., I K~' ' ,1irkt'll'~t IisDay, N4ew Gooda-Yarnoid &Co. livy Hardwatre, &é.-YRrnold Go t4ie -Yarucjd & Ca. j3oili & Shouts -J, A, Bandeli. New .Jewlryl. J.ohuéstoti Jue;t fteceie'ed. pair nt liaveton,-Tp. af Thorah. strAy Humîfer --(0. Hayni D)ata wauîlttpa . rrancis à Bro. Room papi-rI ,Ttd punis-W. H. flannam & Co. Lisi of Convictions-Cn. Ofitario. Rouge and lot ini Pickering. Notice-H. J. Malcdotiell. First lass furira t0let - ja". Haaey. Forgale - J. Il. Grcenwood. Valuable farms andI lands fur sale -D. S. Dow. Téfermera' tuves - euh&Broý lleîdvaré, &.-flatcb & Bru. Bouta & Shoca, whohéaalé antI rétail. EÊntcruge hume manufacturé -J. Bain. Mortgieut salu'--J I. Pérry Mdortgage salé hy auctioa-L. Fairiuanks, Jr, Auciioiecr. Chauicery sle-J. haamon. Auctiaitisalé af farci tonds ut Beavrton-- Jonas eAp. Joiis. I mprovéd (#%'Meil) Etdon. trou lu tho bluoot-T. P. Ditiacore. loditué Wutrx -Dr. At.dire. Special Notices - Maîlièr & Co. New goodg -T. il. MeMllun & C'o- -Rleott minlle lotbing -T'. H. McMillauu à Notice- James Broom. A ÙC' l*ON SALES. Stoc-, irailt.mî'nts, &C,, r'perýT of J' Greig, lut 17. 2A con. Picelrin,,, on -Friday, Sept. 29. A. Thompeon, Auction éc r. Stockî, iplcmeîîte, &c, properîy of T. Hérri*it, lot t7., tubcon. Piclierinut, on Fiidey. Sept. 29t. T. Myte, Auctiotteer. Cltanrery Suu1e-giowtl vs Broie --et Office of G. H1. Darhnell, on M.onday Oc -vaober 2uîd Huuse Mi.liu~1 rouTuesmday,24hOt L.Fiititan4uke, Jr., Auf tioneer. 11a-emou utuil' ho Perry. on Saturday, Jilh Ocuob t, a, Roiyal Ilotel, Whitby, L. F..irluaLtîk, J , A:r-in-t'r. Of valuîittle iird' tutulfarcie luIntovahii rf Whtlty i Sutitday,2bit (Out. e North Ontnrio, at Uahridgi-, Tburadisy, Octu 19. Ac PattriFira. Muand l ltoua, ei Atberle-y, on Toi-s dey Uvtubtr 2ri. Pickpriitz, ut tr,>ugh..m on Tueda,i Oct-i,r 10h.1 Northt ttariin, ut thbritle, onTue- Aonuuî ii.ul 'l'ttirgday.,Oct. Ith. $ 1 53 C2ZTfl A YEÂR ffl NOTICE -An immedi- à te s3ttl3imeut of Accounte duo tliis office 18 requested. ANe<w E.cvo.-h ctivity in can- vossçinughy ceti lnherbe aifParliameént butl'i to ruutoure utofsauev eléction beinz ait baud. There caitiehéne groati ah présent, for th- mamours. A gênerai elécilin is a far oIT eévent thal cennot he' specaleted upon,at leat outil afier anoiher sesalon. (I ttNUtuETrtTAIvauZu:T rAT UxéaRDOa. - O' Thtto-dav evt'ning, (thé day o! thé North 1iditt, Agicultural Shov., sa grand concLrt is atitutounced te taite place et' the Floral hall, Ugbridgc, A nainher of pope' lar a rti8eie-profesihonal sud amateur - bave heen en gaged for the occasion- There la aisea tabcea granîd bail andi sopper-ibe music by Freematî*c band. The proceeda are intended e ob.e ppliéti in liquidation Of thé dhbt iccarred inl erectiug thé bail. Bt£vaTotFatî.-Thito*athlpcunt. cil ai Thereb havé éttbliébetL quarterly Fairs mîit Buaverton. q;ite a neasty- anti oeghitc oýbé a succes-in sud a localiiy. Ih vouiti have been thé more oorrect vey hoe tablieh the-taira by bylav, Iatéeati a by simplte résuation as the'coun cil bave doué, ve petcelteby thé proc eét- Te MATI-ru: IctLEO&TbO vers grandiy - aet ine uTôt-onta, ou Satérday aâti Monday lest. Thbere va' a torclight Pro. ecesion on Satuarday nlgh, >antd a dejtsuseu Out ]donday. Aî(,t tgsha& tbej .r'ahein aise .cmptaaasaly feaséatedoted. réceiced front Mr. Hall, the Attie explorer- sent 1t0 mil' oven thé icei te ranch the bpen ises. 'HRehas ohîsinted valuable in- formation liitregard te thé Vxaahkin g t. sMo?#UrttùîiiIx A BAtttrBx,-A mae named EDe'ni O'Brnien as, on Tharoday moriling liat, vbiir shoveiling grain intos epous, lu thé doton cf Lidiaw'a ý.'v ha-f, sueket inuian& otiguipheti lauIbgrain. Whcu reà cuédti lie- vasexticci. ne. vu 14 jeare ci' ea Coauncil basbeén pm"ieto te éume-,ths cyrsen aiflt-oitgrant. on tbe cieonicatioa roads. Te Provincial Exhibition of Western Canada heid atet :nden fer thé préstent yean, during luit vêtit, wva ctrcely be- hIlitd euy vo!lia predéceusera, andi excelied noal a! them la saine of ihe classes. Tht. tbroeg tbroughout was immense. Every place of entértainmeir unIo vas oc- ctpieâ ta more iban double ita capacity aud msny bad to valk theétraete aIl ight for vent of lodgiug. On eue ni thé dayu more than 20,000 tickets vere suld. A rpat évent during thée ehibition vathé preseniet of the viaitor r mmthé Maritime Provinces, ah, véné recéiveti vitb congrat- ulatory edurespees andI vére entertained .Oîieit ',.a44-u lue tbo étsent f T.uon. Beet strav fork, vood, J. B. l"zer, Port Perry. Béat Be i le, J. H. Thomta ,Bro.9 Brooklin* Beat balf.dten manure forlrs. A. S.1 ,Whiting & Ce., Oçbava second andi third do. 'Best haIt-doues' bay ferbu, A. 'B. Whit.- inIr & Ca., Oabawea; éconti Sod thira do. Béat piano, grand, j. F. RainerWhitby.1 Béat sadd le," ladies fulli 4ttlted, Wiiliamh Thodipeol', Wbitby. Béat saddtlé, quilhed sast, do do. Beut satidie, genîlotmen'a fu quilteti, do tdo. Béat caddIe, gentlemett'a plain caatobt, Wm. Thonipeon, W!hitby.- Mise E. White, Beairerton, had tafbPleu ai fulleti clotb. homée.made flanuol, atda 1 voolen tInes plaid. J. Woltendeni Whiîby, hsd a bestiful repreeentatioa of a sleeping chiltl, é£tid in mat,1e. Grain cradlle, J1. B. lAutier, Part Perry, second.prize.î Béat baldozen steel bacs, A. 8. Wit- ing a Co., Daà bava; second andi third do. Béat half.tIozen grasesesythes, A. 8 Whitingr, Oshawa; second and ibird do. Bét bal! dosen oradhe acythea, A.-g Wbîing, Ohava;, second andtitlîirt, do. Béat seed drill, or brrcv, James CaIY- ton, Whithy. st beuvax A. N. HEenry, Oshava. Iont Otarlo Agricuttral Exltibltlet Thte Tbirteenth Annual ExbibitOn 0t thé County Agricultural cocilit opened ta de) (5iVednesday.> The veAhher,'50 tr,ý la ail that could bé deaired bes t-ana eauterly wind, hovéver, whlch the veather. visé prediet threates arI tfltCv It yeer ve had jusi sititilar veather-tbê first day Itue, vitb an eauterly vind, and tain in the forenoon of th. second dai.-vbicb, bowvvr, clutared up aitervarTda, and pro ced, on thé wbole, very favorable veather notwithehendiug. Exhibitors are au busy au possible arraaging their varioe tiis The entrie.i thé present yéar malte à total ai &bout 1460. Thnis figure ia au near tt8 aé cen malte it ont ln a hurty. Laut Yeer they numbered clôt. on 1600. Thé entriés in humes tbis year are 249, against 216 lest year. Catie 117, last yesr 1113- Thé sbeép arud avine about théesaille éâ hut year-125 in the former, and 62 in thé latter ciasu. Thé entriéeslu grain-aid sétuda are 185, agaiuma 209 iast yeer. tui roats 52 envries, ant iniu airy prodnle 32 entries-19 béing for butter, agaluat the hug- tmtuer aofGRhut year. isheitMr. vic-'.chaacellar Moval's prizés vere com peheti for. poaltry ibis yeutr, 22 lhut yéar, 26; farmang implea2ants 29; lut year, -24. Thé entries la horticultnre nutober 235, antI domeetii, umufaoturea 81, egeinat .104 lu boîh thoce clauses lad year. Thé fine arts 29, haut year 22. Ladies' depertment 129, lait jean 157; tù4et-Illenua .47, lust yeair 69 ; extris 64, hast yean they vere 95. A fuît report vit.h thé iist ai prizes viii hé givén nout veek. The Parvncil r EhfbaltIon. 1863 H~rss.........381 i:sîtie........ ..... 401 Shpep....... .. . . .. Putultry. .. .. . .....-189 Grain, Ac.......... 512 Rloota, Le.. .286 Fruit .............) 'iardic veCeabesfS Plants atiFlsr.)Or Dttiny, &c ........ îwsplemeata for herse andI other pove....149 [lend Itpeientes. ..10 lfoughing mtch... Arts and Maanufac- ture-......1,142 Tota... 4,338 The- exhibition gave décided ésvileneéaiorcf ibe vouderfui i hproveméat taltiag- place The conqueéng. garnt b n steé manufactura ou't agiéaiturab impie- antI Uxbnldge. vu playeti a menti, sas vei ala the hrsedtegand rait- Wednesdey lest, ahich resu ing ni stockî, sitate superier quelity o e tesofou tthe latter, vitb 73 n claucés abtîu. The quallty ci Ibo grain 9Wuekets véré plîched eai0e samuptés vas aIea véery superio, andI thé «As 'xt-ritigéyen thé toue,1 dtaplay in - thé barîiculvtnal departmnat> vré sent ite Ii llov. 'T vas a very fair anti gond abe*, fuit hittal ihat couti hé edeireti, Iae tperlos of th e »son. Thllnechanical vent off as agneehbly sas pou sud fine ienta, anti'ah.euepsaents of effctive bqvling, tegethet1 manufeactures tvetoeileuveit represeetei, Maniaal'e batting, von1 sud iltatat laes-aMyfox the rapiti pro- splendid vicîory tbel achil gre bclCandae sekleg Ila ibis- di- jlevhtg is thu ecexta- *tleî. t l ft yeéeea l 4 ilton,i WJYi x ibréti44 readen, M. ,ke'deliver.I b liStée ed au leborate anti vîry ecoenaginx M-w-i.J- . b Oùtut isai bà é14t«~ atidrese ia vhich hé revieveti thé prosper. Roysb rlité ity atI adancèent c thejear *n1th liu.eoW ityatdv cases. h n nal mhe t ing the 4i~i' X. bm UitareGté &iutla b MitfttceGldi varousclues.TheannalCeetav u t, n i-erteSiwî belI o Fide ven he olovig ers.aa letewrtc tei r ilectori officénis for thé onauiag jeer- N. J_ ItcGilivraj, GégaINPrsdet J. P. Wà ir-crurnbYeePeiet rs Tbcnae Sock 2nd Vie-PresitIént; Col. b)i-eniaoun. Treasunér. Toronto va seslect. éd for holdinîg nord year«s exhibition. Of the piac carrietioai, thé Counîy cf Ontario cornes le for a large abare, vé are glatI te perceive. W. pick eut thé follov- ing froue theé ist. Beatt horoagb.bnid stalhion, 9. Anklanti, Oshawa.- Béat mare or fui ,er satiafactory aclià *e thet a foal bu been raiusetbis meuan, E. Anklanti, Oxheve. , Mare anti fuel, R IlenterUxbridge, (ex. Bét est0fdliti Or canage 'eallica, 4 yéara oIt anti tîpvart*s, R anna,î Aiea prise for stallian-ofa«Y tcge. Béat tva yeru olt eallio, <heaty drauirht,) ti CPilki, Pickérlng, lad do, T. Itichen, Wbitby. Beet ht-ct4 mare anM feal, or evid-ne iitha h %ba ol bas bege raised, 0.I. itde;l, Be@% fat cv or beifen, J, Thbompeot, Whiîby, 2nà dod, J. ThodipunJr., Whlt; by, 3rtI de, J. Thotupsoti, gr., Witby. Béat Ivo yesre 91d hall, (Doaotrsi) J. Thompeon, Wbit. One jear o1ld ilOt1on ball, R, Spencer, Whbitby, 2nd prisé.'- Bul11 cs!î4 t Gay, 0tba . otprise. Bout oee jear old 'buti17 .ypre, J Miler, Pickerng. BiaIlt fanyfleJMller, Plakerlng.i 2 jéà r *ld huler, lm. Guîy, Oshavo4a , rd boutt io ev<-I~Fà +sJ._ Miller, Pickering. . Sheep, mediam-wooled, Ran, EL Spen çsir, ýWhltbl, 314 prise. . Pesttrala fin, do, fat prise. Tva évé Iambe, dle> 2tid prise. 'vé! abearlausje rçl. &Joues, OehmvA, 8brnpihireý ovtii, J.iller ickering, Zut prisé fà r,îw e ife s - - Chevit. -13eat rse,'1* e bp.aUdni erJ. (Y. Gtuy, Uebwa0dc4ý Shirrat-t, Uxbnlélge. dt aý ç Srrnti, J.. Guy, O84...... wl hy don't the Rifles cet thelr drill Xoaey t Âlîbongh 'urgOd te do se for one timte bak, vo hecitated to put tjîis4uestfiojini the eipectation bhat the Cause or coipitmnt woi hbava bien removeti. Bat tbit -bau bot bien the case, andth îe tnrmurint grovu londer that the vohmuteer rifles cf Whitby haveoct geitilheir drill, mone7é The Captain reeetn te amonot, -$8 pet man, -for lait fall'a drill ; inatead cf psy hng il over atonce to aIl who hanorabil .arned it, ha paiti bdt t aledt few, pôeket; etI the grealor portion cof théei*ocey, anu keepath the n'eUt 9f It to thîs day. Wiîb sncà tnt'ar treaubtmebX imal vWonder the tisorganiied Blute cf 'tlie Comapany >hd ils fevuege innuusbgr. - Wben lte Captain uetaias thelr psy Ioa-hie Ovo purposes, <re; wéil uisciplioe, el9ciency, aud mialiatY spirit uaOlSngt the voluttteera. Au honor- ablé otflcer vonid énd a pride andI a picS. sure ia promptiy dist ribtiting tbeir etrniagd ta hic men, antI so ébticurging thetu bY doing his wboie duîy by them. The men tif the %Vbîtby Rifles diserte bétter treat- ment. shame uaca thé tman who vouid deprive-thém of théir wéli eartned pat. o f Picker- 9MUAxostite O FAILI7ICu AÀÎT1 a dloter mea LROSoa.- iittre the sepb Hall, ai booatidbo. mannfacturing premises ln ptlxé cf $100 counuction vith thé II OltI Red Store,"' thia &Il vheat vas veck, nather autoniabeti as. Wbére In- Sof Seymaour, trodoced to an amnoun of complicaîeui te T. Megevet, uMachinuer, for thé mtouuf.tu-e of haute ulation et thé sud sboeu, as anexpecteil, iu Whitby, au it ariaus depart- wu agreeahly aurprieiitg. Thé 1, stripper," L andI '5 vonked by a poverfel lever, cuia aides cf 1864 1865 ethen throngh vîth a single jerk ; the 41 0 lrolier," a cylindrical machiné,' stnétceu 541 52.1 thé lénther by e single tur cifthé crack, 699 698 ibet requtreti benetofore hall a day'u heevi 160 210 bard pounding, antI vas Shen badly doce. ff 2Thé .' akiv2r," on aplittor, otits salé eP- 5808 So ther te eny reqtiréd thickties ansd carrnés 38 64off aIl dint and éxcrestnces froue the sin- 1,100 1,273 flice by e siungle rub, leaving the Ietlex smo.,th andI poliabett. Theré are dis la 22endlesa vatitty, both for soles antiboteî, 172 SIé that bore only.pîub. applied on the pieze 128 153 anud, wiîh a Single tep, tée salé or beelta 71 102 formed of thé desired ise. There l aa 168patent cyclit tiicci ié>vctked by a tresd le, 1,2 witb a 68nevolving monitor" as a fiedes 6,138 79084 that Pe'& '0 elelita as fast aenstau cocus, doiag avay complétely witlt thé éltI fashioced poachinýg by handvurk. There are peggng wachitiesrésahuing boat troosl, petveea Wîitby îrimusiug mcbitcm, machines fier tcring ti Usbrige, Out bonis mutie out, anti complicatet iedin- ulteti la tht-d ery of @vert des*criptioin for thé macuise. B1=t t9 sa*.-- tare of boots and labees on th> e, i ex- *e e'dcock, sdtît ive %cale. Such are thé Wfae antI titer olieeIs &at ppliances oand-newvinventions letredaced, 'hé weatheti wu that Mn. -Dair. eeîiur.ates ilat k&ia t-eaui anti the gaulénov tîr'n oct. vbe &HaIllunle'fajiyrkicg- Oibiti. NoclmsaiardLr, sete iXty. pair o! boots luns. day, vitîhÃŽm eand aniThe aMv fin bavte engaget is la th veo for Whitby the "saeiyl sa the retalttet4e, anti are evé&. Thé tel- redy te 611 ail ordirs vit h premptiioifr Thé introdedaoof etilicee w fWclitiét KIM" 'for manfteve vilU be tIi effl giving - 4mach atiditional aaploîe r& UI.èpflh a lrgé a&Mount of oMoney t hbome vhicl tberetofane vent Into the pcckéts of the eforelgia manufacturer. Thé seterprisée o 2 the nev finen is deserviag oet*Il eucrage. 5ment, sieadtriat tbey vilI receive it ae es rishebande cf diose amongel w101111it tey - endeavoaslng ta builti up nîaaufaclttne 1 on an extensive Scala.'- îwîti-u b Nî'ur#ee $Wwul.lse b iuture btuwa tuaate tt'sua b itatu < Blet iutést, Noursee tiltamib Noméee 1vcm ta Ciurklbti btttvae iew5ui "in rua tmai Nimér.ub 5ts aiî* Oinw b7tui..a utth i b W, ib Ramtetîe MWaveit b fitilée twid fle-utblésauttt Ouiefr bmIsatltée a wo craè#netéét UXERItht<3--Ou tà it-act b Nom Itéfa"érb tioérsé ,stewaet b flééreS Bii. b liaisc e isow iaseosý ImmtycéHum Bewiuî unee Ikeutets ut eat tesusué, a us a 4 - a it e a - t Dyes i la 2O n tuataca. s e t - e t e Toswn Consei. Sp.25tL, 1865. Thé Cooncll met et 8 o'itock,-aiîl the mieboru, (WitL Ilhe eception ef Mr. Gib- From lie. James Campbell, reqeting the rernoyai of e tagnant pool oetVaal front belon. bis prem'uuee Fromt the Provincial 8ecretaqzà OIeffi tirriti aanitry meures, s a pr«eativlr airaittat choIera. Thé elerk laid on thé table a 0e1y 0e telaiteon mCeefOtiaten5pveented ,tI the Co."clib, Mn. ihbs, M. P. P. M1r . Pery -lrought np ihe report stnigcommittîCé-on applicati ýC»t,0t4@ 'fiç, ncumuigthée&Pppeiqtaent 0 Henry Hsonam to thé cIËCe of coll1ecte ft a eal#ry-q $60 per anusuét, ss aitis te leelado ail extra verk l'or FolleoIile nnam'itdnt 'and slcobSiiol soide »iq Thsen. ota» hretagb ômeb OAD5ETtS-5i0x.LINI. t rn A1IVPiRTI~EM1 was prepareti by lb. yoaag ladies cf Oreen- iIarKet5~ The remainder cf thé cession Vas teken op Vith a quasi discnssion ce Gadsby's side.1ine, which, from preseat appearaitu la likely» te bscomq au ýfatocâ i Is wn iag's Dréen." ithe. iouble la-to definé, the liné .. vbether by the oltI to4nship mcrvey or by the sirvel madIe by Mr. Thorodyke?1 and who the rod cf road al. lovancoe et' ci bY-Thoradyke yl falté. - , Atheo ehd bf the disusion. Dr. Guon came te, the conclusion that nobody saifered any incon"velece except Mr. Haméer, Who COUîI net rent bis brick store, anti that Iqteamiglit ho alî6d ite ÃeaRâa Captaîn toisi ha dthat la snob euesthé Doctor ougbt istéaievoteti aaast thé notice to, Oadsby te remove hie feue. ; antI tbat ibe by-law miglit b. repbaled I On motion cf CsaWn Rave, secoded hy Mr. }Perry, thi concil atjourned, at 25 miiautec put b> o'clock, for cne eveek. ib the Edi*or f th.e Whlby Cltrooice. Altliongh t haïe a e vplgnitce te ho on. cf thocut *ho figure iu névuwpaper controversies,', jet, in a metter iuvoliitg soffi pointa cf public iubori1nde, 1 bave ta uk' thé privilège of a brief repif, tin elcse cf the cortespondence,) ta théehut attack ai that very persistent gentlemen, awho bau paradeti bimeélf&%, large in your colini. Unhiké Mr. Mctabs, 1i Sacs au dse t tiais yen? piguafit idîldium, ithér toa auvertia. myseli ar my mnerits, ir a vebiclé of att'tictupoll thé rdputation of Mur. 4cCebe Étiîl fiarpd upon aut Allegeti promise, ripota mv, part, to retreet cértina observations matIe by me ai a pîtlic meeting beltI in this tova. I havé a, perfect récollection cf the conversation referredtin l Mr. Fairbanks' létter, (a privaealetter tabliabefi by Mur. McCahé tithout thé consent or koovletige o! ei-lier Mr. Fairbanks or myseif.) I1lîttia con vcrsation vitb Mr. Fairbanks vithin a fév minutés after thé recfipt cf that ittier, ini thé course of vhich hé perfectly a,;reed viîh ithe that the exteal ai duy engagement was, that if 1 bad been reparted unasapeak. iug inimucally cf Mr. McCah's conduet vhihe coudueting thé Whiiby Grammar Schooî, I voulti have it correctéd. I found 1 had not been en repo. ted, andI tbecefore 1 hati aotbinx ho correct. Auli réflections upoto fMr. McCabé evoked by ibis discuseion. Lavé bien cousei by Mr. UcC*be5m indiscretion in raliug ep th%- matter frocs théeubes aithe déat pat ; aiaording seothér illeetretioa of thé ancieut, pnoverb quitta non Msorr. Yaar correspoudena traepta tuo show ibat tbe Truitees vote siafied witb bis tnar.agéeet ef the echool, by thé product- ion of a cartificate sigr.ed by .myself to ths efct that tbi termination oflbia contîettior vith i.la March 1863, vas not thé reauli of aoy tIbestiactian <clu by the Board tovaris bita on acecoua of quitlificatian or moral conduct. This iilail vé couid aay, antI Mr. McCâbe veilikuiova hé couîd gel nchkiag furth-cr. It telle againat him mach marc in abat il dîte not gay, thet in bis favor lu vbmt it toiocu-Thé lad t i tit tb. Board diti nul thunk fit un girl Mr. MtlCabe any officiel testimonial, ad oes, if not more, of it& membera declittet wo aigu si rccommendatiun drean up by ' seteOe bis friende, coucheti i.nmoe favorabl e re thas thst tiermy sig- nature. Thirs is né doahi wkatecatr that the average attendeoce et thé sébool had t dîtniuued toau etexremély loy aiverage, g and "t.he diseatisiectian alluded to did Ir ata. I Mai hkaît tteBoardt tougli thautmit acombicatien of Iav tneudut, piant meetifacitrer, bill hraken5 uspar con. dactor andI propieter, vilth ie charge cl d %publie achool vetrc iotignuoas and improper. At 511 evant& théy vere déter ht mined abat the ictérésts cl tLe schoel l s oul ti go longer acifer for l mk of attention .4andt tat. vho.véx the civ toucher aboulé Sho, b ho altihi sînieîly bounti ta dévott bis undivided attention te the dattes of bi office. Mr. MeCabe'5 chiet anti serions chu gt il in relation to th- obta71iiug1cf TeachéxI cortificates by thit papils Of the uchcî frontIbo he tnt! Board cf Edacatiot te Pron thé Investigationl I have.givén if.,1 amn coîttinceti that il ie teîally vithoti foundetica. Voar reaers .wiiI ber if mind bat il tavalves the charge &gains g0r hoae, the SEwomtary of thi Board rt <hibat bE ighb-rinded,,4d atine.rahle get lomain bai benu gaiitY Of'impropenrly sn o, frmadulenü.ldivulging îLe contentecf thi re oexernnatiofl papurs pleei uà isofficiâ csoyiWe b ave th.e,assertion of as if anonymon secribblerî aitren.-Ithetted hl Mr 10 McCalue's insinationsa'on thé cne îaid Irwt'ocanacter anti prohity. I do Dn ,think biat ase Letuven him anti Mn McCsl be the putblie vill huà e gtpch difficuity ý (-judging. ,lThe Coe.ely Boatrd- ai oaietiah of (onfoflxtiu'ely, t itih#) thîsi.',eu l it ", habit ofgiving the came iquestions ala;hot lz - L---- l.uiwn1 and ti it tai fautait et thia lt f id il te le in It. îI an e'l té lt be et âh eld LATta? Erctiflt'A.-By thé Cuba, at Hbalifax, thé 2tb, ve have thé fohoiug: Arrangemnuataeibeen -0onchndetI for another cableté w h laid tit ye&r, and aI- eo for thé cempletion oi the présent broken The cholerà bas increesed o nmechalt Mtarseille,tbat thé Mayor bau sommooed a mieting Olt citizuntt t concert meacurea of. relief. The lrieh police continue to arreut.Fan, ions., The namber of prisonere .is .Tory lr. n ibethrs. a porion.anid ta bc scoptamo san the American arîny, lin hose possession documenta and uniformseisere found. ,On Suuday aiterr.oon, the prison oers, escorted by mounted police, were takea I0 the Police Court to uOndergo examoina- Sioa. The remît hsia net ranapired. 'lhe mob heartily céeed the prisoner, but made no attempt t0 eome. Excitement prevails ia Dublin, and arrecta are being madIe la othér paeof Ireland. Markets teady- whéat 89 tw sm, apriag.; Paizz Fîon.-A. prize Sght.toolé ilaço, to-day between twa bruiséra, acb naused Turner, one frot Philadelpbia andthte. other'of New York, whicb rasuted in the defeat of the latter, after 16 rouad&. prize, #2,000, BIRTI!. PHILPS-At Whitby, on Satqmdm Sept. 23rd, the wife of Mtr. J. R. Phi.lpa, of 'a' con., JOI*STON IUxbridge willage, p W#eda'e"da, tbe 20th imut., the, vif. of Mr. Wm. JO*bnaton, of a daughter. ScCULLO1JIIýýI'lUxbridge village, olt Kondaij the, 25th' fnut., the iefM. John mc!rllough, of a son. î R~-tWhitby ,» e.24th în«-, thé vif. of. Williatt'Waren Jr. Ecq., of a daugbter- iiÂ1~YDOAM--A.L Wbftby, on the lOtI Septenuberi by. the Rev~. Mr. Scott, Mr. C. S. 'Cadtly.te . Min-eSarah Y.oake, both of the lovi~n '>Wbitby', ETRlOUR-g1tOTTARD-&t Prince Aibet, on the 21et tact., by the Rev. J. 1PÉeatland, Mr. Artasî Breitour -teSarah, l'le ftelaie l'indaIt Sjtôtfà rà s sdaîùghter of Geo. Smith, Ecq., of WY1%tby. ('A into th pretuLués c the §uhxrbr S I a -ot fittuuýglit oéc, a tvî.year olul téifr, olr hrk.rcd, whîitea spattýtrtu4Tbeli sttort hortîs. Vie uuteter i-i requiezted fiipu -char, su ad tike lier awoy.GE.IA , Lot 16, 2tti Cou. Wlîithv. FIRT C&âS Farm to Lot. pî..rd'ifLot 0 4ti gucé-ton of it0o6d 1 *tk ý,hmi- atiét tfcherdl, .1 ocre ander onltlvatinis. For nrticularx oppiy if' hy letr p re-palil, te ~wrR. OChaneery Sale 0F 'IMNII TO WNSHIIP 0F REACIL 1 Muitgage Sale w iIIZ St.»thsbé atisen thé ha e oer tiuuIiettire of Morte eJtdth N E W,,:, G Ds 07-51 matI inir the n a-là ' ra hrsby 3.&MES JOHNSON> Atîbhe ho B~O STET WETBSatIl Sept*émltar 27, M85. ~ 8 1100M PAPER wit, 837é5 tai-g byat ue The gam n udidstt undn, vhi UrrdTeulu'u.,îus isuwatt..tilW. <u.an-ds Mi 0 à Un r-T- 1 Y wooul, who, I ma4 Bey, always.diisplay mach *airgy, akili sud Christian z al la evrery- TottotTo, Sept 27 thiag tending to pramote the anueces of the FalI wheat, bout quality $1 41 a $1 60 sunday Seb ool. Thée lldren uer., as rnrnuîy $1 25 a $1 32. Flor-No 1 $5. tbey ahoold h., objecte cf peebiliar cre.- 5 fnc $ xta 6 0 '$6 75i The first table wau prepareti excluivély for sà perfine $7. a $8. Barley -77e a 78. them, and if "lactions speak londèr tilti ye Moisa 6; cars *410 a 33 ; hay $9 a wiordi.,' it wat'i reotuore, In the entertini. SÃ"15h straw, $7 a $9; bqueîr,190 a 211. meut with which ibey We re ekceedingly MONTROSÂL, Sept. 27. weil pleaséd. Se gre*t< vas the supply of provicions bath in substantials andi tha ricb- Flour-ueoper.or -extra $730 T60; eut delic4cies that the fourth table wau extra, $6 80, a $7 ; facy, $6 go e $6 50 ; equai both in quantiîy andi quality -to the Canada superfine, $6 a $6 80. Whett- fireti qnd aeue thon leaviag 41enoutth anti ?Milwaukee spring $1 -131.corr-620. ho il4re'" to provide a seconfi tea ýà r aJ. Peaué-80c, Ashâ irm. and active. farter the speskiag vas over. 'YOD muat Pork teady. Butte r unchange& . not imagine that whatl have described vas Ncw'Yogz,, sept. 27- the ily érijoyaieoî, for'ifter the firat tee, Conadiam Ior-$8 10 a $8 20 for con, wau served> the meetihg wo; orgenized in mon ; $8 20 a $11 25 for choie extra the Itire bilà 8scinoolbouge which vas 'ivheat, $2 16 for whits' Canada, cate 480 kindlt grfantod for the purpiose. As we a ~b4;ibrley, $1 35 a $1 38. entered ai i supab îbe,platortu Revu. _________________ ýMeFaddçu antI Chatiberu; ,floth thé Mà ark- hmcircuit, èbm antI Gachran, from WhiW ct oS l by, Merrow,.tif Picketring, and Mr. John. A u ti fl al stan, agent of the Upper Canada Bible Sa ÃœF VALUABLE eiety, with our oli friead George Gambie in the chait, eî vere gbisfied ibat à great F 51l A~r kT intellectual irtrilwai before dé, andI wo LARAND IX.LA were not diaappo 'inted. Wit and wisdom P O E T~ weru 86 itdmirably btinjýled by thé varions speakers t ial seémel pletused vith their Y virtue of Powers of salé ci.IdintJl antI toprasedviththé mporiènc certain Mortgai.ros, ît whhl hé produc2 monner adipesdwtéteiprac d ut thé Sie, au ai the trutha declared. Rev; Mr. Show gave ant interéstiug acèatint af the late Con. Tuida " October l7th 1865,f vention of Sanday Schtial Teocher,. halt At two'clock tu tIi. atteriiooo, at in Hlanutan, and maule many excellenit suggestions ho thé Teachers. Superintead.~ R~ ~ S IO E eioudndtriends oi thé Sabbaih Scboo en. I _NM S H T L herpî iaé. T. N. Gibbs, M. P. P. vas ex Iu thé Village ut îpecied but did not-take hie appeuiraince.- On thé followinc day, -bowover, thé SecreB I ttry received a letter cxpliiig thé réason corné preatit of $5, for the béîîefiî of thé echol.[li prffet t enôùrze he u- Lot Na. 1-ImÉroved Farm and Suiv Mill, echol. ie lrésnt o enoùrf'e hé 0~beiuug éorposéd of tBroken t.o'ts ?fioeu1i & 2. Pile Of Common achotulsansd this, thé ut, the leEiéîi-uti uc.,oif thé Towuthip achoal gew that hie sintereseedlithé u,'itîurli, cowiiiuluc147 Are u fLaudi. more , - r lt,-.. A1140; 1) t Lut tN-i. it oui lte etutl a -hitq a oat. ittimaiu-ly confieed îh h sile otIi t'ortuuge Rantd li tluuTownshlip or iprosperi-tyof our tnoble country, May thée Citotu, <uuttiiuhtt isirt-u.uru tdoî-hi 1itéople of Greenwood enjoy many rétârriîs 'i ut aori, tuore or lemse, with the Water Prir- tl~tuupétututut Icét.About'20Acrea of t (f their splendid eoireé, and i alwaya hé as te rorai, lots or, cleared. Tîteré are erued seraîfslul au in tifli, is 1jebest vialiofaon&Ueun thitsaId rêtuse- i utcuou( t SaMiù di ivc b.y mwtt-r, Fromie t>elliiug flouée, Biurn sud Lvwho remaitia stuble, u&C. r Tifc IRFfta Faietoro' Lot Nu. 2-lutprovuid Vérin in ldoun. Lot Tuum ANDi TRE1IZCAtIS:. No. i12oUn tuheîuorth éldé utoftéePortage ltoud. iittu fîiwlumeî:p (tuf EIluti, -eunt&uiuiiult 100 Aecs or Lantd, nurer or less. tuf wviic about 86 f Thé abundanuce a! péara bsbeen go Acres èore cleirétî. Tiqp)tre eret'ecd oittue greatihat they bave been sodaltIl ' 41b ,dimtè îirir..n Io.e n Fan for 2d" heing cheappr this season thon 0'rtRtht- nù-Tertui of thr. purchuime mon.vý > tob. paiid .uw-u; for balanitce. torinâ Wilt b. potatoeil in Eluglouid. Forftrkur s tiateulrapy t Lieutenant Campbell o! ber Majesty'i Ji»%uS AP kxfflS. Esq., v 9th Foot, bas been aitacked anti iietI Sulitor, Miaconié Uli, Torounto eIt.& Tor outo. 9hy 4fatice whiiat on a tour tbrongb C9DAV iSI U[ CIV hmere.1 V a, V, lof Coo * LOW] - hem iind q to IN 0f il ýpecia: Ba've largre 11a puasce of e Decre eand a final order la Chancory,'ia thé cause Of CÀLEW ti.McDEIRMID, ant otheru. nd viit1 thé approbatiôn of GoeHenrv Dartnell.'Eszqtiiré, the >las- ter of the att i ur t Wbitby, viii ha sold by LEIFA1RBAN]KSJR., AUCTIONEER, AT TE Revere Hotel, IN THE VILLAGE MA'NCIISTERU, ln thé rownabip of Reacli, in the -COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, Tuesdy, the 24(h day of OLto*, A. Dt., 1865, at tho honr Of One O'lock, iP ý. thoi falowinu i p tq oabeing thîe à slt~o lot llilmter Mlen, Iu the ixtii couîceaiiion of the Townslip f Reucli, coulul:lig (NE HUNDREI5 ÂCRES, or "W1ol -RI)OI-1 tWaDV ic a reji ltl hlfld, thie ri'îiiudr îcîe ,veedwittbtlî hrtlwood and vv'<lir. T'niprernirs tore ijis5bt U ititittone Iiile froiu the villaîge.of %Isiîîqiester, arc well Watef.l' andI have itcct5d tiloreclu a framo dweLIltg bouseê.' The pvinifeei w1il hc iuld o bjëert to Pmt Mé>',ise, éd woéu hepin!ul ay la Tlf'epfre1îiMr.tehll,attlie ime'of aaIep y dowi a depuiit in thet proportiod Of ton poeuds for ev.ry dueliîuudret.poinnt of luhis pnirc'1su iîlou.y, aud the baluici. with luteret, iJa four wOOka hUilà the. dy ofismit, whéî the prehot- e? 14aibolihaentut.leiW10a onvÃŽYaflce andI te b. lot iinto Pomméaioti. The purceiser. or parliassrýs. shalh sien an à goiaemt foi tIhe completioîî of thte parehîso. TIi. V'udor shall nt h. cafleii poîrtq opro-. duc- aeiy tille <d téln l hinM «e .oinmo. or togv ivu other abstract titnthe Regiratrar'n abstract. In ail other respect% tuie conditions of 851 art times eoîtSinetl in the $tiindilug orde «a the. Cunt of Cltaneory. F rther porticuluN may h aë oA rm- , James Limon, Vnior'a tSoicitor>, ., J. i M i o u . o mu t J . I. < ýre iu w o o 'l - » .q u ire n Whithy; Mées. PittertiQîîr iirrIaiit1nn l'uaternoa,. Tîooto ; P. A. lurcI, Lçqll;re, Lindsay ç nnd'thé uindersigncd, Master of this Court. GE. . 1lDARTNELL, JAMES LAI&Oi. VcîsrsSolicitor. B. Whitby a Imat, vitla and lesil- The inIr Stapie t ce axand The 1 teation -W 1 y that noteel Boots and match, Mr. John L. Gourdei iuig, carried nif the lat prisé. chine, Fresented by Mr. Jou Ochava, valued st $300. Thé Canada Company'@ for thé heut 25 bushela fa avarded ta John O'Suliiven andtheb Aaaocislion's uniset Coburg. Thé fllowing la a recapit nucber of eutriee ia thé va mente for thé jean. 1863s '4 wbithy, P112t, 010-28