Whitby Chronicle, 8 Mar 1866, p. 3

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oc- the SUipS81Q OF TRS HABEAS COÉ. PUS IN IREL&NDX 1.iaI oMareh .iT h# 8,.Aè4, ftOm D Ltarrpool ounlthe 17th, via (seeIuaicva otil the 18th, lise rrived, wibh- for deya' itr Tb@ Kaffga"t10 anudPcnnqiva*da âw viWden ltae I5th, Ibo i(bernikn &qanti Glaspg on the. 171h, andt he Jtoa on a the l8th.ï Cotton, ou Strday, wu sbrMer,, btE an>banged; salea 1c0. Wul.. fl>gd4] ,îtuffa quiet, but laîandy. Provision. alealY xc4n lisBaon anti Lardi*Iaicb wçre bi8er. 1)e talla ar the Airi'ascommercial neya te- jlcft'àant fte 6ih d & 58 on limai, ind àdeclne onSfacon and Lat&. Cou 0,18, 87 & a 87; ; 5.2te'», , 68. Tihe bullau- lu the. blük ef Rugiaut là,d lucreaaad £239,00. The loyal 8assat ut sbeen giffh te iii. bill ospentiltt;the writ eti habeas corpus in lrelSlld, u lpwartia of 100 artesta verosmateienl D)ublin on tI>. Udt i amoug aubers, Col.. Johne William IByron, eoftihe Faderai amny. biauy more arreata 'vers expecied te laite plac". h vwai reportet i bat tae Etperor of Atitria haWexpreaaemsa ti a tgnaau l furnish ta ithe EmpaerrMaiimlliuan au troopéa ta-bismight reqfire, on condition %itt ey 'vere tucorporated tata te Maxi. Cao armny, and iheir axpenaca Paid. Diplomatie relaiotia ad entitely «ei betwaam Louja suid tim PapalCourt. Tihe urgent baiîte lu the. passge of the 13111 repuiatling thie Aaec corpus lu Ire. liqnd vias owiug Ltthie reported departure ai Fenian privateazi roi m /sniçi, thie aîary applying by Daime atte Steamer Cuba-, uvrouing haeten Baltimore sud New Oreans. [Novu.--The tary ia kuawu iu New York taa shQx.l, Termiwiatiow ir te Reesps'ocity Treaty The Secretary ai the Trsssery iaq jost -Ismuei theole itwing'ireular ta Cauectors oi custems aud oiers iu relation 'ta Ibe tareiioatiou of lb. l(aciprocity Treatyt -Tîeaaary D-'psrtneut. Marel 1, 1866. PoBet'gcuree0lme11 ixemmarl, Iir rs seorninon0iq(lnt.or .?tail niae s ilurotl 0 eh îug pf let la liwaaary, .and &iay caui Wb Ont 010 o t eln. yJl9hbox cOtlalp lilecla Fr1 ryO atnt 0?oyou t e %il 16 et %0 ~a tir %ORi ed. IL- foul1î4ruetloue, end a Pamtphlet 0 aeat on th.e rrata ci youth tito causquanos snu e wo is; fo l aisraqelridfor atco. Addreaa Dx.J. BarÂ(e, oualug Yale e, 0. BOX5097. 449 Brcadway, Nlew Ycek.ý Ilealors 0eau ha aupplied hy »etia, Barueg & Co., W helesalo Ageliti, 1erXYork. MORlE VALUABE TUAN -GOLD: sighlîii-ageution, Cleanse Ste Stomuc l-idt lolthinKore itew lire lm the del-iIliste4 anti reosi hidk te perfect ealil i Try tbem t th.èy ôilly oog 25 oftiti, auit Ily(u otîtioôt get ilivis ot vniirdrugirti. uise mîuutie Ici D J. lIiY AN, Cousultiig l'là îyolisi,. 442 Brit-îl way, 1'. t>. 13ox, 5071j, aua tla.y will hoe sent by retiaru orfutail. Peclers suj.plied lý' Demne arnes &~CO., Whioloale Ag.&t», New York. TO LADIMS. IF y,,,%eIlr a rliabte reuînly lu retasam us . iAiotiFnsa att arisa. 'rhay am safoAtd s.atî md 'vilI vai-Icr nature luin cy oe. 'lcy artata.0o ait'.t- out in il tt esof W*àkes, Wlîtea, Pro usu, lc. a l1411Dose. e0outaiîlig60v111h, -at-eutfer Dit. iViVEYS Prtvaie munadFet oulvi-tr, adulrased -tg icoielem ;100 pitatU gf- lsng toiti luarueîtctîs, 10 cni r-ui.4-e 5iuitiga. ifyonuisitit ptorelslie il la ici yotîr Jritîgglst, lite>' 'v4t hont 1, tmal. su- era fronabuArvitîtt(n, oi recel ,of l000 Pet- tar, by De.J. flttAS, <onanlli re P'itseeail, Il. 0. Bx, SM.$- 44 2 lîruad wav, Neîw Yorke, Deaer- tsiplid y Jeutilaaerna & Ce., V.'iîoic4aae Agcuiis, New ork. 20.iy TO CONSUMPTVES. T iteln lua fiww 'etles lv a ty sîtuple remnsdy, sft4e bhavtn suifoeaitor aeverityelérs wihsauere ung -eitacion, sidtîltst iii cd difime.î,, ttsn îat-seuitas euake eliown la hi& atwsaHrrsUai~, t Toe Irewllbiut ie It, hofilend ca rge>VWof the IRscipraciiy Tretîy bcîweeu tle Unite leietîî1 Irertit ins qfor tirersit an md uutîg lto Stes sait ber Bittanie mat,iîpraelitnM. fsiate, 'viBet he). vi Ififl a *rcs crias for lu ~ rirrtS Acriuwî, lsoxumn, Cst,îts, ou0 a th11th ai Siplember, 1854, 'vil x-to'lm,., ant l Titxbstand ListAffcttue. Pire an the lîth inst. lu ibm absence af The otly otjî-cto<f île adrertiscrilu sutlnr auj istruction na t mtbusDepm-mt.tuta end "i ürmatiti îiclie ocl at ' the contriry, yau iii pleaee causitier teIi. tralushlo, attdthoilotpea every anirerer 'vîli acterai taît ie nov lu force. as our try hi& aretaedy, uM It willlcot tIemnttl4ng, guatto l tii asaasmul aticllecion ansd iaay pruve s blerging. guid in he aoeuuï.-tlMdnrtltcsD Ofthîe presoriptias, rata, by diecanauaujgouda, tiares and merchan- reternutinsl, 'vi!l pIeuta addra*. dise impiorteti oa and star ltahe lt ai. . tai'. EDWAiRI)A. WILSON, io te tRaUnitedt States irocutn thIBritish t-Iy WilUaanstaurglaý-, lugA C(..New Yarkt. Provinces. kt sncb pnrtea u are 'ithaus aPraisera, andi 'vue the ruvswusbiliij ai ERRORS 0rF YOUTU. appraisiug ithe value sud determîing the- classificalion oai aadse vares, U& st eî AOintl rirnn ii'lo sairci fur lea" ro tnt u 11.Neruaus Deility, I'rounature sit »arcy upan cOllatOt'. ai cetomat, ilheulmo8s at ail tîe it--ci uof youthfitbludigeretion, catri abould las cxercised. lu determliu*tg - VilI for ilý-q FaIe of t i-iig hiniîy, .&P-1 tIc vlua a auj eoit, wanskc. im rle ta aii'hnh u iî ll Re racipe ptia dit-eciili th(vale f ay god, wr«,c. imo- for tnkigthte .iiple reniedy l.y wicihli rdoi iraru aaqf tle Britiasb Provinces, il is wss cnt-id. attzaterîsw:sîlnto taprAft tlite cotbpetetit for the appraiser, or aay one sdi'eitttsr's eXperieticoeti ude gu by atidrees acting aappraisar, Ita taethe lactue 4g, ilN B. t>GDF.N, market valua in the prluci;ial cilles ai- 6-îy 14. 1 s t'tianibcrs Si., New York, ciller if île pravinacesofaGret .Brtain. (Sig ticd,) Il. mvCt.on, LOCKWOD, & Coq secreiharyaifithe Trcaury. -IIAN i<ERq, - No. 94 Uruedway, Nctt. York. FA PSI' .IREVPT UM MU NIO'Itlý"w-A wLtt),an thg zluant., D1JeALid' A I t t#ý etYrktrW, IIAE- tle wvtiî uiofChatrtes Nourne, Eaq., aiafamIC.t-V'0ttAliin 4m -itt11. ii lu til '1eule daughter. ,is t«f au , e ulm'. ee ahefit ci ItI. l'attt- MAnIRiD. clr îl.tttt git4 tee, 'Ctt t)U u itt Chnrel, %Wèat Brade, an thea 27th ut., l)y the, Bt. Jamaes D. Gilison, lMr. Witardatu NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Lotts Sbire, ta Misa Mary Ana Speirsu, baîl of the township aifhinocit. 1 DED.-Un Chancery, ROBEI'uTS.-AI Whitiiy, -on tle .ltd î'îîSî7NT la ne ulerre cf the Cort ai inet.,quite soddenty and u5nuixpecteiaily, âer ip cliste t-y, mîde iu s cauise of àse aiv isy ttems, ChleteRoberts --E6q., merchant, aged 36ii eare. Decst, 'viteoCOU RTICE 17S. COURTICE. vasiltene aibusiss iuintàtauttl on Tie Creilionsci TItCIMAS COIIRTI F, taie jeartaago.e s mmber ai the lirol Hain- e t3 îttn âlleberta, and latherly, for tle lui TOWNSHIP OF PIG-KER1-NG iaw jaer, carrieti an business ou bise l o nIte accauiut, as grocer, seedamaihi &c.; ha 'vas aima Treaurer oaIboleCaotiy Agricultural COU NTY 0F O NTAI1 'Society of South Ontario. The. large 4 feneralcoertcpge vhlciaaccmatnsnied lis Whouîdidon tir ahot the 2nul I 'ntuary, AD" remainis to ileir lasi final restng ptace,the 1 mot are, on or beforethe tard 'dsai M Xardi Ilrshverin bria goon, u Modal1 o seti by pot, pre-ail. ta 'ilcLernîite Presjtera-nitersi roani, o Medaj 4iaame t H1etilo, thc Solitors of the lu,estsii te dziertedly iigh esalmen adcfaadrt, Mary Caurtic a dtuiuisirtrix41 'vhidh lu aslelti by as o euigliora tIti deacaei tbolir liellstuansusîrncmes auM"os"àdescriptions, titifulat iiri aud fieuits ai ail clama. r. Robertai ttiarcaiia aeneto tsi 'cut was inctnarnlsd, sud loft ino relatIves, VS niti atr fieseînthu ~fila itelleve, la ibisecaty.1' ttnir rluuefault itereof, île>' 'iii bc ____________peaMpterliiy!Xxcageimthel liboitt-of rui -NEW ADVERTISIENENTB. SPECIAL NOTICE- T(OU 1%plierai ilmetit for llor-ow, Catle. F '&,%welt amfor tie lumati F614hwe weuil* rvoCoiiinietid lrirg' l Iclc 1a$s-Que Of tRie very bust remeildias yoc ati *go. TRY ITu F Ori>litor C'ra AIn the ttntî or O F 13,jm.-lota 1oea affetions 1* roasllng Agen - IA~T S8ttzeroWur- Cany aiebsen qblllug wor-ma w. are aasiled tram exporî- Witby Masceta. Whitby, Xareir 7, 1846. sprlqg........ ...$6,61,12 Ca........ . 3Ot. %trys.......... ....1.68 Ape,. . .. .....40 a 5Me 30 er78$ do ]BE $GLIVE!' PUIBLIg AU' ntTIO Ati1 l olock'inoono FziîdAp.,, 123rd of Karohl 886 NESSeS. WAKEFIELD & CO&TEJ- --KI.NG eTltEE, TOtRONTO, roider s avr oi sale ln a mang fr valuable V!Olutin ear Ievartan, eeoe .4 fat e,îy oirb yMr. Jame , eswîî, bstg l s ..rtc lt utimbrtiirtaen, sud bralk4u lot nubrerau lu &x ts evethconcesaîcu ai te Towý'nIiip fThorOhl Coitanlilîig about IYa sQens. tue grcnýter1p!Icio or wvilil.a lenred mnd îtiti ct'ton. Maitre are% ite gteiits a srick dewelig lîcue, utl ais4eot b mliîa tiale alor TER148 0IP IALE. £300 cwplt), th ulmi.ee ln flve equal imnnl tueîulinestit, wltli iturémt nt Itle rate of steveu pr oLxnt par anini, -en tue aunrotiun Ullfd, to it>ecured by :nuoitgago ofi Uic proporty. Foi flitrie? partculart, upquire of ALEX. LEITL ta. Soliel4or, Ch*raëi IStreet, Toroito>., LandsforSale, T ItEElîotigalid aret or lnl!du for Sale, Ili Tvmrloue s Tuwuxltirîs of b'pper Caunda. chcay., sid on eal teris <f ,rsvîent. The 1 bove l1îid» M ated u titet TOWNSRIPFS 0F WHITY, li'Ieriedg, Renaît, Brochi, Tlborah, U:briîtges mare, Northima-lt, Ehl-, MsrI1.e.1orner- MONE~TOLEND. ooAt resonaible rates, au ait- $l q 00C00 $ clan ïty. lAy te, Or te C. C. N ELL ER,. oôlo Wih CARI). TR loK nderuigmd ditalra tato elint he iti- cere tatikata to it. ucy u i riidt Itreuctigu taîeh, forîtheutitiy Js4ni fai lstîwd to1àI ilt it lllm keepinu t It tstionce 01 ptîollc patruuagee t isi ouQu t-ri Whitby, nttoat4pso<f ehielt lc ie g*reemot and vilée l IlaaImeeuiaa'vIy fttrliJ>tui&aWti s,ovoted tîrcttbbu4Anisd wltereîsble, 'lsr, &Cî viii h te .upplîed 'villathe hast visudo ai * tquais an tcrttaerly. wltitby, march, 164. VALUATJLE io at a il t, <c ta Conrty>, li tot produce te sapie itefore tue, et My ciambcrs%, Byronu $reel, lu the TOWN0F -WIIITBY, on tIi- Sôth of KÂRCH, &A.D.,9 1866, At ton oClx, s. m., taclug ilste lime appalutati for adjadileatiag tapon hea s alim.' DittatheUicseveuti da afi Mtc, A. D., G. II. D"ITNISLL. m later. J. RIAMER Gï#l£ENWOODI O1L IN PICKEIIING!# rlolîIl PROPORE» IBROUGHAM rM&', W PECTINU 011' OMI'.NY, Wiitlîul4a PubicMeetting, On- Thuxwlay, Xroh l5th, 166 SAt six oMeoaie, p. m., lu the. VILGE 01? ZEO0UGRAX, l, the urpos,413or Ço explrnst$iis rnp4 Brn cg si t eed1*. i Cheap Coal OiL, -O LV" uPa talt'. At QEO. YULWSP REVEROUIE. ~t~wAPVETXSM E wfs i *1 a Farm & ý Lots1 FOR SALE. 1.1. BE 80>1.1) IY %VC"TIO'N AT 1fledcalfds Bote% bAhburn,1 TUESPAY, 27th Narch, 18(U 6 fli ftIal~ r.ltît. roprli' lleogtaîç tu NIr. JIAS. %WALKUL, Jr. 5U iru i. Jbî CLUI'IN r_ pjiap-vlIl wt-l i ottvi. gooti sabl , &o. titul flnoul s4tonacellttr.1 tgm'her 'îtti Upw"r - f i attsu e arc 1sof -t, ýe it stiteks4 'vittia large .t-lt>oraifr-uit tries&. Lot 2. !New ui'ellug bosse. fiy1t gmaa tchalr. &e , t Î~etlta.-rith nsarl>a y-qit" ai tand, al"o 'vell tfiekxcd uitb tni ofruil trees. Lot .,Uýmptieiiranc su parlur tlre cols cottig itt, y Sherry Enhie,btke ta o gc;dt in lu ctite sàstiperior hulii-to astve about ltiof AprIl, I good I'igtt 'vati, i est sallaharu.ss, 1 'utter, 1 ihl .lelb, anud vau"*es cer sr- ads. Uot 4L Tiie Wu"ab fna emposed off lic Middle iPsollmNo. gr' lu tue u ieitslat ift t wmitip of Wbitbjy cutaitilînashunt 435 acres-» «acrs eiered-tile reuitinder 'vlt 'vooded %viit lteoth metd X80. l'bero là a uieverill ttguaa ofvater tlrosih thes Isutl. Title iuisîtutall. TERM 0F -SALE. ?'Or lt% 1 ansd 2. oct-farthi cas'h 'viiluton dAma fram smis -,bxIai ce te b. seaure by' Mort- ltg0paalltlhre equaltaguliùal tualaltncîits Far lotS3.?7inontha credt î1t- iiiiîvea ian aIl sema ovor 48 -,utimer tiat autunt en-h. For lit 4, ne fînuy 'tIlt bu requîreti awa- Tarma w*1vii i ead- owu tMal. 864 te Commee t is oloIack ncom, L, FAIRBANKS Jr Uh.ap Coal 016' 5'o cmna pue pibn. "TAS MU.GEUWS WhIiby, Fth Match, 18%, 5% ~ la .4 2 New Arrivais a. MÂYILTON &C' Newv DrcssGoods-ç, iNew Ti New Pritîts, New Ci New Grey Cottotîs, New Ci NErtW CARPEIT$. 'Nveds, ,aSi M eres,.q loatings, I.& (tO. iv'li offer tbr thi s wèêek only3 the remnaijider of thieir Wiuîtcr Stock, w AT COST FOR CASHS1 AT No. i & 2 TILL'S BLOCK. rhitby. March 7, 1866. 9l Ti'emcndous Outrage 1 WILL, I WILL, I WILL OIJTSELL AIL OPPOSITION.1 84 J-IAVING AGAIN C0NTRAWTE1) FOW W0,000 Standard Fruit. Treeis, 200.006 Dwarf Fruit Trees, 150 000 Ornamental Tro, 100,000 Sbrubs of-ail kindsi 501000 choice well grown Grape jn ff0,000 Hledge Plants ot ail kinds. - 7'ogellher wit7â a Wyre quainity r, ol j, WaW1ýCreepers herba- ,eoua I Plnt, will elfor tue Lowet Lvn rcs -J. Il. . RUOGG AND AGENt S, and having a thorough.-prac- t7ical lI-owlestge of t-licNiiry business lu ail Its brastthes, wvarse enabled te select the .=,Ut vigorous sndbuliy Tracas ant Plante, 8lEGONI) Tf)NON. hislntcknece- *as> to sar aa rd in fayo*te eTricansdPlants- growu nil.theTaront- Normerlea I a'vn nojr isethIat Ai esol anti evryxbhibItlatn w1ete frua iit l*te b>eu loin hy vebe-awardeul diplonias Cagothe-t ili sn ptue&.?t e oi sliowp tîlthe ai lIon 'vhlcI they are growu la "I ls47pted for the gmwt'of O t0i55 but tla h aitls'Ill w hkh ey cultîtate ste thle boit tisat este b.produceetWtocisý climate. My patrons wilI please accepL iny kindest aud umosT lioary' tiiantta for ibeir tory libéral patresage dnrg t6put j, aniaasmotepuil il seicît twRatfuntiir. support. I 'viii raplin saltesda aaptgrowa> prittdet ibey bave beau properly suande t ta - aiMasSt espctfultl. whitby, Mftrvh FRANOC-ib K!LLIR, Ropreseùtfi.the f9lowig Ul-klowflCtpaiiei THE LIVEIgpooL,-ND LONXDON AND tItOBE, THE EDTNBtJRGH LIE Ë*AND I4AN ASSURA.NCE Co., QIJEEN CAPITA0?PO NLAD QENINSURANCE C4 ( Q0DON NLD] PWOVNCIA INURAN~ <J.0F ClAN-ADA,) BIETISH A4MEI$LC.ASSURANCE Ce., ýOF TORONTO,) WESTERN INSUR."OE COMPANY O0F ENGLAND.] ACCIDENTAL DEATH?ýINSURANÇE41Cà., [ENq4ND,] 1?I~w~wA ~ appl;<~ltW GLU We - publie g twcu wec, nrdi r nC To IVIt J/îlelul uîtif l #tiina nt.- i~O twalo'îl rtn.itliit ua soit <, ibtio Anetmt{ n t i. - t t ýi >ttl Court llius, itiIth'o Toývài YPiitliy,-ittli tll Cuqtuty of Otttui, atllthî riLct, tihIsuinnttîiei- ail4 um-eta sthoreati. seizeul 1b'I> (tner.- àp4b hX intas cf cirtain*Wrlit i' i~Att." vii : In ltae Couat>'Coîrt STEPIIEN x1. TIIOMAB, vs. è- Jaet 111dil, ~decanseul, *1tlîa tlmd ni Iii« doatit, ln ttd funds of Wiliianà Blir Adîîitis. trater ef al I n;t cîîîgîîlr -the gnou. chati-1t anîd eredit. lsr'wî- rJnines Blair, -Oecv. - cd, n I et Sie aOfîIL4 lbath wliîa lied init- tat, ta ou dittistetad , - Deeasaîs TVie intqrt lor .Jamies Uar, îttcemc, Iitheu u Soutîh-Iîai i lfo1Aet uila' wetylellte Firth tconcessionî of tia 'owiàhip of Vhirby. And VIII:tga Lut Notîber Qlue Iiîuuadrcd eîîd Bighlt.wa, on Wtiy'a laauc-ftlî Vilingé of Breoklil. Iu tha Court, af Commuon Planct,- Ihrè ltanti Davitlmon sud lViIl1tni 0r- ALSO AGENT FOR IFE P5iROaVICAL"s"' M-,itia LE T BILDING & SAVINGSj SOCIETY,[Traýto- 111 élasses of property insure ou, rcaso5iibiétorms. Almo, bMoncay Aand usntlantcertaina pariai or traiet )W* Real easite. Prospeotuselsua- d 'teTI'dfoimatio-n'givan frocly onofu îaî,,in. u tvon te TwxJiirait con- '. *Ait'a'gent for I'rovinci llTolgrs4 cpnepsiy. ribens foiloww -7conu nenci uff-a ç -rttaîi otl-Qf.t Pi" fettue 1Ra NCIS ]KELLER, Postmaiter, QîihaWa . 'W. «Whlty dud LikeHuron Ron, w'viira sal Rend lit crosscd 1,>'the ttividirii lie lutweesi ste Nati atud 8aaîtli-tîîaiLe L,1nber LIA III ia Et111twtr e nitî-elaie niti-f île 1V A TI U Norttî-lialt ut nnid *Lotlitace stalng tIti- ~A T O L E A IN G ~jJ.*j*tJ Nrth-ast ilde of saitI rt oiiatt-chali n eta hi L.L 5.4 A4 htrty-oîîa litki Ilttoa acertain creek -or pen taiu 'vater ; lience upon a oursey% Northfotnia - degrea, Ecatfon rteen chimins ndi'tyiat.iku., silora or lesti, tîttil it colicte the0 tteA 1nouitgli o riiae mtî ljùplnated ou tioî lino. iditjudaNortît fr". JLcatifegn th-belf of saald.Lo1t adîar be,,g to ino m oir ùàtm r and the, or leua. te Iio plac o-bogittiing on tteN.-orti- j ~ tje fr 'erntida of the Wltitby atîd Hurrni octi. reneralIy 4that we have commeflcu.au. vi E8N~ EN)f~ ~k ~l~~rthe whiole of our preîetý CI' L OT '1SuItI-f, c'. 0. '#--e t o" 0 r lienre-dà â--- --i mairsa a.leannP<s rennrnarv W.oc-t fl Wp offr__ err <C- $oirsa REÂADY-MADE CL-Ki14 0F . EVERY DESCRIPTION. da. Coata aaly 6-50, wartt do. Paite aaly 3 00, iworth do. 'Veste only I 90, woa-tlt 400yatrds, d0. --O 90, -watS 110yrspanoc nc ~intm ri tic. toov $1 ou. 4 00. 2 50. 1 15. N rtisOffTICE. Nwill ha inaiJrattltarluriinittofiCm'- àdu;t itliuet4asson, for 4n11Ait Of incar- pa*àyidt1tôta ent thaestatilisha'l nt Wht- a C«p.4a4,4or Ut)çt,?000. -- DatideaitlIbX;ila i ehrunrl', 1811. 100 plces grey sud whuto Cotions ai laestisait es ut 100 Bundlés ai Cot.ton Yarn $2 90 to $3 00. Wacii rcs G # l . Our Swok of General Groceries, are very op e n i L xot s5, lu uud Nort fi &t0cdia-goal,1 sold nt, vlolesale pricemi. 40 barraIs No. Il, Round Ilriinge oniy $& 6- ars Ouar terui8 are STIIICTLY CASII, and no cîedit. j NOTICE -Ail parties indebted to us are respectf Ily reqiiest- Liýqt 86, lu intNantit centro dlegaRi,u« <od t-o make immedinte payinent, otlerwiso ihai SCunýta w iI,.uplaced for "' -j ~~~~Tho fa1lleo are nusîutaicukven Lots, fcruil$ppetppalcluy GREAI C LEARIN G. SÂýLE 211Wý7stToo ~,vrPffi,,%1lN LOtI - Sa) Lb lîtta- ito. BO3OTS& THE~ 18 tQl 1e Lowes & Poi building on1 we ai down ln a st Wlaoloezle and eail Daver iý fry, 6Ç l . ri 710 , ti-4th AFRES-1,,E.EINe HAa Bavre ust r COIL 0OU WHOLI Z AT 777'7777ýrý"ý i.n»ýtheFieldg «Zeýj 1.1 l 1 P D, ,mir ta" Q DAWES. 1

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