Whitby Chronicle, 7 Dec 1865, p. 4

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PulicRack t. sud fromi he Cars. REIYTCEDFARES 1 ub i n oc rtirularit nlaan rnth.klac L' iwtol, nhit a »Modat icoolaft beforebind ntllie ce!aihotelviii b. tteuded b. ud prtie ,*blblug te atchtrin., puuelnalyiloi o at the nghttlime, suot kepI t àbtt ie station. &I ARlOSE»VCED 1 -M JisziçOJÂIN BRYAN. vWiltby, Sept.2, 1885. s< T130U ~& <1OTLTIARD'S TLINEOSAI rnliEaboya llin. of8tsgeolsvc@0 IlIAWA Tdali, ,et 9.0,s.a. fr O.oub, Itofian, taiceAlbert, tSouya, siantlis, ar- rlvTg I l. li ta pl.~.at , cn. on.îeettng wii-th 0h-tge o Lna.ysdBeaertoti. Lîurulng leives maiiso-dily, ut 9, &s M., arrivita iiOshlawa luntluafor eanug trtima on 0. T. Ml., Esut snd Wet-Fore frnm OUsias- ws te Columba& 87X< cents, to Ragrlan ideents. to PrinseAibert 75 cents, Soaya 41I183 Ma- bill& 01 50. ?sseuxarti frQýx the. Norkliara conrayec théiascars .at m ,lawa rn fchrp Express-busiqînss earefaxUv ,âtteiided tau-snd p ol eared with des atob. * ho prtirie- tors 1ii not bc rempone.t.le for pIrel or packages un osa bookad sud p ld for lu adl- VsAU". 81 WIfBY TO OSIIAWA, Cl'Ji "LEA&P F A RFiS! T Xscrber Inteuciset hl.)agog roUl btwonW hiLby sud (saws, ru.- îIu twiceedaiiraWiis own hotl the vare snd tar hor pealears wll lb,. dnly an JusMRceived A large lot o! ncwly improvcd MrION -DUKES, -.iLSO TUE AR39STRONG 1 OOKING ~OE PATENTED 1805. As -the douand. fr the abovo Famous S1tO"w'eca, icing the. lmprovod And otheuofexeullt quaties fa rapidly imlaoe u~ An cly call vo't-t be:7i ,bat,!o. Alao s large stock of BOX &IPARLOR S TOYES of tiie bt patternusud heai'y matai. F URNACES, Out f Wh"ch0"".e <armeought te haire, M tlw«yvilpasy Ii tbomselres iluoe yeur. .511 ,ý boir,wrill bha old at 0- Toto Prbes for Çaah lèveatrougha put op wlth ienro SNew-Liuinge put l ldi oeno dprm rty ttondoci te -mthe 14n33suc trcoet. - M' ~ the oaund- 8ckSre SIIRIF'ALKE 0F LAND oouif 0F(f(TÂI »YB VIRTIJ OP0 A WARRANT IlSUED By TOMI OP Wie Ç Z - lts .Tresurer of theo0uty ol Ontsrio, bearin date the Twutyâthlrd dur, of Augutst ce thoussd olght huudred aud slaty.flve, and to me directeci, for te colection o! irsaru And auumentsdue uOpon the. follOWIC lands, tu tbe jd Cunty, 1 &lfGon ,ruegday, the Thirteentb day -of Februalry Neat, at thee heur of Tvrelvo o'clock, »oon, t -the. COURT bUSE, IN THIE TO WN 0F WIIITBY, Proceeci o the. sale by Public Auction, of said Lancia, or se much tiiereof s may ho necessfly for the. psymont ci such a"reof asesamouts, unleu lte Msme, togeo wlth ait lawMa charges , ho sooner paici. TOWNSIIIP OP BROÃ"OK. LOT. CONO. ACRES. 1 . -W. pant YZAES DML .2, 1 mo. 15. 189.54 6 f7 89 602 4. M0, lut90 118a4. 900, 60 1<21a84. TOWNSHIP 0F NARA. .200, 150, N. part S. Part N. Broken 8. X N. 34 North àA South Wm. Lumedsut, 14 P. si1,cr, 1 N.3< 19 I. F. 14 SI, Front, , 05 Iront, 100, 1?, , 49 too N. )4 E part 1859 80 1 2 1sa4 lui a 94<0 I 2 3 4 1858940 I 2 a 1828 9 80 1 2 4 IE52 a 9 <0 2 s 4 1862 8 4 àô 7 8 9 < iI84 1888 4 5 4 7 8 9<60 1 2 les$17a89860 1 2 8 1<5587 8 9 60 t 2 8 4 1852 8 1 01 2 8 4 TOWNSHip Qi"PICKE&Rl-NG 30, 1857 890 118a4 lm8 el 18"4 0 STOWN PP FRLYA. u8n a 7 9 9-60 I 2 s 4 f851 $8 7S9 6soi 1 8 TOWNSIP 0F BEACH. PORT FERRY PLAN. >4,185378901184 TOWNSIP 0F THORAB. E on IL,;"e lier 13, TOWNSHIP 0p UXBRIE W part 4. 1 894 2, 70 1889<0 1I TOWNSUIP 0F WHITY. B. F. Fe J' s Plarn 0fBroomklit. 81.St 384 63 îa os 8 44 1leu<4 49 1851<4 M % 1404a18 4 TOWN 0p WUTY. 2" 18»90 2a9 18f900184 260 18378$ 0 2 280 1819<012 M2 leu10 14 829 Ion 96m084 au 1851 o 9 TAXES. REMARIS. Supposed Oc b. go s. Pa*tLesld 86, m5 seute. 191 80. do. 182 71. do. <O00. do. 4043. do.ý 41 IL. do. a 87. do. $474. - do.. 121 904 do. seppesd 10 ho 874L Patented. ue 59. Patonisci. 401. do. 78 1. do. tg 70. 11 41. do.ý 4008. do 19 79. do. 1571. do. 174 aI. do. 207 5., i I 1Osbava,Octower 1, lu&5z A quiantity- of, Cotton Yarn, lest mùake. T. HM. McMILL". o Large -additions toour >Stock of, ýDry eGooéds, T. H McILLN &Co' 50 ,barrels -best No, 1, Round .Herrings, on y O*IAW~A AiAI MANLA H&v~g~~W~dOur.préni5esà and opened sBý,ranch et Mnils 01VER ,$80 000 ý--WORfl 0f tle ~ ~ ,oeflecte,1sto f gtoan eC~1y î stqumlt ,sty L u1 a actr, tnis ouiý't f à1>Y.fie.L.LFIIU, Acknowledged by the trade, b ber-"decided1y the, BEST in the. iaket.Our0StOcf 1s iithout exception, the largest held b ny retail houstý'hiS' Mie 0# XOôbt. a,~nd M'w uea ntuiid t orduîin£ the sSommet months, -m em& ong befoes It.a W vue ileotheri, B ýýmShoco,, the. OliXA M vIdud*hmnov ir Y 1, inm n ntances 92percent Mà%£= ý~MonraI Wh4uuI.PdClou . 1- OURS T0OJK 0F G!tOCERIES are nio* complete and will befondtoexSdiuQiaity sud Obeapuues,lbe.. uidtherto um#ialed nams of the We keep none but the BEST' BRANDS 0F LIQURS,, sud bars no* lu stock over W' 100 barrels of Do'mestc Whisky, 52 barrola of Toddy2, Old Rje Msland3I.uuntainDuo Whisky., Uenneooy's Bust Brandies; (Grahamu'a But herrie0s, =dad dBotule., CROKEE' AeD GIIASSWÂREt in -great variety. Ur, torm ère etrlctiy CASH, sud in returu vo offer you the chespeot gouda that candbe bought. waq Hog:sbeads of brigt týuSgar. cmushed, ground.asud cinshed A. Sugars. T. Barrels of dr'Y' H. MeMILLAN &CO. 8,00 gallons of Whisky, embracing Rye, ýToddy, Malt, and. common at manufacturra prices. i1< T.H. McMILLAN&Co us a -~ v - .~ ~ NUICÂHY & CASHMAN, j uarreis ol ~cmisorî ana ~ons pure OSUAWA & MANIlA 1 Whisky, seven years- old, importcd direct. ,S. Bi AIl paries indebted to the late House, will plétaeca"ll aud seUe lmmediites.y. TOISl'C 1 CJIAPFALJJ&WNIER GOODS AT BRtOOKL1N. Mattho-wson ý, RatcIiftef o ,Uave juet receiise4 theiîr Fali Stock of 1FaIl a.na Winter Goo4awlaich having been purchaaed before the late Advance, the épeae oofra NR'DNTLY LO PRICE..peae fe tUIRCDNEL -F-amily, Groceriýes, a laurge, stock of Boots aud Shoes uiol quUlty aud cheap. CLOTHINO READY-MAÂ.DE, and mnade te order ýon: the shortest -notice, in the Latest Styles. Tweeds,, Satin ets, Mlanuels, Untions,;, ofonr o,îWaM*ufaotaure,"-SOLD RETA1li AT WJiI PPICEs - Erooklin, Oct. 4.Z~L M1. de <6. do. 43. do. I 11. 8 88. i sa. 1 14. 4 11. O 84. I S?. s 07. 8 18. 4 n. 148. s la. 8<8 351<1984884. do. no9 1M590 198 8 a44L do. N&.,U.Wt-WoaaouFautoa md .NetV. PZn-Part Lot.29 and 30à, 27 lU8590 294<*8 'soi ÀH,*!ê Ward-.zaut Of Br"4 &we < <7 51 188 111~ 841 1ain Xlun Agricultural Worksl AT '[i~ OLD WIIITBY FOtJND1tY, 7ou difforsut kindé of Two-horie Wheel Cultivators rouisarmasw Brok St. 10ock A, do dolj A, do de' D, William st. 1D, do L: BlboaRB, 1859$0 I 2384 1s8<0 1 a 18896<0114 (lemreWarc-2boï qf Boomk 8w. 15 185914 Souti.Wmr-R -adnI.roiaP&»,. 7 1859- lm1889011 se888<18 4 49. do. 19<. do. 899. de. 819, .do. 819. de. 118. do~ 19. - 10. de. 948. do. 884. do. Irish1 TH. McMLLLAN &, Co. Agents for Aldwell's celebrated packages of 1Q, 15, 18, 30, 40, and 60 gallons. Ales, in T. H. MceMILLA.N & Co.1 To arrive 100, boxes,- haifa~nd quarter boxes, of, New -Crop ,Raisins, embracing Lager's M. ifs. Valentia, and Sultania, -also Carrants, Fg 1 . emis strictly cash. Whitby, November 22, 1865.Ï 4 R.& . AMP BELL Woufld direct, the- atténtion of cashb- buyelrsý 1.0 their stock, beng decidedly the largest -in the- county, and veycomplete in every «erpartment, INPRICS ITHEY IL l! N NA 's-'è pcial à,t-tentiôn, df the ILadieà is directed t( their Dress Goode, Shawls, Mandes, Furs, Hats, rnd Caps, ani ofGentlemen to their Cloblis, - -~~~9 REiY*AE'LOTfIG In the4 éocerj; dejpii tieived a Frosh Bupply of Tees, ring, Croc 'y rhGasware,&» - ~ - 1. . Il. TRIseauags oecd y titisInOltotion foraou9iu sTROROUGU PRACn-. CA UIES IJAT0*0superior'te uy CommwtcIl (lolleelu Bri. ' tt tista Amei b r mos 7h EVI., t Opmp rierything nocemury i*t*wBe ock ap. orand aiuumï ]a; they --d lihou19 ilfI'k, bng funtsiid vith lvo EAUS à MERRA1i*EMOEIMàa a EORAGE11IUwiichuri'pnu uary day, for lie huasastimot Bom los.- Withm a- WYov~suy.p.ns9aedmua o< Wme, a., ddes <octfaiMN FormShlyu"àj speime f Tm 9 aée (n1'- "9 V6,n. UEUIUUUU TflLL ve=i hio ll andqrzo E#aItc àd f11, ,YpK,è thé 'Lobes sud r f11 PObr aud honorabl e sehOUI~ 1> m~a upon the' omîpany maYi.jIe k Agent, gromldIoluing Jai Hoît Wltoy Whltbe-AP FI 9, 1866. -15 ft1New. $tort, AT :TO BRU ORB KNL SITUÂTZD lmedoy Iluthev1 waelouestblsyars a. j~ iiiveiuig, asa rcetocupled, by lMr. Uogrn Strong, maýrchant. WILLIAM STEEL, t128 Proprieto-r, Mâuolîe*ter zKoc1 5ai, CLOUE 70 cOLANA'a tLlll5$Tr. es- Otfullyrespect- dico1 sud the public, thst ae 18r rdoexeute al or- de ne proi ptl T sud remsouhW Iàe. Land gsntlmsu's fait sud satfl istaat oleaued, , alpo allf work lslk on the. abrteUtu1o- tice. 40 CAPITAl1 $400o900o. Prea £en , ooîi MICHi, ESQ-1 BARNARt> fflDB, BSQ.Vý 'P11 unden.igued hm beau sppeinted Agent Tfor tle aabovea Com ny nt W hltby alld Oshawa, sud In, prepar Er rooas sudren riko 1 Id.iws relvares ais, ~LEVI FAIRBANI<,4. Iri Quarte? 5esslons of Court iu sund fté,tl'C th b.hle ÇILoCout R. & 3. ilos Irm Wagaei' la n Pool LLa 27s Con. Le 10 181489101184' 5 1889*1184 Wqi~àV.Fie a" - Lot 28r Cok .1. X U . leu, diare3.4 taoli. 4- 1i~ 1 T. H MeMILLAN& Co. 50ý chests and halffcheàts finest Fresh TIes Te if. McMILL ANi& Co,. ýýlý,16 50 per barrel. NATREWSON, RATCLIFFE, 4

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