Whitby Chronicle, 8 Mar 1866, p. 4

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Thiecoîadtion et lreliand. J W E L L E Y. I!MAS & CQ1LTHEARD'S At the inagtrui banquet of the tord J E E L E Y dy fDublin. on thlité IlOut., thé laland pariotie tos*oe ro rccived With gréai éuthesiasWb. The Lord Lieut- biuant, îlu reopondiùg te thé toust of big béaiest)., stid thiit dating the part yeaa - eiIbi lad somewhat diminiahed Ili ï2WMnedîj ad or.llnary and agrarian crime ~n ~/Yr te thé présent, been provideutiaily spaecd " ' - ' *cin Iboé uatle p1ague-. Thé golreroment M, IC.E aboe.lino fagséeé9H A êoÙ1â séareél' aècelit thé crodit which Lad jUatrt, ia 9.30, oa.m, fois iulir- bisou given thuru iu respect te maursriviluigraI thilattor pla. tt lt p. in. r uoiç mensurs - tleStatngofr Lil.day allaBeavertOUn. wbléh théy ha&-talcen of obvions iltiity. Bei' le G otornlng louves Mailia-.daiiy, nt q., a. M.,, On thée ther band the fett grettily indebt arrivinc fil Osaasin tirnit for evoning trains éd both te the MansionnIHonse Committee AT on G. T. IR., lRa tisd Wct%-F..ro rr tie IXtlaVi.i soflored by hsItttio oraqurgeriôtülntàc a Princo lbert . 74cntSna13, l îi Ma-Sottt A y' .n guInfo c nir oin fTor t é B1okfKT1p which Ladmrade a nost valuabh. report, G Il L TLY R1.EDUC EjD I"s ,.Iasrio.i I.o toN~ r and B sitEasS DU11=;r uprort n> oiithu'iulOllg l' on a great part of which ettotxhe bard î'îcS...r Jonvôyed t the cars n lat ato of charga. o n uIes a;terincu.]- talcén. With thé cattia diséase o - rnoar EparolÈblvaoel rtly Te... t.'Ind o li'.o c o r ih<iljath inr.4 r lT , a e .. ~ f I I t. a theru, Lowever, as Chîcuhire, preventivo VA CH SV'TiRVLUW. parcols ut hdessbkapn aifor lalfT HEo ? ' AC~TUA 'BueO eà ezertions couid net o t ion ot. Ittvini"5LAJAI AAA'pduo rha o1odaJpi o ua LgUaut~.2~ J glanérd ant the aiguis o? hope rxhibiîrd b> Al'>'-SÂT2 JOHNSTONI 10a -luthe ruost deMPlote arrangement cf iUs km.], 1bcbg f urnished wlLh tro IBANKS, a. thé manufitrturing ar;erpritiîofo? r. Watch Mrtkrr & Jëeller. RONIOS. MER0ITANT-S XMPORtUMf, and an EXOHANOF. OFFICE, which arn open évery day Whitwortb lu Droghieda, anti Mn. Malcom. Boc *., 'lt - . CALL AND SESÂNDY 1 ( rtétrnacino!Bsies sou and Mr. Toit iu tho aouth ot Irciatid, Fcl>rtury 4ti, 1'r.6 'ClasMes in. TELEGRÂPHLING every day-m PHONO- Ris Exceilency said thut itrir Loprs o? - lisetak-eti tae"lUrooktîu houari," liti progres led 1Vertuuncirttîly cionded. R R ,a eky mbcunit>' 0rri1e)Quoeu ailv rnmrt.tlîid jXe ohe rtni Iieifaeiuwi hitreugîh eogh 1cteerirvuoeatyiîjîr the flt ieui ndjîottoonve Lt aidel wili u olda- e-Fr othy(!ns 24 TOcmes fWHTNd r-, Odes(nTlosinC. W.p Araeica ofcherihrl eeli engs ilipla AI n.l.fesI.l rrrg1 4 LGe 0F $aii<i>'r o i 'tnuuîtelitn*in, ii 1acor agttiut thir formerrfeliow.cotintry. MAn nnli4t frithe forivfr uLe. ThOraFa (iu i otiii i. ain toril wit. itud î. 'Are.. tuîîd iia itudor gordALe a I and reviving el.] haire.] wlîich tlîoy Lad ' "'t Arr LEl Xînrrdiltei ci)niBokiu ca 3 I88 kil hope.] Ladlbrou burrid for ever. The -1- if tho tiot.dosiruhia reeiidoiicoo.tu thei<. iDc.2,80.5 govéruruent laed, udor Illea circumitattros, A~î~ <>î ~i T B IIO O K L1N . one plaini duy-to enfonce the la«. Tîîry Ajpitiont taho utade (if iiy latter, pré- would shrlulu frorn no meaunres uc'esaury GILBETT FFlC.1,85ON, Effq. o te titalutain theplice. ofthe crunnry ; lb y luîuîaî i-,}. Lad ample nuens nt theirn riposal for Or toi JAELS TN1ON, ths pulioe, nd heywoud ue toseMathewson, Rattoliffe & CoO bet without alarru, knowing that <Loy Lad H v u trcîe hi'F i tc fF l the support cf al L e respectiable dat g.îî(li c(i;Ad1'tuîuîu* k 'ofd IFrJ lit Ireiaud.-Throughoat Ifis speech. Lord <n 'ed .Suî.f.î JIîgathe" o antuf Wodehouie wau conotantly chcred.-The îf~i<îîyia CJ/'4', , oin0C e cka uni/Zfor- ant i itêr Goodfs, wliichli laviill)beflpurchased hefte iclt Chue? Seérétary, in rrsîîondîrtg te the toasu /1 t I ê tr ith IVE aier gub- a i eyare pîre eil toUs 911r at UNrILa..J3 N4i2JMILa of lis LelL, adverbe.] te the utnistaltable a-riliert' ncuts fuîr cîic~r qptise tendr- LL .IË évidences te Lé foue.] evcrywiiet-..of tî th i 3Iagaziîi. -v'SII-IIMEN prosperity o? tLe country, an.] intiniaieti COPIES 122Ele Farniilv Gro&rhesa lm stock of Boots %but white lhe govrrumenu wculd spar, ne pains le presenve oicecosud] order, on the "GI Wriutm nreWJ1.1. mur. atîd t li- and Shots-,ta»ûerior qualîty and clitip. other Lanit.] hwouid hlia îhrrduiv Ita ti l:'at. ltaoî,huifii I1' eitll atioîli; $1-AMa3or êuiul D 09' ailsources o? dîsa"Ffetioti, itn liticli ilry illut.tra..uoiL O H N G R A D ý lrould have the suipportt ef ui[ enrîkéanti of il cee neaduinug, r pcially, thoe whole l+-huNit'.lotoD D-ncf body o? thé Irlah elrrgy. iîtor 1iijvstý 'i .-. and ma<lô to order ors the srhortest, notice, ini rwotruiýN r -Thl~ e pur. ,- ~ the Latcst Styles. ticniars-o? a itîgithîrt * 1ni'rriit rirse lhure iitik1tI______________ juzt bren inrruîrtM t. lii i mliicli a vit S UN DA Y MAGAZINE, THE ROBSON HOUSE, Tlweceds, 8iatincts, Flanneils, Unions, &C., *heia rýthcr of ttroer chtin lll EilVTl.îiî iii, 1). . ilî r ifAil T'Ir'oTi -e, eo<LÂ%r'li thi tàr sTeiant-5kint u theof our own Mnfcue OI E1A11ArW1LS L witîiiictaa tjiri(ls,îhd oftii-u o res. Mr lr 1 r'.fi C. DUN1>Ali8TREET, WIITIYC.W )I'~ Franrih R .e.triek, th ue bandof olite WEithIuSO.îrpiti . LIAi.JiJ iromiti, is .:'ngugi'îl inthetua ttit' dri.viîig ertnt.thfI.'aet-î"'td- - MATIIEWSON, RArtOLIP'FË& Co. Evoans 'ath lii fat Wtiiu lw a . utu'eo has I3rtakMiu oct. 4, 1865. 30 1 T le, - t-k4i ti.hi t tilIilîîg f.rtt:îriv k'... n miti ofecacli othirr, ut Wricihviltg,etîîy AMeiiîfrîetrrt.idtentmr.Sijîr'u141 wtltl ir'îtté, of Lutu.ibten. Johnuiu lîdi, tee-ai>' dreoiver Lî.î ityA.î.t St.t' ~i. ' 'toa. laî, t tc r pti ii,î .hii wa ire.]i tnls. iw rSrik trtre-,. orSui t liI ik tIille i io It i'et1iI ei. iibl cii terîdîlue citabl, l iet moOd asi..]bruagteral I r.1 ire , L tol.i ' Salt r il ltc.îl iar Ii..i tit 1lVoti)fe nizi) 4cCl seftant. Iîl te abusineraof tle iltta- Ati4rie £00The 1 u'it«l)îtînthitA enL1 tlie Ielieteletll band celle.] hiiita t spittiost of lîk tirne :4r Eliit 'iti-rti li a~uu- Illîie tégts f r t x i s .l -nl iî: ' I- l Sava lîe' rîturuDo1;elr lris to tii',-, ofî o-o' i'edoo lr 0cr><i. reitg.- Ilenrai* per dis>. litrespent Consia>îliLIieof lité tiuttCinlufi '.1.tnt itiIillieu iî tt M sit. ter GEORGE .ROBISON. 4 ' ' ehuîItth e tewifou, intrti tirif atutelttiieg trnt, Mi-i du. IC'fu1r'irsewî uttnat iii uitewribîtirîa. or, luot Tu tic;týy------- V, M Ias ttemine, *hei %Ir. Evansu'îaitîlMne. s ___ ttik cei.iîii ît u i't ci urîi wiitn .~l.iîîG. C. CALDWELT. uSa.] of tlivt-p, thte guîy patir dcl lon - les-iing tis î(tn;iiîru ngetîter, ta c1týtîY *Z Photographie -Galery, VE £ERINARY SURGEON, * The chuilien-tiirt-e t, mrt iUtile býovs- OZ *oe iOl i, to rlied, irî l n riuti rarlacl fitil l! < ~ ~ '" ~ ~ ~ I~ - r.tkizel' u - i a-Iy tl o fitae 1t 1,i 1 of-lfl sriti o a a- Qu iti4l e i "t ti. ti u sirer IIdIg . $3,n04u10 C. hiti. (ho nlw ti sucai 1i1'",tI r it r. ie et'iiOi lit.btii i -O t,'t' ii o. (lié w-omtia,, îri tali br fattir, Mr. AM-Iei . i i i 6Mlii1ci îtuANDi O ii triui suto- utbi ivnsn", ot n.1 citt ité tn, 'i i e urhîuoiloir ecl 1p . r o tpari.d la-ii- .ow g ' c otiI I cn li tryri Pru et , t 'i 'in ttr!tu iti ite tiiosa ii-oir s, ~ affr t e .i1c i-h<iia 'i i joi, nîr tW ,i. r u 'iu thé ii î'iIotit uidri tes Llier-rtt GERGE CRMACK 9- in a <, il1 box lie.. o UuIi0O iii iiiiiî, l.r.îde' eOtîtI5taui 4iiernet tàt wu ittur ioiýt 11lIuIIIc e-Oie n fi->iial'th .1N0.1 A . F~lAsfulstiUdti]aic îhe eent us ?or otheiu unhe iiuyea;, (ilite lii. w*.iting routI a oel,;at'Cmrté ita GeQtail-unCQBMaCK, malitset$1b0ite î iilus,mewrrll - klerti o a CL-litrn s . iiafI w tilhe, fietN FH YOtt<lý 11LtTY itotit i i.ra tlod Vraoi, it tue Pi-ouL'ui ati, trelt aî ct l otot.]hsolot hn avr etnsv tWk etielaineuîioeed plurty.h. i 11h ittci~Avl na4deantu or Mo ohudiringàahoiea Couiutyofut Octane, S ioreby g vouithet mlii1 niud eth li tweuîeilre et os erl ta] Quarter t aoPe atc i ; W m l csl e i a tadou long WLlt isy, oofJ.u àmPrenaer. ut eeie mmense stock -of Freshi MUEDAYe- MARCH 13, 1s" WhuLhy, l7tis Jeu., 1860. Be ria1&CiiLo oa~~go 4t te lutr e? 12 'oiock udont, oet ilital ~m qmmva ;atîf orthé 1'euoe, cuir ir,Cortatbîs oüme m -RAISINS# uANTwSia £LZGiPRNS goW)tiniuiecaudigy F a rm o ta e ALMONDB, CANI)IED WRTONt. LEXON &~ ORANGEs IPEU Shnuf c o OR g4oÏe $lie àBei-qairte f]LN.1 Alre loofewly iruprovo UT o, &, Ziiut Wiitley. enutiulog 50 acres. Tinéré are MlBON DUE S.'i Pean C. Nouti5. ton nes oi FOI wîecî sowin. Thé p)mriureâ"~' W N ~ ~ l _ nheiia fio rc e*llwated ., liavingg aruwuing Ç w IlLO T1FE ÀWSTNG- - Llý0 Wlîiîby, heb. 14, t$iffl, td ubrongli fise latn.I --1 r oi, fulîboi prtielp, appy te OOKt1E,]BSTý-R )S-- - .c JOHN BIOWLE0, Oirthé jrçniibeb. P&TEBNTED 1805.- -O !yituI(tit < As tho deréauud forthue abové Pamouns4 T'a Wtt i AlitDCVurt f Aaalz and Niai l'ni,a, Q-é? ad Teriner, aud Qano- vsbe loAlrezgk0 thée Onty uof lnItniv, Mthe Cocit il ouse, l - £4in~t~~î so~ Stu (iô Di eymilI o tn.de l sutr Loger forN¶llat TUESI)AY, April rd, 1866,Ofteespaersn Fire! Fire! in.s -eoeeithe Carrnage Factory Iately occupied by DONOVAN WALKEY & Co., second- door south of his late Factory, and. opposite the Town Hall, Whitby, where ho is prepared to EXEUTEALL ORDERS, HE MAY BE FAVORED WITH. Wbitby, April 4j- 1865, 13 HALLS CAILRIAGE WORKS9, 163 Kingd8St. West, To6ronto. Slarge variety of Carriages on hand. The proprictors of this Establishiment, possess facilbties for manulacturing Carrnagem t at onablo theva to defy compitition, cither in pice, style Ã"r fnish. cail and 8130 for yoiurBelvc8g. R.&ýJ.CA -.PBELL Woul.d direct the attention of ca'sh buycrs to their stock, being decidedl 'y the largest in the county, and vcryý complete in cvery departmnt, IN J3RICES THEY AS T H11Y BIJY.F0 CASH- AND tMP0RT DIRECT. Special attention of the La.dies is directed, to their Dress Coods,'Shawls, Manties, Furs, Mats, tand Caps, and -of Gentlemecn to thoir Cloths, Firel U1~ flNIA II~CilflI-I N'1~tel Plws 'and1 Steel Points1 hi ,-tho G'rocery,-depai'trnent thley hv ccived a Frrsh Supply of Teas, Sugars,ý Frit, Cod Fish, ler.- ring, Crock,-wry,, Glassware, &-,, &o. W'hi by, ecei~ btr 20 8ft . ~. C A . MI P B EL L . INSOLVENT AACT OF 1864.1 l1866% Provrine ofCta la, inl the Cattnty ÇOonrt Cony ofOnaro of tho Couty of Ou. To Wîtt: ta4i,. 11) the .nattur of JMSRoss, of tha Vil- lage of Aehitirul, Ali Ioaolvent, O ~ Wedasday hé twaty-oiîzlith dy Yabrory, ekttho uudraiguocd wifl 2 dJole<' ti. a .hlCort, frra dii.. D044 tIW ll..y, on the SOti day of De caomlwr, 1863. JAmEs lioss, rfllEn4rst~e Off)icial Avigigne givr JL --Btieu iAuf ho iewill nt the m'auto ii.. (or i'o 5acon eaeeatraLe uso e licard)- -apply to1he sold J ndgo, for hia dinchergo fl'otn tin fltlA*xdgueo tlu tii.ivntter, and tliUI hie finul eoonut la Open u for laspa8tion aist it JAMES UOLDEN, officiallilcignlcisa gnoce Whitbyt 8Uth Doc. 1805. 1 52 INSOVENTACIor 1864. I li ôh matter ct WILLIAM SMITHI, tla eof thé Village of Ulbridge, u lumoîrot.' 1 11MI9 Crrditers of the Insolveut are horoby bridge, C-ity o nttio nWudflesday(the 0l a 'clock in r., for 1. o publicextainiea- lion Of the Inselent, and for théc ordcriuig of Lii. affaIra of the Entato iconorally, înd -thoe idIniqolv2ht inliehréhy nqtif1o.tte attend the saIld iîtollur lh ait boolta, papors, dced, zr documeonts wLgoy inrisétatitng te the siaid Oficiaii Astsiguée, Markha, Ootinty of York, 8th Fobruary, 1860.n- 1866. TIE 111IL NSPE CTATOR."ý Great Induvenients toOKCNVASSERS., rjiZiei Ilnro4ing poptlrîrity e? tîto Iunut tb e tir finitdé iroiiutUp-ý 'IrCtul to stilifurthcr e*îiiil lut circ-nie- tiuut Tht followitig Pi'nî<mitbae nadaite, ttiîîawl:o abaît turni'n ltaeargî!t iunubor ef Sibauinars bofOru thte 8t.it o? Mari. utoxît-" erPIÉuZ.-Oneor o, h.Wtïori suilianlr' Cehiution Scwing Muiin-', iIil&:- nisai.ndau haviutg ait tho tatoît irnprovû- 2xxe PHI É'E.-A auponien keitt.ing ruacliuu,-. pria. lu getl, fl Ban PRlËE.-Au oreld on Mn. Joeph Lyght, Bookctiane, lt-abni.t, for books -to thé taèue o? $36t. ira 1 tie&-m-Do, d, $20. - Toit foliowing front Mdoig's.t W1anýer .C.-p *tlUahow té lose e? i ofttuohéind sud tué gue- -rénteea wiltloh iliiy givo mith il-- "oa.T.&. Whiitelhava puroeméd frontusefu ?0r now and I.rvdFiii )I-TCIýJING PLOW'I, MFANNNQ MILL84 SEED AND TURNIP DIISi <tit F uo, a, i.'datlg lu gré tu iit3', kep:«on lîtîti .Th-L igIieisreui'd ou. aurt' iotitea. tiu'ai-ytlinu- in tihe abno i IImilîcmi atteittlcdJ--i to %Vitlip iutiit.-n on eac tU teitnsn. INSIOLYENT AdGI O? 180 Province eft duntîda. Tri t - cnnycourt cô,T f 'i o of t0 Ctnutv oc Ou- In theomateor of'WItI.IÂM WARREN, théd youngllr, auenIo)tnneln. RAOBIERT J. WILS 8 -olieltos CASII Stoilo Tanni ;N, Jr. geas. la Réeo~ INS-oOLVENT AOT OP 1864. Pr.)Viecof ccada. lunthe 4)otyittCouritI cont i oft o oftilte <±cunby of OI- ilu U it, tarie. - fat; I l '&tW et GEORGE SMITH, auInmol- of i vent. - thé ........... GOOD CHRANOZ POIR A BLA.CKSMIII TIIE BEST STAND IN Noýrtb -.Ontarjo. FOR 8,ALEOR 10 iL. ET, IrIIÂ.T -erl t ua.te.d brice Bakiuut ýehé ectance lt a e go'>àitiol of a thiekl asettied'Welthy loaity, au.]1i, eonmlnléned oe nt o!llItuy ht t siads tor a býlitekmnuitliin 811ailNottît iOntario. Thie brick building la 42x24; nIe epai lio utohd . 24~ ~ ~ ~ ~n -tnto bu 'routrsîuËx 'or toitcau.] furtiier purtitar, pspyte ANDREVWLOWES 60-t Oil Loite. 7, Gîl Con-., Brook. ICTORIA ITOUqEt ýJ 011KSPURItILL...... Propritor rj¶IîIF oionhrdol te inforni h,ta JL frieud, ît lia ei4.110%v aurryiiig citite anbëo hloti4t il, u. uIli iiitibe nouaà Luit 11 bont cf minou, lilorsig and. ur,î mnrts. Awosjiistpllod tulti. Go,) îiîlu Wlltuy,Oct. 4. 1tatA. 3 IN8OLVENT ACT O? 1l864à Conu r>'oOntario >'o? the Ciduuty e )z To 0Wlî I taie, e On Ilitl' lutotter ofl IINARD MAYflÈE, nâ ra 'niverit. N0.l lîcroh>' gveUtinit on Tuesoa..y tIti twoltîy.$eoNcit Il day ,? liard,, turxt, ut tati ofîto rioci.-1ittae fîtrernuit, orn a siol a-4 Cottîal tihé hvatnt, taen t wittd ll ulîîîl]y tG tig 'ulg o'houltl Colinrt uir im. ci, rge limttîir the siild Aut. Diitrii t (utuiîi'e ille liii. a . ui- natry, .D 8p IMNIIMAY]3EE. Iii. Attorney; uvs. 13ROWN &'PATTERtSONS' Agrricultural :Workl AtUE 1K ) ST WIIITBY Mîiufnotrenatt].oulrinuD]u lkiiîdg-ef AGRIcIULTURAL- JkflPLtMENTS 'WiuEutrîip YIlLu ntrnD TIIESJIJNGJMACHINES CombineiZ Re.apea-a and Mowers, Pour dhTort it iidaf- Two.ý-horsoWheel Cultl4vatz.é rocutt .'n STRAW ANDriFED CUTTERS, 1CUNT l- GAlINCRUSUERS, Scotc1i, Amorican &Gnda iugs

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