Whitby Chronicle, 14 Sep 1865, p. 1

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Uacteutao i TB£ virflTm HRONIfLIE l 1 MUI1914isu ON TI sattisea o r ,W -.HIGGINS. At hie Priciue-Emtabltslimntt l3vock Street, Whitby. TERKS $1,50OPER ANKLTK ADVERtTIBENFNTS! ~ LLAdreilemp-sms menisnrcd lu Noupar- A L, attutsgdîthie rata cf 8 cents pet i neftystussvîIou, sui ten ats 1pev t n, acb BabaaqeUUt insertiont. Ip.eîal opmntrat mamie sitit ativertisara by the jear orottIarwei"e' lérd. sta discoauite- atvartiamou.eto% muai Aïi wriiiitg. ]UNE. 0F MONTREAL, W. R. DEAN, r4anag11er. I3AtIStF.'EiN ANDi A-rr(),1 tN l"VA'r Lase, ,-tiilicmtmr-î,att to jîItlk mmi %lnotmrtii 1 t he ofrt -itnt it1i, t'nllntir ni tiitrii, Ntra,&. iWtm, C. W. g~ tttita litmiit1pýn igoti- amtiiti - ly-kt tto s liie r aie gm tr,, oi.'tmrlttmit. o II i flieeP , Atrit'y lr m 't. i-, & la r~tu.-.îN a..A. At'uh lOUS NV.iHAMi, JR., I.n1. VoJR IN, ., i (1 t V, I~'l'i X rili lFl i GEORGE Il. DiRTmIFTAI. - t tt >i' U . Ai'-i I - - , '14E1 AN ltoIllgR'r j. WtLth(N. B CI i.E .iitbv l'y. 'x 1,;. w t-c lr . 0.tS W.N itlhi'Ti E~ i i N V '1li7 t<'v ý, r. 'M S Iahý Itttia V'.W. KrI' . A1 E 1 ATC.W te-tICVR, I A T1i1011NIEY-Ar - îw . uM hlTC1 '1, It IN i. 'r.. rAI OWr 'î i .t , 1'. m, . -,ittu o,,ltvcC.iW. W.0 A Tftm'.?'C'- -r w c-L.hi'IL. F4EiCIANT TAitiOlt, BHUCK STIIEET, F.iAUIANT-~tiurarof YVork ahi1 Px. i1p1taestreata lToronto. itefreatamut TRIONAO IIIIMTON,* T ON 1RK CeTICIEAÃŽauREiI, WIIITBY Otlc-Tesen liait -Itonre 9 tao'utOOk. 5f>TEL110118 E, IJltug Si, We8t, lly uhOlhN il. WARtWICK. ~.it3,rE lis. Kitîf iestâ, s8duorsFut of BT t'ei.ias SirpeaiTirn utui.4 ARVCIIIUtLD ARE 518Assigniea for Yomrk sud Oularlo, tmlolsry -Pubie. 45 îï. ÎÏ. oiAIWAITII, 3t. D., C»' Tu() VE UNI VEitSITY Ouf M(l ('loc (enceaso Dr 1. ware) Prince Albier' 42 o)II,tÇloiitIN CIIA-NCERY. ffIe,- S post Beys-144 Huoa, Whiihy. Ji, . AM. C.A. JONES. -GEO19GEGUEOYm ZwMJhANTTalar, Draper &a., Kng Ste mogern¶a eulmrn e oep in iLs boat jeaeî*ist uvd, soinaehles <coda for aprhug w ar Erçy fi~~~#i1 it !, ce e VOL IX. WIJITBY, C. W., TH11i F GLOBE JIOTEL. $100,000 TO LOAN. ... HAE, Toronto, , seilku'ni,'miiesAllîsd '511E tt'nthrieed bimsjsct conettati] as- ARRISTE RANDk4TTOelN£Y.ATL!A retilcaite-abeu îtîahasi] etîteutti whtrobv hta la e-1nan e l ii Bau i c ijiel b iu aay atîlid lvey st îmi-eiber, wlîera ie ai i ways ie $t o n - omatitp vet ar,, lttary Ptubllc and Conoarnicer, Lasl' a - oln %l îiod raîîdy te attentdl Irrottaliy tthe PIaaibs rfsso l i thiw mits legtluatm, &c. AT7 PER CENT INMEEST. 'adCor. Th reiiam st.ba hu e otîmrrcittmtly anîd iiirct- o ae ny fonot etn Wliiby, tittobar, 1864. wilcAe;,4o 4r ae ausît. miîî,î ur ytîars. Ne dCuiittisincihari-]ci. R F1E C S loeilI prviiili n i a ll rivtm-îî,,- T,I 'tr I sa igeîfi,, t-..lCada Frecliotat Ths Att<tri-r 4enerat oftD. V.. Quea. v lime tiiirIimetve ti toTtthabi ittfiti. tmm ic i m ie - u -t%t, wîîirh lendit meuty frun Tha 'iolcilmn Qauciral oetV.). <, qitehe lit~I caîmlei l-at ton sauret. nai"lita Ctini.%,l, o'f Cioye n tdQuebea. - 6 ~PER CENT INTERESI.MÇemtE&t xpeci.,iotu1 Notice tu Farmers and Others Nol cii\m-Li;soN. Tl' laiJ -m.I il mJoliàitu, SI e. P.,Cotliw Apply ioima CauuîLotîm. Ik h, Rle-m5. 11 I>ritm, tir gailî ii-i mita-i .il-IlttNimESiIle0 L $ , 14ks1r . t kmi- ui;& son i tîmzton. tiIcI'--li iii -h; i-tautmrmi xir Rî'.tilm- t)licitt Asaigisa, istd, itmirtmce PL J. (isrtwiii 1. Em iq . l"I, Nitpance. wiikae Io miemî.; bm-sil'o' uiraimmi tendîmi mii-rat Amsit, & eA . TjlatO i-t i ttlei mtCoat ('mgiic m lmiy fri-til- i cil l toi - jV rrnOru -M iiiî ,imche, Bruche St. Mesrta. Cltw.fut & l'o , Ruu]lNtuvlear & Coa Lir r q mini-a ittîmî ' tti , e tI I, t ii tlf4'niscc A -vIT e)rImi-Op-,oalla the 'rûisiî îm Rouai -u4iet htiasmi, ta el,~ A. AJIEXANDER --Ni-w NYork. Broolclii. Jeti. 12ilIt 4 o t(iFtrcînir .îtIîm &Co. ane t STAaE 1-1 0 lUs E, (I.ATEh lI.AT'mi1,î eta thililp.îltt. siidutLil. P. & a.il~. itimaht, fus e tkeî én1» N -t;7.'IEE',TOR ONV2 01,11ilitthlpbin. I ISAîAC P'ENTON', Alite%- Kiiig Streeît. ' Kasy lisirothet, Laise iitkallrs lPhiW fiutèmoitm at 1m'einel, I r. tt Wi -air, 0. 'i'.R. It., - ib autt tlîive iiti. l it tC mommîîu rm'îî lîti llit lehic m-a.ui'-le. i '1 %Ir. P'imt in-m I, VI 10lt-mg 1Àît0tI-m1)ta miNSG r A 1, 13 t1 ()N iI f- I' Nel-o S.-->, t'U i-. H îaitttumîaimuhrc' itiexîiim-O limta-m ii ii t --m-ilm- ie ;m, Tai , 'HtE Via tmsijtt ardaîe t il tlitilil fa'ili h i '1ami 14. ic'K hotml-mtî if'i -i titýIi, l ialitr ttrlaieaî<nîr'îraJdac %iNtBi'rm;mIl ta Toplea, tmetiî.-. t bEi'ýýI1 w i)itlu'Ille: ;t-. ntIiUR b cieuY E'VE ove EASIT WINDSOR Iiot-ttqf", WHIiTflY, >TmS 1tit. l~' sema maîîis-~ ~ a R USS'tE 1 iJ1ii ' l 0 IELà, liront 8 to hall' pr-t tei t e'Icck. Il 1h oe hiiiilA-lai' .1iimiatiýtd m 111 aai mtl l 1'. 1 -, ' ýlNioîti Iîy thee£-# ec m- i lI a nîad île W)1 ririd partuitie'i 'wmiammîmuîr ot riiilmm - iild. ' >ih St tdto. îmm ttuuthtat ii i ortm r. t uîndh - :~I'it<gt h-mprir?qto. t ttiat)1< c Aiitaam t.i n ti eetiih m a Cr s an $ ab] !:Ij a-i ate lit i% e tes sermi.im- P w'I.m . imimttt-- t oii 5 t i t! î tii -d liV Llinâlpqs tiil'ti . im5. lienttih,'r" "tnu-mmti-- mik t*itte ldmitllattytatid glt.-O'fi-c icitm - 'ili s ii ri m-t!cr lmiiuî h ti ti humc Y h mi ii it-i i', ite ier, r la ct'm l tiuta ittlu- îat ii a . ' 1 - -.... - burF'.lEtr t et-lemine -r ti i' --lai mii<m-lti i,fa ANGLOAi ERCAN IaSEL si:t tite ubtmli- iaatm~a-ii l it. iîu~ 'mmint,.i2asictcimitt., .WM IIUS el !14.m~ Wmum %tii mm tt 97b a tirm- t i,5havIil-%%'ttxlrjj, iï%m-m- htili- ' ml i nm ma i Oahusrae - - 'm ~i ita, Il i Sitilla "tai m lil m l hle i-t it -;lictftteî & lie,--tîau taeîtl f5 hiltucis e îî'î ' >t trîîsn.I,'r lmil'id. l Th mr. att eifnjta« n& n mt uin iaî :ttTwlm-ita 'à" r"rî- m(1i-011,n-1S &t 't. 't'110E 1 imrutt. 'theé <muti <rt. -1e zln ai taiý rnI D elt. lfp hiRt' SItiE-~,Jili 0t» JTRUNK8 FOR SALE! t ItD'e' ~11DM & IlOsîtEI. '[ma ui t-n titi i ia~ _e atîmam mi ii,' 1 e t mti a r f t % îg 's etrial wIli cant ts8I i-fl& lii ii~ lilîtiuirt l4ri'nc 'm,îia tteiit' ý - 'a s,.îu timm h tiil'w a i -Illei rie-t s ort ouf tm g i n itha -. îmîîma i-.i iim 0:t1'i - tuitiit mi '. I"im e li8!e tri. lt ha1W hbil VAtRS & fETERMIsN, BOI'NTONIS IJOTEL. rhEt'srhmilhi cttfn-Ii - ' 1.frmct l a(ra, Ittg litin i-ta h1 u~ m îîîîîî ~ i mi-it'iiii-mtit.citmiîm t'isîli e ilîtia apfi oeti tu l- l %«M g-i T ! ile i t i i 'cm--h- t sir e mt ', 4 NI- S(lV N l' , -oe,' i ftjtutt-m t r e- iti- s, iî aa Slîine it trem î,tflirt i i-r -m'rtîî if it- t! O tari Ii the'#mitta ~ Itm imity iiiuti'aii 1' iel 'a'-eliltihSlogsrai hautttlr-t'n miitg 5' iiiiStatti.i s tup4, t jit lime lIa» et' lissa - - - -- I i-tl C i s.lit,îi, tiuem,1fi ty4 u midl C> N Il T E T ~ ,mî tîsu~rîi , 'i l i-swiI iti- uvinitrsu. l'a.v tr tt tleea m it harngulgog M 0 0 N & IROT )àIVR. W. ILuti C'aiîthAt.Rmî 1i).~ Northt IirittASa and !ftr-r-aibtlhe itilsm. lt-lt. 14. 144. Fito & Lifo Insurance Ccum'y. THE1 ONTARTO H-]oTEL. W. Il. IlN, BE1.S1'tET-îtiASy.SURhANC(E CUUMINY IBatikiitim rsJ. ItEUDOTToU - Whîiluu»i-mît7,iCft. tîtuiMARINE DEPARTMENST. s o 4~mi i*~ IUILL '-I-all siidttmar«o lIko tath ta ho-LII'rOl, he,, &., u~~ @~1MI ~ ~ &suatgrtitied oami ltilr'uskae, fori-t-mu itletiO AS Ami ihN'EI, hi* IastES',,tao ittîrli -voyvaa ,t-'it". tîsXeý,Il,"red mi:thie diflaraiit m-itae '~ I>mc !mîai-Sitt lit r lia h h s~ ta I ga 0l9fmslI mlettalm, 4114h ltcuam lhistxit e 'taelh1fit lhîsuîîîm 'ra. gor'the l 1 ot i t aisau]lvr1 iîm tittîtp &i fre d, A'l'le lii- ie srce ti phlyta dttuaup anîd- coi'uicc, aumt ite teaintls' thme eîîînfîîtt' uat msmiiihorma iiinehC. lîmîrng JAS. VitfOMAN. ii I J I('A !' s beaw. p itAt adi te cd li ea wt ssa as Vi-octaltttenApril mt Ies lrau'iii- tatNEY 'te )od t nMort eserî i At itaitilei s e itie t , -A 11 Frvaa auçsteC f;aody'tmuzood fithimoainntisht, ' - T FOR 'IJIDES M ea~:;G Ci't b eut Ilu ail tilt, îaii. Als t'wMlnleI The nucueraita frionttît a ittîy-aîh, At~-o Are aslea'te gie-bas bbc ba ca ea. Stone Tannory, Port'W'hitby vADAM aeGORDON, ALEX. PEERIE. ROWE'8 8TONZ -STOUN Wbilby, MY1,ifstIlM. 19-IlM BrikS~c.28, 1861. 50 t ROUGE IIOTEL, bt>,<oz..tms J O>tlti'li Mlt>tN LATE OP TITE 1NO?.WRTV~ ÀS J'5Atths' tcsmfailyatte ut qon Ibi msuà foriivy o u Ilit> in WH au j.8-B M 1 'safeal Mmijle ibfrti li'pulClafor ex- t' ot eIhiriands ii thte publhç ic he .-t houelllue- We e ettit6od îfs'aia-,p bas ientai] theahave 'aa11.ki-mwu ltes'lwhiaI la nase lits i-strate ardar tai- theic eeiô. etci W'tby QUADI LLE BA»' la. ~ -t-' ïrease Winie, Lb cors sul linars. Geond '- lqtsliîtganattanitbôtad% Ieaalotgthc Geler1j M ."nats-m5c sa---iu, -t'- -rha tflb VICTOIA !flUSE, T Jue aboe ieda oap$or @ Ejtmmimm ' Inms ýet ,r.alI- flolopCouctta, Balle, dha., onrgaos1 BE ucco» as " Wri;. a-let cuaett iict aeaoi-~êOJ JOIIN SPlJltlILL.... ~ ...h'roprî.tor. lcsrtérufan sd enjzgamntt4 adcree- ýqO In 1 HEaoubsai-liar tie lte lîtfotm ia ismalt, - J. VWOLF11NDBMN, oa Tfriands that ho le uaw arrN.tiî; on lbhé Ceretar , u~ mGdtle isd{t aboes Imta!,sud ltahs pplIes notie bet the s htba!0 ilIIr*t o besu cf wîamess Ilquors, ehYar*, aud refresb' .or E!ptIjai of Ereltl r4 Mantet, Awoseuappibatl ta leGood metaisihag sud enctoeomiyard. - - FO- euloe tn"èeotbM> <s - ý3cjs -Whiby. Oct4,.1964. 8 Acrs i Ȉ Oe lMg 4Tbthne0t'1.J iTIE W.11 &C.S.CA J), iiseactCo1cissý Termeuainuod rate. F01 I-et Maouafaaîrers etf qv«y description of - rdSan tIgSddIe . rnian, Col00118. Apilîu5frgj ý aw,é, a À __ in on the departare of the Squire. Pol Pua, howeve, deaf ta the cati of thé charmer. lit"Blesavme," cllêd John, "has théi libird growa sulky ai! in a hurryl Why, it lUI wenfî talk naw.» "t wiil talk as mci as evee," said Macmnillan, laugbingly. The fact,,le the farce 13 ficished, there la no mouey return- ed, and 1 may as seu, to prevent your puzzling 70cr brains any further, let yodf 4*ý luie a4vrocgïcPeace, rrogieuis, khowledgejiflrotherho00 ESDALYq SEPTEMBER 14-1$65. 'N O 36 70cr biling once mure set cp in business - gag* Lasbeen verr patient; 1 cannot ngt"sn Pllo<cvezy grave,,acd rote, or rallier net speaking aLati&, 1Ispoke Otunur cletlIn af Liai. Bu ehala a man of îwisting ber hend first on one aide and frhr n,~si port a4pr -business, a titan of mouey. eever having then on the other, placinm herself in ber poae." known waîiî hiaiself, he eponot beliave it swing, sud! violently rockinry hersai back- "I 1Sec it ail," replied John, apon Soute Dar. ta apricng freai an, alLerý cause than lm. seards and for-vaids. The signal seemed whose tmmd the truîb now flashed like gg o~da" s haLode e nan aproviden,!ei or worie, auid bas-littie sym- ta ble given for their departure. lig-htnin-. santia' nov e u e o an a athy- with il;, thitlait titité ha as haro ha ofNow John," cried Polli, driva gent ne iércy Lasîtî n ive oe nrytîLO FlbC ensaid hooIeud-caIl ance more, and then, ly avar ibe'atones." TTioU S+îIraÂxtt TUAY FIOTtoxt.... oeif the. menai ws not forthcotiing, tbe i"John dace 70cr mother know your correspondent sends the f"ellowingr interasi. Ton àAnÃ"jtoiihtla snzles, front Isl hair lav Must taire bts course. 1 oxpacted pct?" ing narrative, with the assurance that ils Aodi"Ul ca ca iandr, ar Ieu hl ra k La esterday,. and-" John grlened Illia a Cheshira cat. Tha accuracy mriy be relied on :--'At the fflrit sitlver 'lircîdâa sonr the dari-, Ii mercy, titan 1 abat in the malter Squeire looked enchanited. and the chuldren titua tha notorions Tipleo Sahib feil at the Smiletttilie tl!aW#ie ur e In a wixh yu?"2 sid Macmillan, i"you trous.sbrieked again with delight. As for pour siaee f St" aaan.in 19, thera seas I ~ ~ S tue (luioe 'oe lit bl'a, a a t Penny, hé seemned Perfccîiy saialied. in tone of thae lngisli ragiments engaged 1dsiô ontepieaiTime.lg4a, Ise~'. emsCning 4h u t As soon ns the shsp sas fairiy clear of on the occasion a native of the Bury st, Net callit oit remit, af f aglmlempjrimeî. fallow Boarda, the braker, with Liai." the party, lie turned te Mr. Macmilia'î,and Édrncnd's, who a upadb i et But nowithîctiet î-oa l e aIiiie Macmuilaooked out, 'and sairindeed, with an air af" mcch parplexhty, bea,,ed lhe rades ta hava been lilled. His liniediate Ay, hatiirb asleî'ily 4; yoiî ty, the Squire, bis footman, and a very shabby woeld look ln of' the foliowing rnerning relatives; could grain no inîtelligence of bini Y0111'li llnk oià b inrenia ined&. emp l:ous fellowraprhl an he wocid bava Rome ckinqi front which ho fartiler than that lia was put dean agnong $rine ay i ha ,it at sn&Y, aituyeof tLe broker, ho had acarcely might cheose .lhe leuthar for his boots, for thaeati4sine, ncid ibat Leoamus cnaraily Sonr su pi ait it el aîi neb' eu.. Siua t a -arapid glance arocud the just at tiat moment ha feliquile bewiider. stinrined te bu dead. Il appearg, bowaîrer 1 P b al) l l iht rimer l~ebi n, deserted sbhop, are the parîy waree at the ed. ~that lhe was enainhy Instrumental lu savltté Andi draw the lI014 brgijîhm itr1e' îay banjda; dorr, and they enî.ered. Highiy allAtedtat John Petnny hlte the lire Of ena' Of the ladies . attni ed te 1 shait be 1aileilt îîîtd obey- n ai.anibtSt Aad yeum-yon 1 o ut l l ati t a% ~Let thent coma," criei Penny, with ot, Weil throcgh big diffleuliies, the geod the Court of-T-IppoSaindItab .sînte dAyý an air of dcsponding reaignation, il I have ventriloquiat consiclerately toohe bis leace. in gratitude to'ber reserver, induced 1bitt 1 hansew lette voit 0i ,- ai ui mili Atrcggied, Iteaven *knows 1 as long as I ReHa î, howeer, a punctnai visiter te ta fiy wbîb ber loto lthe inierlor cf thé Wii nviwih:llxeal>M li.tcrtw wiis able, sud can do ne more," John's the floi l morniîtg, and] fouîid country, tvhere th, fathîr cousantad ta thé Oflo-t 1 i bulitf, ni lldbe- l; Weil, Mr. Penny," saidth Sqie that honeat cordwainer Lad laid oct the marilage of the gitîlaniL soldier with bié' But yru oi se lit îia miîcit mi(ray blandly, advaucing te the totiuter, 1"yoc ;É5 h ai] rceieed tirer atndaboya his daughîcr on eondiîion that ha enihiracad Acltai itîrlîm,î' it-l i'tl 'Y kuos.e, cfcourge, the causa of My ciii." reitt the precedlinc atternioon, te tha vary tha religlit of the country. 0cr bard, Il AndwýýIè nurtpafs irefielitg iot lvre a hitge e'aring Poil liarrot, sebo, bcsî adecontage, IUc had stockad i]ls shop appears, tbocghl lha could not do bettof % 1th lpswiiti f tr it .t rees, aefrmd n of the few :itb a gond supply cf leather, atit otmer tian etebraca the naw religion, togctIe U11,1 tnzo rý,n tr(IýI.re trpit aricls f frniurelitthebap, beau arila nccessary for hieg'trade, and uow witb the youtu bciress, and il is sali]tbey All titqtt iLe. rimaituiitije-histie, olnut wni] customers. White Muentilattulirai] undtloced hogrether thrnugb mîaey Be euvimzttîlýt Iu,l'ltýlI-t-t "Yoa'Illitnk îmltilti ain*i- iii ." ",'al ugat3iî morroie," te the coton. seas aelcîing tht' mnatai-ml for bis boots, happy years. But death tlrstcetteamîthe- S-tii' m:îm abuct of aIl prisant, excepi Macmillan. the squire suddcîîly made bis appearanca fisîhr and atiferwamrd i the daughtar,itmvingé scolGllShe foiloe ib tis by- foilowcd by bis foototan, bearieg Pol-y. the once poor soldier enricbed witb thé -cho .- G 'SIl "h hnca a hache" Pennyseaisîsrprisc], and] no tue saemad weulîh of Inisa Bis ralations ln thé- Merriy}autmmmiii tilt -tlitiix ialrk The iequireansd ttroker siarîcit. The.-- Macmuian. meanit hait frequently appliéda t hd AlImîmI liea aîtttite'ai ; gilquire, howcsaer, îtcmd,- "Weil, lMr. Penny," suid the grealceut. War Office, but aiways receivet the Satio lrU ioti,mI li-t aîgtuii't i tr "IlYocara, af course, previdai], lMttoit bld, Ilme ac ve brecîlit hack e yor atitiser-that ha. ans misaing, and , ecppos: muirrily thnie i noriiig ica Penîtie Il parmi - it l very extraorlinary, but it cd te ha deait. Ai lcnigth the lime catid TtIOnia tiC nil, sii ii;, Alasi1 no sir,"ta aid ihe pour tradesusan, bas not spoken a single word aitîce I teck irbenlhe msescalicit ipon te dapari ibis An Attri i'am, ti",-rilN rt.'m'0%,i-rose li sis l eev * Tiie lin.>ai i wemtI ilinusles t d.eiè oauy murîner. il awny-îtever scn- a sinîgleia , no~ r worid, atn, having un. hair direct -or in-: ; u errici alt-rt c- r ri,m -e Y a cannt pay youtisimontant, urate ,sldaiîgl oe a oeniigdirect, lh a tdea a ill in faveur of bll A hî brui' c.sweiit~t tiîitliriltu, aeedo 1 know wshen 1 cao ; take my luttle but equ<'alg, cram, cream, iltniy heuîd ldest-sister and lber Liirs tidalti.Thsa A îîa;Pî'y irooti mti loves mii lgrîtie* properîy, sir, lecil puy as mcb asilt yl, bas beeti ramady tlue;tiiî ; ahanla a perfmmc r('cently liccnruhtta hliglît lhroitgh l -it il ita eilîlightl.ti1-aI ull do the hast I cao ;Providence 'siii nuisance. I wochdn't keep ber la the flrra ln Lndon adrerticiug for the next ef net forsaka me." bouse ifmmtitt-'iîrmil iltftowmtC,,iti - auti-.im-man cuttc c oanam. buei aytiy o ive me a hutîdrai] iin cf the miasin- sioidier, sot] it appears 2sebmmiîro(1tauti-a sit-e îme,-iiimrmit ~, ,~ Wbat's o'cick ?V' interruptcit the a yer te do su. Il tbreîv my daugliter itha boir bus larneuin l-a person seb l ii i iliti1. i mc sud -ca'm' 131,111ir 6maias o-d milmiii--ram , parret; 44 Poli7 wants ber brcakfaâi.îi iota brtlishSie upset the glas globe, bas beau travalling in theacouales of , jii% >aioi ii trita l~i 1i-iriTIhe chilitran, wb aitby this stolen uplIt ail the gold antk-ilvar fialt-a roaeSuffoik une Camabrii]gî'hix-e for som-jeuiu Wltîawatetiri ara,',coverily lu, curioas te kcuiow sebaiwseauchiance fuîr utecai. iturt me the £5 1 os a bocelk'aear. ItlIoa ali tr ilbd A imn ii rti lii> r5~tmd a.mtg.goiug forseatt, see as mtach surpriseit as paid 7011, aitd]l'il forfait the rani. uécessary for the claimat-to procaci te - --- ---- ____ -thpir fether ai Pollfs seditan ioqcacîty. Il!Fin smtrry te sîsy,"id îhocoîsciau* India tu fauisîutiola bis righi ta thé prO.; Tîtair hlitieroundcIeycs dilated ith wîbsender lions John llênily, il"thai I -bavs lad oui perty, ailiai anu esitent fient. aqs cader ~1X ertuc.and taitikli] witb delbght ; but the aseful the £5 : but hîîawcvar, yea'li take my note takîen to-frib hi iti sih the meanus, upear tprescice of the great man, froeaahet o band for the £ - codition tîtat îiîcy rpecve 0 'ne.foacr fc Stboy ftt un instinctive ac, someabat go wby. stay,"' sali] Mamilant, parrntis the proceads eft he estalas i0 q-'esloni, thé bd oolmaker'j lParroI t orbutoi . epressai] ieai. vcry saiduin tall itii a strange place at fiu'st vahue etfsebieb is raportedt tebc aiiei'iousj psytisereasiatWill, well," coutinueit the prudet put Poil iii ber cucutl place andt thon sas." thaeturooerly hsviug, loin lu abc3'ace fer ta etan ef cuttln, afser a pausa, ul4 If îhat's The cage as accorditigly restoed te long perioit. Furîhar particulars aiofibiti lni tLe sommer of 1847, Macauhil4n, lta e t casee, I uiay.as Wel Lat'a the ihitig as ls former position. wseha , athe' utter IntareAtitig casa seUl probably be palîlishai irliloqahit, Lad actaieatit u isi jMu. anyboit, aise, John l3oardman, ,00 u nul astoutishmani of ail preitsaPli itatîdîi- Lat for certain raisons the -came of thê rfor the plarposa of giving bis do abat la uacessary."' îaly beanetho iug chuimst ipresant seithheld,.--jns ,ttriloqelal lcetures utit ls inoclions. 66 polly, Poily, Poily," Larea exciaimeit osHRime, sweet home; ho il ever se à M Nct vy Gaýzetta - - _,Iattenion wu asutroîcteit by oee&hop ai Poi. humble, îbere's tic placens rit. rhumble appearsua'e, tram tLe civ. Thaiea afine bird'f,"-baa4i tLe 41 WeIJ," sali the squire, -lifting cp bis MtTliri ni Tiuitiee-À rime oft à toashce of soieiug thae wnr of i i s aaquirf, bis t tentlou oiîracted. bauds I tat la incredible, bat lieLeard ierl'lble nature Las just been comisiuied lId iVare, asil a groep cf preîî "'Ilniaut louvre asmnuin ,osseslon,eti af scch-îLugt l'atone,.--Wh" . sesaible, tLe *ry centriî of Ite -of Tippemty; feu pl*alo abolt îLhe door. N'rom salidthebbrcoker, go Lut befora'l îro. malinlulIletxont ure abs 1 à maat-uaie aand wbile tLe pople îbrosn'ii!4,tretti, MrI lilane rof-n, tie ineacripùlea ovr eL doar, th&% the poor tradeaom was ussct John Penny, sud tisat bo tiarcsait iii ciafîand mystery et boot aund #boua Iuing. - fHe vas hall-utmd iltin, nuepleil a nsd long bair, Coma' straighh tusentitis acaliks, Ris broe vas Lotte-lual, bat le su>'carevoru;-,but tisora wau soch au air ef unei reaigntion about bitae mai svas ver, :ouching. The venSriioquist being a. geaod-b«rtid man, sud Lasint; a vifeaundt fatuilof lis isen, as ha ýg"ust pon tLe uncauscicua chilâren, enalitnît -ielp thinkine- otflui in. Mary tait that vae bibb'In Le bai] aefi ai, home. ,lne coul] anetvoiai gitib- aoor l'au», a toi-e, andt lipraig his ove titidersmoi ding at the dsanie lime, b, irderin- a pair ef boots. The Lhuable teadeaeiun, vbo vs, as usuaI, ah i#s yor, gu'auteîoly ackeaseedga Lhe arder, bin buanis.> er aMacMiîlas 'cr7 aturel question-af seLon ho couldt tare tLe boots, repîi lewit u a deep'aie-b,ý bhat ho diduaoî e'cîy ;kaouij tisearcher rataIt b. zcaehad au-m*Don»au passible ; but ibat i e çpaîitnet fix amy precise lima. .MsacMillan, fîcta his kauowe4ge cf ibe tarît sud Meiucg Pacormiitarat 'Ma,' lIeue-Lt îLot perbapo lise'poar tellose Lail eo&gai tise meas. i parobs. tise mates', "I seil e-ive yli ai à.sovaralga as a de. poeil," sait Le it'gmt tsetadoe as sean e peesible." - .Ta his surprise,- JohnsiPenny ietused le d-hi sejli be liume , ean@ugh tci Polfer àï,boots swben yca gai 11911/ -asd li r wi moUr 9e oqgt1;l " s'is look tare eureviorm tbu ordinaril-y. i- 'Dotit tin-koie iip erlntti"entb"'aid Vac, idbnt la' uiiyti0lg théah5e -y tam ý taupp. e 14n 't' thori4.1 "ee"repliai thîe aboemkel'. tiTben 1'I1 proccad t] ea yiçorktt ance. Iem, oue Dotacloci eîaitued PoilI - Pour Penniy leekeitwspified. - Tise- chilitran, seito aitbeen vegmsqmdig tae @Celle, as vo boiye eau], Lalf wiî cuÇiosiiy sud bal vwiub fesi, nov coulit net hseip clapping Ibaîr bauids ai Pal'0 apropads Spoets j but a ,l1aûk ftem lii-fathar reurine] theai.- Boarditun coiluiti- ami])05 Lie-h dçesait dçtiitlei', one lte ona ahoaniaker'. beuch,,sud icols, Ibre chairs, tva tin' candîesticks) six boot. fi-eu." &I Wocdaan,' spare tisai treeI, 'Sung oui »Cleser blrd Ibattý," aad,îe lSquiee, Lis Attention nov Li ng- reati, atraçîait. 4uYon'll put the para'idown,1 t sttppoae,' Ide, Boardeisu. "Oh,' ne wa nover mention ber"' sait tbe parant 1- shoclit like te baieltai bird ; vbais jour usine 'PollIr " , -î r im Prt'ciy, preti, PolIy Hopin luSung Poil ,,- ceoking e-ai basf- kaoviîigl' '&osvsrsquit. llle,a QiriqtiAn,e' ra. plsi] tha Sqoire;c'seema,lao usvwer aee "Amasig, ip n ni'hosner," t ealei ,tL. S2qluM. e-4av i tisink eai'r iý1 ai] bel 1 My apgl4e. Çec4lýa lf, beflvWOrty:, me- my lite oul for lb. lest lix mentis tmi buy, ber auch a bird as thSÏs> ns tiat 'Clu wtaISatdsing'andi lt Me. ý- I 'îl tielS yciud vbaât 'Itido;, tPëneyu, f-*n'ît-éint - tiLaW blard apon >'oiu; lat;Ime-ai ithe wpairent, ,cie tha e a oe, utJmnd.fôr £5 balance, suan -1 TFi i j5M 4ftjNui an] giye yen a ecelpt for-tise âLU dut'.1 mm~Dont o-- îoalh yoa'm mciijt t 7" tyiug John, by crytng. min narâs?,in mu it' "Wbat'$ o'clock 14' Tbere yw ou e-oWsà tîcefrti.L wiîh your eyeasti. - - coadetîî laclctll i 1 'iYOti appea té 1W Le Banriseji.,'at My llng iran-ring, aud. 4MazaMnc, àlie Maw*liàu/'tuti ,Laos thlle aman wseitsruel 'Pen y, sWe ebepar t ee aoct et ilehi, oricit out. *"Hlere'i bat jOsei;w i ha e ýbau I tell,1'iau thot tei-uit into a ièbd ùniil yesýerday-I aaîrrtibard" ,tha Ï 11 é' tira, The vite s ùtier b stigle uylaàbli. AMr., Suamaré hbani, unit -yarde bas, a sait, é ad- n ova d n ubing bah weaudd d nuit valk, -qnaak andt aceam, dlattrblug the Wh>o1eî bouse, unit askeoi l tie~hLalaud, al begaiusat t ~î dit net remain long Isat, tbougls %hey îhi-aaîeued te break 'my Yr,*aeme~l seiciossasd tisle Ifaneche off at iBra. acf% hs-Latts,&ng kItï va long fume Wbefore 1 conu<Ic] gelta o William Oondn, wi lIke 'Atmyî#lf » boi use rcoucileu u1st tal4ices iaveihm5t1 anything -,.ad soitIsallmis& bot, dlaagree. Geaman, R. M,,tubs able as the y55üs -, the perap h w<>iufl Mgcrniîîan ad itne>doubt i ' . - whb ?losrdIe li'1 tBut I tacstfasuve 70e"sali] La, "se prbkoniianu l lè tai seerk awsy. uiy boî, I mitaiT look in to ih- informations si mati-av as Py tideLsi>on-are get -alriig llelipg,,,et tice-on" carrence of-thîs la.ý He *câa t he licet oniPuu, suitfou>id outrage sa 9 -tnrot L'e leasîer tqr bis boots eutotut, 1î e Ilas O i -*lSIté5 e '0jou peapareit and' boneat Jolun aommeuaing Teppmm5t10,soIjes51 oparatioita; Whila ginig bis final i]irec' @Qtgs'ttisatüdmiîpan dtoun, Sqtîire Sumaier aga in -uee-peceeily ~miiis Upd ,n>pde bies ppearanoeaçucoimppaidas-:on , -poneau body of thte previoui ùday bJqotn, %auîh Po Ilt. mauceit on Tqasday sa Blesaa'ne,1ïtr," aald Penny 'll iin bat cotaneïblu Wéa tyb, ~ 1 : m m-m 1 1m 1 . m--i;ým iTbetvifa ofiLé déce' taea§.Mr.-ý.Penny, I'îpe comaeae-ain,ýîm [Y> li9fre t-be t'eoide Fçaturncd the.Squiroe, iWh Ibis 5~diaboiicel. om9?d5>o' bid .tamcmiuadîta, peace bauve ! w rele! eaxani, Âir fhinqsfr.êtlheenti wuiutk~reraîtded. fiNe Anus .5Jtu~h@' 'i -ii i'd tL uPlE4 - ' ;Taic tolpg ti e i"t s4 l~Iqi-~-.t-îsr.'u. i Ve itiaritt in'e 1,acturer ll'# tl W ratn by il"l'ImIlle W1h1 hii-slhuvlui' Salali titi 01111ara i tî<he i tift1Zhae lema-îm th ishi riti;rilt uaii luitmittahi il lir wl ri ù"4

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