Whitby Chronicle, 31 Aug 1865, p. 2

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N ,w .tulvprtlsemntî iS'ts Puy,- Tvoa celle men vcted-lateb tàBro. car-fH. E. 0'doll Iaselvs ht notie-- Jus. Holdon Assgnese Carniage anti ign Painiser-J. P. Preeman Public eotice-Tovnshhp ai Pickuering CadW .Stesie Boots & Shues-Josepir AL Bandei. 81 lievard. -C. A. Jones. ONLYSI150 CENTS A YEAR Whithy. Tlitîrs4ay, Âugust 31, 1865. -Tire liveliosi debai-so fr-o1 tire present dm11 session tout: pluee on last Thurcday eveusing, ou Mr. Hoiîon'is imoudineat le uts motion ta go ia Camunitîeai Sapply. Tte amendaient ceithe ex-Fioance Minhter asserte! imply vitlnouone mt mter aide cf Ibm Honce teiais!-te importance af vniarging the Weland an! 8u. Lawrence Canais in 9e0nUn 1111n2vItis itie on1tf iu'aR.leciut forvarti iy Mr.- Holton, voni! bave amuanerd tua ve o a mcl@ficonfidence in Ministers, 1Mr. Moitais(alitugit iypocriticaily dislaimining snob an in- temtion,) knev tiis veli, an! so vent covertly la mrk u n order ta catch thea Haose anti Miistors by a surprise, as sort an etnordinary ait! unusuml counre vas veii cilenlate! ta do. But ibm reuit shows bhoy uiierably lte isile!. Hua amesndaienît vas neguàived iy evota cf 18 ta 201i Il la a furter eîompifietin cflubesosber truilà of-suhat te Scoîiab" 1Br! ai! orsonif, taI The ~~beetL i li e'ttni f ice andi menr - tGan itzO t' 'l'n ' Mfr. Hlions vwas a a-cil laid,ltongis anu esuccessiuil rap, iromever. On ithe provicus ecmring te subjact ai canal en-. largement ha! becîr- îakett ap antd!discuta.!, Many suppoiters of the -Miniaîu-y expreca.! ilbcmuslvec mrmly in fanon of sncit emes- sure, as di! &acs Ministers îbernseives, deelariteitItIemgocentîmetît vas inîiy- lmpresaun itli te importance ai1te suis- jeet, san! litit îwoul! hoe tatan oputaitib eaniest day the firances peruntte!. Mr. Balton conctive! îbaî lie coul! maire a point',and deimcb soute af ibm supportera oi theminicîry hy urgisig taI te morka sioul it. underilai t aionce.1'bns lte prepere! anti bronglit forward hit motion vittoni one mord cf fote or wraing la tse goverumntatHeBe muarace! lb. op. portueiiy in maire a liieelap-trap cipinaI. Tirs manouevre wvas Banc Irongit, i'rcever, and, as be tiaservetilte fi!.! igacminaus-. iy. It vas nat ini uhe lierc of tse Pro- vince, or la promoilte public gooa! htia Mrl. Bolto.n mare! ; hi4 course mas onîire tontrary diitmettically opposed la ail uic, tu! vai anly calclate! la svrve a factions pu-posand embarra-eiseminstu-y. ÀAu! as w ve c. lueady ai! il met viitbm fate it i!eserved.- Oas voe incladed--in the tventy mal- contents vito volai! for Mn.' Ballon'. a.cndmîant-tbai af M. C. Cansinon, Ibm usmiser for Narib Ontario, w'v cry mecb rognre,.MU. Cauceron, whiiie pursng auà an independent course on te subjeci 4f Confedaralion is acting perfecily conistent. le apposiuug ibe poliey of lte Coalition otlierviseus!ndvating vith M1r. SacdfldC Meedonl! an! Mu.!Boîtti, bis vote is nas exectly ha keeping viii, bit pramisea to ther -eefdors .et North Ontlario. -Wo give a - unsaanyai te speechseentier tepreper pcrllauasnierr hec!, omiii believieg, boy- e1er, tia raiM. Ccutrna's- voie may ib. sueceptible o! funier sipimoation, quit, persuade! as me 'are t lie evomI!-coi villiagly.ire a party te the. iscreditable tachacs pracilme!l by Mr. Hoituu - ApurroxsAND IupRoyvasusa sar 7 WMvav Mectuasîca' IvsviC'rs.-A goo! Indication of tire' progras of- a lncabty ia tse:pragreu ofail&tsMecisica' mati-9 bute. Where the, Instituts io." lonua!four.'- lsbing thero aIsomili b. e!- l b. ar. iroautllng comcSunity adiatoing is moral1 an! maleriliprosperity. Thère ulgirt b. se.ptiaaal causî-and oven'a ~fOcmis. itng]Keciremie' Inetitute siceptieol Ùci. viduals; 4ut, tam ses, bm 5nntimessfr -tlae geuire proposition viii irai! good. Judgin g the ove of Wiîby by bhis Yale, there là îvery cue for congratulation. Our' Macisatice' Isîttte bus been grawinrg in esofaluscandcim uporance jear&miter 70cr an* dispecsing ilsa'beueflu' usosa ucesa <bli. .à'very lfair library af apvar'dsof 1,W0*volume bus beea ceilicted, anrd ad- dtions le e eausl!erahle oxient art beIng, - -mcd6 aneuuiy. -Oly Ivc yearsa go tie h'ceiar dacoraio»an cd iinprovemeals in te hall vse ema&$ ab au capemscfr 250, and nov vs Ind tireesuommlîbec ocmenV' mlag improrsm.aus ou a coupotilveiy Si; ten4d eaale that yl neomistat. au eha, piadituré oai-more tbae '$600,.4.Aiew ______________________________________ r yull serve 10 show teir mono, gpet. car love readers bey 10 8770 2823 l8it 1: 3200 ~0 18581 8 7650 2700 1859 9 i 7777 2500 1860 il1 ' 7436 2827 1861f D 5579 2122 1862: 1l 6047 2859f 1803j 12 64761 2660 8IROI 12 6454 2778 1 W .uerj b.e't 1400 3124 8200 2622 1776 981 m2 13,6 11 83 4j M95 2483 '1409 Un. 2823 7600 2328 1780 2620 8717 The proportion fer lovawn mros tInclad,îs thte nnceiioeicabte taeq, £4demis, &.; -an! ont aiftoe$3717 for 1.is 70cr itere lis as ob. ddocd ju nddiiiou $1120 alps for Coaty taxes for 1864. Prom ibis stemeet î il l b.- éeeu tirat the gnocaikaof tb. laxes ti-le hW Coantjand Scitoal psupas. 'An! île anme itemts are notaikeirly tla sary mancit cadet preseni cinceumstauces, -or- et amy raIe, ta b. lesene!, bettitermaiàn et about tir sème figure. L* e nsbisetale ibme achoul n! eounuy taies tSe, 4ý 0 anti va bave, on t.eprues aiWlulvi of $22, 133, c permanent txef of .ely9 cents in Ibm dollartapyooy'asa! snpov loe eicis TIislpreMat, of carly <me iiie"tgs lu;0. , 'pbaid, vii alvaja reuder aujbing like bargeappo prissionse ncrons anti burdeniome on thre rimepajera. thce ispresocî sytem-eof frai soboola the taxes ije bt idred6iaa cannai bs reduces!,,nor, s e ve al rsaul sal!, c= ireamboant pai! fart càunyi axes this jean b. iamiriaity, if at aitlesseW, viiitirs tovu romains attache! leis doandy' for municipal purpoe. la tb. only ims dirm.tly under te coceral ,o? tise toma coaneilI dur e cqy irbusen sabhibite!, 7an! tire e 'so âon t*'fer -but Ibat ibis mi eccontue to b. tho casm Tissu '. rolter"Muatters in e#un.ctiou vitir Ite aveasssamnthoverer, initr bialr cat clone a greci mprovomeaf 'ulgirib. made, but a grtres- îj"sice remedi.,- beb v'e nit dofeir$m~eS'al Tis LàDuxOX QCavÀ u* Tnlr *l4yirau bas. boemasent- iii eym+ jmkp à Go., ihe Atoerlesapi smsl edways'4 emlo. -ueureodîs'n ticiiusuaIlijreplets viti goed ! iiae 'bie W. lieuces o. n8»=Mu Carutaur ger.beni t1.L.u. . Lete aUurm NM"55 it'astc PWCi fleotouti bu"i. b Ham 0s. ts b, b s bRa %I ' uio b ., s ow ottl b b-e-is WWOa ~.î- b M.ms Usamsl ntai %V., swo* b i<es '-e 0 Besi b Ãœ. B te b ,.m't ~ 1 Il - let4t Nou, xàbté Oto o j "toi W. MN .grys 0hum , b 1 j. TisaI ~cy 'n' -' a e s s 8. s ~1 se~ 8, e Lu I t, e i "'i i 51 1~' -~-*~ ~ _________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ spemitleg ai a malter vbicb ha! coihing 1 1 I Laest Euroxsac. Tho Town Taies. - Enqeirimu are dally umade uf us ine. tbs report af ihe procoedings - of ibe Tlown Cucacil giveninlutmiveek1s papor, W*o tbm cause ai 1tie increassi -taition Ibue present-joar. Titis eoncern cf t4ip5ae'5' ha only natural. Prom b.lng oniy 9 cents la 1881,Y Il cents ie 1621 su! 12 aointsll '63 and '64 tbm rate fl, nov 141 cents lu tb. dollar. -One principal atm leIsthbmde-j crease la-tir.assssou*vlae vbie bu sb... gradn ally ta king place, uni11 frount8, 885, lIn 1881, tbe cggregsý ls»vaueocan,. victiheb.assosment la base! il reduce, titis jear, ta $64,5ÃŽ0,32 ; or mare ts-0 per cent. Aisotiterreassac s e eurre*àé-; in thte amouni ai Cotuy taxes. Lust jear te Counny taies amntnt taiul $106,- 43; the present yesr t4c! rua op 10 $1409,62. Tire is ise tbe ainoet ai Couînîy taxes and hterest,,togouber #1120. remnalnlagunapol! frara. lest jor, 'an! whicb vas athervwise applie! for tova pnrpacc's, la be provîde! for in titis ymir's assessment. Tbese figures, vitiraut ging miat farther deteils, vii suffiielnty acmunl for ibm lucreaced raie. 0f the taxes te he raise!, tte pruesp'Xear vo pýy ,,or Counny porpaes. .-4,6 Dam thte Couaiy for 18...'12,0 $4962,62 Or in round nuutb.rp.,ceanle $5000. Theselitems cal cp neariy ivi-ibirds ai lte vholm aouet reie!, no Ibat littho mare thon ome.îtird of tse taxes pai! is left for tovo improvemeals, 10pal ma ries, &c, eut! lrovide for ibm aciutaexpenà. ara of theCorpoation. W. abae bisAta thte trouble tu prepare c a pparativO sade. mnt of tire ainnn of taxes raise!, and boy applied la emcb yeur inces 1855,vitici puaye! ou Wdedci,w,8u& nsmabnsd 'uotiS~d lu list voli's paper. TbW oe4oet. ers an! iboîr frendi lu l:b. eveigsat dova teisa excellent dinner atIboh Con- eorclci hotq, gol up by mine "hmosi ille ishies vert laid tie iste o %é dlcing tm » md fiiIfrand1UBio th. veigkeE'iiro géé~ctAPMk 11.7 vers e oppiied. Tise Sherif, Mfr. N. Club, prealde&D, Cseslia is ,ûhbln as th. second' tablo, 1fr. TiomaBolert Mm. Beulbes, D.'ton- ldaie gm tilmen -frais Uxbrldga; W dDr. i,4 M r. Dasinil , nueral of aur tovui5 !' satiifactorltidiscpoo0, fa&b! tito Président propod lus 5<ael af Ber Majesîy the Qsea, wvilch vas drauir viîb -treo tics.. thitW ed :%ilthe shosors, itte fvoi empany joing Dr. Hillary, in inîgebs ational Antéreivery effecî. ivbl$. The criletera ar iTjbridje t be criciselars of Wýtîy i!vain to toats votapropos.! le lori pesieg an! amuaciva tenularmes s re.w.d suistab respones,-Mr. Boîster rospcndimg for Uatbridge, andt lb Bientfor "Wlby A vory pimsaaet haut, or ,iva passe by qeiiuicy, vitt toast, sentimment, se! osan outuil te leaes ef tîeb.irurcoptile! our lUeMb ridtennda rmuctilyz-ta airage their 'base a estheinaue cribverd, mach te the regret af tboir Wbilby elter -tainers. , Ait pcrted le tire boit of goil teihavsblp, lise Irue crielueters, reisoivo! ta bave an eerhy triai fer ibe aonuqeriag taîci, boih lubs being novr garnie md' gangs. Tise Whlîby Bras Bac!d, me shouliet mat miinhgu pisys! sou. face. rite aira ddrlathebedinnhr, ah! tbeIr m- sic Olt TitTento! ld el!" ý tirroagiroultho day att«wd members La the cricket <Sm! vbohig-hi mo ot or. wme kave attends! te ica themuly gagne. 4 1 LrnZUAMD A» 5i i Ea.- eor.~ respondent vls -nBadyls, v boys vore *Atbing 'deug the. 6t r cc;bos ilois of EBoh, adog ihat accomp 1&itid ibsua began taexhibis evidenl simp"* of -verlentuialexittmo nt, and eai lssigîh rmshed into the swamsp batilg fàriotýly,, bat wuas 500 driven hack foievwed b terrible basai of. proy, t6 lik."of vhich beh. bad nover befôro ut' iYoï i itbel 'tmmediately vent home, viieré, Lbalt1tP toir lu dysm*îsi'l. 1r. -Jàn,1 mnq e*.,SàuWOl Dunlop baviuug pro ved tbé.uelià wtita gens and! arn.cnitiou, iled beiog Éoeouapaied by Mr. Same t.-Breun vith tvo of bis deer .hlounda,<sut out, for tbe place, sd d »où the usaîlsatlg o0 ficd thai the- bouu44q*vedriving the brute tovards theta, 9abrtlY aftervards, 1Mr.Ts' mie sa* Il eeýrgflng froua the bush, and vouaded h séeî@reijshebelerossiog Ibo rnad, kho Idoga sono. aftervarda drotéIt ce upa Irts, vhen M;Dunlop bavîng corne, t p, broagbt the i.vage creatiate i. ibo grouid I proved to b. a <binai. lyn, tmcd, b te appe.rance *of having lae.t suciled no loes than six cuba. 8h. ID5Ue84l a586ncites froua tbe tip of the. nase-to the insertion of thi,.tsali, acd 24 inthes frons the groand te tb. levet oftibebaek. 1r rv aa other lynx vbich ho b.ieied bo bave beetuý th mate cf 'ti. cee dutsîvoyefi,and iao'I ducoered ibs fresb'- mi'ao f a bear, 1hi pursoit oi vbicb ho promises himilf gond sport chehAqliru wry of harvestitlaoer.- This svamp le zeiiy 18 miles froua the îovn of Wiby. Tticacals Assoi,&rn.-Tbe oeil moeting of ibis Assochatios vwiii ho bl! in tbe Sen. Ce. Gracuiar Sehool on Satur. day cexi ai 10 o'clociu. Thg ýeaauining cammitiee vili report te standing ofî competitora autIbthest ezainaîroas. Mcd otber business of, importance viilb. bromtght bet'ore lis. Asociation. Ut. Flynn, teamber, Dondas, bas basa dischargod by thbmamgisîîia ci&ter a (al inquiry m in h bge of arson made alaiusi hi. He prov ed an alibi conclu. By the Oity cf l7ashisg'ionsw.bich or, rive! at Nev York on the I8fjil. iW. bave Dovs oi Lb. sâio arrivai of the(IraqS Basterie.: Tie big ahip remoued CrOok Hayon on the morning of tbe iTt inský Full particulars respecting tire' <able have BI . eNo rUtAmrcan vitb ono dèlys later nevs. vo learu tirai ihe Âlan;hç Dabit ful. Tbo qootations ai abares have lis- p ros..! jper coul.,..Pelure p >oe dakC vilI : eteétrioed at th. meetings ai ibm "rions Boar&s on' lb. 2ls laut. Xitla IOcugbt tibaî arraugeu nt§ lts vi iii- 'de for tkiamisthte ronai 4Ï f îh efosteai rucovor lb.eiabie.. Wbeaa and Bour markots reporte! Oro and advsncicg. The calte plague tantinded thm Prout!n. mul tapie in Euigiamd. Thée disose, vas spraanding. It l dispute! ibat il vas 'lIn. -traduèdisbyfo relga coule, i W.. J.. Rober, its. clobrate! -btîniisila sha!-à. SI ha suais!, as surlctiy prvas bt' the subscriptiea for, a testimonial la lirs. Cobdien already sic..!, .£27,000. The EngliicbChannel 5em4,12 1"18l, arrirde!taiCberbourg on ithei -Iî, an! vgai alilotto!a place ai ban-,ur la thobarbor, Btilianî foter are pragressing. -A reports! understaadiag ha Coôme Wo beiveen Ausîria an! Prussia, relative 1u ths Ductis s u! that censqueintty tir. tva Soverelgns ii ae uiaov e i ÃŽlàý bnrg about tire lOîb. The choiera.~â uhater! it ravages at Anconsamnd ai~tF atantinople. It bat! irurease! ta 304 Isaibis in une day. A decree vas issue!,-orderhcg tbe r,!ncion ufpIllee itosian runly iroa 7o thle EdUlor of the Wlsitby Chrmsick. Viitridg-e, August 26it 85 YODubav otas feraes! bavc observed givean accoai aof ibm 14îbomband.usm" crape vbiub Caille off in aur improvlag Village a iev veeki mgo. Perbape YOD bave flot got te facts. WiliauýCoiloran vas attache! by aà person nne! Gaul!r-a regniar b'itov of the 04 Piug uiyt #tripe. Gailorae ansvoé.ti îa tire asacli mnd bath pitcee in gneraiiy, rougit and semble. Goudler eaagbl ýCol' ioran's thumit in bis patate lrap, ted pu~ on te braites most nnmorciilly.,95 ran le bis îura ceugbih lisaruaxaci t asei le bis moutb an! squeeseid to ii int jei go the thumbi. Hilare the îirnmb vias lot go c %Mali particie of the nasal orgais gave vey endier ihbaircy pressare brougbt'to bear an! romins! a traphy vits Collorce. As YOD migirî expect tito matter *w aïs ! ihe suirjmt oficomapit-t beforo lb. Mmglrz %rates Who cournhted -Colilorn for trialt cci for w mitsappearance .ai tb. Quarter Sessions bail vas acepts.d. lenlire opiniaur ai taepeaceeble portionai ti" çcemunlty bath sitaultibave beelu eur ovirds turhiag ihm Pesos.G- le eiael the rov anti desers'.! lab. amlt!j sa mach as tbe airer. q A vol;iras cammemaraimed tbm ovonl le 41lt! itinT el- -Letgo"4 frM tiutabl," T'enter c' e!-" j.Lt t 1 n ns " t A Ili t, t 'il 3 llter. hal yenb! gm, Wus ralaset Whiststi~ti oxers cra.e A. Usirta e tglr. %lut nrmeni ml.! ot lttra cacli1 wht i: quxblîles ire ihee1 Saiaortiy, Augusi 26th 1885. "tire ickering Coucu met agr..e4ml e Minute f ais-aimeeting reafi amui . tirce. Ua cto r . S . oladpresentel appilo, rc ,JÏoe Pir. ontocsrY 604sVat 'i'fàg~ec,' <ribe oaillce o mc orw M 1r. lUaigbt pres C ed 'a proposat 4ow Ater rosiiinê business1 Mr. MiacPherton ftoved a relution fuir an address prayiag ihe Givuroment ta institut, c survey of ibe Georgiatu Bay 'ýital iroute..'The UôûYéi.'mber addreùedr 'the Nusest eonsI«derafl i.feith, di tbe advaniages af ibis oever the ire metti, of tbe Welland Canai route, and ,o'ntendia' tibaisas te(Iovernntent bcd borne tbm' cost cf ibe ocîiay for ibis survey, ïk 1 w .sdue- ,'a tu - e ooantrj' ihai lite vuyed aithbe publie expense. Ile satesid lu ihs'cuuoclonshaiibe oucton at a' sbip maalle connecting Lakes Huron'cmi! ,Optarlo.bytbis route) tvis progticabio, andi ibat 1iiWatibl bter-rmeet ibé vante ai Ibm ,Wstemr braetan oy abe. He aio ooniended Ibal il#immedi Ïle urvey voald b.- cgreat adesbng binducimng, lb, Amehwato e 'ia faiôrabie courseo f i ,lo os l. ecprooluy Treaî.- lon. MUt . kemd spoke bInfayorof t fib Ottawa Canal raute, 'but vout& support in appraio n o cvyof tbe Georgien Bayrousif lt l se lte question ai uts prsîcbya et ao.1f.Meair ued ssrongiy -on tbe Goernment tbe neceaiv faiig up -the 'qneatioün, siuntil tbm practigaility cf ibeî, route vas deîerminÏéd in- une w'ey or atnoîber, ihe. peuple 'of the' West *aul! ~vrconsent lé îbm adoption cf arty otiter as.a public voyk. "" Mu.1r. Coirde oapp ose! the resaluti on. and! caîtended' in -ti0r cf enlarging lte 'Welland C aitai. Hon. 1fr. Allen -spoko aet iengîb in faver'ai lte Gérrgian Bay'rouie, urging the Goyeremeot ta unuderiaeh ie sarroy. Son. Mfr. Camplbell coaîplmmeuzted the bout. meutb.r for Saugeen for the ability dispîmys! in briin titis Impnrtant quis. liait b.i6r, lb. Hause. -1Westatetioot behaîf of îb3 Gaverament ibat it vue ibqeir' policy 'ta go on vitIh the. canaloit. largement as soon se practicabie, aidt! hat belote alltId ttgEe xpeaditure vas incurred on tibheaul, ith. overnutent could uit dertake tibm urvey cf ibmhe Oergian ,Day route, îthoughb hé 'as caLthon prepered ta am ci wbat pro"seIim the*otiL voul! ho guuceîted. N'Wih is asurancie n haiio, te G'overttuent, b. asked ibe ou. uteeber for Sangese ta viîb!rav bi Hou. 1fr. ttenu"r#'rd tse imnsmdiate enlargeicent of -the esxlstirug canais la memi tbe- expeotaîhans af:Jumoi'ccns, an! tu aid inleLseurIà.tac reneval aiflte Reci prooliy Ltraty.'. lie said that-ibe Welland, vua noli ithem, n or shonld it b. tom nly route for western iraffietu ta lireoceai. _ T.e'resolution vas ibm viubdravn. 1fr. C rtvrightin in ovin, f or a com. atitie on tbhé, organîsstion oi ibm militin, argued lita ation of ti i ln, eoming front a privaie.-mnember, vas not vittonu precedent, ndquoted'se t'al cases "îbicb hadocourro! je' 3Ënglan!,and whimit, ho hel!. insaine! bis proposition. Titsconu millep vasprio'paed in >order ta oitain information., sud not te express s& vaut et confidence in tihe Miitin aministratiou ai theo Gov&eis1udutor ô'a 't i9oan' sibiliiîy vhicb shouid be borne bSvthe Mipislry &lono. g.'it. A. Macdonald laid 'lau-the ecoitioiai iprincipis ibet, wite îthe Gteheun a l.day vu 'rcapannbl'! l'or -tie neaadainittrmîu i ib af thaira af iii. uauniry, il W 1éoW0nc<tjIl i tEMeîtb secb repotiobiiity frt14éHEae 'ý'o iake pari, ta a certain exiemt, in, ibm adîninis.' iration of cUme brancbes ai thte Gôvein' mste' ltVwu erroceosgtD snpupesas ibat pmionio te"a1iUîrs ai ihe Govornatent,ý an S à Ïýàtgeti opinion, Par».,." udent'migbi bu led ta abicate soins of ius tb .:wiht.e qussllon bofore the'Homse. BpY'hé tbougbî ibis duîy tu notice ibe 'remarias of tbe momber'for Cornwall, and or tbm stili more, inrarnons charge ai bis orgaur Ibat h. vas. n; ,pa!ty taeIthe seliciion of abat description aonigrats. O1fr. SatadOsi! Macdoicld replie!. Aiter camie furtiter diccussion Mr. Cart. vWright consente! ta v itb!rav bisnmot.ion. Bir. Mdlliverin moved for a speciai- commilie Lao nquire mbIbm aheubjeot of tbe enlargenseni uf ibe St. Lawrence Ce. Mfr. J. A.,Meedoiai!sld ibmtheGavern' mont.vas fuily. isipressd vîit ýthe itpor', lanceolof-be dubjetu, d vpdýtake la op at the eariiesî day Lb.'efnances permiited. There as no neeosshîy for a commilies- on ,the subjetiti, eh hpe! the mover voud vitîhdraw bis Ma:ifit Muter a good, deiof ilisousion in viic proauinem-membera aibot aidesar4 ibmh 1104à tool pia;t; Mi. Mliveriât ati! baud cries Ci vilh. drav1 sali h. vas - nol satisie! v itb tho anmaùnceir.ent made by ài bm (oiernmenî, but- reerving ta tsftheritaibhg lag np lte subjeci ai a futture peéria!;- ho výoci& noir, ha defereneo teibm oiof tb. Hanse, vitb!rawebia mnotion.. sHear, bear.) Buterai bill Weeadvanced a stage, Anguat 241h. In <ply îoMr. Mdlliveriiî, Atil.Gen. êl1rdonald sain te Gbveru'. nnt ha kwrsulîeir atimmtion-cell-d ilt-; tbm groas irreguiàriiies., osy théelesi, wviic itaà,oeurm!d in'thu 'varions police forces oi Ùpper an! Lover Ceutidîsà, as weli as ta -tbm imuing ai a commission anîharizedti c peelc,evj'dnco on *Cath, the police mu 4in'g -under ikair contrai * but uudu-r- the cor.îrol cf the Vsriaus rnilicipaiii. But if tbey cotuld ,nQt legaily issue an. ordiuîery comumis &ion,' tey woui! probcbiy asic rout Partis tasîitiauihoriiy, goenabIe tem Io do se. Me. 'lnchel, !n tmavirtg au addross fou' a caîiy aifte order cclling out lite Ail. ministratitve Batîclions. coumpiairted tai ltae vannucbers celle! outinim Apritlalst lad' isigne! Ibem ueuter toli for ubren outils service; an! wero given te arean! ibel vonhi. be emplajed for abit peria!, but ibey'hn! been recalle! et ibm expir at ion ai Ivo maîtbs. bMos ai item wercy clerks and Mfechiec, vto ha! bue oblige! la- maeu mrragernenîs forltres montse, -anti tu put aihers in iheir places for iltiet ine. Wben ibey returna! îbey coul! tait restante' Iboir emnpicymenu, an! re-isaiicit bcd cuns.qquettly bamut caiutea! angst heut,- 'The manner lu whieWtbtejy cdý bren tracâta! nigti serioutily smOi te orgettizatian, not oniy af ibe frontier force btu of'aliter voinutueara vio sympattize! viitt teor. Ai ibesaute uta, tho iteieve! the Goverumeni lad acte! properiy in, vjitbd raing l;te farce from tÏte frotitier, because ibere va-t no longer cuay -.eceuity1 for tlÉ4r presence. He hope!, bowver, their crise vauld ber takerÃŽinto considera' lion,.4iy -' tit Govaznmeut, for ltey oare enit,1etaradraàSafor lb«mamnnerin wvii îitcy ha! Wbeeiste!.: , I Tho a!drmas test allove!, and M1r. John A. MàCdôta'ld promüiutetai' vbzî t1s papel* wËvrs broagbt dava any wrang donc wo.ti! te rete d. Ur,:Oaii Lcving move! ibm R oms aie Nfir. Holiontaisel!ho bâ&sr~aroton ta ýpepiuti.aker'atamads in ameodmanit oisr u oglt, vA tuld b.' regarde! tyý te Hou"e aa Oiea uiost importan:t n'îtion cftloMàsalôm.--Il vu a motion -vbîch ltse (overnment, if - hey sav fit, iuighî. necde;titic it , hncerey'hoped - îby would ïèeepi. lu vas .a 'motion that rý_ taie! ltbmheimportance cf usé stsbjeci di lit muafusnnî f thé Welln'd ilu! St. Lavwrenc. Gauia, in couruecion viîb ubh- reneal ofiahe' Re-cipracity -Treuty viîb ihm 'Uiifi! Staies. - - - - tblaiigcb a ih ase a motion tof tis kind, vibouî notice, vi'-itout any lnýimciý Cf. . < C<arntron repifeàd 'tu tLi- oharge-ot'those uhao ppted tihé Contees. ration acherne as-being mereiy nialoontents. Goad aspealc pf the motion, 1ý b.. lieved ibe enfargedrent of thels. aa1llikttd bu a paying vorh,- and* shoai4'- be Znied -oui. hAt 1aor losing ihe meana of isajk. ing a bargain for the reciprooitj' tréati, if venov eisWged lb. canais the Ameican& cbuid mot use thens vithojut ont permissIon. The. bon. gentliàsen opposite He tl'f1Ièn their oid stand, asud îold their foliovera it vasl 'hoir sovereigir yl 'dat îhesy ahould support them o .n ibis <.casiof.li e couid n»ot>sue vhat honefit vs had derived fromz tbsir mission tu Eàgland. W. were nc.,t one îtitmébsîeter ihan befZk helWoente They hail! ot presemed îtuk Parliaemnt ta carry, ont ibosemessures uc7 prmd hovever, the Lover Provinces vererW'be .overcome before. tIie poi Session, and jeg vo vers aaked te set aside every messure ai inipàrl4Làce taothe beât' fnîereat& àci' the ebdnWy i ihi*u, hpe. Coti tiihe Minister - of Àgri6ûifare asser tlt'ianything Morte vas b eing- doias bi. Ëngiand nov for defen. ce titan vas being dane berse at Çae1ec? A. measure vas- adoptai! bure before shtJ delegazes wentta lÉruglaüno atulahe North West. They bad îo-discberge te l 1 dsoaf Bay dcomîp-any's liabiliiy befure ibhq couid- -et br free titis. Wh:uî had t .iby gained tfien?e Noir Brunswick was vbere livaW. Wehbudbesi evidence of iat. H. sivay-s , ieved, that ihe Union, proposed wuff.tôd cuubersome in ils rnachinery and too ex. pensivo 'for us. Ais ta lte rec~i site tok vas tuat îhey hied di or mes;n ai their comnimand -of 'enlargin'y the tari. huites for irede shauid it b. 'abrogeted. ý HE coul nue iaPProÃ"veOof a poliicy of maiig ourseiveês dependenton a foâreign co#nnut if there werc Means of ntaintininr inde. peudène. -The, motion> being belort hé hercdas it nséurted a tuibahieLi vas adzitîed, -lie muet T'et& in fatfourir t. ACter saine furîlier. dis.cuss*on a divisioa vas as 12.45, as foilava Ysa-iga,'B.outass, Camner on, (North Ontario), Durion,. (Drumndi and « .Artbabaska), -Dorian, (Huochelaga), l'ý,b 'Iresne (Ibepvflej, Frîrtiar, QeOlYrionf, i.' tan, Honde,, luotington, «.oiy, Lsrjoieg McDonald [Cprn4vailhI McDOnald [Gien. gary],.,McDoànaid (Toranto Wesij. Paquet1 RniScatcherd. Tbibàdeu ."20 Nàvse.-Alleyn, Archanrbauit, Auiî1 Deaubien, Bell, Belierose, Blourasa, Bovu Braiosseau, Biirvsil, Brao, Carling, *Car. iel,(..e., Cartwrighti, Coucluon, >Chigpuit,, Cackbdrn, Cornellier, Coupai, Covan, b leBoucherile, Denis DeNiver. v iilë,e,-csn, Dackett, Ditiresno <Mont. :ciun) Dunsford, Fergteson (Fronàtenae,) Ferguspa ([Southt Simeni], GOnu, Gaucliér, Gudet, Gibs, a'rwaod. Haultaii, Nî ginsan, Rat, jacksoi, jones (~~ Leeds,]-Langevin, ILeBuutiîWer, PdcDondm IlAýty Oen.], Melý ariaue, MeKentie, [(iÀtb. tonj, MoKenurie tN'orth Oxford]J, bMhill, McConkey,.McDou-ali, Molles, 1Meelart Morris, Parker, Pinspnnauii, Péipe, Poulii Poupore, PaeliI, Hqwýond, 'leinillàrd, Robitaile, flac, (Cjumpiainj, Ross tÙ<tm. des], Ross (Prince EJiJ, Scpbie, Shaniy, Sajuarville, Sîirton, - Stiet, - Sylvain, tThornpaan, Trenubiay, Waltiidge [Northt Elastings], %Walsli, W(uiit, White( Wilson, Friday, Anguai 'Z - Mr. . C C'si6ranpreenîd apetition of aucun honrdred inhabiÙitu of lb. town- ship or Albion, prayiig i , tritoei be soparaîmd 'iroitit theirs utf aipueiand; atîached tn tiSaI of Yorkr. Baveral ib§IsWore. in)trodueeid alt- re'ý eiccI! fisrt afd'a"totd readinga. *Attj-Geti. Car tir er ftvmd tereteplioat c.f thre repart 'of vthe- comtntesof the pirotogi ed m e siveily. ---- Bo o Orlivxî.x-WUa AWs iaRAvicoa00 Cts-Mae a molution of cupperas, saIi catimate, imnierse ta virel intende! for ses! and dry in alacis lime. Yeu Witt seoer ton buabelr. mamt theb acre, ybu iii proet jour vbecl froua the birula an! tire <tu boa d mgs tpositet inlaIbo kercel rie seed siouid b. ouiai asi it hrmincies- ln thre groenud. Arrangements are being mcdo for a, grand miltent reviev in Sîraiford ta came M1ATCEH & B"cs ba av. juat receîlve! c var!aserimenon f Goialg and! aîr stoes arteulra i scse mannonce.! TÏc Sercnade. whille s ut u a glo ir cd Aultil attî!l romlloWirhi Tie i ilsu o£ 1. "qeely tuOn oFs-1 p'O idieftbb"l lltogt îao avOOwet mouli.t!rar Appreecng *os, cibr-ýJ t ilct l ire whlt'h.'m"- flua Iwintlu o ns, asnt t thi as itoiraiilir Eiau 1 logvaLee tei'tlj 'Nk estit y'..hiC -Wuie toit.fel VW alovad uusa,'nlemaoflte psi- - Titongis froîn tuity ani! tiumy isnl- 1 iSs'r fougetth ir rlttttgbour -k WIqai issrd thre aveol perunmsvsoat - crne on the airstar- "Maldan 1 love the- - JWitbyi Augnst 2t, 184%5. voI~lte& 814400. Thé Apberi"n'Min. 1r 'tci Ctsai copia adrises theiretlpld Sai.. Gaoruýr ,m te ogcet!sgahu choléra by the. Mosi vaWeÀ-deigf ietud A' -r nclmand! vaiet Nor"h int Sutiera pi hAI traie mat, I ira! 0 Northeru .sol vert rete m mud! est wvu I Itacqai te suffred dra mître,aitAn tire bldtase faderais soli uany parts cumbeis and latter -peri e! bim-t-é sy su unmof aima eoinmunicatic vunambeai tiufficouly mus ibai &H1 objec eame f rom tht 1fr. Davis vs bd.ic tat cruety altuý Luth7 prisa correapondeu ibm vitaleof allien beetu t cfube Isib 1 bave se pirotograpia Your tiorr te theut marei -permoisuns utneatr or , ý4, 1 the

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