Whitby Chronicle, 16 Nov 1865, p. 3

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»W, kflV PTRP.%wu'a mwri crn ww zuwultb I - 14 'AAd~Ls. iPICKERING & WIIl ITBYI HO - T E L > And othcr propcrty in the rOWN 0F WiITBY. Mw:9ýA SPLENDID 91, w- tC-lance fur Invebiment. The, uîîdersignied ias receiv'ed ihsructtoîî9 ftom WMLÂJNG, EsQ, To oller for sile, on Tuesdayj, Novoinher 28, 1865, -AT- Blaek's Hotel, IN THE TOWN 0F The foI1owiîî valuable Farms sind Lanîds, anid Towin p-opeî-ty. LOT 1. 'oionArIs, iieing lteNortlîýhalf of i'uLot No. 18. in lic flîluzonccosion of tbe Townsip cf P1'ieeriuig. 'r LOT 2. 10ACR&S, compriîtig ilii. South -ett Ctter of Èot No. îs-, in tiie til LOT 3. 100 Iot'ý5, in the 5th cnssjon cof(lie Townsheip cf Wliitby. Tho cLave ferma comprise choice land, sud are cil untder tlee Itesl sMateofp jita tien. Tii. tiorefims in Pickering adjoin tihe touriahhicg Village ci BROUQHAMI The proport>' Iosoi e h Centre Hotel,ý jér the Tes-n cf Wiiby, mi pi-eoent occu- pied by >lra. Mclàcn.c. Igeiber s-iCIbal( ânacre cf land attaclscd. LOT 50 The property kcorn a the TLaa UW I5UB 41~~lapiWàns ta tti..and itît fow ChIs- ti" osmS on li te bco Witlout it."m-Roysi ,"lTîtials, perlitpgocf cIl tle peuiedlenis d. vetedt e theex , * Ition 0f'Chu-cdu e ilpies, the on0 te -Whlorwi arg mot;t 1nlineieo cgl un ciesitsting prefereuao,"-SýoucnetCou- <y Gazette. PliteWord,, op Bibieci Crltlcem. D'ylit4 ltsv. F. Il. firîveegi, M. A. Christ (créh Dasu- AilOxford storr. Chaplor XI.-Titi4 Grand Commenmorat au,. lý XII.-Deueltgton., Berlptul a n hsîottions Iy mon cf Lollersà, y Fruia6 acoz. Clinreiyarii 8j'arts, market@, cnd AMet. Il> eiVh~~ . f. Cilt , B.. Tic Miryrdoî cf iHypetie. V l Welçîî uiço 'n t ieslii i-.île ri. 111. By tllwSet A t'opusar iistory of Iie Enilsi Bible. Ciiepter XIII.--leritl1 thecBible l' arisandut te rive Yeni' Falon ty. Cliapter XIV.-Ciipr-tî,el-si. Tie fover D)lsalets cif Louden. Dy7 lte IBo. J. F. Khtt. Det.ort iiredij>ioni. hhy A. Il. lt, ' l. A, 11,4U14 a u trlssion 1) ?, Ott"U.) <ltr (ilerical Chlii., i5v Tii. dlî. Thte Nos-ioli Cthirelii oirss.- orubti1 f %*t-k'a Sortece-Notes ociia nCotîgeesj% 'Te lute Mr. oxkiîy-Journnsh. and (Cor-- sîoîdenSor cf ies Ihry-I)r. Pir)-ey' Triat ansd oSto.cof te tSureui cf F.ig. iaud.- Ljiistiinti Uiity. Vi TO (xford try, entifliti "Chris4t Ctell l>Ryt," progrees ;we1, anit!Ais ciidelitly fi-cm tueý poiliiorf01itewlio flixa. u -iiiii- e 'htisice lit t lait stir-lett iiiiNi!t, and tulits sicnit hi Illie tte)ei ect tii life s-hiâi lie tei,crie cpion- -iiglt vlui t1irii. l. ite tiiieusof the cotn t rihîtîtri, cf t lievîiîsî-prs tre sirua uv îI)q4îtiicr of a s-cik i 10-essi titîacIici tiîseqinc ftlite UiJiitd <ilîtreiltfoi 'Iàgisiiii 1111- 1i-elé teil -uIt li prou 1 t,,oj'm.-itt linte Tititis. 1,Mdon : Jîittîs liozR g Sons. To.ronîto %V. . i t lesi-tI &4t. o' moitreani: tewutou lt-cuterm..Aid a.11 hock iler,. ATTENTION WIIITBY INFANTRY. T II En.itiii ii-I r Ct Olntite i tos-stice l hiliîg tces- ciiiet-d, c strict attliiiîe,'ciilte pirt iitIlthe iitiîbei-s cf tltia& ealituuniy s-ICI -te rigi-hl3- eiii'tice-d. fil 00e- sqti t-eiti li i.ii cl f a iiîio - fii- e 1i1it-iiisthe i-r-s.rie ufor lu Utr 13tutu-i mone~. ii lso ltr idh lcclt ui reateai. cd datnger -veoi-yal ttis-I t e-Iirlîu-sticai $Ictih, tti.hi iiii,îself te suint- .r'cleicc egntiz:ttioll, Itosriî tie du'.tiof c tildier, andi tl crit heri-ie loi-eirned sais-cil ns forotuued. Tliti vouliiottn oriflinx owam ii ictitt mtitlîd v&'Il vîîii icteles du-i it e wltitcr iieltaistif atit aaiipjiUn wiieli i sti tc oi-ri tee te tliîemie-oo ns s-ci as tueur ecîut iy. The tuttlliinîy iillmt eetfori drili eeriy Weti ttitay i-vel',it iiiaitltf-utetit seven, Il. M. ILI Eu. Il. D411TN El.!, (,'Aptltit. Nov. cli, 1565. 44- lin. T IIE bSUIIBSCllltiEiIlIAS JCST ItC4EEIV ei. i cd udtiutite Iiîji sdiet psto*k of LENUINE CRUGS AND MEICINES A large supplty cf COAL O0L LAMPS F091 THE ]Kitchon, ,Uall, or CLurchesi, 09> tic litefit impaîecetitiles, adetit c prices tiiun iii. e---. iw Pp;ng ittirliers., eih E " iiuîiiy , Il idgis X X, 1Fill n i. fiey, <lobçti. $imndca, %W teks, &ce, &C. JAMESI!. GERRIE. Fsuniiy Diag Store. Best Coal Oul SOLI) FOR CASU ONLY. IL'GLIStI oeilFrotec i Pemeroio Lubies, R;lilg, 4&0., &o. EIorida Water, ýoozodgnt, &Cf J. IL GERI2îIE, 44-lin Decdig Sti-et, Witby4 1DIVISION COURTS N ATIONAL IROTE 1, iCITY0FOTIU Silualeci At Port Whitby, aI praitent accu- pied b>' John 4~tkînson, taotber miii hall an acre of land. - W- Tii. aboalotels are wÀoI i aîatd for business, and bave &Ili he iecessar>' buidings and appoinlelents. LOTO,6. Fi OuR TOWN LOrS-S ehlunted emat -'and oee coi-tii oftise Contre tl, fronting ce Bi-ock Street, and ccctainicg qcmrtcr. cf an are eic1a, (wli lu sold ctber separatel>' or togothier.> LOT, 7.' T'lJE building and pretelsas occupiedl by -M r. Yule. au the Teiagraph Office- 47féet front, 72 feet deep, includicg budf of ca liire-story brick s-ail qe po-f-01 pick, cÀ ar Ioo #il lthe Aboie mlii For Partiap roperty-BaUm h ihi ii thirI>' days; mortga bbleo aYa hile i ie yooti,,wit Interest,- aI.lit percoeut> payable lalf.YearlY. Fer Towni ;roprty.-One-lbfrd cmuh withinti >tyê4î; ono4b id wfthhl 12 montbs, am nep.hrd in Ivo Y"Witb ipterest ns wce rmnainingwunipd. MEVI AIBANE, Zr. Aucljoneer. Ne. 1, WWhitr........... De. lgt, 1865, 2,iicltertlig,. ...... .......1d' " 8, M itester .... 3etl 4: U,~ige,............risi fi l-vîo......... ...S d, 46 7, Atlîerley ......... Il Z11, Z. BTJ1INHAN, Wlîftby, Nov., fitit, 1861;.. WA NTEpoe A. (io wn oregond i'q'a sud mini c WANBDo* liApjetee wstà wiiobas bece ant the buinn .i tewoocl work tdepartent. M. ODNVN 5on et ci god Vm and ABb ile x- 44 M 'DDVN DRÂMÂTIC.EàADiNG8 ~Ia ndon h ff !ment. u4e îm&uplsm cf1te TORONTO -MeI.n1W INSTITVTIIJ uul ONE EVENWNG ONLYI4 I I -..----------~---.-~ b - -~-,~--.---..- - STZAYT,ý$TER Ç i Lot85,8rICo. bt ,,'ý d f Uctolier. as 'wo-ycnr hi Sterceler White, rocspts, The cwRer la roquoated to tae. 1dim awaycand psy 9bstgçe. jW-44 RICIIAID GU'T'IRIF, 3;e-44 .&dley, P. HE ftI utmorhber wili pay fer cey quatity of Flax ed, tic bhigbest ew- 0ABH PRICiE. WI1tby, t.2,1C 41 NEW -GOODS In Gold Charns, GoId ]roaches, new deslgne, Gents Signet Rings and Scarf .Pins., Guinea Gold Weddin g Rings. Spectacles te suit aU sîights. JAMES .IOINSTON Wcatclhnkr & Jewecier. 13ROCE STREET, WIIITBY. P4vc1e,1, itutis 48 Town LOTS F OR SALE. A Fewi Towtn Lutm,,ont lorig toi-tua cf rpy- rIiON O F WITBY~ ALS0 tIti-e bcekeit i ti-,Tiowntof WIithy, reiucu îg ti cii ècite te tit-e turcs-. ALSO VILLAGE LoTs IN Port rerry, erooklin, Brochixi, (Kara,) Haplpto2l, Brighton, J. 114&M PEýRrIt Wlàiby. 1?NSOLVENT ACT OF 1864. I tit maCler cf .J &M ES Bol;,, frnunil- ofc lte Village of Astibt-it, Mei-eiattt, an u us-- T fUE Coietof ift Insivahont trc- totifli-i I tei rtient thte O(tiloef i.thudarI-gecd li te Towni of %Wliiîy, Voiiitty of Octarlo, cn Tuesdcy, Clie-28thi day cl Noieciler, cCtfiec' I cl ,t, te uftternuî, for the publie cxantitina ticît cf the ittiols-et ted for- te cdeilg of ttcar offte es t cte genermilhy. JAMlES IIOittEN, WhihyNovt, 6tà,185. .î44 Skating Club, T E Octarn tiki. elTeued enaetutthie TI.aihm âsc Getieinen of Wliti foi- Chie &Cnue, If tiuey dcIii e ofoi-ta iti-tet lci MeýCIr Iaot tiiuîe(ot es<fthe unctebets u and itia iittify, Aîîl tJACORB IYAN. Dri te IleinIte a'u.e. 44 Wild -LANDS FOR SALE. SEVERAL LOTS IN Nara, Rama, Brock, Eldon, Varulam, For pat-ticuias-.appiy (o, (pte-psid.) l Ëhiïty., Whiîby, Sth Nov., 1865. 44 1(esors. GALT & OSKIN, SOLICITOItS INCIA EI, :s- RopyalJniumauce Blctdiunim, .-M TORONTO, C. W. QioumGL, Q. 1. AisisbHmxnc. Farms for Sale. Co. iË I ots of theTown linoeof Irge lme alâulpi, <iOjpfrlabie Loglise new fi-sîeebure ai504-r..eo,.,A l..ua .s--à t...a OÂ!qBELL Would direct-the attendlorkof cash buyers to their st9ck, behýg decidledly t6e l ýestnth0 9lllty, and very çqmpéte iia -everyc eitmnt IN 1¶IcEs 'flIy" AS TBEY BIJY ]FO CAS4 4NLD [MpQTDlE. Special attention of the Ladies is directtd't their Dress Çkods, Shawle, M9,4les, Fnus, Iatas i4 ap, o0 Gentlemen to thef*(loths,-% REA&DY-NIAI)E UCLQTOilNG in the GI¶ocevy dopartaient they have re- ceived a Frsîsh Sîîpply of Teas, Sugars, Fruit, Cod Fiish 1 Her. ring, Or.ockory, Glissware, &, c tVhitby, Novoelbcr 8, 1486.. R~. & J. CAMP>BELL. 1 N. B. To arrive iin a feiy days, ex-Sti4mrsi iSi. David, from (flliggow, 5,000 ienvy Tweedicd <Grain Bago, Boit Ribbop and~ Bucklec, Factory and White Cottolts, 13iankcts, dc., uand by sucçeeêiIng Steanier, 700* bundios of Cotton warp-nll nimibers;. NEW GOODS. The subseribers have now received a full ass-ort- msent of FaIlianîd Winter Goods, cousisting of Dry Coods, Croceries, SIIELF AND IIEAVY HIARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS,. &c., &a, &c. Whicli they ofl'er at mucli reduced prices for cash, or approvedl credit, payable lst January, 1866. &' Tlîey would particularly givenoieo those parties whose notes and accounts are no0W patst due, that paynmcnt of the sanie must be mnade tit onice.- YARNiOLQ#ç coq Whitby, September ,W6,38' MVULCAIIY &CÂS4LMAN QS-HAWA,<AND -«,ILLA, Uaving enlargç4 our promises, aii opened qI3rnclî t Mgi4t,ý we now ofl'er ouri xi$toxe or, 30 0 0O RH the mog çaefu1Iy selecw(ed stock Of go()~ e-o ineIelisd, aed irat ti qciity, style &n4 tss nm r~itni .4cknowledgedby the trade to be <tdecidedyi;tie BE Is, without exýception, the largesthl nrti ',d pfMotroal. and metlihey woremnufaetared te orda ~de*ng the suc and purchmscd long bero. ii.tlhe pi dac aL ii-o ct traite ond pdiars mliliend t(hIein no v ' 5na jà e nîsnj instmoc OUR STOCK 0OF GROCERE TV, nwcmpe be founsi to exceecd lnQuality' aed Cepeâé, (ho bitierto,- nrlvaled tCALIFOPJ<1A IAN.s-- We, keejp none but the 13EST BRAND$ S 'L~ hihics- hovi:sttk over E'10bral fDuelO F bILcy,5Qb Old Rye, MIlt. cdMoulce ae WhiOfy. beshemm'm st 52 biide Beet 1ort andi DîamOnd Sbirrics, le Wocd and liottWe CROCKERY ÂAND GLASSWÀftE, in gmat, vrit lMoi-s ric tluCAShI, and je reliur e wofor yen the chompootgo KUIýC41H & CASH N.1.Alparties- iudebted, ýo jhlate Honse, ¶Win, and settie imwodimtly, W~m 8~ I~vsvn - 4à.-i Ladi*vg Minck' ami Martin F urs just ar &C., at/ Buffao ! ts.Uilre B.nke, 1 r iw Wjaues, c, Ù iV-a &LOOWEL'S Lake Hurt 1on , if t- Salmon Trout, LOWES NÈ W DESIGNS? HATCH #cýBROTHER Have j ust received some entirýýel;y eand E legjnt Designs, li Prlot. Stoves, to which the invite inspection. Ther etookof C OOKING, PA RLOR, JRLOR-COOJÇ, Â1fý- 1G1ITq Dumb, and Box STOVES, wi'l lQ1ow bc found compl«te, anq ono. of lhe largoat and Lest nssorted cver offerod in itht. mark-et, and as thcy ara .det.rmin- ed flot to bc underroid, their prices will be found very iow. te Theïr STOVE 1P('t- NITURE wiîi tlwaeY*'be fonr.d as bOtrUIw-PIR[M'-CLASS. COAL UQ#IL AND«LAMP 0f the first quàlity, ahyaI)s on hand, and at pries that dlefy Coin- Etion. 'TCeare continuait>' addiiîgto'thir Sto'ck of IIARIJW..4E, GLASSt MV-a: gn doue in the best manner, haviejust ,çceived a gopd aààortmnrtof BELrS ANDP IXTURES. W God IIàrd Woodl and Butter tae-n in excliange for Stoves. -O Farnmers Stovo nnd-Tin SJiop Wanted a Good Tinsmjith, noue but as.teadyhn edap- ýW CASH PAID FOR SHEEPI> X bu neSapy -and- Whe & JOELL44 l- Pua ~ST i te O'EW FAt Wiuceys., 1 1 Whitby, Nov. 8, 18G5. SIT8. ttmo's Worm Caniuii at boat netir safest melilene bafoLthtle pubih foi-ex-;, pel41ug Worm. -we crý satidfed frou dipoi-- McetoOuen t la 'i*rtla tirisil f~,rBur,îo Se e»d#, P les; UI 5 mr5 ln- llcîed oSor Eye, ce lefact forai f poses~~~ ~~~ 1owii-siOlîcen u4,d. 4MPORTANT -NOTICIE cés1tor Giddieles cf the. bond -1Idigestion or BrOpie'éf t theSkie, ci-iigÏrhem hcîperiI tlsoftlio blood.-'Go nt once adcet a-box)t- Brgtufinu Vegétabies ié.>Plus, (e SPdILNOT iC E ]?OPR à icnemrn}Itfo l'or i-es, CILUIlo, recommehd Brliogs ci' T 11 fis ' (jj very baut remiédîs you con nse. F OR Paleis orCrampa le lbe Steinntîl i mstsrn !'eunIgc or Norvous nffctile Bid > Alideniers-a blodioiiels. A. SHITAÈA!i. 19 TrauiiegAgen DaIIy rLino 10 ROCHESTER lI BE Jnilcet rnttaBochoster ced alf - T u 11 pik hthe tnited iStates. Tie, îew and îiiiifléontetel-patai Upper Caii CHRYSLEui XASTERI Lesme.Nortbhbolire l'artst foi' CIi Ail LOTTE, everydi, (S eoxeeptud,> ads loes-." Caiborne, nM 12,45 p,m. CoboÙrgt nt:4 p. m. Port Hlope, nt 3.30 '. in. Louevei Charo .fer Nertb Shrê r1S" n\-erf inore ieg. (Sun iia' ex neted .9o(, Dfi tir- rivai O f oPecini trai fur «eliente. Pamtf2oùrs le Cindnfrémil ) juehùati Wost a,, North, Iy IRail CtBont . totretwiti tis Ateame6r et Port hope nnd thcerg, ri ahrive in Rcobostcr hn timoc for Express Tea!Itteg- Boat, Westand Sontb. 1- l'esoagere ie the .oted States,* tiallocIiek atl'oczt lîji- specini traiss-iCitls emteatet avChilliotthc; arrivinc'et Coteer and- Port Jl0r afk e wiftandpleasant ride ovet? La éCrnrioIti 0meferspeciai traies té agt niepress tritin.4 Ept cii West, ra it4Triiîlhcîîîîiuandi cic orýRoyal Macl Lthii TrotgIr Steniars. T11W à ut and, eîageifioent mtes0fitim sbcet, oîpeclally fitted cf for titis raoute, with 01iltthe mnodem napilaesres, ancd litir onlaon ans i tel rodmitr tcroeiolgantiy fureiahod. Fre, Ccliii,,$2 50;-Dock, $22 (JO, Biu trisk o -owiiîer u,- sa ~bookeid on b anr , or te1M .B R ilenerai Agent, Riiîston ~epemtî. ~ Kugstorr .JOHRN SAÛTNI>EBRýS, 'B St4 5tinticc la theo habile, £fctf9 aopenia - fI ft I -elM,ý

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