Whitby Chronicle, 1 Mar 1866, p. 2

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IL cisreutélrg Let ,a-g 'LFairbasa lài '0'si s-ueeting. intin5 of St. PatriclviiSocety.-M. O'Douovsu. luCisucery-E. J. Turner. Teo Carpeters-;-J. H. Perry. Frivste ill-e.Cuc TI.aehy Sed for Sale-Yeomen Gibson. Ntoots sud Sboe-James Bain & Co. Specisi Notie- Bo*Ime-Tsomu i Sîston. CHRONUICS WANTED. -2ll CEN<TS eisviliiho M, l. nr No* 31; 5att 49, Vo'. IX. of tf. , Cli IINICLE, nt he ise i ONLT $150O CENTS A YEAR IYhltby, T'irîîîray, Marce lit,sf,[86 For %olame eputi thosa e oasuindt te b. g, ad jutiges, antiWho ise sebad tain- Msam dcsiings so i cians lscseshere, bave îeatuneti a positive opinion tbat oil is te hi fouidsioug tise- Laie sisore at Pont, -Ivb;tby. opinions on tIho autjsct bavre Sooi enloriui>' duisseti but vilisoul ari v. ii ta any practicai resuit isite. we areglati te hoSe se ta ahe tisIpublie expeetious nonelonger likel ol>' e Srett iu deuit on lie aubjet. As WI lus seon hy an stuertisoicut in osier Colîtinins a meting ihatelu h boi îiv(Tsunstia')- euecng fur tIsa parpoan or' orîig s cci. pan>' le ssîk alest sVnl. Mr. 'l'os. OGril, of Tonon*o, bar'set oisant in the uxos lif eral and'tilisiome manentionud declares kir eeledt'e e uissaibo frous eue te Ivo tti'tsthsd dollars efthle uloci,-tie test *1110teho soisison t*lnstaovuet by ii aîougside tise Grand Trunk itail, oit Port Wiiîy. 'Ie trvst tiset tiste ndut auce vili iselas large ai tisegreat imper tance o! tise sutject onitl commoand. The Union eo' theus 'wis Schotlw. Tise union o! tise scisoTsabas et lengli Iec t osimmmae.T.thini.nos uefait antempit'. And'ti'lie reiailt efthtie cisange viii, bo doubt, bh atthet vus nmore tissu ordiuny intenol, ini vies etflte agitation on bise subjeot tisaiis a ceen Place. One offe-t oethtie union viii bcto 1# et aside dis. liuehive appellations seno1h51 hencsl'ier sc vili net b. tonmoutosl viti tise gmman scisool, sud tise couimea aaisol, apdthue viing belseen Ihis scieci andsth ie otier ; ail sf11b Se smismd under lise general tomofe ie2w 14e he<slsoo. Ail are omore&>, b>' lie la, action et iThe aniteti Board nsl0#tsesimnpeo yneuvu-Tise Town solsools, enter tiesa upmrvuuiont eue ea maester. Machinis xpecuti dfrem the union fa tb. a ivassoment cf tise cause o! etoea tGon. we -have oui>' te oi pesud seâ n mess neomragiungly, isaI tis e nat viii nVyeta edussppiistniet-t, Tise preper, elesslleatlon Of the. pssçsil-tbe economi cal sdivision o! labor, asig til tso eu vii tb. joint Iloard Csunkbi*eimlsao vI, qufitin egist te seuato ns amore lhiistt cd! utandard et odneatiou, at,'-sachoaper rate tissu iseofore. Loetibis- but hO i'elwsd nti e aeast wsf r>' hurrah for eS' 'lnien r W. bisue tli fslislu lise 9oo0(d ti t Vii toîiev tise union. MctsVIII dopent upon lie eful super. 'ssito! Oftise trutees. Everyîiinluorder Io ensure complote suons., upon tise - atchtalneeu, ufger, dimeipline sud genora coetelne>'ofetihi es ea ochser. OltL iPtu e e...M.George G(l. christ sonda us a' a of ta lange- art music bail, Wisftsulm nouMnti> ast.u Ur, Vertso ompW& thlb.chsair anti Un. gîtiit vasappoluteti Sooretar>'; Tise meeting mai attreset, lmare0 t0tdu b>' sDora] o! thse moisî infuential Menso! tise tovnship e! Piceinug, -eudthle nimo unsulit>' pruyevso he u letirabitiity o! siniieàatest veli. - Atervarta lise stock bookil moe.opeced.ant sebseiptionas to npwards o! ,000 y we mate. Judg- lu;t(rom lise intereal taiseu in lise mettev- -tise.is ille appreb"nson 'of'diffoleuiy lu gettiag the violeà ameent sasiscrihe&so as te silos' lie cempsuy'm Seing mbew pesa. ien aI once. Ca.iàîaus su RUrtt.-Oreeatiîgea ansut Dulowv <clebs; Place -amoogel souse of car vahi leeovu ScIai ioeiense ith1 lbea.ltyw Ik. 0.<iâwe. Whoc.. r[et ais BI<_ theIlernian, vhieb arriveti aI Nos York"Ounlthe STils lait., vo «art t ilu tispïreneli Sonate, KXarsial Foney said retenuo! tise Frenchitrouei !ozp Mexe*ci ceuid net taire pîscei se rapidiy .et wui dosiret iun France0, sud buovin degiret Frenchs rein!oroementsi esent ont. V. ehtebr said inlubeaoisaI e t is ouemnni sisat these.opiuions werc tise Marihal's opinio's oui>'. 'l iesws of tise g6veru- menut vere emiodieti in the speech frous tise lirone sud tie aldes STho London Timea aays the tes rfounu bill viilcenaist simpiy et -a iovornug of tha franuchise in bènongis te, £6, sud ia couchies t.> £15 occupation. Il seusu Lord Rasielnets on Mr. Brigisîs aduice, resolviug testai, etis eoxateaeofethtie adi- mîiuî,tatiou on the suceeno! the.bbll. We caunot suppose gomerment hilieves sIucis % billilyl ho acceptoti as settliug tie qýuesiion et retenu. ànAhir.T -Bread 'tuF-Fiour, fi rmer. MeWirsea ai Os.108, * q,!o 64 for luter r ed Soutiseru. Corn adivancedi3d nud Ieudttsg upsards ;sales at 28so d frrmix.- cd. Pioviio-Beef active sud Brus. Punis-stock scarce sud pnicea toudig upsats. Iboîtiersdemnan aumd!ste.* Ilacons seady. Lard fini at 73> 10'te?. TaIiow quiet ati dsteet>'. Cisocw irIm. Producu -Asies quiet st 32è t to3ls. Sugm du11. Cueo quiet.' 1100 dili. linseed oil finuser; sales aI 406. - itosi ver>' ducli. Siiriîtgo rpenliie-SmaIi sasIes. 1Poîroleams 'oesit>' ah 2& 4d. PitscblT' ~CII.-4Tisurelura pigeont mstc ais beeusaiA >rgus . Wfby, sud îirx froti tiibridge aud Scoîl, came 'ffut ut <'renbsssk, o unTsr4tiy'Isst?, ah 9 birds cais. Tis tins. tisa WItiby men won vi ti groal cese, beatung thour oppona entsanino bitta. Tise tollowug fa3lise, score wirnv. E. Anunstrong, i110111101 7. J. Wm'luun, 1414,lî)i r. 1). 'wrWCiie, s10101001t0 ' 4. IL. J. "I'srsîold, il111111 1 8 i. J. Tuelia, 11111111 9. A1 Turzner, 00111011 IL.<J lilsilsftid 011 11>00f 1). Carl, I110100011 inr. Stoisenson, OiiIliIlff J. Stephentîson, 111111110( Tise Ito. Mn. Waters, e! Port. hope, before lise Mochauiost lustite, e.monnov (Fu-sta>) evonfssg, a i Li!pats ven e'cbeek -Subjeat 1"Oliver Geldansti." CÀAI4Â Pausvuîx siCuisný. - A meeting iu ait o! tise Saisthi Schseolis. annousueti for tii. (Thu.-stsy) eueniug et six o'clock, A3to)rssslts EAnru C is vL asnounc- cd te taise place attise Victoria Muini ou le-mornes, (lite,) euecing. Mn. 1)evenil .àusaing gre-at prepsrationa fur tise eustit. Tus Fuax sePz.s.-Tb* fIoraW'a To> renta telogranisale s aIReports- from Englisis titectives ah 'fîtsbnrg aos> tisai be Feulen Gtuerai Svecny's plan, fa te mo-0ia tiemomstratien agafusi Canada about to ise itieet MarcS viiis anmaliforce sud 4 t sites Ne B)rnsicis-via lise Munefroutier -ru bifs- Durits; Isbl s;it le Nç ews> (l enerai Grant bh ehen proienltikedb «cialoftur icating citwos i vu a puseto!$10,00e Amo g the subsiciber ver. A. T. lites- ,ai,- ;. B. holert Cen. "YaneebilÏl ami' 'aUt-. $»,bO0'ore i.aemal vwere uset te duobèi tise sovtgagi ou the. OÇu'. hotge. in WSslagton* ç4 < IbotiebajA,ms *7,00,iesg laveate lun 6114 mono> vos pnsetét vitiseetç eremen>'. 1900. Grant nannovî>' es.ped a fatal mc- cideut ym >rd, Wif e e3.mSiuinsga nevl>' inventesl rifle it vas accisleutably disciargeti. rP e! oftise partritige enter. fug bis lefi lbant and ludged fitisepalm sud tisnmh, veatiighies, vnýport aaya, Fre. Douglisa vnftes IsAis au atwmspt iras matide Wassossae hmin Datimone Paorgict Br tu ePort.-& sIen' goius lbe round et thi NepeIitmu p Apera fa regar4 to a propho.>' mae bl rio IX. visoîs in convor*asi os ville a Iig 4, Sp4aith pereoname. ih romaiýnî ho hbqe vse wéer Ilii hioineas18la asgood ti a ' ropbeey Maîhicu '(te la Dryme. el> i"tb.r asya ~ ~ ~~ i à-Usotuutsyi a, -o u'feset ta tise pair 1866 ywil e-ose e insicisa great deai et blond vill ýbe goti. Tise fie0th teiuasgpesiistî*fu>u'lJin unypartu ot arepe 15besver i6iss 4rsa. fal eonlisgrotimu - vf 1*5e ffaisesiju 186, uischu 'poe. , wUý aasis~~ nouse viiivie* vI is giet ef ~enaa- tion ot the Iceue8 etf104,- ihsP90, vihi h eo eliged te abanidon jliyof ibe Cisurcllua afugitive. luaI?, sien 11. Pope reluis's to tise Ytrçn (?)àa grand1 ceuncil vitli Se assmblet, asti tise osteua as>' cf St. Peter villi kg peabtaied. 'TI 1868, yowilbo prucia ~pfues, s- 1 -Uniosn of thse Boisrdiq of Gramna usrn Comnssc ciooly. À meeting ofltse members of tise Gri mai sud 'CemmnoitScisool Boards of i ITovnfWvthe purpose o! formlug a ouni( Of tise IWO Boards, was iladaetîthé Mecii i*t ll'f lalita Mdhsday evesslug,26 mtô. Dr. Cunn, Dr. Clar, Mr. G.1 Dortnei, and IDr. iusslood, ofteUGrat suas SooolBea d m Meisrs. IL J. Vi son, John Blov, J. JEL Greenvood,11 Frir, M. Tisîsite aud j. Prondfoo< omnbena of the. Ioard o! Commus Bi Tms'ees,, we.re proiesl Dr. Guo» occt pied Ibe citai. Preioulalysfonnrmal msiâg\ of it îis, folloving reor vs î tsd awuÃ"p vieWls -iiexpiaint 115v Proeiejbg4 Ipi visicis tise sabsqueut'*Wtoe le isase4.' 5v iseBcssîtfCegoïï -Scisool Traits tees la u'espect e' enion et lb. Gremu sud c'emt du* oisooia, hig ho report- ?Iis tluYbyiAvsad-aconteneue.vit bIumir.batel Essîvoot, aeid, 'Cia:i bilâg a coumîstte apoluteti iy the Boar ut (irammar Soisool Treatoos for the ii punpoie as youremusittan, sud tisai mahjoi coultenetise folioviug prupc aitions mono adoptoti by bots comniiles Tisejeint cOmntitte tisinis sucS uniei is dosinabi, fëtorîsa oilovung rosions : 1. T1, vouiti lusune a rusgulariy ongan izeti syssens o! mclooia, gradustet frin ti eleoeutany toe seiighist gramman scies deparîmeul, sud., place att Ise disposaIiô all ai'assé-sthe measfa tabenaid ucatiei in aIl,,efntisî isrsises et lessaiug., î 1. !'I'ise pniîci pie o! "diviniou e! laor' cousit bc more fulil applîcti b> giv ný greator tacilîties ftbo eclassification s tisa pupila. 111. Il veulti permit tie organiasuion o a more regular sysîcus of exaoir'stion tI rsulit in promotion trous one divi.siosn t anotisen, snd 15'usa sUen t orsugistestec tise qualificationuan d asili ofetuais leacsci ni weli aisutftthe diligence anti progneasc tise î'uî'ili ansuturfis a isealtis>'stinis les for a goetrons eniulation amess;i IV. Tise uisdoa rsitousit, front il uncreaiet numbens andi social peositotn te cou solidate anti give o 5e 10 lb. adi cational intereate o!flise tosuvisic it ilà tise opinues o! tise joint cousmitîco voeud ver>' ueisatiancetise csaus etofeducaîon amoug ns. V. Tic benedis-o! o graosman acisoo etucation vould b. eztudedtu a slanger uumbsr et ptspils, sud, iacitentally, ts souit oucreasi eut sbare 9 o! ie vru meut Orant. VI. Anti lasti>', il is tise opinion o! ils [joint conimittce isat àt iouid-bh o tero expeneivo te lb. lova te aupport ailtthe echeeli undeir diejoint masogeuseal lbion, us a i Sts gimumar sud cammue sseeola upen ihoin pnsaout, footing. IVa soulîtiniuicate ilse follosisg as an «chline et tis etucîbSest coiculatedtu carry oct borne ofthtie details efthtie pro, poseti union. lot. Tisaitisae senior, on tutus book pu. puls2a! tisefHeury'sud Autos-on atmet scsos uin ihuir option, tises cf tise John shucl choci, chilfoteritise lovosi division et tise gramm a cieol, sud tu quali>' tseisfor suais iosidtie tse' hal slnd>' tie eleusents et' Latin sud Frencht, tsegist vits especial retene te li deri. ration anti Structure et lis Lugliis lauge- ' 2cid. Tisat a rate-bilIsliWle b evieti upon thse pupils *quai in ameonst aI eut, te -Is eu eset preecut izeuliytettfii db> lie grammar scisool Imustees, Ibo qpistion ofthi appmtrlimseol of'. aaià W e i left to iitlhe tlore s. jeni Ioard. Std. 1>as tise Priseipal o!tise uniteti ieisoels ialitrbae tise essral septiviaioss of tise Toswnascls, »dtprovision shah te nsado'for lie tsacislg tltise gramusar school pspia 1visile iistise sah lbe lin fe VuS 1o0.! 'Os olles orMr. Fraser, 'ueeonUe by Dr. Clark, 1 aIf srnmetiat ts Ise Mar aud <irommon sclsoo!h m ter* O tise love of Wii bh, sud tise sa= art ?Lmi isy saited, i. puuof et lsiseols4 et, tpporCn Cssts. tu usatits - Ou s.@it pfMnThisvise, sooopMtb>' Pr. Clark, G IL Dsrtseil, Fe4q., vas eWpt,. t ebAinm er tisa United JBoaird,for lse' turrenCt jeu. etrmt~ e M sr. ftsrtneîi britl efi>' ta6a o lihe ner cnteresl pon lir, mand tbol Whi, geas ob&a so! ie Unite owt&sa On motiou et Mr. Wihmo, seonidd b> Mr. lgseoocd, Mr. Janm'Draper, vau appoîntet seesvaiy efthie United Bfoard, &Aent A43fqagapçfle sOn motion of Mfr. Fraser#"mecOnde4 1»'Mr,. Wili)D, Gunusi and J. 1 Latuy4t F.Urolpenite 1 Jinlperiil Parslu.0t.g the Aaa Reay ouoed b eîtegÎýî, ti io Imperisl Parlirnaent vau epeued by ti au QUtini ii 1.505OnitheitS ê iue. Th Stîis Leundon nf describiug lthe ceremonj Kt. Mis5: 4. fler Majesiy vas sfleinait ,,lfn rit. ing, end vslked t*itb slow stipe b il '11 Ibtrone, foRocwed by thse greït ofticersc >i~atae-Ise atqisof -'usdowneiseu: 01 tiIItOI! *0fl . Otlaetion; hu p~Auli ho1lig tisa sword o t4; te ois f Witiébostr, snpporing tise cai th of Écainteuance, aud sevoral otiser noble oh' performing hheir appointed Iu**Êouu. Bu ej Majuatystopped for a instant a thé foc ,on of lbthe te is ile bauhýdwith lthe Prip cestfw alea, ýwho, lu Commuou itis tb 1wbele assemblage, b.ditin on ber en idtrancs. Tise Queeu wor aý black-so-m said a deep p"rle-vlves robe, îieli Swbetber Il ver. purpie or bled, lookec o-' inteusely black in ise di lig it oe t bi ahb vwhite lace cap a las Marie, Stuart, te îbt b portraits of wici nufortauate ladythe bore int this attire a romarkable simii Iddu si ' round ber neck aise vers a dollar ni brillisetu, sud over ber breoit be bit ribaud of tb. Order Of lii. (after. Othe' oruamenls ah. bid itone, sud looked fà *this simple sud higisi> becomnu ceatume ou gever> inch a Qiseen,' anudfar 'Mmoepictu. re;ique.aud regal tb'n if mise bildvSu thea rylôbàtisat laid bec2me admedistaiseful to ber. Her bljasy wuaccompsuied bY oftheïr Ryl gnssci tise ?rinceu le. n lenuansd Léouis., sud b> liii Royal Rlb- uithebPriuce Chiristiau of I)euràirk, is o sîood astishe rigisi of the. brene ; the igtwo priucesses attired iu hait mournsg, gf like tiseir illustrious usoîher. To thse lerf or tise thrcue yen te Duscises of Wel- of lington, niietrcea ofthe >robes, theo [hles toof Atbolo, aud other ladies. Tise Prince t0 of Wales occopicd a chir ti tethse nigls uf o the lisione. bolsind bis royal aisters and hi: future- broîh.tr.iu law, sud vas scarcely Svisibleàanid thei blaze of bencty aroussJ U. liTise'Lord Chancelior hariug nôtillid tishe Qnieeuas desîre tisai ilo compssny abould tg me tins ir'sau, a message wu seut isy idtise Usiser of thse Black Rod, detirink thse c- atteudance of tise Speaker- and the Blouse idof Commsus -aItihebarcf tse Lords. Id During tise intervat îLo elapsed betweon tise sammoas of tise Gommons sud tise repli, ube Quesiisailtnt sud inoîlonlesa, vus bher îyt%.fsxed-upon lise ge'ond. se secmed te tale. u eeod of tise brifflant assemblagepucad er, but tb h slil Sabsorbed in melacisoly méditation. Even wien lise ommons aoW .i ettoler sielter, like a mod cf weciol boy, te thi bas', vils Spusiingeansuatrivinga uneemlylte vituosi amoug gentlemenu, but viih seecs 40 hi 0 ousidered auncaseutii part of tise day'. >performance, lier Majesty "oekno notice o! tihe interruption, sud never once lifted ber gaze frocs tise grocnd. siWisee siloeneati iseon riitor41, visn thse real1Paniamnof othie lBritish penele, tise gOvernîng power tisai isoldo tise parsel and it tise persetise asord--tsa rougis sud thse uoisy Conimous-never rocs-gs sd, noissj ccepi ou tItisoccasion, vis*p bd arrangements compel tiseus,in ajA.01 tser hitier nature, te, diîplay bhdst iuners -itd&ajutss*d tismookssraas vell sas bel could to tiesecanty accommodation afford- ed uiset, the Lord Chancelioe standing tu tise sigbî on lhe second atep from thse Thrcu., asuucue.d laI lier Majeaty had been graelocoly plessed tueMÃŽ"nss d.i le resd tise royal speech, wiie ho huid procoeedi t -d a- l .r . M4ee0fsvi v vords..Rits izdusip thisesadthe spleech wib g reatust ù if t ost isa t 1 bave r meess e te, your samansd mivice. 1 hi"bv renutly il«Lecred mi Sotmseu to. mariage boîvem daugistr Pria- <sa leus su"aPrince, Chriais ofSet Se. rn declivo o! importantl boneffîs Io bol I."llse diplomatie evontas el bhaveo curros Iu lie iisti etr.amaics, hisu Sduceti ue te provide at oeefor an fi li partial inua'ry, aud for thi duo îainteu suane. c! autisoril>' trg al inumiry1 'Yi appoiatiug a distingulfifed mllitary pliio as Governor sud coeeusmder o!tiie forci I- havlee pvenisba lise assistance: bc t vwo able sud le arue ti c ern issio aten , vI Of' viii nid iim in exausfuing ltomb 1horigii 39 qMaurej, sud creaacs-o i.v b utbreak), and tlise ueso adopteri in Il ïécurso"bf ils satpprossuot. Tise loiiîlsîeta 'P o! Jamaica bai propose t iaItishe preaei os politicai cô»aUtction'.oft ise îielassd sionl e'1 b eplaced'ý a besWfoflus ut geverumor ut A. bill mpou-Ibis sabjec i vibchisuimtté P- te jour canslderliou.' di "Papens on hoee occurrences viii i "laid befure yen. 8! di Papmr.s'ou tise promeut mate ôe! No "Z4&an iu i la iid before yýoti. d "I iuiv irciosfor tise relus te tisis ceuntry et theo pester portuon c Id MIregulai forces employei lit t iolouy le Ivaci vot it, iii etise prctiediug w vues are mtilil in progrema ln Britlis Norf Amenica, viii a vie« le a ciemer uniel susong tise provinces, sud I continus i M attacis greot importance Iote tisIolijet. !r "Ibave oiserved vitis great cencen ntise extensive provaleuce, durnug lise las e tov mouilus, o! a virulent distoîper amuný caiule un Great Bituin, sud'il is vitis dee rengrot, andi vlîh incone sympatis> for til suffèern, tisaI I bave learnedth ie souci y lases wviiil iaicansoti inusany ceuntiei anti districts. Tt 6h aaîltactory te kio lisat Irs.l'nd an I s considersisle pari e Seoîiusud arecai pt. free tr,î Ibis caiamily eud 1 trust tia by tise procautions an1 gosteti by exponionce, sud by- us, 11jint blsaiug ounlise meas icisarc novr bein, eniployei. iatunirter extension oit> noii ho annestati. "iTseeors wiiai liee been inde b' rtise lords etfas> Pnivy Council by vitueoi tise povers ucutetilna hem isy ias, viii s vies te prevout tise aproouling efthIis diu case, viii hi, laid beton. yen, sud yeut sttontion vilI bc callesi te tise oxpediency c! au aniendunt o! tise 1ev elu;ing tu a -subjoct so teeul>' aftifg lis, futresis of my5 people. ' S " rLfssit rus Homlieaor CÃ"Nis moxs: I1issue directcdti ttheboestimâtes o! lb. eusuing yesr aboli le laid before yon. Tisey bave iseen prepared vîtis a due regard le' eceneus>', and am ai tise same lime consiliterst wvustise mintendace of et<sciency ia tise pta4tii service. "'Tise conditioa ef trade la satisfaeory. a Mr i.ose iLD Q'GtvîoEs: À& cois. spi"s>, adverse alike o tisorigy, propar. îy and religion, sud diupprovefi sud con. desnned amuse hy a&l vie ane inerestet fa lhiut uateauace, vitbout distlieeto creeti or ci**%,- bas wîbappiy appearetinf friland. Tise constitution%! power et tise erdinery tribunals»isas been exerlti fer its repressioui, sud Ilie aliisontyCftise las bas iseoitfini>' sund iopartialiy vindicited. té A bui iib. abtuitted Iote ou (oqnd. et ou the report 41IbtiseRoyal Cer7mmsalua on tise suabject et capital punsaismeet> *ahicis I boare directed Ito bc laid befur. yen. ti ills vilI bcn laid before y o useui. ing andi cmnsoîd*tiig lie las nlaing te issnirmptey, sud for eoies' iapnoousmnt.eit Ise les. "Itis as iii atioe4bi simfte byen for sxîeadiq tise sysîcus o! public auidit te, brancbes o! teceipis 4Msdexpendttre siip it hem net bltierie reacseti, sud for ansai iug tbu Provigious 01fhlse ev ils respect' te certain clames or lgal pesalcns. "T our attention wil 10 calied te tise sobset o! Ib bisa akislas.b~ mosuQUr ," =tlntions betveen ,nembeof .1tise tiler. eutl religion ostemotscities inat eto leglilatioa. -mata 'i bave direCtOd Ih4t i0fcmaîion thomlti b. proceeiun refereaçe te the ightis cf *oting 9lu le atien' or nimbera ta serve- fa pantifausculfer conutien, cf tici and' idWisea bse iuor'aation-is comploes,' Niyen aI' Madel tcnteMnr. I ruau*ik, U01991 reltas à-te' hi# DU iplace -tise ontarfo eat ma ie Wlsithy' Mr. Ilsebtstoin goel, . t lis be t~is IHurOn housseah Port Wiibisyt 1Er. Tei, on bth. 19 terdale goot te the (rani Iruui, isicis cation ani M.: Prnuglo leues te take.op bis&-quartons iii ig bel Woen's, Osisava. W. visilgood lis kte aou. aIl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A bierovemus u e]is Is rday -ulist. lita lise 9eueen'a. An laves d~iigin ofethe fine 1s- "an !et ment lisbo )ths On motion of Mur. Si ncair, secended lsy Ms' Smti,'te lerk *v a îsioÉlod 'le ~.procsure tise prinîing ni 50s copies -o! lise in- Atiditomsrenoe. nt uband bsill forin, tordis. 'Mn. Smuiths seconded it,7Mr. Ç!adili.> me. vos cWtisaIGeo 1e Tisornon, Esq., ex-Tres. b7stîrer -of tise Zevnsip et Scott, 1.7 over or ail tmoneys, books, documents, accounts,ý es. notes, or otIter musster or thlng seId bY, et bim- as Triasurer of saiti Township et bo Scott, te James Meek, Esq.,- Treasmirer of Scott, sud tisaI a copy oethIis resolution abe presentetito, 1fr, Thompso, for tisaI ie Oumotion o! Mn.. ýSmeilt lise oe lft ir tise chair for une heur. Counail reusetie nI, tise renve in tise chair. id Mnr. Smith secondeti by Mn. Sinclair, IL moves ton hasve te inîroduce a By.bsw te ed repeal ali By.lavs lu -lu iqTownshsip, îo. latin g te Rond Boots, sud, te f urusnove Risad Rfenta; cusmbeyiug tise samne iluoe bc gênerai By.law, lbave granlcd, tise By-lav. vuasitbroughtin luand. rend, tise-final v lime, su a .d on motion oftMr.,Smith;* second. cd by'Ms'. Sinclair, thseOCouncil voent Inte 'a, aumsuittes etofthe visula theron, Mn. Iesw. OeUd Inlise clisir.- Ou motion cf ,1Mr. Siitti, tise couucii a.' 105, roported progross, "and asked boavoi P t'O ait again. bh Idouet by Mr. Sinclair, seaonded b1Mn.1 )n Madili;tise council adjosîrnoti te i 0 o dlock te a.sM., on Saîurday, lise 8rd ut Marais, it ItepIy'-ot Baud. J. D'Arcy Cayley to ïg Ba.Dr. Cumung's letter. leTe the Editor q.f the IWliby Olironicle. re - e-Attenreadint' in your inipros. t >f sion et lait veek, s leitor vnfîten le tise YLnoudu7Vlmes iy îtho 11ev. Dr. Cummng, i ; 1picteredti lemyseif >nu editying iseld le before your editorial sacuant, a dopuas.0 g ion -a "nunuber et iuierest ed ubscri bers"y-i w knuukekîcageni> aI4ltho door. sud eanouaIî, ]y "lselicitiag" tiseinsertion et a iotter, i ,y vih coulafusso mac>' #sensible remank,.' s'leally, Sfir, unIes. yen vish te 50teh Chanci et Eugiaud ttteing to ion fulli, eu sut net silos lise earnost aolieiîeîiuu p no! aup nunier ut iutenesîed aubscnibers le <ï y provafi se far maste ales mens lu îhrow t a rucis dangerous shelia mb a truendly camp ý ,r îisey mugit bout ndal dcatter consteruationup around. liowever, it vwu inteudefi donlit. al louiniua tnindi>' spiri-, ado1sud itae il , aheping thaï tise reseIt msylbe te increau 'hi anti renden permanent tisai fniendi> feeling i vbiei existal betveen Iso ebrialian bodies. ti It vou!d i ertainil Se a gntgain If wvoi gsould &as ne ste tise bout mode of pen. 01 f ienmiag Divine service. To tsend 1Jut convu isa tyour subieribers hati beau eo le îl 'ut.reted' andi alloeet us ho soefrt, di tise vcak s1Ide,'o! exbemperanuis publie th - seaip, shîcis Dr. Cusmusmaya he t Time s"given vils greal force.." W.Sb abouldti isn havi been S etter prepaned bj te isear; tise Bey. Dr. a"y 'audi uliorant i eparlem,-anud don't tisrov itoues." MRos. t even, ho admis "tse detoctas" incident le jextimporaneons, public evle-( eui tise7 must have beon forcibty pointed iot,) dc but-cdaims tbim:advautaie for it, tisaI tisoenf is inu It s poser e! adaptatîion 10te evani. ou sormwsan sd van ansd palîin, sud w troubles, cf.iturmitl.- la8 :iss su&aivan. in sageo? Can publie proyer euter, as privai to prayer dpu sô the vanli sud feings o! Pa oaci individusal ? Mal ILnot confiné de iisute lsosoe genorsi unode isics uireat '4 tise whoes engregatioss?7 Willns oee , individuel prsylag trous bisevu nheurt Si de, iîkel> te put tooc ofsais 1 iuet i ss bi$ ce prayer, or tee mueciof. tise individsiale 00 lus vhum be soY Se intoroatéd t thîe'uso'or moisi, te'ltie eûIuîsioa o!flthe rost ? W. "Oh, miaain> isterefoeo, tlise 50 r.4sgtem. the lsorsseonS payer - la epaite. of hiiug ec a.iapted s. I dllsldui- e« ita teo brga c i tioslià' Sefiet, nist W a'dvont'sg, e a regardsthse iole oa, or." ~sgs advausa-o iu social o- fauily pray.r; but gin sureiy mot inîlW"w-ïreat, cou- tole., lin Tise'Dtr. siy-i liuseif fistise uory utxsen. mi& len, '"e-commet vanta, aud voes, sud'lait troesîi ofismanity ore fléeti qualiea "' spi Rzsc:ly. Thse uory argument visichi e orge, vl fer tW Sa sot. ffusrgy. If lie>' are "qi. des e<i-,qWaisios" wbyobornid tise> b. expressed oci "raly resuiit.elf ifa repetitioni. Ol "servesa peros rckt4 by excicaini "bodily pain, orsà person"setrock wiîl i th "lnevi et some dresdfal eslauity, or! .'. poison labcsuring nder îome cultinj Iangus fs o uI, and yeon viii alway "Bnd bim bresking ont into ejaculationi Siusploting- from God support. mercy,-ant "relief ovin sud over again, uttering lbh ainue prayen in tise same words. Dic neot Our Sarinur vic i rydS more earuesîlyy" 557 tirceelimes ovOi ýthî same verdi ? -But vo are tbld tisati extemporanooni prayer lise desso! tis people are preseutcd j il l hiser "f utrinait freîbuesa" iataubieie.-thieei un thii phrase I1b. minister vas praying in' lise cengregaîlen, bis litlp.b9Y voil ci afterà aa s aid tle lis .itroïier' "had Papa got downte îisnf.raulites y>1?" "ei uo, ho fi nol near tisere yet," -4Pius vais. me up wvin Pa iiiibs, lot owns foi thse lerslites."' Por littie fsllov i, intrlit aie frekssesa I Coloridgeïisys,"-1 1nover distinctly euIt tis evoiely supeori io .is prayersl ie 8lss1 iury,~il Lad attended some is u n tise country parla of Scotlsud." Daut tison, Coleidge vas an, Engliss, "d ef course proju- dicnd. To arriveantishe true character or eXîcusporaneous prayons, vo muet know visai eus'bretisien oethtie varinaes dOeilti- natio -no say. I eoul&i carcely e nunienale the fnniut o!fvisieh h sy complain ; long praYers, tisat tire ont tiso spiuit et devotin, duil prayors, tisat are a weariness te tise fieqis- enipt' prayen, tisatIcare ont ussuy liâgasistal ougiîte b.hoprssved for ;parti- tulan, prayers, tis ttmentioni oeeytiug srsden beaven ; famuliar pisycni, Ihat ad- lesqtÉ tieAlmigsl> vithis loveront ferma of speech ; pnisyers. Ibislisnpnrt pinces o! information to tise. Tirocaetofgise, reail> ;utended for tise congregstion below; prescbussg prayers, "l equentle prayers8, visoso really-int- uded destinttuion is tise améu f doed prayers, vIt oéui-t-fpace' ornaninnts and figures o! speechs; mets,- pisysicai and doctrinal prayers, that drusv suer-tino distiuntinag site tise'exact une. tune o! loiseec prayed for, aadtho exact wanI it is deuired 10 niet ;cosslres'riiial urayens, Seviwng toc muhisret ti engitier'i shoe in tise polemicaefthtie day, political Frayera, tisat vould cenipel you le prny for is -perty, visoîher yen like fiton not. Io I a thinunkuovafor a sisole onge don te sit dovu in a sîste of fatigue, *ait- ang siti suxiosti impatience for lise, close- of thse exlcmperaueona prayer f and theu t tise close of tieservenice, te lamnent -te 'sois 'etiser tise extreme tediopsuesand lioua îisey bad previenliy toitý? il s bhing unkuove for a chrisîsan 10 dencunce th prayer et bis pester ;et 'ocne lime isoeked by iii inspropriety, sud aI onothir t>- ils asperity?7 And ail tia, vithout moglining il W bhave been u'is crusprayor, the prayer viicis hoie co nnten-u e > ii 'resenco, ansd un vih ho publiciy protees- ed te unité, by rising op lanlise attitude ef [Ovation. And i. -tisaI mode. o! conduct- rsg tise service te ha prefurned by Wbeve, risicis expoes tiseu10 1tIspreýdicamnt; risicis uakes tisou for tisa tume pnisiuov tintrunients in lise usutis o!one mausansd La tbe oycet-asout forvorsily ùeugsged. In petitios, viics front tiuvery seuls tisey Jeeist- ow vise dons net isee tisattise Mre tes'O ail hie-laise use of a lilnrgy wiici may not onl seotise conely sud eout, sud preper. offeriug e! vorsisip on sois parlianier occasion, but aIse te bc tise Mitant sund perpottiss gcieraud m:uld. u t lise taibes ô! aIlise mambers ofthtie e buefts.,l~.ouîs'liglous, but intel- eîimdi,.wics n'- lwv-4st ,on' bIso whso bbitumtiy Que Ii7 Thei elevat- ,irivreuce, anud goberig orQxtrava_î gWScehe guarding agaiust voaninos u wd ftng op on vingu. ef prisai154tt rrem.- isi, simple,- jet fulii'of meaulègýth le koguoge noble. sud. majeq4ic,-, fui[-Othtie1 Pwtt et scs'Iplure,'anl.. dri trous "i.e ,lse of. Enaiish udeflued ;11tise 'fe m a esonded le us trou tise ifrit à535'o t. none exista. Whon Dr. LWi',uusgil. U. ed litnrgy shuli become ascurrout .in lise ïý. SSottifl; louàtas au r' bymuodyiq in ig tihe Englisis Cissrois, Dr. Oîsqming rns>. Sdér lil~n'îrusl..At present' thora =n le "Io parllellsm lrw euted bet *w a no,, 9existent ltr;,andi an existentihymune. g9 dy. 's But Dr. -Cumusing tisis. -1 Ta even aà "o lturgy porfect 1,Tisave huard th .>t4 id reati sowretchodly sand coldy, tla- le "býa ve tot al d votion petriy." Tisi- is id, strange reasoning! Tise lilirgyje iAmpur. le ete becauso Lise man road'-il badlf Tite. e-po'r tfous otcriptnresrend -wereai~o i- le perfeecttison,,und et ne bencfit tetise in boarer 1 I.cannot realize tise ides o!f le pions uissndevotion. petrifying, because ec o! tiseminister's Isck ot devotilon. Tisere ta must bu a littié mistalce bore. 1 imagine Dr.-Clummningla more pions lia i ogcal 9 Stil, itho devotion etfaàvisolo congrega. P lion,- ises dependent on the apiritnaf stnto 5o! one mnwossld> It not b. far Sbetter for lim:a to llýald- thedevotios ofettise p le iu s ^tise bout-*sycrs tisat have evor.beep Ceun. ýeost 'Wpi1iilc xorship. since tise chnis Inucma-m iî.se gpend 'olticollects, rwisicit, 'as. Lord Macaulay saii, , bave r"sothd thsagricfse '«('40 generatiorsu f 'qcini*ais " visicis idressi- the -Most Higis,,witi s uçis adoriug awe, sud lutter yman'"'-uodawith suais profotinti pý athos,' ayet, 'mutis imaiscalte.uesiy-ustin "illeaueaedoor, Mas ar Great Chunais i>eél nys, vils tise "fonaeuulkuochiulâï. never dilitti, never drnswling, neyer iii- arranget, .neyer s provocation to listîgas- lieus; whiah adapticiîtemacvea "withi mur. "voions lexiuilty,1alltise difféent " lconditionsfethlie isusmat pirit." But wisy should i praise a liturwy, wliicit-1 hope te useto nsy'dyiung heuir? LotlDr. Cssminrg'iimself speni-e Iissl nè1ven "!forgott isew llsriliing I fuît one clatis. in "tse E-'sgl4h I ltuigysr m tir teurlg "in Epicopal ,Cîsuri, ,.is-pevisupa tIs "flucat-sunteusce, andth iesweeet î,raY>-n "in tis ansguage: '""In ail limaet r "tribulation, lut ail tinte of otrw' "in tIse hour of destis. andInlutise day o "Sjllsdgmeut god Lord deliver uà." -"Let ýDr. B3srnesaise, eanotîser ivel ,-kuowu Preubyterin Iivine, spoak, "We iste ualways tîsougist ltaI tisera are Chrnistian uhearté unidtuinds, tisaI wosld flustimore "1edflcsutiou tis te fcsmg- o! vorusip, sus "ltise Epis<opni Cisurus, that-n luny "other. W. ihave neyer doublcd tisaI. Iluminy ot tIse purout flais o! devotigu, "itIat risc frein eals, seond rous ,the "'alars outhtIe Epi>tcopal Cisurcis, and tat -" rny eof the, poret 1- pirits Ibat the "earth coutaisus, uuiisler athiose altunt, "or breatisu forth thisir pray.trs snd "praines, is lanuago cunsecrated by the "use of picty for-centuries." lVhe -.New-YgÃŽrk Christian Ottserier,' (Disîcis R.fornietChurcs,) gays, liuer épinit stirring. Iijttrgy, andi a mcrupulous "stiberèncete iI,-iave,-under,, Geti, -pro- "senved, ber integrity beyond any deneusi- "nation uf Chituinns, since Ite Reforma- 6 "lion." Dr. Dodd.nidge, anotiser Presby- tarian Divine, says. "Theisugutage-lesun "platin,'as te Se bovel te tise capusait> of "ltbr menctir, and ýet 1e..en.Se s3 su 6>obie. as te raise to, tise apacity of lie Itigisest." Dr. Clarke, tisegreat SMothu'- disst Comnme.tator, declares our litssrgy te ho "lsuporior 'teery ling ofthtie ,i.sd "prodt I, cithter i.y anci'sst or modem "ianeyerai o tise prayeraai.svices of whiaistr n u sc frusu tise liraste "o! Cisristianity." li-e esys egafu, 1",ise litusrgy us altuosit univerisaliy culuei, bjy tise duvout iul pions-, o! êvery denou'isua- tien, andi next tu. lie traslitten ofthlie Saniptures fie tiste Englisis Isuguage, la ltae greuteai effort o e . Jefu'nati<rn. As a tersa o! devoatin it bs nO ut~ al inusy part of the'tîs.nees5 lt..tu..4,A (,cl ripai aut hi sis: veek's ie Jel>' tiseTell et ontr dersea des tisa Isis O misiLifi eavon. Whoe tisings for »au> et tise tsaioa [ 1

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