Whitby Chronicle, 2 Nov 1865, p. 3

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Catherine MoDonuid lestroyredier¶1teg5 Ü.Iut chil4 on Mouday week, aided by bet bitter Fiera, and bell, are now lin 4ai bWic Sound. Ceai la $20 a ton lu Chicago, tht dasi. brsu e Ing $8 profit on .wery Ucn they selL It wlll b. aOccid drue thorao nexi winter. A. Maun bBiackastpre, 1R. I., f.llinlto a pig.p.a aQd wua devoured by the pigs. BIRTH, BATCH-Iti-this town, on Thursday 201h ut., the wife of Mfr. Samuel Hatch __ àf daggbter. MATTEWS-BAIRD-On the lOîh bl. by tb. R". B. Macarthur, Mfr. Woe. Mï;ýïws, te Miu Eli"a, eldest dtq)qgbtr of Mr'. Rubarî lBairdi. ait offls....l bi 46--U-- - u;u and DIED- es- BRABAZ0-At the residence of hi& iho aleGorelrhan Eaq., J. P., ie . prock, on Monday, the -l3rd ultimen, Mblir. le, Timothy Drabetoni âged 2j ycars and! er, inouths. eof YULOI-At tIigltolîjoh the.Jh lte., 1 i. -MM. George Výule, aged 69 yearb. The< derluneral wlll îaice place fron the regi demee tif bfher son, Mr. George Yul., jr-, odt ian- ~-tThiarday) at10o'clocic a*.m.t th 0t. BUTTON.-10 Uxbridge, on Stturdny in. -the 27tb ut., Ada (C.,1 itond daughter of~ ... Il utîone Esq ., aaed 5 jeuandi1 _ mn4 lYhitby fîruets. wlsiîby1 Nov., !laI 186 Fail Whcnt,. $1. . .40 nai G5 Spring ...... ........15. a n', Barley......... ... . 0e a 71c. Peu I...............G0 a 65 Ci. 35eta: Hay..~........8.00 per toi.. -Butter ....... ..... 20e. a 25e Chicena.......30a per pair. Torosto Wcdnesday Nov. 1. Belrey- 63 te 68ê, and! 70 to dbc fr ýery sperior. FAII wheat $1 50 to $1 58 Èpt.lnag $1 15 to $1 25. -Ot, .2 to 34c Peun 68 to '#'c. Butter 22 to 25c. llsia ~9 to "M4. Park %8 25 to $10. - NEW ADVERtISEME1VTS. Journoymon foot and ShQo- (makers Wantod. ANTED ytapod:ie W~ ST. LEGER FOR 1866. .iNEW A1)VERTIe'MF-ýýNTSs. NEW,-i;DESIGNSI SIFERIFF'S SALE 0F iLANIS nà%mHavne'> nu Worrl' r Sto COKIN , tRLOBhe, inPL iOdOn ThI o IT - ~~~f tise er g est and bi s<sm te vr Fere4 mn tisa inxket, uni! Tt iiey arg determin. COIJNTt 0F 0e,&]R1<Ji lT.[TI FAWA A~ uSE y e! atebeno ethe n prices vii b. founi! vei e.!'hfSTOVE FUR> d tt Tw Viyti dda f Aggobtbjn j tise Treanrer of tise Coutl ci'aoatarst>b)e&n leng NITURE wil always be fonr.d as 1sefer4.-P1lLI-CLÂSS, dut. tis Twenî isird dT gant, eut, tistas n dci.1 lt an d i n!sxty ., uni ta me (iincctei!, for the da ledtiluO!fnsreai.s dd a saiiott dae aponthie (allovin lands, in the sald Coanty, 1 shalh, on C A I D ýLAM S ruesday, the Tliirt'eenthi day of February XTcàMi nt thd huiut bf Twclve o dloclî, noon, nt the COURT 1USE, IN VIE TOWM 0P WIIITBY, Probeèd té ths ale hy Publie AuEîi on, cf saUlt LaMai, of- eb fmch theredf 93 may bc rsccessary for the payment ot such arncar of asensta, siniesa tht saIne; tlsgetlsc with ait Iawfui charges, be mooner paid. TOW.'NSHIP 0F IIROCIC. Loul. CO.N. ACims. W.. Ptatt i ls. Nor-th & Softil t1,.Isms.den, îb, Il. F. 2, a 1; YiÏus r'TE. ~, 18529. 947- 6 Sa 1359 ne 1 g53 4 2DtI q o3u6is 3 4. TOWNîsRif OF MARI, 25<0, 1.960 i 2 & 4 73, iK'2 a 9 o 1 3 1 IR, 18 9 80 1 2 4 100, Isbu a 9 o 2 s4 10, IP1.2 060 1 3 23 1(m, 1855 67 8s9 eî12 34 105>. IS52 39 60 12 34 TOWNSIIP 0F PICKERING- 30, IM>7 8 9601 1 34 'ttWNsaîlp 0F RAxA si, i~oiit5 eh, le 8 9760e1 2 45, Frnt ' 10<, 182 919 9 401 23 4 77, 20, t26i7sseîu TOWNSHIP 0F BAef. si< 8 1;16 1 M4 8 9 el2 34 PORT PEMR PL&N. i0, ib%%s7 en52 34 28 au à aa 4 fb wNsuw o R'SCCTrf~. Elpi- 20, pis-ta 1e ô 7, l'es-t eus Ima-es- cier, 1.5, ONTARI1O, TURF CLIJ WIllI gio thie foleivi St:. Logen for 1864; 8200 00,.TO TRHE Fritwrlr 030 00,,TO TUE R ECONDsi :iri!Iermeto asave bis.entrantCel MAIaort two teils4.anti-smquarcr os-c, tii Wlsthy cour~ istsse for br a d-<, sui-' alsîl ow led lusu m'sinca. T. '. W. Favc "n nie ;t tornoeraui. *Fisrunce 5. u!ls frIF osae on5st Mircis ilext. t~*Rae te, corne airearly ia JUNEi Pantins. islnng te enter mnat acai! sans énd pedigreae! fi>nis, withsliait fonlit enclos-. ad, sddrcess.rste secretssryo on onrheure the day et Vlus.isiý THOMAS ceIuIlU'rfi% WbIstly, Nov. ist. Secret sry, Wlltliy Auction Sale M1ousehold Furniture, &d, WME submsrîiber bia recearni! în&nruc- 1 ions to sadi by Pubic Auction, on Monday, Novembor 6, ý186 At thse residence et ýJAMES WALLAOE, Esq., A large qnant!ty of VinisleIlousehoisiFur- filtsre, csnai*tissgr in pas-t of psrlossr asndibed- lýirtscsrps-tx,astîsr ecrpots alltirodsis, tsable- tlining, centre asthIsilsl; Csin.iarsne re.4hmand enne-bottomesi; Soin-tais-IIiseatei! and otlsçra. Ciock-oue oelit day, very valu- nble. C ryitis, eCisîntigi tone ware. A very vsllal enesof Stuffed bîrds. Blver plate tud piatcd wsre-gr tvney Crnet and aqgeur ns, ansd a ns.nsbc.et o otiser sntillct -_J lwortls the attentiosi of parties ftrniêhing. A RusllU quantity cf Hardware) A doe - utter ani! hdneoi. Sale te comumene at Il o dlock, a. ni. &S a s.a - OÂA .H11 LE<l AR1lANkis jr. Ase seer, W -Wiùhy, Oct. 30, 1865, 43- kt Parm to;Lot.,lu Bi WILI, beilot fr a terin of Ye&s. tise lrni bt1)nkIog t.I tise sndaigoti! ituntesi un QUAKR IILL4 Bing the weet naît ef lot No. 11, Id lthe611 ci)ice,ii i.UVxuid<e, eonteinnlst 0 ares.. %sesade dow. Thora ianà good isoume andi ont hIud rcl,iitiad n.gereher are a f cres,. A ireed tenant wii be liîborlly ijeait v itii For tennis.and tfrt1er pnntfeu1mtAl5njp;fy toi fius , padd ag rcadad adn lt Pl Si s5 15iM2 3 8 b112 à4 TOWNSIIIP 0F TlltlfAtt. 1, 1 M 15 Y8 1 TOWNsIIip op uxattVGy3. pVant.86 , S 1959 64 tct %%7, 2, 70 158no1 2 4 itfddeofKjÉl 2, 959lis-0 1 2 ToWNSHIP 0p; wH[mt. 11 .Perz7/Planr>z 0/Brookl",1 IS5e 62 384 lm 6.e 4-5S MW 9 54 M5.9 1k it 34 1 61550 2 tà ¶'0WN 0p wJiITBy. i *A ardý Wua. 0/ Brock s$reet 20 181"9a 1 88 18i 6014' 29 1857 9 60 14 815 18860 su 4 195V 40 1 254 la0t 18,09 60t1 9 1tAÏS. ltEbAlRRs. - Soppo,.ct! te lic $7 t. l'atontesi 44 85 V>testc4. 182 71. do. 435 b7. <la. MP 74: dn. 121 90s. 514. Smslispesed ta lx 37 44. Ilattited. N9I 59. lotetctî 66 09. do. 73 te. do. t2 . do. 7 47. do. 15 1,i, do. 43 1"S. do. 171 41. de. lb $4. <b Of the first quality, always titi hànd, uni et prices that défy coin- setition. Thewm are continualiy add!lng to their Stock Of IARDWARE, OLASS PAINTS., S, U&e&. 13el-Iligi -. C dou-e in the best-manuêr,- liaviug just rÉceIvedi ;ood asanrtmens oifIIEIiS AND F1xruàts. W (4o0d Il'srul Woou i ud Dut-ter taken in exchnge for Staves. jP HATCIt & BIROTÉIEU,11 Fariners Store and Tins Shop, Wanted a Good 'Piismith, none but ï.stcady 1hand îxest>d pply. ~-OASII'AID FUR SIIEEP SKINS. NEWGOOS. The subs;cibers have now reeived à ful aýort,- ment of' Fali and Wilitet Goods,jonsisting of Dry Coods, Or o'Ceries, SIIELF AND IIEAVY HIARDWVARE, PALNI4S, OILS, GLAS89 &c., &o., &o. Whlfch they offer at much reduoed prioés far cash, or approved credit, payable lst Jaripary, 1866. rý7 They would pàrtiesuIarT ve notice ta those parties whose notes andï #ýotnts are now ptast due, That payment eof the same isi t timd at once, 19 t<Ado N* < - < tCo Whitby, Scpternber 27, 106à. 88 PAWA AND-MNLLA Ilaving ezlax'gtd our premises, 7and. openecl a Branob, at -Manilla, we now offer our customffl DVER 1$30 000 'WORITH O)f the most carefully selecietd stock of -goods in th ,e Oounty. F7iràt in hetise lt, and fira n bqnsWtl, styIç anddwaaulacture, stands oai, Acknowledged by the trade to be 11deid8y the- BEST i n the Mnnketc' Our Stock of Is, without exception, the largest held by any rfetail ho'use this! aideo! Montroni uni! as tisey were manufaetured ta aider durlng.the Sun-iïtep mnths, ind pmschnsed long beforo the Inte grent ativance in Lenthen, and Bloots and fh6es, tise trede nnd pediara vii find them nov fuiiy 15, and in snuoy instances 25 per tont ClIIEAPER tisan Montreal Wholeseie Prices. OUR STOCK OF GROCERIES are no w complete and will bc fotusd to exceed irs Quality and 0Oléapnes&l, the, hitherio uiîirivuiicd naine of tise We keep none but the BEST BItANDS 0F',LIqTUORS, and litre nov 10 stock overeý 100 barre.s cf Domesiiç Whisky.,>t5.biir of Todtly, tMd Ry o, Malnt, ai Mountsin Due Whsisiky. IIcnnecssey'ss Bet Ë1iin0re1'cànss4ham's Ilest Port. soi! Diainand S iees, in Wood'nd ter -- CROCKERY AND) GLASSWARE, in groat variety.- Oli tentitn are ntr1iC4 CASHli and -bineturo rie offeojou the çheapàetËooda thâit cao 1i- bouglît.. t XULOAHY & CASHMAN, Oshsawa, October 18, 1865.0.3OH41#A. & -MANILLA. ,N. il. 'Ail parties indebted to the laie Lfld déttie insnediately. Io 79. db. -- ~.YiI.e 174 e. o. ~ gNEW FALL-& WI 207 i5. I A.. tS e do.l. 1 d6.il. 4 40. 8347. f 6e.. 8493. '324. m-es 19i. 445. W Ffâe; " Zand Ke&4P# ,Plai-Pari lôt, 29 and 9~0Cn.l 52 i5812 34 211 18" 61.1 4 TIWkx OF WHITj3t. t'W" *Faf-EFuàt cf Brc~~&k ft. et manuge lock St. 1Plock A, de do A, do de Villifi L. 40 96-1 2 1 4 98. 4 49. do. do. do. do. tde. dlo. die. do. do. do. do. CI0. do. do. do. Psltew do. do. do. itc. d'O. W.holesale &Retailat the *.~ LN-OUI&***"nt-t- , tt Ma mitng the "dib as srodu ' Contlos, that lit butereds-inte cejpatnertaip on -tise Sti mat enti 1f. ep'ui~, or hparpoe hi manuitc-ssripug Boote und! Shoot Vsis ni! Retail-and that businetà vit! lscrenttei, bo -=ri sl oh under the style d- firm et 'ët Wholesale departmeîît Will bd fuwnialied with &Il the lead- ng Stapile (dbasi, consisting of Ladies'; et.,Usaê,Bo s' Youtiss, iChllns ouarse api! fine Boots and! Shoex, rmade ouItiof tise boet osateralà ntise ret The Retail deikrtment wîIll, a$ iiiigà1'bi fiiýnséflatawith ai -me"a 4rety aI goosis, cisiefly of their ovi no rt*aý andl tley trust 117 stiet et. cntion to bu=sinesthey viii coninne to receive tZlb na puMery iYbàtb4"d tin uàt noteci es meln>nt kowvas4ethg "14 ON, TJIK CORNER. L ~Encourttge 110ie Manuflac - 1 nd ii y lota anal Sisoâifr" i'hitby, Sept. 28, 1Sgot Losx, $10 REWÂRD. lont tbrno two-venr oUI Iseirers inie ooda:U mi1h tise aRnd. beIen 'utie ansi AsOIs tn.Two or tisegefrvn e d 'with a iwt' Whit1e on tiseir balle, tige tis1rd wa Il White, and nil'O ttre le a fnsii, ai! lu good econ fition. sueor giving suc lisfrnsatiou a" wiUknd viiii eneyn roceive tise ss»ve O-- ROBT. THOtMSO.4m T MV J» 2?. lô ~hrIg Seivant,.Wantod. l'a. Àppiy teof MO ON WA&TgSOX - - 99. &s,. 1U >~: WaladeePa P~<loi t v,048 té ilock Ir, dO LI do Y, de K; lu 100,590 1 2 34 2 18 eeo24 flouise, wfll please cal] TIRONAS kJiLCAHY. NERW ADVERýTIS-EMENTSI, Wlistby, On. 21, 18r,)- Farm for Salée IN THE [OWINSHIJ? cWIITBY tu sol], witlsaut rtserve, at onàfeubIC>o, bUp Saturday, the 41h 0f Nov, A. il, 1S6ý; -AT- ~BLAOCK'S ,HOTE-L3 ýC - IN THiE £owN Ol? WHf1'Boy, ['lie follewiisg vainable, lande- - -1sL.-Tlse north blufet lot No., 21, in tise 5s-,I 0esieesion of theownaiis of % uit y, luitue eousity of Ositas-le,!belig tIs nostii.wvc<t ouL-- le !tie eulebs-stod "Uýl)NflU FAÂRîî'î oitsiuini< 109 acres ; ncanly ali andi-rooiti-m. don. -On tlisi pîmneitiiensiju a hotisse j.sdia zied fi<ame barni; we1ý 1'ci. uspaqi!other - 2nd'.-Alotu e vent quarteir of luitNo 2 .;. HMILTC iire now to baud a - OF FÂNCY ANDB-ST- >Ietta, ,- 1Blaî*eti tn &- Fancy W1ne etCarpets, ol Plaids, Tickingi nch- Meri 4Mr, MOI ShrtIngs îe, White & i Y'uNeck-Ties, I~a rCLQTflING NAI W-iIHOUR U$TJ iand 1 aVmsfQu 680. e get asi. - WaIkz~a~Qogu1Con8. I idoi*f S 1859 60 1 2 1 1869 00 1 a8 'Mg 9 LAST__CALrtE laile, lodsbtei! te tise isdêrs(gu t 44. 1 fiL 1 82. h b 51, I 5L Si- 8 81. S Si. I i!~ 811. ek Si a - IIrtgagasaIe, pa fu aninteret..) îesned to b 1e IiÇ s ti I il 'estnroeto nnrrtggp, udater, the ibtIîsri. Ni)svoînhen, 1842, (Itecorded l7tis of .lasry, 18u5, Il(snanlssl Ne. 2072?') Made by Tittrlc.,I Newby, fur eedssrissg tiseîse sst <'1t ncrtiu-, ninis550s thcsreius ssîesstiaîsc15 lt l îsPÇr!ttl h ariste, i elis a liiitîuiiandl ois fht dilys nýj.-1 5150 -ticrein îssîsstias<ed. AND tIEpitE'58, lc-f.sss!t lig1c., Loi ms.o n tihe Payinesît cipir-th Ie ssussc.s, î'rinc!- pal ansdllîter;eatt) steunesi tauieî1'1>0 hysa cer- usdn slîmîhtitrc ! ofortIllie, ttc(ite <dIl of Jti,16,(RCnT(lCd l501sqI' Asigîît,1862,. tiieistoriitl No. 20r14i,) mande lsy Joidou Illotick, fnr g4=liset ise liynisfsst ef certasin itiniiOvi ttits-elk Istîtiuai d wstîs sitereit et il r;ite, In tlise nsusîser stssionuIVie dslýa hd ttie ~i neusstioned. UBJJ IC iNOTICE isleorgivcii, tiat pnrssmaist to tlis e oidh- titm etethte sd isdcsssrets of!..rtgitgel issa tise pow%,r oSmiale tls'ncin Ini tinst fiiuiili, noistalss-d, tise latiis is.nscstoieldtIses-cl, viz: W ogt.sialt fiof t 1 is tise licuîc ofo Stjt", 1a ares anTawsi Loti; 15<>nsitsi15j, I Býo1rook SirscC, Sus-tiiWa7n&, To%1s of W lih by, -tviIliehosold by PuiIt.Lic AICTION4 At tise I*A7L IIOTEL, in ii e At tii.lieur ef 2 os.lock in tise ftrnooss, oi $aturday, 4th Novembèri;- 5. FR i~Çs.-Tbe a1,nd will btcsmade ktsawn et tisfd of issue. - N. J. WlTSON, Stilioitor fur Mortsutree. Iares iseevy looked On» tise ut ex- visaI ýe> at de thie' In.- bat ii~ ile Miser. Woduetive in t.an. nd alto( nadien flutmet isperial Ire for e Trent te Coi' 090.- b. for- an te- ot ubt t¶e oz f 4-.1 ta

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