Whitby Chronicle, 16 Nov 1865, p. 1

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IRW ITBY ORRONIOLE A [ls PîInting tabllshmtflt, i3rck Street, Whitby. AD)VÉlTI8EF,1'NTS 1 -LI. Adifflaetna4ita uîtîsred lnl ouper- tel, antI ebarged at tke râte-,ot 8 centoqps"r glnsiLràt [n.eMoia, cd 2 detsLaparhUe, eeche 1 21 "0111n"18 tS ade '1h aleuWierblsby Ïlsa r er"Ont~ r4a~ L dlaea~tiuneedrortaetii tet tl~ -~ n i.; Withclm iPrinteul mordu, pent tb«bielsand-; atirAe» lui -N 4,e VOL IX. WIII'TBY, j . I Fntý~trlal, Wear and durâbllty, ýJ. A. Ba ndI4ýI i oftnlue~uloLA tesv tevk unetrîîased lu t p o tityu 2 VALVIRLE' Par mfo.r "Sale UPON EAST T1kIIMS. 'N T117,TT>WNSIIII' bALLOTS lNon. 1 an cL I, ini the lte0 cfuenoIt. eonilninur Ml facrpeaitnre or lt-e, 1 ititn 1 o) <011 )WElL]INI4 l1<UtEi sl;oiFrutitie iuliditnga nereni. lInal,nt p pcpry il.vautgus1- iIt.ted etiie Jtîîutî-n nW the Mareaid aîîualowiil list, wnit Ranis aineutroad. antI lui ault40 eeraoe Jciegnea. ,- gor Iiilrtlicr ptîretiulffl appI>' to W£tT0lNE OGAUI)AUR, Setir., 011 thble urennet rrillla, P. 0. '100,000'TO 1 DAN. ge i ne m iuteru L.tI mu 10i lus j e t enruihetd Werem m - sio0,)Jiii Iîglroecl tanteq, AT 7 FER CENT INTEREST. leroeu uilýaire u y ne m ne bute., ri-re. Nu ttuneiichairet I am alan agent fît îlhe (tellutli-eilul ugtiUuliig< Su.nîu.-y, we i I tile muîioiey g miii fit îutl;-i ui. jt 6 PER CENT IN1'RESI. A ppI> pereonail]y tA, 'IAMER IIILDEN, ijilul Ai land ttt, lustir.ne aiwj Glucruu Atrujt, &c., it!u WiIrt'rOncBT i filiu lîiik, imucloSt. P'ii:.;cc ALtuTerOriu-Jm t he Town Hls. l2 9 i -- luntuuul iilie -tîy, anud thiii ble h ie n titul- StOI EAM 1 MI' ~ D(OX IREA.L, ]y utuuiîilled et 8ah itlige.- - WHITB'lY IIUANIIa. Notico to Farmors and Others 'W. R. ISEmi, Maceget. ~'L iv rnouf, bv gallon or hurfll; MmNightuet'e V&ERm<& ACDON Je g t;leleesiti d.r. -u,., leure Extru lleelified 1-aAULLSEIS ATIATTOlI'N,'y;ArÂ- \ttiulkeu, ïo.ui. lo.; hu.bt lPoni. Sherry, eluul bLaw, Bmlloitr e tI Btb l t i i Mnne!11,Contuieck Blrti.ly fonrtmeotiek, *li . liat of ýnd tles CorporatiotnIite Cî)tttitv of l' >itam [ýý.Iqiîom sud <cprAfthen <uXXfLîra m.r &oïlrhs, tia, Ia, VbiLbym C. U bl âtr< e rs, a logtt lr. K.C. eCîsetuoti, , C. Il. J îlO< A. AL~EXANDER. tbr t -,-louo te on Itlupo nnu010 %c" r't V.- A- ' B-noklin, Ti. 2',t1i, ic.4 IVl i'~u he itil f he i.frut, Cait itlùuieeAu 1 W1483STAGE 9-OUÉE, l ol tre1tnetToromto, C. W. I'roeîrîtr. Ils Atqog Smt)lllWbt)4. - J. A%. AMSt.- Tol'oitn, .Tmly 20, lOi- ninlES umo ir'eel>n od tiiu au ÂUîlSElit hiTlbE~ . e.&c. A L 13 10 N 1-10 T EL.' - i)1 -mmn lle i l n1-1,iul ou-C ~t.Ilolýleti e lOthe, UIatiu Aternt. A M FS tUT.iltnv 1. t. Coiiitta'e, - t. . !tfriteIl . j î,t*ç u~1Y('TTtiWN i AT'VItLIEy FoIl ON- EAST WI[NDSOR H1OUSII, WJITIY, tain litrit ttt tînieri-Tew (owu. a<i0tRYtPatonitri it. laito to le.umu'uiT , ar0t ub gulie, & - rHl F ulve lintuul 1ie utlintedin i li.ne- liia 1it iigluW A I[ew lillîuig, llinl- erd1it fiieTwmuîuuiit-il 4 - ~îoetl" lltî. -14. ceîîtitî,lîiinnfut traeallere. (miii = - - tilillhî and ti tentive adie?-e. 22 GEORGE Il. DARTNELL, - tilItR, ATIrOIlN Y, CONVVANIVICTORIA JIOTEL. lyofo ntanln. ('flte il>ron-tu~L, litlY - (CIl,__(l'IETt - uoJA A M wsîcoir- -iut.î.OP.ETI. l KJU1iTýIlt uiATMUNVY 'AT1,A W, ANLO.IVIC.&N IOTEL. <p infehtirt<'lineYi tu-. llthv . W. lim- VItorIa Muiiitlnbt u Ui.ruIut tCEn S. xif. IARiviI, T ýtiiiheimoo evlli lie ieW i4uîiiruibui R,ît<~Ll.A-L~VANI (< Si TAITOU e. r', -m-c niidtim t n L,. i t raiiitut 1uMi.e <iv ii n ai v t. (0ol mniu"m mit -llr.16 ELLE &i,.lt)!4,OuturaoDicî;MIN JIanrsmnt,(4E Ivrtue-hentibit>lÉde, , ilrcSt reet, W hitt iilîu îelTwi,îl i i rue. c lnnjk. CitonuinUcqomi, eliltz., c 1.the 4 t i <iL Jlrrk I V,-(f C. Mbom Iut.u I'rtiurlt J.K(i1tNW V0 N 'S HO0T ELn pARiiI E tATTîI-)i'N ibY.uT.J.AW, oco JAve, om.-iurLnwau.e Iloulle ne ,3 wMOON< & IIOTIERq. 11 >.C. 'W. - - - -- ~, » ,>un~'~~s.North Brltilaned iMrcaetlc NOTîOi, T<îARY PIUBLIC, tIU&c ire & Life Insurance Oomn'y. 'w . -, W W. IL. DEAN, CULARLOJ C. ltEL ILER, Dailk otif oiufreuu l.sI A TiORNZtY AT 1,w 4CiRi .Wtulty, eÊijt. 1, 186. 51-1> ton, ltiioy, C nciietu%Ç.a, eaiu ATtUE <îAI<lTi iTTTAs RltMtVEI)hie lk.îw 01ficr t. tîitterit f.CteurNuoa 'ta l 4 "înrhatttr L euknbe. [WtitUnelion glotluofthtel &.WlllvLW. lbto$in,t Victoria BloiCl. Itaistr>' Offmlle* fte ta itry(llie. en Brock tnt. 4R W hii. 12,Ja862.'2,1f 8 j. l. p&nÊ%VELI., L L. B- THE ROBSON HOUSE, BAjjTFIISlATlt.AWt A&0- 1vaIwlri ot. R. XcEUî 1. A., DtIDA5S TR5IBTe W5JITsIY, c.W. ¶~8~uuOtm&c 01ao~<iuuie ,trCtnîrîu ECIRKllloF.11SON,'Proprîter. Ol'~< oiL Olice Ouuwa, C . W. 4 LYKAN E¶lîti4Sl, L L It.. I uunu bt nllieîrtterly kr,imwtt AililITELIAT LA , Su>icior ln Clia - scripttre m lîittl. eluicl lii;luuuiiurerunrat-e'l U3 neitmniilAT. LiW,1u6dni, tutenot, ail' cary, t 'tyuiir,(,&beslm f otrlt. Viesrrrtineeire 1ian mll it- -i lmmcoeitOMlîe-tl! Le nt Offe, lhavWa. utdoppoatth it Pet tllce,anud ho tua Con- 40 bru ftlr«t'tccwiî. ____________ Te îtaiiwuiyitutitîieýcel i .ttheblue Id ani jOhN qBlLL1N(6î bite tegee fun Utuilltucandi liniveton ilave P lieIrinuce Altert, twu dîuurg 'reti>f GEORfGE LIOB8ON. . .Foruttai'15tîînc. 1 R. W CLAK. M D. Whitby.Msr 1863. Ct)ltdEht, tO. IROOKLI N IIOUSE. dour V-uni f Veuol&al Store. liitrucl Street, Wiituy. 4 .CALL ANDi SEE SANDY b<1 T IE autbiorber lit in retyîriîing bis ehaoka fTor peit l'avore, bhop te-oiithéIh#b1I taint* ouf tiiuTOW own $uitiveindlitg contatr>', tut hao %#lthé hanupyw attiend te ail or <drs ontrondodto filaen. Tai lîîaerted on» Uold, Silvfïïtir VOI.arZOd Rebber Puae. Teth fil lad or ,xtracli là tb. betptaitible Meitiner. l'ifc.lsr attention peld le thé ragulâtibri 01 (ihildren'u Teoeth. Al*ork wairmed. UN SLURANOE T 1 _ 1rlnd u of polld é lMuna eoiltedhm l' royL l=nf u in tranc eie yfiath lu wfh Wrps ti secpt r Ell-eliancd marine,- TUekÊdibugIetAwmra=Contiej, TUc Liveîioolan4 Lowolos, "dic Meerem pié. Is..#eeOoep TUo IdLc4As#f*if*ceo %~Ipy. Y. KELER,, roistcesal.r, QsI4a. Osheawe, 'Noir, 18, 18LUS ~ MAiWm1K5tp~ e. t'. C. IfAWES, - - jtuR<,pE1i [Â~ b~,/1~ GLOBEIIOTEL. b ltladpaile ý, hro becu >, I nl hegedb te 'rente of h lu geýtt, &o. lita 1retisni bas heeui cnveiiieily andI coniîfotablyfitted tip ; pffitod, paicrud, &o. - intuîitrie aiuritutiwtnt uash nue ever . I3rocker's IHotel (LAIE LT', Ale l Kig Hrecî.1 T 11r i lrr ieiluiilnîte t tOoîeeiii T NVfitltt and se rr înîltttgr conttri. ilie goail elllly pàtruiiized lin while feoullord ofl the 1meuîuîul ltel, Ile ha iecceîfed Mr. l'luit îIn thhintel o c Lrkvpi îy lalons Nelmnii St, 'rtiresfitti. ii au noexlpnoi in tfîtiàig tiltt iii smane, iii ae<ure cuniort. to thte achi ruey P.1truuflip l fln, lie wijlihe ilcauied tut aee bis nId ir cdg *hpt n iru e (ity. Brookliz Dtug Store. D) FALFR b irnuu. ldut i eleiner Pu4ite, 011e, 1)>'. $tub, opufectioli- ery, amo. Brookil, C. W., l 6j CowmMftALflO'TEL. IBROrUK IITRESIT, WIITDri h lo nTr IinlolgI4« n D*iOrtflcothAt ho wiliuuihae been nowiy taruilalsi d reno- v,cl 17 filin. oenî l Vt i e lbcdaccocuicide-w tiu,îu iur, ritli c=rvfîil atcuti ,u, enu elway bce fotîll. G( tt lgiuiog, celovieul Varda, Raadatte tive 4)*tluru. (J~iageextroinaly meoderate.n IJOYNqTON'fl TUTEL, (LÀ4raJtwr'e. RJ.GUNli, M. D IJILGEON TO "rlLE COUNT! CAIIL, F. L A N1D SIT .t i.~ ~ ~ o Umela aIteorder in tuo elat stYlo A. PRINGLE, M ERciixNT TAILOR, 13ICICSTIIEET, ii tiby. T OMaa-Town ftli -Iour*9teo 1 clnelc. __...AATIIIgON à DOSWELif T) AlItSlTlt. .Kingr tret, e dOOrs Lat cf J.>huiolto street, Torotob. 4b SARCIBA3&LU DARtKER9 &,XAillll VILLA(m E, c. W, OFFICIA Ti km 1AcI&gneaafuor urle auOntaubro, Nuar UADPaT OTlIIIUNIVERSIY 0F CXeXODI COollage, (su4oeao"«teuLIe.Ware,) EIICII&IIiTTaflor, Drr tc., 11f g st. X 1.ugba'ra <hubl Omo"t'; emel. tup làtheLbboit il evet stl. J atretiei iotaolonlgcidefor apriing *vdtt. Zvor>'article Warraibui. 11ia it',nun P. 111,089 AlilytVV IIXILI DIVISION COURT. ILICI*NSED ÂIJCII'NEER. Addres- eaveTOu. -40.1>' CANTON IIO'iE, P.OICEI. G ftoVU OTELe. TrOsEpil KOON ISTE 07 TTE NON1. nonseco-krs rit in he , ile th fg; nd Ili t mteiraeder fo>r the roeptlen af ?W nomaud Ctmws. 0eed Te U&tbev 14-Y I ltii tukett tlai llnolliloce," lu lîrnuikli 'ailli.ge. witure lie vhllIbco lad ta sec acli f1e4 nit.iJ.lie prenîlees ara vwell fitted ) i. utel îuenmuî, te Iaeccutommoda- titi» go-ai, tor i0ood, fuhe &bu-tontbc ea un Illeî±cuuenfuoitm1 ie-Ilore luitnqelt, eLmaîriîî heeti jincuuintutd tut inideas 'volt as ôtlfidt Batte At (antI> a tuk<t youu reît, Sauntd'etable ils lic bect, situuid;,lomgid atmn lodat loti, (iAti'tlie houai lu I 1tuie nation. lita u tueronuffenuît-at idy-elî Are asu e ogive uuu bonget a cali. ALEX. 1'ERIE. rankliu, Dec. 28, 1863. 50 VICTOI1A JOUSEe nùe e-emwe, wvuimru. .101114 8lUIULL ......... oprlotor. rTlIIF.tîhaaerilicr ceiras te lutorm in ismen> Lfrlvu.da that bluetgnov earrylttg on the atioya hotel, and tlîmaLhbe cepplicu noni bat lia bo.it of wiuoa iqoors elgar, aud reiromh- mnat. A valf îppîJ ate. Gon)d abibling antI ,ncioad yard. SPaIL- Wbitb>', Oct. 4. I86& 89 W I& C. S6 CAJWY Mauatrr fever>' defcrlptiou of TRUNKSI, VLSS ~,& BIROCJi-STREIT, WUITDrY, BEGLa apgpris. ibhr triend. a. nd lte pbla, B Liai Lt haepeod bdAIi"ass ths lrmuo Oppdite tb. Outarlo Ilote1, Breé'k Sisa, iaréey ti U 1be st l tilheasprépâïradi eaxoaetio rdare wihe tIel Les xuy tic fa'ord, iit et' it. tes"dto aetîfatll ~marvwu t're*fte e twcLoi* Cbeaspand oaout. e #I dermon lte sbeat. TRE I DON BIREWJEItè4 T IIE s le tih vtw1 pr 1 ild fe s Pl TJou, te »1944Dd Th P itïa ytnp supy1fiii te 0 MM-à *lth its'Iil4 e nutrou, înfnuinig 8trengti4,' Vigor end New L it o t li 'W whle SsOi. F r .1 Y Bpo a, Prop y, CIronfo e r"iîbxii DehIlity, retÉslo Weaknemes, au.., IL l10 -e&ofe.Thouienda badvo'beeîm obenged by> .th Ue of ibis lm *i* in0 froul ire id-10#Y - s eo1n r aureb, tu 0, rpmlhoiatbyan rpa..00 pur botile, or a $f r4ffl00 'Xew York. IOl? *AtABLÈ Tt4A# GOLD f B "Alîls lire r11114e }riltaeblod, re- vàoro iedacli , izzilie 1%, Ohidnei%, D)rowgilen, Ut;ptiîîeltmt lritî,si. Dintiea0f Siglit,, indigestioni, Cleango the Stonuituand lBowlie, macro notw lité ln vie (doisillted and rçeeterothî~e iok to perfect heiltli. 1'Y tlieMIt they ooly eost 25 coitmt, andod l îîn ooL et thé1niof' îrr1et1t edO rnoney to J. IIRY W 1 Cotiulitîîg lh e c eî,4 - rature ef mail. Ilcelers RauPPîlel 1,i Dpinm Il.îilc8 &Ce., Wliol,ealo Agente, lNew 'aorit. TO LADIES. F ot reliiro a reliflule r<,mrd4Y tb retoro ôTi.te n Fynît îîvvc$v's iiitle 1'illle. a ojever-failing reined ý for the rietioal of Ohb trîna i mtter frets lwha ecuwe tAetj î arî«. Thev are eà' nd migt cre anid will reýtcir nature ln Crey onse. IThcy are10.40cfia our ini &il I vassofWe,ýiî ue, W hitemPr Uau,&c. t-1d i linice iiuniing 160 Pi s, l'rilâe 0110eDollar. Ienil l'r Du. IIARVEY'Ab PrivnLe edtital Ailviser, adilrepeud tii fensitfca 100 pige, gir- iîîg 111 il h rupçtieîî'e, 10 cents requirsd for 'etîa. if ydsho)1it pirclias&ie lite pille 0t your lvurgiitt, thoý will ha acntt1.y 11101l. citre frît ubxcrvation1 bu reeeitt. f- Uie Dol- - lar, by lit. J. 13r , lolut1vg Pyii 1, ().1. ltnS, log. 449 ]Broadweýy.New York, s",îr uppld by Denias llertis & Co., Wlîolrale Agolîtm, New York, 211.1> Qad Newsg for the UNFORTUNATES B ELLIS pècillaPille a r rreedi Il.-rmiuniel Cuire ni il u(lise."OR e5rixluig to<*I gelatuuei et4lCeeuor, oiulnidarcot stitunl 10)Ii, Niglilîry iieouuadlnnlf ttrem.r; tieibl, l, Py'itl eand NettoitDe- Pi liity, fi.uic(ac04S'à% uualJte'eAie No climire 4<f Dl t siuttaery, 'uid tLi ii>ce A bl-rd iuvu rithitlt itticuu. AcItbox eontili et, on puls,, Priutit IlîteDollar, if >utie aunnoe iD ~f ourdeuuilb, i.>' ;bc. se-nb IVy Imui-*"tnru eiy elea, wth flîsreltt, îliut li- turc aecur, u c netlt te t smtdmM' eatf eîitiiihlebt îo pagea Ilthn eo errrs oül noit li te tîuilhen îd ieined', abOlI fret; Io eeit*qreqtl tfor tioStado. Addrcu e Dûl. J. ilar&sî,tCviiii lb1yaeia, , 1'. O. lixs 50'J7. 442 lrostlvsy, New Telr. lii uenpe can te supplieul hy Doutas, Ilenes Ai~ ~ ~ ~ ~le Yc. -;leua.gutieê ork. i>rô U. Audeirse lodl*e W*Mer; Aun lovai î"31>10 lscuver.' A Fpul 0 maoet lIhliet u Ptntiounce c(i"Wuuer, ixqluul iOnu, adtintait>' Cturmuie Î44TeleroîIýý is. eacî, imr'îrafb>'Itels ne, a~ eniu ee;tC (ircffll ouestit roc. -i par btlor 6#for $5.W. c'r., ARDEII$ i an iaeliJe. .t X..& lyl , w T R-UNKSW AIf bo l etint-nide Treule, CH EAP FOR CASH' Aiea e>' neacigaad Stock ni Hawnous, Saddleisi Whips, &o. iR. PmuLs. oppeaita Lelugu AUCTIOIN BIJSINBESS. Li8enied Auetioneeer, &o, Slsatmedtd fia eatiéof tAc' ej!Ordera b>' î=il. or lat eut L b.Cuoett 0stur mlrcieptcoîetutaa dei S, W crk Sbnp et K.Itt' Cardaoge Fab- l tir), opnic tht ae anc Bycfihe jront 'd titroat, 'm&hlby Wlultb>, AugusiS80, 158. 84lt W. 7n. ST£ICLICo so 44, Chitreh Street, Tdono. A» GRANDT"U-XNK1AILWAY HOTZL PoiRT wiliTTY., 4ÂMUS PRINOLB5 ' go SU184. ndwt ie.iù ýýém leveprh tir -tOl No e rew flt irâ, c> rd o él bW éd1,ovr h oliîep Us LIte re gondl, it or tlI. Wood luva pair 11 t cnlidi L140 X E ATtirK DONg I - huit ortu th iglut kitd front your lttlt»lservant. Sso, wiIl you profit by iii DAVIS, TfYonne )Mci'. FrIand, zt4taa.eleone'a ompen- Oiiildirobcs 1gb' taîle - 1-ýttblueireittent ni At lie Old uartera, cOera y au itIlaîite atrecta, W 'i.Olc"ilgeriuig oals~ Ltruirv,, andd Cures warrauutd. lwj!It UtiuoLent théu. Deoir eau My uOseeree i cedift fil, r Yowi. n u iecd net CIJt eyciir eict. Cull ou the liiatoruullel b'.' applying rtc thLe ilu4atitte<le4>'arajrruinoii front idam %uc or 04uînaat>, tu Ail riz-, R.i w hig, Thuane eblegetulle, the 'tmec at 1 [MR courage uudatunted, les purpoenuaiied; nila l0.1g,cpatentinlt;or, h10e oquehite 1ekill, Thut toir or gonma>tltie roîn a tntguti at Whl-ae l )duivg the nations ta liat te hIs 'iII. Ici titrait bot iotnetiibcred, butIligleor utI Thoe triliute that telle tow hoe altith hl*tbI Lmflet Lu tuhiuLte tyrnt, bn brlalultlg iluqfitter, Le>' te llîcTOurOf luhttWbitcunuliit WtIiit d t t. tBut lisbeerb 'ra is iiEuglenld's, lis idai-Imer Liei r tnid 'ra, i tstrteid, and hirg foo 'rei Ilier (ne, Wcre lier titindale despiseou1ot a tteowrl <tst u;molier, flow .itorn là ubtlte, ai- hoir veugDfaul lae Mjir aruies 'rore Rail atidlier bItilunira re - tatUerod. Anti lothargy rçoughaLtiiber sbreugtlitlikp a sPoi, lie taufiOtp ileiii ttb, iee cliaiut elb'as Tho esteaIlet a reomcllid ecent> til. - dntt oimir wguid, a dabs'rnyls%* - laceac ier epdi auhewjli <i idteallo flide qtîeuul nid fgîm tite 9114 c tatud acude. The c oiè àbIs coitote', Ittw faction dosi- le mii.rcil as nea leopadi! IItrot monCouela lIce>'* caioe ut tîtir fellifos, andI hala IL eut- To givo as a poued, >thie great ililsor' Duanua. Whie~alledthattO* 'vorid np tobalsoce Lb,. aid" W~ l.sùahm.a lu seerafi-.eeellauit.aatnredî true- i - Tilt. llrse tIi>' 'rend, fp~ bis bituora ara t>' ~ lio, h uc me' ïO a.èt cois., for Lb. - bils b lord litil d iera , dt'tIa b- ea *WD ror-uiovey - tesaItié su to Etgiélfoa over rnl.c oods Edlubui ê é- Tle1h"% abs4tWho W iutito grêé.îRglil galîno J ~Tba fre Imiio*yia ih ud t hitute:, itevet i il- eleigm ti ue à. aut 0F1W15111go martle, a.oemfS uwes, «tna i thrl'e mit emfii- n t t !a - t 05e.s.t cef y maerrisl.ufther a Toidt thé s ecremt lumt iD e ais sp I V== l"taeiesuftfie'rn.willinIg, ,loaiURIIl*61 EUES POU ~s.s Te follow Il led-ltelvi Poraccue e - b. cEDOfeu,*f ]Dy f lo i.rid Forw lmr w ii. tas.inTlatcp1taer F~or l1 ii leai 11ý. : tu itun Foril ft Sa etsi I II)Ieo llna Lt ioilvîlhi a' »M mlBk c ie ipllw.. 10, < cume 'epo For lfUMk* s U'touli bdli isu>'giniatide CoIt Puenrai ar .,,,,.......... tetu isdD #S thnt s ai i cerapsie ttl t ........ - on liy and hem i the wumi ivt o ula sor rt SUil clitvLn i. Patitao.the. îM Burke - Lir :lerncril Burke,-t*Ui T h w nA i lilie p fn sed m % td). g et' Âdn ar.lr E t~ l i d rk, a nt i dU 0--' " ïb BvIlleg.è Vai 4bwlsiItmuÙ riiper an redtini&t d* ofe-&The i er,4gèaî4 l.Bruc s1d"eey mil' ei-o bi eue a v .ihu ' h a.......oge.ewa.am ai- and of sondrt oier booksof moseteald ose happen t.a4aie er? Une recpaclîofel 041 lda ct ,i' t e eulh ii dtecrecy.H.l tg respect. ' Y yb. cled MI l b>' a d oubale oe CO f lthe MuPOIL JPp l a e k e y 4 1 p t y o a r S h o w . i l , s » 1 ; 0 , 6"0e Ouaibe Uels kLluug ofA=, nismid $ ~s4i~cuw ell*in r - Si q;,est and it ,o4ýster re pà lImar i,4eteïar 1 m a c i s veri frnq tIy bïtôýed nu. M der the getrys ud't , Vrardâ ; ccd yet, .0 of au t1te,ÇÉýdoiV4- b>' îbe.Xor- t 'e~ ' - ' : ud 'de T'i î dar àà~euno re wWnfl f tl'é, el éng g malrged in b igbarl e - 1 aiýtkà t 'o lb. txly eues& 4 dô eut -desiguietion iî are Sfiýebe r Y, ýtiuig4cî, Pon-9 broke, nidJvi.ii tsu ulu f o i g n o r t. h ie i a tis e e tf Wrî%tieslé'y i. Lt'hosoli -ta ml 'ini mug,, ilj. Lo d s w blit din1 oiÏÏ ea m aie deéceuit -g fCorne nder of the Or cf be-,Gertér.1 in 1675 tbe Ii3t 9Ç.1th. Bpgllsbtj pa#o ored ea-totist4 ~liic 'utei Column wonl'd diily ludé the naies6rof ail te digiies- rémeiuiug ont cf tht Wbole catalogue. T4ke a siugle lustaucé of ulhein uau earlulam. TItane 'rre thc Liundaeys, Eurls ôf Drieford, 'id lited liko priucuui, bcld courts, and ted ibeir beralds* itlli royal étaie. Pages cf noble birlb Weitcçl, ou te EarI, gentlemen cf qqît ywere lb. alficers of »bis flbusehoId- 1citemb 1erlaiui, obaîdusie~aLaycitief maroscbal, and aimor.iteiuuer. Tweuity great baroulasunp portad titis spieudor. iýTbice* did té bèad' of te bouse wed intnouelatu'ieiitt lithe royal b 10,0. Al ,titis gran4u4cr 'as lu the thirt9eqtli, fourteanth, etid fiftoentit eau- ricqll Iu tie carl>' part of lte sevouteenit century David, tbe twelfîb Ëarl *-oaf 0mw. fard, died lu Edinburgh Caille, wbere bo lied beau impriioeeulb>' bis fambilytLa pfe- veut ltae uttet ridu cf Lhe estes, bu bav. iug by uesperata prodigaiby alieue.ted, pas. uesa atrpqissiaut. Titis EerlVa eau>' cbild 'ras e daughter, tahocamn e lw1tol' uucered for, reoeiltng ne -èëddadoin, sud beiug ellowed te ,roi wiId -bute e, >giPsY. 8h. elopeul wji;ha btou ocriert and et aie dmne lived wbolly b>' ieggi inflall>' becoruiq' 'il regeler "treîp.'t In the riddloof te ùhext cetr<i be eiglitéeat, 're flcd-enotbar Davidi e, uaceaatloablé boeO of the grèct bouse, of Lludiey, au bo ue t n uas ]inkwall,, i- uheOrle euiothierbrauets, Ieving ýtitis old tît c .ght y t a die i a; table. i The Cromwellt fhiIu triîh -à làig inteieçu of - tipid ad torugb eçay, ufellpA om Ua tua lb jôliibOet erye atlam - f0a purei alla did'la povoit>'. El sou, Colonel Hery' Cromwell, litie j>' et pe uelevY anglet>' ad the.b4hle glîL body ater 4eatilî;2to e . 111 bflIi RediAU pr4kp id -Vêull t iirii ditarà. ts on1 aà tw év ju 'or og f i<>g i.' . RIiturLuoV et< Glu i tgbtla!'05 f14 -. Sé0ol Riobert, theii.ùW*-of, en éite. lUtitaisanà pounds a ,year. Ris cld w' u theLb.renovnoed OhIvr.The tho'n dwiudied&ëway ïrpidly. Tii t eecter's greàt'üreudàotiwu ai gra ino 8.0w 1h1 cid hi$ sec, tte luitn;t 01 fee fatil>, 4104811 SLLOTUBY lam ici Ou bte feauale i b is u ailt'.» ste greater i ou1inef l'iver'a greai-gr (i k6r tère; eflar îAoin"g ber butasut f111 ;e," mrk.oséetoblittbe Enàiie-tôwl POB- boruéit',diieiperi Ieeviek ituda ry i *h wjtpin4i the 0 14vesrespeeovo rig Irhit ti;es bave . betil Pî8é the uiacb gkçte*ý eïtenitu tbtalbps les Hoglisil iieé* e; bwi'eyei illét' olrd onOsu . e <itiroif loiri ilip. sy ober. Tiie voq-aa ere for. 70f pars i)oèd'ià iri fo ëlb Oet ~r.4. ha au0 sud, hl u M'~I ITarout Sept. hab)itanits nortc <onty of Victrit mi.] esnrret-eldînl .ultiteout liga h s oyernéd tht I 'tlO XillUaLt IStreet latoly cecîxieJlby Joecete, Iat [e hfiee lied Ih litse ied tnrnl"h- cd lui finabri.-l, v1ixioewil intI evMcroue- mietce. Wliîa, Llire and Olgei'<the biet.1nalltr. Anattentive aOsilef alwey a fa eLC.a anc. Linduay, Fou.- 14, 186M. f THIE ONMATIO HOTEL 9P11001 STREET WffITRY. J. RtEUBOTTOX,9 D ENTIST-RYs t- tNY vuiltî~~ i. -p 117 E! 101? r, antI e i1utitti. hiautd - G. soiml Le~ te, cli. t Aurcs< ut Il t au it " ni. il < ai t -te o " Il 't ut, ~ Q e, ~~ t, i i 1-iteit osai C tuf litil PERPbIlY. b t rvi ~ Duet? on&.kojasrali one~ sbp uswas a worluinirbaker, ilolbet i'llw g hbile ihleyodeéost qi thee jpe, depceîicp- of roii iiiii o ýtyLfi:iii.? àsed na îoccuP~ieë,roovu initbe u f le~ Idest Oil, à. col5u-màae Thé. Barou' -odVqdleyil or'eeted ,iOTc tan five cenonl~i~g, lu*glnd,.. iJ tedautong ite co-bheirs srkldîîgin zlair 6Ë ÈForfau 'a i eq'ua>ïhy, -ero ithIiàtôr>' if tbaitenions titI. wrlîtien lu, îwo chaPtciPAu bhe first wool1f tell ( l1,ytl ie b* t6,l4o"nLe frora whýicli lb, h oe ood ils usme; Ie con-d wanld lake ,uw eo thé toll-bar cf au iManglish tur"ivlle, wintyj egro ego, ywËere the %ae-;kftel*l Wheo r.ceièdoi tgpli wastu descendant and .ce hejr oft ô lords otf É3ley, whose c astleý oýWôredliuîiîbd diÎtance; Lb. clapier iol{ 'aie lt that ll-romains ode 'tbilltW gatberer, wba-die>d Ou' CllrrLmeËaIdÂy 'a 14.,wire orricdIthronge Lte..'grett iafis oft ue casile, dnâ.bnrieâ b' ie aide pf- bis, ilhistriai~iulc 4so fre a oustant-bouse clork., aa i'Ë 1 uichore al lite sena im .o.orî dofhibe nni We are callod 'ou te pUy te'èsorows cf îaroold clan b>' tbe'iatI iiqjôjryf ot 00 -irFroeribk-Boblin. -Tho cbit c .inIit hfamily 'of the tinte of Juiuiio*J. T»er3s- seRigt Revercnd-'Biullôp"Pf DPownand -Cannor;tere,. ,woreo lî a ,Baron a oýtlie Bcbe4nei; a msmlaof. ai(itu [t-lsb~ ~ ~au Yelenett nd iry,t br npj- tant people, Liii l, eîne a- àqw( th.e fiftitbaronet. 'Thte îtPcrate nd llaronetage,ît teîll g4as nioci t biiî 1,but tg turiner trace te sad hiler>' Wo sbauld bivtte taP%,ngo itae. îctortnring liebyrîth of au Irish* equlity suit, which la enô#ýlt like "JarAdyÇe and Jarndyce"' to har Éery,,d for tiheIIioak House original. ' It wu as pîalific source of sport tael8lthe Ltb. lawyers. if wo wiuite la lîuow e it alle -ted the fuithbaronet wea shaid hty gode, à ithé yeftr 1800, 't arenry, in iuta cou t>' af Kilda:re, Ircland. Therà'-*d unigbit bave aeeu auai od mic -ofeeveniy yeruttor>' detitute-, bis ouI>' înaniBýf suppori beiugseixty tva coets< week froîn the Pfforluge i luie - perisit citrcb, atî ,d uqud7 doatios fri~-perscua uinle ieigbodrb od.Ho 1'ras5-but ....ttie ý titeui balf;wittcd, nable te rond' or write, hiin a , ulcs4but dreer>' cviutdlc; This 'as Sir Frederick Eh iÉ elfthU bAraue t, antI beïr ttahLb.Ciaucor>' suit. He- 'ras llfring lin 1868, wiith -noprospect of an>' inprvreet lu bis condition. Sir Berar4,tpilw Cà, aller<pause. . Iô pg 1mb i i ey >« rere lards af i teh ,a iaor ot Brampton, in Nartbamptonsbirc, and Jort generliuus titeyiaroned bigb a~4es îiDgtjished alliances. ,EBarly lu 1700 we 'fi'd' lb. faily grawîgroater -stiii b>' r e'àon cf itauir i àdd a d eiabes gained; înd' 8i iliiù rwich cata ltt/ ,grand properiy. He;nover ;marrie4 1:îl»t 1gavé biutsef p La seifisit pleascres,, pl- dicti i m îseif l Lte e uugtbland th e cpp, il in lua tew yeaB ie te a ýL bslet 7 estaltcé e1 -ýIq w!< Serai tuchesa Uf blib6ot5gh., Thee 1111 ;borne b>' oîber3; lut it-oeune bacisuffieicut ,mM -o qjport.taTherwidovï pp et' the batrohtliearildas.ivelibpad by was.biugi and <ied i-b1860. 11ar busbe.ùd téýdoieV.J& àf ar7yeirs before: h l&ah m Wasil fm.ti ever-y fl- èl...-11-ý . 1 wýl 1

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