ewAdvertisemeDtS titis Day, Aboemako.wue-n.>ur* Pearmsto lot-oeo. Bditbs N<ew Jwh-~tQ tlntn Unti bargalus 'linBrobelhes. Rings sand 1 <Chain-4e "men Johuston. Lut Oel-Aler, Kennedy. &lSeto Lands for Taxes - N. G. Reynolds Sheriff, C. 0. &dministrators' I10olee -isrnold & Co, Notice-*. 1Ë. Bllings sol. ât. Loger for 1866-Ontario Turf Club. Heiferu Loi-Robi. Thcmpion. Ro-vard f %IM. thorotUgi servant wntetl-Mrs. WauéoW. Oale ët!IHousebold furcituro &.-jaiâ Wallace.-,- P~armesud Landse fr sal-J. il. Perry. New Designe for ul«l'es -Uatfcb & Bra, Coil ô11'ani lamp -ilatch &I3ro.- AucTION SALES. 010 Friday, frtov. ird, lgria. on lot No. ~ igtnRoad, Pich-prin!r.the property of litllrd Ilsîîey, Ir. -Thot. IMyers. £uuctionheer. -1 SOn Saturdty, Nov. 41b, 18A on lot No. 2-1, in the 7th catn. Pickering, ilhe proerty of the latu Andrew Story.-J. M. On lot Nu. 23, lu the 8sco.th uîy ~0Tburtday, l'4ov. 2, 1865, Farm Stock, Implementa, &c,, the property of James Anderson- Thomas blyera, Aukuionter. Ou Monday, Gch *No;vember, bou4?hold furuiture, , property of Major- Wallace. iwL. Fairbanks, Jr., Auctioneer. ONLY 81560 CEtUTS A YEA.R Whtîtby, Tlîursiay, Nov ember 2,1865. Mr NOTICE !.-An immedi- uteoeBttleioer of Acecrnts ciu.e thi-, office is iroque5ted. lb'cnth ci LUrcI Pulmtrston, th iseNlcaeip "CityL of Bootos" 'wlsich irriied ou the .118t UIt brings nous of tise deatis of Lord Palmerston. Tise deceased ktobleussubaal been scriously ilI for corne deys from these fl'cts cof a cold. Tise tymptoms liad beeniarrnitig, but ise lept *stesdily irnproving up io the lIts lui. Ons ch nigbt of the Ilib, boweyer,a baluiti *vasissa lte tise effect tisat ho tad becornu *mesosilles mroving, sud tia It couic! not-- he disgtiisc w as very teriooly.111. - Telegrarne vere conktatutly fietuson mt to tise Queeu at Balmoral. Ho died on Wednesday thse lSth, mnd would ha"e completed bis 81si year ou tise 2Dci October. The pftpcrs are iltled.vith ae. 0oni of- bis lire ansd rernarlcably long fiolitical career. Henry John Tumpl, Visucats Palmesone, uas descencled freux a younger brancis cf the Temaples of Stoeie 4é fomsderof c! deciswaus ecretary 10 8ir Pfiiftip Iiiao7 and ettled lu Sectlagd'i liii@9, The celebrated Sir William Temple detedN'p.er of Trland iu 1772, uder fb« lilUe cf Baron Temple aud Viuceunt Pbalmnerston. Itvau laineci, durinig big' llfetilus, tlleaî Lord Palrnerston wauber hy lreland, and wo bave nover hourd iî délisied, saLUoogh hie blo.-raphere 00W stut tba4 the place cf his birià wu Broacfl.sds, Haepsiîro, England. IHise modiate PrOgenier;, bhdeeer, vere Irisis. Lord Palmerston matried Docember lotti, 1839, lb.Da- gorCeuiss Coper .agh 1 s'uptlon for nineteun years, under fie ue - ossue gevtromuots. Rie as contioned las tis Wellinsgton cabinet, on the dosaiS of Canning, in >827, but shorîl>' afiervardg soslgaod., Ie vas net long in opposition, Uocvever. lusn ovrnmber, 1830, bhovwu ap- poiuted Secrviary cf &ato fMr Foreign Af. Ilr#, ou thse accession cf Bant Grey te lover. lit 1835 ho was' reîurued for the, WOrugh-cf Tiîrton, wbluh ho-represented açtWbî< lie cf bhécdeathu. ,lIe, eld the * Forelit' Sfurtirytbip aoutil 1l , on th( ratura cf Sti. Robert Peel anud (ho Consort aive part'Y te* the Treacssry boches.- 1 lIsting spent gfdivurs in opposition lbe rturncd-lu 1846 te thée Forolgu Office *peos th. aceossonou pI Jord* John Rueol ote Premiorsbip. .Ris reraidie t bis - ime ta' permit his dospateheste tol eko courts te ho oxhibited to thse relolbdor inîpocîloas cf the Prlince Consort led to' bigs dîsmisaci tram office byLord John Rusesll,! st the Instigation of the Court. Upon the c forumtionsof tise Aberdeen Misletry, lu ý8ù2, ho rettcraed te office as Homne 8... iostar>'. Is.1865, sposa the bresluipor tisai Admiens1ratiou, lhe vasappçiqa* Prime Miaserfr -lltva defetai la 18 lise, Ladero,011>' eprdo t ùIÈ ro* ho §aYsuý "lThe regret attise t&éaIÈ Of IL4ri Étm meraton muat bu intenté ,îhrbighcal( Bsg land, visere hîs lafisoûce vu ie*iuisrl foît. Net smo. the Gréai âe passet away bu tise Etdplro los( go hoble a son. eue sgo tlmeym<utee its lusv fare-so thoroashil dobveti u s tai iliat rlaled te fif'ts réealions, and 1s etaale if guidiug tise ielm of tis esisp 01 S tat t o..-14 la n%, alose Uir alnerstou tfiai bu goes but "OIc! Pam, 0 lnWu vbe loubord aud hleeeîheart (ht nation Uusgted. Lot us hope a verth] suceblsôr vili ihe feendIote lIIbis ptace.' Tho NorthsWnwsh bcsu Our ecutemporarlesane nuse fsâai! anglyuing *the e't cf tis outesi ii jorth Weutvorîis, eaci dravlng consola ~ticas las bI own va>'from eSat tise figurei dslee. One <foi is admsuted- Mr rMMconusieeeoctod b>'a majorit>' cf 14ý ~Another undlsputstac t la, tisat itsai, $Otise oic!fine" vbick h If Globè" vould ~keep bazing, Norths Wnîwerth lu calI ~becorning Censeovative. 1 OTisoic! Ore' ~is dying eut, and ch. part?' tuajonf t>' vhul wus ai oee ime oervhslmingly large in ibis ccautituency bas nov dvladlod dovi ~to a bare bakor's dozen. teare mthe rettanu for '63 sud '65vie Ol the tale. ti.ecTION- JtUE 1863. NoWo;i. ov Dundu .............. 141 180 IWest Flumbor!....209 196 Euat Flambera'.....142 252 lieer>'......395 212 887 840 Neiman'a mjority-47. - IETOXls-ecoUs 1865. - McMcuss. Esovia Du'es .......... 180 254 Wust Flambe.u' 22) 232 East Flambera'. ..169 247 tleyerly ....... ..~. 417 239 231 voicu mort evespoleihe ls. ro cnt lecticu than le 1863. Tise total namber cf votos pelled ia '63 wua 1,7271lis '85, l'q8e 0f tise isacresa ~ed ensuber cf vote pcled tise Coasonvativa ~canddate Sel 132; thse Radical 9-9. TSim !#c a hoeofl s aof changes ýth ie botter. ht loeSs as if cnliocs eovotles more tliIgil litolIgent ) tisattbej vers se longer aed lotl o lig b>' tis rai Ing of'a ,lievl,' or d.lodec! by che ecnag osa f doqmaggo.Whc ba tbeir eus u«esIlegrinfdg1bel vere dotes iuned te exsudeths e a ciss elligfent, ly, inrgmoeneesgParti' naMe W. are progressiug. Goai govemamet anc! honesi mea-nît amrepolitieianu am jîarty clapSup.-*iiî s aoutrethe voe@seRan confidence cf tise people la fscore. Pale, ac! falthleo u" ilos noi elonger lord tch vs>'1 -uer'wil lise traing qitator, l'hc hamoele> tmpribmheeslaeeo osmeusbly for, thseaie ef 510 peuty, baith roity>' to pai moe ue>' i%, persabuoal lcod te utr op strite sac!d delùd M î h m te lbees ltlela todmplamés betoe" unoeipcmitgy radial. orme' us.cits &s CasaiJunituc h[eLus.-Tbm fumet U ftise laie ChIel Justice MOLoanvW» expire6 on tise suier. neon of tise pretices Tomais>, ltbkPIs cas Satana>'. Tise reaua cf ulso lamgent çd gentlema vo n isered et Ibm oreO. polie. Amosg <bue. pieset vt At a meetig cf tise L:vwBeebet> reisel uticasu cf coudlenoe ivers psssed 1p' îrncmitted te Mir. MoLesp. -Tiser. are (vo fise epportssitlo as nýov for epiliiss lngprucua b ves to enu lStm for ibIFY sl>ts ~ e Meica Ropebhie,,astI!on. fer iweulî imilliong for tise luiss Ropblie. Tisege nmtot t boul tisé "bot4*IaÈ rpdhuic te iocstec! ise tlst ,u "d tisa iuterosi suc!Pt'muscplpoa ; asrauýteed b>' a ptëdgeocf lb.nvo el eMomami lreland-visoa uhil:cas b. got hou cf Sulscripticus are rooeivei fur. bots loue's Ils Ne okYen tu orm te sut tise limes 'féderi cerre>' Isiseus ai portasudsaliberal di-ooanite pmrbasu t tr dla vertS r im 1utu DigTZOrD.-ÀO'r br* eu la t u'areio adjollg the <ibe» --4"os O&d, Ois Wuaesiayiglp heu?., a e ê lo VnTled> lu%, lie - romaine cf Ms'. 2nob " "a 'e vere Iuterred ai Port W.,liiy, Thse deceased"vas hilled h>' a )Ok, front sborie, lua stable b.iong. ug le Mn.,Sumncel Hnntnr of ?eoreuui, ou tise puerions Souda>'. lge *as kiolaec!lu hof tche stomeob ai duodd on the pot. HEo vus a sls-ng, isealtis>, robust, .-ons man ouI>' iventy-fite yemru cof age, aud vas reamkebl>' sieai>'a-id veil con. ducted. An extraenliumry fatalit>' appeas'l oa have orertalcen tise famil>' te viicis youuug Oreates belonged!, si te#r ral lu this country' tram Englmud, about four years ago. The> thonn umbered sit perons,-father sud maison, tvcsoucan ad Ive danghtes,-shI as vehli ad hoalhy. lookieg as a etrng, ruddy>' nglisis family couic! b,-tho flher beiug a perfect type of th. veli recognizod John Bull, lu Ibis respect. Tise eider Onoaves has mosan,~ aud bought a lai-m ou the brolcou front clf Whibis. Sisonil>' afer remos-iug en thse fà mn a eon and daugicen died of scarlot~ fêter, both lseing burled on tbs saine dal. Tis yecr fllowing, in Novesuier, 1863,~ tise taîther diedunuexpectedl>' afai- aà fev day mlnus. Hie vidov vwu borne mter hlm ta the terb nislujuit tvelve menthe attarvards. Two ciildrcn cf e marrie'! daugbîoer, Wsho bus sinco retumu ed te lUnghnud, dicd vitiin ch. gmre lime. fcisa vu tise onl>' sunvivor cf tise furnil>' efin lubtis ceuntry', ud lho, as *e bave ,aid, maal niaistise nelauchohy accident biics isrougjht hie existence te a close, ou Saindey hast. Afîssr tise deatis of bistfa tiser, John oulisîec! as a private, coidier, but tub ouenî,ly boglist bis aiscisrge.- Ze afiorvaue et tise farus, anc!irec! ous isirSecîf as a teanater, te Sisedden & Cc., ii Toietovsra Selived édura June lut. lise propdrty vas changeable vush a legss6y Oi £300 te ýtho daugiter vise rêtcnned te England. BS. bas! odfudeiii&n tarily b>' maki à â t Is 0isc iicistise> duc! net PpWbie, ià , uc!vstunes! out cf aoons hyl thsc brother mftem the mocisr'c destis; she sov becomos entities! te everytbmng, ansd tais enunt lot islucd!te bu quite cou. TeIno leit lut Ibis,as lut aIl other in saces, that there is nothing more ceu- tain iSsus deatb, and mare nuccutain thon aise time et dyiug. Benthe Ostric Plosuglite;Match. The Couu> ploighiaug match ai uhe Ag- ricumtunni Scout>' ci Seuils Outarie, carne on ethtie Tveedio fansu, lot lNe. 29,, 3rd Cou, Wilb>', on >'osiorday, lut insu) TiOro vas a tory large attendeusce, su his work doue ef a mont excelleut cisarte ton. Tise ptie e re av. rded ns foliove: FIAS-r CLm. Il entres.-The prizes ve, a steel plougi, tise manouture ci Mesan. Brovu & Piatiemne, ialues! ai 824; $8 te second ; $3 te third 1. $3 4th $1 5mb. John Tvuedie, Ii; Robert Pcsdcn, Lad t JaumForreset, Srd ; James Young, th 1 Audrev DavIdien, 5ôis BuCcin Ctà e. ,1ý3,octrie-JuaeU eotfoîasi; Gae-rg. Marquis, Tac!; T ses, b 3mti , d>Joh isu >dleecu, Tess Oas-llay-Tbe <firetpriai intas Is=hs.vas pmosete!b>' n. George lilubeeNtise Secrotr>, belug a piocugis vnlusd et $14. There veme ooly cutile. JR0be oCci., li; JaSnBant, 2oc! ThemuPlieS, rc! George Oglivie, 4tb. Sures. Tise fluai eds.&ail vhoavu purissiulb>'J. . acelet 1,55. The îprlug vbeiatby Joisa Phsilipe, si $1,51. a %bee a , 41 eests. Tad"su' Ce 12 f te Poutiseli9 Tue Luxusr Uà rc Cà su.- At lise Liascsa>' saise%, isui i eor, William] gugllab vu eaec nd -laund gusit>' of eommLzttlusg a t-ape an the persaon cf Mary Atm' eHanaena-su amsnrIOd vaman of 65 feurs of age, *horoaldt near tis e wligs of Omomeo.. Sniesce cf deatib oue pues. I l ou hm ,b >'C isefýJ m it vD rp i. SSi. Ltoeue'ioua 186.-ise 9Oulano ýTarf Club ideontise gSt. Loerfe 166 for lisree.yer> ous, te stomeoff oasJ' lun -%suo. ?he-vlausn leote remeire a pors. Of $200 iwodIOi$5, antd tiseéithihl be relamuod big outrance et $20. Goopalises iiAtEAX-Mt orge~ Doig4 ef Fiai Wiby, asold bis gmnerai parposes-prlso feai cf dapple greys-fo the1 I&O t SO'O g&An' s.. inn The ËefolasCbià i1o POLUCE INvESTÃŽGAldN AT COiRK Tise Wenistn ittla*f blubUSi tli slpwIf' proeMnu. ô . li evout pnisouters Were broM'gh ,before M Strongo, et Lowes, Caatie Yard Mor.e court, one er tho in fg DIM ttjca'x y b.eitôo t tb l i 1 & oi..After tisé remding cf tise'Informtion cfrierel<1 i tise informner, (boy vare ailcammittmcff trial. Soins of thein Mado comnplainlt about theli rentinent lu Prison, tutne bu W ing alloved te con e u elsoisu' Am ecuhsv u.linforrnéd by MrrLSine-,ftis it votildci b uecesSyy <0 epl>'( e ,At; îoney.llenoratiIf they dfà Irad rvile"t mc bo grassied teots.% l ncueiody vote eïamned before b.,ugîes traies. The proeeclin acreted Borne bs grC oltdtm n uttis e lghbohood tiha polias-office, visêra ania~.sn~ro n sehicis thcre 1*88 a lgo p W rohlt wrounen ancd cisildrsn, ba.! aasernbled for orbne lime before tise couft opened ; but leyond mre sisoutlng snd cîseerin en tise luisoners ver e bli; breugisi nufroun tise jeul, tisera wus ne dialirbance or cicr uspmssr. The court-hou s s ussioundea b>' a lino cf policemen uitis flxed bayonets, ind tlhe crewd kepi ai a ehot disance fromr the building by anotiser cordon cf police anuned o iy a-ih btien4. Tie pris. oons %Iren brougisi (nom tise jeu lte tis cout-hytuso in tise prison van, cnqconîted icountocl cclnstables. Tiey wore chist isy the crowda, visicis, hovever, after tihe tiad cabere, thse prison agnin lnpsed1ln. pierfeci tratiquilitl. Tise (ull.v.ng w'mw die uuen put mb tfiscdock, --Mark As eugitter; Jolun K innecally, conmerci SIr veller; Patrick O'SiaughlssY, ashsj uraît-len' liriaus Dillon, lav c!rk ; Je C'ssey, clrk ; Johun Lynci, accoutaaat Michsael Murphy. bat aanufactureriJl tlocustanue, ehocînaker; AlNIeols ~unu., con of a millowusr; Thonas Grec!> tailr; - William Crowley ; Poirick Donas capenter-; Jcslsn Tisoujpson, iravellerrrras2yf i grocer; Timotlsy Carrnody, piastorr.- NaIr. <VConnel ojiened tise proccsg rreateda mnonentary iniarest tdârstioh~ uug ta i a unat is .c 4counvi torV fsrsortng to b; itise hassdvi of %!n. T. P. Msaghar. i was dateci, tt was a narrative if affetirs i '48. document, Mr. 'Qnnell stsatct.lho uuut. ivenit ous.e In evidence, U ircl>' give it li. iVitisLynci s dIto a naustercl, 8hhowwl tisai Sbc esssollod issutiten, sud hsd dans 'lue rank cf A, or colonel unsong the# tharisoca. Wmrster, le informer, vuas thonb out of tIhe îusg straties ruoun. audie -modaWtevitt&schair loarediatel>'il 44 tise beach, md facing tise prison' lie us an ilI-ooLueIn permets. lie ap perfectly unrnvâ Mr. Hlurpirejs, chiei clcrk, rad tho informsations gitan by WVarer, tata,! tîst hc (Wannen) vas a m«- ais illept lSociety, calied tise Poulet ttisortioWu, wvise rabound toeohor atlwful catistele loi>' va gi~ queerîs; tisailu had beenprseW lasusul ciillingsitiste use ofartua pruictice cf sifitai-y exorcisas. lie usado e mbli Iv t 1sMay anlî ud tho eworcoR anostt.tesefollovmuf cn a, tonWser,4do swa lsi thse Itisis Re $)lc.tsow its4'st ed, ac! tisat 1wUIb lit'omoe~ usbey tis cq tcdof uin- rior ,ers; ad 1take tis eti espl q n Inial s okier.Y j avoru d tise prser WVilam COuo ey, vise uwnded lslsstte KepJ j cary, b> thi u.essin.uodnw à 5 S or ie»WS coun tie, prusesuers ai Uea-y'ut, *Dlllees'ss, p ýiinoaIiy*%ratil axas hatof *' A,0 Tissu n, 'Sisanglsacssy,, sud Murphy f-, - ll'e.t Adamns wuprasosnletai weett Gesu-y'a, uni ho (Wirues-) dlia net km is tank. Datnne vasaid Il,51 Aboutsin sonalua sge vu "drile! ia ph=uieu Thse Tavuits," visere lue mcv Lymels Ne rankut. Lîneh b bugt is bin* c caibeus nto Ibic (Lyneise) ledgng%,pl isovocl bit»a svWord,' belt, an' vlle. T vend lia stesiacabbard, ta!d tisab wu visite. & meantl*idrill, 4ad b lus itteusnug lectures së es glnmulo 'veut lu> aYoung rstaauuaeihc sun. Aime saw 1> ilos.-Klnesahiy, Achat )iShaugisneasy, anda Lynchs at a t»"si tt clr's viesona mes-lest wu pnuse 1 seconýd informationcf Wamu.re W -eai, In viicis ho irnplcatcci a muunfan lynes ira'Diniel Rierdats, zase-pu uuîlploM clAitlsth brraglas Hole fenned discussioAt I r 'Nin wvilchsjboni îok pari, andistai=L ho knew,ýtou->'« e- l in he garriffn. A ceplaut Kelly-i rustaet tise meeting visounho vs ecognisie If hb. nw.le refre te seiiîng vsicis vas islaion thoegîtisdi SMr. JÀl*allusao; Mn. Hlallinan 55aw the nul sais i't'i aait loolisis veul," as at, if tiser. e se asy ose i li e wou et grusage It le ibenCus.- Theve vas l"d centre f-om Liverpoct-it (bat incatia ne cf Ms'. RIWIlana'omushi'! belils, Iscdgc visen bis mult esstee-cd leid Tise luforsuatla ie 'e15 0 rnc l aeiting beld on Lise potins! of Mu-. M ýest. Tie ivlrnatloas'weont osa>' (b clark Ã"f GearY, -naalsdoJel se>'. iy i hlm sa gooca sa'!loyal, Fenian. 0 sec!>'t vasecvitS hlm eus frquecn( esc ceusa; Opumos!> was a Fenian sudsa B. 1Mr, llcimpbuoys tison rom'! lie fallevii uisetr tnioçtnatijn mi'!. -1»'Waveou - Ail lise pernsssllusg tfseulvae ýnsal'! (bitthelsbpnit. v erto teobuput catI, anal the. Qaiolie Bichop iles! s i-sein tr." ietst vicis wuaki<antsdo nlunwriing >y Msi. Hasrphteys :-" Tisey sala, an'! a reisan>' moresaic!, t(bath(ey sioula! I7iisth. bishop asdudt im lm mtian md iurus bien, because hovAs lise cause of srning thse pniest fCenk ag uisait u.- t'beu going tle e ut ci', tish olrn't heni s on ecceusul cf beionlguitô t' hso éniali ,cicty."b lI anever te a qasticsat frei tise bonds, ho informser state'! ibat lhe knew nelhing i ait nbout Mounaitîh or Nicholis; he cd neÉer accu lteun, uer cid bu kno* rsytisng et tisosu. ise informer vas beund cicr te prose- ùie. 1ise pnisoners vere formeil>' coss- à ilteci for trial, bail being tefuseal litise aue ai Mountaiue musc!Nicisolis. Thisla set of tihe lusi-named priconer tendered ail for £10,000, et "lau>' ament," on bo- ait ot bis son, JbuLte-ihent affect. A ,ilé, tuni edcetl>' dussa'al;agali chuceted shg fiisenersas tliby wveo cnveycd troats bd ww-ccoffice. . 9cra Piavaro MaaOU.-the aboie fovlus match vu fild on tise fasu cf f r. Seymoui-, Éq., Çquaker lIii, Us nldge, on 'l'hurt-y.tise 20tb insi., and 'eulteal lutise distribution o e upniiasas Mas' ated.letJacob Taylor, 2usd lreicî Blanchard, 3rd Andrev Turner,- cil John Momillan. dope class.-laî lin, Rasa, 2nd Walter Bleushard, 3nd fun. Tbompseu, 4db Geo. Unquhent. The Shortff'ie l rto t 6 lanS. rb thie Edilor a.fuls e ilby sqsCJltrtMiae. sas lu youi- lait issue cf tise l4cb lest., ,o teil th. attention efthtie pubiîe te tise as tc tise Bank, hene,agaiusu SBieRY! WaId sutchers, tries! ai tisetlui assises or this ceuat>', andl you etate (I presume ith thse Sevletlgo, an'!, perlaapa, at ah. Malsc faitise BshenTi irself,)tisat tise leriff "bu mac!. vrtanwcsd Lu.uAauauoffor 64hs Bankc cf seutlement." Wlill you have tise goodness le publiais soefaloi, if ina your pover ; if net, raquest se Siseri fte de se?7Sisould bu refuse, erhaps ho viii give hie consent tisaitishe nopostai hiquestlin sftah ho pubuisise', in 'des. tisai tisepublie May juscgo 'ohauber Èe citer vas il ie iand t.uiuie.i' " Prom tise inforation lu my poasasion have no buosation in declaning that tise !en vuau syîiing but fi FAIR and IBETtAL,"' andal t it bas! net eveuî ommon justice or isonesi>' te reconimenal ; and! 1 clmalleuge tise Siseriff te publishl Ycnns, Mr. Editer, 0'.'n-0F TUE PUBLIC. ribs>, Oct. 3Och, 165. A velue Cor a Cemetery. 1 loches! carofuli>' mie tise 'kreseLde 1tait seek, ionrceuse notice csf cen' neuarks, vitis regard le a coe'tory' or tI cavas of Whiaby. 1 do hope abat hose twll nei no hoalioves! te drop a moug Ibb.IlWauts of Whitby." nons is acre neemear> tissu a suitaisie huril ,round, anc! h concerne ouprincipal citi sue te take ibm matier at once mueo con- doraticu. Sa. Jeisu'. Churchynrel a sn mosi vs'etcied comicnulese &pot, audluas iss sloved te <ail jute e diegraceful laIe-tise eucos are teuton, tise grens sugh as a cormn,-tlao graves ccattere bo n luthe vildeit dicorder, and 1 ban bai at this date If youdhtue imossIble ta1 lsote ume amet S alifethion e le belles! tiser..oriover, i5 afev y 'r *ilh t w iffoul .rose S M" gav vtis kik mppieg «er« e ma »M. Ad ite etr.dsteoft) t.eiLtt mias.bidevi. veedea enloserm wviichdis lfigure il, antd-T1tisink bat s êtrosg cm ilesumas!. ut- agaluat mis. aoi ChIstim of whliby on the score ot ýplis> and aselet ; but aeclai'a gali (e b so br e tho Chmthisof Essgîuc!, ho Sae.alleved tbeir ove grauns! la ,ose loto SicS a oudiîlou. Muzis mi> e doue to Improe preoeul appeamamo, atlmoiis t hlf la eunelted 'tg lipur cee, blagsetursuuitus aleti ertaIn *«asof e tie yea, tisa ifuboeomos Im- nadtiveloock eut speedil' for à botter Labet European. Tise Canadisunsisip Damaecs. ase Patser Paint o eut is .rTise an!>' nuv ai importance is tisai tise acancy in tise premsomebip, cause'! by theo deunise oi Lotit Palmeerston, bas net yet hesu illac!. -. Il is geusoral>' belieîed tisai Bari Russellwil 6i hie s uccesson, but uething of mn offi'aI nature bas trenspined relative thoreto, tise Qucen teung ucea on a vucut te Scoîlsan'! The Choiera. Frein New Yorkvo leaustisaitishe cisol. ena bu ailpoare'! iu Brooklyn, N. Y., oe or t#a puisons recîdent la thut exceedingl>' dlnty ci eeaSus tsoeuddouly takou ilI e 155a inguvisici tise pbyseians ai once prenouneci id bu. choIera ai ch. moist.virn; lent type. Tise Broolyn Bosard cf tepktth have talcen aleraiu, anal have iastlîuaect eteps foi- tise cjeansiusg anal purifyiulg ai tise cii>'. We trust ibat abuss prncutionary measures May' îot torne tee laie. AwIusl NlsPwrecka Twc iJuadroai aii- S5yooesbtdwnecf et Btl 71gerAi ~lhe fngishpapers give tse prticulue of tise s i mise Amreican bulît aship Èagie Speed, visilo n on vuwy wvus fçur huai-bd anal uiueîy savon coolies fi-eusPont Canning te Dew.arara... fise vnasLC'teck. place neur HaIliday*e Islsandl, Angusti 2, 'anal tise fatal resulte are thuas deecribes!: -~ re-orcithe ogie Sletiboatas were launcieul. manned bb>' lis! b-ev.Inu eluding tise coolics wvite bvtisemieives luto tise vater on iseucoops, aise bonsat asal euc isundrasd andi ixty.î.iiue, and ail thae Eu-opeaus. Captaîn Hoitkiît'sboattaitadas ite trips, but tise othen e vecn socmisa- ,du ; ou-e ei ied hec! Unirhilipast velvej brougisi iff use Captalus, visentbis ovua cmuv nofuseal te isep. Tise steamer Lady Elgins,wiso vas nuar, luil for Pont Camniug ; neoiint vas -given~ te tbnee isuudred miésorable uneteissevise weu-c siîsking le launâcistise ehip'e entier, visic ils net isenuacultisotgli tise Oe liiuropedn lefi anal Ite negroas <ic!do sgo? au'! vuS tsi-t>' coolies vers aimerwnindss founal b>'tise steamer. Tise sisip continueal se floai ail abast nigisu, justifyiuug tisa opis- ion cf Captnin Houkiras. 'Considasing tisa r4ite cmtesicis tise sipvas siuskiuug, 1 as sanguine, htise s oulal have suicceedeatinl 4etting tise gressin portiou of tisa coolies, out.' Tue steamers veneut ut niemena moul irom Cacutta. antd tise Lady Elglus reiunued (lu-m Port Caning. Tise>'fouuad- aisree cooliga iste munt- cf tisa vnck,and caveal about 9clxi>'score vsh sd floateal te llidsay'c sncd Buîcler's lslandis, visen the tigers are mai'! tei haie ietroyecl eorie. Thse coolies assentihat aise lut Europesas sttamptecl te fine tiese hi1>. 0f tise four~ isumdrodan sd uinet>' savon coolies, Ivo isu<lred anp aixi>' aeem te bave perieliedi on tisat terrible Weduasa'!ay moring ai- aitervards lunaise jusugi." lm'suaaituLT uotCAXOiUST TUE NEaRcous e Jà ÀsÀc.-Moreheead Cit>', Oct. 28.-.-The purses' of tis teamslsip Eagle makes tise foîloving- report :-An insurrection bus broken eut arng tise negrouo f Jamaical [rho unglisis consul General ni Havane,I Isa appl.ieds!t tseCay bain Geiaraiet Cuba for- aîd to putm tise nugroes dovu, and! fou $pauiis vus tvessele bave been deapatcos!d lfur usai plupose. 1Troope have ince been stmbarbed for H6am ansd Bermuda. TIîmsA tise lourda negoe beilion las the 1 f. Jansalca. On mise 22usd Fol-n ry3 184, about 900 slaves vers detectat euýs acenspîise>' tedesîro>'ailti. vwhite eniabit&-its cf che ialanti. In 1793, tiso haNrtbeinpari ef thee Island!, aud voe onot redue.'! te aSbjectioun ntil Mareis litS, 1796. The mont elarmang ocuibreab, boy iver tcek place, eontise 22usd tecemcber, 1831, vhou tise Island vas places! utido martial 1ev. adsuc! mosi nagent measare du' nuscrene exocioas falloves!. 'Iho Papal Exccmamuatsitcofthe Nov YonS, Oct. 29, 1865. Tlie seamer St rohns. uc lvinsthea - lu bthe Dock., William Wilson, a con, ve haleis, cf' n'estiumable Jndge of tise supenier ceunlu rp<- Ciikada, vas places!iu tise docka tise Ëiadîesue assizeis 1ôunFis>', cisargeal vi bqvttagz attemptoal, in aonjunctiln aitis Win. Kerr'au'!PatriekSîEsmoni, te i-a >'o pugtlnarned John Drairea apprentiée cf. Mn. Heur>' Meorebesad, Cab- inet make-, ealmise Great Western railva>' station,lu Londloun, ou Fridia>-of tise ex- bltaot i ebksTiseo priiobei *Wu delcos! led lu> Nim. Bechen, 1Q. C., stio In a speechs ~of mucis feeling, refre'!tate social Ipositiou cf tise accuedeM ~d thse ignoble jappearance lia preceutnd at an accsa 'éien sithtie dock. lie lied undoniaken tise deuce frcm purel>' persoual -motives,' butin2 Sunovu, ce héepresumea tise jury hçAt aIse Icuovu, bis fatiser for man> yearcs. Élis Instructions ira tisecase wve, bt ifI o pnitotonvas -guilla>eslothlm suifer vithotità ueafng blie ècéiotieà a ôn for bic crime, büt tiso learuesi counsel, nul nîicmptiug tea uhuisit tisis as a grodus!d fort claiusing hie -acquittai, argues!tisai 'the§ visole bac!resiies!fri-tbit habita ofikeep; Ing Company' viaisbas!-boyi, vise bac! con- trotlbd bisa atioihs, and i hii mmcvicit- nale bablap. [le thioed that Ibis voul'! be a leason net-enl>'Ite isiueif; but teali ivYho were places! in asmilat i elrtitas. Tise jury uetired, and! afien a short timfe retune'! t a i (erdiet oa i st guilt>'. hie Lou-clsiip Clf Justice Richards, la acquit îing thse pn!sossen, nefemnes! tea-lie diahisuor; ilig posiipan fioal viicis oheiseshoan e- leased-,attribuliug lu aqiel> to tise habits of lire Ëls ec! lu Comnpanvyul tdiereputable compnadou. h vaw<o is opeal, ho salal, ilium thu uxpoetiule C>tise put vouId lodda hirn fo tonalucihirneeli mono cornecil>' lu Itture* Tise prisonel. vas tieut discisaigo'!. Damti.Aednsur.-Ou tise altenatoon cf Satunclay last, isetaveen tise heurs cf Cour sas!d[ire oicloclc, s dresdal acciceut happendal niDoereceken's nov bnicis bnev. on>', la tise villuage 6f Salon, (EIgins C. W.) -Sorne ior>'or (lt>' men wveu asisig la place a pieceocf timiser on tise building. Tho 1mear Oai sisÃŽuy fel long au'! IvIe enuied iquere. Having taP.6f lishe sticic chu-quagis an'eud vinticu, aïdlacte,!oe and ai it on'tise vaîl, t0 ofhe' eutd ne- quimoal te hé places! o4 thsaepposito e- all. lu archer ta socouiplisi his, an'! te put uppnrfî uusuu tise cousu-e, tise mua were ui;tnisntedf ejunîlly. - Pîsansaka vee rovu upon tisa joisus, anal a ternpcmary scatlolal, tuoma five et six foot higis, onocte'! theroon sapou wvih a ine or tuai mon stoo!. visilas 'a equsi number nomalue'! belov ta banal thern the bearn. Tisticek vaslitie'! te wîiaiin fis-. an six luches ai tise top oi tù1e wall, visustisejoista hi-oSe nad tue mure belov' feil s distance ef nenntiecu teet, wvitel aborne ou tise ecaôuf at«atTold leil nineteen feut. - isetUroretunnie e uais venu hurles! ali. las tise debr-plna, bricks, mon. tan, sad titaubun fnllitg usp'nnabusai fnorn eticie. Tva mmn ene faînls.iujùi-e!nt iscieraI cthers seerel>' injuret!. ILLu3syug ha-INUOta. Rarotcn.-t1he tiietarbed tai ocf socieîy iu thse Penusyl. vaiu oit région, reeuti>' reported i las olo graphie- deepatchus, le deplorablo. 7W1 Tituauiille IdHennld"' seys ;a "Htghway rab beries have becu ef cemussofsoccurrence, andi unaccountable diappearmous i-e quseetl> repented s!.15il net fUît> tinc tit s ometising nias deus boyiard puftg au'e fetac kte tise epération cf tise 1tOur-j dorons vretcbs hom isaifect even>' -popuà là r icvu of thistblraglan, and visedog ahe~ teps ef h.laîed traiellers, on lie ira valti for tsei i son.>' sud bîod ami'! tise vaisatnu'"tfaickets cf Vouango' counu>' ? Tise local,-pollue, are visollinicomnpétent1 FanrL the rkS Jqumred. Il nepds miese trong~ -eheniese nrm of a voanuteer corps,, ecru bracing tise reipectec au'! subsiaumial. dt-1 nie cf oer mortant point las: the régionj where eugh outragea bavebeaa ceasmitie'!, via : Tiîtuaie, - Pbessaiville, Plîboee isu8it"?letamou', 011Cii, bc.,, Thi iaine paper centaine allone cf rewards,' atontW gte *9,100, for tise anreci t tvari 'eus ardèurcs nd u'!bsvy robbers. Mbaa ns ryXii«afeI. -À fatal stabbltsg ra>' ceuorree l.Ëi npto onasTueaay oe vwer te tise questions put te ibirntara' uairatamted na loggc'! silence ibroaqgiout bue proceéde'!g, vicb, in consequencu af, is -refusai ta speuk, vend cof an entisel>' larmai untes re. du beliug 8sisovusîle corpsud f hie niatISr au'! sieten, ho as.renidbis tves, anal appesaroal for tise moment ilenîl>' listressed ; but ho made ne romanS, au'! almosi immedistel>' rosume'! bis appeananco of stoli'! indifference. Tise modoer h Se ra q uite col mn inc o ho vas I r pZ I so ra ; an'! ho converses occuinsaely ; but hi whieu er sho shuitdabiedhj thet ho CrerspiAcyo.-Tbe ocdtià s'nce cf ahe mises'. abie Fenians ca'nopinau>È' b en productive of et beut eue gacal reucil. ltbaselleiteci ar. amouni of SiasalI>' feelinag; t0s'!son ese an'! Madernîjon eus tie piiu- f he Engliis Pou u i iîeekiffg cf I Iriste'! h -a' fairs, visiel, -cm dEiiiedintu aI moine' biaIîîi, con'!bhave lbai éd ee6ted., The' scoi-nfi mersu, the,,uausrres - Vitepeta. tin in vlsiI ndie cof tisé lèadg orge' bf public epiaià h Ottt-swoul't' l6a i' ébeai Irelan'! censLtiedîs' Èa- lge beous replaces! b>'a-spirit af gSc l fcilngk snif of eotti'!iration for, tis..pocu ias-tues, of- Triahis ociel>' saurd ebracter which ,cifferý 'nom the EsglithStulandard. 7h. Peýpleý ofi[relais'!are notet coundoti -ithis t*' Fesisu Brotisurbea'!nluee w eepiuig sil. ence of cetudemnation ; an'! evon levards those vre .hoitmen vhose <ally ubuilci. s'! sncb luciate iujury on hibeir co try, the feeling expressed i4loeerather pic>' tissu -f vengeance. -Thu Duimers or CÀÂrÂ&Ai.-Â War-of- le retora laà s-Seen pabhiised,saeissig ts axpomse inonedb>' tise Impenial treacrf turing 188.9 1883, un'! 1884, for theo irans'- pont te an'! maintenance of troops ln Cat- adad,u'!-fon sulutartoreias ;sac! aheW aheuing the expeu'!iinre b>' tb. Canetiien toveromout os the militisauni toluntleri fues. Tho oxpences cf the Imperiai trasur>, includiusg tise' expenditare <aue acores euppli -ed in consequc.of the Trent aiffair, ainount 10 £2,1l60,242 anc! tise Col- Oisi expeudiiere amnîas te 4874,090.- T'ho oeaditure feur 1804-5 causai be fer'- nilube', us- tiseacenUaro ute oiboss re- Journeymen foo makers W ÀT&TTsD two goôd jci Appi>' to, 45-ljoli Iffm' ST. LEGEI Hluntor, aped 30, a manie", living vils big famil ' a6f, Dialry.crecceuî, Edinburgis ,mundered his mother and lister on Thurà ... day moruiug, Oct- itis. Tho mordorer bas been veakly lu body, sud orratil hia dispoitioin frein bis boybood. Wi tise usut six yesns, h6wever, il abu t found nooessary b>' hie friends te keup hlm in, clobe confinemnent within hie fntber'g bouse, tboaugh rioi under restrainl, bis fatuit>' being apparontly of 5 noîd aud inoffensite a type that no-danger vas >apn- preioded froma the- measune of freedoni tui *à g allowed hlm. ODn Thureday mrering ti urc!erer was lefi alone, as usuel, wt vs mmethen alid lister. &bous ton o'cloclc ho effected bis eibilpt froasu Ibo bouse, and bac! gel unie thse publié rmmd, when ho vas- overtahsen b>' Mme.and Miss Hunmer, vise had folloved hlm.un Hrùter exchanged a few verds vriti apparently ilas renkonstranco againsi bis leavlng the bouseI thon, laYing ber baud 'id hie obbilder, asite med as if ondes- veriug te. pirsuadu hlm(om , etriwhbeh tunned rapidly round upon ber; anc! raising ýa lvelb of fon bartbout elÉlhmdeu luche« long ahd slightîy overn amincinl diemeter, bue structk ber lieaflly bOÙthe left eide of- the beud, beliind thle ltr, felliu'g ber in. alanuaneous!y ctiste greuud. Miss Hanter thon musised forvsard; rsising ber baudâ lu hdorr, asnd vis réec.vud lu (ho e gma mn. fer ly (the rnaniac mua, boý vas nov wrked uw to a pitch cf gruat excitement, Mfien Huier felI over tise corpseof beï mother, wvisesntei bave been billud lu. staocan-eeasly, sud the tirderen, stoopfg ovur ber, ropesed bis blows seversl tin*%t rise borr4d ded uns net ebseried by any> SSrsôn vithin iseating cf, themurderen ; but a tbson, er'stnocuLterChoo wus verk. ing ýat adistanuce cf about Iwo l.undred Yards clowi tise rendl, hearing a e bni> :buclding noise ns if cf blows, locked i6cud. Seeing tise tue bodios Iying on tise gnounid, an'!bunter walkin.- about ex-. ditediy, hoc suepected tise nnturd-of visai fiad beep'A j one, and sisouteci te Hunter, at th saine ime mnking bis va>' tesards tis' put whero tise dead bodies vore Iylng._ [ho arurderer, apparenti>' tiorougsl> suer- d, made for the back garcleu, forcing bis vay threugi tis brubiser>', and tok ne- fge in~ a greenhouse. Ho unas there seur. c!. Medical assistance vas menwiile procured, but 6oth wven vere dead. Iu Catherineo sncieaiu0dm -Imate chu'! ou Manda>' vi simien FIers, mad bots art Ã"ven Sound. CoalieW$20 a tousilas3b rekig$8 profit ou, aut wilI ha a clct vinter, AMasunBhaclcsiene, R elg.peu ani. vu levoume'!1 BIRTI, - ATCIH-In tiistown, 26ch uit., tise vile or lMn. à e adaughistr. ,- bIt., ly ube Rai.y. PMaca meâ!rjs, te MiseBIs, et lén Ilberi hBaird, ail of P. - DIED. BIIABAZON-At ther tthor, George Dreaxoi j3rock, ou Monda>', tise, T Timets>'Bramto>$ ag'2 lueraI vilI isireplace-frai bf ber sera, Mn. George Yu tTsirstlay> at 10 o'cleck ]Preshyteniaralu ilgïoauf - BUTTO-e.-lInUzxlii thlie 27ab ut., Ada G., dimes A.À ,ButtonBesq., a4ed - al Whttb........ Sprng... . Pens..... ... -Oais ....... Ryn. ..... Butter ........ .. Apples... Torectto Wedu Bans>' 63 le 68e, mund very superion. Fali visest bpnlng si 15 te $1 25. Poax.68 le '70c. Buatter $9 te $14. » PerS 48 25 j-ý