Whitby Chronicle, 21 Sep 1865, p. 1

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%BLtliOW ~.efi RîcUOII~ BUSh lVith calta Printed words, greal thoughtu andt i tiViI lid'lstly, we adoîc a ae rorus VOL lx. WH-ITBY, C. W., TIURSDAY, SEPT*E'M B E The Salutaion nt-Cherbourg. R i--q it a tO E. " We'r gooal Bordeaux, nt mî,derate cosl pou- IVua nîula racha sqb,.r lbecr4 luwtia zotit; Muay tiuu'>a iuitt î, uts h4 lier" no end of yôato Atid lu Fri1îi ruiace keô ouur aieïu luecrul Air. 'Twaa lin (,Iierbç,tirg Oiîy, ThîrLe alier* tîhuir fri-9titimtuit , iatÈis ii va, The Cu.I.tiiiIe tçàttn extra can lIt'&rý g(r"îelJ ml .uto cvery iban1 Aiud llîallfî'ig wes a:, iluiy. tIl, trct iusertýiuu at id 2 joOia par Ihue, cxiii- 0 -A N absoqsuastîiaertIiuui. -GLOBE ILOTEL. $ IOOO T OA .EROS FYOtU 9U uta eoitrsî'is ,Malle iLh ltiavertileru hît Gentieunanu Who mitltered li yceNîht Ottiera t ilixcaatiiac - iw 1 alitu ieh- liait tutu itlrtlinat-ti T gouluetu 1.4 iii týelua lue i.4 e îiicillue)loatial ui i laa iiil Siuituîl IN ke', e j bu la wrîitig. ii l .r i . ' ert.'fie llwii i aa, itiliuuih,îhn tcf ixu , (tiu,ltlur ii i uiAcrttvlaîî, îîuloîu i hi I -idu' et % Ii i atuOlttnauali~ A ~ v c ~ m litadal, te lia )IluuîCiuiaua miueny, cii, orthc sualt i wxiulis t iriurer, &a.Z L JLA ~. XbXCNT I TE EIi-î aftir uferiz , barm i uucîîd to lie ii>-îîo.Metid, tliei ~a - 1lA t ~ f ( 'allic liiiTAinuiuiît> a Ii ilîuu-nuwîn cxil i& iii i caîuy fnaii lir, ten n uir tae ,o y ainwiibu.ete ~ i c t ~ s c uf" .l~ifiiilitl~l, eit il..(e vu'rit. N ,iverliuicirg're-cIli alec w w ek,aflt rtire fiulin0ir 4iuiac- xii -' ~r ti ,uiiairr -' î-aiu, iditiru- ~- ,mi, aleoiiLpur!it for ture lîuuîaîiu recfiull relusit alliuitâ tiolii a uirectai uive'laFu -iilfi rri huit l a il , nîîiîîuuilc tu îui tiltlit ca-t jo l a bing. Ii l. icr 'C- Iii-îtt--ad ire u la i , ruiî'-h. il dhiîg nu- , c. siclia ii-tui uuury fuii itItendîîî t , w l îi'FNfAWtF 3ANK ilil. 6 FER CENT INTEREST. SZ. i.S- 'Ptt. I Wlfl Notice te Farmoers and Othors N ()t ci l. qI 0N 9 iu W. 11. Ni, ESx110-11-11i1 LOVE A 'i il ATILI '1ONY. & ~qîr ttjiu lli tt'ili thliLhN i ir I.ii al v i îî YI-ebt rt -ý#' fami2 I uail 11111,--Pliai ~îîîrs'~td-,-1het.;r bc - Vile. j)~~~~ l.-ic gi-u ' --k rI . , il oz-Nl- i l I lyC .lruaSi. ~ i~~a - .îit mui- t Il-. ~ l et itr-' IX '~itlON Q e u, 1 i t' ii' % ii A.iL xA h sto R1 li tii,. ()Meca oft'île fio. t 4-i a"'t.1.ur4 -in. -C roelirslo e ~ î,g MtAl uJliE il ke e' U o e1î p3Ii. .11%s k kcit>, 'S TrA (3r E i-IC)U S -E, I (lU hI'lT tlOTl'W &,(.. I FJOV1IJYTT < I oN½TO LADIES:, IW it'l t' 4 %iînîif 'allot.A j> ftii'l'h~-~ttti t~uanuîe antr-fr-IrutAC FEN ON.Aittvc St --tTF-ii i~îiii'-~ eluahi u-îîî 'aîn'eauar C 0 v Il RîiiA î NN - t i, &a 1:; Telri- attu'a ~ ~ ~Iiii't i. t'1,1 -- tii r e ci- tiiaafii. il. Pritiel eten à-e XI. IlL , I Uî i l, ;"; . îioiliii- hi i ) are slreul fo joîîuc~ ~i us. su. ________________'iiFS îiu,îlu1îcil * Kilixéu - ttsIWINII.Qlt1101sE 5H1H1 * Brcuklin Drug Store e ïaI11rîTrît ti nlu- rouîi:,tatft.1 De- I>l.t~d-pt~i.Ii- uu' ai II I i", If- -- Hiî~l u~ 'îî-i-aîî î" -"î 442 1,ttva i y, New York, tit-' ,,-l Il r;r,.r i li \.j-- "'1 1 ti -laiian 'h îîvvt i'iri ' - it rt-tu'~ iOTEL licrut ¶.CîtIu-¶fciici'aa'erz!wuiumon faoforladtheu forbileUNFOTUINTIE X - - -,V- rTlatt - - r -' 1,', r 1.l AU \yiuiti'rr hît ,t!a1liICOMRILHOTE L. i. Liuîir -- -- -~- - - i r Ir1~îl;î~:rie!u ~'~ !OIti IihapiiIhî -t ir" -la '.h T -" t, T JtH ui iuît -) t'll-ux 'îît- & a ýi i i~~ilIiiIti..t~~~~-i tIi1 -I ý u-o > ~.iiV T \ ii~o i. 'I- ' C i -tt 't1l a ' - i.- C,Iti vatora. ViOWeiIu ('fW hig.) Sli -viiîewt i 'Iin î i'uii ait -i ~ ~ ~ ~ o afu iiv~ i - 'ul iolti ctlt geta I - i' ! -u, N -ii -,'u a.sfibc '*Vat 11i11-l ui ,i Ci-if h e a aIre. liii ~u .îi-eifl it »5eli r') lii 4-2 N.uut.ast<se aurk 1) - i-it u iaeî 3a'll"lviioy. tt'iîAitl ut tuu*li4 - T 1'1-1,î.tt.&S . Expu-e4, C., . c- At- W&il 4t% t, C traI, ' - IL J. Hnu-gta - - dexiuut iittoT Wt c l'., xuj it'O a u a r s. Fârut-C a I.iltlt' & Ci'.,Typte 14îtacder-4, Newit York. T. &P.1. vuJi i. inui ' a Law Bck neutre. i-'iiiLihui.iPlgi. P. Tl. 1 t lituV,xloa' isuaiisiaus Mrt. wtt-etic t' . . .., ehcýIiu.ao. 40 MARINE DEPARTUMNT. W liai. .&khra Ilaîlttîud(ia r", Il,, xlLite .,vtci d ueatcrat-t ufîit&aaivuqlisar- ilucu- gu-autubd uoiiull rikx, fuît tZc ssxoul0o eanl,îue nl toit osl O t. itthenat otasa u cil r aSal, auaiuîsttuiii; xt* tti usa ili Il' iiithe l ikeil i a , 4 & ., a rib~tera al u oiacrahla e Llu,îurt oftaf tait eiituâ u pun ltae Ctaapias-.Iy itay 0lieti apin. â.'t>tiru' ujoiiitig Ja%. itoca, & Ce. Wt'iutiîy,Àiplil JOi, t11313. 16 TV0 NIVhEWaPIANOS J. V. KM. MONEY TO lO-04N AfN1EY to;leàadti l orgage >etirtly iL Or ta MuoÀitaGORt.DOtNcctt ()ir i1 4iu-iu, tîîhthe siv; BUi."slidmt"uil'dune,'t nu i , L'auî'r lit: h tiuat E.livrt'f.iuuv'f; NuouIniiiv'tt fuîiuk dt a%-l, Werîcu knîîuuîtuîtii nw fi-t su- Ontiut Ouur ini tll*lq--" r'u'.iwill a- Oiughut, Aid il-4t ilir liv'.- nai iati -Eroitivmuth Ioif lu i iiti i i yng nrai, 1im al tth ic a-acevreiîii Tue' lu dtt bis dliulu N. ab -ti u-cîiy cîuî rl a">u ousiît îdioiLuit"n,l A siiuuric lii ropeutiiu No h iîtî ui tiller rder. *4ilî , l--c, a l- au uricaiî tlo a-r. wliut fiiîî'el'eu-tV"! fate Iuî-îtî ctii Fru-ulvl d a sat, And i-tiul uii t-'ir-ulo xi. hD aut Frtrle iu-f' u-î,u i ,îualf'ui-ît Bo Glaii'.uw endii-a fluit Clhm -aii, And i Eiuglii ii ii vruulAhii0Ilnt unain Ilu, ratlîcr dm'e isi,'ilii.- My luneuut frienul. If U.ule ti)IlltuAliAlilliuîtha', A " Kiti i ttut l e i ..u lîcil v, luihmho u tu-tltnd iîîl siid, Thtat, z oîhîitil11<1I it)il-ill.,'aw li îY-t; llIa way aiii luîienî, No il-tii I'O'iiCiouitl an tiCn c .-u utlIziWIi wI iw divi .iii' iluuil Iuihlieke to uige sxiri r.iily About bis houie eU-ira; Hoa suttle lhir ie wtflliitl 0i Ail bita Ultuixcri-a; lliitu itenia-vt lilii tudud arn 'rie tviocuuf iii'4iii, lit u-îl; 1 gusphe luha i pqIotni In dtIres n iu»axi lviiuly A litta isucsy i ie i Tuuaiirp niii' uadiuigly, Witl arac.abonCfjde. And piah itsitiita u u elua'ii Tiiut liec d i oe-hfgne- Bal 4i1 h lava5taout Im ie uuu &àm al Mdth ou a UghtVgrly finebIii» îoaa*th lud, Ili vüwetal t., oie Pthtarfily MY tie4 hei0icve'rsti Wn.~rieuh, blk U î boUUII> tlat (j adstlauk C is a ýUrJxxlh*dua,0 for I've ittit eeflliiti tile Our antiser Evealape. Tac Iý lulitirof4Led friîaouit of ih. woo .,tthîtiC1!%ri AJl eid oihû!lvui -fil wiittit PIA 1-nverthenil, lki.isàtlO îc o.tf liîe Cibîr afar 'Naýw ,olv e enrîîgccli~i turîiig str %'IiiI0t t cr maie nîUiiuP icllu.olinnfKt' kond. car* Il la luer îreruîuloum, silvery lie flt. iLuualiZ141, toi thiWilitp-poor.wilI'ii unf platl Ag top froiar1theValley, thec lieul yUn.tud floou luiaiiuîitîhc wutiireuthi i of aîo w iou Abd thù i fl fiwuzrx ilueiliiJguî ii xii volitueir .tan î1.44 at, ilit wliiopfriîîg,'iu& it ehuii roc; hiow ruhiiîr Mid sue l oi-tly rillue tree OC wil.tw. andi era t!hit ifrize thecdiui k tif Wiîr cnoa ita.red men (.Uetyiu Sec, uuiog Kfroaiout. of tifat cv;>iwod dur] ,(lui fre-fqica exêli wtlut ýigt' Xtiliv lump Q%âaclti giîuliig ntiu ululiig like iîictecIMn fel ali îJ\..îd a rift, C.întn.îattilig xli iriple 6n river Cod etréaun Altariuataiy jla> huiig Y Obmiloiv or lwoin 711i lullieoxa '4 huuiuty fIW ita uringianduîllgil ,Au Vre iîini.aibrrngii the Lîuuriuofla caimnî in A .glt. A ,cfrrespondent wyte. :-À (oitdu: &go &,poorcreatire, itora to the ukîn et bqne, put Sa aend to bis exiîiteccein a iei ezîraor4ioary Mnner. ,Uta pedigree uîiknowa, as holeis, qite a atrangor. very wor#by gentleflhatl bore met hinm lu publie4market, and thir.king ho coiald fit .émployoeet for bim, put btà oe, oi bo ok was not hi. fort- a act woatld ,do h.nýdiinf gave work ai éo errandu. Bis, groat &dlelit w to-roaw about the fie'14 a antido -umi ebtef.- Ptople pastg bWmý u»4, ejaculate, " lgh, Yéou ufly rue,eWhom thàéy aaw h. scowi whtitascotius 0 1 bia face.,- lia nsâs<ir: trlýd to wiù ih by, kiadneis'» Ré 'wmembérd Ibthesou i'- If t bad a -dnkeY iltb* woul4'î go,( yon ihialc Id wùIlop him -- Oh, ne, uff The klda4"e!5 asloît-upon bitS, Rene ttried tioe wbiptae cla pdgel, uUl ftftW~iiTBY CERONIOLE] ta lbiu$UltxD 0 ois T uE îitOO j abyUa? Ttia aometbing 10-adI! e celI, a iba roof. Slie tIenjumped w he ' fO en ojchar engrain à stone a to Od's temple of Lifea tbe Maiin prison. 'romthence f.jm oraaçmi h; aiyniosiaohe llth6t.is b' sor. Iiy right'of mind ,,are' wie ad 'a distiince ofrteitî-Tet toa theroof o 0f i ¶vo det sa a&patet1ssu ti nM tbizb-pniegtt for eve of fthat Temple ?_ that Pubrtioîi' of (thé Prison n ioan-uas ,i>îw d t,*aterfali do- nIuey ,great;,paralyze'-the immd equallyl. e 0 a.re counsed- 4hethan naadý. iaer,âyasumnorpw.a UshiT ," -tis a Srd td o haprouti, looIcing ettî!ap toýtIhoouter sualiofthieprison, adfrcu imIs ,lm~ytIè aiedi ,tt diot,. tIn1fitjn.g Â'anItieoable, 0 aponthalas ali ah. juuupe a 4iâtînee f 25 fel %pry;nii c iaQIfàtùaself in thleditinýipa'rki of3igÉt - sici *.re t e' earlot pit;ci surroindiîa P!. ý in, - - .., a.~zi .~.oi.i'-and., ...u4the !ý Zjî untanu";,uiaatad à i ý Mre aànIs- T 3tti-r Slteaiorm Caty Potliug W-ma vore tinsuiu auco ý r +itri-5'5s maa'aa. trefa la.a -w. JW.H.IIGN At la&sPrintitiîo E*-tahitAlumcit, Brook Street, WhitbY. TXRM5-1"5O.PEIL ANNUM. ADVERTISEMFNTS! rer ti rti Forlem 'u«se1 ilriio li-) -' '< -<I- ' - " c le ",.- t> e i,' î-.in ve .le 9.)eVbfTdt 'I' c,'c' -- li Vita, f;--".i l ier 13 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý ils lfh&-i il i r' h-Cl 1- lieC'-~ -LIa .4 » i % i i t i . DiTE 0T1TRA 0YSL VR.RL i"< ~tti.i-fl -~ftu-u-Suc- ."ll'u---t TruuiN vV4r 0- 0 -N Il' M t0 T Il - liailu'.i('t% ore, ltt iisit (id 0,ii i al Jer deittO Itrenunt I~~i'ilistttilis'- -% l1 4t FIre & Lifo I - aaL co cl>ty. ailrî îîiitr .,. -~ ~;1~iii';,N'nt-th BlîFileh t- ils l~ u i t aL hiiihihatjasîi d'mit to Hlu-rua lalre xtî(li, oi xiei l'e tua' u-c1cla mtiai -ah ii lllTEF'i -- t,& -raiiî &tIa ira. s r n l o ei ooliith mtp, il Ui. nct.F.VE, W.M. irftu t.i'i t i.i -toi ' (la( rO t & ., c' lOTiS ~N ASILIStI, L i. 5Li. Lla i-a , i r tii - rjl T ;i t ai ',t tit tuf fa lua-igbI , a i1ipiiltt40 -ti ail ap i -f- îh id tiiariuu,- - - - THIE ROI3SON HOIJSE, The EdaiureLufe A4ssurance Comp'aye J(>tN ilI.LN(.i t iiet t>The Liirpotio! ued Lonidon. p tti , a-ucA lIiurl, titi'"'uO -t"7%eNO I ' ilPET Jî uT . . n I real Pire Iesurance Contpaslp. - 7 Fiuuai' iur 1 kfli lilt.fSPiiiu6tr Tite Proaù d Aiiu1as rastosComp~any. R.W. clt4RK. M P!Ttsxiiiai1i'ii-t-uauv'îiF-t.,t1C iliI Aih,V1 hitiih*t'i i elt ~it l -ia-ai I. i ll UENv. IS,186 l Ut41, ~ J. (~NN, if. 1>. -i:tt~î ilulirîli l. i uît,, îîî' utiiu A 'Iii l'uihlAf Tft Att- .1E JO 1 t'-di I--r l~Li'TCA I4Ilrllti. GI t EORGtiia-'Et'uttif rrli)4À ti ký1ithil yl'l it-î fV i~'i ,CITIT, IEOIG QOlONr t u aCainiihrlul ritti ,Etthi <1h A%,' iiau- i fii i oi i V)au-u l-fih tlî e. iita ip E' CIiT, 14 de tl , innliiu'tiu- I WititIii .1*1 lier daf.rs i IrrCLLA» EN ADY TAVERN STAND FOR SALE. T fiilit iî-laIh ri nIe u 1-lit lie etts PlE iCi rtui ui itatkiIitu l uithîîie0wv unliq*oe r. i fetn lugc XII ERCIANT T II, i Zo lluCK 8TCLEET, taxeraIl îait; raaitl.,,rt. aF a u-uS -r particohara &e&-. jyttililay, 1 ôtIea i zlh iaiuitt , sali. l-i i-uuuîi-A pl _____________-ttu gauIu ecy ziupuet-fhie t'O -,07 toiAS. ViLufOMiN, T) iSTAUltANT«-<'-ror îîf VIauk ,il Ex- Iet tuiiîu u eid Swi scfatlce Vronfautoon, Apuil lOti 195. 14. I11.jlanate trui abs To'l'a ol Pc froxlitlitunt* .1tRnyssfevn et fiexî,CASa FO RI LIDEIS TH1OM1A t4UMî'<, ('uti't 16 l ta t li l-iilin. A I OWN t ;R eéTthtUliEt. l- thîVTIITBY Tthe i eni i mficumof-t ii uily.tailliTt T flice-Tui.1 1;tut1 -tlouit ,,tii i ùe'cik. Are sakeal rigive Ilie utimlcat a Stane Tanuory, Fort iW hitby - IlrilDlN'SAT0EX. PEERIE. ROWE' 8 TOiNB STORE IoN IIALllhliE ~2 Kuî S, eutBrooklln, Dec. 23, 1863. rio ,M NTta 1OsF, ý2îKPort WhitiyOt 51 83 L.Toonto-.- 1ROUGE IIOTIEL. ____74 _______ liy - - flSWLL - JuSEIItiîuY IAT 0FTu NN-WRITBY BRASS BAND! JATklNSOiu<là OS ELy, j quoiaItQi, autel fritiuf sr3iVhtbv, en - nonuuirix laoisetruandcus idthepulith. t ici litT tt.Kin-.ur Stre-el, 3 i -li ai t o l fecuateto ttrlova acll-înrown lote,-whialu' IL A D .1)~~~~~~~~~~4 Ixuo.oilrut.Tnîua u iaaw lu Éltstrite order 1cr the riacîuttuai Wbuty ofUI 1110 AL> lIAISKE a eealsi liuaes Lîquiorn Col (arui. Goceul ______________C.__W.,_____________ 15U1le bove Bande. (ieparate1ly or Lté1erj A i.W. OFilito A1r.eîiepa uutfartauMscelieahua LV mi. iguiea for Yîrk tuai u>ibaIi--, Notau-y V1TRA.IOUS-E, - fLures,, lop , ut i aille fo1»1an es . F. 1. DRATIEWAITFa,, M1 ) OIIBURL.....reD.etr. Fobmiesatngguet drtu... ?r a l axovôllier thel-sote iliont ita maiiy - J. WOLh'EXDENt RAMAT? r ili UNIVERSItTY OF Lrrfeida hLat- h ie a owcarrv. ut, on theý 0(ieelsor ta D)r. Wire,) abeya lhtel. end iliat Ilustppliseu nons ht Liea 1 ecr tay, Princea Aibot. at of waIneso iqutor c1zr, landi nofu-cuha- i-Wbty1'f MIAX & JONIES, -Mdente ari-diapli -SA-L.usiug ; OB&IE - d LIIOSIN CIIANCvEtY.Office,- u iitcI yr,~> lq.poeie the yal tiotal, %WiLhyWlly. Oct. 4. 188-1. -823 cwc ol u oe r Iasmit<la c'u. J..lIiu . - . A. .J0>N ES., 40-7lhut0 01 na h (;EOUGE GURLET. W &C . C Y ý Jll e- Egt,1IANTTUitor, of apru- decerîpton eft - W O &0.&dtos,$t. , - ' - :: . . - ôuhàîy. - WGantisnitfla's esarmeConannuadu uVip 106iLie>b-c16 iad uiawet tyle. - Ilanet raeili, cahoiegoosfor pria M leu.No ft, D RIUIIK81{ .,atkIle Warrauiuu. e 12t n DOLPHIN hSALOON, tAI*G3-155o*êfbi onem$ M ~ ETTO TUE ROYAL LY(Fumitlit - tet .. S*e.Toronto. 1'Fa lnn i very ÏSONCOURT- . -I ~- - I p I pfith e luex. iii is aiti "cIf ) Clonveraation al libec. Âôiong the influence. wbich shape lb. Young people of a fanlya ment- important place muet ho given'to the loe of conver- gallon that preVýa1la'î t0ihme ci gays., -Thé opinionu, t4a pirit, the con- veruuaticn, tbe mannera of the parenis; iuufluenre the cbild. If ha i. a fanlact manl,-if bho ta ageriealogisî, knows 001 hing -- ~ ~ - - -but Wiho married uuch ain one, afnd 8o on, l<awwed~e flrtherood.bis eLildeèn wili beaxlly catch iliose lastes. - - If ho ta a iîerary maan, bis very girls xiii - ~ - talk learnedly. If be ta a grîpinir, bard, 2 t s 65 N 37 miserale man, snob ili be bis chuildrn.' The coorng oÈthe converato# pet unalOt The Atlantic Telegrapli Gable. world, we want the effort ta xucceed, and bear nothing trom faubi-r and moîher, or -va oball bu grateful te îboae Who condaci îalked of betwiit thena, bbit thoi affairs of« A CHIAPTER d0 NTHE WONDEItS 0F il wiîb succese. lRut for tiai, very ressent , ii life, how cau rbey fait h' become more THEh DELP.. anda whiie we viglî gqod luck ta flic proscrit or les8 muterialiatS, aud ready to believ.ë Company, if il restiues its dubious tsbery Ibis precent world tlic ail in ail ?~'rn rvrm te Lniln Dily Tolcgraph, Aug. 19. in the miil-Atlanîic, wa would suggresh .ing l.eeua ol b Ili is tbe tnquiry wbether me are on tho rtgbt planning and- atng Wii -ail tirat world Mir miles anud a itaif under the eu a1Itrack, for coeur% cabîca. We have laid befora C," tf the way te impresi tbern Pour thoug'and Oive hondred yards beneaLti short lengiu witb god fortune, but an with a sense of those rosilt ties witcb wo the ku'el - of Éhe decpeuu-ladien shtp Ihat Athantctopa ta se muob 10 part wiîb, go dextre shouid raie tioir iirs. Iraverles the Atlantc 1- a depth whoro long te layu sa bopelis e recover, tbat, Nom, I have lîcard a nouhber, Whao pro. Skidd4î or Ben Lomond would not ubow science abould ha bard ut vorîithîirnking fesed! an canneci deetra Ihat ber dau.1,litosi a crag., This ta the region wbiclî bu jilat ov r the varions wutys in whicb the sebeme shu>uld giva up the pompwsand vanitiesaiot came mbntoaiwapapen columna and rottinuu mlgbt bc a tnuged. Wheîlîen by the thus world, spand an hoari togetber ini 011k. talk, anti with wbicb vo are ail growini Ioeland lino, or hy a sortest of way stations îng before tbem of ber own formfer gaieLiex;, as familiar aa«peoplaecaui ha withwbaî cati marked by enorious bunys or raftse; onriling amonies of ber bail rocria and iheut- nioither-ho aeon nor knawn, nor aven felh, simpla covered airea, 50 cheap that'tbey tricot uirreripnépo - entertainiiig thein witli exepi by the groping lead-line, or a cî'uld ho laid in lots, tiit one-was perfect ; anecdotes juîl calculitud tu inflamne their grapuel plougbing up. the dark cozO. or hy naw experimenis to learn tile young minds with an ardent deaire ta- g8 What in il like, this iingdom of the nigbt relations of water, oondensed lilte th, anîd do likewise. Thi'y huave grovrn do wbtýhch vo bava invaded wtth cur reatlets sub-Atlantie, ta clettrtcity ; aomehow, aud aocordingly, evéry amusement of the -sort- invpnlîônsi to 4, aL prenetnt, ouly foiled aooeawherc, a boîter plan tban thhit whiclî îbey conid flndi and the mother woîiderA and disappoiuîed,? Ships, praceding Our se have Ixice failed may ha fauible. and deplorea. talegraplale expeditiora, bava tcuucbod thaï --e9a.-Likpwa.e a fatban Who let the wbole tond; vaat bidden world* in, 'a hiuua ufdeaulîory -*AN ElraAkoitunuÂîr 8roitir. -The tLon ot hie converusatinbu:t ingxd wibh the pue. counidinga, and ahowu that the grast csea don correspondent of >a c:)ntemporary re- vailtn.r vicao ooy getin-g; habcvili raIls over valieya and mouttainm, appitnde, lates tbe fuulowing romanto iu-teal life- :- inaka it evileni that ha ,-nt%-sidètre wealth 1reeiiiicsan ud plainîa We have gui îa An incident is just now being dlsceussed ini atd position thbe tnout importanît mattenit i rough ouline of tbhea-ai on c;île milileny cirolcu au extraordinary tbat, wep Ptlue calulaaing anad coveloula heurt will truck i ycî ve lnow as itlee of iL as A nOt ifa tnutb capable Of heing voucbod fuir p*,p tbnuuugh bis wordi conaîialiy; and hlind man, maleing observations cf the hy official. authoritir, the narration wouid iluen ha wonufera iii Ibid lit son gnt>wiug euti h from a balloon, l e fier.tainly be deemed incredihie. Ouv oufi. np >ý,iîh a prt:cociou' l ai ea' iriulr surface we inbahit. Thera lFe acrosa it cets quiartered et tbe Caple betwtrn 15 aîid lu the cane, ready taseil bis very life for now two telu'grapb cables witb wlicà se 20 ykîîro ago may rcmein4en a certainu det- guîid I Such alioinalic eg ee ry ofien boped te bridge tbat va8t hlc hasweretiter autacbed io the,' me ' icuxl uîuîfF, andl en* utid the partut amarat bis i olul a Îe underý the cocoanrails. Who cati guda dowu joiag a repulatios for eonsideiable skih, fbe fuxulita wbiè lie 1i> lireoty raiedand wbat ate.'ip eubmarnue lilli ihose tbin linos espttti'uiy for ftiîietau, decii, anid rapi- iteibeneil in . h 'boyl cru'-p, prtairies of unex1uiarud darl c cru dity iin diffloult cperxtiaîîa. The doeor data tbey trxt'erae, aibat ;,creta of the oea hart entered tlue anmy in 1813, bail passeul <Our Aaiad tbey pass tlirouîgbshat loqt îrexsuncsthbey tlroagfli the gruadea of a"istant surgreon iitd fle ulion, wbat forgotien relies of flic liglu; surgeon in vuitiaus regimonts, atîd served aa sacutyc ~aom n cf tlay bave 'deiuended amud uLiase influutie in varioui quniers af the globe, auud mas aoais1bywit nmlt abt weliaring waters?1 Life, weaaitl ocuclude, picmuuitcd toeibhesuafi' et the Cape. Ele tom, from in îin oleftinla erpendicuaa cuinnot exit tihere ;- the green ligbt ittï,xx gciever sud areexhie, Bave fon the instesuoflhiznitial lunes. Tbtîir buolud tbe diver ama :btrough the cavesatM the drawhabul of a int quarrelsorae temper, bu!n h'tueere osurs end; îbuir locks tarrt deeat peint ta wlich but goas fades tub andl itordiîiate addictîion ta arguun, îe(rmif orgb.Terdyt Coî igl dreariest glooni ai tbeilengtb ofthie Great was exoeuuiveiY Plainu, J fleable pntsîiariuouusl, 'oa ol usoos epe pu iaantorn's s, trding clinan sd below thuat and laborul umder the imperfectiton cf a their beis. Hirj'a' hbu.- are ciiene îbem the midîigbt murlineas of tbe océaun muet iudicrousiy aqùeakingp voico. A-ny 41chaf. tus'la wouud be in an Englrh stable, fouçtng dupen mn elernal nigbt. The very fiilg" with regard te iboce, bosevet, eape tbe entranê,th,"befooud IiUný,fnorn tbe roof vcaves, bydu-ograpluera tell us, more oruiy cuaily roued liisire,-tand sasat longtb di& îiii a ilaleî. Trin y od men -; te s wbten on thze surfasce ni the ses ; uîider ibaeîbiuu coutinued ubis Id cxlling out" a pursever- ieoideugn.e9 loion h apn ttrtuatibt hefierceat giaia cosu 'tr the iug offeiider, aundl alooling bim ibroughbthe ten uassi planeo by drawing il ta biff weigbr of sater -lies in an impassahie l"1199s. About 1840 b e bame pro aoted ierliur îth foiten Te solidiîy, or oniy drifts éaong hodily wiub te be "lMuidical Inapector," and wuas-taanis. tnîunlthbeir horsts frouaiis off aide ; tht; thoc great carreras which ara the palae f.-rred tuliait&a, le proceedrd fren mai. îabt-lis Io leir ,itnues are -alcau'x aitxçed, of tbo main. There ea bc no life îhere, Io Corfu, whera h a sa quarlereti for mariytabiridquaermtoi fheIlt sur ight nor any bot a hhînd ahane in the Yeara. Wbea (Iovrnmeat codeul the len uieshîc brîebtiiadibio! visible oreation ; and yct tso-ibirds ofthte ian Isianda to Greeco, and our trobe quit teusit;Ier btri trelhil r globu's ieolid surface consistofttbisunhunean ed the îerrîîory, Dr. - eleîetnted t hu r ac, ihicia ptihahonulineted-and hîdden oze. Andi yet, toc, the lead came lisse the army, sud 10 tale np bis, rosi- posulered ; and bienirioietde- up, after fisuboming It ub ys , c.ovcnmd dence at Corfu. Hé there dicd about a oies are cîtrried.tii the ipointtorf iuerfetiug wîb grey mdU (alfcf tac htstory of lf month eago, and uponbis ulexî tas tiisov ot only witb the grace of inovement, but W e hava fant i (ly abolIs, aand f agm en s ered to ho a com xâl 1 Ud r th e eticum - l taa i mbeIl l ono he, e iigt do nart; th of abecl, shorla, opercusla anti apices, utnce , the fact ,wa5 teem ed sa im portafitl .i o undzlimba , ou ..Lbir gaid sl d ow r4 the impalpable doit of tha habiiethuns of thait mu-Idical lehlimcny cas calleul ifif î ne- gt oud91aerganeîs c- eaîurcrs that cwim tba se. B en hbeu paît uoowanti record tsi truîb. ill Ibis sînd iin sfréqunt e ti asa po fdes taionsT than,, it oems, you cauuuot touich the ppuat inveittgatios, uot only sas the assertion adleiifeqin ut nuieattos where'>lifa bus net at lessi -a :u la cepiicl bityoti a doab:, but It ..ra q l as atlnsc uciisa.Terpca as the grettchalk liffà soti Ille very cii b e nti2'a doubt <brougbî toleif1 lit thal the ieislve Thyiu harfcsif upou which alU herbage grows is tire noîtidindividui iîiqaealiop bail, at some lime or ~ u4itcpp a~ irf1yfj relies of iherbsge., icrospials eoxhbt anuther, beau sa nîbar i - This if ail thutth ,eel5ýeI 1 a - -'I'l_,,1 ffibe<tfrouathua oud f feeî idicwilthe - - -' ;l' lhior shadj; their J!g i" saiea off Barbauloca. It, a(eminc'teY A);ornza Fii iy Quoes..-Yeuterday wiitbout drawing- mere crutia crloré s .pwe we okjdet,-glass e tedafîorsaoJ, about half-past two a c oêtIOtugrotesque formeaudancing, in miti-air, vitti. laye huit agood ojc-lu-s'solvmaat hd o! Dorchester Bri dge sas, discover te bca'on eut grurund te nest on. Thoy have bangl iiito fairy îarnory, couritlas-ai peOfateon thoe fpaca nazI the draus brid 'e. noteasof1bile valua cf a fautbinîu. Thof cxqisiite perfection andtI lvelinuss, pbers, The aamva rmpl ivn nd<e hv on efety1adrtodte tl o. ud ubs, ud yludea, nt prsmecfvery short the. variatouËlra compatiasry of lion of soserage, anti- theattanufactnre o i, v cry , ail ent s o truly sud orn um eof.al, so , the city sera u th e spot. T he Iup y f p p r e r i a e u r m t e b r id poor hgheag lmpaed thatatLhoap cf s aler sas plenlifal4, but Itbagreal uiffiénit cof trae, of chich .they have kixty diffardt; edplr u ngic epn d Iseauty. p 0 tr as in furnîsbtng ,spificient length'1 f t indOti5ul sithi differeot, oses. -Thay usé I Ifinteboxe. Twcu branchecs sera finally convayei n milli or animal food ; hor8eu sud axerf -a, lut hattho ab-Alunic, henla bous gaces tha river, ant i axsooWas anti coca are enfpluyeà fdr tho pt;rposéd _r depsia f atost malter shIcli hava> v EVY Cheup wilitl'y, mly %ýj id

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