Whitby Chronicle, 23 Nov 1865, p. 4

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Publi c to Mde u4tOP. I 06 REDUCEDFAÂRES 1 APublic k a lireruar on bie &M fsStat Ion, Itromnthie kya etan &11 t rOWotier publie plai Ksin tcwP-Ftu. Ymdla&se- O,îmdid .Notices ýeft b.t»s1ibd nt thie, lylotel, vili b. attmoded to, and faties 'tsigtaocatch trains, puaetii*fly ealed for At the rlght tliteasnsd not krpt Wiil« tna the Atatbon. g~FAR£$ REDUCUD.1 BI8NJ4MIN BUiXAN. - Wliltby, dept. 20, 1865. 8 THIOKVAS & 'nOILTHARDS UINE -0F STAGES- tflifE shove linsm' igs<cvsOSHIAWA IL at et 9430), a. ni., for i<oltim'ofl, lli1llrncn Aihert, Scîtyti, tatd i 111utla,ArT- fi vIng st lte latter 1illcaet 5, 1). in., etinecetlng tth the Otsgte fur and atdlisavertonl. ne'tnling leRvee sttl 09 u 9l , l , 1a, ~ errvlne l îsllwa In tiffti fur cvotlniz teailis « ni) 0. T. t., Eat snd IVat-Fare frQi Usns. wa te (iolniins jo5t, en~~to ililn SOcItts to Prince Albert 75 ee, ttscya $1 12 I< Ma- IMîla 01 St. l'asseltgerm from a laNor i ara onîveyed b i te Caro% lt t 'liàasfiee cf eb4rRe. -ý tpresn btealtiess aretally attaitldt tansd i ,arcele dsilvered wlthJýtt îehtl. Thlî pr0rls <'irA wll itot bc rcîîîîiiiflo for pareels4 or inteknge s iesbooke1 ud lîsitifor luad- Ho! -WiIITBY1TO OSIIAWÂ, CRF AI> FARES! I.rouîtite Ctweetî Wbjlititt )hs ei îilt.g twiee datiiv. 'rof!i lis ohîi, tho le10 11 osi te mnlroy's letiel, 0Oatas. t' ires. sid furtler pattilars ii Ji bduly an * GEOIRG9E HOJISUN. Just Received A large lot of newly i mproreti crIRON " DUK ES, ÂLSO TIIE'ARIMSTRONG P&TENTED 1865. As lb.dentand for Abs aboie Fameus StoY09, lnoluding the Improvoti ÊOX &PA RLOR STOVES- of the-betît patterna sud hs.avyr metli. AGItICULTURAL F URNACEýS Onue cf vblcb îveî,' fariner ongbt to baVe, asetbey viii payfor itheeselves lb one yes i iaaboie viil b. .oldma t> Toronto Priced for Ca8h Uvtogsput iup, vi h, Iron g~New Lininga put lu oid erena. ~'Repairîng promethy attendei- to uf/helId Stand, Brock Stireet At tlime Olti Stnd, Brock ftret WtbAug. 23,1865.835 BROWN &PIE8N Agricutural Worksli I - I - COIJNTY 0r ONTARTO, ITE0 AWRATI Uni) BY To Wit ç B the. ireasurer of the Count of Ontario, bearing date the Twenty-third daycf Augast, one thousand eight bundre2 sud sixty-fiva, and to me directed, for the collection of arrears and auesiets duo upon tho following lands, in the said County, 1 shall, on ,ruesday, the Tbirtepntb day of Febrluary NÇextf at the hour of Twelveociock, nmon, at the COURT IIO(JSE, IN THE 1TOWN 0F WIIITBY, Proeed to the sale by Public Auction, of suid Lande or so macéh thereof as may'b. neceaaary for the payment ci sncb srresrs of aas.ewmenta, unlesa lb. sane, together w ith aitlawvful chargea , be sooner paiti. TOWNSHIP 0F BROCK. LOT. CON. ACRES. 1 . W. p'art N. Part 4 S. lPart 24, N.. 19, liraken 27 North & Seutit ofILI. situ Wu. ttLadon ii, B. tiîo, iti, N. j 29, TERiS lIE. 2, 1951. 15. 185 54 5 67689 CO2 34. soli, 1389 60 1 94., 200, l)C901t24. TOWNSHIP (0F mA1 200, 185 01 2 34 7.% 18!2 à t4 60 1 2 3 1 100, 1859 00 1 .a Ion, 18528 96801 24 100, 192 9 60 2 4 11>, e8.i 4 447 89 601 28 4 2, 18 4 5678 960 12 8 50, 1852 7 8 96001 2 100, 1S56 79 60 1 2 4 100. 1852 39 601 284 - TOWNSIIIP 0F PICREPUNG. go, 1857 8 0 1 2534 18588 i s 165828 4 o4 1859t 60 TOWNSH[IP OF RAMA. SI8, Front, 99, 1811 7 8 9 60 1 2 3 45, Frutît, 1 f0, l18<123762 960 1 254 1, 6, 200, 18528d7 8 9601 1 34 TOWNSHIP'0F REACII. N.~ 6, 14,14)1, 1854 8 96128 4 PORT PERRY'PLikN. 10>,15 47 860 2534 TOWNSHIP 0F SCOTI. E part 24 ,193 18894 80 1184 T0WNSP 0F THORAH. Sparts 95a7, E itrt oet Bosser River, 16, 6, 4 S 7 645 *1 60 1 2 4 .TOWNSIIIP 0F UXORIWGE. ilN"W orN l6, Âc0sTwnm p 0FWRITBY. 94 6w82 48 44 18W 4 0 9 1684 SA lit làôp 0018 a4 TOWN< 0.? WJUIY. TAXESLt. IIESIAIIC. go. Jatepteti. 483. ilotenteti. lui 80. <du. 182 71. do. on os. do. 40 63. do. 42 IL. (o. 48 87. do. 86 74. do. 121 90. de. supposed to be n17 44. l'atetite'i. N1 60. Patentcd. MI Ou5. do. 73 93. do. 15 0. 94 M5. 'do. 73 10. (Io. 171 41. dc. 40 08. do 1D 79. edo. 174 $90 le 121. de. 0. 16 do. 4 il. d. tao. o .NVir.P ard, -W0a of .Drok suut, lis 32 369 1859 60 - 185960 18N9 0 14 1681 01 4 IS57 9 60 8 4 1lgg 6 *1I23-4 183# 60 1 23S 1ita 60 1 2 ; 4 11. a 93. 141 %i7. Noreli Ycrd-WagZ«eFurewcl( and JO,1W 'Ian6-PaWtLou 29 and 80, Cons. 2. 27 1$39 60 28a4 Xorab 7F arc-paut Of J3roc/è&rct. 67 1fi160 128a4 82 18a6012834 198 18540 1 $31 1859 601 4 MI8 18910 1 z8 4 -4 lut Mange Brook $t. Pltc A, do do A,4 do do DI, CIOe , ATr TIn OLD wiIBY FoufrDuy, lt J3RUCK ST., WRIIfW.1 3knue rand deslons lu sUIci nds of Block Al do Y,. >do I, wSlsas WnLL nu P10221 WIIxïlRESJIINIJ MACH1INE~S tSmbMiegI lUapaj'rd nMobwr,ý i 7otir di.Sereut or-i c two-'hoie Whe-Outivator s Jirvuasi"RMr S3U,&A&ND PFD- CMfTTR%- GLAtIT GMA1PilhJaIEl,, Bcotcb, AcrcaGna4an Ploghs, of oiOlk mules. and%'tYle'; Me~i P1<frs anastaed Point 28" lu 44. do. 14. do. Ir9. de. TOWN 0F WE1TBY. Centre Ward-EFaa 0fBroc1 s&reet. 18 1851464 Rouf A WarJ-Ra~enhsaraVo Pla,~ê 525 dc. 7 1500 12 6. W«aes.11ù» Pare Lot 21~, Con. 1.- Waf&c.v Pw Pars Zo2% a(jt>s- i' 4 l,6 18-a4 2 1690612834 »Haari pln, .PtIrSLui 6e o. t 2 20 '23 41 259 2 44. I 62. 1815, do. do. c.r %~f1~~f ~5t~ &WINT IR",q j~t~Wsoh,, RaLtcUte#lo and WinterýGoods;whichhaving been purchased before thlte advance, they lare preparéd tooffer at UNPREOEDENTrEDLIY LO W ,PRICES. Family G;roceisalà' ge stckof Bots, and Shoes-superior quality and chefip. and adeto rde onthe shortest notice, i thé LatestàStyleS. Tweeds, Satinets4, Flannels, Unions, &C.9 ofouùr 'ýswnManufactuce, SOLJY RETAIL, AT WiHOLESALE, PRICES) 1Brooclin) Oct. 4, 1805. MATIIEWSON, RATCLIFFE & go JUIE aîhventageseffcrcd by tbis Institution for twrquiring 9 TJIOilOIJO[ I RACTI. KCAL. BUSI'N'ES Fel ATION âre guperior to amy Comtmercial College iu tri. tish Aterica. The Branchies tauglit comprise cvcrytiuing tîeceee"ary for the tBook Keep. ei anti Busiues Man; they includ- 18 the tnosi complete arrangement of ifsi kinti. bcbg ftiicd wîth two BAN,"K$, a lVERCiIAN' EMPOIUMJN, anti sn EXCII.XNG E OFFICE, wbili arc open crery day for the transaction eofilusines. 1Ir' Masses i TELEGRÂPHING every day-iPHIONO- GRAPHY,"semi-weekly..1 17'For-Moithly Uîîo5sîLAiu, peclimenii cf WJîÎTiSt, &c., atidress (encioein- stamp), MUSGROVE & WIIGIIT, 24 TORONTO, C. W. NEW G e*ROC'ERY STORE. ' -JHEsubseriber would resÉpectfüuly inform i l rinttn Tý customers, that ho has naraip started busines in thse above linet, iln the 'OLI) CORŽNE STORE,' opposite thse Robson Ilouse, D.undas $treet. Whi 'tby4 Where he intends keepîiug on hand, everything required for Family use in the Grocery lino . D1e respectt'ully invites an early call and a fair tiial. CAS1I PAôID 1+EtRa The the highest Cash Price- paîd for-good Tub and Roll Butter; also, Cash. paid for I ES I3EST AMERICAN "Ã"IIEESË,ýE FOR SALE. Best Coî'n hd -Corn Meàalways'on band; also, beèst Ffamily Flour for ale. o"Barley, Oats, ?c o.;boughtasàumal. Whitby, Ju5ij 1, t865. 1-- i 27 Fire Fire IFixe 1,l Whitb; ]BOOTS, -& SHOE-S Whole -'aIe &*ýRetaiI atthe OLP RED STOIRE -J. BAIN would announce to the in~bitàants of tise Town oi Wlitysu irrun Coýupt ics, tixat 1he 'eut crd into eprprhl ntoIt nat, wfth Mr' Hepburn, fo heurpoe0c0 aufcturin Boots a nt he hI sud Rctaî-and that business n ill heceafter bc carie(tou uun4er the style sud firicf coreandtinolueBoots anti Shoos, maie eut 0cf thie best taterial lu the m.arket. The, Retail depQrtment Will, as usuai., be furnished with an endîca vsrieet god, chiefly of Ihoir own mtanufacture ; and thcy trustbystrict at- tendoncu to bsis they will continus to reccire the patroniage forery etowed on that noteti edtablishinent knowit as the "01A) lRED S'rOUtE,' ON TuE j CORNER. ig Encourage Home Manufactures, M and buy your IBoots aud Shots frein WhiLby, Scpt. 25, 18C,5. JAMES BAIN &Co, 88 1 ]YoMillan &Co.«fo We beg tu anrioune tho arrivai of ou-r TaI Importaùtions which arc îîow conîpicte iii. ecry departîincnt, embraciîîg the Iargcst and mo.it varied zassortmcuelt in the iiiiarkIct, which we offer at uaprecedentedly low .prices. Our stockz of READY-MADE CLOTIJING is very exteni- sive, and 20 pe r cent checaper than elsewhere in town. Ternis strictdy cash. 'T.e H. MoMillan., Co. Whitby, Sýeptem--ber 27, ;ý1fl. 3 i T11E LARGESI STOCK YEIT M.11 CCHRANE Re.spcctfully infoi'ms bis csonr h Pnblie,< that ho is Dow opomng out flic Largeýstand.m.ost .4ttrac- tive St6-oi* ii RLES-S GOODS.,IN ,WI-B1Y. PRINTS, DP5LAMNS. DRESS GOODS, COBOVRGSI STRmPED SHIUTIN~S, .BOOTS &SOS-.ais.Gr?~ and, dreiis',of sperior ua awd ish-se1ting ver chéap. Sohool, Books,# Stat ionery, G[T,.,,9CRIE$ oef alkws es-S gars,~~~~~~~t ~&. o,4,gn~da4~ipoassortùient M. _Z.~tfA~E B UStÇE~8 X AJLf UB2U f ntdrieiottetsfor sale hlits bll- T ing prciierty 15ittiatcd ini thje Vllieeo ,lsidlhlîerat. A X açttiiitit't* slittp, -6Gxo,0, forges aud 8 ejitsoro! bols &e., with Yîorxo- powècr tmrîiug latbe-.iteiýo tt!teblt t ir- aces, rucr lotii. 4o etIj omng lot,a lotît. acre,hriýNtig thoriiannte 4ttiee2ê ew gpoil ebifar. Tho lot l pis iiutcd ,i il titiiviig Aise tf-nere lot, witmtÏ loihtîg 3U stcripe- 20x0, itb kirlioti ndl sodsted, tpcO calter, piimcp tutti 'ieil itteidoelc1lcti goedt etalule, £gcod bnrit« ameIul 0iqhera, îultti, e81)(eicherry -treee,.e 'Lile $10sli id ttois: iý nny ho psîtted ;I l iitiltit nant. The eti- t;Qo t anc one ( *staiid bcil« t4ïe het li thetConty ofS11it5 sud no lack of bîtutcss. Appdy bu, JAMES WATKEII, Ashun Aig 4 <5.3. GEOROZE ç0RMA CE. L UMBER MER1HINT Cobrpqenr,L4 tityofiltkinds ofIsubcecosiax4ly on bmnd, u N 1) E.R'T A X T N G, F fliv seipilic-d1-And at#sdd- SW floerata lUne on'liberal iertpa, -~~~ -off w - aOI Cem w - - - -- -3Q 0OM M E-RQ1'.A L MEN, Wil1 firnd excellent and convenient açc»omation. Wlç w3a -]ew Yards of, t2i Publie IKali.- Private Parloià 60125 - 51. o1A, PROVISION lias i.e-openeëd tiie- occnpied byDONOVNi of his late Factory, and opp( C- M DEUTY FNTAEI0- D IREQTdRYt 112 aIE eboework 1, mw -0coes_çI' pp. t alion, to bc u1~e~bc11oano 4to 1865,asud wll con taIn-_ A short h 1it ortiac'count of tih., ettiâ "'à sud .. rowth cUbe ho uîty. 4tn .lphasbetiaj liât o'tlierdidetslii eftehtowlisblp, with tha couessipi anqf lot of thoflr rçmpec:iv-o rteu~ A, ýbnminess suad, «puerai Dlretol, of -the Towus4,'Villagett, snd POU ofices, fual informa- tion or tle Clmurç:itessud J.7'toru, Sohools Liturar~ Soeleticq, 5ltir§otio, Tetoperance. anti 110r", to uits of Law. and the, varices titieâlt~ Prf'co par bdok, bound i lu ot!, . .. s .t2O liates of Ad vertulng. Full-pige, whIl lhok ....... .....$1200 l]lti!'-Imtgo, witli book........... 7 Ou. Fourth jîagp, wi:hbok..... Me-relinnts sand othicrtwill ind Ibiâ worki ext-elicut meditum for edver:si.tg9, a m t.t lilierx ar e c trittiicd teo sa eîexcerftivatg eure for It ui eC;tctisiv ucielit on ASSURANCE Cio¶PN MA'RINE DEeARTXENVT- 1WTILL ýnkc MOI1 and<("Irgo 1!0 a ~ yV lwD$ttpustetbloraît c ipreient; r tinie grautod onii lui]risoics, ror tul etgstas 01 vuytîce(,, Cnierelnstiuedoeilthe cliltereîît eliwit 0f sa l $ , ani tran oît ocifroiîî auy ports on tti , tkçis ntud ider%, &e 1,2s lutca 181POIutl;c Coujmeuly îuay bc relie] JOIIN 13L0W, Whitb)y, À prileli, 18e'5. SPLENDID CHANCE! B LAKSfITIJS SIOI Whitbiý,, "Sept- 1 a, 1865.

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