Whitby Chronicle, 7 Sep 1865, p. 2

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a - i 's lcecessity under prSe 'tcincunraîanceS. Theo noxîumeeting of uithe'mciatic jCAP výP n iii b. held t' D uffn's Crueket. outhifelnt Ma.Rossi ' tU4 marchnent cI li Idust residets of the tleva are able te pay- amda tOtbnflaovvoupvecnbglu eg W the âgboruîing of til childteu., To tLe - lied oeekng 1411 andi vinier parçbiasa for ( bhlidrautocf dose s*ha are net abie îc poy cf CouIt'LlSrEtaar $PERravs. 1gires Us hie tnaw, hma ent cepacksof et ry mc.a teermo tit? achooin abouti be fre, lu tismucgPi lie.cto nonnce t ti thOe busi. cep >île ee outry papers for whicfr ve vay omiy eau the oppressaive bîrdeof -lte no""eaatp ite townv it In L t ein.e. sad 1hisdebtor'. -- chbaol-uox« ea nligbteeed. Xi vi! acrcely plaititc teentaia Mr. W. C.-Muee, -lat. - e. uitîin-d- tbut t proent nyeem Station ?4aSter Oe the Grand Truckr Rail- Toww Coup. bràÉuot. Tlg' voristiy. Those vite are -compeld 'va7 haro, nt aàcntpuuucenary à*ppe, ta a c f the 1"t p loaye.sg aat f to eanibatqte l argenî ahart of L e txesn--lt u»tloguution of b i ervices andid t ~r antier the Iree achoel ystem n o "t aend eotutaies. Thet comtplmet ) ee pMen, W i lu Myeý tin chliult hem; -but -octealy pay lu -Ait 'daes-V'd. Ms.: ituaac oafr rthsee astitiîbn for theL uitiou cf thein chittiron himiolf gdfden cpifslna- 4p g mt tairy ( Le~___ - Il privte jschebo.- Tu ceoetpeicite man Wbhiby, and hpcuue ~~ uuet ritppays for t1hoe çdtiepeioep of bj pvm itig tise couidpenuce of big .pmicj4 u 4: iim chllslren,mloo te pay for the ednnation of the iven the teleat atsilthî~u i2ut~~î thildrurt o f enother ie a brdà1hp m viero acia mon anti citiacu e Of.wàii6 o U one. atas e we l-leH. bpO$fu to siclassa». Mn. Nufn Ïhbauuîee&naoù>tethe, bldnôut«4as:nctinen it lauan injustice. the. Belleville étatio en vho 4wlsh imi, r ri i.iiï*g ~ Tbo.. vb'.a o s -la axeels# o. ouýéwae -wholber faillioran liuslli ' eeah1s Mn. Ioptine, of N The Groves.c "6,Bo<hwa'l.it "Tiiegroeas" cf Botbaveii, -Are by no eaus ianmuing. - Nocr lit re hee ptein Otswaitsillan t t'treautia'l; A nti ocr peusie,, Or acecu scaniti roses, 01it > boly Mooan I flbid ttgh t y7cm noies i TitdevIl ac tt, Leok tilt yruicrtuzy. tir blromimigpinir, Or tha pei-lin'- Te sek th'. tlly Onigte daty.4 tvndify 4'. Yi ouiti be ly Antia altimple Biliy 1 XIl ail tic natiotn 'Throe'in ttc clsttation, f 8iictt brns srroii I I "d rtaept ce Weil tfit,) There s# n1l toi, 46 gntan0l (At Iltu ectth atitii) And Glu-es coiitio I Thorne areciicm4au igi irg, Atîtd LtC loaC04 r it ciciiusa, And,.(In piunce nt" nvepti,~ A tt cntoi 't aer But ic pimtiLpiev.-t ithoe cutiliean lthe doveor 'rTsegeitte tIuvar lisithue itorntou Ke Ivertisement~s, isIaDay, oky iteIaîee.eSllVatg lnotad leoe-ea ee Bain.Globe which wvopub, The. latent 1r1.v*wcf the Prince AI- ~ea ftlg Iahluotharccoîun , M. Eloit ue of bert 46Oberve r"t if, (1) 7 4bt 1Mr. Perry DemIWear-Jaea Bin.the officiai uignoes, convoya sms'.uieltl got certain reportascff*a}ccmmitlee of the. lit iateriat a-Jama, Bain. Information nau ote i.p"~~ieaI voring of cfanty dC16cl.'o e is'municipal and Vbaneory Roic- amoer Greonvnod. the Inoolvent Act, sau il nov atandu. The. ueammeit lave printea it the i* ~isoutOL Annuel exomunaton of Tescher-County adoption cf certain amendments vhich ho 1 Olffice hnaitad'cf givieg the. prinfing to tii. Ontario. uggesam, 1Mr. Holden auarWi, vcld unaite ilObsorser." (2-Thnt -saill reporta Pocietbook Lot-B. Guhuon. the Act ',the hast bannuptla v ln the were not printed and forwarded k ir leo tibte De ~Itry-Jaa. Bain. world." The principal cf tho e amend- the proper Pariiame-ueary ecmmittee. Toronto Fait ftices. munisa a s1 uttaement ocf bu ouata, veri. .-Tii. rescontion cf tiie Conuil -au, Cocr Wantd-Royai botl. fied by effidavit, an inuediete aoigniett thorized Mfr. Parry, aa'ebirunan, in get Foit and Winter God-R. & J. Catephellta te »signes by the 6ankrupt, and the. reporta prin tod. XI vtea crcoly te Grocerie-R. & J. Camnpbiell. If diaagreemtent antongat the creditaea, ho exp.sîdta ovudg i i.vy Talioring and Ready-Made Vioîhng-R.. a enunpaîory signunent $0 thé. ja e g ted tila t hoPrincegohl[tei, t Sa J. Cnd p hoxe-I.& apell. l stna mincîacfci-get iboni doue, and undertoke the trouble Saie-ofdPiz~er- . &OJ.tabi . Pulb@Ory liquidation, if the creditori "na and expenue cf going hbackwardm utnJ for. Notie-c A.eize-Co Qntu-uDont ulanimona in citoice of an assignee warda to road proofa and mat cerrections Arrangements for Provincial Exhibition- the judge te bu, empoinered ta tiamo e e n ho coula bave the. reporta properly Great Western Risiway. officiai auignea. Thece amendîneonta, printed neat dour, anti have ail nece.aary Toronto Nurseries. antonget others, vie are given to uîîder. corrections made aider hia ovn eye. The Special Notice- -J. H. E. Hogg. @tand, have beai introduceti by Mr. Abbot priuting of theve reporta was aitogethor Notice -RobetriHemiltei. inte hi& aunendeti bill, and are liklely' tea ttieii otetfrtecuaypit Âçreutucn Futa.become 1evi. Thot îbrY wiii maL-e .g andibha nothing vitatever ta do' witi l.(ara and iere et Atherieqy, on Tuea Our Calladitin îine.îvetit la-'tuhe beet it. Itla quite an inlcidentai item on. day Octolter 2nd. banlru'pt a in tho werld" w. viilnct-go trusied tea1Mr. Pelry b7 tht cooncil for ito 'Pic rinr, et lBroughamn on fTt'.day, the length or sayîng. Our baukrupt 1evr propeur execution ; and, on tii. account, Octolter loi. ond ue, .-11kg ttiicy otltîre hney bircoine too idîifers frein the printlng for the Board of -North QOninrtoeutt xbrîdg-,enTe-iu!ofagd hg. bt ms dey, Octoher 3rd. uic goitig ToomotPublic Instruction whuch in e etated sonua] Sonlh Ontario, uit Whittîy, on Wednes. ititertLtd mey have tu Puy tee dearly fur item prited under the direction of a paiti day andti înitve, 27tii and 28th Sept- the whb.tle. Mr. illîenu al forthie cficer ci the corporation. AUCTION SALES. vlcient working 'of the law le no duubt Il Copies cf the reporta were prin 1teti MOrtgege Sale of Feim, prnr'.'ýty. et ari e cnmnindabi,!.. But Mr. Reiden the day afîer- they were ploceti in the. Ir , .L1th - Le'vi Lohre ut ilttu b fiiIvage Auctilznt(et ib occcl.a&iineluprintera' bandea diveofucoraded by Chancery Sale-iîruwv, ia .. -t ýruî r. Perry to lite chainutan andi aicabera itl, t..... Ij îeu nigif ho PO>SW5O fîîePalanenay eitette Ti Cilice of G. Il. I)artneil, atcii odity Oc cf ample RCIL'Iî teînect hie iiebiiithe lfamlbersestaI2ctbi iailt.es;reports*, c uialy revised, 'bave been but -ho ribî (chance taelh. overçtuarîby rmnporary Mel riudg in, b. prlcmed ini pamphlet tortutand diattibuted. (1~1îe4I ~ htelsîî' Tettirepro enotgta ho aLet veekci eecere furwarde tu teQue. '~.'1!Ui. ~,i>~bec tu membera cf bath ilotîses. Alny pucd a bi errwn vt' thmPuniîY* Jeîay iu prinîiog tha latter vo, eeewd hy ONLY$1,50 1!11T1.ý a EAR Every , Cre Alîpear tu bave been takeià the Warden wbe dniutyed preparing and i)NLY $1 ~O ~!~"T"S . YEA.Rfor gilelièg failitîes teaceaittt l 1 ce a ubto 'ra trnitting lte pethions tu accompany WliîthV. TlV!îr-!ayI Se'pt 7, 1865. îpîc> uni iîndln e-r hie esate ladthe reporte. Ilîle eilider illerciert or the aijnP.a and tko - The an îu'.'if Our bea-iy luxiis.. court. Wbile Iiinorngesioa dicourbes hisperpetuai whining cf ccc Prince -uay work bt--uelcieLiy ru n iisulveaîî Albert coniîmporary muet uurely he try- Fore.,ud~i inf euoêin btheir Dîlor vîtliitIlle or t110 ncte, ln mtiyothier.itig Iote ipatience cfbils teaders. A iïlahilgi rate" if attrineîîent, for a, tean il) the insolveîît wofild bc tipped cf bih ie csPer that is forevar ebiunpering and wiîich inn tan houst $o fl"e Publie im- prPIO tuIle rrediitorsleftunapoidt i, a, moaning piîfeliy, orprrlionanr re îîrovoentc t(h i c f Whiîhy. The b oue but teîLe fnign'O eu îeli t.d hy the vanleofi iiiooin, cao carcely b. a tvrl rat,' er Io stire, le net lighrr tliaî that of tratefer cfIlite Octlme, The changes ?ilcorne viiter Iteleiraaders. On. time it -toumee o r nfi-lltîtore; but it'beure opon ttcie aw are cridrntlily totfor Ill r tti le sthe A$ricsutural Socehty o( hicl eunty, 0mrea irnvilir. t1owamLrnvillf., Port IHope., li (f tho. bauki-uior th,) hittur adin. that il u t im bt; anotiter tinetehe Couuntf C oourg, n'vllani alber nwiàsare ieAn, iîr i ibis tviuie.T h'flitagt o c Coustcit tresta bleua ba.dty ;anon Mr. John laxed i a u hiiiî,or evet iuta bigh'.r fi4or'.. ajîpeurs tu e ta t Ciîîro the povars cf the'. lietut P'rry me tho burtien cf bie compiaint i Buit diose lov eyava gene loto doit. anti assiees. andi creutl' facilities fonthroving and the colduct cf the a nafy CnoOxieLc bortowed andi expendeti mnney lupon large an cli tut krpc. f.lIl'n' aestandinegg oeenealalys certain te putblie iunproveentlmeaiich t4ey possest exposelcu f thoePracticaï e-orling draw furth bis lamentations. We usure Ldi cf vuieli, ey etij-y the' profit anti cf the Act lu no douît vsahîîble Our centempororye in aol kinduiuv, tiat advaîîs.ge. _Tlic town £f WLîby, on the antid eefvirg orf-very atteîlitin.Blt, ttthee s r eting ioka vry eb o s r- c coutrary, In eut in delit. and the laxeslis vO Lave alrendy &&id, bu viile t t a t h 1 rotn etpuigc i a raiel. o etir ttrid twnimroe.Plofebsional ilit, î. Lawyersatt a menuila coiecites the ridicule tente. VFelyty li iird ofetthe virole #)t pr'.parîîgarts of parliî ni nch a of e ie people. Tu e oeu i n auneunt are requirati to mpet obligaàtions way Rite brinzitr nefteinait.onnMil. ceaie thise bidieh crying, anti b. up)anrd4 iusp(>Ot-t open tih'. twn by cte-r corlorta Wc do not aceent te thif.9, aid are ferdonifhvaat'uarebshetr. tien.1 andi frontairicb vos de'v, ut bps', front riargînizthut officiii ail tai oud ilt&bla te hinmeli outi agrecobla te thue bat en indirect b'.neit. '0ur coisîrlhuîiolnid uCu. But vwu du iinuv dat r.1lave publié. for' schoeis and county pîrposes sw'.liow euuaning front n clare are arntie or lemis UP the groater Par! cf the enlecdrate', dfPed goserve, iu it Pla -t he , Ct)oittr'a INtulegl. An inquestat v 1 "a erve oliýralveY litlcin1)0thY rite t u wi te oreofi fcuI lelhl hyDr. Clark, counity Cmouer, cn aridleae cmpaaticiy litie n h li> ut-eiîietd t desi ill ceen.Fridev lut ai Audl'.y, (Buown'% Corieru,> devoted teta oviimproivcmnctll. Ini tec biy edeueet,-d fur the tqaw. f r.a tinçi fa uiavaa'o yeau'o tre tx payeaiof Whitbybave pilid, mtoting the. genierai god. Thot many cf nameti Ana. Moddcn, wbo dieti iodera lnu ndt nqàmmicc. the largenmi cf ant lova vimii reipecotmat i nsihuncatgk - tuwuy su' thousnvd do"ara for support 'Are coîîctved jeu this spirit im utidetiabl*. ëb1 al itiuioaeMu4.a Dte-d G bcd-t cf thme Iowa schects, aid ne.nrly eighteen Att-st '.-ecîL e lien contcientieee men aeiyrtraeb!aonaeLdfi tIhomsnd dollars for county purpoea. cl ucnceusae-l[y, in tthrert Place, .tee0£tu Beveley,* formedbau iIing or a bai n Tha ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~u pr'ety.rîelatt .fvoif b~,aoi <hi re niconaeqýiéntty proviona te ber deati, but lBeverley nde schnolsis $2,4:33,acuati fceccnt>y ratai te Ibeir ovn otivantage, ilepmrferente. t seJtg cati <laàmed'ucai aid. Dr. Caon *I1,409, -ceqîring a rate cf egit cents li tie weifae o f the commuunity, .ibouîtuaoapolmseaexmtainam i the dollar ta liquidat'. bot. Do voe being concions that th'.y de su, prejud~ jury retaruad a-verdict eutil iied of diiset receive value foti teelarge expanditures? cialiy ia a rutbtht&% neads no eonficinuiu of te h heurt, acceltaned by vent cf coc." -Cu te vo d tiretn 1- Flow chi tiey One mtateta laIv do net lied in the. le. reduicetif are the vary pertinent en- amandeti bill catainty requirea attention. Aoc'Eorr.Ta~ugmnvr quiriam vitic i ,i etonce ariasa tethie lips No Provision linumade for controiiing tii. vas0*1cl ievu ta uuany e rcm r*&eatiaN 1dittes cutîy hase been exaernet, anti fie subjecta tairai up. Fiee candidates cere eaouine in in ttona subjent caci, ice in ivo subjocta iach. one in Ibrea îubjecti, anti onaeit (mn suijecta.- TIn 1863 saveur candidate.s vena examineti anti fiveanbîects takea op ; lut1864 mesan- taon candidates veeexamineul andti icciv stuijeciitalon tmp ;antifoc 1865 binie eau dtitis afive auhjaciî. TIra tohIccing are the anijenue, viLtt notes cof dia genulemsen cho intly gave taeit.servicea as exontineis : Aritlîmdié -M. Bannett. M A, M. D.,U. C. Coi. EegiaN (iGramar andal.nlysis- C. W. Connon, L.L. I>. U. C. Col. .4tgsbra-ars uce Dn KqM . C. C. Col. G ~oeryý-T. Tiorman,Euq.,rrut, flisory-C. W. Coneou, L4. D., UT. C. Col. -Meeusratiort -A McMurt-hy,.Esq,,m. A., Tort.oCromman Scitool, CaiamitoneusEzcrminatieus lies Prtofeisuor incirandotiProemuen 8otklanti, University Celega, anti Menry- Lciiginy,f Eïuj, T'irant,,. T he ovaripade veno fer actoal-ment, ad uil in ÃŽouâpetit'un. The laI cham centiffeato ledinatai u0igxceltouteo;"&(ha 2ad nians, 1a Proficieicy ;" anti..ibe_-uM cote, si Coutuendab'aee" The fchhoving are Ihe autos anti erti- miates awai-teti; Nmo. 1. -Miss Maggie Frer, ogcd 15, RiigIiah rammar sud Analyis, 2ad ctam eertificae. -- Nu. 3. -W. A. -Charepaa' agat i19, Aibh. mmi2,îd chuscertificats. .1o. 4.-Miss Besaju Clarkue, aqed 16, Engileit Graoniar anti Anaiyain, 3rti claom certificata. Noi. b.- Ahl« Maseaagoti 15, Eiatory, 2nd ehasu certificat?. Ne. 6.-Wm. H. Ballardi, agati 19, Eug- bimi Oriasua antiAutalymbe, lui cbass certificat.; Hiitory,lit clam certificate AIgebna, lticu eniiae Geoe iry, 2nti claie certificat. (lta 1804 Mr. Batilact tc lst clam -ertifiete ain îimintlc; utt claim in B ngih -rommar; 24mtdiuesbu igabro; ind irý*&aa h in ter. N. 7.-A'. J. Wells$it1 l, Anithnetife, Ur cimes eertificasto. No. 8.-Davlid Nicci, ogot 16, Geouaoiry,, Zeuti cloua.certifict.; -Aigebra, Mc ehaa enifiat ~Arithnietic, SrBcdlous certificat. Ne. 9.-PfraeîiaMiceal, am la, Geatue. try, 2na éluicertificate; Bngiib hG"am. mon and Analyilim Biscloust c.vtidette. No lO.-Geo. ilongoue, agot 18 Go. molny, i tisas enllfleae ; Anithnuetic, Sasci le otiflcolo, -The examuinor in Ht-siory, in isg report, s1yo, Ilt>apernumber six (Wm. B. Bel.- àun) la exelletlithebigiicit degree. > Th xoie n tg ebsra, in hisr 7 epknt te ,d id la- à' Wadneatiay. Augumu 301hý; Mr. A. Mor-la, frnmtiiheNorth Wetil lea Bioction Catutitteet re,,orîed, asAttt final resolution; utat the defenoccf ti sittbng niamber, Mn.Aeoean. casgaeî anti tiet the petitionena vwu (ivelons ar M r. Jones, et Nordh Leatiu, brougiit. t the suiject et the. Canante îurvey. A mt lion eohl bis ucanriettebase lte jnurnal roati, and uhe report Lorderedto, te Le fernadti ea aalect conttte on Montiay. A mation of Hlon. Mn. Dorion fer s ailtrees viti a atatement of' the axpensa cf lie Monral geot vas cannieti utti aime discussion. Mr. Wnight'a tillti taend Citapten cf tbo Censotitiatati Statutas cf tYppi Canatia, intituted là"an Act raspectiný master anti servant" cras consitireti L Mn. ?'unra'a billtato enure te vives ih banedit of assurance on tic lives of but bande cas ncported tront cammittee vii Mn. Wrigit'n bilI ta impos a taz oi doewvu nemadaseconduti fma. The regîistration cf tiseda- bill, the Di -iaion Courtshihli-canon onnDecatiur bille illII napeeîing inanscaît tradrs asti te bill ttutetdiiîg Cap. 10 eftli eonsolidatedstaBlutas, nseu as epermit ti Masonic body of Lover Canadatia leorl under temei noiues, vera ail rendi second tinte. Imu tic Lovver flouse on Thiraday tii proc-'etiing vere uniipniant. A aumui of bileî oneriavancedi a stage. A tiebat torilsplace linlbhlJpper Rene yoterntiu ou bn. Mocpi'.raoti'areanilutîon prosidiný toc frme gyantm te aciai icl lera cru ail ti puublic lutis. Mc. Cnm pbci],Cantntbssonue of C cv iicdji. bhovoti thist tiare weeî oita-nning deLta fur Crovu Lens-ii Upper Canoaaauof about $G,000, 000, at) un. Lover Catnaa f about $2.,000,000 ehc thte nriiîtloîi of ngetîcral cysteut 0 i granma coutil rentier dîutBnuit tu celieci i, titireveneue fron ttmnber im thi Oità-wc regiun itatiaireacty been tu-ovou-an. dollar %nî acre on ailthie lideli huit sec tien. Tii'. (ec grant syotm voult ties tray tusg. liae hovedti ualMn. Mnjifer son', .asscertion liai temiited tates vas iaeiedtiaiothe hempnetantlavfor is de velopepnt w asnometcorrect$ as ibat la, oaly ceune into oporation en theic li .laecry, 18(33. lie indicated taitirae Goernunent pîîlicy vou, îy sittiug tuata raduction vould ho mati. ou publétendu i crtaiditrict&.e' tebaîc cee cd Qmobec, sept., 1' Thus afierneenn Mr. A. Miackenzie pre seniedtihte repent oethe cemutitfeeaoppoint edt taInqueia cithe licifalo and L.ire Belrânand Grand Tnmunir Compasin as d net ceniphietwiih hentider oethe Houe of Iii. 25th Jenuary but, requiring certain retoramilunrgret c trthellant hibogi Inaofo is. Companias The Comnuttee repuntet that site Gream Western ondi Nor ihramn mtne Led fürnielised the ceorns aslretifor, but rias, the Grand Trmnk cnd BCêlo suad Lake Huron Comptice iad fsiid o doietean, cithont oes:gning any reseton. TiecGrand Ti-ntirComnpanuybat ngt fl- cc nouvirdtc.d the rnceipt cf tic Mn. ir.itio mes-e t tit tic uctunt roquilreti by tihe Oo'Sr euf îtic 25bJaî.uury lait hi adbefître tuis lnuae forîfîciti tiy the. Butl anti Luire Ilîrou amatiGrantd Truile repanie, wvici Cnmipanies bau-e net easiplied vidu tbe Order cf tbbî Renie. N.-aWfne b irngit a mtlion et peivi- lega before itohesg. Hose t te t a focgîd teiegui-" Raymntcd utneaîed, buritalsi" -m viii iii n.an. attmichedti l, muiddrtii-eid tuesa Mr. Iunuuîuvu seul yesierde, tte trie leupioffice, cunt .iot bu bat reaien te beliove lt wvasment by a trinilien-of the House. go tasoveti miat o mmitte ap jpoiiuied lu- esuquire Who $t o ietelogrsrn, ttc committre te conisi cf Mesure.* Lauttrantiisa,' Josepht Ditresue, Blanchet, Roi., ont Pacquot. Afufnlorlng dWeuneion, the.HMussne dbII vieti , 44,6 4; noya45. Tii. Speaiker Votes! bal, ant heaniction vu aceertingly Tha1folowîng bilts vare introslnceti anti rami a5nitl tipi. t3- Hout?4n, Camrci-To veat Iiithoe ati nuttii.County cf Yunk, anti taox- onfrati tha Ceumty cf PeeI rouâý i abI ., lily tbp-cfor. 11c4 Mr. Rose-To incorporelataf'h Eri4n Assttrance, Socel ,and te an- thýýeias î1t acpuanc f the said i cety ou sec ity for public effectis. Mr. Mactarlane -Te censolitat a ant provitit ton the debi efthie tovu \t.' Ber ïMn. (la&it'moved Ibat on ITesay next lle Homme- go into Cemmitice ofth ie Wtoloaconaider cernîmarsiuiia:p speein% , he Quabte Jouanid tii. Goven menu âigenies. Carniet'ý 1 On ota ionoflIn. Mr. Cartier, lthe bil eîetie uteCivie Code oetL. C. -was re d tintitime tint paiet. * -Oin $ieday evening Moi. Mr, Mampluer- grun niwed bis ruuoietlosinlu tthe Uper BoarO~tso ,îthe.-ettternent of Dur[ t -- -..- -. ceurseo voltib. pupneti - The:harg- voulti bo iranmnttîed tirM. Drouter,un he veniti Le oaiietiupon tea anaer lier Mn. Brown",aig aid. Witii regard1 the. ce cf Captain Princeo'.héua a mc excellentt officeri vie tati faitiftally til charget idis tinty, aîîd It asa a oit eletu ordiaary tbing, that lie ahoulti have itea turneal ont oetisaoffice. Re tit iott tut an cficaer cf the governameut aheulti hai acteti in the menier Mn. Boomer .la doné. 7b thce Editor a t/ce 'Wlitby Clrroninl, in DirAtu Ste -Ily attention Wall necentl es dinectIntasaint ecntarirs matie by th orciairman cf tie boarti ef trustaca cf th i~whitby Gnammar Scitot ai utheclose erthe laut tari, cemparing uMy manlageainc et tii. Inatiludion vii tbte presemi., gOn bis attention being drai lta Il malter ai neportet ibn yonr jounual, bha v ae giod oîougb ta say Iht ho iecult i IU pleaicti ta correct thbalportion af the ri Spont in question, MsHiai otbaeing dîné ac cautpals mu teacuir paco for, tiit purpeai 'hi tatentent cas tiot simica tte cnon nln the, matiagemeni in 1863, a grea cita,,, bari talIon place but tha standing andt dit rec i e othe .&cinoai. Wbaî are th f actos? " Firâtly : Witit regard ta lie discipline lit il neotIallcvi ntiat owing te tic laxil, eto the managantent in Ibis respect, tih a chool han test tie confidence oft tii-mio respectable ci its usuel supportesrna ? it mot netotloîsthiat in Ibis particuls li te managemean t ben net a great but V. prov'.ntnt.- buit aa Lge aimu-c? Oui0Conuing te' tic nexi point of ti ig rnan'sahegatien, meciuaut' le standing, 1 aun resulîdeti cf a sayine c r -Siney Stmith, tme ceffent - lat lere wvo rta groit ativaîtaeeinut- nireei-.tgan he in wileutî having reat il, as reatiungjh et Sprejodice oosumint. Utiles% uhe chair manheadmtittîed on tichenaepnitciplî ho mutite roîrd out as un iitcompi-tont comp~arer., oueiug tLüIris iCu-r-uýviuîgtmatil aven on'. regnlan viîim ta tihe Éteol, irefori a is ppoitumueni as tnuseciut 1863. Il( mutstheretoru eiher heu-e beau miisitufôru cd, or matie stalentm about thitîge wh'îc ttc» hiall nuul exauinot. Dtring the lan eni cf ty cennaclio n vitb thee cbooi (Parlin lt bicît io vas appoiiletrunstee') 1 Ldad olergen nuniec etnirciletithon tl s ity provitunt tinte duiig ty long conttc ien vili uic scie'l ntcci Lioso more mlsço a muni betîecthaut oudunary clasecf eU adentmisaîy oethobeathaving emîuitîedà à higi togrec ef scireiarsiip. of the /erty-cight onroiheti, sineteen vaeereadiut1 hie cor reqiretir(tcibn pr#'.lmninrmry sex ambnaî-uuufcueaou oier out tir. lrofeen -suons, or lnmaniultrn ricuîfuge. and oftlitra.seven ceulId, la nty mopinier, I vi heurt-prepaneti101, matticulrate iti Sirpîernbo» -1863 flov is il nowv? Mcv mai17 mu thora iri atîilrnce? Hélv mtany cl hi reatiy te. suaticelate ai. the Universoity ex, cnt.atlon te b'. iciti urinig tiimoutith If11ont correctiy iteurunst. cir j'.ii>nl ciOme-eu-an lîkely tu t u dy, L ggithue chiairmanorifuos e ftroi tie cnt ot Illue 1casce ltogtier cru more a,',rciun, bol adduecq oalqMruî tproifsl, vilci, l-iindsr stand, binea benr acsllormsîy etisluad ilbnough Ilt e cmity listhetic tntof circulani -Firtitluintirer comnl tic utnenici n tain gettenm whviematnieullerl ini ted' citle in Smpîcàtber 1863. No-.e the mina tenii'uôt, of chici tte iiirmîti iWi8 bo stet clme iota opartaboîtiniApniL 18633. ld it tint platiien, thuut tie crotit of Ile pre- lîtîatio cf mthe gnuuo cno, rlaimnetifur ibat management i -Netet come liehe mente of on" Whîo, it la îîhiogid', suîuriciuuîell in Meudicne', iii tic Unieunhly o? blictirl-ain, iii 1864. 1 i iltton axamaîti ing sîvrcal catalogiues, tuoc befonu me, tiraîiniiitic leasing AmarienitMedictul Scaots, tudeni ire aimt reqnire ta t on tiergu amly Iiterauy excminatieii tittien on tmiioruog upon ibi studios or un gradua- îing. 'matttîbcaiiou lkrè- ceneiss partIy ut entaning thea m ntecmthe roli cf sin- dents, bqt peiticipaily. in 'paling tie pt. gcnibeti te,'îUniirruilioiilie-Unibver siîy of Michigan wotntI tienutore aJipear tii b. e vrypcMiar hi of lterarr excel. lance. - LacxtIy $omei tho allegeil auccesseç ctin candidates at cm IlCcunîy -Boontir exaueination et '.reaceas." Tiare art circutansegcoiunectati with Ibis aaptt cf the ca. cof sncb a ýkuct as ta deman% F é.4tbiie iuaquiry.- Publie attention tas inteoti baai alreîdy tiirected u ta ut r.- porttâtt public qeatiot iniiyour- jounual b, a techur ho .attd thait-lehbatiboomsW, cantitftp ie edse -exam~inations, - via. et ubat purticular oe ntaIvicb the ge calîci aucceiset, nov claitred -s vi- tiencea cf imprevemani, w-ce'.aciievoti. lu bis m hmniaioif$ gotnéroettene raaipectiieg thare xaminaîm.te hoaltege inlu eflkct dat cacditateaâ frein thei: Whit4y -î n. 7bihe Edito fice Globe.' te oaSmî-tl nov nnivariutlly cor »t caet] that uhe commtnerciaîl code cf ave, s-. douniry heuiti entbrace aitefficient Batik -a repu Lac. Canada bua long feit theanec, en et such a hav , oeawiici could do usutic tir ta~ tic henaut batu ntfirrtunaîe deilai ,ve protoct theii.iterest of the cradimer, ani ad itmpose adt-qiate pumiinent on tir (rapt uhutut anti diahuuei., - Al lte lacs chicl have been eacateti te accomplii tbaui e. antis, be(ore thec peectàge of tue Insolven Aci (if 1864, Lave reanifeslly faihei, an( ly net onip conte fan short ef bnbnogittg abat be tihesati ed npita, but, ilantany iunstances he have Laaiefectai lie veryopposite te'wiha of vas intandorhi y diho egestature. Tho nt ib urbhiitt l ibtprigsuiiieiit foc debt, c confessions cf jîrigment and prerarentiî te usigumtits, ,wecre douitlasa alepe in th( tas ight direclioti, talcing acay the sanctier >a of lite uic& frot, avsny frauttetint tratteact e' bec ; bot jet the difficnlty, wLic-h va 0, aciglit ta el"obvuateti natu'd, anîd m e. credimer, by coiluding citîbîl e detoro anè e intiucing imtota iiltte'jtdgetisent tel go e againet bhitby defaîut,placed i mntîcf ir W. eus$gooti a poiitien, amni ai- 0ieffituiall: te depriveti tic otiir creditece eft deir rcniud lesl, as titoigi mua Act Lad ever- beeî a. pusieti boiieing confession. cf jutigmeni ty anti ticlat-ing pn'.fcremîîial assîlgnmneuili e coiti. *'Xporietic lins proe-d the provià. st ionsa ettigesleActe a teob.muneinctiaquaiu 18 le uteet fie, uequirmnt'.is oethi. Country, ar. T-ie cesor rec nverses vi,[Ili ci t commuercial mien have met since 1851, one nuis$foniuuie foilowing clodo upon unoîier, 'if ycar ater 70cr cif partial or eltir fiuire re of cropm, andtire dieatMrui, resilti, Of the f mont irsbeliiotuin ttic Umiteti-States, bts ie iniaie battkrupt Lundi-ode of ticelbusiness k uten of b-c coiutry ; atî til iiSepluemnthr cu lait, Oirc statues nitietine la* 'whiich r-coîltireliievu thoin froni tlîcjlè anubairs 29toc i ts. lh'.y ,C1twtluoinpro1îcrty eacrîflceti It te saîiitfy tihe ditulattis c f ticir more lo £ortnnite- riediurs,-or-eat me in lare noste, eautut them.eei yiug rutider a Joatd cf debi ehc ciiihr.y bidlcriomneune et puying, andi INithout thue migiteet prosipect of ceer t: gotling nid o et i1e tobis vieh vas 1 ýWeigLing tbain docn, tandi pealyzimig fLair lýet'rgii.a, excapt hy leaving i theucouti-y ), ittd etileavoriing te c.nva oit fer themnsatvgn it a boute anudfortutit uuolnited Stss' C wlteru reversai nd Miftite arc trot lut a lite categocry cf crimes, tr puntahtua - sucb, gralif'eto m utidier tic luwis et eti Relieil ttant i auuîe pt'olact- ion cwhiei vasdenji e lnt i uhe lacs of Thco ntb'.rfsitna'.o aeking ,relief un. dp tie he prceieitoteof hli nsoiveit Act of J186t iî one of tire beet eitet-escf lims nelciny Many oet itesg eunuhava been Ir inicluent for yeans, andi titis ati.trt e opporînlty avenrtl'ererf tient of aseinta a an eqoitbahi. cangétesîof liait. affaire-, and n iotwitheotainugtic ravi-,gnof, saine enimens about (raid ant ishdîebrrty, dha ylaw ixscure te d10 incalculiable g9oti by seiîlng nt liberty hîndretis ant!ibhouiauda tcita would etieruetieyever becrou11ma position taenae ilutmy bosineps. Hec le iltiatire ct cf teln cr tLe instuiveultt intire cotuntry -taie liile or ne asiatel -SintPIY bectîne mlidte cîtwi ics ey htvbcy#&heema uiped et averythiutg ticy posseqc(..ant i-lfui w' h ittticýnienlsi o paruy ieu uYjI)ar r tit hedebî iti!? ttîln agtairmt the-im, catd tb-y. tire nov app~lyiig for relif Un8te.,ite etsandtimore!coint. prnebevulau, wvilivery ofien scarey suciles itnîgi le psy iec ceet or Aeertlis. ÃŽ-14 Beliut kote eciaocf ac mtttr uejeias i assois, b h lry -CtcfSujllim iln are pnîipsiy dicld>eif aiturg hie ecredîtors mneal'lyli ;i proofoti!utttthorite nncuu.t of thiin nait,. Ihave -,rtceivti Iv, oire iD- siuntmènus ainco Jîtunary lut, the listîbibtiee in the-aggnegateuimnintlug -Ci, S240.000, the assettho t*15,00. 1- tell cf tiosa casas the a'cd it >avthtud bisei reOd", antid the resut la there vllIiile m, d*.vitiendu. fa ana cf the other cases this îibiiiiies careaboaiet $2,000 andithe i ssireqabout *1.300, cnasîlg of elti Banik acco unis cuti the nemnan t of a ntisenaibiy mlecled Po thre EIit or af the JYMtby C oir#,e 1. Ibeg haeviti se -enclnoea cepy y etf a bIter addreuti e t. J. WblàÃ"oBý&s c- -Barriste!, &c., aid bis reply tbÇtc .ti baving reference te tiie nighs ctf'Ibo ce FPort WbiÏby inhanCompun' el r, land upon vit iir office nDuWetanda, ti anti alec au te the ireaning ef the tarin i ru vatar'a atige" usedin fthe Proclamtation eh cf in Excelhencyt tbe Govenner. Ganeral ao tiatei tthe 2It dey et March lait abandon. ut mgX on te part of _1he Gotrennti eth Md airvance for rond i belveen Jets ne 20 ilt anti 27, Brokeen front Cancession'cfr the é, Toetnmbip of Widuyaiid os the aîijecî ti liaibeen mati. a mtler cf intareot ta the. he catepayere. of the toten, 1 viilfeel obligei of Ly yoîn gbuing the lellara piuhiicity, Ja Rempecttnllýy yains_ ao C. DRAE. )n Whitiy, Sept. 6tb 1865. As Office cf tde 1 f.W. . Cc. ed Sept. lit, 1865. Sd,.J. Wftsoy, Eîq'., Brrieter,&C&c Mty ~ lSec: Wiii yen b. iinti enong id (n aven une et yotir caroiaét aonvanilencré vîth nt aà Written ipibion lae tuttie nights cf thg "g41Pari Wiby Ilanbor Comtpany'? to tha -landi upen vici 1hem -office nov itand1i cio pur opinion as frd thoeineanlng etfithe tarin 'wtatar's ed.ze," ned ti die Pro.. clamtat ion of lus ItxeIiane'Y lteG 0 su t eutenal, daiedth me- 21mî f MecIna -ahendonimg on tie part et e Governun~i the origiunal eulowance for rndt betwean iota uin. 26 and ti 7,Broken fresefl 5ces- eîouî of the towensbip of WIîIitby. " Io haeottoe bnor te Le, Sir, Yoîr obt. servant, - CHESTER DItAPER, I Preqident P. W. Il. Cd'. e Whitby, Sti Sept. 1865. Mr PeÀmt Sua, In repiy ta ycur s f.'serquiry, . utideretani the placae ccu. r piedi by îLe office namet t have bean et one titnc*cntirely cswaercd ,wlitbievalert af tie laite, but that the dretiginge anal calntirovi tha-a eitiari y present or former cwenaof the _Harbotr aid not the gtuetiiai waaings lin ebingle fron- tise lane hava -f'ruted'-sun dry 'grountiupeir ich tire bilinug gantie. 1 Éant cIemly cf opinion tbat the presenu Hiaibour Cent. pany*aretie. utieaoviers iîtï.tes ncb landi,- amndi ntidecj te ,use sutid'enjoy 'lb. asaueais Weeij untifully " 5any ,otier part cf the ',pnroperty,- anti that il peas4 erit thein undifite g ~t ofthe "Jareu sà t Worles" matie hy the Crovu. -ro 70cr seoiâd enqiiry. the proclama. tien definei fiehenrk abantititit&q,, coin- - nenctngietlthe watersa etge, at Port Whit.- by Mai eur. on the alloauce fer - roati between 'iota 26,ctid27ÃŽ Bruit m Front, comîesibon W bichpoint Il ane te be ona tht. roaittalmueeîneher. the leetern- bnulitiary ot lot 261, au thedi.Eaiormil bounti- famyo et4ho 27 oteet tie waters ofthe lane at 'iAi cuier maurkr.-Frointhe linesanti botnds itet u t i iegranu by thte Cnovn- tri % n. Sc'addit, c f fiesi lois, 1 de no$' tiin< tic noaticrovsing, tlle catg!rsef lbth 'Junhour aurd--ic tdiiatefly oujoimiing the' enitige îorti cftilie- pier, (crispart cf tuv rond refoneti edttii'. - proclautation, as 1 d it consider butu iti,; r tglwoecn $hoew lot,,,but Itroyemi 't he Iteint cf contmence- ment inentiocet. 'Vcry truuly youna', --- - ROBÉRT J. WhILSON', - Tiréo gaies r01the Mlèabtrghiockr, cnô teê Welland canal, vere earniidavq' b, the schooner Titeodore Èenry on Thunrsmy; nigit. 'te break wtili b.a reaire4,..e navigation rastnai -a oUn&aymrq - Vuiteai Siaeiu.r- The Sratouei 'ýork en the S1rd ait. The Great Captaia Anti Iig bla lu lay adeocai sthcem tnd preper pick thha lay a new the oit aine, andi ýI!ie Atlantic Ta il'teloy a1 picir up thea olti fremth lb. 15t- attena wih an w t la Pw*dn-mem t 1t-doy. A greate are haro fur il. buçn knovh bettot ~daPresidanirs, vbàth îe Conti, pardons; 'Fumer, SepI. --threatening fLe i tbis s.fterneeo, 41( bitai ofI Broadcai brick building,M $75,000 teo*100,0 Ngw YocxK, Sop able axcilement lin regardte toau cea off ou thei.lii u cuL , *oarcOdby iu1-bu-lav cof C hunthetii.Henniotta, Bennett, Jr., one the 'United i sîte ecean race tirai lu tbui aida. cf lie .tl - N. Y., Spt. amont ste me. viie waiting ant day te be convaý Stenf es, ciiianti t Tiihe eforis of il diatunbance provin fegulama vti luna up -W'ben tbe -il baveraicortunades Injuroti. Baverali q It nterai reat. n teprimer, The Wbrx triou tie developunentu ers nla soeldag. XtislesaIdtt i J the Presiticit aid foer eof c trialhh1 tanliast precticabe N. Y, Sept. 5. 1091. su sdirw anti farweii rO B,,tiicell'c c1h vels, Vhicl ti u c rt 0ir'.iy slntre t ir litou stî it'. rthev're i -win r Mie Aunal RIEsemînationaoot Candidattes before the llourd of Aria andi Mceefac' tarea. The Annuai Exernination et candidates, membeni of Mochanice' Institutes,. vu helti dumlig tic irst cccli cf Jeu'., accontilng gme programme preiouîly publisbed- inthte Journal cf the Bordi cf Arts ont Manufac- titres. Al tLe iathare examninoti vere trint cm cvi goond teen ot Wiitby ; iey are pepPils et the Senior Ceînty Gmronn Scioci as wvei uuaems c* f lie Mer -q. ica' Inaiitute, anti, au viii bs &con thea ex ceilent tanner la viiei t!aey acqettct ttanmivÀi,Lave receivedthte higiteer plaise fromn the'. xamiiena. Tii. inijoota proposeti foc esamiiotion coca the saune as iast year. Nino candi.

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