Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jan 1866, p. 2

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~----~ xm v crttaMemnsllstlilsa, Ikoef. snd Shoo-Ja&. Baina (b0. lam sta Lt-Wu'. Whitcside. Liverpool and Landau InsunndVo-t Fairbankz. Globe lusunance Oompaty-L. Fairbanks. ?arui forSaie-Qllbert lorguason. -By.I*w-T4pvushlp af Thorsb. Obancony Salo--mCtSo, Kingamill sud 2fotlce of Inspection Whltby Rile C.- Major iVallac. Oheap Cotions-Ml. -1. Cochrsne. Insuratc-Jobtt Agncw. Ilsmîlton Spclaýtor fan 186-T. & IL Wbltc. Motel for Sae--Mis.Woon. O)range Couuty Meting-M. bMcPbaden. Oand-lrovhcial TelegrtipitCa. .A lBarnn for nothing-J. K. Gordon. Pam for Sale irt Pickonfng-J. K. Gardon Mortgage Siilc-Sý. M. Cochranu. ONLY $1- 50 CENTS A. YEAR lVhltby, TIIurs'Iay) Janluary 25; 1866. -Traertea haelProvtnce. We are -la reeeipt 0( a copy of tite Trade sud Navigation. reports ton t.e yos * - odin; Jt Juno, 185. The tables aopauyiag thte reports diaclame te foi ioviug (acta. Thete otl value cfte im- porta fur thte yoar vas 844,620,469. Titi daîty receivaitie $5,663,377. A ccmàpaauivm siai emeul cflub. imponit, aud lte tties seelve for the Ivo years eudinrà naiet- frefy 188,4, aud 1866,-, aboy a tieeron* lS -bot ibh vrue importiotanmuthIeduly paid spn U hponaions as folova: SAmonul. 1864--1865. 1864-1865. Val. Imprts.. $49,751,469. $44,620,469. Daty towceved... 6,081,916. 5,663,377. Excescf Imparti 5,13.1,000 aven '64-65. Raes. af Duty.. 418,539. Thte exporta miandthe&us "44 taBot J nue.. 41,78,10. 49,53,400. 9,7,, .....a '6 ................. ,81004A. or -b% Per Cmni. WUIiTUI ANiD ostwA. Ttc relative imiportance of thicinade of Wtiity sud Oshava for th. saine penioti viii bu penceilat from te fllovin;: Wtity. Oshawa. Value of ilgports.... $416,843 111,681. ft Imperte.... 34,565 71,673. Duty elei4... 4,231 7J855. Ment ~expîeti, tuai. 17D11W» - ,000. -D8110k1 ye, ,&-,246t263 1il 7,447. poeu , , 11,386 noue. laur, bris ........... 4,000 2,944. tamber, ni fi.... .. 2,651 noue. jihinglea, Mni...... 310 nouto Value of gypsum nd n -plester împortu... $4,252 2,508. Sait, babels ......... 13,580 6,104. Tes, lu....... .401415 none.. Woeleua...... $449 6,012. Inen .............. $300 noue. Ceai................hu $6,611. Sîel - noue $5,907. Bulbe..........81;014 . noue. l'h. tounnage, inwards snt onîvardta, boetreen eset Part vas as (choyas8 -Sitani Sat Tonnage. Whiiby Invarti... 45 96 2.5,340. IOulvarda-& 92 24,896. Ositaa u Jnaos... Bt 36 7,501. JOulvrarta. SI 36 7,601. l'h. Tnt. sund Naigation babies ta nai Ity auy meisauppiy complote, or, in every xespmm, wkoily rlaloJi.Wtere t.e word 4à"unue" ppar, cs alleb. t.- *deniti das if no importatiocs or< exporta tou.bat takou placeunuder ltai pati-esar heat;. but beesuse thte items boung tue etmdl*ey ware luluuted natier te general boneat 8otaler pants' libmthertns. lu th lit sturas of fleur ubene is a palwtlble errer ln giving Ohsa,-one -aithibébat ànWing points in te Fnoiuce-anirt2,94 --snveis. Thé fin c f -Mostans,-Gibha, af -Oshawa, me of tc largeel la lte Pnriuç *naggéin te manufactueaof fgeur, tana ont front theirove rilla alane fnm four ta ire ituntrat barreis cf Boni, per day. W. bave no relunea of homes or oatt fnom either pue., aitbough huntretis barsý. becs prcuroeat for the United Siata-> Non bave we auy neiurei of Wooialtboegt in Whitbya&lone tiiene vere 76,000 lits, pur. phamot asnd expotot turing te petiot forî -wich thibmretueusart made. Ofcourt11e w. knov ibat no fan sasthe genend alise of1 the- Province in concervedti iis maltasoa -diffrawe, for tbm relurna area seriteat te saute ether point of expozraiion. But the Pori et Witby uandi OabawaÂloe e b *0 tivanMZag'endmatiimportance is We bave neu6an ta eougnatulate Ibm County on the improved complexion whieh 1h. Couuly Caunuil for 186, proenis. W. osa tb. word canzplexlos lnats itans, as well avin a general sseo;yfor truil Our Couuiy Cauneil fon this jear prosenis as boaltby, $n. ligetilookIng a bMId cf mon-as caui fbus fouud auyîrhere. The ehangéà matie bave stidetidigityi r oi. peciabilityita ibm vitle Body, 3y thei recorded acta turing ihe session, of course, théy will be jutigoti. Bnfen, uverytbing augura velI fonrlte internei cf tibm County. Mn, Campitoil, as -Wardeu-alîhaagh not exaciiy aur Oavu ciac-vili, vo bave evorY coufideuco, disoharge te uiles of Lite Office faiîhfuliy, and vitit full satilafie. tian ta ibm Counîy at large. -ne cela, vo are sure, tbe' 'welght of the neposibility viiniresta wiib hlmâ, sud al lit becomea tbe bigit position in wbic hobu a beau placeti. Iu the reprusentativua of Piceor. ilig, Oshtawa, %hm lovu of WbiLby, Thorsit, Beach, Mars snd Rama, and Seoil, sud indeed ail lb. aihen bavushîipt, he vili i nd able sud fiendly upporters in the dis. charge ofýibe dutiesof ai'bi office, sud ibe, Counîy a Ouro guaranie ibat ils test inter. eeb viii buproperly sud carufully looked afier. Wnîutitus esniy, belon. tbm practical vor oth ie Council bas, lu (soi, begun ; vu arc offering an opinion in adrance, sud of course cannai offrer comment "pn messurca ual ycî braugitî forvard. Titt ttry vilI receirea mple attelait, a bth neadu'-s or the Cso tux tboughaut ibm Couuîr may bave tb. fallesi nu liance. ýAQd, aas'ierulafone, s (nec sud fair piceure *I te duings of aur Cuuuty Ptrfiameut, will-F» placed before oui readurs. A Li belinag tlcnitbler. Onu of those unonymous comunications vbiab omelimes Sully tb. couos nevapapen appoaret in lte isuissue af ont Tawn conteinponary. As usuai, vitit pro tactions cf titis ams, viere lte an- anymous vziler is ubained or afraidt l appear aven bis owu ignature, su attaclu au private citascter im vit is allompted. And, cf ait pertons, s gent!.msn vbo, since -bis reaidence in Wbiîty, ibus bt abînudcd bimacif upon public notice, vite basno u md aside fromt bis ssorud cati. iug la mix in public muations, on local coners-tite Bred, Mn. Cayley-is te objec cf te scrîbbler's pany atiack. Thte letton ilsoif is Su idicnlaumly absent tai vo scarcell kuav vhy vo are tempet la notice il: Ih tas neilher neauing non, sente, sud is put tagetiter viit a jamble of itrobureni phraseus tai ve finly heliere te vnlter musit e ittor au ee=t laIna, tic, anou oas itae proper place cf afety vouit b. t.essylum, in chare cf Dr. Warbman. We ativiao his (iens ta take ticà in change. Anti vo recomment our tricndiy anti respec onlcnporary, for bis ovu Salea, lu admit no more cf Incb raring ranti into bis coluna withuiî rai giring it a canful perussl Tita steWAT MAoàAiIKg. January,i806. Editui t7 Titas. Guttit D. D. Contentss: AunaIs cf a Quiet NeigbI barboati; Our Fatherg Business, - or Meothodtu ioa oot; King Darit, as te Praphel cf Chris; Wben Our Chiltron arm aboutneu; Ttc Tbree BOyS; Spoken (rom a Cit7 Pulpit ou as Afiernoon at' FHomo; Thte Bitter sud thte Sveeî;-, er. asti Tier. lu the Eust j TvaFesiival Ad. drosses; A Fonerai; TiÏteior's Widov Io lte Life cfaur Lord;1 Thé csiliug te tbm Apostolasej A Morniag lat a Ssilor's Chape! The Bock af Mmmoy; Fsailli; A. Houa. litIbeasmthe Publie Hnse». Fric. 15 ente A montt. To tutati cf A. Stnsita & CP., IMontres,, a-ti fBock.- achIet&a-nduNewdeaiemroïsreiosi lte province. Goo WOOmDS. Janunry, 18G$. Kdtet by Norma MacLecti, D. D. Coentns zghadannua ary;MyDiriisi Life 2effl The. $tory of JobsnUuss Tva Fanels (naon as OitPimine; Healti of Bodiy and Mat ;Jouaibea swift;ý Dialnguimbet ettiens (nom Abroat; A Qasatios of Minutes The Ciiltrau'a Canais; On bit. Bufarcot Pusesaf Lifu; Jutisification by Fsltb, andti- iaFit Pres. citer. -Rmb.llàWbeti ilt teefuîl pageti illustrations ou icued papen.- Prie 12J cents aàinontit.$1 O ayear. To b. bad cf A. Strabasu & Ce. Moulrealy ast of Jlooitactiersanti Kevutealers titreugitoaltteProvince. Tas A&aGSy. January, 1866. - -ThS. la a litie of à nev aspirant for nubli.. févor- tae êil.t# ag n I ___________________________________________________________________ Muonzay, Jas. 15th, 1866. Ttc' Coueil of ihe Corporation of Pickering mi in the Tovn bail, tu*de sut subabcibed albe ticciansiions of qualification andi cf affiue, anti organiseS b7 alecclig Trniman P.Whiteo igrnsutJohn Hslght depuly ruore. - Thte netve took lte chair. Minutes cf lui meeting remt ast iap- prared. A nuSrcr f petitians preseuteti for aidt 10intilgeni pesos; au*s a peitian of P. bMatiigâuand ti tens pnaying fer Ibm ortabhiaing cf the ouoniies of ltis7. 8, ant 9 lunt.e t eou of Pickering. On motion of Mn. Ballart an endar vas grant oti an tlitroe isaa, iuàfaon of P. trbin, for $100, being aincont af bis taary as collectai for 1865. On notion cf Mn. MaCreigit a by-4sv vuspassetiappeiuling David <ilabisi rasomr, anti Dr. Fullartont andi J. D. mao. "antiton.. Mr. W.Oir noves, secoontet by Mn. Ilaigiti, tai lite untorcntioucd Indigent persona neciro te amounta pur teck oppoitethem nre. spective nareandut ttbmserensi perlians nieniionot b#_ appointe tole upinen tl*. sai expuntunre z «Wiitow Ellis sud sun,$1,'by ..Haigiht ; Witov Kennedy, 50c, by Pépi Lawrence ; Widcv Lynch, 50c, by . P arkern; George Ctapmn, 60e, tY T. Tripp; R. Moey, 60c, by T. Wood; Jchn McOornmsck, 60c, tyi TÉ. Cheter e; M. James, 60e, by Jame Irving j-Widow Brown, 50c, by T. Wood; S. lirine ant vile, $1, by BSm. J. Green; Witcv flood, flOu, by T. Stepheason - M. Svansou, $1,1ty Oco. Straehan; Wldow Cropp, Soc, by N. Woodmafl. Sait ap jinoprlabiona ta continue unlil lt of Juuu 1866. Canief, On motion of Mr. MaCroigititetreu- tirer vas orderedto10pay Ile bmInntee of Uniont scbeel section No, 4 $1.371 being non--realieni aciotou taxes due sait sections faor 18e5. Anti aIelatupsy te W. Wilkle $9, for aupplylu; vooti ta Mrm Scott; and te T. Stephenaon $8, for support of sud bunying Y,.Hacti. Os motion cf Mn. McOnolubi a bn-lav { January 22nd, 1860. >The Conneil meaut aihlb.Town ball, on Mfondal epe.lug liai-al tbe members present. The Mayor bob 1h. chair at 8 TION. TbFm nesoleton, te no.eonslder ihe ne»O~ Iniion n ii. B shib mt., reeommending the nanies o .tal ainmet. mebool Truste,, fer appoinîmontIob the CouutyCoQUOCIl bivug been csUod,,up asib.te rst order of tb, day- Capiain Rowit ooded, by Mr. Ther," Moved thai lib.n eolûtion paaséd on thbe Bib mins., dineoting the recru sud deepety reeve La recoipmeud the Couniy Council ta ro.lecî four grammar suhool Tr1usîeshob Mr. Ferry oppos.d lb.énosolailod. Captail Bo . mppoted il. The argu meta -f 'bath gentlemen were A' rpetiltion of Ihose giro'n laut week. Mr. Macdonell also 'aupported tho emo lutiin 'ikiug ibe saine ground ho did ai the lai meeting of the coucil-ibai ho desired ta sethe reprcsneitaîitvt ai ibe tavu go jtibm heCouniy Concil, untram- uzeled. 'Under the realýution ofîbte Bib ihai vould nat b-9lb.ecase, for their ne. preseniativea teta hoCounty Councit would be lu hooaibtund ta voie for il. Captain Rowu's resolution vws then car- rlcd on s vuoeof 7 ta 2. On motion of Mr. Yatnold, sconded by Captsin Rave, the Council vent hil coin mittee on tedis$ alreport of thc standing comiLféXeon Fnance snd Assemmet- Sn. B. Gîbson in the chair. The report wus adopîcd wiîhonî amondîmunt. h ru- co)mnuded psyment or the following items. L. fi. Schafieid, as Reîuiruing Officer for Nortli Wat,, $190; 0. Y. Sraith, lkiturnin- Offilcr for Ceitre Ward, $12; Franci ark, Retarniug Officer for Scnîh Ward, $401. The Mayor laid on ibm table the ache. dule of By1aws of tbe lovu, nov lu force, askeil fo r ai ibe lut meeting by Mr. Mac- donceli. On motion of Mr. Macdonlil, seconded by Mn. Ferry, the council adjourned for tvao veeka, sud otherwisu, vill bear in mnd ltai tbe aunual bail of aur pilant Voluteurs cômea off on TI.unsdy, lai cf February. Oreat preparaiions are bcing made ta matie it ane of the grandeat affai.ra of the kind thal erer came off in Wbitby. Mont liAri Macs-This week Mn. Yeoman Gibson purchma laundening fellov frein Mr. Crumer, 1'ckoning, veigblng60 ibe., and tvao thera froni Mr. Coea. Liildl., veigbing ff0 Ib-ithe tbree, 1530 Ibo. Mn. Fairbanks, roeveoaf Ositawa, ccon- dut by Mn. KePnnedy, neuve cf Maràs sud Rama, nominstelJohn Ham Penny, E&q., depnîy reere of tbm Tovn cf Wliiîhy, as W*rden. Mnr. Tiamupacu, reove cf Bhtici, second. ed ity Mn. White, recru cf Pickerng, nemi- uaied Calvin Camupbell, Esq., 'reeve of Ibm tovnship of Wiîtby, nst Wnnuleu No aihor nominations being made, aud t.e novera ast adecanders of ibe gentlemen nominateti faregoing te prriioge of speak. iug,tlte vole wua a once a tsb'as, follova: Fcr Mn. Ferry- Veuz-4fesar. *Rove, Kennedy, Nia~MReSnnWright, Proctor, Smeit, sut Firbanks--O. Nayt-Mear. Tbozupson, White, Ree- tien, Michael, Dryden, Haigitt, Guy, WituIor, Citqnaau, Way, anti Camp. bell-Il. Mn. Penny vas excuset -Iront roting, sud lte motion vas dealareti lost. 1. 1on ibé motion for Mr. Camupbell, lte Vecs, vone, Moeans. Titmonc Whte, Wsy, Hafigitt, Michael, Routier, Whilen, Citapman# Gly, aud Drye.-IO. Nayt--Memars.Rave, Nelson, Kennedy, Meuse, Bpring, Wrightt, Smitb, Pracior, Fairbànksanti Perry.-10. Mr. Campboll vu asslied upon ta voie, anti votet yib, sudtesothe -malion vas te- clisritiarniet, Thc newly eleclet Wardcn vas iben ecùctee t 1the chair b7 bis avrnsu seconder, asti imuidisly aftenvarta lite atit cf cilice vu& administen.t te hbu by His Hlouai Juilge Buruhava, vite 1vasapro. 11WO %5AitagaS.-" Tit. Wardea la reter;i bnku,eaid lhe (uit ibm very grensibaon confennet opon tit by ibm Coitacil, in placing hlm lu uhat tiî.b position -t.heoitopet te a ble'te l aucSeo in diachaug te dnl)eata as ltai the Intenetisof lte ConnIý abuhedt Dot sufer in bis banda. .-a4ine, b. aitbu vs net insensible cf ibe baon rconferret upoa bim ; h vas no aigituane ta htet Warie. 01 se large, veaityl- a60 Intei gent a counly asulte Coeuty of Oado- andti iluvass1i1imore te enjay tbe Co.l tien.. of ibm taleniet snd respectable bot of men compniaing ubat Coumîcil. Takiug te-Dames cf bis pretecfom ho f i ed tieti har, sdiseiai a nectian *iti th bmnaneocf i,.Ie sut hifinatia gentleman whbse nana bail beu ptaýeàd is compesition vitb bis -ovu Ibai day, lbt (ibm Wsrten,) bat prend-reason ta reina litem AS-ho titi, bie.heanufeli thaulua. And te, lu conclusion, bapedt e h b leto-it ibe ausistance cf the CosCCeit te tisabarge- ibm tutieassutisfaeioniIy. SÂLLOT 505 im CO]dITT:a Te OtIISATu Tu TUS 0",GIihOCOeNIT-rxas Ou motion cf Mn. Penny, the Conseil procectei by ballettae leot a select eomx. mittecoaf Ove racubers la nominal, lhee Standîn.Qocmmîateas. The ballet e sulie thaCibe ieeve orPieing -would scquIé,e' lu tb. neoaint irav oit by lte duputy reevo of Witby, io adjonnq unîi tamat.. nov marniug. if te reeveocf Pickernug wculd ual vithtraw bis moion, bu (Mn. Fairbanks.) vouid b. eotipelledd ta mare an amouduienita oadjounu. Mr. White bail no particular objection, te' teadjounmoni, bii objeetwt vs1 Cex.: podium ihe business, andi finish op ibis veelu, as he believoil toy couit do, aud after a fev wards more- wltbdrow bis moation. ,,Mr. Fibusvsabout- maring te adjournmeut aucordingly who- Mn, Penny sait il vas nocesaury1 so as to oooepl i viî z. 'eirumnts c 'f te sta te, la iniroduce a rruwvo iNTiUNT YcivDTiOns The By.law vasu,,then Iutrodnlced Pro foma by Mn. Penny for ibm, ippoii ment ocf sn Audion, sud ta canOn àibuh appoint. nment of s second- Auditoan ta b. nominaiet hby tbe Wsrden. COVJ<TT OILr. ,o J&N<UARY 8E881411, 18m. PIlST DAY, - W1mitby- - . y2, 18664 'TIi finit meeting of the. Coanîy Cmuneil of Ontario, forI869, *osvsuel, aceording le la*'aIlb. ceonrt Houle, bUon nedy 1ait, ibm 23rd lnst., E. J. Msedeneolî, Esq., Ccuuty Clonr, boo lb. chair at 3 oclock, and csllod ibm Comucti te orcer, - The foi. ioviug reevesAsd dopntY neevos imd their eiieatessu n t ob t1hoir. seia, - flaoma-4.-H. Thampeon, W. Way. aiWK-r.,-Jàs. 0. (luyî, John, MARA iiruRA-AiegKeaey OfÂÂ -e . Firbaiàha, W. D l Piexcurq-T. F. Witef JolisHaigit. Rucu.-Jsbuà Wrigbi, Albert Spring. WvzTra.-Caivin Campboei7 Joit Dry. Tovi r wWamnr.-ameIoare, Johnu Rlam Penny. Mn. 'Maudoueli saidti ibt theu Oral (mmi nu cf ibm Concil vas ta proceudte t he ecction c'f-a Warden. He voli ho sad, foilow tho prudîie alvwsï Ietoafare adapted-reeeive i lte ýnozinions finl, andi thon p'at thte names 1telite valu in t. enter receiroil. i TUE VOTE PotWAUDEN. fcetinhiabitania cf ibm townsip af Dreakt for te appoîniment cf Dr. Oak-- iey as Local S4bol Supennt.uet-Mr. Titampoon, 0f certain initaats cf Uxbitntge set- tiîîg forth ltai ln a unsoence cf anldiders camn in mbtibmvillage sud miscontinting; thenisoîres, îbey prayet for a hock-uOp- Mn. Whelçr.,1 11 0f Mn. 'A. S. Camubeil, pm)&ing te be spputint.ed la Ibthoffice cf luspeciorocf Weigtis snd blessuret. Mn. Thamupton moredti hat thusvenl document, anti papona noatiby tbe Wsrdern be neferred 1lta nhespudýtiVu _cammit îcea ta victatey relaiet. -Mr. Pennycalledtihibm sienîlnon ft.e Waràeu ta ciii, 46, vbiuit bm quaiet, aut vwié tie leady providet fonvitaitto réee af Brock scugbt. Ttc laie Wanteu, bo sait, the neeve of Brout, as eue of lte momibers of the camnmitie. -,vitieh tlet te rute s Au.migii ikvm recatolctedthelb SPecial. provision mate te muai Ibis case. 1Tii. Wann rale t litiMn. Thompeon'. motion -vas nnecesary, sud ibat tbm doc-; umýenta vehti talte respective commailleca as a mouter cf Coure. Mn. Tisompson voult asic te vitidrov bia moion; ,ho amv, ho. id, ltatitil as quit. atancesaary, anti if lte teputy i-ev. of WhibybatW tait hlm befonceband t'. sanît ualtbave mored thibmotaion. ',mv. an -smaid "f;atWhoun the . v of .AnJOUBUSxtz:. on imotion of Mr. Wbuîe, Conail ad-. journeti unLil to.morrow morniug ait tn SECOND DAY. - Wedneaday, Januany 241h, Thte Wsrdoi taok techair ai ton 0'. dlock. Al ihe meiniera preseaàt. The Wanden reail tbe report of the Co. Engineer. Loîturfn (ntmeIbm peninteudenî cf te [nstitution for tb. deef asudotunt beiug s luit uppeni for pecuninry aid. "cpy of utomoria a-t.h Legisaairu, troin the. Coünuîy of Sincoe, lu favon cf fres granta of landa, A copy af-a petitian tc thbm Legisasîne in faror of iimiuiug the raîu of Inteneat, M a:STA&IDINU coMIrTTEEs. Mr. Fairba4nks brauXit up ibm report cf tbe selecutomi a ppointed 1to nomnai. thestandin-gcimitees vbieflt vas adopi, td vitbauî ameudmeut as follava z 'Finaîte ,and Aaeaet oas Guy, Wite, Miachaul, Witlur sud Pracior. P.ducrziion,-Measr.Titouipson, 1irl, and -Dryden. Rzcuie set Bridg-es-Meus. Fairbanks Kennedy, Wnîg.bi, Nelson aud Haighî." OoUMy pexty.,- meuls, 16vel Spningi Smith, itaudor sud Way.: Ps-ieling.-Mosam. Wrigh, MoRsae sud Anthetcreport, falther recommaendttlit ail accounti eiating io cautingencies bu refore4 îo the commiîîee au Couîy Pro peniy. - 1-1 voliQ bers. TME rias p£au Mr. Wbiie mu UnitedtSalom. a I - -Tii. atove Cannait itudits iOrsi meeting an Monntsy, te 1OtitinsU-., at 19 P. n. Tii. Clenlu ook tite'ciain asti nead àaven the names cf ihe mlexubers lect for the mireri Wardmscf thec-Téwnaitip of Mfark. bain for t. year 1866:. - Ward Na. 1......JeesBovnian. c d 2 ...... Peler Wiimoit. cc3.James Robinson. di C..4. Anctibait Funvick. I~ 5 . Wn Bllton. Mentors ail present Afier ltedy bat taken tb. neceaary de. claraîlon of-qusitficatlon aud of cilice as prescibet hy lmv,' Mn.-James Bovmau, aeondet by Mr. James Rotinson$ navedthiat Win. Builon, Eàq., be fleer'e of'lhem Municipal Carpora. lion cf Mankitanm fan thte ear 1866.- Cartieti. Mr, James* Bowmani, eccuted by Mn. 'Peter Wlnottî, navedt IbaiJames- Robin. sant Esq., b. D"euty.Reeve if titu Mmi-i pal CorpDration of Mankitani for ibhe-ljur Tic t eand Deputy-Reeve look the dtcaration of office wtrit Bm ette,.ioak ibé chair. Mn. James flovniau, aeeaitded l-4 Mn. Peter Wilinaii, navet uai Thtomas Canr, EÀsq., b. ant i lahereby appointletiaudton - for ibm Township aif-Mantihani or lte juan 1866.-Carnet &-Theo Rleve appainted HeurvtaUne, sq., itb"iter audior for t eease&86.. .Mn, James Bovnan, intratincet a By. lav Io appoint asimasutn liceuse inspée. tors for ihe Tovnihip of MAntiban for ibm year 1866, vniolit vasresu a frtianS second tino. Mn. James Bovmusu, ecneudt by Mn. Peler Wiimoît, moved ibal lte ly lav b. rend s ibird tiuze fort bvit.- Cnrried. The 1ly.lnw vss tou rendl a third lime anti pussed, anutheibmeuve ordt-ret to aigu tbe saute, sut havo the ses~! af ihe Corpor- aton stiachedtiheneto. Asseasn or uvgst.balf Markbiam,e. But- ton. Asaéiotfor eaat.ita1f Mrkb.ant,. Rain' of tbe expenditure la aima submiu.ed. On motion of Mr. White the Wazdeu left lte Chair unlil ivo alelook. * FTER»NôOiISESSION. Ahôrtly boforo tbnee o'eiock the Wardeu numuil tbe c6air. - i'ECIJJ, OOMMITTE. On.tmotion af Mr. Kennedy a resolation paaaud appolitinga' spocial commiltue îo bu camposed cof Mettrs. Wright, Procion, W'Çbiwe, Ferry sud te moyen for the pur- p urpasa cf cnquiring lot o sud reportîuig muponcertin materaconnecleil WIlit.h- ,Cauiay Tresaurer litnota-complYicg w ilba certain resolution pr.ssd by the. Councl ai ,-th Januanyscuion of 1805, requirliug lta Treaiurer taà'givo erti iiriol the minor municipal!ties, .;sdaima re- garding tbe sale iu. of Gare A., lunlte township of Rama,. XÇOTWx CF0ou zITr5NS. Mr, ?erry,,gave notice tiai bu oulid oný tamorrow mare certain resoiniions for a returu cf t.e mnneys expeuded on roade, éc-, uden certain by-lIas o f the Council. IXai'11T05 OF WEIUTeSAND MmAat'zzg. Mn. Ferry also gave> notice tat bo vou!d oau fomartow. tsars ,certain resolu- lions on-the asubject of wuighîs sud mua- aunes. On motion af Mr. Thonipson lte Coun- cil adjourned antil 10 a'clock îcàmorrov. ,Counbte Agnî uîroi saci ety ol SeuIl Ontario. The sauna!meetingaofbthe County Ag- rieulînnal Society cf BouthOntario wu' held-ai-ie Town hall, Wbîîby, cu Thluns. daty luit, t.eit, John Stier, Emq., président in. theuchair. Thon. vas a (nill. meetingofaIboieDineetors presont, sud the gunaa atiandunco cf meinters vas large sud >ilieuentiait erincing a" more thaï ont-' inary lutereithebmpraceedigm. The firsi business vWas the neading of bte aunual report viticit uxhibits ibe fol. Iloigâstisfacotcny state cf thé ina n~ceS su 1eneàai.condition af the-ciy: Tito ruceipta for ut. ean vérew_*bitby E ut Wbitby $ 3C00; Pickoriujg, $2706 Gornment, grant, $70,2 r Iembers mut. mcilitions; $515 ; Han. O.' Mcvii, $100;- T. N. Gibta, :Emq.t M. P. F., $50 h-Co. Cauci, *00 RcuiîsaI ais,$417.25 Meuttors ticketh, $70.50; amaunt of, grain- sales, &c, y*7MI.57- Receipts (romalther orces,$60;, makiugiodg.theonviîh 833L.650 balance in baud-msince lest year,, attalioa $3,094.97. Thé Items af expenditun. vere -Secretany, for l864, $50;, ý,Whi îby sud Eut Wbiîby, $517 ; Pickering, $490.20 i Freminins, *1117.50; -' Canada. riarmner," $134.40; Prizesa 1 -1Moviung sud Reaping matches $36; Dinnens for Jeudges, $28 85;- Pntning, $60.37 ; Pruminumsa i Plov. ing match, $59j Delegaies la Pr'orituciai' Exhibition, $20.z 3nîdiemsudce., $67.24;- Secretîary'se salary fan 1865, $50.' Show inig a balance nov in the Treasurér's bauds of $4144i. Trr are, il also appearet, ai prescrit 376 memtur3.cf t. Sociely pay.ing $515, being -an' uncrease Of 22 monitors, sud of $49-25 on lthe prenosyear. At the ex-' hibition buld on theu 27ub sud 28îh cof Sepieer lui 1591 enîries vero made, sud prenions, as sisted stoie, ta tbm amaunt of $1117560 searduti. The aut4ea' e:cead 1ed-by 83 titose made in 1864. At 't.e plongbing match tvo plouels, sund mouey ta lthe umonul ai $38 avarded, sud ama drain tules ta utéauoni of e$5, and $59 lu mouey. lu addition ta bte donatioua abare mcnîioued ihenit venu $5 (nom C. Robert, $8. front F. W. Glenn, plougb valueti au $24:Îroin .Brown'k Pst. bursau, Drain tules te amaunt of,$5 (nom I. Wiiansd a piongit valuet. $14',fron Gec. Rabbo. ý The numbin cf membena tickets soit aI t.heexhibition, worm 564 sud the admission tickets 4172J. Mir.Spz:Ovlu sked tlitebmdétails migbtq bc gîvre.tof;-tbm expendiione cf 828.855cbr Mn.* Roblson sud Mn, Stien gave panlsie- ulars ltai ttce amauni vas paid for tib, Ju1ges, ai bte- Mowing sud -Pioughiig. matches, sud that dinnurs - vere' paid for althera as weil as lthe judges. Mn- Bprovle could neuannderaiand tii. Mn. Thoni'pso-o uppiied'-the dînner eaitibm moving match, sud 'Mn. Dr>dei- that ai the plangbîng match. Hofunufürher cota. plained that,821.60, bat beon chargeil for, lunch by Mr- Rabson, lte Becretar,,for vitat bo (Mr. Spiov1e,) gaiMn. Culluntfo snpplylthe.ypar b4foru fan $6. Mn. Ratcifif s aone of titu sudutars, nid tbat ibure vas no groudfor Oiutin g fauli, ibl "ttc amonut'ubanget iras reaonabie, sud itat itu aaial polatous" ta aam- plain cf futitn Mitensmie fr rexitisuailons-ibe inatier tiroppeti, sud the report, on mtion cf Mn. Pnentisa sconded by Mn. Robent -Tho, Setrelary'la ialary vas teon votçd the samu asý lait yeasr. $00. oFFzits v oR 1866, John Sitier, Esq,, _wuS doiy p'rapasei sud secanceil, sud - ibre ,bhin- no alther nominsîlonbe vas eiebted by acclamation, OauadIauýratiner or the Jourft.àWo? ibo Board of Arto, at'$1 25, or botb ai $2. The Proueuidt siated ibat au opfortun. a' 'y uow pr aente itteJf -of j rdbhing & show ground, if the Society so desired it, on the Anneé (inn. Mn.Cacipbell, CPickering,) edglested wbeiber li would ual bc «as well b oloir. tbe malter b ithe Directors. Mr. Ratcliffeauggoed the appoinaiuent ais comuiiitee. 'Th' Fr ldeni oeted wbotber 't' in l. tendeàd te confer on the Direlciora full powOV ta coneluda any, negocma.iona tLzsý migbt b.e ntere nd m. 1Captain Rowe waizld nal eonsidev that -course desirable ; but. ibai tbe oommiiieo sbould uzereiy report, sud a pub6lie meeting thon cailed ta moeile tbe mite'r., î< The fullowing cammlîîee :was. iben- agroed upon :- John Shiè-r, Gea. Robson, 4, Sprowle,.,A, W. Farewell, and George Liudile. Bomrd of Schoul Trtisiteeç,' The flrsi meeting of tbe new floard wea--O beld on, Tharsdsy evening, Jan., IBîb-, ai tbe Town hall. Pregent bMurs. J. fU- Greenwoad, and H. Fraser, North Ward, Mess.' M. Thwaito and I. J. Wilson, cuýtroiWa.rd. eMesars. J. BIlow aud J. Proudfaoi, South Ward. The ne-W 'iembers olected Ibis yeàn, ara Messrs. Fraser Wilson aud P!audfoot. M. Thwaite wus re-elected cbairman. The fo1lo-ving motions were pasaed: -To ,re-appoisit Mr. Jamnes Draper as secretary 10 ibis IBoard, at s ualary Pr $40. To appoint local committues fat the different schools. For Anderson Street school, Mero. Greenwood, Proudfoot snd Thwaite For Hienry Street achool, Messrs. Fra- mer, Wilson and Thwâaite. Fon John Suor.ît achool, MTessr. Blow, Wilson, snd Thwaite. To isan Tenders for 18 corda dry,.aud7 12 corda green wood, for tle neérai To aak- the Town Counicil 10 pluce ta- the credit o! tbe Board $1000 To requemi hlb.l!committeu ta en- quiru m in he aitendanca at H2nry airceel achoot. The Board thon adjourned. A champagne Senahtibon. Itucent accoulnîs (rom Rbeimsa, tbe con. mercial capital of ibm great champagne dis. tria of France, represent ibat the wealtby manufacturera or tbat beverage ar lan n amiable nîood toward the govunumoût af ibis country, whero îhoy bave so long en. joled a profitable market. It appeais ihai some- Ofteeu montha ago tboecustom bouse authorities of Sas Francisco seized-seven hundred aud twenty.five baskets Pf Eugoee Clicquot champagne, invoiced asiBordeaux ai, forty-fivu cents a boule, sud eharged the consignbeessud proprietoras çiîbW au attempt 10 defraud the gave rumont by an under valuation of tbeir- merojiaudise. 1u In t trial, whlch came ou beforp thoe 'United States Distiict Court, the. goTorn. ment adrocaties produned a Parie. ,wâ'a. if 1

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