Thiecoîadtion et lreliand. J W E L L E Y. I!MAS & CQ1LTHEARD'S At the inagtrui banquet of the tord J E E L E Y dy fDublin. on thlité IlOut., thé laland pariotie tos*oe ro rccived With gréai éuthesiasWb. The Lord Lieut- biuant, îlu reopondiùg te thé toust of big béaiest)., stid thiit dating the part yeaa - eiIbi lad somewhat diminiahed Ili ï2WMnedîj ad or.llnary and agrarian crime ~n ~/Yr te thé présent, been provideutiaily spaecd " ' - ' *cin Iboé uatle p1ague-. Thé golreroment M, IC.E aboe.lino fagséeé9H A êoÙ1â séareél' aècelit thé crodit which Lad jUatrt, ia 9.30, oa.m, fois iulir- bisou given thuru iu respect te maursriviluigraI thilattor pla. tt lt p. in. r uoiç mensurs - tleStatngofr allaBeavertOUn. wbléh théy ha&-talcen of obvions iltiity. Bei' le G otornlng louves Mailia-.daiiy, nt q., a. M.,, On thée ther band the fett grettily indebt arrivinc fil Osaasin tirnit for evoning trains éd both te the MansionnIHonse Committee AT on G. T. IR., lRa tisd rr tie IXtlaVi.i soflored by hsItttio oraqurgeriôtülntà c a Princo lbert . 74cntSna13, l îi Ma-Sottt A y' .n guInfo c nir oin fTor t é B1okfKT1p which Ladmrade a nost valuabh. report, G Il L TLY R1.EDUC EjD I"s ,.Iasrio.i I.o toN~ r and B sitEasS DU11=;r uprort n> oiithu'iulOllg l' on a great part of which ettotxhe bard î'îcS...r Jonvôyed t the cars n lat ato of charga. o n uIes a;terincu.]- talcén. With thé cattia diséase o - rnoar EparolÈblvaoel rtly Te... t.'Ind o li'.o c o r ih<iljath inr.4 r lT , a e .. ~ f I I t. a theru, Lowever, as Chîcuhire, preventivo VA CH SV'TiRVLUW. parcols ut hdessbkapn aifor lalfT HEo ? ' AC~TUA 'BueO eà ezertions couid net o t ion ot. Ittvini"5LAJAI AAA'pduo rha o1odaJpi o ua LgUaut~.2~ J glanérd ant the aiguis o? hope rxhibiîrd b> Al'>'-SÂT2 JOHNSTONI 10a -luthe ruost deMPlote arrangement cf iUs km.], 1bcbg f urnished wlLh tro IBANKS, a. thé manufitrturing ar;erpritiîofo? r. Watch Mrtkrr & Jëeller. RONIOS. MER0ITANT-S XMPORtUMf, and an EXOHANOF. OFFICE, which arn open évery day Whitwortb lu Droghieda, anti Mn. Malcom. Boc *., 'lt - . CALL AND SESÂNDY 1 ( rtétrnacino!Bsies sou and Mr. Toit iu tho aouth ot Irciatid, Fcl>rtury 4ti, 1'r.6 'ClasMes in. TELEGRÂPHLING every day-m PHONO- Ris Exceilency said thut itrir Loprs o? - lisetak-eti tae"lUrooktîu houari," liti progres led 1Vertuuncirttîly cionded. R R ,a eky mbcunit>' 0rri1e)Quoeu ailv rnmrt.tlîid jXe ohe rtni Iieifaeiuwi hitreugîh eogh 1cteerirvuoeatyiîjîr the flt ieui ndjîottoonve Lt aidel wili u olda- e-Fr othy(!ns 24 TOcmes fWHTNd r-, Odes(nTlosinC. W.p Araeica ofcherihrl eeli engs ilipla AI n.l.fesI.l rrrg1 4 LGe 0F $aii<i>'r o i 'tnuuîtelitn*in, ii 1acor agttiut thir formerrfeliow.cotintry. MAn nnli4t frithe forivfr uLe. ThOraFa (iu i otiii i. ain toril wit. itud î. 'Are.. tuîîd iia itudor gordALe a I and reviving el.] haire.] wlîich tlîoy Lad ' "'t Arr LEl Xînrrdiltei ci)niBokiu ca 3 I88 kil hope.] Ladlbrou burrid for ever. The -1- if tho tiot.dosiruhia reeiidoiicoo.tu thei<. iDc.2,80.5 govéruruent laed, udor Illea circumitattros, A~î~ <>î ~i T B IIO O K L1N . one plaini duy-to enfonce the la«. Tîîry Ajpitiont taho utade (if iiy latter, pré- would shrlulu frorn no meaunres uc'esaury GILBETT FFlC.1,85ON, Effq. o te titalutain theplice. ofthe crunnry ; lb y luîuîaî i-,}. Lad ample nuens nt theirn riposal for Or toi JAELS TN1ON, ths pulioe, nd heywoud ue toseMathewson, Rattoliffe & CoO bet without alarru, knowing that <Loy Lad H v u trcîe hi'F i tc fF l the support cf al L e respectiable dat g.îî(li c(i;Ad1'tuîuîu* k 'ofd IFrJ lit Ireiaud.-Throughoat Ifis speech. Lord <n 'ed .Suî.f.î JIîgathe" o antuf Wodehouie wau conotantly chcred.-The îf~i<îîyia CJ/'4', , oin0C e cka uni/Zfor- ant i itêr Goodfs, wliichli laviill)beflpurchased hefte iclt Chue? Seérétary, in rrsîîondîrtg te the toasu /1 t I ê tr ith IVE aier gub- a i eyare pîre eil toUs 911r at UNrILa..J3 N4i2JMILa of lis LelL, adverbe.] te the utnistaltable a-riliert' ncuts fuîr cîic~r qptise tendr- LL .IË évidences te Lé foue.] evcrywiiet-..of tî th i 3Iagaziîi. -v'SII-IIMEN prosperity o? tLe country, an.] intiniaieti COPIES 122Ele Farniilv Gro&rhesa lm stock of Boots %but white lhe govrrumenu wculd spar, ne pains le presenve oicecosud] order, on the "GI Wriutm nreWJ1.1. mur. atîd t li- and Shots-,ta»ûerior qualîty and clitip. other Lanit.] hwouid hlia îhrrduiv Ita ti l:'at. ltaoî,huifii I1' eitll atioîli; $1-AMa3or êuiul D 09' ailsources o? dîsa"Ffetioti, itn liticli ilry illut.tra..uoiL O H N G R A D ý lrould have the suipportt ef ui[ enrîkéanti of il cee neaduinug, r pcially, thoe whole l+-huNit'.lotoD D-ncf body o? thé Irlah elrrgy. iîtor 1iijvstý 'i .-. and ma<lô to order ors the srhortest, notice, ini rwotruiýN r -Thl~ e pur. ,- ~ the Latcst Styles. ticniars-o? a itîgithîrt * 1ni'rriit rirse lhure iitik1tI______________ juzt bren inrruîrtM t. lii i mliicli a vit S UN DA Y MAGAZINE, THE ROBSON HOUSE, Tlweceds, 8iatincts, Flanneils, Unions, &C., *heia rýthcr of ttroer chtin lll EilVTl.îiî iii, 1). . ilî r ifAil T'Ir'oTi -e, eo<LÂ%r'li thi tà r sTeiant-5kint u theof our own Mnfcue OI E1A11ArW1LS L witîiiictaa tjiri(ls,îhd oftii-u o res. Mr lr 1 r'.fi C. DUN1>Ali8TREET, WIITIYC.W )I'~ Franrih R .e.triek, th ue bandof olite WEithIuSO.îrpiti . LIAi.JiJ iromiti, is .:'ngugi'îl inthetua ttit' dri.viîig ertnt.thfI.'aet-î"'td- - MATIIEWSON, RArtOLIP'FË& Co. Evoans 'ath lii fat Wtiiu lw a . utu'eo has I3rtakMiu oct. 4, 1865. 30 1 T le, - t-k4i ti.hi t tilIilîîg f.rtt:îriv k'... n miti ofecacli othirr, ut Wricihviltg,etîîy AMeiiîfrîetrrt.idtentmr.Sijîr'u141 wtltl ir'îtté, of Lutu.ibten. Johnuiu lîdi, tee-ai>' dreoiver Lî.î ityA.î.t St.t' ~i. ' 'toa. laî, t tc r pti ii,î .hii wa ire.]i tnls. iw rSrik trtre-,. orSui t liI ik tIille i io It i'et1iI ei. iibl cii terîdîlue citabl, l iet moOd asi..]bruagteral I r.1 ire , L tol.i ' Salt r il ltc.îl iar Ii..i tit 1lVoti)fe nizi) 4cCl seftant. Iîl te abusineraof tle iltta- Ati4rie £00The 1 u'it«l)îtînthitA enL1 tlie Ielieteletll band celle.] hiiita t spittiost of lîk tirne :4r Eliit 'iti-rti li a~uu- Illîie tégts f r t x i s .l -nl iî: ' I- l Sava lîe' rîturuDo1;elr lris to tii',-, ofî o-o' i'edoo lr 0cr><i. reitg.- Ilenrai* per dis>. litrespent Consia>îliLIieof lité tiuttCinlufi '.1.tnt itiIillieu iî tt M sit. ter GEORGE .ROBISON. 4 ' ' ehuîItth e tewifou, intrti tirif atutelttiieg trnt, Mi-i du. IC'fu1r'irsewî uttnat iii uitewribîtirîa. or, luot Tu tic;týy------- V, M Ias ttemine, *hei %Ir. Evansu'îaitîlMne. s ___ ttik cei.iîii ît u i't ci urîi wiitn .~l.iîîG. C. CALDWELT. uSa.] of tlivt-p, thte guîy patir dcl lon - les-iing tis î(tn;iiîru ngetîter, ta c1týtîY *Z Photographie -Galery, VE £ERINARY SURGEON, * The chuilien-tiirt-e t, mrt iUtile býovs- OZ *oe iOl i, to rlied, irî l n riuti rarlacl fitil l! < ~ ~ '" ~ ~ ~ I~ - r.tkizel' u - i a-Iy tl o fitae 1t 1,i 1 of-lfl sriti o a a- Qu iti4l e i "t ti. ti u sirer IIdIg . $3,n04u10 C. hiti. (ho nlw ti sucai 1i1'",tI r it r. ie et'iiOi lit.btii i -O t,'t' ii o. (lié w-omtia,, îri tali br fattir, Mr. AM-Iei . i i i 6Mlii1ci îtuANDi O ii triui suto- utbi ivnsn", ot n.1 citt ité tn, 'i i e urhîuoiloir ecl 1p . r o tpari.d la-ii- .ow g ' c otiI I cn li tryri Pru et , t 'i 'in ttr!tu iti ite tiiosa ii-oir s, ~ affr t e .i1c i-h<iia 'i i joi, nîr tW ,i. r u 'iu thé ii î'iIotit uidri tes Llier-rtt GERGE CRMACK 9- in a <, il1 box lie.. o UuIi0O iii iiiiiî, l.r.îde' eOtîtI5taui 4iiernet tà t wu ittur ioiýt 11lIuIIIc e-Oie n fi->iial'th .1N0.1 A . F~lAsfulstiUdti]aic îhe eent us ?or otheiu unhe iiuyea;, (ilite lii. w*.iting routI a oel,;at'Cmrté ita GeQtail-unCQBMaCK, malitset$1b0ite î iilus,mewrrll - klerti o a CL-litrn s . iiafI w tilhe, fietN FH YOtt<lý 11LtTY itotit i i.ra tlod Vraoi, it tue Pi-ouL'ui ati, trelt aî ct l otot.]hsolot hn avr etnsv tWk etielaineuîioeed plurty.h. i 11h ittci~Avl na4deantu or Mo ohudiringà ahoiea Couiutyofut Octane, S ioreby g vouithet mlii1 niud eth li tweuîeilre et os erl ta] Quarter t aoPe atc i ; W m l csl e i a tadou long WLlt isy, oofJ.u à mPrenaer. ut eeie mmense stock -of Freshi MUEDAYe- MARCH 13, 1s" WhuLhy, l7tis Jeu., 1860. Be ria1&CiiLo oa~~go 4t te lutr e? 12 'oiock udont, oet ilital ~m qmmva ;atîf orthé 1'euoe, cuir ir,Cortatbîs oüme m -RAISINS# uANTwSia £LZGiPRNS goW)tiniuiecaudigy F a rm o ta e ALMONDB, CANI)IED WRTONt. LEXON &~ ORANGEs IPEU Shnuf c o OR g4oÃe $lie à Bei-qairte f]LN.1 Alre loofewly iruprovo UT o, &, Ziiut Wiitley. enutiulog 50 acres. Tinéré are MlBON DUE S.'i Pean C. Nouti5. ton nes oi FOI wîecî sowin. Thé p)mriureâ"~' W N ~ ~ l _ nheiia fio rc e*llwated ., liavingg aruwuing Ç w IlLO T1FE ÀWSTNG- - Llý0 Wlîiîby, heb. 14, t$iffl, td ubrongli fise latn.I --1 r oi, fulîboi prtielp, appy te OOKt1E,]BSTý-R )S-- - .c JOHN BIOWLE0, Oirthé jrçniibeb. P&TEBNTED 1805.- -O !yituI(tit < As tho deréauud forthue abové Pamouns4 T'a Wtt i AlitDCVurt f Aaalz and Niai l'ni,a, Q-é? ad Teriner, aud Qano- vsbe loAlrezgk0 thée Onty uof lnItniv, Mthe Cocit il ouse, l - £4in~t~~î so~ Stu (iô Di eymilI o l sutr Loger forN¶llat TUESI)AY, April rd, 1866,Ofteespaersn Fire! Fire! in.s -eoeeithe Carrnage Factory Iately occupied by DONOVAN WALKEY & Co., second- door south of his late Factory, and. opposite the Town Hall, Whitby, where ho is prepared to EXEUTEALL ORDERS, HE MAY BE FAVORED WITH. Wbitby, April 4j- 1865, 13 HALLS CAILRIAGE WORKS9, 163 Kingd8St. West, To6ronto. Slarge variety of Carriages on hand. The proprictors of this Establishiment, possess facilbties for manulacturing Carrnagem t at onablo theva to defy compitition, cither in pice, style Ã"r fnish. cail and 8130 for yoiurBelvc8g. R.&ýJ.CA -.PBELL Woul.d direct the attention of ca'sh buycrs to their stock, being decidedl 'y the largest in the county, and vcryý complete in cvery departmnt, IN J3RICES THEY AS T H11Y BIJY.F0 CASH- AND tMP0RT DIRECT. Special attention of the La.dies is directed, to their Dress Coods,'Shawls, Manties, Furs, Mats, tand Caps, and -of Gentlemecn to thoir Cloths, Firel U1~ flNIA II~CilflI-I N'1~tel Plws 'and1 Steel Points1 hi ,-tho G'rocery,-depai'trnent thley hv ccived a Frrsh Supply of Teas, Sugars,ý Frit, Cod Fish, ler.- ring, Crock,-wry,, Glassware, &-,, &o. W'hi by, ecei~ btr 20 8ft . ~. C A . MI P B EL L . INSOLVENT AACT OF 1864.1 l1866% Provrine ofCta la, inl the Cattnty ÇOonrt Cony ofOnaro of tho Couty of Ou. To Wîtt: ta4i,. 11) the .nattur of JMSRoss, of tha Vil- lage of Aehitirul, Ali Ioaolvent, O ~ Wedasday hé twaty-oiîzlith dy Yabrory, ekttho uudraiguocd wifl 2 dJole<' ti. a .hlCort, frra dii.. D044 tIW ll..y, on the SOti day of De caomlwr, 1863. JAmEs lioss, rfllEn4rst~e Off)icial Avigigne givr JL --Btieu iAuf ho iewill nt the m'auto ii.. (or i'o 5acon eaeeatraLe uso e licard)- -apply to1he sold J ndgo, for hia dinchergo fl'otn tin fltlA*xdgueo tlu tii.ivntter, and tliUI hie finul eoonut la Open u for laspa8tion aist it JAMES UOLDEN, officiallilcignlcisa gnoce Whitbyt 8Uth Doc. 1805. 1 52 INSOVENTACIor 1864. I li ôh matter ct WILLIAM SMITHI, tla eof thé Village of Ulbridge, u lumoîrot.' 1 11MI9 Crrditers of the Insolveut are horoby bridge, C-ity o nttio nWudflesday(the 0l a 'clock in r., for 1. o publicextainiea- lion Of the Inselent, and for théc ordcriuig of Lii. affaIra of the Entato iconorally, înd -thoe idIniqolv2ht inliehréhy nqtif1o.tte attend the saIld iîtollur lh ait boolta, papors, dced, zr documeonts wLgoy inrisétatitng te the siaid Oficiaii Astsiguée, Markha, Ootinty of York, 8th Fobruary, 1860.n- 1866. TIE 111IL NSPE CTATOR."ý Great Induvenients toOKCNVASSERS., rjiZiei Ilnro4ing poptlrîrity e? tîto Iunut tb e tir finitdé iroiiutUp-ý 'IrCtul to stilifurthcr e*îiiil lut circ-nie- tiuut Tht followitig Pi'nî<mitbae nadaite, ttiîîawl:o abaît turni'n ltaeargî!t iunubor ef Sibauinars bofOru thte o? Mari. utoxît-" erPIÉuZ.-Oneor o, h.Wtïori suilianlr' Cehiution Scwing Muiin-', iIil&:- nisai.ndau haviutg ait tho tatoît irnprovû- 2xxe PHI É'E.-A auponien ruacliuu,-. pria. lu getl, fl Ban PRlËE.-Au oreld on Mn. Joeph Lyght, Bookctiane, lt-abni.t, for books -to thé taèue o? $36t. ira 1 tie&-m-Do, d, $20. - Toit foliowing front Mdoig's.t W1anýer .C.-p *tlUahow té lose e? i ofttuohéind sud tué gue- -rénteea wiltloh iliiy givo mith il-- "oa.T.&. Whiitelhava puroeméd frontusefu ?0r now and I.rvdFiii )I-TCIýJING PLOW'I, MFANNNQ MILL84 SEED AND TURNIP DIISi <tit F uo, a, i.'datlg lu gré tu iit3', kep:«on lîtîti .Th-L igIieisreui'd ou. aurt' iotitea. tiu'ai-ytlinu- in tihe abno i IImilîcmi atteittlcdJ--i to %Vitlip iutiit.-n on eac tU teitnsn. INSIOLYENT AdGI O? 180 Province eft duntîda. Tri t - cnnycourt cô,T f 'i o of t0 Ctnutv oc Ou- In theomateor of'WItI.IÂM WARREN, théd youngllr, auenIo)tnneln. RAOBIERT J. WILS 8 -olieltos CASII Stoilo Tanni ;N, Jr. geas. la Réeo~ INS-oOLVENT AOT OP 1864. Pr.)Viecof ccada. lunthe 4)otyittCouritI cont i oft o oftilte <±cunby of OI- ilu U it, tarie. - fat; I l '&tW et GEORGE SMITH, auInmol- of i vent. - thé ........... GOOD CHRANOZ POIR A BLA.CKSMIII TIIE BEST STAND IN Noýrtb -.Ontarjo. FOR 8,ALEOR 10 iL. ET, IrIIÂ.T -erl t ua.te.d brice Bakiuut ýehé ectance lt a e go'>à itiol of a thiekl asettied'Welthy loaity, au.]1i, eonmlnléned oe nt o!llItuy ht t siads tor a býlitekmnuitliin 811ailNottît iOntario. Thie brick building la 42x24; nIe epai lio utohd . 24~ ~ ~ ~ ~n -tnto bu 'routrsîuËx 'or toitcau.] furtiier purtitar, pspyte ANDREVWLOWES 60-t Oil Loite. 7, Gîl Con-., Brook. ICTORIA ITOUqEt ýJ 011KSPURItILL...... Propritor rj¶IîIF oionhrdol te inforni h,ta JL frieud, ît lia ei4.110%v aurryiiig citite anbëo hloti4t il, u. uIli iiitibe nouaà Luit 11 bont cf minou, lilorsig and. ur,î mnrts. Awosjiistpllod tulti. Go,) îiîlu Wlltuy,Oct. 4. 1tatA. 3 IN8OLVENT ACT O? 1l864à Conu r>'oOntario >'o? the Ciduuty e )z To 0Wlî I taie, e On Ilitl' lutotter ofl IINARD MAYflÈE, nâ ra 'niverit. N0.l lîcroh>' gveUtinit on Tuesoa..y tIti twoltîy.$eoNcit Il day ,? liard,, turxt, ut tati ofîto rioci.-1ittae fîtrernuit, orn a siol a-4 Cottîal tihé hvatnt, taen t wittd ll ulîîîl]y tG tig 'ulg o'houltl Colinrt uir im. ci, rge limttîir the siild Aut. Diitrii t (utuiîi'e ille liii. a . ui- natry, .D 8p IMNIIMAY]3EE. Iii. Attorney; uvs. 13ROWN &'PATTERtSONS' Agrricultural :Workl AtUE 1K ) ST WIIITBY Mîiufnotrenatt].oulrinuD]u lkiiîdg-ef AGRIcIULTURAL- JkflPLtMENTS 'WiuEutrîip YIlLu ntrnD TIIESJIJNGJMACHINES CombineiZ Re.apea-a and Mowers, Pour dhTort it iidaf- Two.ý-horsoWheel Cultl4vatz.é rocutt .'n STRAW ANDriFED CUTTERS, 1CUNT l- GAlINCRUSUERS, Scotc1i, Amorican &Gnda iugs