Whitby Chronicle, 14 Sep 1865, p. 2

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N'é AÀedlimintstblli Pay, Largeot sui boit stock.-M. Collins Bo0ots sud sloe.-M. Colline Auctian buies.-L. Fairbanks, Jr. The largos: stock yet,-%I. H, Cochrane. Dry Godo.- Baote asti aboos. Sebool boaks and statlooer>'. Orocrle.- Western Auranco Ca. sabbatis Scisool Soireo. Insolveucy uotic.-W. Hl. Billings, Sol. Staltar's lnsolvancy. -J. Biekie, Assignee H. Howl'a Insolvene>.- Nalc.-D. Daniels. t'innilng's Tnsolvency. -A. Barluer, As- signee.. Notico..-Wisiiby Brsnch Bible Sociaety, R. Jolinstan, Sac. -Grand Tronk Ilailway liotl.-J. Pringle. Insurance.-L. Fairbanks, Jr., Agent. ?armas for sale.--.Tlios. Lumasden. Fart ta Let.-- Xotite -1 Doait Bre'very-Thomes Davis. Scisool Lecture.- S'grcnlttrai Fairs. £lars--and Ramas, ut Auiérley, on Tue& day October 2nd. Pickeritng, ai Brocgisai on Tueda>', Ociober lOtis. Norths Ontario; ai Uxbridge, on Tues- day, October 3rd. South Onuiô, ai Wtiby, ou Wcdlnos- de>' andi Thursisy, '2Tthandi 2stL> Sept. AlfJ('TION .ISALES Mortgege Sale ni Fatim proleri>' et Wisutiy on Tuesday, Seit, 271,-Levi Fairbhankse, jr., Auctiareer.- Cisancer->' Sale-Blrown vs Bro"n--at Office ni G. H. l)arinell, on Moitie> Oc toiser 2nd. ~t&itiiiIlQtro i ide1. ONLYSI150 CELS A YEAR WViîitIsy. Tliursdîîtl Süpt., 14, -186i5. :e NOTICE !-An iinmoedi- ato sett1ement, of Accounts due this office is roqueste&. 110Or r'Fitxetw go.-The .rt'mvýily. Tise nt lieuvv item of our tovri taxes id tise ser-unt levied for 'u,11Y Iurposes. Like nur écliol taxes, 've have no cclitlul o-ver the assoni, lu tdepende alioge:hrr tapon tise cnunty touncil, visera tise town litrapresenteti hy twnontu ci twenuy-one hueunlers. Thi'i is alan a fair subject of enqury-or rariser an absolute necessitf, if vu would teduces ur taxes-t sacertain visetier we pa>' ina mueis, 'vietiser 've gai valse for visatire, do pa,> anti if vo pe>' more tisois escfairsora, stid douot re. "aive valse in returu wIsi tis our remeti> lu ortier te sasieontslves. Ie ten yasurs vo have paiti for cont>' purPoses eightteff thouscand dolar,. of ibis largo sum oct s dollar 'vas axpended vitietise corportiion o*f tise town cr - %'Litby. Tis l eruer cur s>' taxes *Menu% te $1409. W'. get noue eortisa mse'. 0ftishe amouns raiseti for count> taxes lnateal years tise tuvu cf Wblsbhu p a'd abiiiit une ents or tise wab(Utaas oui cf a&l proporuion tu its l'air share ei tise bordonsenitis e county.-Aud, year sitar year. va May 'b' catled upn-ct oiy t 10psy itn tis,but iu a ranch larger proportion . for va hbave paiti-for coon:>' taxes, in yeurs Pai, anme$ashigis as $3,124 sud $3,200. Giber corporations in tise court>', in visicis cor maie>' in expatideti, guoti cosiomer tise tuwn all'ars bin lagootiA market, anti a-cash purcisser, - sud tisei store keaper givas hies as gond valueese hO au.et o:elsewblre. Therele nu reasea1 On eaartî b i>sncb an lateraoorse -sisoultil imposa uapon tisa tOwn raiepayer an uridue1 sbire e tise lacrteun of msrking tse çontyq vsiepayer'u moatis Io imat. Wluiatisa' tasu deas net grudge lu coutribuea lib.se. vlliyitabulsa o e *llstd lapon tiupay clare t iss tesi>shara, That it fa callatia lapon 1appsy tmore tissuil& &lair i n 1l faîl>' borna out 41b>hy tie fada ce'd f£gures. Tisere la but une resdy-une eese for1 tishse t% ram titis perpetsjjal anneal me-i "ioio-eaitUrasaid frons te Cuaeuyj for msesufcPaurpo.u,'ýeparaîicsn frein1 the couet>' fur municipal put-poses vouitil at once relisave us, tramibis bhenry drag, of eutitaxes, Net uniTsanimMejdiato scviag woeéld b. affecteti, but tb. touu would beeuMied te aredii furil#s prapor-1 flou Outhe ar mgqe e peqded'<rom tteoé tu lcin e uoasaty, eutoil ipte j - aato sebu e tfe4 te *radi for il& inter.1 ut i he çoumty bufldtuga. 'eparatian PnEsoctou',ý Tarvnts.-An ctiveric-1 ment miglitihaie bacs caticat in lest a-aîk's Ctseonmî'.î csfl'aing s resecti tîr th t-et-avec>' ci n pot'ket boaS caritalsi sg tise ssn of tufs>' dollars sîstedtot hase been ,stot. Since tison tise lloving iserusculsîrf, hava coeta ligisi ahicis ex- bisit là preccity in juveaile tisiever>' as astonisliing as t ii, uni>'tientaisle. lishmca-ner of uhe nseing moue>' bat heto isiiing cisouisar lady trient, ira the tisa-. Befnt-a iaking hmbea taittise tes table vise tunspei'ringiy lait be at aîlel cssittiîsing lise poaket boon eut inaeon e table in an attjuinitsg taorn. Ti- son of tiue lady aifIlle liaes-a yauîh of eiaveti jeas-w teesct-iose naugis 1 le temnpted isîs a mkiii,, an invrestigaîiîsn of thecrontents of tiesetcisel white tise laies -- vrae ngageti at tisetee table, anti comiug acroîs tise poaket book anti bouc>, ap- prîs1stiaieti bath. Nover tireaming lisat île mone>' b brriabstrcce t abler l'ietd's Sauce tise ovner coneludet shechuat ined- vi-rieti>'drappe t inlatise hurt->'oai iusi- ne8s tisciugi the tawri, anti affenet a' mcaart funris recavesi,. No trace ai tisa loi mone o>'caai, ho'vevcr, b. tiscoveceut. On Iset Salu-tia> moris.g information waas recie ibat sitisa yeung gegtieman ai amies>i, te ahane ae have alroati> alîntiet, a-its tisea oc, , 4pn'otis4c very>youstg gentlemen. cf abbtutshea miméagi, as compasa auadu sseorge-slithtie chtres ai respectable psarents readiké tisa lev -veto ucan purebasli»g tiqirets as Sk railvay -emtuissfor esondcu ; f4î uhe sala etf ickels a-es pravouie4 b>' fiessul vis isappenetta Se lu tise "iYanti int*rferot tisa: tle yong ucaeps, irsiesul ofretamnikg homne, tel Use tracS foc t>ts'un%'s c4ee satier, anti-tisat tha>' appesasi ta be pleutittlaisuppliati vitismaue>'. Inie. tiatal>' meeugecs veodeepaue , vito overiook -anti Scougis: bacS htris mus. Juvenile,"Number Oua, ati'tued bakieg tir* mono>' a-Sudb b aidixides! .sangst tise culera. cnt $35 ofithe asce haiug tuent a-us tism eosvr0bantet ever te tise rightlua-nac. Ail tise allers perostet iu tiouyissg tti.> Sey v bow . Neinha Oat came b>' tse moue>'. Tho.party upoit a-lai tise tisaita-as committed a-uIt net prusecta ; bot -ibthtie' oltmesars 15ax beau, as th iseniil>' eserved sevenal>' dealt, aitis hy Unir parents, 'mua-cWil b. hatinvad ti. lu lut Illeboitat tbai tise puielmaunt tua>' bave recelved, sud tle aholesoins lesan ineulctet, mc>' lave Lise effelt daesiiaî' giting ihelr future bebavior. Tisera le le aItit is a vgr>'usrious cstion convayetý i- -bai asl s Corve *1a nceSsas'>'leosateo purenisa, lu wi11 op"sa Usa eyis ai parents ta tise .danger cf per- mitingis iltiren ta rorua nveu thse lova onettriued-remain 'uosn the streeus cfiter nigistoi, anti eegiogig togaibes' at, inuegular bouma s I. placés. h yul, treut, ,ltad parenti t.¶.3i1#y-- et more satcbfsulous-overor iiinp o~5ut ianti .tstming Ia ut cbiliress'o r ('aara, s"d tisa dut>' ef slaking @ - çM;qumry U ta isai' yontistul oeiltes. Tise infiu.uise otca eusod bojýbas - - e&o* Me4 ouce> serra'-y teu dl- *rr r-luý Who voulti have tobt t co- a ativel>' quiet counte'tean, sas. Sus>', a-iSh otanscciss, und our, tut'cteis, anti ont' sabbatl sciseols, and o ,mWjsnpesberi anti tescheis, tisere couti-- Se fots eais au instance cf >u.isa ýit3 1 s au aditltiasel aesau fr "inpifflsIoitb>' aiel alaing ~ter iéhe,"DIaiftÈe --1-l -----------------.-.--.'-l m M.. - - -.M, Posageoun Agrieutiursi prtig. Centraryte a prait>' ganoral iimpression, sud ta au opinione speclall>' entortaineti by efficars ci agrlcultural sucletes--pmlnted' agiutus ntier .Io, vo nov owlears, cisargeable vit postage, l iaih usuel va>'. Tis i yl bo a surprise ta may- aïs ldeati if. va ta ourselves on abcertitinlng tisai sucis vas tise fact. Èfr ~years vo ebcd beau iu tise habit uf mailing agricuitucal printing to, ýfficars f-oFiaetie.,whicIsbati isat beau receiveti anti delivareti ires cf postage, entier-tise beliet~-siamaed b>' tis postoases- lit it passei -free, because it vas agriýcetursl printlng. Il a-cuIt appear tram tise folio'ving tisai va aIl laboreti etiera ver>' grave errer. Tise present Wiitby -Pesttraster isaviug dtcianti' eti pro-payment et postage un ia parcal coutaining igriculiersi bille fur tise losani slip socles>' et Mura antiHaRai, vaappeci eti t tisaPaît Ofie Irspector. Tise tolna-ing le Mr. Dae'c epi>', 'iiel, ai course, sets tise malter ai reg t. vanîti bu abati '2,0606 fo te put lait Yeare. Tisa îovn's sbire cf t.ie baset upon lust yoa's assessint, wo ld be about $700, or an senual contribtiioni, at Oix Per cent, cf $42, Tisase 8usoin sdet --$60 and *42-anti vlatever tise tuwu'e proportion for tise oe oi tise gio ol oti amount ta, voniti ha ail iiweulti hare, etr Ougis: ta psy for count>' purpr'ee. Bui thika tieuse entas.mat $500, an ti sido 'vo flnd ? Tisat lu tan years va siseulti psy $5,000,9visecae we bave acînail>' pait $17,730; or an exceue of, payment cf neai>' *13.000 Ifiera is a lesk in our toan taX5. Ounsaoitleit et atseparation the Jown voulti la enîlltii dte recels'. bacS or gai credit, for its proportion oi tise large sumo expendeti, irons limatW lime in the ceuni>', outaidth tisown, anti aise l'or 11.5 interast in tise vieofethtie ceunI, huildingn, and otiser properi> ofthtie cocnu>. Bjy -itistraval irons the ceuni>' Our cont>' taxes vonîti ha raincedtiet a mare trilla. Tise canna>'dclii belng 'vipeti cff, tise town vouit unI>' have ta psy its proportion for tise administration of juuice sud use cf thse gaol, andthis amanut for tises. purpoes woold, a-e are quit. satifleti, prove ranch leis tissuabat ore have ltoe-t. A coin' parison ol'tise nuirier"ot prisoflar's ceeu- nitueti front tise Isivu anti ceunI>', andtihie attendant C41sts lu sncb case yl soon aatisfy tisa anquirer. o)..tii shm. Ns'xt yack va 'viii endeavour ta con. clude tise tank 'vo have untierteken - in ibwînti-israt licornes i f ir Ionnluxes anidt tiseinens 'ithin ogr power for t'a ducing tise. Tu athie lNarkSUo. jQarter Sessions' andi Couuiy Courtj On àauds>',tiéarrivia4 of:grain nom. boreti apwarde cf nicI .tt6lô-nmd buebels, sud-A-day,- ,(Weduesdsy,' ib. douterli ses equply !aïrie. à,gen 'raïaiOblt>'anti sûr le Visible everyvisere tlirougboul tise town, tbesyaree%&s preebntissg qolbeun Snii' assid, bsinesifie apacr nidicating a ple-siug anrd profitable revival cf testIJ qelta appreciable. ' As exiibitiug lise superiorlty of Wbutb>', as a& ;isant mirk4At.nsd th isa trial qilalit>' cf the.simple ciTeras!, vae neéti but point lu tise tact tisat *bile use hast simple bringe in Toronito bot u bjasiigi a pre $us1.98 andi *1.40 par beel 1 obtainet in Whiiby. Prices ýfoi' al cter kintis ai protioce continue aquali>' guod. OuMercisautls' tores are all-tiiow heaviiy repieuliati vitis large aud varieti stocke Oi thee ment attractive description viie eau be obtaInati ai fou>' asIlb, c figue as lu tise cit>', -and or fermer» *bsile obtainiog gooti priceai ougista reusambar tisis, ani etiéograge isadie tr'ide. liagiescate'. courte' YI T oN OFToitsiv-L .-On t'uestia>'evteing Mr. Chester Drapeai a summouet bef'ote Ils Weraip'tisa *à-or, anti fluet $5 anticoite, l'or violation eh Town bIy.law No. 120, regnlaiitig tise salé cant put-chas. nf grain. R. 'J. Wilsonal pearet as counsel for Mr. Draper, anti âppeaeat from'tise decision ai tise Benchs. Tise reunru match betwen elevens cf isese clubs a-as playat ai Whiîisy, ai rt .tisrsta> lait, tisa Wiiby elevan vero tiaclarodth ie victece-esl>' inunin lueeinsiluga a-lis 18 t-uns ta apare. nOwJltANVuIIu.Iý-tsTless. Xrtm~ b ,. 5 Al 5"tsme ns, [,t ans ttrat b Btinse2 Gt 'lisase 5b lImasrs' 'ias4 Shawi b',taae Nu*e 0, Bit-ci4 0,-si-i 12 lIer ICTYIss Laing Il indr. Hsa, b Clsmt. e Shaw $hiert b~itse ?,sesra b . Semi ,adb tiarbell b liii cttà s,'e1 tient 1 tt,tt tJei bsn t Oavrs batt Il.d,. b ,e a 0. tisnie b, Drit là 1, b ~ Fsrt Ilniîs4 BAD ST*ta Or STI'sîs"caNIasISîAviz. -Çouepisints rmach, ut dcii> of tise a certsai>' do require tise attention ce tise corporation. Bu lisi 'iisa. tillent trais' or>' anti isgistaxation vsabu "b. dos, axcept b>' m4ag tise taxes si5tiliisigiu. Tisera in one par th tiseav, bovv, tisai ilieulti b. loolFet citer at once-tse nons aitde of Dsndas streel. Mnuisa ego tise éctucil ceuisrxairepaire Ait t& point, i is e va>' otpavieg the nartie sida ]ýf te i4AlTE5 afulSidN. . fra HRonor Jutige Bombaim, anti James IMcdreihist, 14j. Be.,, ol' Pickering. The Court opetami -'sîart> atter- 12 e,0lock, vison tise pandi ut Grand Jurors iscvieg beau caliaul cver, tise folloving gentlemen anissaredti Wtiseir naines anti a-are s*omu. Richiard Dawson, Tisomas Croxisaîl, George Siier, Hanc>' Po>', Duncan Metinnon, Haut'>'Wslker, L>'r.s Tisompeon, Alex. Wbiielaw, Win. Cleggi James Vandeburgfb, Joisu Lipsav, * Jabu Wart, Seth C. Wilson, Tisoma& Coates, Avec>' Becoit, James B. Way, Tisas Coates, Ciscistapiser Wilson, Sensuel Wittiiolld, Rlichsard Luke, Jr. P. R. Higtl>, Tisomas Goay, Jr. Rislionor lu eddrasaing tise grand jury expresseti bisait pleset itisai tise panaI vas so fll a one. lRe *ërît oirer tise cas haere ie c e secaleotar, visicis, iLesait, confistâet ci a ica- cass cf iscceny cf tise ortinar>' ciaracber, oua of anauatipite commit a rae, one ohtaintug guets tinter taîso pretotite, ut s a utaifselling dis casa mait, 'viici, fiasaid, wa-s ef an onusual ciacacter batore tise court. ftii. Ilinor bt-lsd>'etplaiued tis a dtiat attise irrand jurons in tiesa svemal cases te ha brooscit beicre tisons; tisq95,dies, fia salit;" no tenlit, beiug reutaret consparatival>' ligisi irons the tact oet- investigations liav' ing alreati> talion place belore tisa magie- traies visa sent tise casas for trial' [lis Henor conciodedti theitis i usai ecomman- dation la visit tbe gaul, &o. Tisa grand jury tIen catit-et. Afuar tiisposing of a fev untiafentiat actions at tisa Cîunt>' Court site, and ne othar business being msady, tise Court ad- journedti ntîl temotrosi nrling et hall'- pasu rine. 1 Wednasdal, Sept. l3tM. Court openeti aitan o'clock. No Crovo busineas lu reedinss. COVNTv COURtT. WValitosse. Liii.Verdict lor plaintill' $172,95. R. J. Wilison anti J. Hflfer (Ieena-ot ifon piaitatiff. Laing t'a. Mdlean Verdict for plain. tilt' for $225,8.1. W. H. Billinge for plaintiff. P. A. Hurt for for detentanu. Itrowcs et. al. s«. Morvow. Verdict for plaIntiff fer $209,80. B. J. Wilson for plainti>'. BraM of Mottreal ea. McDougall et. ai. Verdict lar plaintil! $103,35. Il. J. Miedoai l'for plaintiff. Smh iv. Mrt-t-w. Verdict for plain. tii>' C. C. Kellrrfor pleindul'. Lynsse ri!. Draper. Reptevin. Ver- dict lfcrtiefeustant. H. J. Macdonalt for pluinti>'. James Lanson ferrtiaientist. Skier vas. Skier. Ejactmani. Verdict fer plaintif,. S. H. Cochrane for plaintiff. Court teeS recase iront 12 te 2 o'clock, au business haiug read>' to e pruceedeti a-us. QUARTER SESSIONS. Court comumed ai 2 o'cieek. Francia Hart, à teainatar for bMn. IVie- fer, of Stoutfville, ad a mît-t-ed mari, was arraigneti for tis cf'atce, anti pisadet not guili>'. Nancy Jane'Lavc, c young girl ol' éeven jours cf age, opon a-hanstise allit! et cliante aas attempteti, anti her motisar Harttut avr,a-ere the principal aunasses. * -lb t4patt4Wh lu- " %Te evideupe lor tise-proegtsiotsýwvat ta ueaoe, avernueS aise girl tsptvaes.t isa 4f# sud Suis conessions ef t5abvitig«a na asired iber la ridewvIeS aise doclittet;; thon ise tiseauiglit isei uf her b>' tie arma, Jishrew, Sec dowa-, seu templti tagoaceont pliai bà1is pompoe.Tiai site girl resistet sud serrabtiand! a-seîtises allredl ta go «vil. Tise eotierl e sainson> *eut te sisew tisaitisaegirl'. persan - isdutioibeau viniateti, but tisai ae is. 'iovered cuber nmarl iste aloault ou bec eiotbng. Tis aie t guug saas vo'?to apres.i I. J-_ Wilson, aed Mu*. James Bolitu< et Tenante, for te priscuer. 8. H. Cocis- cane Crovu Atlumaneyfor isheproseesation, Post Office Iuspector'a Office, -Tocte, S 8pt. 9, 1865. Dute Ste: la inm receipt ofijour lester of tti ins(.,"sat agdbe;ta ulftafoagi 760tisnt Agriculture Bis, il' sent b>' ppe', are fi- able ta hMisuai rata, fer printeti matier. -Tise enl>' escoption beusg ntices aftie Annual Priivincial Exhibition, visich, by sperial permission ufthtieflust Master Genraa, pans free. Youn aStservasat, J. DEWE, P. 0. hnipector. W. Il. Hligginit, Eaq., Wiiby. U TT Eau Lo àSrreUIt'îi BsssaNTE'î. Mc. Richard I. Ilois, a a-ail lînovri citizen of Wiitby, vas isougisi hilare IL. J. Gnon, Es-,q., M.B. J. P., C. Draper, J. P., anti J. S. M, Wilcox, J. P. Eqsanti N. W. Ilrovri, Exil., Mayur, on l'burstay luti, cisergadti suistaîring e spolions $5, blli, punporig t be a bilt ai tise Com- mercial Bank. Tise iomgat nota vas pro- tinect. It bssre tisa aortsief5 Commet-ciel Blak" in Iitge luteras ctosetise fae, anti a-as signet -"J. 0. Wattrs,- i'Foc tise Bank et Western Canada." Tise note vas a--l enaugis exs.rtedtuc pais. But tisat ila-as apurions caultibc eMrily>'de- tecedt S>'avn> an sainvestigation. Tisa pactienlars,iftise utterizg a-ara as folloas : liobbs pissadthetie aata Mt-. Mier ai tise Commerciat loinl. Mier gave it in change te a part>' rameti Rose, Irans Ta- rante, beliiving it te Se aIl riisi. IRone sent Usa bill bacS irans Tonante te Milter dtentnding à auooana insts'ct. Miller deiedt taiblialdsucis s bll-having forgotan tisai ho gai it tram I[bs. Habla in tise mewtisa iserd oi tise de- mieti an Millet', bt-aegit tisa malter te Miller's recollection, sut effet-et agoosI li l'oc thbaltcua.Miller toIt abbs. to transiet usé marie>',ant i RoastoIt >dllîer o6ýtassI. Belltvaen tIens the $ "tea net fîvr-uli. Roiose rat us Wbiîbl sud lait su, information sas minear fur' uttat"tnj. Hôbbî sttulastc, x-~ egreti Miller, anti wà bal<îr a-liS tisettieeflg.Teutimon>' va ci lenglis as otahUe var in alic thtisabatl bill cama Intoa Hebbe's possession, ts. preumpio Usai ha kneaut a-as a sposi- eus bill, h", snd tisai ho uîtamadit lkSroa- i'.g iiAo ha sncb. )Ar. 1)eant manager ai tise Koutrea battit, sud 'Mr. Riciaseton, the accutant, a-e e o bath examinet anti gave evidence as te lb. cisaraciar of' tise bili. Tise usgistrateiafaler, a long delihanatioti tecdutopoti aending tisa cas for trial. Mn. lobSa wua-asatettadtet bail, ismelinla£100, andti ta-euenrdes in £50 eacis. J. HL Greioa-ood, Euq., ae- liciter, anti Mn. Win. Cullen, baker, a-are accept eassratles. Dr. Bain, Sutrleter, -atteudeul fer tise piaorner, anti S. Hl. Coea,- rcse, Euq., Count>'Ateorna>', on bbali ut thse Crovu. Tisecase craitet conalterable interest. Wbitby HrAaeh Bible Socety. caog tes a iaitlaiel>' afieetet be. ta-ase tb. Kingston Asti',UppertCauda Bible Sodbetie8, iii.arnraunnsufor boIt' lug the, publia me*tings isîve boaa cistgati. Tise ananiversaryof tise Wisitls>- Brancbt "-I be. bals!on Mouda>' avaniug saxi, the 18th tuat, eossdiàtwlt ai isuit-pas U,16, taseoisopedt tiera vii ,boa fal bassue, as ibese etinge ans etf a ver>' iitcraiiig ebracln. --~î. ProvinesaiUBaance Sbeat. Tise sulijoineti statameni centai-e.s ite- entire recelytu andi paymcnts ofthtis Proe vînca iront ail -aQuices, turing lise cigis. taon mcnth$ ending the 30th Jonc, 1865, tegether vush Qie cash anti bankirig sa- lances tan tise àhofIiaiJone, 1864, andi SOts Jonc 1865:-,. RECEIPIS. Orditîary Jkeéenueg. OCealnepsta...... Publie Wcrkd ......... Provincial Steamer-; ...... Territorial ..............I Casuel ................ Queisc Losa. . . ....._4 Intecest on luvestnentj.... Premions Disceunt anti Ex. Law fea,12 Vic. caps. 63 & M Fines anid Forfoitures .... Bill StaMps............ Speciesl evosieu, Law Foci,, L. C., Con. Stai. L. Canada, -cap. 99 ..1 . Do. U. C. CoÃœrt>' Attornieys Torinagë dotins, (Quchac Rivet- Police>...... Do. (Mat-mers' teurd(.. Passetigar dutv. (Ernigt-atioss asnd Quiacanissu) .. ltaiss's anti Steanubuat lai- Fisherise ...i Collet-s' Feas..i......... Slsipping Mag<ers' Fees .. Pensi ten tiiay.IBe fot-natoresa,, Ibospitals aMtiCiatitieg. - - hIilitia. . -...... Sunrdry Set-vieIl. ........ Deettureu, .&e;' Debarstusres- ansiStock . t rtsç,atial Sioiiing Fssnsl..3, Mussccijsal Lent Fuît . C. do ' do L. Canadaa Qtieisc Fîce hoan .... Laws SocietaL ....... Court llts?,'L. ('arutda ... Bssdir ~ & Jury F"îurtl L. (C. Uppssr Canada Bsîiilîîirg Fond .losiip:ltlitiie' Fsond, U. C. I)s (Io L, Canada Etisiatiosiai Funds;U.CatsîuiIa lPt tIsaL. Canada CssizssîasnScisoul Fond. Copy>righst lutics .... Iludiais Fond ,**,-*d Rtevenuealssdl UI. C 'rst-nsîFsinsl ivestirncni.. '«r-si raLssic's applicable ta, Miielpillities, 1,. Canadaa Cataraqsui l>topcriy.... Rirsipus front cales aiPsublic i.o'rks .............. Instrence Cusitifluise, Qîsebe........ Nntitisst-Ra.illssay, (iuet-cnt on Speciai Accosînt).... Blank aiflJppec Canadan, (Spa- cia1 Accotinti.... . lirproveiuent e id<t,. (Adivunil ce Account)..... .. . 'rotal. 8,785,084 O8 1,703,141 72 765,291 78 S61,571 88 525,888 86 87,685 20 1,092,803 47 27,817 25 758 78 242,579 01 158,733 46 i2.848 58 58,508 44 2R,i3l1 85 119,754 55 124,21 2 55 105,325 99 17,'926 23 1714&5 78 24,537 00 -13.228 42 Io,'309 76 101,852 121 162 75 4,638 19 (3,952 26 14,875 12 932 GO 38,871 82 3,6t98,4m os6 281,749 47 77,559 :38 91.809 G9 28, 786 88 42. h5 1 17 5 1 -15's22 37,9122 80 235.279 t52 30,783 15- 30,'712 5 3 ti3.191116 1Jl7 78 275,629 7V; 1 ù', 15,40t) 001 2,6iul00 3156 29 îý ItOU 80 94,000 Ols 14,600 00 568 64 Total ............ $19,729,~480 20 p A YM LT- r4~ Interesi <cf Publie Deb. -..; Chre .iManagemnts.... Pýrcneriut, fDiscosta utEx. clssiage.. . . . .-. . Sinkitig Font... ...... lbcleinptit of Bebt ...4 civil Gavermeni .....i Adtiniutraîssri o4 Justice, Enet .............- . Adininitratton ci Jhlstie, Palic.-....... Pleicsie............... Peduratisr, Ese ...--- - - - &C .......t......... Litèr'-aurtidSa.iunt.ilsIn- ssitiltis . . .. . .. Ilsapitats anti Chaniliem .. Geniagical Surve>'... tlitia . . "*, ""..- Acta, Agrteoltsicue>Stiitiitici Cenisa.... .... Agnicultirsi Sceta.. Emigrutions............ P>ensions.. ..... lIndian Atsnuiiies... elosic workw, Ceîissliflaiad Publie-Wok Permaànent.1 Publie Wet-rksSpeei il Fonda Rente uins4Repairs. -Occn attiRivr teaneSet- vc........ ...... nollera', Office...... speetion....... Ativances ausd.!tepnicnts. Mo n icihlios Furitse.. De d6 o 's'ut. Indien Futt"'.,'..... Retnoasl te'Otwa--.' Grand'T>unk iÏiroaatPas.- Stel $oSusitly .çcutt.... Misçcellaneos . . -. . . . Çollection of Casieo$s~ . Coliecuiien oaI xise, -a Çeillectioci or Post Offce;..' jollectioan or Pub¶~lewos Clollection of'as4ttIu.. à5,826(1 173,a08479 3.35, 638 48 4,037,451; (68 617.1.17 65 5100563 41,059 58 24601o 17181.788 51 M7.8021 qt ,310,116 75ý 20,317 S9 42;1,657 57 80,480 57 904,724 4-7 20,577 42e 4.1090O0 110,019 48 614,016 12 62,348 83 57,530 OU 1,001,968 102 50,218 16 65,567 '15 160,426 051 5.q4.013 87 1541147 32 '34,7,l5 02 800,771 42, '1,4 2 48 104,094 O00 202,242 49' 1 2,152 04 Tiha veauber vas favorable 1to hlrest prse titiongli stil iutsotlti, pnet su soinl> 0t*ý interface wlth securing. tise crops, Tise ravages of tise cattlo, diseae Con- tiuineti, A fruitiol tisame et specniation. Has- pitlis or senitoriumse ara ta li e siablisiset lu Landounl'or diseaed caille. Satterîhwaita's circular reports s fait amounnicf business in Anserican securities. tJp te tise arrivaI-of ise Asie *sts mark et wnu steati>, an hec report ci lover p'ces anti iigliar eicaieerotNo4w çrk, prici's gavaeva>' hall' par cent; Markete oncloating' It Me aEdigaor q/ i lth Ubgi CIudide. ônutmy reftu r iù a slart ahelce troitr isa i ms attobition wuascaîl- et- te a communicationtitrotis a f6rtdear teseiser efthtie Wiiby Grammar Scisool, Urc. MeCais, nus acting asmuster ufthtis Unian Scisool, au Osîaa, %ira hicis thal gentleman sterîs tlSd, on a 1lata occasion, 1 pnbIiclý aspersai lits ûsaiaguimént attse scisool visila undar ibis msslrsliip, anti usai ns>omisieon te a mi I aiallegeti eigtigsstient an ir.>' part corrcet tise 9tatemeut as mportet, lad triven liii ta ta the courseof atiiessing tise public, tîrougli yeurcclunn,in rdectetavinticete thse woandtinirteeton bie sensitive- honer.- IL 'vililieusulllcient ti rèplI> o Ba> tisat roier ns, mamankS or y'osr caponrt ftiser coutaisan>' ispecion open hfr. MdCabe's maniageaient. luetrtions aboyea alutiat ta et-sa simspl>' devoid ai truts, -andtheis basis upian abicis lie ionde a ver>' malici- e asntt uncsiteti for atteck ispon tisa Trustées, Mc, Rtrklanti, the Count>' Boacrd et Public Instruction, anti myseli, is ot itseif,. grotintias, andtihué attaclc oil>' mate foc motivas anti pt-poes, tmanspa- enti>' avidoîsi ripari uie face et hie com.. nmunicatiouî. Tise change for tise botter in tisa mari Szement ai the echool began te Lake place befdre Mr. Kirkland'a appointmenb, anti dtistitimare espeelsli>'ltmtne tiime tisai tise Trustée, e tttrely tissatised w itistise working cf tis e seool unter Mn. McCabe, gava him seh marIhsnotice aftIséb dtet-i. nation af bis enga-mement aui tisahm. Pt-encuis' to tlis, tisa atteotiance oi pusuai s bal diraitîisati ta a neiserall>' 1evelN, anti-Mr. McCabe eceivat iiu hint fron tise jTrotteas ceqe'tisg rtre atie*nsiti te tise geiooi on bis; pût; ul'&- lie huéi itherto pauteitai. Thie Tlrutéeas. i Lndortetnlt laslquita sufficeitreason foc tu.his course. 711011i thé occasion reternutot, I dît isot dInde ta tus, andti sculti na bave dane so nov, isut for tise unvise pro. mitneneyanr eâ'rrasontiert givas tae te subjar.t. Tise increase la tise rinnber ai tise pupila turing tiseIna: terra, (tit ilw4a mnl> In tlsu terra) cf Mcr. McCabe'jý teachingr, a-asdueamare te the pacsantsý influence anti exaruions cf tisa mambers et - tise 'ce orgeniteti Boaet-, tisalita ais>'In creaseti confidence in himeeli or hiemuaiti. agemerit. Sa tact ram thie etatement bOng ruglte tisai tse-Anxit>' cf tise management cf tisa Tujsees lia canq eath ie seisool'aa s ci tise confidence ai tise muet respectable cf lus sujspocuécs, Ise>' tisai uhé scoln 'as' neyer iri asot-e prosponous contiut!ctt anti %buat Kt no*lime tins; a greater inteirèst ina its a-ettara Sean' ,vi'nsed b>ý'ucla sses' tise at etraenithe'I<isnew regui'hfllo? ne 1as.to cltl'a etit s<*e ie hafot Sud iisouunticipai- F d ettecI f f minikins< tie namben cor pujaila. This ftiaseerti On otIk 3.Màabe'p invnt4e'a lur tapon tise r«'spibtB et o 'tise pt'ef.ent supporineiiofthtis'@cisool. I caso notice sisal Mc- 'ýMcCabe ssttà tisat préviense ta ns>'appaintbnt in 1863 I iseser once.paiti a reguler visit-ta tise necio. 'Ni 'sstate du È le -nitidit tise ,feco ni île aciisi-a itasreqtieefl con sovaral occasionis acleti 9'iixmiaer et tisa pupilso ndet bis charge. .1 biaye since- actgcIii ueseanme. capacit>' nethoets peceentiteaciig, antihave Set epportonii- lias of nôticing' an inspcr'enent In thé matter anti mariner ai tise ar-ns. I S ave aven>r' son ltus>'is>' expériencl e tis tn of, anti 'wlleho nfirmed bir otiser-ýe:atti- riers, FLtsarving a follet repl> 'abthéa rem-iining- mistiîtemnns' anti inuendoes af.'lise coin- munîcution, by tesson sn tise-short tise ait ra> disposïai foc tise collection ai tacts, I _siaîl coulent-myseit 'vixia asimple iul ci. tisait' Insus Tise efutation ot Mr. McCahe'e cherges lbavas hb inletise onan viable'-pÃ"siliou of having, unter pcélauce ai, meinduaaiini,mg ssetravelled out'of bia wu>' l triakeaelatadercus anut euaîlet for attack u*pon a.puislic Institution anti upon afoi- l'alai., eberi.. Y our ceadama yll bave rotiebdti tt iseas- -tise Wiole or 1fr. c al'cbrs àa nu uneas tisaI5hé st -nsuaot attractive ý 1 1 uniarao* 1 ý - 1 the. iuvession ofMr. ýBila, Mr. Tisosmpsss4ss ffôt1ëj, Whi4aaotipaufr tise article& to tisa exibiton, 'viera 'vo hope lais gusti eorisuehp vll seerdoeed prizes4 Soa*. Leffl., ke. -'The ettabsile Mr. Gibs aked wiseîhier, 'ln case the nogotiaiiins for the renewal of t4e Reci.. procity Tteaty shali not have beej, spe ed -bythse l4îh Marcihr, (itlberity hl. bee n gii'en wisereby the provision$ or thse present tréaiýly e- lecontîntred for asy period beyond thse date aibrO.mptitiohCd. Hon. Mr. Onu eraid tisat with Lise nc.tice given by tise Ainerican Cangtreus, for the abrogation of thse Treaîy, there- wae nô auîharity givon W oexten fi. Tisere wauld be no diflculty on tise part of tise Britishs Gocerriment es to c!Otsseninz to tise re. unéwal of tiseTreatyp but nu authoriîy hav. iog been given by tise termis of thse noi-ei to thse Adiorîcan, Goverrumenu, rit'va8ide. possible tisay 'visai îhey would d2' - ' Mr. Gibbs- said ibat tise maî^as of gros: importance, asnd lie :hongit iwas sîated, ai the Pe1roît GÇonvention, that au. .isority would undoubtedly be given te the Uni(ed Siateis tovertnmènt for the renrwai ot thse Trente. Tise fop. Fiotince Minis. ter, biving been ai Wshington Vstlely, h6 (51r. Gibbs) tisoughî lhe might have ban ed soute information on tise mat-er. Hou. kMr. Gdit eaid tisai atiîhority wouîj nesIuarly bave to hoe giïen by tise' United States Congreee fur tise porjiose. h Itcould not be dlotis by thse Governmnenî's own act alorte, and unu lCngress met-it wvas quite. impossible to, answer.the question, 'vicîiser atfllmatively or negatively. lu 'thse Assenibly, bMr, McConkey cnovaj a 13erle ofresoliaîionu in favoir a (litfroe gru4n( of the public lands, outise Préqioce ta actual setulers, and recomroencing ,tise Ccv. eroimeut ta resnime and throw into markset ail lands iseld for porposles of speculation by aissentees. M1r MICConkey-stàdd thé% grievance grew ot of tise faci tisat a largeý portion of our territory wae utisettled, bie. cause thse Government Put ti bigisprice on lands, instesd of gran:ting tisent fres taain Whio would settie un tisemfe thongpht it would be a p rofitable inuesiment ta CI Ter fro grents, and appropriste hasîf a million every' yêdr ta opéra ùp tise onsettledi por. tions of the coûnltry. Thse sysîem of ires grantle preveiled in tisýs contry 0i111829. and lied worked Wiell; and lho did not doulit tisat, if- again adopted, it woold rapidly in. cretaietise growils ,und promperiîy oftie Province. It wae a malter of sericns coin. plaint - that a largo qnantity of tise wilâ lairds tuait in tise fisuid of speculatorsr, Who, obtaiuad tIsem. durin- tise inflated pericid of 1655 and 1856, arnd 'vise ld pnid only elle' or tieo instamments on then. fie iseld tisai this 'vas %ereng, and-tisaitishe oernmetnî shoold resume tisese lands and soI li to actual selers wtuo desired ta porcie them. (Hear, liear.y le isoped tise Gov. eroimant *onld be induced, by a discussiojn. of thie sobjeet, fo take sobs tees*s as' would aneeliorate tise condition oi thutoso try la tiiparticular. t In thse discussion, wliicl, arosa. Mr.. Mc. Dongaît shewed bis W"siiguton proclivi. _lies by tise folloitg scateinent amongit otsors. A few emigrants isad lived. intise country soutetinme and leatrenttisabu.4*ineagW of faruing isere, and acqnired à little monoy ; îhey wntsld go alon, tise new ronde and begia iaruning.. for tfemselvee. Great iefortunes liad overtaken sottie of tise usmigratie, inàlqud4cg Germans and N'orwe. gian, 'iso iedseIl a on tise long rond, ibroogli the free gracts ; tise7had got inio a poor diaivet,' and beint, iar.remoiv, J frit,, tise oldaetileinensuss.wiîiouît nonieyor epe. zial tî'aÏinu for Iarming here, they eufl'er: ad grent diatresp ,'nd were gladti w ecape frons tie country', 'vhici tiey did wih the nid cf, friandi intise Western St;%lfas. As long als thise >gros: preiieoï tise Wea nfferedî he anmre acilities ad sdvanaa' to emtigrais-front the olti world 'visa lied aà testte for shet Jind of land, lisAt prese rt? iliey wold tnt penierrate into our nortisern forets aitd clair isein up. - t w'ag byIsle young ttan a or e'ot populaiicn, 'vio were, capa6le cf setuliog thse *w4jlýAndà Usai tiay .ould be coicuizatiff l.~ i ernalent perfortned ils duty in thes wsy lo' pointed oui. Airy lotion thiat by giving away tanne>' or landi, we slîould attraci a, great influx ùf entigraisis anti thon sestle' tiseir coru, in c lueefroin su c.TbO" e in the prairie il ed fcom, amdu tuant utecet bj rear>', tia thIe weork ut the pi, Rou Mr c von. Mr. mi faci. Ifyun'ti Loyaliets inte grants tisai-ci tauntries froin Usat a vocy issg àtlantic metilu tH'eac, bear) lands oi Iovm barman emltg alongaide oet boa migitsise foraignars, as tisoiusatemei la liartishipsa% iens antidel Ha wypulti suatt our former lar! émigration.1 ai tise A mariez - tates V55Du ever>' adtism ypsseapaidtit gbsiature oet jiassatitise H ti:tainly ait1 tisai if wvaWvu vutisaefor Âmerica, wvam àu attraction Basides, tise a sorte te t, pet emigranus, te ! platiget fer Ii Thia rasultet i tise American lcuey afi tie U immigratiron,1 inissionars of1 iefused permis erulne nt te *11 te direct ami1 isoontry. - Thea reinsedta t«mr malter lsantii to tisa stateMei -Cornwall; shs4 cluritbg his (Ur Ibis year, tiseJ bt September, <1 migra h ail liluas is in tl Havsbounti daîtinatien ef lVied arcivet ha tise renssînder j learne t troir1 TIe 9,000 vas çqual partî 4. United States, ùf Canada. 1 *of Confeiemati issg et thitJtil ise oumlser o bise. Ihi puition abrisi field for aur 1 ter attracf

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