Kew Adrertlsemenits tlils Day, rluk viii ooMpff favori Usél am,& ~ veitilatid ýud wellIlà iit (bernaQieprn; Sae-Z' . *, ;113duove b Word s* omea# i *O!~,tt<~f lb. I vlth peh$M41 'oetponod Chanoery sOoisIg.fieceors, sud 8g0 rmlaie, îîlé a psse iors liuîhuni wboafauuu w It"o.V ' fvl h â*cciii ý.1 miii Cataaîbian .020611.0% OPPirtaîIiy Of Pb" *"chà eh for the lims bein c mlim, Iotg. Sle-Jhn Lym. pIteqg llote51.Mos Ut bfIlqf J i. A14 te Pyili ks iii the systeul, L * a <iitofaraiId.bmmIgbSIdcIi erçho-Skaing.cfve#tinh the schoël ls of frequeut ocsulïd *îi »mlitais danger go the poses eà l7, Varme for Bal-Jobu DalbY. Mr. Debeceil, by îîenm»r a*the i rnoe. 1ut corifer a , motive Pow« aon tud <lie pwobetioGu off 11.Mad prp<ty Faro for 8a1,-Jobislon à Dx on. or k.eý1QfUt hlm t lu muehexcellndm ltOe nroo Âe admy-Job ILR Roie, bas ïà confl gé 1boan a cr ç 4t. lnte s yiin flathi <ltO 4 Lt a.o boomc q Egsd~'4d once ho li. beu o tié an eah i " téw >Tolc-Bov &Pettermons. 1000, Md matie "und ags nopro"p1ouaa .pisfit b ms*p b wI . ubsééd>promotîng lte oei ty os, Iaoist oic iaslolden. £r. 1 l mÎî 5 ,cfhpmcolan Ipis.s hoom. et teut, I voold auggeeî <bhatath. membem ln W bamm,ýaý talncou the Whitlaby .to 20 1188. [iveant Notle-L. H. Séhofid. cf the rica"t ithos. iotrogld .lu It reasonabýh lafinot **lt pof .nloy- h(0tou wLon-J.NGwol. cheud dop on s O L ~ b~a Oïee moni: d'5L1ofh$ WbItlly Uaraetso eitber a *55qfl;m* orI04o" qiiWly e 8= 1 idharpe.And Jow la tuIsdesira'blO - InctVeottstaumti, orlu hefj~ofchange lb.t.CEIS41i îgving Wm*ly, am, S,1864. tmoiF eteté fr heLm Lof te her a respectable mfry dwhat. us spirîie M ale kingpnoprieaojr. sen tuat solenma h, 'ma x r aili Wbeal...1.156a180 S pupil 'tangia-ani' d say ïwthM îi aiy......foa6e UNL$150cE TS A YEAE Feb. lît, 1866. ee recurrIng nuisance of an onçoiectt es........ it rae ili, labicb formerly proved no anneY. am....... 3001*. lng f0 lthe Board, gliv i.teachter Mii iy....... 4cl Tb &e Eâü f*ôv o! h W iby Chronicle. power At the, end CI say 20 days after the >to......Sce4 Wbîtby, Thurs4ay, Flà ruado,1, IIh thé explry cf an unpa d quarter to diamima the ay............... 8.00 peutoit. -~ - ue :Belevlii, ai schè,meii ah pupîl froin&Choo, andi no re-.enliY per. ......... ... s g m nto&&eeotdmany that thers ..Sehcho moba tuitteil uptil te lack rate in pald up; or, _____________ ..The lare m nthpIdeos been fmrly tnled ln Whltby andi foundI f lt bouild hoe preferred,, ile the téachar _ teo the proeedhxngs ofef i.Counly Vounil0 wanling. 1i ttanded th eoLcJOn cOt 1%th power'te levy for tho unpsid rate If BIRTS. .tbim weelt, compoeslths exclusion o! auny School Trustec, in the Southi War'd, ýon poin sauch firm course Wallaulopted, vo TgEW-Ai- *bitby. on the. 1?ui but., malOriof uierel, îic ~i~îr«cio e Wdncsday last, witb <tho inlention of ei- oud noyer hein another word about au <h. wile cfWilliaa Uil 11 Bail., Tovu moitersi iterstpwhih ïit êteeveplaininginy opinions on the. nioftabIs unpaîd rate bill. And if then. are parents ~~iuuc~~~~ ate-o. rkn !crpresent Town acheol ays aunong us vie bave abseuneans, and a Cuncilor, fa daugité. - tep>;but lb. Returnin g Ufiler bavîn tn o vcvw liartlesa as 1* relui 01>17 PoY mamnt e sacialO raiiçhal non. ýbut canidates afor oalLe imie fec - f' bouc<o'à cOtid6 b barde POudîng tlie electiOn, and their chliren, w'ville 0,a nflti lmS___________ W. bpliers thst for thé firat lime lu tbe as rny opinions 'voro ebvioualy adverse Wc the amount la being paiti by the comminif aunas o Maonr ovuibi pr. tosoviefennetia najoilyci ie hn161 t,,let theoaine and diagralco cf 8n. led.IBU . anaeo MsnYl lstwill r-meeting. 1 bqd ne help byt lie aslent. ~tcropij(i pntein. Again ivOruag0 ale poged <o bold a Kasoni lobrto ne hua ruiing 1 bad ne objection, unlil a heée arc pbol parents who arenot able to 'the paîroniie aud centrol or tbe meîcý worlhy Truatee lu OfIlce, thugu8l i,>ro. py for <héoeduçation eft hem cilîdren TRECZ~ WILL 1129801-D BT ber etthe-'RyalArt I~om ie ccii ler'te charge bituîcif viti the reQis f y alil ueans let Iheni go fre.; but ln ondor 'ber tthe noylueo'rnceo!thseyîon reading me a lod glecture, on the. erêso itat ah. teaciier ny mi>bcne pat cf bis p U lti'M A U TO ,nd vidr.-mprstd luec fti tcopinions, vlîlch ho un!airly and't1iu. quatitily rate lot the. StbooliUoinelgive At t ome lgoe, n h T'>o cocoîy aoy sv îley ben ble<otieusly asuieciwerëtuine; andtei UiiSiiyu a certîficat.,eeibscribed b. hePreai. luomoe1 Ien l h Twue co1naelatetinviive aeà apar vipw fukng tbowiid Ouit o! mY dent, for oaci ef the poor cblircn educr .Flalt a f IJob. neit (whichi h not efton,) vitiont <he villa et note seuleYankee notions on tie Fmce neel would b o te t<acher as 5go4tvo o'cloolu, j; ii., the. .lIowlnw,]Lenà A <hem lîceae! metingmd un si bhool Systen, viici lied for their ebjot mautiny cash ordena on the Town lreaaury mïd rol' prenl o. t 'ninntu<c.a Power oe! si a remmcendation ta Ilcaiet eun breai vien îhey becans due. Suci là a s le ou <sbocti ici acPr w bî'eut one eoraluug goktberinge of thÃŽs nature 'have ulW&Ys prO?' sîpon the 'vaters.11 But unforronately, At th <act*l kng of ~acch s l i.<eh 111 1.. Cfc..luueeu s. led ,Sal ed sucecatsa. The. Festival is (lied for liat, neaching an uninteiligable art o! lie tonmwhici elsevicre lias had thce xpen. th.emcl lDouble Iant. e! Towe Lts -Weut o Fria>',vcnig, h. itilut., andti he record, ho vas brought te a deâa-t iaud lenceofe!ages te necemmenditil mud th e ln *u btle Tovîî tfWiiby Ceuty Friday evenin, the oth i le blaze e1 noTaI ligifit<hue beîiig tirown vistien of Our L.gislatiaf in fnaming tlb. t 4f. st *0sotan 10111aire. otN. place theicheawnie A,,un i uw..,on edlucabbon took refuge undetl a buabel. 4. B' mpe and heWe1 0 AeffoS or the li11t IIofLot . et b , i pwr uen uschoolla tela cpn itreichamplNo. 17,ha tWce t 4 are f ti 4oitâi> cutL ,the wboe of e! ixciwiUb.e uarrangeed as %What tie meeting, or nyseif test by tbila te uchnTueo s eadpli.vic iao.1, i 1i1*5i o.,o 1.Tuiall <o ee<nîlte e is ausment and enfer. untoward -eventý 1'iii net h Il îpnden. 'ouel outier mpoelii oition mai4 (c tty eol('ntario.mI âcr. a. te cour»Wate10 theamuseme <o detcrmnîe. But tic Truatei th e Si,, . Truâtees~, inspire #.kortît.eestquteref or1t Nu- 'A'ln th# 41h.lîcc., ofruIle uwmalp Ce soth (eU;Ity e tainlen e!ait like.Mod i v rai wordy lecture prectured for lue, 'vbat 1I ieland proitpcnib lu' cor tcwn schois, andi Onî.l.54 cu a rmiet etùeLÀ it 'JnorWrnet gel before, a nominst.ion ; ls:wever by 8asaving et soupe 15 te 20 cents on lie r.0 aýot Mheepar don vii ecaba uie ~ioes o nfrei ise ame 'astoli coldou> b - dollar veulti bu offecteti. ef t1il soutl.hül t fLt ti. lowoed tour minutes te ,adclress thi mcc- &a, Smr, cu. th ewx pe«asCunye roena" are dul> anipropériy pnt, 5o bat ing. vilch 1 declined doing. lience uny . Youn obt. servnt, alm No~ . 13, la lie 7<1> con. phasneani roitmc' . li mtappi t o jouur coluIuius, on a question 7ORXNO ~M ira Cnuy lJuane, resil, besn, c cura, ii ipea ~whic isl intereitlng maqn>' auiong us at Wiitb5, Jan. 17, '60. serte. esil bieInOrcuswl Êe the present tinie.- Oihf O 5.l>a.bicn 'vii orTon'icli o c paloyn' u TwoSixos f lu.Tovuuatilp 0a ,Ceonty>ofos uait <lue' full cotura-2 cf ticir respective degreos, The first thing notOurcaowne in ccnnh100 bore* ,(a disponsation permnittiug theen te do s t 1.ustaîeyRpn lleIlr .Notclsfo o % l u iSl -heving being geeai,)tand tie prcession fli tSéhoql Trustees. SurIYel> trl 100(leE .o fliei'tib tle 4 nbp fZdicoit> f lte ~ai1cute rs ci rou, t baif-past meoibetse iad notideelbadlir, vien thcïr j- t*leu"appîy te »JA sUIMt11-IN wiglît e. tb Tîctet - rie tre dl n, Report 'vai dnuwn up. ln point lit lca; sul Sr - E Kst; tly, or <c ho obtaP. lM-I ik e -» r the thhe eli kndollopatrsC i sar <c tie A lcordig le jour report of the pro- i ele f rM o < lgc, Uhurch tSi.T ro to arc e oti rn Bo rC .Senate ofIRoule, on bis gatn1ing a iictOr>' eedingm of the Tovn Ccpucil, itfile fuit Toronto, ,auîuary%5c, 180. td ouscfis ace ai erettry or eo. -Iciuuiu'i1i 5w, 1 conquertdl" ctuaillf os ngbeyona>ati at seemathit ____________ nitîso. bucounea iuininouu, whcn comrai o < o olmaétonrs ver. pint>' filybandled, T ic E neagne ukcleton under review. But Bhurns N Ra'rnvi'(IEi r asCs.nuui i.deription of -tie perconificaion CI e t a, batsut emofithe asements matieèreaIC L Egcti ti xro o 'tDtx T ,For f<nt a vicie it lis-lI ara," incorrect XP&h& tiintiesntlonaly mcj W~i tih e utica .rXKWIà %_S. A$pllW'a CorILIc t SBAeTU bus 1î<>t o u t nicel>'; fer bceud tic detaila -ilp, viiioblige b>' giia thie fiiowing hlYhPiruncrs muid W;Oohentiers, te a Dé & o. -OuTauioa>'eiiiO a ?017 e! thce rai IL, Srw t t,700)freio imnt tha place lu ýotr enlaent. croxs.cub savilui eosvlitecl'vilhio rgoe eup lui CeIt pleaaing festival, a ccremuoywe bal alucost Public f und% for the pm', year, and the One o! abs Ceunciil@i'rbstatei li.i i. dc>ucs e t~iea bc l>liVaui aolitary, anti doubtful cuir>' o! tic aven- vas opposed tg s union e!reh. Gramnunar lr îg00hm aad-w"s wit4wmmi ei hb a&menater Sb. rage pupil auenno ut lie Tduîn <CI10oit. anti common seboolA lïbam tlis 008< -, aFATTEII$ON. Andrea', Ciarci,*lu ibis beau. Tic Paster, there laîhauçluWcY netiing 10 interest pelifor Teacions' salarias U-64y Janué50mil U., 1kerd. str. Maclenoan, vaupesn.4w t he eader, in castiv.g bis cyci-olr tic-cents mère at Heur>' st. t*Iuo itan aet arnwMe. Even on <die âÎs ide f O >JphnSt sihoo1, and buforretithsrtfrcm INÃ"LVENTA&h 0F 186 s ver>' hada6om i d %vaiuub'OAii4er <tmesexpenditure o! puiblic moio>', 'vier. tic a.uvciuby ae mediea cf<i. ongrga 'rus e t fiît<o be brighilt, <bre ia dt<atah. langer the sebecilie more il ceal aelvi ' deilineasembhrciofeheilongregi Trikefflna& Fer ppu. T.1Thmt socb le lot thée cmse "vitb -1%thu, Malo ter1:r h. l SC1lLD. «<tt ion. The Hayon eccupîied te chatr ;anti lomir.ingteseel e! tie aciuto.e*- es'te jo ecboot's mentine&, iliefollov . TE*n et Wifte eotventcareouut nie Weralip, aut I 1v. M. Shar, sud24 liîuup trttry et$1,29.9 for Teacice' salaries ê4 satent Of the avemp agetoial So4iT, litilt h blé*niate mu aeeigliiun<of li -other gentlemn ueed unit y kini ibiVeo! for lenry esteb gohool, wvi>' dt le>'net pppil, for Tescluas salarriée et be c.tmte*%Wsvt % llatu n»., th* uuuruia& stste the number of Teaciert e>plc>'d, Town ikoo11 fürthe u~ t foaw eas ii t n', t's uo <,ags'*qfrot idte. fitih Iu 'the minuter e! St..&tà drew'swvilci b. se thoir respetîrie lsieury fw tei tic>' vttîl."te, efithe ncscenlity thI l tlu< daservs, --rs. Dim ifsadiesof uâg.; lnsepv.te det ases .ii>, aid t ivan flit; 1<and IflMe ias the congre ainrr otaau u u i voaenunitor cfpupill unieri ceci rblit eâ Ute ae ;tlÀtw<lue i.. touie ntir catlfu auteuîng tote uuuerous sud biuiaîlyne.' Tu ohn'? fen uit = - P an tr ce t'f'? At * Whitb, 201 ilof a" pectaila attaodtecus s-tai ca,éolep.antinet bc onlIfor'the =m0embî-dt eut cclas aSdi ilbtts iidyeJu ~.el <li cate caîtulil eof <ing vhici Board t aie. a blut ft'uiethe Tenante A'ie-ge miTr* .110MSI HLII won teureo p Ve fstial Thre asTruatees'annuel report inu viecb MI lau- j iici ,... a- fmn th. abc"e îiqath.eou ieg eu t iake p bofetial Tomwudable ndort 'le made <o so i >. publie mocal- ____parapitbu_____on'___ ahies- ntsm Chistmas tue.-loaiei liai <bey bave g&suntig 1. emp frihe ppeu r jeansmm bIcut B O K I C T for tiii' moe., ett*elet eblmor mf lbt 'vlb ittbt s &ar0eit ast possibe- ~busa i he eiefor there ur. twentyI fif fl @l 1 m tîrijipeti tpoui tb o9famient,fer lb.ebiltiennl jean, an tfie adoption o e ir is.e COMPaU bi e'qi.,ai oe" lpteealgiof r! ubbiug the =cle$ (<rO lto1 u10lee 'Pe ar m"oril ft isemo st l. as 'ptteudieg ah Saibati Seicel, vice enjoy oyez!%ltsler « îçbn'peibapsie lbcoitea vitit Henry>' eS.ii.aâm i s A »B I ed tiemstves mas ui>' celeqeîl citre- t . ~< ~mr o ccet0abrs uy~lt elprWIIin Yk op"la Brooklles "Il vius aBd cube iii liC, ea" do. Bovd. Mn., me- saiaclenrepot t>y 'int J n <pifrce<#ecs >»otutnai lun Muuade aan0ait 'sicitibl-oaidhesPmlii Onheieatiorthuc&»MI cf <hoP«nee Scico syiomlut Witb, Ireylcmgo, i 3Dltf<O ieansa asg 3dy 11 topl, sprOcuig himil! iterHum aie num or nti ra i lehe "m i u pi itltti p ci no4 bina & s Henry' ThI -ittitut&oevlU-1>e uieu tud csfi th gev îi Sumo ce<b Montiait 10 rlt, meiieepil ealtedesvici <. siool81 4;ai obami setefor Joseph & Co., Toroute.' The xame cf the - manuxfactiuera atonellusinil.ef Aggù=Iee <bt eierytinug vas onuthb. guaqt-ii Ois ir.-Tbat Mn, S. B. Fairbanks, cf ùshba, is l e ba canditie for the rePrO- bestaticno f Nortai Onxifanlsai&ho at geuicalelectioui. - "dOI ua ir E'tgBlltwe DJ>I W0go Tas <'.niwT.-Tb letter ua is hi, as k iitI'W 1 M a.I.V tt f"a . Y oeI ee f ,,jeeu ,,o ri ot te. 14 be- b", 'li- ICON., 0F DI4TON 'ri bo 'I=nre t. ý'rencat. Thi>ým I 1 "M alear. yai eneed, and a g 'Lo bouse <lareen. Picke ring.' rolemiion, easy lerma luat 0,plentit r4lgng bo George A. Fothengi 1119.bon Lot Nu. 114 lu ahé Broken Fron; one Alcol'Ietenois, q# 'n à o ûeuuce b utceh oueai en et ofDerbi, a1l et firet rate quaIlttý - p6i partiC4plîens, îpply te JAMESS K. GORDON, OF f£AL EeTATE1 IN CHÂNCERY4 GIBSON 's. -'ANNES;. I19 i'orgnaurof he! icD«econ euefthën dl. mnecuà lu htKauns. iilb i e freelfor " alby l He uctleu, ocu Fri4ay, 2nd bf Eeb: A.DAMl6G At<ho heur cf aux.o>lcfk lu bathesexo>, tu ttie Il rtes lue oe> aait puuitgiu, ipTpSI.LSlrL in, conclusion ho trusts îbat bs own tbe iiian s& atà tri i a wbliC b ê bas had with mIniuers throughout thé Oounty , 'viiib ot re' Co nn el n foer, rrniewal or publo ievoçr.ý,, ' JOHN AGNEW, Insurande'Agent. Wiiitby2Otb Jany., 1660.ý N.B.-Ament for tii. 4oYA1 ad Sco, tiah Provincial as ùdual.ý Loyal Orange Association of PrBà iih North AýerIoâ. NORTÉ ON TÂARLM fTIIE annuil meeting of the above Lodge for .-tilo eleoton o! Oflicer, and for tioirnn; :aetiopcf other Buinea conneted wiLtXiiqo Ord iiWl»bc beld- t the. Orange Hall, Baver.' ton Tuesday, 6th of .Peb. 1 ép, At 1 olek non, of wlIC il -grothrn re reqneted to tke notice an ge= thewael- a ac co rd n g ly . 1 ea Dated à t Vromanton ths 94nd day ofJ±- . MçI'H DEN,, 01,. Sretary. TOWX 01, W WIl ITIY, I By-Law No. tL1866 Ci c iviguaidsMn preunises. -bieiug .part Tovcailptoof Wliltof th Ltro.b,onaplan f Nlao 4 o 4. ta, IlyJohinoier, Esc ' L. S., dtî.,v*ý ted; , 5,eouet&aiulusr4,87-100 senoé, uîdu cor 1,,t No. 4, e,he sld i pan, coealang 4Ui ma-emr*lem oenic ,t ii.c#d plant; cunteining 4 67-100 acres, nmer. enles . Wbaibol . - Ti p rlan t S uhofim ii c a i Streer in qSpibe t tiaiu o othla cmiwlt0sPakm" vla etsutidayedosale tathe gi uaeiiaecri f uktaf avoilulvus'd *m tci or lpth esst - owydpt bsS e, d..ieyassauttbe boilunat aasusfl 'poniod 'Tisrai i oruialteratiouus iu Mie, cenemoicu ofthle Tovnship of Tioncli Bst ntl by the Mujc i t;pre D<I T TIJWMNSIJIP OF THORAJ Ant la l ra by onactoti b>'ho Authoriy o! hecu ,~ s h art cr the C etre B c, on uot orl> . : t1 tif ecucessbon diTiiomeh ; M onvoedci John fluer, Eq, Ce. Englucer andti etoff I n lus diagrsnt inktatot By.lun, au-d o! viicb tho fclloviug la tie de.' scriprioui liaI lto Sy 1 am e c ug lu lie f t t e "i ld 1 th coticcambo n 5fie sWest cf tiSe lioq-cult Angle ai the Ibid. sout hb Mn. Benuct,1 renitlug (rom, lieues, IN 17 degneos 80mnue, W'3 chaîna3 i ibuk ilcarcé f N doisi,45 minute , W J e alui 44 lnks, à ni é off lesso t Tlx ebot River. B e ant ue ame Ila iar.y t aiuisiei as4 Picst l ig ix a>' ofthe Tovoeil4 «ItT iu'l.'~ Be In tr<iuor cnac<ed tist ais aboie Une de- 4ascrbea <loue E talrn i t ob f ah.saisi Ross' muid M tiabie ad bec!f tic <c i ltth f OP EVERY- DEà ciRiprION. Boit canada '.Weod euita only $11 00, worth $15 00. do.C6et only 6 60, wo6rth 00. do. 1Pà sit à niy 38Q0, , worth 4 O00. do.. Vesta only 1 90, worth- 2 60.--,. 4Poya« s, 01P90, 1 M ~ W rOQ yards pain and fanoy Flanî4eisfotnf'30o. 1.0 60c, Otij~16éi'è ad iwhiw Iottons at 'leo' than pres6nt 100Bunle~ofCetton Yarn $2 90,to $3 -00. Our Stock of General Gr0ceries are véry complete, andI sold nt wboiei pceql 40 btrreIs No. 1, Round Honings u 1 Otir ternis aiéSIUTYCASI,' ûiid no crèdit. NOTICFà -Â11 Parties irdebted touis are respeetflly'Cc çd t, piii Iuedato pyut~othorwiso ihêlr accounts-will ho piadi( eolleUon.T. H. MoMILLAN GREAT ý,CLEARIING SA] TuE OLP II)S is ;-be «tom down in a short time b Lowçp &Powell, for thé purpo"'ï of erectiag a ne buialn onthepreen' 1te.&Âd-ha'ving to move earde ed t d seli our presenit Ià rgè HomeIYiade Boôts t Côtmenci ! tg on Thurýday, Fei-ç4 until the .whole, is dispose4 of,.4t,:,s, p#4 ei, , tiner ,>ThQseiu waut'of, BoqptëRna Shoes éhé ula> of Uisopportnnity. ~uiTE1IMS O5H~ N a weU'ii b. taies Icte c'onsietion bi . TOWN « HIP OÉf HORAH fr th. fiW "aluitîhreof, on satuday, 8rd Uvýcut 18662 1J Jauceari 11h 1615. IiI xMESWC Ti. abOie Mao, elinaanyet tioam ouais lb. ~AT CLE~ t - - UWe bcg to ini up the repot of lieuth <lue eneil nuM.Penny w<thotlt ainu. o! huch rS by Mn uid i4 mnti 'a,