0. Sl4ar. M.Kyd -d esE. 1r, M-. Aîîi~. cnt01- uP O iti, , c i rL-ci, 4-u J. asyStone lie. 271 1.c-i rt- Stout,, 4- sict Ais i iti u> t-L, i; lt-il, ýt tit it-uy iitiL 1 ; e Ititît- etc îd ti4c-.i[Wc*.i tittE > ctiagy. b 11' Linao of 'G uie *r o uIthO]Ut-tit nein li-a t-n a it i t r- iihtio a tPli, lic-hi îuua it a» 47 Jfoutuc left Mhjcaty's it-ii ac Ncwi t-sîa, amit t-oui prpea- hîultsrr,u$ c1ec n ic-t11iSiiA. b eîle -i tc l Fait ut-ct. - zeçognitioz8 cf the i tes , asbeiligerenta iev York., oq,25. tras eurlh n aet U wu ce yo ne by 01one 4. -'00~f; 8 5 ~ 9 lamin toserde another luý itmfain y, 'forqOwmnfl, nd $9 10 to $12 50 for Rie charges thb.Britishl gOoluecnt il ii ood 10o cholce extra,. Vheat $1 70 to baving tcd wîhonî lrnowie4gu, tand upoti $1 77 for Chticago spring; $1 71 ta $1 781 meI'presfumtion, i nm1111119tg hai 1the for Milwaukee club; $1 179 to $1-90-for pfebocta f9lte Sontbort porte wasI tiber Milwaukeeo; $2 32 ta $2 âe5 for Icuportant. T110 ilockadue lie says wft i Iit new aUiber Snte,lte latter an extreme. coillequence Dot the c41t1e, Of iBriîtsh 13'rîeY j inioderate dewam~al4ias 5,doo' poticy. He tilîklitai te nly excuse it.w ai $k Oâ ý, 1 1 2& fth Sate, Iland for the Britisht goverunent laIslti 1.10 $1 24J 10 $1 26 for Canada West. lJiied States confiawà s preipitale. - lie thon Intituates tat if lte qoctrintisattd- practices of te Irsh goverimeiti are NEW ADVERTIsEMENTS. aliowed to becon-e the rote, te United States wiii tint lie the gealeat loser thora- $ 3 by. Mr. Adetn, appoars la ibink ibat.tiu. $0o > O prapolal of Fat-i itussil to relor te ques- lion la dispute lu a conimision wili be rrOAN ON U:NiXCUNMBïriE» r.AiMq. -eptdby tlle Ãœliîed States goverement. Alyt -Zhe Mirts atal the l'agi are ailent on 1.E;.iî Ibn élotrosi1nidetiri. ia1clnr O..awri. Tite Dîîly NIuî8 says taî ieaidoes the 41.1-gi tylaciitude utflte q.titiians- aalreing ocu trais$ te taîers ini disute ame cloaeil VALU&BL lyreaiosLevrnEnlndan w Pa eà r m for SalIe lite Alabtaira frot iCgland, remer4ies. IN TIE ,6Titure may lpep .ii c h- -W S11 f II oui squeroits cuipbility as o reitdertus T \NSIP o'I l1B limbic for ail îIle damtages whicfiti taes. csped privaiteer 1eritated, but if cur Jtiii'IF, e'te- î~ rcin viw fteequestions nitid iifFr tram T -f t5lt, 'îillilt raa,-rve, itl uic talick,u Ihose of the Uiîjted stetes, anid ibey hî,uld te4l -A 85 lilsst as 85 premlptnriiy rtpont heir itiis ias SatulrdaY, te 01 f INov, D.,18 , nve upon tIle denial ci our repontibility, -ATr- alîitton? Ais we te ralîhe risk of ruetire rater itin Cnsent toaiat attitrta- C: BLACK'S HOTEL, «Ç nion. ' Thet Star îîwaiis tlita iutrtictinî:ip IN TItE frotthe ite î-d Sitai. enrîrrnctit with tN 0F I oit-t ch atîiI n ud dneitsnt n iy 11.1 *" TOF I 11S Y. what elltet il, wiil lhave on te tenipeofTecf î tlion iig caitatblet,-teds:- )1Elttltiîi. tut- clin tditrbnnlcê Ur lteet.-Tîic tînîtît tatç-' tNi, 4, i l lic 'rl -frietîdly relatimisînît >ecn lte îwo counîries coneepltî i~c isiout1ofof %Vtilt v. icl -Myntreitfrn -iaea ttept -ut.vo i t itrjn, tajî Itle n-:i-îaq or- b tri Illeî lteoq et c.uriîd tby Conitd .talit i' c iir!' clîiii- t-rate t-tub-c-r, upon tt igi, l at idatt0 excact 011. 1 ti- iý i- ct c- i, i ,i-î îîaygoet froruii-we. g 4tla-ilO ma:îî'l (1m. Jeutîdi TIlt tt:!tnsa. '41n st (cici - tr *t-h i lt 'No. 12l1,lit Arresîs for I'ettianistn onlttue iniire- - 2ý co 1 ctI land. Tbinicen pi-t-ants we ct-g caritud at- t-bal a (ut-ek ontu Le 1Ilthiii t., andia nulabr miore have becît cottmitird itn Dtublint. h tou e jturîptti tutt otuecof Ii- -eîiitstcc-id becoime att)itnformer andt the e itt natitre saclefi ecs ttc cr,,atiiza. ltit, WTIIIEAS -tiefanit lias be-romuseaInithe ps k 1t tif îttltemeneyiý , r3ul. aiJtitnt 1tltei a o i t ya cr J.it C lé';rceorni ate Ititu.or Ntvcmnitir, flu -¶I~eoetetII et af-Jsfmnory, 1883, Nlctà iot-iét Nu, 20721,i) made hy .)têisit New-ty, Ion ,tccucinc lthe jus> tent îof ccrinii rate, i i tn utnner, san lte days sad titles AND «IIEItEA;, tlefi;ttlt lui ans n ne lu tue ps lth aI part ai lIte ntôtoyA. (tirtia înerinl Ne. 20144,) tmade bty Jttcîlýi Ilonek, for ucruriiig lthe pi> uitnt 0cI 'ce-rtainmneaeya thecalu inet1onuil, n-it luees s ietn it lIeta iniitir anud «oau 'thd dyi sud titueb PUBLIC NOTICE la liel'ygirel titlcruet te lie îoadt. tutilii paît-cc lit naIn Ilicrttil lut l ali ii-i t heicl litii iI iitii t i luitdtiecreiu, lizC Lot 1ciliu f L'il ici Ilt1h oft~eeuiie Mat-t. lit i ere%s iu'tul I'cîAi L ri ) Su 137,- i JO-.t of BIrotk tStreet, .'utti Iure, Tîciti ot %%ihîttc, tili tic Su*d tty P>UBLIC AUCTIONI Ai tlie iItO tL liiITL, tut the TAitm ii-i-t.i ûci n lati-e 0tutaeii it nt liit tofI -ctcaI. 11. J. WtLSON, siitor for Mot-Ig*gor. LI.'lI-'tIXK Ir., %t 1 ci-I- Cc. wl t t o t le 042 tel cntct c t tittîuî ii) î~-1 - t .d it cI c;i t ci piimtci cim.- Uc (1 u nit -i kti-rl y -dîî deul. c E NI -tlin ; ftei tc p r elit i' tIi îcarriisae fi, b. c iciuoct ic i c- ti- - "I i1 A-aîtu-t-uci - c i i i - c - - ci t c t caci.icu a à tI-f l, v 1- j là ii M -- c-v 1 ~i, 0US LE ti1t Tf LIFT, liN Ir tiNA ptesacto llt: AT IDeTtIIOTî.- The ! cii .îlc r i ieiiuc- -u i c t iic l e ld-I ii c Uiui> Utt tais ticeirtuctîca ctnflagrautioan that tt>hi% à i -tIl t - cttclx ---r ivic, rIl l, ii tidc rcil-r cc-t- tver afuiil Our -cil-, - c-- c-venti 1 Il.iilu;tl.i.a-ictluit ii 1!1-1 S uLi-i' d AM'6R Sî 'IfMlL utat aciriy blu.ut-. l«l, heciter' iii-e s-I teii cte eicittt li ii AM 1~îMIL, mous nmoun-itcof thicht uviricci iiaühA t i> --1. exaggeetatiomi, t h mriuf t 00,000 lieTh c.luà a- n - tr iii é fr-lig t da-inimic- îîl tuu iC iiior lin ('itrtul taili. 7 F -u t -t-tiwi i, ronid, stuîced iitit aluaitle comattodtîe.sttca, Iit' S --ai%,VN cada fai oWngo h Vlttbe, ot._1h4'fs ~tu~ncîîtîug cillai cf ail pt-tic-tas cf Ata----------------------------- T liniint Art-c of Laicndttlc era &I 7U l t ry, wtt-e totîîuliy llctrot:c 0 et 'i utg ii. l'iI1>c&itut r . i I i ci - ut-ntie <-i piea i uic ti~muai im1cctt-îait EXCELLENT nla îtac;4ei lCtiinittlà . e -ati cne rfrt- i-tiiî; coroiitu oni of lite W cst, r w i i lý I. ' - iti- c teilit i ià i I l.ii anud iflticifl lhis upi-n our hugiîrs5 f.flTini . ctIivi t t' bI LV. ul, terestsi M if luit tIslai F r o S l ripemutit. Tue dl-l-i-à -c na ticinc 0 01 -t-M c- r i li-g t, t-t I - 'lo1c t i andte tat1 eu ch lîc c t ls di-tulis wîttlua t--i -- c c-c, lcuc- -nI - - r ertctlit w a--cba-obeen cuti1 -lied tou c-icIct iLtc- ct t IC~'t1i- b~T fre it airîîîyuct-y local etlamly. tcc-.11à I' .U U'.11Iii Titi Partit Standîa,-d nayc .-WVilte - W tIt- ' fi 1- oîhet- phncc-c, i-nîà da., ta o ti lit - . d--nP V ii-ricci, ti 'V ,111, - fusa oviir Itl li pi cu Ct tuf tit ili tifi-r loc-ai-.--51 J)J I)NI) NO 1 itv. O-ut- -ite ~ qtuîy 1liitul4 ny, JOHIN SA U N 1)1jRS, tndu aei Ittuc i tt-.r tni. t he r cck l IiitlI ~ auutuc u~î caiiii l lIE iiI t11 IUN-TtX 600i fet'*i-t ii,-dIllit n ntpaeiiug tircilJI c0it a Clar-k eac-toc-,itîiases a- ut, 4i Iilu CIFOUR PER CGE NT, -Ç:0 ally fouadt itr cat e. IEvi-ty set- lI ie É II lul c u itilelcnist vncoa ît ui , tanuuit cc-aid att urpitise uscr 1'1 . ilci ec -i-- - -' t u .ut If ail w e ut au alîy uIcutent. > - -tii- c ii t i-lnt ilt~e n.iiýi Wry laiii raio aititOie uluît Pt-cnt ata ris ruîîdaai 3 112 $ti. li'lIet e ucuiSd nt, e3 - >th Ii ,i -t--, ~-cFridlay, the lst day 0t Devember nexi. uiAi Lord lgti r it e u lut Northt Staftfortd. i -i- crAu Ili Il,Mnec-r, tliîd cUUttuht, 1 Neutri, I.1I Il- ite h iii (A -,cttc- tcu sitet conît eci' C77L22 16,4. I Od nid otae-tnlîue.I>er t - ucf île l)iI uf NIr. Plutt-rl .4,>,9922s. tuat Ute, AI!uii(ti-rsttetuc-ti Icisilli )ailSlnaltv. I. .c 1Vtt1lIcclaît-nt ta lý i l t- ui aiiritc' A t l-ni FêTAI Misi-ne.- A Itîe aUghec cf c r tfr-cuit i LIci c ti i-iraa nWecii.lCtiiii 'lutota e île ta u oinincgte oic-'s lieealunle ~ rictbt Icsli-a,1c ucttiuitfI tt 2t it-u, a et ta cop (if inatar, uand a-as shutiuhN tUTIi'cn t- saud intantlï kilîud by a mati cIa mbtank înuiUliuitiy cte t.ehie ttî iyatel II IN I~ bier for a heiur Wmli,(et ý3s 42 tcn)' 4 ' Lii a - - - T' llh~ uCiAtti OF I)IttRe tilla ti(F -THE MARI:uIFD. Fuct 'lui ttutttit attatLuu MORGAN -SMIT1IfiTnBrantfor-d, iF I a x S e eC !c:In te t-eidc-utce cf thet bride'i faîller, on GRQ LU A 'titex - 17litbiinst-, hy ilh.lt.. Mn. '1 ielitlen w i -i t-oro ait titîity 74lt, EETAT c-Lty th .fi iIeît 5l Butrland.i Maria, foutli daugtter cf A. K. Suiiit Eoq , Io Chta. Morgan, Esq.,cf lte Blanke of-Moitretul, [ioîotu. Claretuont, on te 23 nist-, by ttie lev. - -John Biait-i, M. A., Mr. John Thompson, ta Misa Margaret M-.ntceon. LIAMILTON-WEB-STIR.-On Mon. dtty liti, by tte 1ev. Mc. <ibson, Incutai. ent, cf St. Paella Citureit, Umtridge, Mc, (Seo. A Hlamilton, cf Ma-tl£aim, ta Miss Mîary Webter, of-Uxbcidge. MOOE-TH O.NMPSO;- On tite 71b inat., at tleý Manse, Uxitridge, by te Rev. W. Cleiattd, Mn' William Moore, to Miss Elizabeth Ttempson, botcf Scott. IIARRIS-ABIAMýs-on lte ISîli mait., at the Manse, Uxitridge. by thei Rey. W. Cleland, Mc. Juohn Harcis, Urbrid,;,e, ta Mca. Caterinte Abrahtams, Reset. Whîtby Marseet,,. Witby, Oct., 25th 1865. Fail Wtcat . $1.35sa 1 60 SPctng......... ..... $1.10. a 1,15 liacie........... cisas67e. - Pesa...........60 a 65 Cie. 1-e............45d rton Buatter ........ ...... 20e. a 62c Appes.........40 a 50 Lgge.. .......11 -Ciikeu ............ 30e pen pair. Taranto Oct., 25. 1865. Faal Whet-$i 40 a 41 56; Bpt-bug, $1. 25. lBarl.ey,68 a 70e. Onu 28 a, 30e. Pea, 617 a 7e. Flanc teady ai $6 to O6- 25 far No. 1 ; $7 ta $7 60 for extra; snperiou=xina $7 75 ta $8. Dressee hogs $9 te $9 60 for lbghit t mediam weights, and-É0 for bear>' wigbt&.s. Batter, dAt-y tub 23 te 25e, 390 packages sold at 24e; eionepseIaed 22 bo 23e ; poune. relis 25 ta 27c. Eggo 16 toi 18c for packed id, 20 t.0 23cfcrlfreb. Ciees-gppd CÇýaa4hs4 faetôry le aelliug at 12 wte c; - Ametioma là ta 14c, IIay $9;,to $13 per ton.- Flour-superior extra ai $8 te $8 40; extra ai $7 59> to$7 85 -,fancy$7 to $7 25- j Wellad 01041 querflqe st $» 25uuto ,ýe-CASH PRICE. -ff C. ROUF0TtS. Vi luttîflt.t 2di, 18U').-t Horse Straycd or Stolon. RO1'tClc Irtirsimitisptif tîtà salit-ri- r -nT he tfi, 1hintt, a But-k yiW 1')I ý .112. .til, miguslly tuieclin titi c t- 1(g-t guuzînterc I ji>titk4 cf 1MIliaitltî et cilrel]. Ai. y Iccuan Iîringiign ut ilt tilidt -igliedi r i t- t-tiltqr itl aitiite, a %%11 Ilei t initalestrt e-y wili lie snitnbiy Te w siii, flet. 23, lC6fi. 42 Sin* BRASS KMY POTND. FOUND>, n large Blras ey. Canlie bil ai Fthe " Iîîopttsa Cîeap Luasit store.", »nntlus Street Wltitby, Oct. 24, 1845. 42 IN TUIE COOUNTY 0IF ONTARIO. T a tocetinir cf the Boafilf Publie lit.] uAtructian foc the dountvO, létd nt BroakIlo n tIo Sthi of tictal-er, lte filtcc ug were foundi to lavt-e ieen 8sticeesafaiâl ptlis afor CertIli- c'stems et, le Pele ealnlee, an wepaj". cd sceordiogiy t Letto e ou........... Amtwoctil.. ilogit Bruce,.......Vrocmnanion. IL. W, "Ferier, .. .... ....... bt-ae A. Bl. Fccuer, .... .............dos. Natho. îe.sî., elp., j(elonnpainM*rtlfr.. OB(N)C AS8L'e ....................----lreoluiu AI>blu Anti Broswni,........... Pickering. Oscar llrowinon ;............... aIon. Willard A. chapmun,.....i...., W1;tb)Y. William Wluon'.............. do. AlfredlWok,.. . . do. F. MItahell ... .... .... do.- W. C. me à -lIe 1ýn, .a... .... . j Atherel. WfllhatM .................. Cautbel's otel, Saintffll qATIDAVt, TIIE 21h INSTATt AT t1- CCLOtIt, A. M. * Lutair, Ot.ltliuit 4 MITCHELL & C08., COVNTY 02 ONTÂRIO D IRECTORY T IE IFnoe mot-k le ow iu cours Pept-ca- t-at, to ha putblime ëlxbu* Dutitîber iti, I865, nad lwiil cutal- A sari titocicalumotrtf tieti elemet Mani gcswlofiho Cauniy. *tu a apluabetical li ef terei.idttn ýe"towsîanhip, vit th Oe conecesiit an-I ot cfiteir respective ceâiden- ces, siaâtiug as lehc reodror i-ae holder. . A bI,îînnes. meid teetplDlrtotocy of tIti> Tant-, vîutnEg, &rautel t.omff lelolcnia- tiôeno etlite Clicoletiua sd laslorr, $ehisc - Liery Seelelles, Maxonio Temperatice. allaI alteor IocietistaBtiks, ]Iankems.Insurane Compsnfea Ilnilaing Iitciîtlei, I<ewxpapena, IlDalsya, sud Stage lues, &CI Coun >,Towà stlp, Town anI Village011 cerf" t VIImtAoLutfiwc, rïdiite vare iuee sud pisueo iUi eltg i-Jdgiqe, (tiek, &c. I'ciecuter book, 'bonil 'in eth.... $200. Fauier-s! ceitien, <elesper bitidiaig,> 41 00. - Rate# of ÂdVerUststg. lth-page, with booek,........... $12 Oô. art-etut iR, ,lo, an I i£t . uAe s - ~ - J 'I a- -- - - OSHýAWA ADMNLA Havrn enaged ovýr prcmises n pencd a lranch at UMditIa, we now offer our cuslfomersi OVEI $0 On. W tr Of ýbqp-iostcat ofOiJy selected stock-of goods ig,the -county.:-,Firet in bi lsI ad Tcb u iiliy >i anti manulsectuire, stands aur Ac1znowledgred'by thre tr«de tVo Ire decidedly the BEST in thre Mankel.;Ocr Stock q y Is, without exception, tire Inrgest lield by aliy îealbs h tide fMnî-antd as tIîcy wtte naiufirclured te criler during vite Sunmer toonths, and ptrnclîtuscîl lotîg lcfore te laie great ativanS i Leter, and Boots and Sîtoos, tilt t-aile and pedi.lis icillI ui tuuit tuaîiv fly 15, diidn inuany intstanccs 25 lier cent CIIEAPEII tIlitMottreaiâ l riii lties. OUJR b-rOCK 0OF GROCERlES are n0w complete ýandI will ha fouiîintutex-cc-il tit Qualily tuti Clitealness, thc ititerto tinrivaicti tîawcsof lte 1CALIFOIINI-t MAN."1 We k-eep rnone but Ille BESI B3RANDS OEV LIQUOIS, -and luia noion ttît-i-k -i-c-r : 111Jb-tt-t-ls cf Donistio ýilýi,52 hart-aicf 'J'oddy, oil iti e, Malt, ne ci Mtuiîtaii Pue WVhisky. Ileunesscy's Ileât Branldi-e; Gra.laiît't Bruit P'ort. andttiamuond Sietiaii Wod atsdflottle. ('ROCK ERY AND'C A GMEin -great varicty. Otir tet-tit at-e strictiy CASII, anîd it relut-n îè ofl'er you tbbc chcapeast gooda 11mb cen be tucuglit. Osltaws, Calotter 18, 1865. N. B. Al l artics attdsel ntiitnietdiatted. NJJI-Ç4HY & CASHIMAN, OSHIAWVA& MANILLA. LAMPS LME HATOH BÉROTHER ,Pave just received -the Iaygest 'and niost ehoice selection of Lamps everoëffered fil wiity.Hvngpr chased direct from the manufacturera duriïighe pr esent high pIi f gold, thley can oçl1 theza tprices thaý dety competition. CQAL OTL. of the best quitýt always on han-a.- They aide ofitinually rec elving additions to their already Iargé Stock of Claoking, Parlor, atid IUoà STUVES, among which wiil be found the "Prince of Wales" Cocoking Stove, which, took the first prize af tlw lqte London Exhibiticut.- tw» Particular attention paid to LINING OLP OVENS WITH IEAY'II0N 0f ail patternsrrmade to order. They cati special attention -to their SelW-(leaning burnb Stove, warranted to give sat isfaction. btove Pipes, Elbows, &c., itilways on hand. Eave Tjron*ýh s a n4 Cistera J'umps pût up and warranted. A lar ge assortmtent'of Paints, Ois, Glass, and Hardware 110W Ofl hsxnd, first-class godu ds Iow prices Tlhe Fuîrmer Stove and Tin Shop, --NO. 4e B1IOCK ST REETu ýVitby, Oct 41, 1805., 40 BO-leeOTS-& ',SHOEES Wholesale &c Retail atthe itîdcebtcd to the late Ilouse, iwill plense cal TIIOIUAS MU!LVAJI Y. OLPD EWFALL& WINThR GOOIDS, HAMILTOb& -Co., -H1ave 110W to hand &; very16extensive stock OF FANCY J.ND STrAPLt DRY O OODS, Bhvok- & CoIored Silk-s, White1 S$carlet-and Faucy 1?latnel, "0 ~lineUou, t . nkcts, lruatlcloihs, Plasp & I.ancy Winecys, carpets, ~ ekis WVool Padn ikgs Castees, Coburgs, shirLiprý,s. Canafiarn Tweçds Frenchr Merinoee; White &, Orey Uotto'is, OverCoatiilgs,ý Hosiery, (llov~es, Neck Tics, Collais, Mantie Clbthç». N ew Millinery and Manties jgr IN TUE LATEST STYLE,$, _Mj OURI? i EoNSJI $TOCIC 0F READYn'MADE CLOTHIlN, ceý CLOTHING NADE TO ORI)ER. e W$TH oftl VIt USUA.L STOCK. 0F re. WINES A» t-LIJORs.-a HAMILTroN * On Noi and 2, Tills lBlock. -2 ML C A. 018 c 86-5-1865. - oie,&C., &C. bai' 'Lino tW ROCHESTER 1 T44 OCTOBER LjIUKBER- RED STORE# J. 1IALN wonldanounce to the inhabitants of the To wn of Nliiîl)y and surtroundtng (3ounties, that lie entered i mb co.partnership on titis lth inut., nitiî Mn.Il!epburn, for te purposo ai manufacturing Booats andi Shoos, Wlîoiesale aund Retail-and tit business will lieccafier be cary-ted on under lte sty leandît flrm of The Wholesale department will be furnished with ail th-e lead- ing Steple floodg, conuistiiîg of Ladies', Gents', Misses', Bays', Yoftthà ', anti Chiidrcos', coanue andi fine Boots and Sliootiftiade outi of lte best maîcriai in ftib market. -Thre letail department wiil, as usual, bc e furnished with an endies a rty et gonds, chiefly ni their own mantifactureo; and titey trust by strict at- tention ta business; thcy wili corntiunue te ,>eecive tb patronageforneTIy bestomed on that notcd establishmcent known as te "CLU fM STO$t4,' ON T11P CORNBMR týt Encourage Iloie Manufactnrles, 1 and buy your Boots nnd Stoes frotta MË - - - 1CO lL*I. -é 0JAMES - 1. 1i A N (O 1 h ntîy, Sept, 8,t1805 88 ',. Fait IN."PORTATIONS !1 R. J.CAPBELL, Peoe to ain'nounce thie arrivai of their Faill and - inter tloodls, ex-steamships "St. Davikt" and "eSt. Àndrew," which ivill ire, found much largeýr than usual, Mr. liobert Camp- bell, baving beeçn in t4-eB is Mrketà for tlïe lmot tliree mQt4 ijnd bni u 4r lis own earefuLl uopectiop. We yivould-edirect spécial atteieto the annexeci. ist,,consisting mp Dré Groedsi -- 'ableq 5ôShaw!$, Droaï o1ýh, T>opine~ -WeolShaw sa Tieed*, Irish Poplins, - Mutie,51 Mixtnres;, Cobqig 444 os, Piî,Over Ootinm- Bârathea~,' do: iWhite cottonsi, WooI 1>ants JiVeats Luasts A*g'df-â&plain# Factonies, Genîts Plaids, Gala 1 11)s14 - jaInnels, Uosiery and Gloires, Black &'CoI'd, Siiks 3ankcts, Ribbono,-- lWjnccv Pllei,& Cctdî ShetingsCotton Warp, - - ~~~~Gai11n.nalaal,.- 0- Thc Tailoring .Djepartment under the, superintendonce oéf Mr. Fesser, is yery, complete ru Mbens and Boys Cots, Pants and Veut inail sizes and qualiiie.4, and thoy arc comutautiy tnaking Up a large stock. 'Tiley have just reoeivcd a fresis Stock i.their GItOERYý AND PRO- VISg(-'ION RL N. B. 2,000 TýredIea Linnen I3ags 0f asuperior rae l ýu c8 ciieap. SALT AN D PLASTER FOR SALÉs.beod R.& lJé C,'MPBÈIL Whktby, Sept. 6, 186b., 35 NEWOO-DSd fIe subacribers have inow 4ie4ý of Fell anmd Winter Gpo aseort-' CAPITAL $400000 Preaf dent, Goui xue s. Vice PrwsdcntIilox.jouJunte MuMititiwîr. Secretary ,ie , 'iaurr ]3ARNAIli )HAIDA)' Tï -ESQ. T IE nIdcr»sigtted liutsheurt îîPIPOI$icil /q~î foi~r te ahuveCIIt tanîtîy tstlit -7i[hv ft.al Ot4usamn, end h. prcpirt-tirecoive V'ia and retîew ri:.ka at-the lowent ratlo. Farm for Sale. (NJ-2ç],XJta power onI' i tie italhiiécl lil-* MOI.tgnge, tîeuritig, datte tbu eits'dit7 cor J t-.y, A:.]). 1883, utndtimale lbî Atîîltaw Jtiiris, ta u4eenre ilitepttynintit ttîcieItindirei aiA EillyD ilst.d itîtet-cst ilstir, at-elti titi t - tiatedbeltit- e~îttp-ce l Aimt-l i i cîth-ltill ,if ltNrtI-tif, tif i0t Il ttIl) TîCI 11%Pit~-ue Il lte Se-cettit i saoîtif hIe Té , 1. ,tcli Wlbittîy, (exctptlîi tIti, Sonttljci e-î tAiteî- ef 8tîid S Pthi.ta Çeotiitaiilg l'nrty Atr- mare or' 10:1t.1 The FiMml li i cciredcl ti igcotadtttciif cultucatteti, naalislit ttj eîItijt twotadi t liait miles ft it i licokiti, aîd iai îtitleuùthuI TOWN O F WHITB'>lY. li aleoî-proj-erty iiill blie saJli tl - .D., l3O it lOO itNtiIV-Ã"« P. e l' nj by L.Falrbaîiks, -J,1 Esqi., AueUtoncýr, The Mcrtgage tutil bu-jîreluedaîi-tlita la. For fitrîtur îîtietlara Uiii îtcItiisqiac Cetober 121lî5 Si..19il GRENWOOD 'HOTEL. ODOYLE, - PROPRIETOR.X L 4t)EIc at erat iqtr.(uc t¶ N DT op itoe Its l .obeuti 1 lt~uî dti& 11011W, andc c -if-- Wlibv a-17, 1855. - -- -~4 Boots &Shoé's OR1 flt, noel mateclal, wear mtdutn1~y Fthe JIuite nide wock* of, J.ia A.IandeII, Wil lie fonntl unacquialiail. ArLt exwnai-7e istock unmnt"c dhît the (.oi-ty - lis- 2 BROOK1 MONI M wbi th e 7= rr i %XKUM JLJIUL' .19.