis la jiF' Fire! FireJ epened,,tlhe Cariage Fact 'ory -iately DONOVN WALKEY 4 Co., second door South actory, atn& oppçosite'the Town H-all, Whitby, where he ispepar0d to HE MAY- BE F4.VC Whitby,Apiil 4,11865r. is#r. 1866 Cheap for Cash. 1. V. HAM. SPIN I J O~-TO S Witby,Ma25 S5 Notice to Kerohants& Others, W i rIêand ReOta ile f-" e W o e a e 8.ltqit rtnt cia nnn dif I lr. r i arn R. &CJ ç1VIPBELL Beg to-nnounce that they bave greatly extended their prernises iunatciair of atn eyioreaqed trade, and haining piîrclîaÉed the bulk of their GOODS FORl CAS9, will be ablIe tir otknr CALSJ CUSTOMERS, the CheauutaiGôoeds, M*Im the Larg4st. Stock in th Cotîntý' f l Cuario. They weuîa d~eàtaseetlntction to #icir DI*ESS GOQUJS, , tîtilityt large lot, of Chales and Delanes at 1Cet~s per yard, clîemp at 25ets. Blaclc & Col'd.1 Shawlà, nlosiery 8 Gloýves, Ribbonsit Oloths and Tweedop Lirén&Otton Drilis Cbtt4»1 Warp, Curtains & Carpets. ýiCttcrdatïd ?riâti at'a great reducUmn in priee, and -well worth the attention of the tlotîest bîyers. READYaMADE CLOTHINo In Mens' and Boys' Coats, Pants, anîd Vests, made up à~ the pre- mises. I7ho Iailoriug Departîment in uteder tîtlieîîptrintr'edanca of' a firet-clai Cutter, aned al gai rints nmade torodet tarc wartanted. Theyhave opeiled a GROCERYU & PROVISION STORE, Adjoining, Nvhere will be fouîîd a choice seleetion of Teasr Sugars, coffees, Ham nd Baconi, Oat & Cern Molal, Crockery, Glaoswaret Table Cutlery. And a large sciection of -Garden and Field Seeds, Sait and Plas- ter, &Ce.r &c., at thé lowost prine for carsh. The attention of Country Merchants and Pediars is-requésted, as they catu always find a 1nrge-assortet tb seltet froun. SWlithy, April 19, 1865. 3l . CAIMPBE1L - 16 SEL.LING OFF AT -GREATLY ,REII UC'EI) PRICE-S The- subscribeî' lias detvrmrined u-pon solis ing Vhe balance of his stock of .Croceries, Wines- & Liquors-, 411 of wluich are genui ve, trtîccls, at gre*atly Reduced Prices'Vo make room for Spring importtionüs. Ile ailso takes this .opportu.nity of return-, ing bis sincere thanks Vo bis frierids for thoir libPral patronage bestowed uponirn, mad hopes Vo have a further continuance of Whitby, Feb. 14, 1861, JOHN FARQUHARSONS' IIALL'S CILLG WORKS, 163 Xi ng4SteWest, large variety of Carrnages on hiand.TI n L .L r~.i- euriaatoafntulue a ilt irnryo h % î r r o ae ma to'i n i i n , etnm pl hi îg g tire ~uhdearen Objt! of tiroanwily mixing ltae diffireut acolora bitaeut arrifMnelr l; irarrluhiug. mik-und bnîparititrq tîý't t xial in math of tige hutler novir boQulit la mark(ît; beurre 1a tine lacue; il-la ruelirAs <tierai lira ta tire menrtrtauthe>ntan wyak:buptter front th,s airrufrittaore pîruird ta foety peats, lime, tirua-sirorlapmae af tinte. sil noti mitkcona axiel uîtaer ils opnraiios: inethe balter t, il i isa maelit, io talla, iraI massw. For reforen4tl r petter * orlcXiM, ba sen in alrerosl naufl> olrraliaa at thiMMre- orf bMe. Loais iouk, Whiîiry, *irei' r"a 0 ie viii ire r'ecoieAn d m aeoulei prompti>'b> lire uindoraigîtnd, andiseti ta airy part ofîhe provinte. Prietloy ta nuit tire lita#. - JOHN 511kw, Manuafeartr. Wlritby, Jeu. 10, 1866.-. 1 2 Sm' Piano-Forte Nanufacture r WARE R0031 glWIUITBY, Ci W. fram ôSien ,6, and 731i~otaveio rrtauafxc. tu redo if thoe ùt rteialuZi,à nd pVOt0'~ ~ lire mont diaîitigrîialitrd ArtIai..6, to be~.u 8*14011i' y-sretaiiih rid purity roti ve I1 i sola ou tire maci reasouabieterme, and wrr' rauled h, standl su>' airrat.Oe. Ii4rafn.oM aeo pari qf thAcoeanipenla#i.dt. At lte Pravrucal néxititon ielin Londoun on 2410 927 Sept-anber.15484. lte rit pïiza vas' awiirnod t(--Jtiiçepir F. Rainer for ire snîperior .qritiily offilit PI ito-Forte, whluth *ère teut- cdh iiraer .) Ir 'l'irritA , iu qalt,,r f ae and Durabr2rt2prf Tua,eud nt itra rapite for the arr porhoefptriiaii l 1tt ajrtrUnFole ut. aiso took thra lt-rt prîteset theo Piôiuial Yafrs Th Titiluiîeîr ofJ-ls. F. Rainer vere p1aéed lui tii lightetolass ouI a dipibuinawrrdedtirern. Me-'-Roirr' tame ha voit kujowu ta tira CanadIen Publit-a a aPiauo'maiîîiaetirar, und reqiirei% uo ftintlrer eoriniitdtiou Iran thai tl isi n itiametitaSn ir jutif-oarned. W ln ordoriiig, plëe s tire number o JOS. F. RATNER. Wlrlthy. OOctý. 1nIt MR J V. lIA>! h.viug 4butntersproprio - r)r 6f ltea ai-iw, wil liave itearriorl nit auder, -ir at reinouduc O' r.Raineras Foreman BROWN & PATTERSONS' Ag-ricultu'aI Work s1? AT TIE (>LD WIIITBY FOCND1IY, BROCK ST., WHIIITYs. M'îtnfliranrern and deniers luInaMI hinds AGRICULTITRAL MFLM.~4 - WitERlitWILL BE sOtill THRE8IIING MACHINES Canmbieaed P.eapei#anaid MSmrst, Four di:11oreut irî kîut0 Two-'horne Wheel Cultivators F OURla DIVKBNT S TRAW AND' FEED CUTTEIiS, GIANT GRAIN CJEUSIIE1IS,. Scotch, Americau & Canadian 1>loiizg'J, Steel Plows and Steel Pointg. 1&'FANNLN GMIIILS, -Stafàcra, Cori'%ani Patitto Criltivators SEED AND TURMPDËULL& maeto oarlern l bnt'and.it e nroprietorsof tV t13.t enable thle 13___ ftnish. Pulan -Te Oonsumiptlves. a 1,t.hralîhin tramfat. nociF. le>'a vor>' gmrpie am s,.nivrhe maa'rîqnlberi swerivases wlmh a' sel'pr e er mffelimiand bot dinle.ad duause.Çu«4bnt. ton4 iiitati510 Irek iwU-% roS itirereft Tir nl lin dr-4resil.hob.viiitenrd aan"v afîhe 1e. 9 ima M as ng IbCa 4ne . *%AseIru ialtr114a, he. 11 tIra afrnilleft eI4'5l heir I ediq j1be =%rina Wh" i t!tnrvn5 cle uin t... 'Mde iha tpem evgyobm,5I if ii t>'Iawlym Il1hWini tira ibem apeéP5<5 V~r0trr 18ev. tCpWARD P. WILSOlf. 1-m1.Ç.I00b. àeCei NrewV,k. INFORATION FREE TO 19 a>iuvTPRMUs, spirits, Porte,' and tics41 Flower Asters, ail kinds, Globe A marantha', Calliopsis', do, letuiias, do>. ý Vhitbyr April 19, 1865. Sunimer n/ira., .nerrrnrta lWuCOtr.aat-tii prlmuoipies of 4 ?esxueauriip 1 Xa. J. -noîmes ka-t'n- 1 - 1 1 the same. 1 , -IY M-Noi

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