Whitby Chronicle, 9 Nov 1865, p. 2

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- - - .~--,-. I I -~ KowAtvt,(kehîî,lLslujS lLy Tite < 01e d iL uî~r.evYork. Anetiier voire fon n ce'rletCY - ~~~~No dopbt la longer cnîetncdo!teDAISe 14ev Sîoéh-'Los'es kPuwell.eitne ftétribeeiral bsYour edvocency or a publie Ott Ihuffalo robs- d;eitneo otil pde. ifits, Cemaetény for thé tove of Wh itby, and it&s e Grocrés-â.Contincent. Great aleruilaelmeni>Y Prrv nighhorliood, vii, I trust, have thé dé- rn G.uralOrccres-b.in New York, aaid stingent procautionasry sircd etl'ect cf awahucnîôg public attention an Directet )oiuorâbéu . &i J ti'fl. meesures arc beirg tdopted, The .4fln!a te se moch oNeeded a at. itIo h ndeed ai ft.sdy.iade CL'otiig- do. arnivetl on Fridny éveuingwhat ut thé Low. ochat semprisung tbat se, gréat a nre- Pt ivhelýoâ Cooét-Co. Ontario. e tumment lies net béen p.rovided bérelo' lui ey lrennud. cm Qeaanitine wien ou examinat:i aré,nnor eV 1en Ca preper ettort eircted sw heaybiter. lîanme fu vsfnd o tvstoveds ioinge. Tu bery ithé deudilu a Ntay 500Renldhbrif ao ascertained tîtet their diasea vas censecrated guouds bavé beenau iuougst ili Notce-N G IcyoiaShni?. Asietie Cholera. The éxemiuing médical thé pracUices o! Christians fron tluireCarli i. 6t. Andrcwo Socicty. r Vsé,uéll-llehencs Iusitué. gentleman frond ini thé second cabin aleven est periods of Cluisti-,nity. Wiîh thé in- on persoa lying on beda, Wv i leu been troduction cf thé Chriithmn religion censé- lasolvent notic-J. Holdeiu. srce ytr cug;adohr -catcd places yens apîrîitced fer thé Notie-D. G. Ferbes. arccsb tuscug;ar cés pré urpoeéof gêneraI burial, and it vas mc- C seuted tokens cf haî'ing the diteaia lu a ganded as igeonuiniosus lot ty b. budiedsul 8htig lu.legs violent forai. Dr. Watson et once censécratcit eath. slidepivatin o f h Wsnted-M. O'Duuunveu, mari encquîinesin regard to the limé thé the rites Of suitabiébtllca hrfr Appreutice s-auîteth-dte. diseaft lied firet appearcd on the steamier, part cf the puitimemnt of cxcommar.le'-D 6000fi. lm wnted ou e oascertaineul thet'it Lad broiran eut tion. ThiteRcna wos-re accustomrc& tc1< Town fl.ohm- ,wI.ntrd. provido iluir sepuichrts at Icast viîl e Cr Tom lotns- J I.doc. Li a duî fter thc véssc- et l avre urbere stene, opon which vas inscribed the titané Atidtetn-Cg Ldorl. eohé teoi on board 4,18 passelugers, and of tlué deceasel, and thé s-lob, Mny ho reat t Attntonfi hI Drfrî. inta nunuber butd flllhen victimes te il, aund me pence (.Sfi il terra lesia, thua, bl, My bc Agents. were buried et Ben. hleviusg proccecded thé Carlth uest figbtiy upon hlm.) Tic t teai 011 Liamps- J., IL. Oril. sltroogb vr ntoftr h where pe-eiuuchrcs in cloncties originated frcm 'ann Boart peal o<luedo. - p êr.inclinatîionî commun te men af ahi toises Maleést e ai - .Dowe. sousos-ère lying 111 with thé dseae, lie nt and nations te hener iheir relfitiouts, avais Manchatir 'air-. Pui-es.once ordercul that if aboule! hé nnclinred li in tIsé gravé.. Thée igpiaas rceks, AUCTIO0N SAI.E'. iie laowcr Bay, prepaatcry te ferisér c- rend lRomanis ercctcd over thé graves uotf On TuvealavNov. 2hat, on Lot Nn. t, lion-.1110icgseelthone tranie-dfor thei'merlusoetraulror patons oothemr Lý(euaanfrk- lt ýts h gtWliiy - tok otsedts' e<d 1 -ueable, pyrnmids, mursrrla or ternpi c. ufter W liicon., l ,:e lti arni Soc-,li-i 5di 1é tisaieof a Cyfook wer he mitroductionu of Chnietiati'lty, PItié piletntuits, Vi-'turlre, &C., thi prelue-rtY Of slîe rem-tiis, but rlh cumnsnira-ilon wîthi fhîuclus, called Cluapets, werre cmctcd 9b Mr. 1). Gl ec. 'iloiuuu5 Mycus, Aoc- hle L& cben 6tiuly forbidden by the over the Jcrîd. The early Christian umar.-t ticacen. lIgl'ahîb bjfrlcm. tyrs wcmc buried ini cavcrcs, s-ihd 1)1 de-w On Friday, Niov. i7th, Fuea Stock, Oui Seturday meoriuig dis lteahhrOtlicer g1relcs vrecuhamrgcd tu l pariolis -suibterr.tr Impiemuutý4, &c., on lot No. ., inithé Ird b(ledtbu'boîçla t 0rsé iittseap nanmll, aumul celk dîolucr. tif r- c cou. ofrhiceriuug, iii'puopmty o ru'. pre. lu thé mque1 otluers Conaîutered Cr Josephi Lawloeti.-A. Tliuonijsou, Auctioun O<ît uuue'ilutuc ueuneiimucesbuu ftenla e al e- ece , enuitothé Aigante, for tielýu îope G f lbard terepose uicar the azbLasorcf arier On uu'euay Pa'.Guu, t hé lluc.e f aking fluosé i i lo hira ou board. Tht-y tyr. 'lho sec[<hreu cf.- martyrs v.cere, a On TirRIiv bLih (tlurntrhe reee ife ntnîe ulcm.ou i tIc ceont, distfitiguià§ed by a Whiite >!sncherler, Sîck luileuntsuta eucr tlîm. Whioui theChrisîlarsi Sprneg, Auocer. No comuictionu shales-ar s nos- wcre itios-cd thé public exorcise cf udr OitTtesdy, 14ti n lt o. 1,albuîvuud teifla thue steamer Atalar.tn, and religioniuthuuy erecîrd ciurchies, eu-J thé Outh a uolai. hicker n lum t ock, 1 thepetserngers uthu'>bave net bcen victias I eaîhen temples becusmé placés of Chris- Inipîcoiciti.u, thse lrOpe't:of Mr. Johus1 to tic disease vilrcmîîius on board fIl thé iet nii. aîî As carly as tlcuu lnnhu Coats.-Thias. Myurs, Aucioenr. gronuiis de-lcd o«u Santly Hook are olita- cenléry thiuy bui.t chuarahaus amer ili3Ferpul- 0 etres c e h lohmartyrse;au-d, iiithé _______________________________ind Jfronthure(iu.vcrtiuueut, s-heu they viII bVhef ifiat a in, lcéqvas unueifrid hy their bcuenut mere. wlhus, tluuy anxiui sou g cîht oct, ou ili u'ru.enior et ns-churu-.ls ctesîr u WHIUY-Tetbp " ti) UUisorth ~ÂuE IN.5t5 WiTu.- eétat'oruuaîiuuuo e t' unr temp;les i<iuf brnîcs.d lo. Vauidemuhicf k sannunceci ~Clirýstiaui churlirs, flht remuu.ius (relit. ) af Ã"NL ~~ EN S Y AU o ther cohunauns te rllivercre of lus cciler- thc martyrs, anud borrd 'îhem nuridur the Ã"N'Y' 15 CE TSA Y AU tainiuîg serirs o'rurdiuugs ut thé M4echuenica' iltur oethule uev ceurcb. te ccuircuuicatef hall ut Us ts-il eusMonuey ' to h ta characirtuofitgrruuîu'n eandi'y. l th'eimn, owiehî »On mIte o uoneeuîay ec Il MlIîthy, TllîîrsIyl .vmbr9, 1S65';the 2OlIi int Fils uiih mroue a relly ereul iu -mou he Cito bc, a riuietct ----- appreciab!e frent. Tt is L'ut rnmely tiit wilS hobur'ucd ii tLeic uihlxjmiuod cf a relut. ~x"" ~'OTIE !- n ieodi c efaviretd,iii Wit-, s-thli théreabi-F InLeter fses mens bave evercome a greit cf a talcuateul gentleman et Me vanc-uiluohl"s many of thé soueislhliuiuî vhlicli prevaihl itte sottlomont of Accounts spenelid ahilities, Wholia t once an auuthor, j s-th respecet tO -Uc Hit-te mét of theirl<d. due thi-is lIco iii requostod. locutioni4t, deineatonr f cberacter, ar 1. .hélee eeue 'nbur t'tri ~aut5rTcstab lth tiof the living ré 4,5 ~dramatist oet ruatud au 1!0'eut. oe u niirrg foreaIon; ti me in tue mciuhmy of A Crnur'teny~~ shIrflMiaathù clh<ortuluiit cfltanin; liiîLecaid. Coffinus vre placdde<uite readings. CaýIb ta prêtent thée eca;r' cf ilî ancd Acnrresp<uýdet s-L'o iguis himself As mentionéJin l a previens isue, Xrm. puinfaeton, whicii betuug dhlTiul i hrOuýh 6Whitby" fevrs os eitb a communnication Vandeubet? bas héca ougn.-ed by théetl'é air Care~d ejluiies and danrieotîs direases. At thé présent duiy tl.i<gi are s.dvocaing a publiececmetery. Oar Cor- Drectois of the Tomonte Meéhcc'mt hinr.(h1hed eepai!de teep-indent dips inte the custom, r ef tIs bte o'uat othér téos un Canada v ici distance frein pejultaus centres, niid corne- Uoa .thsA Egyptiaut;, tibte Gmvko, &r., are ofrrdsiC israiie c;i ls are bcauuiîcid iualo behiy plecore ta bényhng their deaul, ard gires os some .- e greetndu alunait. It hisin ibis direction Sceuttcf thé mtzunuur of seputoré on thue Tâeis ,r'Aesoéht fou. clirfl>, 1 ouhd lihue to mit o r Wui< -- rauuuoîcry eaîabliahod. --Bot not in thii erectionet cf ie cuu.rly Cliri3tian Cheurches. Thé rrgtlar mcciig vais hoit! le Broche ddirection, as an émnamrnitat place et' Luriah While bis mcar.buug la guaed anud bis mat. lin, on Setnmdeiâ ast, Mr. Alexanderhar in 1 I weud i ik our Whitiby cenatury tcr iutereafing, litacts aire net alfegethuer tha chai<r. Tbe uuinutes cf thé hast laent ruée a placé, os y'oa in a formcur article gecorate. -Whuie if miglaf have been con. ing were real aId approreri. Thé Presi, recorcmended. viero thi itasel f rut ndî s'terc "apnvih'ge tabahiuiedin hédent tien stated thaf thsé obWct cffie neighibora wh uo in-ed togetiier while ri - meeting te eét olliers for the emsiaýig liingue' ovld le pnésérvéd jho <bath, ansd ieighbthood cf a sait," it la mércely yiar, andssul npet mtenat placé for tisé wheré thf,, enuéeoeswadhnvê'cd coirec~te osay, as hé dites, that un laeér'metlia0 Ofiue Asecc'ain<. édtéîéiisvc ~heht r~ limés tiére s-ère sulpersi.ians tevards q Tic foleving are ils. Sçars ulectedéi rwtM . et h~s me vait thé, se ne ud. Thé livingr cf ai a8es for theeuspilig ler ~ _ _ 4 -likhd tà ewwelt saeogstte eveitt déai, lentites long ntérior te Chritinity.- Constantine, vIso died ius 337, vas théet'unst pérsen tuaL v ow ov f whoordrél his aepehchire te hé erectel lu a cburch. Tlibs vas tone un thé clurcb cf tte Apoailes et Constantiunople, cf wluich lie vas thé foueder, anul erefuire probebir considared himecf -as peculha--ly entiiled te the primi- loge. IeUI vas mon teitatél y thie m>Is)sopu sud in thées"queh, al those Who Iîint feiàcd thué éihaî we vre distingueh-1 éd by fuis bonor, 'ruomniéextuut-te aI Very grent extni-tho e tnethiuuî eiste te ibis dey. TaIre Westminster Aiubty And i s-at a à$ priviWre's'te haro one,# remains lhrs intr'rred emetigai thé great? Tekse a theesanl places bouaies 7 But tîmsail Htondste showthe révéenace,onet thé Superstitionm for thé phaceî Naturalîy huanity sougit tule uMostpeaceebbé spot Ibm il4. epaua cf the ovel del. îlot Cbiifuleer WMa vecy emrly -a gé forhtadé huais vintin théeiurai,-es' prebts.- lhteocoium na uaJotfi= a forbade tiieïr. A a1orvt lie afîénvards they vere again rcvived , bat they s-ère again rêvived by Le-o, thé philosopher, s-ho permittcd Lieu te everhody. M&litast asile hes-ever. PBmc if, iL comees e telog aàs-armer courner than autoîbar for oe'&sesof, 'tis ouly hutaen natuue-wlaet our Iuaanity vouhd dsire; anl, viénit dees camé, eI c L hoe ananegst fiatl,-fiumds, atter &H inl Wbhlsy Céuaotry. Iît.- Asdréias'Day. #o, woutid cahI thé atteation o! thée,uld, Scotiaten aionotice aedèertisel ini î-day's issue, of thé ontueail reétîfag cf' tLe St. Andrevs' SocieîV. At -the ast annual sInetieg e meolutiota t paspefétt iI veuÇd h e tisehelutret aIttesé Séietyý the, thé Ânamversnryabouhit bd' eulebtted ibis jean by a Festival, imjtead cf a Muird. As& itlàis coq lésirae h leSàchange cf ibis kial shouhd t-eicéthé apprevai cfa large nunabén cf thé meaibers of. thé So- cetoy, ait that A large adsud iefii cent' *ittios sheulit b.appeintéit te offet te maeffslsy asrnugemeau t s 5 a pniculmly désireait ia Ibre bului héasfulattenait suceso c aemhéset thé annuel maieting ou maturtiuy aCCt -n 'roi 4ixe Qm.v.-The proes4y off- eresi fur s skatitig cleb le other columas la oi derable one, and s-lu, for thé viitai', - iola te usaI' ae4hr vaut in Whithyo li i". Presiu$lfl, Mr. riii.y, Broocihei TsI do , ?4r WBlac-, lckéni ng Sec. L- Trèas.., Mr D. Bacin, Easti Wliufs Cnmmutîce, Messrs, Aleanauder, 'iiiié and Chapeat. It vas movedi by uMr. -Wood, eéonded iy M. D. lBlack, aud carricai that thé Amsociatioun meef in Wibî uhycethé firet latsrday of aveu-y alternate messtb corn- uruarm * whtbthéefrt Sauurda bue Jeuary. .Thé ýecretary vAi initraýctul tte rnI circuiers, coatalulut; e pr.garuuéeof thé botnuma 'a itratsactol ai oaci meeting to tlue Teachêrs ot thé Rliuhng fs-o u-chus Lefeire thuemeeting. Ai the rêqovat et the meeting Mr. Kirk mml imadeu onuaremarIe, onflhé pro- lier mneîbed ot îêschiug Ariuhiueîe<anJ pointed ont sèmerait nés-and iniproveul ucîh- ouls et ceicubation,moue cepecially inIctcres anJd iroducing £. s d. te $ and cents. , remenki gaie isé t lenhrgîheneai disecs. iou ou tlîe decta of Sea.-tr'. Arith- uc-tic andi on thé béit uetL'od uf iusprevi-ig This éoor' Kars. Thé Loulon Gazelle, of flue. 20 h ait,, coteini thé foliewieg annocnceaieat - 9& Fise Quecu bas been plessel te appoint Lieutouant.GeueralirSmWilliam PFésiic Wiliasms, et'Kars, Brq CCBte hé Lietènau-6ecmnrof thé Province cf Nova Scoti." Thé #meu eel u unues tisé tppoinissent "cf $in Riebuai Graves McDoneull se éGovéepruhip of llang Kong. Nov. -Thé Wé7rtd's itsmpateeh saga t- Thé béat etitbority 'for' statig tisai thé cabinet >bu bel ondes, coiaidertien for ieveîal legs tisé tiialofJet?. Davis. Il la divideri as te thé courseéý te adopt. Thé, jrcsiueiéilappesel te trial by uiitary contiiesô. Soverai tpçasbens raven thît Mode Dinit s.iou ,-yl pnc ba i é takon is a fév l aye. Citens Cranas'nÇUé' RI TEerfl PeSv- u'ous.- The ffertald'g special riéspalêls says Calebu Ccahiug's trip t10iEurope la posipoimél unt! sprnig. 40 vili tissa-go fur ithCUtiîd States lremiSrtfdepsentut li relation toi largg quastiles lIsiedi "Contedrat. 09gtton,Pl Usie$lishe Bighiali, - gcvtrentun luthéesésautieéadmit the. claiuus ia tise prémIsse5 Tii. éslulb'#ted (Grand si 4et" Fréé- masea lorge cf Psis-la 6etinastg ié wbleb tho mies indiçe" is emb,bn - p. chadig nmeasofIsosMnunîc lentin ts b. vorlsi, déterinted to pfonWgWtgSê0-r iVtet agalasi thé emenat Papal slt$*niéu** Tours Snsmiy, WlIlT!~Y. Trcouble Wifh he ueg<co Tisé ilate IRouge mvrce, cf Ilkh hau thé foloving : It h is o.utragé0 tisaS ci'dovdf nègre boe sud hait greva nègre taen are allow- ed.u e péambielato théetrrta c f tlui5 cty, annel vuhs tidlus andl brickbaîs, unudtoms- mit assoits uea white chidren. Wu hearn cf oeeInsstance tsth oosk place toe Jugé ince, vberé a Cnes-I o! thea iwrmueci a wihité boy imb a hiusm, stoimoilthée hote inséel tiléladies îhm occupiét ile, sud tlité terebeit c' ri reumener i l n taiph vli sOone ngre soldiers Wbo uerticd ilmrorgis tie bonsesud amreute1 tué boy! '111 aiimé vas eiu,-ega pWiso petahis pu-uera, Yestordal a visité child wva tornjre-m the protection of a lady vite endeevoareitto edhilhm fronthtie attacks cf an infoeniteul crevai cf negro beys. sud haîf grewn mcts aim as ascrionshy unetneat Fise Shreveport Gazette, of thé l3th, referring te satpet ilion froua the citizons of CachID "d mdosier >te G;>v, Wellsa: If car authorities vil act Prmspttylén ibis mattr, aad i tatin thé buit thé frst attempi cf tise.fneedunate indeige inm relabenles andi cîben Cnuaies,Or country rnal b. îeatored te pncspcrhty li li enatý Is-obve tuenîha, UnIei stsingent meaitrci are adopteaitot crashout evory spanhu of însnrnectiennry feeling, -the acsa of Sais Doualago niay hé ré cuect<ol buro en a grand séste, As ascut as tisé nér e h- Scomeconcvinceri tliat tbey, must dépend for sitprtlnt uheéon thelirleber, ansitée C'eVCnnét vill ieSowtérfrétcheai andl nethusu; more wse héieletha5 sa a- jenlty vihi titane ta omis adt ashé goi bantds. Bo long as they bavéepectatious orfuIter beip, rhey v'nllreniaie li. sand lieoneted. Thé iIéralil dttadui*Fcifuclt. Thé bés- York I'c,ald ceatincés itz garné cf eiaopaging the Fenians. leIn t issue ie TfSatentay lesti h sage- f'The Canadias are lna n egulas< panice about the Fenians. h le setthit iat ilhe lF. B. are.lts'wviner te inae ai.Cnada froni the Un1hp4 Stateps ndt hat thon fftoe that qc&1ent heyaretoo rte n'd lity FÂ'rtirePOINT, Nov. 6, I6.~h eamahip Péruiviais, <nons LiverppoltMe, d*cock on thée ftemnoon erth11e' 261boan- cied et 4.,30 p. ai. te day, -witb 89 eshin, ind 315stéeragé Pfileflgers. Tlt'oiégisa 'émuvien passed thé IlibumisU On the ôth aset., suri xpoeneoé troag *wésteniy usd5s during hon passge._ Thea âimania nmrived et Southataiptton oarhy on thé zïora' îg cf thé 25ti, Thé Bblghan- esched ,ivémpool aS 1-30 and Setiland netà3 'ck n the mornirg cf thé 2Gîh. Lenta riÂasitaTolea'm vtaitia&t, 1Êreparations voté rspily appt'rshltiÉ omplétien. Thé Qucon'. canniage, la te lesd thé cortege. -Thé pali-hatiers at. e be ten cf tIréCabintuétMinisténit, Thé Princé cf Waheu 'euh attend et th. Abbey. Dusinest vill ho genemaiiy supoadéi. h I srep>rtéd tiseS Lady Palmerstom viii bé mreated a peéreis li n iir tighi., ht vas docreeri by the exprés i !4soc lie Qucen fiat Lebrd Palmnerston shonîri hé uor'oird by a public fonemal un Wostmiuis- tem Abbey. Most of thé foins *.il be epresénted huy députations. Qumeen Victoria asu.eupected te neaAf Londois trom Scothaud cn the onuaf O bue 29îb. Thé ministériel arranagements wre te hé sobmitted on thé 3Oth. . Thé Mornsing Pott, whi.-h lus ppsrtely T<iug ite opposition, gays thé feeling of hé country towerds Enri hlosséll's milstry wiu Léeue cf total apathy, auîid the roua ry vihI secélin t hittié te pmat'e ocon* esu. It wull hé no easy matter- ré- coustruét bis gou'ement in thé ýCO:~es uot hé must certainly lustmodocé somé fres 'lcents te netain tise aiajority notaieelhj Flhe Adrerlies-îhiuks i ill iib.mpos- icl fer Mr. Oladatene to vomi ît4eooem amon% unlèeu s-hbmoré bLcp tihanfId éos rilible. Thé lies-ald mays that if Ban Éàuel unaires emuy radical mové the conserVoalved vili certaiuîly loe no oppomîunity te *heck, mate im, i'Ie orficiaI announcoeiit luen beel>mde cenceruing changes ha thé cabinet,, bati n-a ta hé madeafater Lord Paimufltoo's 110OW TUE QUIJEI?,l< BCÉ1VED FILE NEWS. [t"rauntho LOuuIIbl-tehutppitug cet. Beidea thé preséacé of ber duhea thé widow of thé Premier bas been cheéned hey thé cordil sympaîlîy offtisé Qtie. Uer Maüjesty, vbcn théeitava of the eisicré of hem Fhrst Ministér vau coavéyed te bier, instantly wroe, hy Gênerai Grey, te Lady Jocebyn, wvi la eue ootber utotuuan of tie héehiuher, cxpmessiusg ber êenéemrm, and réqueésing te Le képi informed of thé i>remibê's stete ; nud hen thé e rat li teiligaince rea;héd Balmoral, abus wmoté te assuréeI>nuy Pamerstons cf hemr'Ihearî.felt sud Jeep sympaîby sith ber under ibis deep triai." Thé Prince ael Princess of Wales alse téhegtapbel anxiously sud me- petdly te Breekett Hall for nevs during thé attaclu, uid bave ehrêady given expres- sion to, their gréaI sorrov a ita fatal issue. havirog rspmdty gênée oaCosomption.- Fornver uhave béenbusy tees us thé Uahhvaytrate e ltua shadiy indicaté. go*, as ahvaya happesl, this wilI bave ite oll'a'tt; indeel iL is already hsving as cary scnsible inlhuneonurel asi ea,14aWBv foeie au inflation* like that front vhich s-e bavé béenilsniang so terribhy éver ié 1857, Famuni lamuls in remoe t se. lices sli lagais beconue thé abjects cf speesîltilea; sud vacant tes-n lots, s-hidi lieid eotlslng but a jlcotiful crop of taxes, again hé solaiat fabulous priées pur footu Nov as iu a parnie ut-ésu8ohom, four sal- ssou'bouliés cfrnieino lin a ime of lut. Iltion tndi nareasonahie thirsi for specu- Isio o iïo crÏs tesavieho .w ao cahi te oal t hagldçy oedies. -Oui' suIve ihi "thea-foté probabil hé for thé e Mst part héart byâ seof armiany neadero asel voe thénéfote van, hem tbusi- Uti net thé tradesmae invost co shil- ling thai lhs cati pme!tably ose In bis busi. .nas ln fanai lund i or!illage Iota. This baa becs ia yeurs gesse han d vii again hé, thé rain cf heaadreds, ale, cf thousande vho von doas5 a sm.fe, stesdy business and whriseéére îy, If sornéviat mhowhy, usa. vaacitag oii tihe rosai ta fortune., Yen bey for s siait ptrt cash and s large p8riý crédt-yen héear people refesimg lar'ge suais for proeénies siuuihsniy sîtuaieri to 1yoens-lou hohai on fer a firtheir rase-ý yoc think theétidé 15 utll dvaiicthg-*boi 1h e a ce e iécrash cemées-you are bit v iii an eMiate vbieb britegi yen inino ee.- t ane, haut irich 'esos yo tmer. fer inter- ) st on nairiprincipe i ho tt e. »spare. , eLher siseulit thé faususr b. lodictg5 psy 10e suînéi-fer, aév land. Fnm%ïagt 3afit uet0 resombles other hésfuess-you s fianéral. Flua Globe aya thé Queen éxpressd a n ith that iEai l us3eh should eccept thé premianahaip, and thuat hé nééived tbP cor. dial asouices of support from IÙ isW lohuîu 'lie TéGl'olbe héives ub4 Lord Clinden vilI tire thc foreign officés I'vhbc opinionu germorahhy fairoreit ArI Itseanrl, éxcept thée'llrttce, vbich favorel Mr. ('ladtutct, but liad raîhér %'ered ereand, mal<îiig it appear that ths culy reason auJ nécéssiiy fer Lord Buéei's appointaient vas fiat Eégiaîîd hsd sîil te Smlaîté talus viitAmenés., te gué ematuasl ï-atarfàtban -,sud Lard htcsschi &voswl pinteJ au thé sojcci, ad lied a fepoua fiais te ec hy hasec crupliancé ornueel- Irs wem. Vjcs-ed in tLiiilighsi hé vas nécessary. Flue Fr'nisn pionérs are te b. tred hy special oIsturber The excipmemt ies aluiost nthrely aub3bdèd. Bomay advices ltg the 11 1h h ave bota réceiveid. Cotioiîvn ci Thé Ârcbishop or l'aris vas visiîng ilt hoaera hespîiàtah. A councel of ,anisters wn bontce u 25th. Thé bomrse om thé 25tie vusdit.i ten- tcs closd at-Gis fronts. The Prince snd 1'inceus Népokési an- rivtd at Tuin eoc the 2Zieh- Th#, Kinug and Quecu cf Portual vers szja.ted ou thoe aréeveadeg. The. owa .o.d hé Theé rascit of 63 e oncsws o ; G0 vere favorable te thé govmwa*& AutrU nd u4Ptmsis bava ad-béei sévre a'osstrsace te th 6.Sate of Frankcfort. They sp.ak of, the itysass ceneécf n.v<uatbonany asgtsie and ia seunée of coei'e attacha on tbB twoséi-ài pal Gefan p,.ers, andte br§e h Mayor ad Setiate vith I ~ él fortiier mtagi of delgs bu hé itted. TIi. chlra bus eatlrviy 4hmpetred froua jiaeeteaa, Vsiseiitad iheIal"f La ther L gool h a ysst to#bled visée thé fatal wse-kb' asInfiamsloury att*s6 tbs. remier <isa. H Thoswiay lest.. sri freme rM-bat adt hé tii éuptcjeotLady lPaÃŽioertdt Iteho lied beon geîaîiy withdrawn. Tuos ere r presont the Miniatér of Publie Werhé sud Kro. Oowperi the Barl of Shaftesbury snd thé t'eoui, Viscunetéi Jodeiye, Mr. BCveiyn Ashie3', and the physoisuas. The grief ef tuis circie vués eued, go fatras- It could bé, by thé Ipeo:aole cf a quieti and easeful parting, hsl!esÃŽed, befoné Lthe shades cf death camé no near ta thé dimii oyez, and the lips gnow 80 slow te move, by faith ini the words tangbt by that chwrch cf wbich thé Premsier dlod a truc isembén. His lut set cf public-bailnesA vws an f1h. stance of bis enengetié uaauner of déaling with faclo whén bé had Ã"once,-Sot hold of them. H.enocéiicd at, Brocket Hall the, Irish deputation upen the cattle disase, though hé vas rtry pawéil, and cbligisd1 te récline upon the sofa ail the lime; butt ho at once acted epen the wîulscs of bis visitanus. If ho void 'havé képit tathâS sofa ho iuighî have livéed blut fie vas a constant terrer te his docturs by, reason of bis énorgy, althongh when hé once prom. ised te oboy théna hé kept bis word, as if it had been ple!ggd te theéleuse cf Com. mens. As a noIe, hé enjoyed oupcrb bodiiy hcalth, and onu of thé resond vas, that, hé kt late or early when hé éscaped from Stte aflfArs, hé always insisted open giv ing. hinaseif séven heurs and a haif of #food sieep. If hé could ;ot get away homo tilt 4 a. m. hé bade bis servants teae. him undisturbed tili nioon. His rad- laft îtpiits and easy method with publie business wére, cf course, élements towards bis long and uîîbroken viger, and hé liad thé fs,ýulty of thnewing off thé gravent Cares of Staté along îhloth isPanliament cent. ButI Le coul not de se with per. meinai uattcrs, whieh is anothér proef bow strouig thé personai and humano nature was in hlm. Ile weuid fret and worry if a mncuber of bis famiiy wveuill, and bc moto disoxietBed thais et thé impending crash of a tlîrone, uiil tte Lýeschold was iii good casé again. 'rhesé thinga calJ ilbreaa cen bis regelai' sieop ibut "affairs" iere not bis fleshan ud biood, andl hé coulul put tîem eoff', whéîî they wve trohiesonse, tili the ncxt day. Such ltuié traits of the greut mon gone are wint vere reéatled, it commented on, compered, nidesluy thie éwner'ý ertusen uod,, wback ietseiand Cali. Mor. Ryn--IurcsL'us,' r1duhcn l'y the tuisnr; scarlat lechuet andS bLick cap. Afttr thé stert theme e iematd-te 'bo e considérable scettêr, FIrtéxfon' getting on thé léal, arlicis lie kepaitlarôaghsout. viàn- nimsg a goed racé by four lnti' Scturnuir '-ndt eght.For, herses uni'èt nhitçlr. Joue arotii lthé tmp Cousu-se. life énties wcré DIr. Las-lcr's b ni,'IlJikr riddcn by Mi', Johnison-;_ colors, pinir. bair. il. 4llowsay's cha. g, 1'Pire Away,' nidêen hy théecs-ne';.colors', black. Mli' Drummt>nl1a * Neli Spriggits,' id. don lsy J cli Davis; colors, charet. __ Tisere s-èro tvo otîmér éntries, cf wbich vo taiheil f0 ascêrtain thée tas. At thé start, Fire Away took -thé heed, which hé kept fhreueghout, <taking cvery- thing in hlus tah chupping s tyle."ainul'Win nin; thue race by soeé 40 lengths. Wc regr-et to sSe thaot lais. Johnoen, Softut-o0 Ver y bei- ih n usthéesrace. lt 1tvn fa freu at tfret thnt lhosuiséver; asuéhuhurt, as hbc vas quille xlieostctd'înlcu ho piilced up, bote littié brandy seamed tb culiven bis droopin- spirits.--Mefntr*tl Gazette, -5 efet" e ..-umi Uead rfler thé hicading cf IlEfl'ècts cf Fen!. anisun-on thé cenintry," thé CorIrk Her observes that airedy bave the injeurionîs eflets on thse preaperity etfise confiry, ocaRionel by the ahaai cormiqént on thé lisciosnrés concés'miiug te lse Fnin cn- ajpiritcy," bogun Lo bé feilt ilanrney, (S ays a co ttem po iary ) -s th uc is t o mSullr, for alimoalthifae onlts -of svlom molntrcat i unt Vsteeple Chiases. t Theé frat racé was- s Trsi Ue'ss iTzau'uauCUîAMI.-A 1a lla u Sp wuucp- k ,ituskiLeu4f $30 '. 1'. wittî $2100 î'îîti. .tai' thé cul>,couineanad openi te il]hucrans To l'e lîuimîuUaîppéd ty thé Stéii&rcé. uitlu- monén nderts a luWo d érib. For tuis race theré wcre thi'ceé ètrie- ?fr., Suith's 'Nannie draddock,' 11 sto.-é, nidden by George Popper &cuors, greenM witlî black csp.a Denis Ifendy'a 'Zigzrtg,' i aeo, iuldcn by Arduie Fishier - nll black. Dr. Lewler's éè'opéec,' 10 atone 3 iba.,b nidden by Capt. Knox, 25f1 i fgt. ;-sky I bluc. f Thé bétting vans prctty mien on 'Zigzag'C and 'Naliiîue ;Copek' uîso lieu uuatiy favorites.q At tié start Copeck took thé lead, nnd 1 kcpt It thé tlritt tintue round, takiuîg avcry. thing in splendid stylo, closcly fuilowed hy Zigzag and Nanniie, blatapearineg wcll liluanl, At the ist fence un the9 secondd toile Copcck, whlo seémed te bc inn ratther tomuch of naîurry, -" chéstcul<' it, falling lieavily on Captain K(nox, arîd lurt- iuug liim auvereiy. Lotoheeotîter lior.,esr got over nl square, nnd iu'uut at hue uextt fence, tu'lichis a atone wnll t1ft Oin., at at suiashing pace, bath heorses rising in thet air to-ttlucr. On tlh hoe tîuriî Nainie taok tlic le.ëud, closehy foli<uweil by Zigzîg. At flic second hasqt funec Nainic Eeccuuucd te gain ground on Zigzag, and bctmenn flîn and tue nextfofncea ny one couuhul sec shie ivas the wîuîuîr. At tlîc lest feceefhîcrae n'as q.bouit ten hcngtlia hctween the two, Naruic inning a wchll couufueutad race ut2<lel' thd %17111 .Tt1- uauu& $vsone of the fastcst aVe have ca'er secil iMcmtfre.il for ycnrs. Tuir. it:N-r CLi-u-A Sa..:lo f M11'. 1P. WILIS $200 u<lloh. UVtr 1uii<1IL 3 u. lc <t!ý11 luir linainz eîmy. E'-fltjnra finît hjîvu bti rgutry lit t leruin' <Ii ree<<t î s5misoii %«ilà h flNI .njtreaIFxl Lwih.,îîiî. rt Les the t,'ui n'le î.nc uýty olauuh t<, <1 lIv ("uucnu <. utbîr aif:u< 1h uit. - W'lhtuIl <t. 7q> llu. Fuor this race thuc were 4 eîrc< Mr. lai'sb. In. 1'Maiuh o! fa 11 etole 7ô11., nidden by C:Iptulin K:ioy; caher.a, imauve. M'r. Aioway's c'..Ilu. 'Charley R1ihey,' Il st. 7 iba., ridtlcu, by Mr. T1. AUoway - 1colors, black andl white stripe, black cap.- lur. iauoîahsch.Ila. ' Vaîpraiso, 11 st, ri<hldn by Mr. C. Slhowray ; cohors, blackt body, crimuson Fulei.. tlacli cap. MIr. I)avi<h<ouul'a cl.i. lu.,'1d Squire','1 Ilt. 7 lIes., idden by . I- Alloway ; colora, criîîîson body, b'- 'ck islecves, black cap. in cAonstUcnce cf CAlut. gnox ge'ttung a vcry bail fal-in flue first race, aînd nof tueing anto r a ide, theî' MaitI of Ott.awa' waA vrftuîtmawn, vrhich loft thue race lue- tvreen thirco b'ofiers cai hbauinul to wiui thé race ocri i own faVoite. A captiital start.was clcted. Aller visuin.g Uihestandu theSîe lo lu e il, closeiy folh<uweuh b3' fJharley Jliiley. Vulparaisrlthein., close on lis qîarf-r. 11w'hc;t -l ithuk 1u)O.Riton neay fr tluefirt Uin. doing splcuudlid fecn. e issng the stand -on flic second romml, Uhînii1'y Itrec'ueenicd to cle.je on tlue Squire, Lothi hursu's ikin, the firs e c cr oi the second romtnd ucarly fuigetuer, anti r<tnuumin bthe, sýt ~u5t1u for flue uuxt tam t'encra ,wien îChiarley hiiley loft the ufie goiug if at afr- nxnulnous pa%', wppearirg eïOW tohae the race bis own way, s-heu on tlhe list tom hine ho rchused, fleth ie couniuîg gup a h etobmcnaoat and piseirir , i una- Ing flyitigjourpu on flhe in ýreLch, and coining tun an eay huer Thuis le thue sevenifli unt cup ! Mi' lr-'y dloNray lias --on in 3 ye.irs in Montreal, antI unost singular te say, l nicl i ceanitberes. Tiutc unus LtriASwui)pataiuea <ut $5 1'. 1%. s-iti ý,8o st,.cti. t>var ceftîro <ilce cff a rair Inntfiig caiturv, far<rca au u fide fin priiperuYof namuilireumeruuathu lithé t Iffetikunof tiî,riaruc r fiuliuucusLulu thé ceuuutry ilver shichithée urcîltFoN th'iu)1 lao. To hertdci b7 Farmuers or- 'Tie Freematsois ansd Lihe Pope. Flue Freemasoiis et Lyoua have joat pobiiuheul a ieply te théeh'opé's allocution againt freemaonry. Tt k nddnesucd te tbeI "Soercign I'onstit' fthi Cathalie, Apostelie, und RIounan reigiou." IVo extradt ftrama it the folîowiugnac aem Suehi is a taithituul enalyzi it'fyeuar elle éolien cf Sejuénier 25. Il ouille nothug -mot ememu thue upeufote semcilar eueI auud the met mary Cli.ialian wislî te ses os cruelird for the good of thée hunch.- SuéL an aftrAc would ju3tify a virulent reply.-. Ours shah hc catun. Ve ibavé the con- aclounca of tIse justice et aur cause aud the pnobimy of ouir inutentions and oom acta. le good enoaglu te hear. lu our noble l'raeuc snd in aur ticuie nahody is con- deuneuronîserd. lI omae, te its shîinu, if la oîbérwbae. I'enbaps yen weold bave cucul us ta yotsr bat., Thé- lmv of fre. aonry, of vlîich yen are Joubtiess igno- rant, v<suld bavé rc1uicd fuir us. Its finit article ik litemally as fSelless Freemosàn y, aii institution éscnlially philanthiropieu, philosoplhe anîd pr<ugreii7, bas for im, ebjamét thé investigatiun or' tra!hi tué stody of uvrsal morale, scienîce and art, and the exercimef et vit-nf li s second ks thil t"it In tligi po.sition viicb it occupira3, freemezsonry re"fpeéta the religins faith and the pol'rticucl opinicis of ecé of its umuuhura, burt iltarîîually probihits lu ifs uctuabies uaildbrcusîioea *of religions em pcuiticai oubjets, .laaing fur its ainu cautrtvéray as te diffreut religions or criticisu et' thé clii utborimy and lthe diffamant fou ut et goverueut." la il necemsany fer us te explain ousý sy'mboi ?- la om epinira hiberty ià an indescriptible right vbich bas its absglutelitiietion le thes liberty of others. 'fon celi ail mon brothrn, andl lic Iécd net infornu you that eÏotieum fsa a bort.'I1ghted hind et clever' isesa. A neciprocai ebftctation augbfte ierimiemn ; tbey os-o orme another mct 'uel -là w tee nind them thît the ighta cf flëihaeoa igoroos équivcalent qwiicb la oehiud daty. We behievé that vo pestes& a suficently précise ideofitbwat Wijuti an&ý.lmeeJS Ul&u. For us théeed nover t1w Meaaý ý e rnaou.hhi lua., thé resait. "Why," say thé freamasous, in ecncluse'on, «"rop'onc aehurom'oodieg Our tieiaga with éloscil <ooms,' vhén yan kIo es- litoméni ire shah 'posseim ,thé liberty cf &.erâblfg1 liéthai which- the éhonchés possésa, oue d" Wrs1viii héopiedr neyer te bu ehosel agaïb'."1 .latuneacsm. i lue i work ofréoeeiîiiatione thie te bc lîad in thé waters or thé United Statces whichl cold bc bronglit inte active service wbicrî rcquircd, for iL Was freli known that for several years vessels wei'e almost rottj'i in rotir ports for want of ;oinctlîin-, Lo do, but tlicy idial r.Oelie in tbat condition much longer."1 Anothcr of the speecliurs wuiS 1100.n" rThos. J. Crcanicr-Screitmer lio should bo ëallcd ; and in ordcr te show théejituT witL whiol li ctme en leljulo their ignor- ant dupes, ive ake tlîis extrtet:- *1I tluis moveient, there scis toe brais 4,theré mema f0tebc determinatien îînited witlî proper caution, which le thé flfst îetep toward insuriîîg succes. If tfl½crc wcre not Luis unity, if there %ç Ce net tlîk dutcrîniina.tiri, engleîîd weuld not quaic and tremibla ait nlàd does now ettLihé knowledge that suchi a movernent was on foot. (Applatuse.) England-Old Mothor Engln1, as filio is soWtfte5 alled by the New England iighitu-is, rich, fat and grensy wittî richoês%, and li~lîuthmsthe mony, the inaterial, and thli power te inake a terr'bie resiittnrb to nny nttonipt to wrcst froin her any portion of the ter. ritory ovc'r whlîih e îo.linjisi tion. , .She ik ap wrlul and a Inighty na- tionj'nd no othcr race of mien save the Irisuh vectlil ttcinpt Uteîcwful, the sub- lime act, tinfler Uieccircuinstaice, of frecilîg tlîcîr country froii so 1ioWerful an oppres- sor. Buot they iwill daro anything lu5sich~ a calusc. (Laud and coitiid npplause.) llnglnd, ON<1Eîigland, lias ncarly rouilier race. lias ncarly coiillctcd hler course; licr tnie lias alunost corne; lier downfall la eritaini. (Lud .leers.") Te Londn tcdas lo be cnve t e u ientScz asfooew erss h Plrovincial Peiîcnlirtet byar ihe Jrohin claypoio, fie ye ardiiithé ro. cihl Peniîentiary, e bar ithb Prr. n cial erenr, ahr d es i liê r.~ ca Pceniteuiliary, nt bard labor. Tiie EN .ic a<TuS DzsrrfiCr cPCe- î~t'a The Feninis-in thé District o( Columbia, who niunber about two t housand- havé beu'n ectively preparing for a moeé ment on foot, piirchasing uniforums, amis1i &c,. Yesîerday a notice eppeared in thé publie proes, osimed "lVigilance Commit. tee,"' cautioiig tiie Brotberhood against furthér action in an anticipaîed nuovemeuf onil they knov more aùU hear furtheîi froua-thé committe. l It is reortcd that ofie of thé riblé régi- mentseuîew sérving iinCanada viii sbortly hée trensferréd co flualifîîur, te replacé the' 2nd bettalion of thé llîh régiment, whieh bas sniled thonce te sopprs thé Jamaicar nOuts, and th- t one or nioré ~régiments wili be sent ont from England te Canada te lae charge of thé various fortifid lperte' along thé frontiér. MABRIED. ATKIN"SONT-DUItNS.-At the r'esid' once of thé bride's fathér, on the 7lUinlst.,J hy the 11ev. K. Meeleninan, Mi'. Joséph Alcinsuuîte Isahelia, second daughtej of Jas. BoQras, Esq., nIl of Whitby. DIED* M~CLE~.$AN-On riday inorning, lloderick Çhnrléa, infant ciaild cf thée11ev., Kenneth Maclcor.su? aged 1 yea n d [months. lot ,sl Is] ,0 Thé Istesi ffreva (musJaîmaica e ag!vén col ini thé Difa, of 3itetisgoj Gobaj, hiçlhcf supplies thé fellcvingt-.2 "sThé recelS conmméal tainthé St., v Thomnas district, wii is nov ouader maé a a liai law, The insuarglpnts are led hy a tér mn amac4aiPu1 ]ogié1-fon vioe.captera olP> thé goeéruntnt bas ofilred a noverai of toi two tbausaisd doulars. The steamer Ardent 32 vas pupfy 'deapaîched tlia Brbadoe iii tc ortlen'te transport troapa ta Jauaaica. $C Tbe..panish wvam steamers Seuils Lulla sud > Austrlia lofti Saiiagb le Coba for Jaa. iceaunt tsénigis t tisé 9h. Theirarri-;- val ondée suéS éitical ciréémistancoi vills$7 hé most oppsrftué, bath lu crIer te pro-te tectS the SpaniarJi réaidiag lainls.eIsland ' and to shicl theai froua usaIt, as weoh as te give thé authoitiés tho assistance usuel vi ly néndercai unîci' sucb éincumttnces te t fmléudly naion." M TraltmiXWis JAAs&eTc,. Steocuirirco Bàau.Aîinsss aDY Tati DLÂexS.-Tbe Tfuues te eersaemt fatise Suft uitt,,-sacs thav i ..p.in . ..$1.15, le 1 25-- Boale. ........ .. .. 3eiOceT Ges......-. ..... 89cpt ,. Ry.......... 40éts. Peaos........8Oets- Chichena. .... 3lbOper pair. Feill s-betle-day$l81 0 (e otfl,tlO00 u hsiiheof aid old ai $1 48. Spr'isg whéai oufer, soveral gocit cars vers ;1 20 withotit bayera. Barbe, '3 Se '78e. Pesa very drilthiu )A 34 to Ne and in lagôctido urtinuos daîl and noimiinal, LI sôéteil reiber lover. itremiérh t'> pet hundméd lover ; veigisî, boévr lisught 6d-*10 an issih i eghts* er gtedy ; deiny lonb 24. te 23 ) 100 Packages on P. h. ; ste o Y11h ; pouai r lis 28 te 30g 12a nefail,.sAmerican cheesé Toot, $Nv ,-185. maim qalily Dyalsde u Loo teo chi cre, if nd etrcf té oqar lcns. t. diehstgif thetin cplcsed c illnia Gibsidr g Sin, tnovéloud o Wilbet Bren, baglst 'eé o,ýsiyand Robgert Bronlubau li Canolis té voig ii Ch obthca l Sgouth and te 'e id t the th isréséd Cand p t~Po. tiot'n fthéelodgssi'ndth Crosia, which wuré oncenumeneus and active.' Theré iW a cIali of péoplé who have- a funcy for ýbesînZ married unden strangri circuetaueos.. Weddî.ngs ini theéCars and on thé highway iae;ebécomq acteeco-meno te bé éspecially utoticed. Ono couplé bat ongagod the car cf IL bateu in thé eNew York Central Park t0 bc married ini; auid anether pair are te halé thé éeremony pérformed in the tunnel ender Lake Michi. gan et Chiceago. The yérr18t95 shows a curieus rdraot i - ln the order cf thé cnops. Thus'lu thei departientg ocf thé northern part of Cen. trai Pr'aùc(3, vbcrâ thé vintigé 'usually taIras placé in thé first days cf Octoer, viné çvas drunk this yeer on the l5th of Angoot. Oon the other hienu, in thé de- pantnent of thé south, viieré the yiuîtngé gélîerallj talles pnce iii Auguat, it bua ç. ci'red this yer la thé mnoulu of Septem- ber. ,44o aud 30 1 1 rm at l 1 3,. 'sy ýO AL &O. IN b, Il:en >unt <,illbe. tilsadés, Wtt JAMES SOLU F011 týNGLISII atil Fret Zlorda Wato tL4m 7, o1'01,5 rd " 5 l'uaetie'téi'à white, hotu, lt takké 1dm any afl tin-44 - lstuii.t,main 1

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