Whitby Chronicle, 21 Sep 1865, p. 2

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j' Ke deriîîrcîstbls t)ty, issues bis, proclamation vithdraving the The London Turf Club. sobool LOetts anueDatribution 0 Quarter Sssionsansd Coussîy Cour - IaWt fr~ownt me juriedictlon ofths Couoty Tbe con ureprsned by dits Club liv wuîi..Gtro Fait ana Winter Wear ....aa Bain. Conil. The office of ties suad dsPntl regret, anes sncb as àa net Iikely tu iiring luii r&àIU viti theJ announcfeeflt Wbutby, Sept. 13. Bool s Soc-J. A. Bandel. res iblen cese. Tbe lov bas no longer ceutt hmsva ro h aecourse madie luat Weea the pophls attending ith. COtYNTY COURT. rail goode-Loves & Povell. reprssentativea la theCouuty Couacil' It over vhlciitbi aeai.soto t esta vuselools vers IbledAltbe ball Tefloigaetsrmidra h Groerles-Lowes là Poeli. la nov for the raiepayers to avait ibem- June ILsy ohtalnsd the. Queen's Plats of of tb@ Meàbattl.a'Institut,, on; Friday scattelbeard lain theCoonty Coutvbb Pro isio n s and Croc l<ry- Lo es & Powell'selves of the provision s of the lo, and ai i a o r vn sb e o~ . Eveuing, for the p rp o f d ttriutng. Jlsed n F ida . îts vas a No. i 1on the Corner -r,-C. Roberta. once faire eltos for vithârawal. We bavs fifty sovereigefr cle-be ess be rsssâý oedm o. i axtas . - hsua There vers nine *ulries,, lu ail, foriii isprsa vrd4at tis recunt Union, iuterpîeatlsr issuseiiuten the.parties. Mr. Urocorieti, Wineg, &. BC obet, . d'ons cur duty in pointing ont the course race-mile beat.-Ttie Birut huai vas sxaminatiou. Tiiers vas a large mutrini WM. Paxton Wbo b.d lsased a faim tu New Dry (iood-W. Il'. Dow & Co. proper ta be pureued. If thueratePaYers aofbyî8o ~4ioeu'I os re ithe aseoer». TruIts, oces a.Nla itn itant o ii Direct Imsportations, uhoiesale aud etail-- %vaut te avoid paymiem£ of heavy iaxes, andi ne" fn w isecond. 1t. Bacon," .m etadobr neuewrseo reu.Wtiipnigtewrat W.H. Daw & Co. if tbey tissu, ta prevouli a large portion Norfolk," anti 4t CunibénlrantiMaiti," oh. preoet in, cousIderabue flmi. The .modensîansfeblactist, vaemoîte Carls Notieý-Townghip of Scott. 0i the loxeil thtey do.aies beivtg frittered taiuing tburd, fosrîii, aud fifth placsc;- ..chair va sten by the mayar, et 8 o'eloch. gohooda ai!ti. rmisesut h emolg the Public Hack. a Ittate vitmeit a cut oncilthe bmhe liors disîAnce& lan the secqtIdhea$ icTviI, haircuan of ibm eoand Of The gooda vers folloved sud seized and Redueed ['ices- B., Bnyan. tbeY %liitk tnidM cio ' h Bacon" came in rrat, 't Stono Ployer" Scbsool Trustes,, Ror. Mni. Cayley, Rey. Jolinston repleied. Cca- Jam. lBcoom. malter, second, "'Lady Norfolkt," third, 6.C r.Mr-, SOlî, Ber. Mi. Macisunan, L. B., lu vos cootended by Conust for Paxton Nouie-J'. Boon. Sons ev sansaga it ~aybe rcainct Mit," fonrth,anud 'Norm Croina'Meure- MR.J. Wilson, J. B. Fareel, and <bat tLe goods bad houa suîrepliîiously Notie- Oea. Thiompson. eti. vo finit bmnngbu the inlîjeet af our fifîL. i"Bacon" t1mew bis vsighiis-2Olbs D. Black, 0exmisors, occupied smis on r-anvd sinborjry ofunte lradrg Don Trewery - -Thos. Davis. Coiflty tax gricrance undtr notice. Ws fadv oe u.1SoePoeIopafradsvn rmnn i!,-n otejr oai edrn flîy Gond ale ieman vamurd. vere liien miel ly the abuse of asot-Iat a ue u.'toePoe'tepaf-u a eaI ptomimet irti' rdiet,for the deisuidauL vas protested agmnt s hein- an Ameriean zosa ecupiet the ibody aorithe hall. B. J. Maedonoîl andi J. V. Hamfor sir. Coar'tbiam, ew arrnznrent. pnhliihed in ii ban yleaéd lte "Salut-..hotte. The. jutges gave ith. race ltu Stone The chaIrmati bavin intioia t e ifondant. Churcluuîan*g', 3ts1zirîe - Cbev'upt & CÀ). Machine" pubtiseti by oni ndivîduasl tîsat Poe, n e 0Iopoet 1Nr bjc fteittlgcle pntelcl R. .WlradS .Ccrn e -Adjnrned siîn C.Ontario. never misses an oiprtuniuy of maktnig Crisna-wiub-ut auy c4l fia. the judgei siPeliu'enJdenit, (vo bai heen announced ti Ham3r . BTUI.'ilvsason Valuablo farnai frrale-Wmn. Taylor. b mneifmre nalunioui thon respectîti. -luadHZt! e r .Ti a iea Rai taLst-Ssahj-snele M~ ('ieienDraer iealîsi ten n ae galloped aven the course stn8 md'o de'l"Vea ei ciiol tlure,) tu &it#se Sabc interp!oader 35500 in try vbsier certain Hoe a t rrh ýnesr. îCheêner a git D r ape ldet o halls mo n afxue euu)îequontly, in compsuy vib"Lh4,ady 'meeting. odsez b th eifwr hep. tu gind an âied viihthemauof feNor folk," gailoped a aecond heat. Thei, . '*Mn. Matesoft, L. S., sesti a ary PortY cf James Haney or bis father, Rich. Stock, impemnis, &c., -prwy of .."un.Mci."Attenton vas diverirdar der Rmethal; e bu tie as Ana Gcilt1.2t r.pickeline~, an fra<o cîte u facîs by diaggimg in tue baises vere tinu steret! rom iheore b7 adI vwritten Anti APPrOplaXb 5rte55, inthe edrIae;btb Fneid, pt 1. 29. . cosn, Aci, aetua fteai Itdat H t h oi-îe juges, non uc-e tth. ei,-hs edcclai l b. *Cour" cfrvich lbe dat open t sisastfLeore îe.afere al ii neî ur der p , 2 . A T i m i o , A u t o fi p o f irte, onda d at or C o ' l'he re w a sgond ts ai of d-il 'ul.tioa nd ch arie er and i portan î c f ilthe 'at be',*s t i s o nad J a e v a caimt i n uh e soi tr lnadabîss,,§ Pou-y and Ruve. Chus I office; tus obsinclea vbich irindet, and ths Re ichard, James, nd cathe vthesesir . Stocks, imrneenits ., property of T. ter- l)-aler ausa Iion ta peniori votderîe o. coilsson, and noîbing final beiîîg doter, t.Rihadunit;n ibe itelse wr int o',t;i enn 1%erie, o miiedOpen1 4(,ulyera'n M:d'a"ownr C teuutdo ici ifator his. r teexomimai, anti craat-ezatined ailengtb hy Harrison. lt7 . o.Pioic ielv o ab oivt tn h v ua tCnbnat ada ve Friday, Sept. 29. '1'. Myers, Auciionec-.e. iswtai ereivd im h x ethec <tlier stable. on itîreaigwsion che'imci tu thél iLbiigbhe- efitiescy of Coontel ou bath éides. Tii. Jury vers of ~fat~ac~ SIe f ari poleiv aipense oa i ledpimg ianep:r uhat pal-lion a 4 Noe"iopfcu a ea ni-ai o va sw 1eboos,_ in thei".ln ulati.y of Opinion Ibat the traofrntfalirta Iffotifee 'deof art pri.eiv.nt ior3 Porer îs"Ve tabe a Ae-son vassoi s berna mfe sala ai tire pro. Wiiiîtby ou Tuepsday, Split., 2tl-IPti D[bock Bit-et i, iin ,he Corporation, adrcanti * adatwqetl eteiiledoteance of pispila, theo mgîect e < reispot!. Avercdictîwuvas sîted iu for de. Fairbanks, j-., Attciiorpesi. punit f poah Iit wrcnii ntdo ta 5fptktia lseieîdfrhoQeua la lu3imnersat tem iin teïr stii1, t barne;1 fondant. ChneySlo-lrovn vs.a. rss'u--t ritoin the coli, auetil-even teaumacseton i0 gumr iti vii, oistbeir moral pîepe .V lm o eednýR .Wl Cbanceuy ~~~~~~~~~~~Pinme-breti. The Club, or a tnajority ! nnils J .Hm o eednR .i/l Office af G. R.L1Dari ,ell, on Motiday Oc or tweise huu-iled dollars o yeau ta the o e1r-fe cu eabf is'siuandi ta proîccttFem ifi ci itences of dont, foi, pltintitl lober 2nd. louis1 iMu. Diarier vasta hn ave Ilthe e. -r an oxeasicé a (e n luroansiim: miout the myv.Bon Ti o iia hoo*',b o.ie e, and iL ole:.wse-decide cois- tothe 1mai. Ver-dict misa for di»t.- i te~vinss niuetL In d ' treeofmmIlesuritet iasi1,&ian( Cuilui1asubjeci ta pointa îaissd by counsel for North Onrio, aiu Uxhc.idge, ITlitrsday. ntiiOlfiletit'iiites. W. ail k.iaw 1 1 *lo 1l î go~id ~. c"dlins e isons ai vice aliieh the best etTorta piaiutiff Oct, 19. rs. lIe 'Stiut-elantiuîoe" vaq sîjfleti lu ' t es e maci i dufilcuit la correct. Hannj vri. Biriley/. TIt)',vait an action 1 aeî ii sue ci urh £a 1iun epeseiwî si ur ,tinsIbofoi nucovery ar t. -ee apveral prumissory A;nu'llnmlFil' * Y O~~ N Dai ai'ii. 1 Iface 0aI lie iakoti i's i s i îvs'y el roi ' l 1 maes of t,40, $25i, aud $1.1. For tîte de. Marsanod Ramia, ut Aiterley, on Tues uf iie ;ýosituen, " .wt--ws mil kmow ite neceslily or gicinc a Lilierplat:- je fence couinftl ontenleti thaltihe or,;inona, day Ocuaber 2îîd. aia i . ît. lie certily aucc-eodtin !âOrt( uoîsons ani!rs.ai s I wiîli ie îtemoral adlurc afi <hem chiltirsa hnil*ihalde r aitni leasie beanîtnoitumpi, iand Piciuingr, ai Brougham on Tursdav, litoln ufi taa - a u-oi lsmu>c-iiîatome of ho îaî>puyers vîta . opipeats yeu Ioîavacseceiveti, anid oaiïiit. aiied tlet i ioveiiîs oto, ts i hn ri Ii October s0h. tenre rnîust lie ai Shiees ta curtse in-.th, vo- orai trinineg ihein chii.Jrr, amt4i, bal pisosed &hein .0 bits con in de North Gnain, au Uxbrid.,e, on Tuies " o'sct ldavy.4lu ri, Lua dy> ' Nu>coL-ssii ciaiiy aWl outlles]"ti - tdir ti hi ide ieIsl day, Ocîner 3îd. mises, 551it(Ile stucceedesi in induciii- reieu, u iiity oiiua t o ns in hit-iî <bey sho)ultiaid suid ésecoui, ly itsi %io7ttidttrtnie teJsi deOtoj li.a1ta neh Li ad li#antih .lij ou o'ent oet pînintifl couil, ulot recover thte 8ouîb Otetaclu>, otWhiitrv, on W'driîes- cupt ganetuiment ta I)elpeu*ato anu. 1 ~thoi ubnyadprioa oopain mun Tise courtc llt s iatioen tu ho dey sud Tbu.edsuv, 27h aidi h sept. Cotileal fat .Lenceu'oitîdan un Io' raceblsc the safforîe ai Ltehets. He expcetted hi,' 1voîl groittiilt!'I. Veud;nt foir.laisîiff. 4eiitlorb* pioperty slli bshocoveîed 7 cneifite eridro %erc syconvictiontlitai white go ma'sy parents Î:s. l'P J. Wibi.u,,, for pliuriff. J. V. [tam =7 9 'es n.i ber 1' Crniusritrn111. taJ u îd hei.- cbulds-oa in habits of ilns , befendant. «,C l t tobwIs. Tiie bu-ish of" bsoc. btii-etslsil' îe . ~ ~and of aifiîîc ~ j rersiiis ct ht ltin ,î,etaxs ~ afiei waii:ncalildtpou. 1Aud ilot linvin- ie0ý - ita r~ u. oovîiotQI'AitTEn m&U8si158. anlt lihi; hse ,aw eit ale r,0i ore a bi y ficcmcalleswul n tis.11 etha-e, raito 7he Quema vs. Iltiri.-Attmpt ta i s ssav in ii> l;sce .1 l iJ toiîtny-- .s'anticoacluded h1l appsaiinte 10ail pissent î - f.îseoa btnsaes ei %hfill-. Tlîuî r,'l.îy, 'pt 21, ooany ilinu ilury as 'ni amuces iaitly 'ay site no'iK tenîceriordtlus].t ta, 10aidluncorrsctimg i loow %tise i'tiigs oni acquittai vas neissietid. - ~~~~~pro Ieso1'1Y. Wtink wl tow 10vitihe courfes o-s, olihaebc ioc il a e ls lemu%% ps-asuce misciliiof, andit sttiliî- IýEt NOTICE !-A.n imrnedi. of unli wvasthy andtirespectable 1(1) allies? joreveu uiielesia iland landau Cluit. iuSept. 1ail Mou sras nt msieFesiisuau. 5 ules antd prete<lerti of race soit;i - 1gîenl iadr udsranircn hrtaSp.1tL Rte SettleMellt of Aecount s emeIbuue sade ail faijie-sa sti homorobleou% qualîtices l Our yauîi, aus dmeauorai 7/te (queus. fiiam Collaian- abouti lot lie su 1riaed. Will anie or oui- n-LiadteQu-nxPait-0aof peigona haitpiitsts-and useftlestansd ai[o titis casse %lie tîîÏxuner w tu arî1tîted for 0 si2arr h uemsIli eauasaulu, andsi)îuiadel-'àat ,il> due this offico is roquoffted. lus-ible fseble t inming vais! policians îo~iniIW otcu u--naatu pubdlic psopristy. - IogiGId' h ruiclr aou 1nratlimfsinJlowtei me; aoruIi i4y misitif.illy1 isL !le decision. Wt t ~ Tite clasqstanding vas iuhen sussauned Raid su ki-ew Coilorari sht thu. boit, ne- Tow Tsxes-Tle Raiei'. siaittforwanid foi the inu intsresis of ils e i;i' . -ai îLe close ai uhe asverailes,0ocli fWrthe i ides! in iirrtl. l nthseCtlt'ai Atugusu In proclataraticles vos have s'ideavored tI Tovugfile Wlîithy 7 llefacton ita caraion. Iat alnnculdips ius u o tamhv hecus o steecuaus n . -ne L Thenenemnvho Lad iscied as tî- t ogetsher in a buggry tu Uxitige tase 'ecus ftieecteinteW Puaications. Piecaieti, believîîîg. iliat ahere Laa ntril ! . villa,.e ; tls<t ti.y siniuî.ad nt lascoin'. rate a us tan as.esntcn' 'Ihemuapau . - ustice vs-eieconcerue- th e .iandoiîpeouple mr IifI -< maîu 4 uc~îîlare-t, frami uhai womituila Pian, , i of our4ztA sqtaols, and tirs anruni raiseti li itnuuormFiit.Maxtt-vouiti met themueîvra righu. W0 haroe-theenature oa iîotoitets to ahici tbey liait li.uor ilu bcth places; ù pitptsoster tnucti. for coumîy pur1os-s, v-e stîeeufi I thle Landau, Jsuilwe llg.g L.Sanfs; Torouta, be torppitei n ilu2h c at sul*ted thes candidates, and wvhthc<es etiofF ailiuetis-5 liat,, ud I'clmnckei" uin principal, aid.-uiileits a chnge uColthe W. C. Citeweit à Ca. mnt h aIncavr naoei t upos' it. in i'ieu anhje o elii îioc euffl;n, catut;ioli sud camencSoi -Aremer î'. -liottc.1stti tt 2s i remiling ; aittuese uns thctoan doua, uni tio,-hili i' luî5s auîn miasatpro- - ar iltiin ailier caluuinusa. iL hlmmnl. Apai !Ci vrii we-e-Ileadîg, 'Wnitiug, Aiiieetîlit ogn. vi..uuintncilt nsnr t.l ament, vili in nare cyeîsu b. e esthon eisîie t ,- azîne oaniaits tirs banal amouni i-ii usnofîe udrîo&,liah ff51s7", Eugtib anarGcgah theuteslo it.teas'e pot luet book and. %aanie cents ianîlt@dollar. l'h. î-euedy. af inuteativi., malter. uus mde sn sptfiat. hDictation ani S<elliug. T'es puisseveto aileer feýl on ther a-icon fonr; filtt bnure, lies vîtI, tii. ualëtepyecs homseiea, j Lotasu ei or as ' br a 4 teU hm --wh t i twh~ircf~~ lilepleititIlb op p -isususisp1, ist PlIC411 @ëIâl dý te o opn t aoictm iqestnïtrefsu-,d voyialng Ilte th e 1 ht is, ta matis thtiae vlrtare auoiudo ao necetresi (nom'31eaii. W. C. Che.iiît & Coi. ii couetai nug>Icah 1 es aiJone, (ex- îo bailoailmdtI iT ýet5af494 linmese-ibilvas a@ttrein play, Ilue.yi pay fonhieschooinig r-iuheir cctnt-Toronto. l'h. coneuî,a, te vill hi &cent t, ;.%ce wve") Tii a ri ,inhaisbcfisuvsattt gi mda oî,wms sle cep"makinu sbets n wr istri sslled gi.ato hlswîneqtld or kt leusi lieîji towaods il Atd'Iotaare, autual, excellent. Thoy embrate - * e itodhohao raeu esavetath < lie local mupetinteadcmj, viao lit-usbm 'catch iolâ (air, viteeu s, separate fi-cmren lus isir, and biu iees ffee litves go-e i eu4dpieaë *. esst c .cuaegiiai ta -aiitrati n mdoî alile das pti*oieer ..... i.ugs of the duniitedovu- a na OsiîseGOtana t h r the sumuntoffileu taxes raisler!for vouiiiy seaside oxpenieuce, (wiîb 12 ilua-stits.) el"f ai- < y e occn.lueced ii ei bi sus-ceasful eauml'stisea, uatiicidi.ly, i O porose, n odFrIohav a hage n tA taIie uhO &auo Et-OtugicaecIOu,4-in a vay as vaulti iedeem the char..ctsuoo!1-orogàaimîstînin h upon bLeu landrsbitî's <inte Oui scîtosi syeim fciitn, il ila antier-es lire cLapie-ta. d"Oit!l isý,,Iîshomtnte. tue Cmii. bIsaInaii utat, lovevan, sf<ite su ad urging ubemft C Mîan. heifstoilea aurorely rsisroeepi algi 8ary ou iie*iiiertiyer tfbKfty o. )et th keeîn«," '- Fve lufor s lâeilitavli sforisoa ave voîltsa a ll RIpuirthouets alieu nd vte bii catigviudissii. 05i7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l9itis distinctiotintsv a el Lekeeinitt-" iy bledueslai 1'n(lîIo vuletnie3n0îlof- hrasaftiin îhm tetnsasshneostivntebuiug i, itusoLa Truiftessunderistiauti tisaifils- sstelîayecosui tiisti by Kate EtivaidA,) -" odrnarsud -tm;thoîlu London at ateL ex.î itntinvtbiLoebe l. t offetopg ofa leîb lte tisasofisoe caucluineti01aI uli ece'tmiîtyai r ît îoe ita " îlutst -"[bo Play grondo - penese, îLe7 r ey olytidîti uersare dragged il off' vilt bhite ts whteîb 'tind such as is&dc'lr-d ili «ey sananho of Europe" -- Beti.tdiie tier-" ritm-~ hm e pmdaa i.pse u pnttfor ti m s 1 - 11 nx î .-t-t--i" a1" - __A verdict af gubliyoa-i amattvusr. bat -th*s toatIiens' alaries, uhiehi<r iie on uflu te Rifle àanti aatny frOm1unielofs 1 ai i"u t., thç attendant'. as moi numer. 1Ai ithe lats cmpetitiru-iuut.Colruveauineih a mounted ta beiveen $1,600 ad sio70o i sdi, oL-Plftla :eelr six mon. a one i but Ibo :noceedings vee bu Ic nL<>î~~~ 4 d Cae oa20, anticoati., ThsCo..Attoruey ru biuIand -paiti ion-consequceuîly tLe yards, fiveeabats at eualà range. Tii.m-usa peakers vurs Rectia. mmsrs.. MaiennaM b~*y . Sm1111bE* ., L. B ., P 'dllont Wilsonu sud J. Bonlip l'or tiuft. i-Unoftc ,Assoction., Addruesea w e - ' ~ ~ y '~el-b axes ralleti for building anti payiug psctico aquatia aseembleet be bus, but livSott Maas Joliaan, (travelliqg )edh Ususru IrMi. J;-.r esue s arlsed<rctuiig od bauld lis so muah lesu. The number lanconsequennas-aifthe ilîmosa ai one, iageut,) aund&g-nev. -Theu annusi report tAgent ci the Bible sofet-y, Res. Dr. bsy laise re"utesnttioas ficm Mu., George )f pupils aluonding the town scIýolol-if and c*a absee of anotiier, ithwe rsisuts wu reurvlih gj d ikae-eI.»rnul EqaapcaeAunurog leoIsee, 0! ibsîn ve re nfomel coreey-hs ot e.,Rifles venutua ao bont of their nambun. Ibu binion gy- ac itérs n oonto Ë îkak n. la nmr ft.,";lt eýrfenA'iSfs h we reased, Thîs alaries or teachers lave u l tisadelerilped ta firo vith four meî I Qf. sud liTa1tter gentlei ein lo-f '1081 -~luin e ~qho dstihution or the Scriptun e o .ntrib. I1 iV 'tjpierji moplal eit- . ,*rpýff W . àaidet. h centainta ... e.. .r....s. ,,ý i-. .. e.,. .......-Ar-ë,aI....T 'as tva... Pni. v A verdi t et ,nilîs vwu retuns.tou hlot for saninosa &ay th iai saare tonThe IufantrY sqnati ePdapa Ofteil iKjID.p i~e Oosa aeu4ré 4i mluti. îLey are litle et;ug. Bu vsDaitusil, Sergu. YoQnn, Corporai i s 3ro-og.Bte' Sppoiites o&es-beareraý for the. assulbt them ice vco benefi by tihe mon- man andi Carporal Youg.,-ubhéRifles niemaîthe un*,ttc4,ewg hc corne vices rendoneti ahault pal ion tient. Andl Major'Wallsce, sud Pflrates Bornovtn,- Ree4. J8iiuîw'psident; eds eus. nr getting p re That îa1ipaus Tt. tiat, taking eoryibig into accouai, IsoWhite, anti Cameras, Yictory tîeti Kacteunasa, Bndb, Senti, anti Ls, antIfollaslare.uhe uaa~redieltl ton aclhoola are taeoatly mder i. the il 'inbufs-van airtaelRed (oî,tbeY Messrs i.* -an .CrmcVce hscc Hcmpttm premont ires cbooî managememt. iaring sconeti 103 ta $hs Rifle'11, ilium reet .Jb - .CtaIbVis a- i.siee.i opttu, ....ssaai it.Jonuon, Esq., Secretary; iYCkiP*ege-*ioDiOL# b TLs sepanaan of the. Town orWbitby wnnngby12pointst. 'We undeatand b. Baio Fs. 'DepOeitaiy y hhorjtek6*PPX'8iti~~at fia. tLs County, fat municipal psnpoee, -niI& hlaçsiSSl 5011 as1Sa1rnlepîeo aes, 11 îîîY., John&SBiysuIL . vould b. a sarimg inthie tovu of $î,oilo Ct5c ManJ. A&gr".,- »D, Dow,, Dire Gtsui L Hhfoy, Wri1s tei per annuat, more or Isst, W. bacs aines-. ELvc c ,u r>s J. H. Gos-rie, 3. Crili,N. Bt.*é ýr - <il subited figures lu proaf f tai ser-HlnaCurx,-ItiP'ea .-tal<m,~ . W tie, RJý i f dIon, The hevn's contribution ta theBoaiadsegat er ~au aUeh»~ ~Squ, PW. lR. Dean, »Dr-Ccnsom- couttty, an a-fair eqaitabis srrangement, ttsC.,u, frîs$se u B. b. Macis ad T. I. MoMillaraanr-"P vauld ot, vs hLi, amouet ta $0 Perbaiîscnto a u riu. alinu.. 'N. psl tis lest, $1,409. Anti kspt bs the i au W«se k. W. votuls bjec of ' neai'cmplant.drair auttea i li the itisment -No: trin vo ial cuttmu.tapsyin uosane po-AIlli te preunteompy appà tecari a iib.e <ouner1- stt'aiyfrli "f~/ Portionsastil a clangeo besfoctet. Thé for ls ternit. eail ith. uobey ibeycen ont U r 1--t t -#~ro-~e&p14g Itegléltînre ba& fartieus-ely ot the. -Paver oe.t o ufreLFN t T~1I#~'-- - vihl town vas chhfinit thtialveesincaur p0hlo Wtfei h il- O@*i'KsitLve4 Position ici seprat. frmus uir co yis a ol busi ne's~W154p4~Niercj ti4ssrc~u.t muicipal purposealClause 26 of the ti tro- k irlo! t Citusslidaîti Staites, chapter 64, procides -in O4 ô t thÏ the tova Vouueilt May Pau ab awh 1v Pes>n*xas. Hz owii. I- sbis,M 5S'jp *qàii,ý vihdLraving lthe uo*iè re. ithejuri *itio lon n W" sa aeneâ oùn o na d f- IiJ~~t*Ola emo «"iian, 'Tu£ S ucvik n titfn mes( publiic siýnnstî ste lu a js4ocLi.g iais5 ,andi -equire i'nmetiaîe attitntion, it' oui Tassa Faln-rt ticîuld sase poopfale iroin buenkuu:ztg tir fectis,sandt, te «iva iram actions loi tiamaages. 7b lit E duiraf the l$7ilby iChtrarde. Permit mi ( n Su:iel thPeflial rtn ie lia noie hî1ili huef c-aiitiis-uïtiani suiie signatre of Ilt.r is irI-t-sie, avu-li i n fiîT.o g.((i lo uîriaetrtlatunaan $ecn.(ur riîti.cr,.i"-a fl'scuuticnîrîcandeu eut to l 'gbri a huuu>ihi i-niai lte r rehîisui af iatta-c ttantI t;i vituilm)criuîuîof' li-1l nîgîtînont nususint in ut .1, --iilin'. i.etstu.-tî ek-gauil exprensi. - raut- "'irol tsil tttu" *'ultean atal sut.a l e silic'- uît," &c.,flue, effort ai the eh...1rmos,1 wouitl %Ir. h>urtit'll anu-unîht,.lutfeun>' ,nati r(! -1-N iarim2,et iguenittct'auasiIlie stuta-. tat-it, staile iuy Mistasiulute oeCIc.ub)lat nduus rep.t te lit v cor maiîtns, vcix:- 1711tt Piiu (lue ~iiicini<leuntnetrc4 -1 c3.n roat ismutge bai l uahoPlatre iiin 11w iimmieretermal ta iras tu.re lan ice preudttorî( au;pthar genlemten, - lv.ca vifier'ih 1etilt à o n l'c isîîtm'-re. noliiutmoiie eiWti Mn. Darîrsilla n iCse u'hjeC. Oit0.eiss i n th;rasîîcutupu' b o-1 1 11Y, liegacq taic'e ihe luîiifwii-tettigl-a. lit --sc- s s fo qttir ', nivg mte fait tihesstntttie L< -elia f-i4 card hrouî Mi. Durinsl. Oshiawa, 16tb Sept. 1805.- 1.l:Darinoîl, Ecsq., Chauruin wL- hy c'. hooi. AIV Ducîu Suit :-%Ifr MetJolie lîas cualissi tipfi l itlî csîLta ngsrtaiut irai mmy recolîcallion i-4of a cottverctatiun luati li)eeuyeutioc-il Iisa stm e w .-tx uga, in (thibawa. in nefareuice tla a. eluontet spct'cli oi,.o1thi-s a ie iîuouce ut eotuvrns-ttion Mclitil toiMr. MuCahe &-,Ld vuti' if the ci.M IL fiudnlud reportetl rat> cagitlly l - lh ttuliit isivtei ic1aneich lu tuansgtnftenl ini ISIli. an runprovemieiiu huilt taketi place in ti tautld. i-i; o'î diuaiîliti the lîsioiol. mati ttat if voutl btul let et nurrtictly rIeîrted, wroultdi lt- fi" x alitte ta the, Eslita;-car- ýrcting lIte u.tatctitn. [n ep.I' yoiu de. ýnisoi buin. sisadeia ay Sihtrhita*tîem-nt, 21(l carling itîtet yosar uemut-monhyverct t lte pitAtIN utubîeqtiscut tau Mr. >lecabe':s t tdriwul and dut-siat lainr>' vny rewe ue luis itun;o<acsi<, ond h thîeysenti.- itient:; iii the CuuxiuoweseLn ie si- rect, aitatea4l iay Un. MlaÙ,yetit vult haveascci~i~stt Mr'. Mt(aLe e uèmg la) [lintai. hatyninlyonir leticta - teicc Ottct.,ignore iny iiclt pratiae. Peanti îue otifencion naay tiare ex. 'ajasi lyoair recollettitn. si [ I apa ne. - Isitci ot vni ii rccailîect ths convrit4fbtn,, tîav s-bush your attention Las bo4on dtinv i ta it, wilI voit sot Ir. McCaboniglut; lu mattent? -Vouirs -cery tuii, (Signuti) $. B. -FAIIBANI8, Ttc. Cluaiman tuext agis-fs, that mty connecdan vîluli te sabhol cecet on nc. Matnt ai tiie Baand bain- etitirel>' dixtu. liedý,ii iiît n *ioeeti t 'Ce r fs i'usli sud baîf a daller lu voi, s praveil by Hopper. Verdict guulîy. Sontoaced'ho one mantii's imprisoament viii isard lsbor. Jobn Coyenturoti tub bonids in $100 t0 appear ta recoire semence for à roat muisance. - 7h.e Queem va. Johnes itacic. Rosi obstucltion. Thte QtsesnvetThse W/tilbt31Rad and JIarbor Conspany. The grand jury ns- taructi a true bill for nuisance agalntth<e company-huut toa laie ta lis isard tIcs prISent isesion, The grand jury matiethe folloving pire. senîmeat anti vers diachaugeti. P55551tM55T. W. tLe grand jurana aribtis cnunty in siession asemblet beg lbar, te ?ffen îLe folloving pi-eseatmont. -- Wo haro cisitedth ue jolI sud huiltiug( coanectedti îersviîî, ant i fen a uiorougb Inspection iiereai vs béel confidtin iat f lio premises couil ît aîbe epi in a cleaner or hfahîhier manuen <ban tbey are umtimn the superntunduace ai Mn, J. . S pi-nlo. The pnsaors appear ta bevel saîiîfisti with tL. fane anti comfr oth îe goal a-'u se. Io njay gond lucalîL, &C. Mr.lWelton, gavà- non aI <b. Court homas, tec.erces p aise ion the cleail mannen in vltlch iLs premiss are -kopi untier Lis chai-go. We cannai dopant vitîtont roiuning t bocks ta ilie offikens cf the court bouse fin the Icii nd nnor bunichich uhel asi3tedi ns tn oui lebors. FALL GUorta-We tequet attention t0 the announreenut ai Meaetg. VI H. Day &o Ca., rhule ansd corail impors-lori t-y d» &ots c, Toronto. Olý%TAiti.- Psizn's af #2- sud lit, roc bet- %ingie onivittg- ltou-ses4, uull givnn livthe N. O. Agrisimturaî Socieiy,bi didtiio uhutue ai-etuty nnmouneeul. Then. vas no rmeeting oaili T"own Co'.atcii ou Manda>' ereuingf lan fus- vant ofaI o rum. IbIs basme lîscanie a s;tsiemi>'pdrdeport oish us of corporation ton and riva vorte examinatiôns of tbe eichool from bhc Iltb ta lIa lSth (aifDec. 1862,) thcy express îfelulhgiesl satisfc. ,ieon lvideîthe p nii;nesdiithoe ttdents and the, condict of utce sciuooe, --ire font tho r-' parts sia.tulifor tiitselrr's lantthis rtspcct, ýfan vo finin tartly il li tt whoslaclasxsid haro receireil (rom liiila, 81S) rust a of eo marisa. ThiisIR ighl etodituble la the scr-luocul. for ive Ittîti in Unîiversity' examtina- ltionis tien itlbIt elsrlent liumet wiîlch nore whut re.eleim tohlthls or 6ui oît tof 100 tiikeý." AI the cnchiiinoaithe ptublie oai-aiex- atnatiutn anfilen ihi li i rorsirl the Mayor, (D. Gtian.) was llr'. ta rie chair, sud roniarkimg on tho prospeuily ai tbm sichlool, refenriel ta ertiain li'btaieîtucts thiat Lad tison put in circtulation an it i effi- cienuiy and staînding being an the rIclas, but that Ire ktîcw 0sntcb rctnoiiss la 6o wilhoit ifoundation, andtIiniri the rosait aitb le txainintuttion di*pc;,xel fu71/suit!oll//.' 'Tho aboree xtitct, voteiI'efil ah-cite, *re- fersi ta tho vcny lima sehefi Mn.-D., ulieges thaat "the po;tils boul dititinisied tua mis, enabliyr oell," and uetha ubc .grt th rn the hsirc.uu adl t-e.oina dhsisutisili As ta o icnoxipoint ni' Ile teîieunmati' article, 1 aulinit that bie di' i atîîi the exusulimetian af a esanl l ct.iaiggo littie girls andi boys iin cleiaeuutany uttunsti tuiraece la l)ec., 862. I lave no rnneallcctîi ora in erer ltmnring l.eem î-1 the ,fw1wol lauIt ailierfinie, andontiti itsiicrt;Iiin hi urus piésent iii teIlîncss rant lfoi tilteen on turenty ntlibutes wutltfile clasw intut ies- lion. TîsI9s1tt otcoint;idtot i ucgultii risi,-aneU %tlleb oulul enuele lus.i ta forntte iKn arsqutîae lilemaiofdue mc;~c ment nît tiiciptine' oa ile isthocl. 'lita chitalsuan t<ts it tbat I chunga lthe l of te raletdenc-e lOiistulpotnniolritiy o lîi y o iant i-i rers li trss'.îies -a fair eoîtîstrui51t uorîf tut idis it anet n(it fi !ibls iibrpr.-tiitiotî. MY t-tu tisin ver ssuisait exity aif<lie uis-pit l ases becn uttenftli uîetitirduto iic.it utid.f 'ilr T1e:un -iieyi,4 rtic>' ît.uistiuu uunuitiedy 1h iltrit lin 'it! "lie tdurcu taiken liV ~ Wh han~ i Wh-ii~' ioItve t te.c in caniteusnlepili l;is hîtiti,, scarl houe bcc'n ratlîunf h-g i tiilt:Iw intil-rt fendsen i uit ei itl tfroun 1I iîtî, or tIoh tne or ai lier tiii tciertlpi-frate Mi hotus, t rîuîu exi-.t iîîi Ihi-c, 1 elot-suuirir-lur i elice e fleru - i ; n.tii'îr nt.C il li s'it.)c lu t utc facsprvsuits.etîofuîl.;t e II, h or t du1 .tits- thes'mi'-i i 'i licu-ihet-'-Ii 1)curitu,,i:1. ¶,4C liehl -' ise la uso î' im, - t ot %,fî rtill e tnc ut tussi ine u to tt 0 13 uîIuiiii st i'utui ittitti lui.V stre h Ituiilsîîis nrinlg tii puic Pe oen'li '"' i I' he! (",!"/y th- 'in if / ,/;,'t 'îittslet;t 1,,-'i: ",12ril f f/i 7i'C-ls'i lu./'i e /st l met1 die t ail, 10j % ~ia-, ..îî;j.i;-h; r,,c diof' tliîîî i>- jte rrtutt anot itfr ericri, /îîti( li-y îtot br-. rjisint fa ie let. Ti ilintte- r ws buîtrughu t tunlirite titic tof tislepu!cii, ut uiltien tlu'yi a Truitf-Iter pt-,esai lu e x- ani-tîinn 1se i. - snt i al x f~5iOu illîiel Pt )y ti- 1auti-s rrruîcu. 1 'îî;îy i d l it c (io oin tlie .niqi,lt ituit ýcurretineiu-. aid. reîueotcîîisîs alle4,auioii atihîn 'tutll-nr- P Îty af an o.s r cttf Lise tîi'isarttira- tir. l>ii-ririh rCail- ttI- i.4 lls, is) t utLo, uIpan thte 'otrii-th é(ii l'itlietctatia Thet schistil lait qutuicc-stliis etti-licluit ~ti Illsut'. te jtt'cttit-al ;viiui.içit Ci thte Pl feholu, galu- sitttis .jor(tit.-,itico- uîd t. tiiarace-ite ut ' aL5lztits.t'auce,l ei. Mr. k veiy pýensumiîar'ode 'fil - Cxer*iliu - w tsees-skflîslip. I!iiîouîiîil' le tiIilt. ii l ututhutltiiji.C.Wlum -Z>meeetll tru i a j ilirlg sca irkl;'ul p:ilfic"ie us isde. -Ve it.1o't~ ~ ~ ~i, bciuîuatmnt se:uril 7 Or. It,'erol aiu: ft i a--tf m-ixiia) fondesi on ex9eriet'ee, lvii~Iiiic l tr-ie. iil itntci'em-t hayo buren h18 iicnel îupors thae uhic» isies*tt h ic>lu-t-it..i.erill-.tet iluaîld nusaturll eiserre ithet, thîe intere.,t oL"tui uri.t vitve ')on madtie )-cstiffeai su- the couIl. , cacaees iti nitecs, in (t!oîc' ijifueofaiPutblie s titicdt,--tttc-qrsî.eruuîuy Iîesenin. CI 'lie' clvir,e i.4 a giitrnoan, ros il AU sriestc Lust vsek Pariamént vas fuiiy occnpld in paîîing ibungh their hast stages utoceral of the publie anti primae huiJ istroducei dnning thse session, 0f fie 451esc - impoartance vïithtravu yr ens slîaiipa bill andtihtesasseasment, bill, anti the illîî 1 negmialte urateci inierost. On the Noîl l- îuVet qnesion Mn<fr trnawm, aitur gaing ansi itte bistary'a rvarions malen. conneciodti il@uscqîusii. ion sud bis policy heretafoce parasu hy Canation govsiament.s, continne tr ta ma.. rate tie hisbary afibe quesion dovn fa the peniati vien lisentoredtihîe pissent Goveramlefft, 8iovîng tit thie OPsuing tnp ai th. country sud- tLe daims ai Canada bat] b.cn cotisîanil.y rgeti by tii. ,gs [ltuns andi- the Goiaermiiient Of Canada, ahaturer pariy vas in -ponet. 1*0Gar. eraimonal(thîe mernier fan Coinvrshl hay. 109 is-ke u bnstaniiallylie saunie enonuit os ilcein prsdeùe-ors, ths Cartiern Macmjan. aid GoveirnsentilFe ihen reati exîrarîg fiant a diepaich receivcd fcom Mur. Cartiveli aiant the tuime lie (31. hliosti) emhered- lus (*oernmntan.sd fi-arn the mcinnte or t3oancil ptepureti a srPep>, in oncélen ta sIcav dhe position oai. ilueir or. eranmeat an the -question n.t ilssi lime. Haviag praceedoti t0 Englfnti ely aftervaitis, 'os (Mu. Brava) W-ta cluaîgsd uiîii îLe dut> ofuonuuîienîilng, ill tme Iimpertai Oovtitfit ou td uh etj. He j expisai hoirntuî îLotimre tthe.quesion hati got muntratlier a dungerots-position fon atr intenesta. TIhe. ColonIia>.ritcuy jy Lartin-, gi$on . certiain Arqnîescojte te thoe proposais ai tise nov Iudson'a e u Coun. pauy la t'Ouitruct o tclngnuph lime, arr - ferma -telticli canil ftai have been, si ail si'tiipaclio.t u tha- @biscountry. Foaiths pîurposa ai a lins or' iclegruçth anti ca', tire co:upAny wufîied ta gmt a district aIf rie miles ii in itith, 1 iraugb the ri hole a( thst etcanthons terriîory ; althenagilîIey did nat actnaliy comhmit tiiemuseeithe- malcing ofaionod, lîtit otuiv oaI aelegraub fias. efie rillied tNIi Citriwellf'.sititlm on the, paili >onai' this nitc, andisurneerd. t id fuit getii a stop Pu1lt ta Ilt eppiiît Ha ilion r euteitl Mi. Col-deill o ohtain ft-am the fltdui's ],'My Cotmpany a utille. ment aifilueir ternanls, oidtey seutintta [Dait, B*iowîintrio <fiG ,uuittios bIiys>'et cp-iA ee vteo îîsly poseunu..as sie nuoceeened ta poitnt out, bus no cli ris it-efernodyti u ho oI th1isd,oats Biuy Coin-r. pny ucce sncb prtendrionsitsttetniîisd ta - us atinIceti. -Elsvent au <o - sînte ucit -ire the Mlaints anIvancetily <luis conftr>, he question omit, should Ctinaitucoitïeint a tire rattat vhicb Lad lbcoutacea y he lions. ai Coniton, Iltutu te eled 'iideunvui- lulitait. ieltlîsHdson 'a Bay' Caun witiiii hIe mn-ove5sîbouadsandtulbscnu tent witiî asiniag the 'section oa's tntuy ueores.tus ie Liifeî Sîuies, ai tritet j5n su- habulti rimau t heentine psssiisthe - ennaiiy, anh the comtleter suuretis'-, ai*the whaIs tsnrrhoetal cliis ao' theoHumlsn'i' Dai7 Coany. lie 1Proceeded ta show utOi t casons ithicl juamllit iiua int aling ie lattes- gretuati. Tieý moit imtapntm fr ihese wiî at aiflbite sal îlb.-* selia ent IDm0 the couuny vere depuived ai partiel. pai i thre fur <nade, uhici amnittid -annual>' ta Sm ir a millionsoa idoulant, ail tiore iuey toit only1ta aricuinrsa4a itullasbof sutleanîeatîtiicqiing , eac.h. lie progisas-ofai tittloreiu votsîi le nom- par.%uireiy slow ; i.hereas;, if -liho tutoIe mur, L-vewristirownaopeula.IlColijn acicn 'au'i so fi -rledicopoited'onmiete otol tl lt solie> a andtll~eut uns ll8v enl picnyjjs-nîoa ti hat . uaiielo +aiai- choeir prtnio-s[riv a' - nrua uos oontry or pvimuin an tie" wisdr t ioftheîLe qus ton ai cornEeBay eOman uethéme ap l copiecpeec ba tiationa witbdH ndthe 118hY vould say to heu, e4nada'irt nov intheii bccupied by the IDIp <IW vat yon ta defme3y JIdin Your bill, and 'borougbly -eamined, effectirg a setîlenient vi Octeranient wonld of cc luu7 tnade the usaI b4.3 -the.people aç-enua& HEon. J- IL Macdlonal -do ilt Hofn. Mr. Brownso courses. One vas tu à reasl7 vers the. rigbti Forhbis own PS.1hem vers entitled ta every the Frenich beld at the 1 la 763-(earuer,) 6dea or bnying the, cnui P an -asbil tbelonge ane tie vs could hegotia ions vithtihte. k no ri.;bts .vbatever, à compensation, for surre Mr. J. S. Macdonald-. Mr- Brown saidlie.w lanîa ewiîh regard te bibs eepeîbiy bnl~siiOa esaon oftil 80 far, ths Canadien givea no recoguilion q elatis, and tbey would Sion perl'ecily ftao ta10p "f Canada in the btt } eaasured theLe ouas t b.cooemuîînd 1î0 noîbuiî tiatIona vers snbînitîe lIs ajipraval "Y o î be proposed. f Rear, h, M. J. S. adnl boy 14 company-ven terni. ubat miglit iiôt iu Bon]. M. 1Brown nai pnt sncb questions. Il tres ahouid fait.- it w, enough ta tisettâch lang, And h. thcnughî ubat, Circnmsotance,il Wsin, eracty the cour'i the C, ed-ta pursue ini conducti auch -delicaePns- lb,", Itawuenongb fr ithe E tt itthe is alct c ta oblain pnfselaion 0f sarlisipossible moîneni ber rneat con sitent vit vbicb Ibis country bail jtears past. f IIsar, lieu Mr. Crwih D $iaon ýY the Imperial d ffghts entities yon ta ajon immedjîttely P Mr. -Brown said tii. laribmrne enrîin d.t ln the irait format =9 theA lct of the Imperis Dlot yet obîain-d, àh tha. vs- sboald at onèê thaï; portion autiithec tiivreaUy rscogiied i tUry 1but vilh tbevt bai appsared ita1tbs G 1vould be Iots by asUt timain5asI1hFy *ère mneanwbile, the negoift panY wonld b. proceed *bals, ho bslfrved the( deive thait the Governe tbsîs negoi-itione <o a fîcint. The case wus Uq'enus-a bajhn 11ý - - W si) tfziiic iu,

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