Whitby Chronicle, 5 Oct 1865, p. 3

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SHI NOTIE The undersigned have thisday eotered înb artne'sbilpi as GeNiea Urciants, 1111(er the style anld firi of MUCAHV&CASHMAN O~wa S'1.THOMAS MU.CA ilV oitll*5 ep.1, 1865. cCAVSIfLAN. First in the ist nd firjtinQu liy, Styk aeni Nlanufactt'e iatùdo AckinoWlcdgred by thé t~'i-dê, bbe "decidedly th(,, BESTi i the îak:U I - ST-IOCK 0F eXceptioln, the largpst field by any retail hise Ihis side of'Mîtrai 0mntifiv'tured to order during t.he sùlflmer nionths, and purchased long -before the late great advîce Boots and S'îoes, the trade an4d pediars will find them 110w fuliy ]JU and ini matny instances IrM PEU than Moiitreal W'holesale Prices, PAk of GU (E i~ lI cuîet on thew arrivi or <1w aac tf itgmlaiîd, about thr, Gth of October, and WilI bc foubd tb excced in, Quality and Chea»pnicss, , thé lîitlse.rtôj of die 16 CALIFONIA MAN." Is, withot iidas they wore in Leather, and I Infl itIIOIlCeing the ;îhove, IvàIa ig 1(b SayIy hat Ili(na w fluawmil leave îîothim o uîîdoue' to Illert aIl tittuance ut the very Jiberýal patimnî1ge bestiîwed on car predeccssor. Havigenn-u our Trc- Our < ())1Lda i ailwe now ofler tw otir custi.vers ovt or TEAS d ram 1nost Carefiùlly seiected stociz of'g-oods in tihe Coutity. n ~imi ke i - -bu I ie'(I,- <îOI î"49«iu ihave- i)i'il scW overF 10 are Mouiltain, Due WVhi.ky. Iltýnîîtssey's Best BrnîîjdieC Gridthu%' BestlPort, ai>d DI)amid Sherries, iln wood -il bottie. (1ROCK FUY ANI rIAS ~~~ u îeat variety. Our terrns ai-e i(lJ asndi rt .B.AI] parties idebted t thle liste Iluse, will picaise cill alnd settle i*niediiitely -- THOMAS MULCAlIIV Is of .I)oiriesîýic ý% hiskY, 83- 52 Imî'rels ot*' 'd-~rdIy. OId iWe niffr yoti the cheapest. goods that can be bouglitz OSHIAWA AND MANILLÀ.: NEW ~~r-o r~ _ -___i- ravé4lad i r < tii, WItato il .1 li le mtV le N M INeOLir.iNT ACT CE 18G4. li it 51rs 4 Aitulù d t->ait n )l li T ilt ii fl utt a u tittI u l .P i le to e un if ili îiua-mieý i f -f If t: via 1 lie i h, a- i u il t u t o iîe - , u ta S t.1 j îi er, r tiu t i a- t ti i r t l C_ a.îoi LW., i5t it., iplu. 39 yin N'EW GOODS geîît for New - 5 0 Oc tal vU ur k.~ tw~r pah. Lut 1.1 theai iit ta ; rd.ajîu 1,uilr ; aul g' N E W A 1)V'E RTL1S EM FN T S1. NEA1, AI I&WINIER GOODSO HAMILTON & Go., 1 fave IIwIo t4101aIr iLveriy INti.4 siv tock 0F FAN('Y AND) STAI>LE DRY Glo0D."S Black & Coloratul Siiks, %Vlitte, Scartlet anal Faîîey Flaîsuiel, Popliiietts. Ilaîkts roadciof hi-h Plainî & Fanicy Wiîîceys, (apIi Doeskinf1 \Vu>ul I'iiits. icHrirs,(isnce, ('îîîîî-tu Sirtiîu u. (auîadiari Twedis Fronoliî Nieritioe's,, 1'ite &Grey < 0W'~ vercoatings, Ilosiery, ioves, Neek Ties, Collars, Matlte Cloths. Aucd'on, Sa-IN eW Miinoryan Mnte FABM ANI) MILL1 B Sun-ut t 'Ai r e 1t ilui i ,aa-.iliea vrit tta i trh a e ii li aî s iuha YTueday, Octôbor 1lth 1865, At îS'i) 'rioek ia the sliersautn, st Ili i iivil4ge fit ~'IN TIIE LATEST STYLES. a Our inlînùense stock of 'dvnde bh ing. Ciothuîîg made to order. %Vitil oIulsulaistock(of Falndly ~~oeis WINý\ES AND SPIRITS. HAMILTrON &Cou No 1 aund 2, Tills Block. 22 B EÂ V E-Ri T O Nb ClIEAP F.AIl & WINTiER GJOODSI I,.tNa.1ô 1ùîruv Farm si And o Nil, -ltiogrîut oet' c rclîri l'isi,' No.. 1 & 2. lin titii-t-.uolluceisituti of theii.usih 14f11-iîli, t io u'ine 147 Ner, sýf Lialul,111c o-r li.. f irt ot luet No, il onathi, aiunt mi1.tli, uu4l Plwo i tied othe Tuowi-ite o f Jtt4ru aitîi Iîof sisîîteuu sra-'andil ietied .wcr, ore oir lets, wi li tWatr Pri-v 1l ":1 p-uti-iiiliuîagIlle nt,,. Ahout 20 /Acrce% "f lie Tl-nu lut, : (L atd.Ti)(ere are tcre'eteul en 11i sail péret-isa-. a tod14taw Mili dlivii Jtwute. imeli>wcliilg iottime, B~rst No. 2 o l)t uiel I u f te portire-. liud. ti 1ie'awihpof I]iitîî, contuiliniw 14101 Arres tof Lîlui 441%m.rai r h1û fwtilI ablot $ Au'r-utarctuirieu.Th#* fare airitîrul1,ui (l cwiuti~iso ua lt--g Ȕ lgliuse tîrtiFraoia- TIAINIS iOne:,ëltla-fth ftl .parohae meaic Pur irtica- îiartitlm, OP.t Y o ri a btlcin,~uotainc hall, Torrentu 8t., Toronto. FOR Boots> & Shoos of(ho e Rih( lKind-GQ TO ,IÂTTIIEW (JOLLINS'S tIîr týcer the Rtgittry itl>Moi, Brook Street, and son tieLARG ES.T ond IJEs r STOCKaof -Boots and Shoes Éi Itsi to call and examine le bett ltatils- t War-- AT BROOKLIN.I -Math eWson, R-IatôlIifit *e o. iave j ust recceived theirFit 1 bockof Fail and Winter Goods, wili h aVaIng tieen purchascd before the lte advance, they are prepared tô,oflèr at IJN1P1EVnEDËNTEDLY LOW PRICES. SFamily Groçvnîvs§t.s a larsge stock of Boots and Shees-superior .quality auid theap.. CLOTHI.NO '.READYIYMADE, and made to order on the shortest notice, in the Latest Styles. Tweeds, Satinets, FMnuels, tJiiijons,,&C,, olcur QwR Maufaotuile, SOLD RETAIL, AT WIIOL11S4LE Brooklin, Oct. 4) 1865. .MATI'HWSUN, RATQIJFFE& . NEW GOODS. T'fe subser 'iher.s ave -now recived a fullassort. mient of Failianîd %Viuter Gods, coausistizig of Dry C -oods, Oroceries, SIIELP AXOD IIEA'Y IHARDWAREl-, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, &C., &. c lVihthey offor at mde reduîced pries for cash, or approve d credit, payable it J.Lnuary, 1866. tArTlîey would particuiariy give notice to those parties %ý huAe notes anîd accouiats aré im patdue, that lmyîrîcît of the gaine îiîst be madea lnt once. 1YA-RNOLD & coi WVitby, Septe-aîbur 27, 1865. 38 BOOTS &SHOES Wholesaie& Retaîil at thre 0 OLID.)l1ED KSTOlREI J. BAIN wouid afliounce to the inhahitants of the Town of Wbitby and 'urrnunding Couticei, timat lie entered intiv o.arinership on the I3th inat., witb Mr. Hepburn, for the purifose ni nianufacturing i sansd Shoas, Wb'nhlasaic andi ietail-and that busineus wîll liertafier be carricd 0on uruer the style and firai of -The WVhoiesaie departmeiît wili ho furnished with ail the iead- ing Sta;ile Goods, consisti:,g of Ludies'. Gentà', Mime%', Boys'. Youtha', and Uhuldreeui. course and filue fotsand Shoesi macle out of the hast matorial in thle arlet. The Iletail department Wili, as Usuai, «be finishmd with an endiemil falety fi goda, cblefly oif tur own mianufacture ; and tbey trust by iitriCt at- tentdon ta business. they wîil cont * iue ta rt-ceite.the Jmîronaee formerly bestowed on that noted b.stal.li4htn nwn was the 'IJLD kE!)STORE, ON TIUE7CORNE&. jA Encourage htome Manufaictures4 ,j and buy your Boots and Shots fromi Whitby, Sept. 98, 1A65. JAMES BAIN -& (JO.1 38 THE FARMERS' Stove &Tin ShopI -IATCH B*cROTHER H ave now oi band a 4'ery large assortment, of Cookihg,, Pâfltr and RBoi Stoveà, #hich thdy Off'er,t the, very, LOWEST PRICES. Intending purchasers will do ýeII to"give thdm a êaIi, 'and ineset the v riotn pattèrns *hiéli utcompriWê their suWek Their 4STOVE FUiNIt1n"E-ig idf eatra > eight ana uahy, nd' sev9ld to ndpý; ffl-Paticular utîei4ioîp pait to LINING dLD OVENS WJI fl ËA.ýY IIRONO- 0f ail pattei'ns 'tpimdé'ItO-'dér. Ë,hey--> d -lu speci al atént ion ik thé îr Seîf-Cleéai k -ý uxib'Stove, çyarranted to give satisfaction. b5tove Pipes, Elb~w,&. Ha~t ad Eave-,Troughs and Oisterp Pumnps-putý nR-and- warrante4d large assortment of Paints, Oils *làas and laardware_ ziow on hanhd, firit4Iass goods âtlow - pricbi NE Mcilan&Cos We bec w announce the arrivai of ouf1?dil Importations which are tnowý complete in every departinent, cembracing the iargest, and iiiost vatried assortment in the mnarket, which we offer at unprccedoiîtcdly low prices.. Ouîr sock of REllAbY.--,MAI)E CLOTIIÏNd is very exteti- sîve, and 20 pe~r cent cheaper than elsewhcre in town. Ternis strict'iv ah T. H . Me'MilMan, & CIo. %Vlt),September 27, 1865. 38 L 0 W ES & eP-OWiE L L Uâlg to apprise tlei r t)iîreit-os friends and customers o'tearrival i',fthew iiFali -Stock ut' Generil Fattyand Stap1e t -ý 0Ut G- - ~DS Winosýand Liquoýrs, Provisions, ('rockery ani GIasswaire, &ce Whitby, September 19, 190~. 37-tf roll ýIMPORTATIONS IIOOM PAPE R Trhe M'ililond 30,000OROLLS Of itow îo aer out iltpatteras aindSdumiîguîs troua six catai w r %VIN'DO1V ILINDS FIiOM 8 CEN'TSé Borderiùg;. Centres for Coihlnga, i if i a uluîar hi î àuîîad Glass, t'utty, BE AET O V.ÃŽLL A G.&.0F AEE li 10N Thiursdaày, lmt Octobor, 1885j F r the imie of citi, and 'tber titock. CHIARLES C M'liL Iebiertu, set. ~Kiave. td-29 Morgae Sa l'O %iritda td Mîi la Mo Yuý.r i '>Ur Llrd On liomidiif i iz u.irded ni jiltv-mix. (H(:. corde l.11 th e 4.u1itrY itlliut .r îîrcoa,îaiV ut' il trio, 501 'of iarc!I,1857 , by inacaîtarialI No: 7Mi4), 'nile et U, îvu d 2fu1aeut Ol iri p., iiattalo," f W tia ljadpart, Uuit John 1iit îî,I'a ,r,iothtiî 'ird part, rur 4vcuTs Iaîg thè Du. tl;Clît ri Ila n uauîîy-î i îerl îaîeî,witLiî,Ieu t tii. rte, Iiu thia anailiicr 1,a1111,Coithe da>&îdiaWcaa thlLne V1qfý nîwuýitiouncdl - l1 PUBLIC NOTICE. llie v n'11:A d4prsaaýt ta (çiliai candi. - touais t Ji i.slimSdi t1da clind oif Mrrrag a4 hy vlrtile tliereo'filklîui t tfIlle i'oerof qat ilielItiu)neçl fil tua uid iîdasere i m 01 beiîi ioa:îa arlis. ti;Villazo 1Jeu hmn lier Iuxytre 6)l tb'L Villazo (of Port petr>' atLo îiii iiîîi teoiu In the %=4'j At the Rayai Ilatel luli t TOWN fOF lI'BlýY -lie to:n,Ã"ie the arrivai of their Fali tle ofSule. and Wintdi t;ddas, e'x-stea'inÉhips "St. David" and "St. Andrew," u. j. usoý whiéh will bcejon muchhia1ge-than u8m1al, Mlr. ,lRobert Camp- w aUy,2Slu 1 bell, haring.ion iin the British .iLàlh-ets-for ithe iast tlsretonths - and buying ùnder his -own carefùl inspection. Wè #ôulxd diréct atidcial attýnti6'n to i tk nnexed list, consisting ih at Dremt Gb4$bnd tàalty Long Shaw1a $a Rit1; ÇTatu ill be pplineiw W ~oo1 Shawlt TIed Iriah Poiplinua; - 3ntlets Silk- Mtttrne; Coboutgé bliu-k&oul'd; Pdi,du; vèr 0datinjýa, KENT 1 l3arathéa- Nys. - ha, cttohlA; WéOoI ?ntsp& Vcats - - tttstre@, Fig'd. &,PWhU, P'îér6d; îPlaida< î Gida Plaids, Flanneli , (ii>ery, 8114 .Gloviez, SeptcmbuW Black 4tCiP, XSilkaa- -BlâtKIetf'l, qlM4n, -wne1iàeh& Ola,- e t Oto4n Waup, i LEVJ MONEY TO LOAN. laaLnazsoù napproved seenrlty,t $ 500 o at low nts of nt.easL, - AppI>' FS LAILOt! 18 ~oItor, W ty -4 Jwut Reeeived. JAME.s JoUNsoN Wîîhk k c'ra-lir xax7xie cýÀkX-X«lr idb -v--ý Svitod ý inoo w " in 0 sno deye, Mait, and oons te

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