Whitby Chronicle, 14 Sep 1865, p. 3

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thhou exuberaet erope va se mutis lked à kbou, what hadti ta t do je manys ýIlae 1? Why actuaiiy te mske fuel of! uder corn, la conuequence.of their rena.f tenisc (coin any grest vater communica. .,Ët bY wlileh ta sendt uhor irotiueu, toe 1 "%es.Those were co or t h. drawbaelts ien-%lie prairie lands. ehilrely disaset- ed (rom, andi vassorrci to hor the senti. ment uttercd by the. Hon. Provincial Sec. relary, hhat thiii uîgru aunst for th. work or lb. Pioncer.- B on. Mr McDougall-.tî le a fieL. Hon, Mr. MoGe. sai t lu snet the4 fact -. If youi took al ith e ited Ètnpire4 -Leyalîsîe into account sud ail lt.e eii. grailla that caie (ranm Sàotlanti atiti other1 bountriesfrom 1791, it wotlid b. (oued tbsu a very large proportion of the Irans. âtlantie mcii aucieedeti as fatrinera, as weil ý11Iw bose (rom the. other aide of Niagara. t(Hear, hear.) Re bati (oued, le the nov lande e! Io*a santd Wisconsin, Ilèbsiant i Irmneulgrahia face.iîîg ucccssfulyiy blogmide of nativ eircan pioncera. b0. mlghu suecnasmah7 per cent of thei teceignerà, ns orthe nativës, succeedlng le thocse tClmmentes-, because they vers und i ta hardshipa at home, anti iouiti vithetanti ..hhem anti tiprivations botter tItan the . welii4efl oht or tue Ainerican farmeru, tle wnutd satfu why w. bad not nîaintained our forier large percepuge of Europvai. éigration. During telu at four ys.acu of the Atnerican ver emigcstieu, te the States vas matie a recruiting bitiies,1 every eduit maie getting $400, and bis Y 'pjacmage pai taluArnetea. Weil, tient»L. hîiatureocf the Uuîîcd Stauaesle181 jtased the Ilomesead Aci. Thi-% vus certajoly ai t ataction, and lie îhought that If vwt.iee tu o uipete ucc-ssfuiiy with thoïn for the emijlcantsarrciOnini Amferica, vire muât pesa soune sbmilibc but au inatetîraction to lbe iliduittial classes, ietqides, the nid Commtra 6 ysteni vas e- socted to, persons eontracted t entoudcit etnulgraisîatu the States, viiose labor vac pledged foc the paynieiit cf thv-r pasmaga. Thixe reuled bn sendbne rlargo numbera ta the Americaîî ashores. Ta siîov the jea. louay cf the t'iteîl States in maltera of immîigratbon, ho muiglît stateu hat the Coin mbeeîioîîers of Etnigration at New York haif .'cfiised prniiasiuîi tu sthe Cattaîlfoîî fier. crametteastation ait agi-t lu fin ttcity ta direct etubgrnîîîe for Catada t:)ibihs tounlcy. The Unitcd Stites <iorccniitnt ceftisieti ta grait aui, privleges in titis malttcîer iiîîg cthe wuar. With refèece tu the sîatertiieof tiiheuo. meiier fur Cîriiwal, #bout a fallitig cir in rtobgration duriisg ILî.î(Mr. Ntceg') teun orffciice Ibsycar, the t'met waa that up tuatheu ist of seîte-ibec, li865, tvo iiusand more binigrani adu rrbv-d herc fiom tho' tlritiih Tleis-athan ini thc sai erloif of léi e yc. J licwus bounid toaeiiy uhut lie did not be- liee he lerger nunîiber of the. emigrtàrits îrîtendcul teaceiai i ii La 1Province; th, detbnaiiau cof 9000 ont of the 16,000 sfio bud arrivcd liai beau aecertaî,ucd. that of -ihu ccmiubuder tiot liîî.rbe v--, m so unet istrhd<lougli orne ur.eiiaitied reason) The 9,000 vire tiearly divideif îlîlo tsu --équal parlite 4,D~7 vere deiiied for the 1Jîîted Sttes, andt 4.921 foc difToient parts of Catieda. Wtiî regard la the que6tioti oif Ciiafe'ereati, lie did belibcv the pas*-, ti;g cf that cweuiure vouid Jargely încrcase the siuttîhe.r of peresats counîng te or shçen. It vnid gire un aàntmeasti rfi- -1îîîuîabraîtîL Whe,î w,.ha. a large feildic a orncidutitry, uand vat ionuniu diver.siit femnjioytnetis urorntcpenple, 'ssuîh <ifflGaecrtinient muiîig an adtnbni- ieriîg tl<îwLentotuée sîîb-ccto affecting thé mwîlfiîe of tht si-tler, vo vwoulif bave ilie'fi irieiîtat hîp camieg ici our shores and îrîtialiNorthliAneirca -vould be a popularrnatte in liritaiute eatîreot lîa Peu. ple -taou<r #ehorts. lIe iruied thi t Co federiitbinwould ulîeî. a ncv eta of large attractive public wtikata bh o nitrucued IUt t coulle.u, and tihecapital of vhich sp oe-xtiîdedùiier ta the future vhuch it 'r old bentîfîas veil masus. We shoulti lihcraiir.c ur iegiiaîion and propcrly e.uiîîcîiteid ot administration- oi affaira àrîîi have n noo nuituried te iticréace buc populiîbotn, cenemtuering that for ý cflce or forc var lhe béat barcblr fur a (cee tate vas arc tnn-a larges p.puistion graili, that al the iteues havefeg roforonce iierceosholid ho doferretisa tht the bon. gentleman might have au opportneity of * - oreing somne expisnatloe on the. aujeet -to the Roes.andf the codntrj'. tleuarc H - le (NMc. lolten) hati sumeeedtu fs hving lonhidersibd cf the mbject la question postponotedd hehotbought the bonf. mcm- ber ought Io foel giateitil to hidi for having dabe .,The . hf. gehileiihanLposition was certainy peculier, For jésrî b. stooti focomostat e ii rioiù é rtàin vievus whlch bad been terly lirêdartied i thc dravlog up oet fw iritetetlm&t' sanhethe ta te i.gentee -iter. ho oom- moncoti te ecenpy a tst le lie Miniaîry, Roar, hear, lai the firet place ho hati emo heen the s.nepremling bppeolsê of sectlarn gracia, anti in tbhe ectiplabe the chauniioepar caxllsceofo! ceetomy. *What was the reuiti m0 sbowtf by the fruit& o! bis firaS jear ila effl. ? lu 10 -happened,, uîrangely eeougb, tbat le lhe veuy first estlmate tb. Goveroment of wjdcb he (Mr. Brown> vas a mofiber suibubteti, va bail an ncrease of expendi. tunn in .i'cry ticpartment o! th*. publie service. <Her, bear> lui lie nexu place ve fouedt uat, viti regard te edca. tional granie, lier. vas a very cenelder able Jicreas). (Iliecrbeer) Mr. Browv e cuiedt laIIbere vas acy incrqee in the amonuntof lb. gmits, IH. would besald sweep thein ail avay, If , he ha4,Wn ài£#bPe f aa Cabnet bhimli a Party (*overeaul, nti nyethoh. bd net donecs, ap .hbaasoitf (Rusa, :ber> H. n aIl b. couafiady wv a l ho iwvasgveally New VYork aukets. teistaken intie.4, (Cheeora anti laligkter.) Hoe (Mr. flrâ*b> vas fn- t he oevhrlàeut Erk Spt . 1Causaia deur doit1 fer the purpeset oarrying ont a gteat si7go0 18 25 for cemme anti $8 30 te objee, ant i il oulti bave been aburd en $11 00fer cemmen te giiel obolce extra. bis partifb!b. boa oct matis up-lais mnataWbea-S1 80 to $164fer Chiege s pring aucitain anti repel sloh attacks as the"e aud Mlveuikee club 1 te I is 66for vil i bd been matie upon i" - o1ay amber mlvauketi, $11 for *inter t-id5 Ile 0'xpec ticik Aadts& anr ile vas 2 05 O se0*8O ôtisevambet lt. prepareti te tiefînd bin M"If. fi iras, bey.-- ever, noata very greatt itatr that one ~y I v ! N S shoulti b. exposedt telncbuages vicu-~ , the objeot le vie* vas teo btii vithoul deiay, a permanent remedy tokel. ecibls fchool Lecture an& Diatribti; compluinet cf ie a great change vbléi fer tion Of PIIÉm. overahadaved ail ether consitieraîlon!. .- Ili# frieutis, ha felu surà, wvoltifully 99 IERoi. K. Molenan vin tiîvet s Loo- justiy buposiion.(li~r, bau,) The L turc on Itnoation Kt the hall ef thue Me jsyis ian ice ntitute, onti torrov (lillay,) people of! Upper Canada vs-ce excoedingiy ee-enluq lSept. ISîh, st 7 o'éoek, Tho Prires ibroudine seeflanti apprecicting Ibat ascded eý t tire Union exarnnAtlon of the taon wbicb vas boneat andtaiagît uirvacti, ksolnivill ion b. prosent4id te the clutit papis wbo obtatnoul t ho luestc number of andte ib7 oult iseoie1 cher. trntb lay. marks lenaIl the subjcets. (Cicers.) lion. gentlemen need net fancy tuai tbey coulti ombarcasa hlm. We vers U TOein vilfing< te malle aaenificn os eatta, owih- C N B U'.Iii S. eut delay, a greai anti desirable endi- The - veau change vo contempleteti voulti, ho LEVI PAIRBANKSt Jr. ropeaeod[-fa.-outahadov ail auch concildor- allons as uic., and ho had no (car cbat: Licensed AUetioneeer, &C, ever but uhat his frbends voulti Juaîlfy sud Sàa#le zUu isde sail arts of lte approvo bis condiatt. Couffly. ' rbday ov'g., Sept. 8îh. rg Orcra l'y ,mai. or ieft ai tii eo<uL Thie evening-tholieuse vas egaged inleOrcxn, viliiceceive leuriul atetit. committe, of suppiy. Hon. John A. Macdonald as minhter of Mlitia gave tii. folleciuig ëipianatien vith regarni te the WE3TER.N Militia policy. .tr. Macdetuad #id the a~iuwu À u ou commander in chiét andi themiliiaauthoc- A0OV A M E ÉD.l 'i U A NYl Idesm vice o! the beliof that the voluteecs CNt -f»cPU1IATE-D 181. ceulti bout be made ofricient le the cîtiea aonf Cuves. Under the Act of 18638 the1C APITAL $40009000 iargest number cf volunteeri aliovetiwvas 35,000, but tIbis maiubun atinover been Preaudera iut revasicaclt Esq., obtainen, atndi h vaS propoacd in future le Vke 1>treidewi, Hesa. Joux Momtivci. matle it 25i,000. and that encoucagement 6ccrclifr3c ated TreUsumr. uhoultiho gis-on tluths forndiloit of volun. yer corps cnly ie citieis tovesaend larger BARNARID HALDEN. ESQ. villages. The ol sreinora numbereti on --t l.*irldbô1e apitr gn per in 1863: a fev mure than 25,Obo ; l iT o 1i.unot (,nlilv tWih --184 thl rumbeed 2,53r), butaon 9'. if>sbmvs. id <in ,r--.%rtie-eive pruposis, il1t attendcd the iospecti-itusnin ppc1- muid easvrick he ii -yod trutes. Canadta, and bn Lower Canada 5 538 LPNIl FAIRBANKS. Jr. ballot i Occember lut gave a force. of' 48,495 ije UpperCanada, anti 40,545 ln B osuýS o s Lover Canada, belng 89,00é1 altogether. orte ii iif-, T This, they thought the.flieuse and the. counutry voniti regard ai a very respectable force, vhich though tintruiuued and unsitil I.M T IEW C L N ed, vould. viien added te the volunteer jýW Neobr tire lteliiuy 'fitet, ltruelt lret, fct-te cf 18,001, forni a very largo army uuuduînos îiuu, 1Allfc.T and l II<r STOCKI cf whiclt mbght readiiy ho made uuficieuut te aid the empireil u asfe! vr. The bMinis B uê ts a rB S hues tocrtof Militie, afier refcciiîg te the dusfectd oif the bslleuing machînecy je Lover Cada j 1)V7UI-TN. da, alîtudet inbeterme u tsafction te téi- - Mlitary Suîhooi,butsaeid thas the tandard C srnM i m eit1t cail aiiiexmi cf qualification vas uuîfortuneuely tuterent 1 Jtic isztou <kj i.u fithe 9 1l<, uiid tukdt- in te if.dTlerî.,uu uchocls îhtu<s it vas casier uîi<t3îof i uv- uuui <ý410 euu1Matuîfytiiiiu-i . v ht-roe> uule nget tie beni barçXintv- toe et a Qnoboc than au Tototo. It bu nov prupoacd te diacotuuunuc the monel graluily On acqsbriuig a frst ciiess ceitifi- 1'.c Boots verruuîuteii u a r- wl tild àtlifi.t.,u e,.s- este, asu t it e cmmdc a î.oupt ou canor 11:1àd u iîmt i-o atcnt hi i'cal ul*eoviere. tbat second elasa graduelea uhalutidergo liv the haeste use menthe service in camp. First cfam rit h. uelue Lu 'îe' ro .« 1 ccctlficates are not bc grauiîed lu anyone Fi-r uu<,reiuitilEd- uîclr the age o! 24, asud nao chuol iels Ita -Fit ir Civ ,- lue -t have more lissa obghu.y cadets et joue uime. Al niu aeAnd bc lienui.em Tueecbcol at lHamilto e uoa1bc dibctco- iAi u ur tinuetg, At the cend cf Atigust 1,500 l<( RE5'Ot.aIfgrplSIiTL"eyouONS? ..al halli recel 'edicertificati.m, @suiicieuit Io t-lBft Air ut o olrfniu40ie leavo yuur or urm cor fifiy battalione cf militîa. kEaely ccxt vu uigcd auîiufiuuîoule c-teni<t. yeari it la poëed te haro a regular -et MaiAc lai..cfflE C~t ud0cIyNr. iluatOr o! te.ballcied miitba for ute day Wf<tf <Se t. l, lîîh CfLLIi simply le escortaIt. vhat îicoprtiee thece --- --8 are ut efficient men. i' Â'-8ABBATHR-4 -M-C l OL A debate f ul<oved on the miltuta queil. ,e tion *hich hall te ho edjouuned ucccrdiuug C E26IR a g le the t-a so! lbe.flouse. Ilt eeeeaIfrcil.n lcOn,îcu Sept. 9. ~uîu.uu >eabIthlu fuOititî uld ifîo M Fronit 1ta 4 osiokthe lieute cas ou- Ft>t orcc ou gaged cvitb privato hbis. Wensdy Sept, 2Oth 1865, The foloving buise oro rcad a third time imud pasacti --I efatilitate the ~lTUE sepacaulon ef durontfu-otu Bruce, sud te ORAN6jE HALL, (IREENWOOD. -ippoînt Watcrtovn the couau, tove of Select pioces wili ha rcitef td und og b>' tie Bruce, MrOIMckson tua menu ti.he A c Ilifrell.i, trlîcoiu er. genulemxentyill for teiFs lectidn 'of iluis itunicipaIitý 61 iefi8er c%<udraesftxun the.occecicu fitcleBitk Kiegsey Falls, Mr. J. B liarion ; te iceifu. W. UeFadliti,Chamnbers. f$halw inccrpotrais the village cf àMitchel le the Ciclîruuu. tlauuuîon, Ruandif forov, sud- c ofîyc!Perth, tMc. Sfta&rlane ; te T. N.- G i iha, Feq.. . 1<. Te*swvlli betervef eit tineo cloek. Tlckoti change the name. of <he Bytowe Connum. .,bctx. v fiidreuntli' price. ors (Jas Comnpany, andtifur etuer pecpusee, uLEX. bleKiY, Mir. Crier ;. io entabif Joseph Anttil W . .- uloN seratury. andf Auguste Fou.-niert titi u drbtied io f îtpclntetudont. practico af notaries te Levwer Catiatia, Mnr . ctuvtoaf, $eî-t. Il.* 18<15.tg Joseph l)ufrene ; ta logaîbta ectale by Itvs anti debenturea for tho Couutl -cf INSOLVENT ACT 0F? 1864. V'idonsâ, Mr. labaford. -Several bille vere pesit rongi taon- lu the iutt-r cf-JACOIlI ITALTEIC, an Ili-, uite. auidiorderet i b àIbird tesdieg fbnunI-euet. ni hinuv-taeobfd Monday. f"tat li. ha. mde*u.if e su uougneent otif«lu A long dtutl.suon bei pliace dittthebill itilte andî-t aifuir.1iiuîr tue store set. tO nue, Io ameeti the.Ait eleîing te fibe Incorpor. the nndou-s ,qnd andiee si tbyare reqir- atio cf thi. city cf Qucboe& - cfta furuiliue, wiîhîu tvWO tnoiÃŽt fromnt0e1 d.ituA,, vth ticir 01cigutypaliig tîhesecnrit? At four ocslock, ce matlieoef Mr. tlîev hyld, tf su', and the vaine of Il, ald i elpleoti tuoî peityiiv ite filet, ftleo hoIe atmed Ceuchon, lbe Commilîernue, e idnitu-îler ahU, eus iu support et auelu progrtas, anti oblaluod ler. te ait agatn.e. iaun8. Un îàoton f9r Borma t Ho' i. . .BICKLE. On neuon f U. Burssatbeliee. rooklin P. O. levecidp or WWbltty, 141u yodn întoCommitte. o!fiii viiole on tho Septn ber 1966. bill te enend the Act repedlieg lua inter- W. IL< BILLINOS, est. ilsio.8-n -AutLee minutes teasi, *à niotiofi b! l-e A. À. Dorien, the (3emmttee' ra"fINS0,LVE A.CT 0F? 184 repoedtipregrees, aid oblalned bavatre ait auae uhmlirf1Z RtIOWELLai le- OOSTOiN.-Ât 9h. e idéae oeber moh' et, Lâot ne.,33, t ecubo,*iboù Thucsday, Sept. 7l, 1866,Jnt yonngeel daoghter of tii. laie Âlexader Ogstoï, Esq., agea 33 yesîe ....e.........i 65 Botte..; ............ Ots oontoSret, 1 6 voalt heat, $1 le i $L 80. Smtttyp *l0Oa $1l1. Spig,*$1 oOa$t O5. Barley, 68.,144e;,-Ose, 92o a 84.. peau, 68. a 4ki ,RjIl, Me# a 56& Fler, $5 25&a$7 50"'WPd!qg upvarL Eateri 20o a 2U. Eggs,41le a 1.40, >-qpeii, i19 credit ftet Iinî4vont are notîfeld bt luiestmade ucesigtament of i*b the. uedealgnedeasigu'es, and tisey mearequf r- vite u»nlhm. wthtwn menthe from dts, daté, viti their élitessfile4lfyieg Pdh i cty tiseyhbold, Iftsy. ab 0iat 0lutI, n If none atstXthetactue he t h olestteste enadir b athi vith voucoeln ulapport ofenolu daims. - D. vANILS, EUgaa1 .Tovausi etofPiceing. Wî IL BMILGiS; JNSLvNTACT 0F 164 rT IIEcrit6 ftheuuUiO cs$et re bocéby TmE RAIN1bOWtIIOtJSE"- DUFXNS OMERIL IL9S. Hoad desiros 90 ltorm ber MnnY frindacedpatonstha ah hu mo a whé e us boi mruitceféAw Pickeringr, sept. 11, 1985. 8 Farmsfor Sale Op. lEmqT-IN WHMTY. FOR Bals tho North <jnsuier or' Lot 2o, lit tbb F tia oonoeaclonj1rIca £750. To iit ,parts of Lots 21 end ï2 in hi5th emineocsou. For torma &o.. sppiy toi 23 Lennoxvll, 1', O., c. E. raIi ,-'y yefrothe-dnt.,hure- ;J', t( the i34,-1 - * le80rroVgim<1 f ourt of the fConty of Qntîî.ýî. <hoi pp(Iloivdýgtlardlan or Merart IIpîî.îuî,infan.t velli; or John Hamrilton, It"itoTowiniI;. of Plokering, Duteif dit (,.. l Pýf8epteîîlter, tS#& ALX AItP-.îIZ t HAMILTON, Jr. COOX WANTEDi A C- o * flé, pl4ly ut the< layaI hotel, Whitl'y, Spt. 6, 1865. 93 BIBL1EDEPOSITl'AiL' - TIl F ti itîfn ni the putliie ii.viteid to the Tnew and veil soleccîd stock of BIBLES AND TESTAUMNT with, and i tout t sthe m le roinstre, nov te lie ftiuiiattnt he ,-puoitary tir the Wbitby Blrunetl, Ifilu SttVty. The tek htfflten f- toôfed hy. ho 1Depe.itary with 6et eart; andl will lie j"fiud taembritc *04n"in iiiitt <tilts% o!iiodjte. îlslti id rsuncl I)lr1f'1TAkïV-At Mr. Jaits ilain'it fint mndi1w Slioî -tiar.c orcinierau t rock and Iluted;. Strtevt».. SPECIAL NOTICE TORONTO NUIRSERIES., GEORffl, LESLtP, Proprietor. fT'IEudenii~e.1At~îtfortlabare osee,Am-' ine <J N <itei %rieieni)L. !,tiîp4È.tsii,. 'rna I~ ~~~i mcci oeW ttvi-1t i !a x. i > ad rl.oîi îv hoi, Fla ,bNlitks.MtA nlt Ils GUMFlttJNF AN» .lc-t.SËAL fi Il(iAUE&IU$,1I WN:. , 1l>ALI A Sb&p., and <.11 otier Nae vp uà icito f. w!hh ti.. Nurmierie* arc rcjMete. ahng sd.poticcI kwefe<ft 14 kîî!i;co fie. o enafuld t» go- «ct the Domet y' gfioui.sied liealtf<v 1i0suto, &Q. RAIL WAYU PROVINCIAL EXHi BIffl ON TO BE 1ERO 1.1; 'LO&4DO*N, Monday, the lSth,,tili Yriday tt,. 22zad sept. 18e". inùliire. NOTrICE TO INtEN DING EX HIBlTOft8. -o- T H£2 Conpauu>'have mcdo thiclollowung a*r- 1. rsugeStnock n ts fto -c &0 tendeti for titabove Exiltitioi, vîi b ariti Londfon iL oudina->'rates, viel einonde delir- cr7 ta uS.. Exhibilon Ureuado, Liv. Uieek rainit.,tieti bdeye tecilcisud. tièty w 11l, ou a eetifldt&eirontthe ecreway o !lbe.xtblloti, lue rétornet itLn I»tJ<euolt ion Faue or OJiAtusuteto h.e(h-cal W*eta ritatinthey oclgitîallv cuono frein 3 Al1.1ve Stocuk, Irtt1lotnrti ti., smeuor- 4Wbtue Iluem oaof ]PriîesCsttto nesire more epuuue tiumo la unsali v aIloed ulte ondinar>' Li-i st*ek, a eerrespoutinle neras«WI 4ih mnade lu tte Charge. - 5. Drovecefi)u elig~ee i v. Stck, viben full er-lefids ara pilti for, *vîli ho alled ta pues rcee, noder th e rdîca reulations. 4. The charge> Uiptl gAU LIve il"ol, Impe- menuS 4 osdd(reitilt nfiab lmrlounentst, &.for ouh$,it4çp. abreqtteetes tue -eek prccedng the iahbuuonilu oetder ta enchle tho Gernpsnyte p4~ide # e iesmry 11=1to, spt.8, 74 . B.8l 61t8 gafe-ai aiegh~e MYLE PE P1NTON AelesT0 J42 LP BitFAgent !~o~e ~<.<; <~,. -.-~? ~ ~i~*-- 7 ~ ~t-~4"-r; *-.q ;j Further psrttcularo ,ocpr he lîad (roin J.IL. <renw al todu<mt<îitiart>K J. Wilson, W. Hl. liiiîs, iS. ILh. eIraao, ,,tid <pt 0>p9, Esqirc.Wit)y, and I. niih n hk av-,ands ftbe nndersigned Ma<ster 52. . ùÃ". >.DITE wM9tb, ÉéÈL , 184-5. 834d1 To .Teaehei*.S A14*t,&L *A!NATI0N 01'TZACIIERS! T !IFOutainn Board of lPublic Insttriction %vill i hîaucAuîi Mettting fur the Etamî<naîmun or Teaclîicie, At }FHIIJY té VROOJfANIOI 2-6ih antd 27dayo of, S Te bomnmeomet th& rii*etive pucesat 0 o'elecAt . Ue Aheboa; mà sd vitb istlsUty teatimonialo4 1 rein their reepotla. initc r, of gr»d moral olt rdo of tiheBoardl. iL â. B P. TO. AugfcËM 24, lmo, B1> &Sh'oo s J 0 8 .- 1AN1)ELL, .Land âhoes of ail kinda, and saltablo fer tcli*f etuo; h. vli wvarraint Chan to ki-op out gn4 enfort, and 10 vear O. K. If. anita von ttes ct"betuthficth~.e tateilient by >ect*W. JUn lies an cd&cou suc î,eilvs. - Iargert ýjedrmred ,Uben o18 fonti And beal he legsc,- tefgt e onfttintion, snd suppoietlng th. body wit>. ow SOLYS. Ne u- nja.Ad. - JOStPII A. Ite1klI., Opoi,te olgt-spe 9ffee, Érsiok Slf4et. Whtty He ags T 8i C 84* 4< NEW ADYERrISEMEiN'fs: T11E LARGESI STOCKYET!. M. H1, CoCHR*lANE Rpspeetfùully i'nforms his customers and- the public, tha.t ho je now opening out the Largettand lfiost Atttac-. ~iVe Stook of DRESS GOODS -IN WIIITI3Y: PRINCX, DELAÉD INEINS, CAAIU IÈWEDS1 &o. SM~DSITN BOdçhIdeS ,& SHOES..La'diei'. add Childres 1periot make and finish-selling Genis', very cheap. Ohe1aneery Salé VALUABVE FARIR, IN PICKERING, jý CP Ïne ofaàDocrès ln Chancery; Brown va. -Brown and olhera 8 vthappr.obation e! George Henry baroulEsqciethe Mi<stqr q f the aaid court fet Whlth, vilhoc otd by' thési alI Master, eit hie Chamobers. in the TOWN 0F WIIITBY, IN TUIE GOU-NTY 0F ONTÂRIO, Monday; the SeCond day oLOctobér;1 A. tù., 1885,.fat tie ho U»r ot Twelve o'cîeck uîoon, là folleving premil, o, bein coi- posed fe Sooth-haf oe Lct gumber Te1f i b The irc cocesion of the Toî4no ublp ef Pickeng.. ad thieNohti-haîf of tho Soutb-lîalf o! Lot Numlucr Eiî-ven, in thié Tliirticoncession oftch. tfOWSHIP of PIGKERING,' Centalnlng together Orne IlLndred and Ftfty Acres, mare or le"s. Thora lit ersuted ocei. fifty acre. a gondl tain bons,., and on the oie tuuudrcd seresa < haro. Tincre *te uvo iecod cti-liarda wtiî aboutl? geresef oreuf ed u11t. Tise riuaing portionu le eoîupced o f'volui front Whitl> aitfurc (rum jiliu'*Creek. The perelussor alusîl ut <lue time ci( sale >ony dova a Jepopit bIn he proporionu. tf te pouuidA for coeueuinoitred ponnds tof%,i purebisse nions,, atiJ sufficiont vîti, thu e l- pit to atéonp the tunelîof«het ipurcliuue =u-ne Uiii fuir veuks <roin thîe du<y if Pâle, an xote a invcltaro vitlî bar <il iawer, fi uuecvssery for, tfh osunco orfitle putrcfuiso moeey îua>s<df e tot o qil annui.lD4 lntimcliie vit iptteet trom tdiataeaor SiljonO tiue *mni re- umtiiltig U<upmid ut tuc tme cf jiuymc.t ofe uch The puculia4te or ptir-ulîiu-,i eiuil asigt aul agreeent foluictue mpiuttiotif thelivpurclie. Ait>' QI*I9 debt i il tu 1i pfbdemu. 716.Tu puncofastr -li1 t ake ie le gtater'd tub uso siievoine llîe llcgietrr .flica, AI .111-fusil kefuc -ie doodé esoif r<c<uèý et hii 0*0 expenuO. ptuomieuu yu wll o gîven en tlîý soifd day et Nozambor unit. Whitby, Sept 13, 1865: M. 'I. COCHIRANE, Fait IMPORTATIONS!1 IR. J. OAMP«ýBELIL fieg to anticiuncc the a,'rivalof' tIi Fail anid Wintcr Goods, ex'-siteamnships "Si. Da#idf 4nd "St. Andrèw,," which will bé* found much largeftliaii tigual, Mr. 1tobdri Catfip. bell, ba Ving beeri in tho British Markets for the iast iii îe month and'buying urider hie own careful inspection. We vronld direct special attention to the annexed liet, consisting in I)rcaf Goods p Irnetts Cobotirgs black & cl'de Barathen,- do. Lustres, Fig'd. <& plaini Gala Plaids, l3lack & Col'd. Sllkit,, Winccy Plain & Cb1'd. lgisley Long Sbawlsi Woot ShewlIs, Mantlei, Prints, White Cottoul e<ntories; *Plfa'els, Èlaikeît, Sheedungs; Grain Bago; lisoad Clothst $4*k MiÀturdi, Me'r Coatingg, Goents Plaids, Hosiery and Gloves, Ribiions, ., Çoton W:lrpi 91gtg The Tailoring Departnment under the Èuýerintenflencd of Mr., Fraser, i. very complete in Mensansd Boys Coats, Pants and Veats, in ail sizes and qualities, and they are consti4ntly making up a large stock. Thcy have 'mgt recelved a fresh Stock ini their GROCERY AND PRO- VISION aTOJ P.' X. B. t,doo T*edIeil I1nInen Blags t a superior make, whloh will be sold cbeap. SALT AND PLASTER F.OR SALE. .-R & J'C-AMPBELL Whktby, Sept. 4 , 8qbt 3b Freïh ,,:Arrivai of î4taYe received a largea of Cookitig StoAmong which1 TIhe Celehbra'tedComm 1 wet,h; 'Flic Superior. The Queen City. ],te St., Lawrene4 - Th.e -rofedoniét The -Golden Fleece. -The- Candda4 , th otiher pft teèùs ioo nu merous for td<nhiue; P iera46g i~from $14, upwards<complete w clas Furniture. fJJWLL d'YD ?L;Jw'dvl. -,,t âpj'jtj'Livenmen wanté'd imnnedia i PBDDLE TIMWARE < .0tux pa , the 3orrt fSp Next, in tlîe TO;1uu hit pcotgged to e ut I-law fou theii.pruieouf stppl-g up suud uIe lli I ,ution i* ftigeoroad luuiiawce(o brtvccn Lotsy!ios. 19 î in- 1. i the thirf con. cesilon of ibis Tuovîîehlp, norcb et tito Intcer- section tftIieroiud pihiliuiç ar mt et muid Lot No. 12,fIn self Ird oocu ntlo i ner the nuoriltofBy-lewiNn,.2229i'itioggCnr1o- ration, 5-ueL-l h . la y fof Feirigary, >18654 -nCA neossufficlnt cause elial fie osliowîi i sd inceting of tîto CounelI, wfiy tige sit onut ailoWiriloosliould net bc stoppof on atdîti suîd JIECTOR DEATON, 1 -Clark. Just Received MZdIONDÛ KýES;4 ALSO THE ARMSTRONG- P&TENTED 1805, As the dennnd for the ah -vo Pamoui Stoves, including tlîè Iniprovod PROTICTIONIST,' DAVY CROCHET, And others o! excellent qualities is rapidli incroasing. An early coui would be ad- visable. 'Also a large stock of BOX I& PAIILOR, STOTiEoçi 0f the best patterns and heavy motal: ÂGMUCILTURAL FURNACE8.Si One f*lh ! igevry Çartàiô rhttq baVeL as thqy will pa ortheraselves, in000 year. tIIth above wilI bc sold at TORONTO PRIGES for GASE:, 5ýî FAvettotïgha pdt Up #itli. tron' gNé* týiinïs pdt in 614 oncne R 'Rearg promýly, attended to< et 9. Ol StnaBocStreet WM. BRTAXý AttheO 1<1Stand,Bfroci rceIt Whitbyi Aug. ts, 1805..8 CAIRD. NewWk, an.d Iprepa e . qrsnteo pýa- tien. Onzoi AnU iciSStr-ln~ ee~t. Prino. Albert, July 18, 1865. 6"108,.29 i Bi ond D Asbt t'-- - - 5~sm tRAC 34, ' =ii.- 1 i. e ut le - 1 - . 1 - C= «2=2= tý-' et -Y .12- -týcz:r ý-2 - ", ;.- -, - . Sohool Bôüks, & Stationery, GFOCIÉRIEFS of ail ltindýq, Teas, $u- gars, &C., &c., a gcneral and complete.assortment. oti ttI6 .1

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