Whitby Chronicle, 17 Aug 1865, p. 2

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*1 Nêew Yorkç, ÂiUR. 1 ITolerald!a Mldent off the Uuiýeil Staies om~ 90 nie4 by Hou, Eilwgrd M. stanton, sacre le tary of WYar, it 44 coaafideniy asuserted,vilii Mo ~visit Biclamouil iuring the lest vocit in ho Aug.ut. 'ru. main object cf the riait w'dl nt. b. to attend a couiil -cf the lesdiaug W.' geuorai officor. of Maiaisnd an adjacent e - . alitary deoai..in IroefereI Iac e iconea ay ~ ie tor oaffaira in ibis section, nu affegt'.u de by the policy or Pneuldont Jobiaots' ad oe miniistration. - or The 7imm' upecial, ga7s:-Wirts, the Andeoovile Prison keePer lu to Lo put - *,tral tQ'dsy4t Tic charges agaiast bina .vilful aatreatmeaut of prisaneru, injur. la log thoir beahh andl dortroying their lires, un tefîaulng proper stiaiter adnecetury food, th steaIiog their blaiaiatu mnd 'camp eqauip. b. tanta, Ordoring Oonfedenmte Soldions te bil hem iontvhout icause, cauulaug fLeurato bu buntoi sud kiled by biocil bouanis e_ *' NaW Yott, Angirasi. &-Teo l grsit - xciienbien amoney carcicu tbiu moralig mians fandl ro.poa.ted amîoag 'ýbihb e iCharlfst lbmandi asd bd - etcbsun ê& Son, aire atiupeaded. It is said tust kltcbnw*à son haro over iWoed goiti claeckd de h iuont et *IiSUOOsuran - luR tt rpari nsia.*aa. r The dîiey cf the golil' rImb. pro- r Idu ace risnigiit airutsh iouitgoid, and-1 àeteigt -Millions chaugeanhadei tiI, urntiug. -The a rket lu more calai bat stuli netratas snd weak. The quoîaîiouas Il apeneel 1414,tau upap n id dowaz agaiju t0 -erlghlti IAcoldeat oanLakee liron CJOLLISION RWTWJREN THÉI MlrIXolt £IqD WAIIIC. re NEARLY A 1HUNDIE-D LIVES LOST. cimc tilila, arn b. !e ild uiay »ft resîrlet aildraior 0hai livw, n Io the dAu out. of 5otme ey o ite inaildte ie nlenti aliat-ol. robr te atso Crickt*: Afriendiy Anad 1*01ii eatieal ith was piay'eil t ItTbrldgo on Saturdey Iila lit., between the Whitby and txhaidgo Cricket Club . Uxbrudge won tbe toue And sen$ui ea opponenlu to tbe bat whIchb tbey, Jtaew ;igbî volt bow tob Judie.2 The firut bal wu puused jut at 12, sudý tbeir inningu vau coualudoil about 2 o9'aioaie with a soore Of 89. Ail parties thon iîp<î the field to partalue cf a good ditner served nai Baucoiu's otol. Tii. lxbridie eleivens then veralliajetindl at tint t4iey semeasi fraid ; but la the oreo e Oromt, la wbicb iithe. os cuntei lu(t, Itayý îook (roula courage sumd beau to swipe the bâtisurigltan sd left, tote igréat delighi of the upeatatoru. AM the jose< of the lniags tiey bail made t87, ail-au atteuapting tu oa.ke a fton, the lut wI*et faet. Wbitby veut in &gala ad nd e tho score ot 35, tbuu -ioavlngr 001)31 o Uxbnidge ta beat, wbiceh tbey did jut ait darit vitti 1 vicketa tespart. Afler bavIng bail les and giron theousana. chooru, the -Wbltby ujen lait for home, ahors or uonnaf cf eir honoa. Tbe foilowiag au îLhe umore. - C fliait- i t tnIiv.wl, Sta r at 10 -an J 1-anuiur t i îSi c j1 lktct-ulart>) ,Ã" iv l.auuf b liu terrui Oc u~u, b.-tea'art3 j W tiarr i b;- iu teu igIaciab acu urt u tst O u3ea b , li ôel auluu r uI'teaaa <vinuru ,l iý Viunr .1, Steurtt'2 - W tuaurtu it . cW & u. uua u n~ ~ ~~~~c aa,< ,,,nu nat ()xti otlinI)t tl l rn« ie 3 tix au[Lt Dr,. f l it- t'u ia r- l ia iuruui t'Wauaurob a,. ni I M'~ AfV~'1 Taw 'wma I - - - ~ ' ~ r .-!MM- TO DIRITNKARDSO 'nLD DIX.TOII t BUL4,N'8briltikarilt' ") Cuire priiaauioauly oradilùataa l,th tn»t for aroltg drinak, aind aunae the wonêt aaeua ,'tiinlcu,ng ,lau lofsp ib igit wei,, to bleoitheo day tlicy were fortun tea ough to Oortmeoae tune oai tuavaIuble reinody. l'ria) T*o.'Dolallr aiea.. Maad ilta amy addremd on rae*ipt of aus order, by '47 JAMES S. D1±LXKit, 42' r ,waiy, lqow York, solo Agout for T MiE filaug animal vlgt.-A blak filly twoynrltli- mpouideait 2,iai the Ot Con.oaiofPlitrlugr, and viii lierai b. aold..by P~Ll)ca uctonlOt,. l e I8th d&,y ai septeauber neag, ut thé )Ih' 0ttva 0'aolc p. m.. if frot soatier called.' ]4tii ilakeîikig thiu iutie dauy ai Augtîst, 8in-112 Fàaadep THE NEW NUMBER litn.u t 'ittla ii lu t r iýr 'diI Hîter re ari r il b -A', n t muu.di. cu. n g-ni]i l>* çCUa i 1 : t i, niiuad h i i cce ur p- id ni 'un n i Et.wtiu î uli îuuku's tlttol une't t C tiseri n Tht-, fli dvu.'i.a IV n t Cl, u'a t,, i .tutîrpo iiz r.tir l t ' iiri M llu.ti i D nr, Aug. - l'iraipropellenai. lioainau1n', ai9 ing Mteor and ureuiyac, of the' lÀke up Wt-ta t-ua'8 ntl t uttnu, u'<n-t'tta liu, olide ot edtesairriaiti binPI i t YI rvi a riuvir, dot- Bay, Lutku onar. The Prwabie ui aisarIllaiwiu rai toui SWtnk urulunus1 ln tut-r, minuate,,rond 75 or 110lîs'esna%,,es 21 Plins-n n l t. lle ctilirict toi vsaa i ralf paii iac e - it Woild rt1)U,t 1h nu' Wr.- ' 1.- eught O'Cit-ck, arixuami lt- fo. @ure, The tirarniTit RIru z-un u tMvuM uIint- ltt utnr X -A1 vulnh'ut 1>avlibic wa t uruck enoubat-port lor, jj ---s rt-Ounrct i [t ". It1 :. innlainta arut thepilet uiaae. l'ho bitis wavortat-ur- LPM'OrAIiteOttawa. -k. iint- ti iuiuMnu tt-,lt niar nt ailluIai1tnd, aind aîruck wyul1i sola -i u uuita gel .a uuuar ruu le- i farce rs te crurth ini th,-' aitit-e brow ofihe Tht- Quv-rrsu-nnpoaîlatnfîsthnu X -diiiltifm i at t~n--NwtIl-u, Iun-ia Peigabiic. At the tÃŽlmae t the accdent , otSrif,- I siatt i'auulîn,In1)'m 1lt-ttf iu Siu.-In1 ,n r-n- P- nr ieur1 'i ru r j otbe> bx mileslaaanr h'nl hetoaeh f;ter(>ruete -tttinaa they txcbangea isigiasan sd il>i Iwubr WitM-rru i rirnuî,Gut~a'ar 1 ti'n1 A,. lINtYt- bute -tI lu fuinui bt araMeater, fo 1rua-m ne I.tl.lo). A amaturiînt'-d %Virt*. iaritnuton , - i n , i it, caise ai e je tàia, ý1ulaniauu , tunc inlis the a I a ialauer r it!ýu IVtrîraua, t ilaisi ifu 1iSt 4rect u iriaiit natrikt he Pcgrîabic, A iit ,o bta-tia'lti.llue tli tItisu anniîî SPLE1NDID CHANCE! Lemier an rit ftiied tt'i'rt-alIa lmt-aaiti.eiglrt tu 1.10-', liaius not battr eda et' pasaturgt-sn»* rtiped ion ÃŽ ht-ri h-at'rete t. l. le aesr quite Ai yotlargîB ?K l1j motura-bt-Inu a -tflue Ia,,viàuic sont'. 2Tl1uvlrurt nsîVrth aurrdldicîctetdnlaak'- RSjl'lil "S S ( tirfe inuaisr e itr utrnce loutavî ti-t <ruai» ie r bclia î hrai c i i'iau iaît t iaia c ue ruirgAKI Moteutrr hii lit-ai uptrE~r-ut> t'Ct-Ch were I: ler-ht-fîtbdyînt--c[ auuirsrvt bciuug '.4I .uSIB i? - et-luîd down uwiuj lia wteck., Thaee ere 1175 Io 20 paueuîgreuaa ona bnard-ahePI'eai- TTjîIr Qra te 'i l.fr. --n, epper. ci rp~ rnlmln f- u-sietnufI -arisr of Nom uct-inan. tut- T unitltn' Vil,c tunfi bW Te amist-au'75 pasenna' atad2 -oreutn, een fs'er ttli, uf th re aved at-e utain. Tbe ecidar ati iln-n r it unga etn-rsatntn ue'iiri v. t, tf ie euirnt blit- et dI ascanraira tnv u, Tlady 'îrrflil.k, ttilt;v l.unitIIu Sra if~ing - i-tit- iitltig 1M but lAïil i , t-ut-onet idred-,u. Tîaic Mt ur Xltua1iug. ThIe lu-lro t- aunt-ljj,'i i Qne- ac --t te, lu%,, i t- mr e lN ',-t- t-rnatnni n lert'tthe ac'et e ofthe uicsatar illI ur' iri c l bIvu-eI' t oetu-n nnnuufleîl iaitt ho rnt. tIoOi-iî- I-I- n "u' nî,tuii -Inotaiuug, tla the Lapa u t luikig tpiqry utir ilre lut-, ieninag tIere sulî -if tntuuîiltev, peMft-tt int i gmîiut ba at-iil ai*îaag auun tn) it'. 2ýrO wki kte it7il nu - -tni t'ie-u pierrai of the arack, but colle t'ara teurail. 'fur it uuiarti r taIîtr-rLuit Star'1-ci ,la0atw'linntnI- -'itrrau That propjelen Moiraikos-l ping cevra, tbe A ltvfien'tmuttod trunria t Ilire laurlîsilnuthéLul ttiui, t ,t n-tautin vi uiurviaoti avre tranasfurred t<î Lac fru, lt i-hna lraîraC ililh Irr:uc n-utheiet--tt Inn-,mr l ý rit'l IvI Mulaî r at SA uf tgIrt tla th!& City. l'lee rrta radu 5nut'st i1ut~ Ltai, ttilriutri ,rn e tlIi i at't- r 1,t1t-n r it 'îe )dllfur iwu's but 9siightly iuaaru ari nur- t'iilînuiiî hni tibniuu taaralnd 1utr t-1,-ttnClttini.<iuîunrn (4 rvilier trip te uIke. Saanenaot-, The SCI-t'u nin.lc llimag cOn railgouo ti isj 1m Lttic utiq itarglult bc lileujaîr,îof 114 to 5,1 cit-utAli153 it -batti andi paimuu!5of the li faîcil steamer, *Ithdriw, 'lha ieseldiig moItf ui4t xi-- , è. c).K vuaiutIt la thuOnunonre lmperaauble t t y s-cu' rtttmly eeutSUred intirelatter. ,nî,f-t t~ 3 it5 2 go, aranpetue limi of the.- paeangerm Whou îyceNtot %x1,ý FjiPi: i!ix u-A - Ère - -~~' - 1a-u~t-n ut-al ia it lat irdytri-'Ia-kuulu-in r'lriInilylaiurîug itttINZOLVE.NT ACT 0F 1864. graaîttuad compririîatatiioaa,'hi, seate Pat-e. fit- iir MIcltira tiilt u-unaci ctipJ'I%-la'JJ. Tire t)cunutiie vas bilit laitulyean, aeni vais lluîr, , IA.,, 3(1and rt % u'u' ig lutî li uiit-ooe. fi, -,tt-t -i lrrS'Anl ,naltiiolitr, vstlu'd ant k;100,000. glu v î-firiit'erN(t hine'truiavnihi 1 ra' i'rt, ~~60,O00. ~liiit-y, ç tlitu;.te trlin e ea-itu iir000,st-an n',it'litt tr-e elIt 1,9 ~n-t uni ae 1-W cua Tuuc, ler, e : a p saul huairandt- ' Inrî 'lv fittii,éý> Kaiten, h,ît iurnt-tnîian f)in tiratlitiec aad ftaruiaurc. J'lirere m C i;uuvi m a it n ItI1ý Vt hornl t- i lue Intt-. b Ietiti ut d it t elie l sa t t iluaite iit ina inu nt- rrnna.frIlle ,paubliet .A a i i liau appiuiaeaat loe tioaloaire te w r ftiîc lîrry.- G lober. Pt fr riorri lae lra-uviîuut, an rtJ unritug Leder hulhtfiua lit-c fcho*iiug i -11 h -11110m'I"CNDA IGTUE VEAUtîuimt'ualf Iftte int4, Prolnunien)uetaon tous ir ae ou Faaidayleuo i lîeut 110 ANIA i'aauu Tli »,t) lths untet-nurtit daly Of Aallti , 1 ÃŽl1 rwhite lu tht St. Mat-'s siip csaal battu &Moto uccrfVt-lun 8 1 &T1856 AirD 1864. 1865. JJtIe1Âl adrasa acttiail snd t sra "tu 12 f of 1-188 1844 Atteinesat. vatet-. No lailuilie Se dus.$ but the umf ri Coin & B-atu'n. -'aliaitr. 2 ln-32 ars hat aittheir afecta. ,luafumr ar.at-Fo ods.. ittS0 ,1,7,t --------- titilars. TU Xc u àeo iàie saue bean iliat IS - - A T O eliled ril the Pelrabiui. BoîL t'ira crac-$43,964,493 $42,498,120 OLE T CT 0 184 bi iuy J. L. Wbiîing & Ce., oef Detroit." - - ~ ltlamitl tOtlOsthmalsl Dtai.Il) thea. i e $4, 169,1I3 $III, ait lu'cnî - uaasen.-A gt. Tibititeapiper saimys $laS& a ýu cItFiuîelitainn aIof a e So til iot ulacre ma tard a n t C aoftkt roogr . ua91Vt, IO n ut rtt ira tp taau alttlav 711 Ar'Axlac 0h1.1. atitasnes <ans hai - - ~ ofi. Yt-Uauqeiu <ï(1 KilitirlmtaIn Ta eauINTO lt infe ile laite ta oibellr, *it Collilg tbe Cuoarty tif t-it, rti 41h tarl4aine wtwet-i 117 theo 19iMot-laIo"l' hcii snt-ed at'cîut cf tiue rater ilthsaick n aiulAy lowrn <an1 'ultiuultya iAoga4 îlutict, et tire lineîr of at Fatihut liton the lihL ajîL dates îthe bank lions he fay fer icvetiteeg dâys i wi vlec kir lu iç o anîlef- el e froa ,Londonaderary ta, tLe 4u vi a bar.therto nid vaifrasly rasaued by ai n,,igî boUtr nalalaîrnaof' tiohe ni anrcarngîbhe l'bc a siet aeapatchea (rom ihe Greîait ele*-oA* 6. dniiina-eatadu> fA1. lgD ir.AISt) phaiernutu 0Wedoaay auonig the Jlarnrumi# aihat loi t' lIdeadl. Thisi lCil A>E wdÂRii5, LAf mt,, repesd ail gplng ou veiiiaud Il woer at-sinothimugbut aRI" mbei.tca (IAî*LEhi C * KllAIER aulei 4~000 -miles paiki oui. On Wedouey aegr'o girl. -Itulvttaohctr ti-f eucahag ilia folloaiig aeiv recolrad t- m erai.,riDavis hm aiskted ad eb«un 't- ~VIuî5,AQg, 2og p, Xý_Sgn&ls reftîit<l patriaialon to risit bel!'bultt*fd InTii R OU TR D fot-ehîe Gnitt uteru becaro. unillli Fonit. ot-uIinae. Itflus Aitt hAt-êuae il. at nurn. o ctuiri.>Lsiiit iar'aubien arteoil -l.etitg famdh - bu beeu Lad raia the aluip sinca, MA n'aO t i ,r lullrrmatioa ucceivauua Thae 1New Vorký,en ijjlj et ofthea- Th ire uaéus kneoia, and am atheCinciniru"Ys L vu~ hat Mr. Borue. ,alsiu c ii. uwa uohi; ailtioalGneely ut the New- York Ibiliait a Io stimary otbi- addiionalsalary of $7,500 IL jyeairsand IMa, Freàiek Lad tl'rsprd. tielises bieau Ya&ien- Ilualsoniof theR'sr1ýflbua$10,000 yer. tilsh baieuen ottof enden. - TbjIcgjj saiuthe b o ofraffi" InluThe Prince of 'ata regularly appe -. Terysexeurs felig pevals a teClu A ile gtirlthe Hom f PMra k ,- rtase.()-IhAW aon pi.aore iii rtegAtandtcCe hpap ed ta tp e 1 ure f*i inur Cunhumbu)r tc) ioa dvance f the iantincM ua'alhu, u"nr.I of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h tiilAlauf« ctit. Uetamlddayon yiitileaerSe frio 5 gi ne 2o nd 60 signseairaà pel' andlirait1OSA, im, Wvryan auglt.feng rloiyflte e id iinî)nc. - - 'j-m' at.-erîfnu !)unViar, OtAtiln fteaidvarCâ0le rfau dl.dey ou 1G. eic P. at. 1h tuw Jol , 5,. lit e(tjiee~ in theu lai l-pei ir nof th@ rboja route,- -2e400Ã" fathonru or s littecote-2k mi«. Il va a bis ti.iuia ith îe signale te Valon' tia bicafl1ie auêt.iUgibl-e Md graillly The Vïatm larera îtai the dhset&cO. curei mftor tLecamble lefî iLi. rasait (rom- lb. faci t hi .tu ukuaowa te those on board, ralo vert slgnaliing their messagel-- as Oual raheu thoir signle beca uit tellgible ai V.aiuisud &thlut cqead inlinely. AiU0ate asacee of recaeriàg tbheiaam&'red PMaOfthé uhle ut repIr,- ing 't' it Isn- â#w ita bla prao.>, couell uot b#f*m pl e d &jait e rate e !?Fo ilisai a eriof a tille anubho NEWHIIA RDýP-W À RfE-STORE.! Ilarley Forksu9 an U'u[s Scythes, Sîikies, Reaping [tecks, M&chinie 011, (various qualities,) Cisterri PupIro'i Sipks, (with patent trap,) Lead Pipe, Stove.pipe Crocks, PatentE narmelled li ese $t-i ng Retties, F r uit P res er in Caris, [air tight,] Counter Scaiesu And Weights, Bird Carges, [ a goed assortment,] RODGER1 vory llandlcd Knives, Table and Dessert, BIritish. Pla te Forks, ,TAd4e and, Dessert, British, PMte T eï a u d T a b le p Q S, W i e e" T a t n i ' ' P o ts , T a l Ma é lated Cail Belis,, plated; Cruet8, J4a'néàndTea T-rays aîd Waiters, Japanned Spice and Cake Boxes, S ponge l3aths, wl"ich together with alarge amroutrent of House- BuiId ing ý,Hardwa;re, Paints, Oils, Gam, &c, they offer at- the 'Ver, lowest renumerat-. ing prices. te' CALL AND EXANE-,TIIEIIt GOODS A N 9 PR IGES. -Their Stock of, Pi-es ('1 ani àJîapamed 1I'are, is extensive and vai ,iof <i c-:kh i wfTaflted lrst class, as to workrna1ship and ma.cl 1.; 1 EAVE Ti ýa.)Uutjus, uONDUCTOR-PIPIES, Ck1TERN PUMiPSi &c., and Jolibiing by irist class workmen 30 No. 4 Brock-st., Wbitby. WINES WINES '['lie subscî'iber' las on Iiand a ciloice assort- meint of SHERRY AND CLARET, FORI? (JtJJ 2 IE 1? USE Ce ROBERTS, Wlity hly 19. 1865. Ohaa for Everi! icarc> o C> Whisoky, iRm rny UNAI)UL'l'ERÂTED Sugars at red-uced prêices.! '0?, trial for ,tis Flouse, EQIiied. flREMÃŽNÊRft& tRQtJHTARIt, 19 Gibbe'4 Block,, OsW4* H I3gt nnouiie thatt they hiàV greati U9alapîin13f su »noreased trade, 'and -havifr t*~Q)8iP1I C4~Hwlll be able te otici cupcait Geodts, ai well as the Lsrgest Stouk ina wonld direoli epeciait attention te their DItE" large-bi 0f c'.tilie.seo aatwr-isr yw Cotegsud iidt.îa great tridutioen ic pfth4 à, 4ý NWA DVE R T1SE.MLENT S. FALL CRCLR. We beg to announce to our euis- tomiers and the public geanerally, that wo have nov il, course of Manufacturýeank'îl *111 xhibit for sale iîn a'ftew week sah"eteni e assortment of IVantiffictu,'ed from the Ue'st mna- terial, which we will, offer ai unp re-icdentedlyî lew prices. Our Clovhing will be fotnnd in'finitely SU, 'perier to the ordiuary class of Rtady-MIade Cloth- ing, thp material being principally-of the BEST CANADIAN MANUF3ACTURtE, and hasý een most carefu]ly selected. - Our Faill Imprtin wlIb V 9ull lrg, and *iI1 be te hh-*d arly. And as we are. determincd. te confina -ônrýSeves to the CASH PLUNCIPLE, our priaeg wilI bu fptind eýxj tremely loiw, believing that thc nimble sixipencii is better than the tardy shilling. To those who -have se liberally extended to us their patronage, wc return our* ýIncere thanke, and beg to solicit a, continuation, 0f.the saine. Tu H. McMillan, & Cou NEW GRQOCERY, FIj'îE subscriber would -especifùlly *inforru bhis okôldfriei d s aund Scustonmers, tàhe u liehasligin -started >business la the' bo' hueni he OU)COINERSTORE,, oplite the Ilobson Ilouse, ârC-ýêDundas StretWhitby Where he itends keeping' on, hand,, everything reqired for Family ue in te Grocery fine. 1W Be. respectfully invites an' early cali and a fair trial. CAHPAUD FOR:RBUTTER ThSe the h"ghe.st Cash Price paid for, goo&itub enr Roll Butter;' aoCash paid for EGGS. t~ BES'I' Best Corii ali& Cora Mesi alwa' for ~Ie Qrj=' Barley, Qate, J '-3 ut-v -nu -t- t--t c- 1Rc MN' CIHE S 1 'F011 SALI lunitAd mat., -31 *1 Family-Grocer. 1 Wanted-11 fis ellN mm G roitry sWcfaaia, to lanIuf -A m.Juu'y w illm vtait gi a 32 T. H I MMLLANM, c& Ce. TO C( NS113MPIES, or Lnigmw-111, aiiv-hérfliuly ritild , l, tu mluuit ua i it di l t Vtl .tr,<j wlliib , tîrrut ( eu 1 disaeitî uuu~ T e :ii uuuîirapti%'oA*ruuiftnurcî',, 11a1. irueairu t %ru . f il r nna thInux, fi,'l "Ilr 1)0 tirea9113:u1nnnrof tlicir pr t-fr;t -rrtutioy,.- 'I'inrll t hr u'iri,'tlle 0lturutwifl p elit- u t viuv..u lrti', Edtiîrrl la. ' rlmiîruli,ime M't rlIa Strunni Stt-vt, Wiiîrîbrrî i"gnCciut( N yrt'rk. r.- Vuit , t I c <-yginu t of r. I)y, thaurut fM- TUESIlÂY, 8SEPT.. 12-th,4 48691- iîrtrae <il tire Plinev, COrnlîr, uri lln anud MlI thcr.r alarurrrr, u ii t, uv.uendu NE i1SON G. IIEYNOLD)S, htr , X C (r wIritaey, Aigrrnt 1 d4. - IJXBRIDGE IOYE UXBà ilDQ-EI. T I ii rrnutqrubor iiu tarvrug lrôlirefimutai; atct 113actuii a y Mr. -Jug 'Viorrpuon Wiuhr-r ta iurfrtria comrcuru ial Trurvelliaert, uurli r te rut cliai rîi, itut.tira liqnovint-r, nît nacarînn. alItàtuo.itiuulutie oru irutl Motel wil'-be foiînî' eita aurll il rio . titriN-. WVI ANNAND 26Irprer Shps toLoJ F'PilutsE tc acutrrilly a iraitId "JL,Slr Hna a irj i;i ' A blan lui usi taloitrt. 'tret. ltt tl7 qean uttie il o - 1.arv i k , &a rî tt-aor, bitores&C, ulld - Apilly ta- JAMTS fBLAK -$00O O XLOAN. ii., iltrsilu,ued linsarjeitt cîripiteà au atii T'gotieuOOu 'nmure perisarod tm a ÂTI - PER (CE-NT INTEREST. Bobrà'îuracraj linenaiiauy frontuî Oi to .tati I na l aie aOageat fi thea C ain taidL( f aie mId »uldiug Saainty, îwitttllutudo maalay (rom liva ta telnyaars. [tl; .6 iP£R CENT INTERESI. NO COMM.IISION. App pr8nalIy tir, PRINCEALBET rO<ai~pointhurlTdWia Tlaf-1. 'v C csris Xoria i aiaiud 1. v pellng l~Oait blt-ctaTeù l~~r vaurallfra oi» attparut, Rovisio-N BRENNER

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