Whitby Chronicle, 29 Mar 1866, p. 2

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I. ___________________________________ M Jr..~v, *~~" .... New Advertsonm thidsDays TrmrReport-Tow Ba n of <la. Sacalmée.îdUbaie-To o Witby. Iaauao-John Âguew. ONLY $1 0 CENTS A TEARL $hlby. 'IiirtylMardi f29, 186. P'uiantm l ted Ott lu reIand. White ith.e ontinaed arreats and thecosi. leutratlon of additional troops tu Iclkade maniai in keeping op the. exeuîenln, Iii. ouly on the surface. The vigoroosut sutea' of the gommnent bave ivîriuà.Ilyfkilled'oit Feoituim-aye condemied ilt*na h. early "d Inglorions grave. Thb ePenianO ought loV ta see ihai their ghnie ià played oui. ýTb, wild gafnei ýish Ripublic is one alote m&4dleuîdreanbs of modern imes itlaisunrelieved lty one iutvofa<pracicability; and tuere lit nueth lrougtaut the -ranis of the PFeulanà odb',nmn of note. The lowrest order ofi ialietconc iindulge in the reck. leu cselibrerard abmard chiquers ofFensi- ishlt, but nate bei tLe loveal arden af Ieles voeu dcierisb atupia! ibeanies àEaltathîe vigLi air facta patent ta au>' observer, Nov the saspension ai tLe haStes copus stlileIrelan il viii vanis &tilt a cisputea! pain; but peniiapo tLe masi gratlfyiug at conneucd ieth iiiis extrema muanutre is îLe reaiy acceptauce ai il b>' the majonit>' ofIibm, riaipeople homeies. Ireianil en ibm vhoie beelsdethat-ibe *tep vbiie h gavemnmeet lia.tacea va n fke orn'ber food, ana! thé Ibra amnas,'moula! osier Lavre boss. aclptea! i' aonueaietker U.aROuc eosueTovraà Vo.vustn- Tii. Dunilie ludependeni states thal on Wedneaiay luti, a Utlelaboy>'oa fise years of *go, son ai Mr. B. M. GùTl'rd, aofIboh Il Terapin h-ogB,~seruveturmi!oatt an the lce on the canal, nearl>' opposite tLe Queen's a oew n bcaîe ittie ieilom et cMe ventl ibugi, anud driltea! inoadeep valet. lb. ai *armwvasoon giron snd n gallant iellov blaiaging la Capt. Hodg- sous a Rifles, Brooklia Comapany', Ld!>' Ian oct tabis iceue, ana! e-gardlea of -bis oausafet>' or comiort, plungadi% lu, d aiter atnuggliag desperstely ininage.! ta &aid lb. boy mai .shore, Itvas in- s abnertacd, sa!d Cape. Hca!gtan mia féel proni! ai the lSu. fellove Le commani,, *id' otuono çà* hha bec!prouder tien Sor- igeait Franur, vbo penforanl ei elidoa, *ad adibooe5hr aneeatme in cane ai ae;d ils taie tlie of.auaienoin>, yîî b. iakea! lem ia vu taamsie nlittie boy. AfIlbonor th Sergesat Prencis, sud ve euni il oe *bCPt. llodgeon'a Brookla Rifles. 10assos aMR. ltoaaas. -Mes. TitoumisLam#r amind a!Frtiss tLe grun af Levier aud Francs -baiesue. eedtu, theIbmbusiomess aiîLa Mn., Robenta,'Laving hecanse peraitaset athe éiock.in e aiesd occpas fti bmpla.eo of busino.- Tbe>' haset aieesmaie l,-arge additions ta, liestock lu Laid of Ilquons ba grocerles, ana! are nov prepan- id gt a ippl>' the.require.n ofu aiatomera oas quel .tenm tas uLtiepred.esaalr. Bau b hegeîntlemen arevolt asud favoral>' knova, sud ie>' are determmled tbt their business- deiep gsai! ýbe4U01% a.ta, iseernv te lWi.ihoaiouftuleaceoaIboLe om- Fnia>', Divine serisse wllt be heldi h Si Mebasies' Hllh, eai P. u. ouawà» aScaooL Soaos.aassus.-Tbo'l uaatioma ofaaeddiates for'grammar aebool seoalasilpo !Ill lake-p"ie.- on Tiauda>' aseti, 8&dproximo. For lovn ai Whltsr, aM the gramumr seboal gjovnbip @( Wbtb:, st-Brooilla;,Pioeinsg, êa Brougbam, PlrCàiavLI-Lut vomi Mr. -BIrttasl 0( Toronto) pauve t! vlis bond ,f lte. buot ifa mti. tme*è.ponisa, oer lois Lthe tbsvs igettew. Siz*cd< ue anueba-dre bellmOns ; 4one sîeui.-beleoîed to Jamus Déuiàss5»' Fà 1 lef drng; ivoa boiers aug4tv. saert Mr. ja'So.Mit.t eilsdIW~O sers- to Mn. Jaune. A.dea ' @0%, Tiie- pticlestpldamonowata, quit. i3 EZaaan.-To tIi i mue aifb.the8 i ,0 aotiniasg An eoMof theM lmbsae Il (ni, s,,Leny EsiPa vim baW 'voie dé.15 Wltbout ft,éIWua«ity. Tlhe kefoving article whicb w. repre* dmc tto-ia the.Traie lu ,wilhb ea&- 'ilu maleremi by murre41 iarninog camnnnily. mhe a" tea preent uudecided as to ub* wlubilht>'Of aawiug bale>' a aila i aaeqneaveof, th. change vbWc"sthe *Jfttaion -oftSb* Recipract>' Ta'aty Las broaglt about, tbe article9 ana! lb. facta aui&figare » eue- rfsliy giles, vil! corne ver>' Opportune. Canadien Barieyit iulît ha aeenrr esnat Le dispemeasi yLb> w'nilbl;sud 8Z necoeusr>'dot Ib bsWs. of PIMladelptia and 4luewhite i h ta "likceaffo them rai,-, thatlbe>' are deteriiacd aboula! CandiSOMian 0«"e egroving h, ta un& ro 9nn Engiaafonrsmmcii an îLe> ca haoy. As wve bave sala!, jutieaI iis time lhe article is orne oi deep interesite ble fianig commuaiitt ,andd la deerviag a- cinai' pemcul, liai thtai' tie Reclprocity Treat>' l aa tghirt i Uicpas,t' vbSases important for uic producers'aIt. econli->' La causider ie vhitt respect th">' mvaschange tiena- titre afi empnocluctm i- Experience viii b. ibe aureul beac/ser la tbis ee but vc ueveîtieieaa maldo ser- vice b>' snppiying sanie lacis andi conside. ratinnaun referee#1*the principal anti. aies affected. W.e *048, harle>' for the suijeci a i s yack'. stl4e, -baeaae tLe uie itat aiLid for teàlIlg vbeîier ta sav a lange breadîiofai t or ual. Tt irt -ueoesar>' La compare the bar- i.>' crope a i LsStausana! Canada ;sad the lateat ratureve cars direct!, cortrant vith ecL tier are those af 1864. Tiso Agrleltural Statiotmof aithe Unit ed States gise thse folovlng an the toal gravuh ai harle>' le that jean BogheIs. Acres. Vaiet ciroe. New-Ylork. s,710#11 U uit ais $40.355 01.....,51LC51 61.016 2,413M13 lItîn« ........ 1,4.-lSi 0.52t 1.561,M52 halte.......... 97-Lt19 t.uas sois t'cnyvasia M.49i15M027 ilS.t40 1tinta........iU91 " 14,133 529.149 Mietîtiu .... ssse 1%024 017,8W5 Tniure icli 1er1 Noither,, &a-> 5451% ,3%ou ,45,i0 Toloai..... if2,l5 11521 *550si W. hars no Agricultual eaetaiswvr- thy cf the naine, bul la îLe article Lai-le>' ve can banni iroun aihar data a relieLle eseimate ai the cnopa ofeeanYer.We have tii-st atIsa tabuiste! eXporta of 1864. 61, 3,112,'014 bush. Aiciing ionret short, retai-na' an>' 10 per cent, vhicb cannai be far- vraa- ,ve Lave» i-texota 4,149, 215 bush. NeXt vs Lable thc e mi-nu ao bafley diatilica! ana! malt brevea!, vie. 153,- 898 ibs. ai harle>' distilied ana! 18,270,042 Iho. ai malt ; Lut au U6 ILs. ot malt or 48 ai bariey make a busse!, ve havit iere, mappohiug a buLel of 'harle>' ta produce a busiel of malt,$Lise equivalant aI 506,432 bulela. Banc>' la Dat extenaivel>' usea! for ather pumpames ubatu these, ana! ve -- ouiy ta ada! amy 10 per cent fan sica! ne- taineî in etise-ceuntr>' la arrive at tic Ca- nadian barc>' ara>'. Wc bave tien l rirrd ................t. 4,149M6 X '; l'a, a.idisiliett.......... ...mts32 itetji -ilfur iceil ......... Talai.......... .......$tii Itl ina u ident 'Lai v. gnsv ln 1864 Lait as muci barley an ailthe Stats tl- geiber. Nov 1864 vas nat a peauhiani>' lavoutrabie jean for,usno for'ampanimn. Am firbacn an 186> vie exportai neadi> 3,000,000 abela ; >e,,itayf 'p s nuce sala! lmep au 2,000,000 butsb* ln a jean, and in 186-6 v. believe oun porté vre ai leut, 1,000,00 baobb mip m,,"blaal an>' preslout tses., ( bo hiLer tiai thiec« rop164 U a ibm-shal$ is a portai ta have -bossà a full average.. l. icdipvs then ual sles. lthe <armtera ort4m1l îLe,8at m e a siesiasatamsudom- binae eort, adid uao J»' etieuaiose Lima! îL bneaiub otl l aidaerhare>', ocra1 vi 1buins damd uasiotîtietc aide; aid, ender tue oparati0n oai tii.aâ- tâtai lava ai traie, uthe ouamers- tie viii1: have t the L.inorcanidpriose aeed b>' the. imposition oa i suimport dut>'. FerLaps, la-piacue, tbmy m&a« - motav la pay ail the tas -bae.rtaiotle>' vil! a part, me the iLgssow.'pnt But inch, a eamula am éee4Ilil. bTab le firsi sbi. e a waqà aie op Whou golivasuatuf221 . ja ivale of the U. S. baile> r m.Iwy tïirfore . cal $7,40,002oai ar moue>', ma!dlet us eron at the coat pr *l ~lta., exassin. tus gai! pria. in detal. Wehbaie, s.the salsepirn beil of tiiis nap in golr S Ohio ............. lm Qb............,.O0e aina.... . ..; os.. N ......... .ts la the great.cosscmfg eéatre for harley. >Were -It usi seoithe pnicoeber" voul!rota be se, exeeptlasaly blgb, vedg.4 li &baisiatwlàb>' îthe rivagresatesisis> grviag stateiibm te Vuile. >New Yo;ri ai! Ohio. >Amdit Iiintqçutio~g le observe o tint ina lpropornîl iii thé, .distance ao' tie ciberstaitu -fi-sun1jisà*lvn1a-!aes tbm priee ai bsrlay diinuai, ulil bn Iowa., w. ldiitiniuing $Ofl .oaias-'aboaî the mitimm aps-te at,vwb4eh ansrïr cati iffdrd togrov tLis grbe' 14' T6m'ere Ius «M11i iosomt taoltë a hîewau.ber yied of boey -sa 111 tule-1esaof a tLe Western 'aii *a iheir barley., enop cannai WOl b. gait I the EueWrit e îLeanme year il is grava. In New Tari lb. ian&ls ver>' dibarleyasielc"su'ad, ýbsecrop --therefore on- mmi. A. Pbilàdolpblsu, Wbho«,uý .u a yen.'baegbt-n.arly 2100OO00 ~bei4,in greal pruiCanaiAâ.a, mâsed m- tbhl an deieraiinedweote a.great brewesof ual city to mainWaluthat pre-ennlnences- n, business tii. have acqunirea,. andtb'us en- sure ancoS.u the comspetitian af beer viti7o-iber bevor-aeo, sud a 1eofi.fnnee retua for the large capital",tLe> bave la- ,eated!in Ibeir gigantie breweries, tha f, tLe Canadian furmer gave Up ýgnaviug tb. fine bar!.>' af wbiceitti.'bïaeaimost the mtonapai> , ue>' vonlld m a o giana! for U'iishs.ii.mcahuu -c Town Oauacll. Wib>', Mamci 26tbo 86 Thwec ucil niet on Manda>' eîenlng lut i-the neinhemni eeni yens, Meunrs. Macdonelt. B. GiLeon, lia>', Vamoh, Pov. .11, ana! Tbev, On motion of Mn. Bmay, Mn. Macdonel toci tLe cLair, an Major, pro lemt. Mnr. Macdonell ten doing sa sala! bo ne- grettea! tLe absence cfria fati cauncii. Tisere vere, eoimenîbiod, .san'e especimi malters ai importance 40 La broigiL Le. fore tLe Coucui and!for-the proper con- sideration et obiba oi rmeeting vas esseutial ai Ihis jutture.hLe Mire parti., cula-b>' aludea! to Itu e mssuret ici IL vms deemea! proper aboula! be-taben by the Bana!oai eaith. TLe pruidet cf iLe C*utt>'Agrieult"ral 9.eiîy, MUr. shi,., van, Leossi, ato- pres.ni foin-the parpose ai imking a propasition ta 16e Cannait ai smre importance ibat t"tua venu hbave ta La deÏerred. On ever> gi-oued the. absence oai inmnsfrou e mCouncil board vba vere pronineut ln tie canduci, of the affatira cf the lavvaswuote cregret. - ted. Tii. Maor'à absence, he van sorry ta infont the Couneil occurrea! througb, Mointes. lie bnefi>' conclcded h.' z-ttaing- ibiaka for tue confidence reposda!n lu bb> the gentlemen present Iar ptacing hlm in tLe cLair. Mn. Ra>' made sotie remarka as ta tLe neeant>' aif cleanîng aut cliaî-s, sud lue. pressing upon tho atapayers la some for.- aible aund practical vs>' tLe autbaniby ai the Corporation la aecuring a&R puoper sanitary usmana for the publie isaih. Mn. Paoell id hb ad undensiocda! ba the Mayor van instruetea!. in jouctian vli te Board! ai.IleaieL, tabave a con. tertue vth îe niedical gentlemen ai the tova in suspect ta the satiba>' ieaureo ta ho adople-!, andi vas disappointea! thai auteL Lad Dat taies place. No Lutinci a vanbraught before tLe- Ana!, on motian ai Mr. Pave!!, a roto- loilan panse!fbr caIiing a spocial meeting on this (rhtnsay) eveniag, ai bl pas neveu o'aiaci. - Mn. James Draper, tLe Depet>' Regîstrar,, lu the absence oh Mn. Hbaba, (vbo van suhpoed ei!thie Sunaulori! Assises as a vitnesa,) occupica!-the Towne Clark's place. Nxou.acv or Dî,,r.-A correspondent vanta te inow vhnî became ai the pattai, ai tLe Home Gouaa, on Tneala>' nigbt; ana! vbmtbmr tua muais iling aa! cue fuig dia! ual cause a naglect ai dut>'? Auterlasas Troopu on the Fi calter. j Tire. camplanies ai Amanlea velonteera bave Lae cIlai! iint etape. Vineuet, ana! ayoarbl liol>' oe disitula est, - do dat>' at Cape Vincenti*lapreveuuings>'Y Feuiaaor o ateri!maarài thgeu b peaceofiCanada framnt tai point. The Detrati FPm< Preasatay lasoareral ai ibm lut 11,. .rergularshaie, arriveainl thai ciy te b. quignea ta, staions lie Mud eleewban. aloag-tue laies, Xiinlar- patei!îiaa portionof ubem vii! role4 tise detacbvua.oth-#Le"LLiafaau try Fort Wayne, that eue compatjWi>'vi!be seat te ahi! Port iradi' aIbte Sut N84MIte, and! tva viii lb. stauioneda! iFlort (Initiai, juat aboie Fortuon. Tas Dison so»raiTOvas-'Ther. .la ratile semaaovdays about tbm Pou"-n acmms.tii e-l. Tioteart lever -grasd! dcmaesutiouls"...îre issao i- but v s vetirforts ithemore> veasoa te' fear. W. beliese t la a, fuc t imer% praeicl wvpnla ýraaiuofeai ara"c c-ver belon.1 ibai danger bua never bhm se imminetIniw, Whou ther. la stei tach appaent quiet. Itis the quieit vblcb patens a nd preeds teii ates, e fear, The gaveramesî scia sthe 'rvices >of more soîsate rs , Do &*y?4ltL ai>,sd_ gaod eWaieaa sutadIo eredouable their exer- ions, not ta melax themn. Tl usmal ol- apoti ler ian lIioy ta Lewor fi' ra rifles - mach butai, vs are tause1 nu the Edfor j tMe Witby eChrmride. It mutIle uthstMr.:Cayi.y,ài nfeus. ile&n Penc tlà' 1 frAt lo '. Wero <airer liai bis U eai plaisyle theurf.wauld indlcte-it bios pitrpose ,~é.a~e wu bunt uribeppily carried out in an indis. criminatinp attsck, marked ns iîlie!by the Apirit o ai annesas *' b>' liIat oures. Whiic i. glibi>' eanils Dr. Oumming's logic, belriustratem y? is ovu b>' "travellltn beyana! lterecord." The wbrsiip and! divisions ai the j* liyjtian Churcites af Brilain, on' the cee bana!, and! those af tihe Chanrci cf Englana! on teatier, form ithe tapies ailthe De's lette.'. Dae Ibis subjent mlte lhe Pnes. bytcnlaai Churcites auiswonabio for ail the defeci wbich bave been charged upon -extemiparmry vaorsiip, ten<sU tie Ch«réce using liat 'notadWauhl Mn.*Cn 1 'l l sens. of l'airmes.Lesaliaflea If hLts Cun;cl had bsei hela! ae-swcrable for *11Ii. e reccto of structure or doctrine ici coula ba pointea! oùt-ai aU tgrgieasi services nov li.use le -tho Chitian 'Ciurci? And! jet similari>' bai ho treatea! us; %na tbis lac with the decianation liat beî- caedemning us ont of aur ave moîtis, ana! whh a secming apnlogy for tie sev.- rit>' ai Lhe sentence 1 Sinco ho 18sgo fond ai auîiorit>', wvoulantaievobeen plona! Liad h. condesc.endea! ta inforci us via Lbey ver. tiat hiad complainca! af ticir disgust nt services le viich, nevcntheless. ise> bora a part, whenc tatoU conùgations vereonued ta sit daim le digtmtant i imIlta afthie public prayer offerea! up ii titeir behif-in what toriuesvene suci complaints uttoeed, ana! sncb scenles de. senibeil ? Until ho is pîeseci to do sanie. Lhieg oaitL ii kina!, Lhat wv ay n>'lbsta forin nestimateocf tnc value of Lis au-. lm f Isg, T tl.l,-t, andyour intelligent noaders will agree with me, liai ha bas e.reeeded in tic ratge, anda! asageated im the anguage ai sucle changes le l il n lethe course ea ins amgment ta drag le, as ho bas clone le bis fast Ikt- ter', witiont an>'show c oa san vhatever, an cntircly ccv tapie, viz::ibat ai eburcle governmnte?, Il Mn. Calaey' desires s dis. cuisione an thispoint, I 1amnprepored ta gnatify hble, and! w.ncombat bis reakîu assertians, Lbat Christian irritera and! bondties arc as I silet as the grave"- on the subject ai a change front Presbyterian ta Epiaco)al governcent. Moabcim, (visa vas not a PresbyLcrian.) affirme that "the ruiens ai tic Churci, (lu tie irst century) vere cua! idether prWiyters or bis/tops, (thc italics amei&s own,) lities viticitin tic ncv testament areundoulitedi>' Sp. plica! ta liesaime ancien of men." - Tirc Orfur preubyltas-tanonfai enarkable piet> ana! vuadonimIca!Leth iunah congre- gelions le perfect barmany : nor dia! tb.>' stand in ceea!oaian>' preident or supenior to asaintain cancana! ana! onden,-'wierîso dissensions ireeknouvnY"IlA bisleop dutng eg oit and! seoxnd century vas a persan vîto sad (lie cane af ose clsna asembi>y,wviîci nithîl ime. vas, gene. ral>' spekingsteal enougitlabe canfiqea! le a privat.ue &at. This, hovover, 15, nat disepro ortt Ïe aI present. Mtthe reobnation, i te. viadeaime a apurcly scripturnal ior'.n ai service vontdirecl>'tl the sMnîturcs fan theirmodel, 'ana! vitl Ibe>' di netolsec tlobe Ilinagit Lierelu" orssetble ofi61proof lwerby,» tbey neteasuusnecctusay,ii <sot uiscbievotta. lia1ts> n,) rIitt te tsýthle usages of fichua -b> the comctandments ai tic Saviour n d lmatIe>'no iglîl ta overtitrow te novéttiet ofiuuruspationî or anumnptirn ? Iha! (lie>'no tight tla salîc hir ellove ai muiiquil> b>' going bîck ta tho Churcira'.' tie New Testament, as lhc Cisunci ai Eng- land! dia!ta tic marIol af tic 4tiicentury ? The. prineipie la thte anme surly ; ticre mia>' bc a queetion ai thte lenglIs ta ili iL siaula! ticcarried.-Our niglit ta muake -Lbis' change ie as goca! a theirs. las tic laiguage ai a tract siov iying b.. fore me, vici beasethc impnimnature af thIl Protestant Episcapal Tract Society" of lb, U4iteaStates, snd bas Laee ncir. culatiat nen= 1th* co&f01 My rerfd- apportent. an 1 #ota f Iu~ s> h loue ofa Uine or cuateai ariUnairubal niglit, Wvinaîi leiuci vrang." * ana! agate in expiaieing boy EnClisitliRe- loruienstreateda!pucices - iilci hiey founa! in existence ai Lhe lime, but con&i-- derea!"norelties." "Everytbing.that-be, longea!le (tent) vas net tirovu aside at anae, an Lie cautrar>', erverytinig vas pie-- aceca!., unies.sainme good resaie ere besogt vii, iil aboula bladisusid, We partea! final eith one thittisa viii "-Iîenveelv Fatier viii -giva tbc IJai> Spirit ttu iemta aiaiHm.J-v 9,"' 18.) Rer. thson. cru otier pra>'erg te. hc offerea! vithout ana! bayana! tiisfommn. Tit viev cannoitLaconnoeb.lnaenics 8a Christ sad his disciples wes'c îlîl vitii tie-Jevinle Chunci. Liter in his bistonî v. find hlm ieutcoraglng Bisi disciples to expeci "that'visuîlseever lie>' voula! ail 'allihe Father le Dus naineIlie voulci gise il liee, (John, XV:t6.) snd nain afteî epotieg liese yards. Hie add!. (John xvi:2,) HtLera bae. alced othlng a' n mýass; mii», aadye -midI ,vroave, tibîl yaunje>' Mn>' Le fuI!," a,.na!.immodi- aiel>' tioneater lhe illustnites qpnsiyor te thc Falier lu-tic mosutolutching language (John, xvii ch.) : giile 'ýHë I<fed « MH eyeat ta eaen. The Influence, 'ortii surci>' vas flîtea!laoisaggost, la tLe-dis- ciples-tint sie/s a-mode-a ddresing the - uFalier, voula!nual Le inapprapriate in Bàut even vleving tIbi naeras#fan lo'b. useainleprivai. pnimanil>, andamter. varda in publie worship, itla he i oniî farue vilci Christ gave,.luIo i sal e argue froue Ibis cinaunnance ion a pre. scription oallie us'ole vansliip aif(100 in -public assomblicu ? Daca il follaw lia- wiatLvce t vas lawini ior tic Lord Christ te do and! ta presenibe la Ris ciereit-- anc disciples, il efrencce la the vorsiip oa Gea!, tic sainie or aeytlsing oath lie nature, it la lawini ion men la do, unaer an>' prelcat viatevon?1 la il therefani laiefnl ion sani ene tacompose otiet furets, suitea!le nhein juiaguenl la lic due admtinistration of iii ordinanea ai public vomsVup in piirticuilan, and! ta impose lieu ulpon Lioso via minislur i le Ial> ings, vile tic>' intendiet ail ater prayers? 1 ie disciples cf Christ wcrc ieft by -fliauscif vitiont tic leasi intimation tint an>' ather impositions in;tthe vorsiip of Cod vere ta be laid cpon thom, as tient an>' %ntiorit>' vas giron teany ne>an te simpo;e suds burdona. Non in an>' tiing, an in an>' aet oai s dia! iaHe Iimate tic necessil>' or desinableneisai .an>' '*ucl liturgies as are nov assertea! la bavebeen le universal use, le the Christian Clînrch, befomu tic ReW aion in lstic loti cen- tury,-cr oan>' prescriberl ana! liîeied formsaifprayens or praises ta La nad na!l tic publie -udminslmatîon ai neigiaus or. dinsoces. on tha contrary HTc ende a pro. vision vitich renclered ci 1!sucb -prescrip. tions tise-leas, ana! therciore undeairabîe, Il htlpositivel>' uninviuL liera is an ontira absence ai praci lit lte apastlca useda n> liturgies in conuluct- ieg public wonsbluip, on social wosip- for thuym cummon deotlons aiaoula! prop. cri>' La sa emîlea!. TbeSeripturca gise ns, an accouni tftan>'o air mprayers -ai noise, lîaocene, tuat vone a repitîtion ai a feoa. lIf an>' an-h vere usca b>' tiem,iow came tic sieti6 orf a ltentutteni>' ta peisit? On Liai saien occasion, tLe elecîlon ci a preper persan te tii, lie vacant spotlesrhslp tiey pra! muand salId "h1ou Lard- tuat knveut 'thse hennIs ai, ,ail men, sliev viothen afi lieue Thon hast ciasen tial ho mn>' tako part ai ibis mînisîr>' ana! apouîleship." lien. la an ceampla ai ocial proyor. Ieretliapoli- Lions ins tiis cue ultener! according tean prueîcibea! fore, or vere tic>' offereci. ex- temporel Agile, viePeler was ous ieta prison b>' liera'!, ve are tal a!t "6prayer vas made vitiauticeasing ai. tic cbumele unta (ladfor hlmu."'Caoi il La supposea! ltaI thechciî n l Iis urgent case coritinca! erseli la precompasca! fornus? Wbhen vu puis iroun tic practiceofaithie araties,e tla uiticfthotien mînisters if ltecAI>' - hcincir e ask vitlin- structions dia!- ie>' reccue on tuis point, vilebo Line; tîngit boytaebc- bave tîiomselye3 te tise hauso and ver- ilip ai (ed?1Tise>' e-ealeit fro c t uinister in isol>' thingP, b>' vintue of te gift lte>' ia! receivea for tint purpose, Accordiîig ta, ticlimita oai hem commils- slan. lia! lie aposiles -regarder! tic talutstens Wvia vere 10 cama alter tisent as nable Irota thi i we gifts e ta prIon cotle maue duties oi public wanship ns Li devoîrea! upae hheniseives, can iL Le suppose'! tthle>'vaula! have Omit- Wte tapravide or on lia nt ana! defect ? Wouuld tic>' bive left lie churci liait mita! nîîiîed, ta Lie cure ai Liase Mn wvitso- veukoes antI unitucess for lie dut>' ias ils discase ?, Ticapearîci dia! exiont tLic b2lievers "te pb'ay always viîlsamli pnayer andi supplication," - ta "Igise Ilsanka le ,evrytuing,"-io vatai unte prayer "wih aIl perseerance, ana! suppliciaon ion ail saluts," -o"prmy ,ever>'viere,' Arne ve te suppfs- ber eiingtaeLa, iaIhâ ahiltians siaula! oua II "l oaaons ýlitait lihe me a in leR ti polcgy, in several places l -it. Be- aides tbe quttoatiti given Ly Mr, CaYleyý a in bis lest, te Vbicli I take. io àïeeptian,ý i I adduee the foltowing, Athoists v. 8 arc net, seeing',me-,t5u1tlp thhê-maker ai n lte varia.!'Ine*Il oblahltios.ve praise Y him aecorcflng to our aMiLUesvti pnayer 0 ana! hianlcsgiv'ing." Noesi' vitallamant c b>' perfarming ttisservice vith t l emoit ipowier, af hlm vaolcales? Wtelt r cangregalion allers up pna yens. ana! luethai t presidea offens ep prayers, wyuL is ulmosl power. viat-avo -vata undenulana!?f Iq lbc paot, I hat af bodil> effort, or is it mhata;f spiritual, Prepaii'tiaît. or iniclc. 0 tuaI fiteessu? Whien vo think af Temînt. se Ilisa"aine nron'tr, "de peetoe," we 19 cati have no dihffcutty le ;ciscerning tat th tii. hsciption hes.e, given lu Inconsistent -it vithe prescilibed fbm ncantendea! fan. 5Tic iturgy le use ile imecfai Justin n Martyr, consistea! ai Chnistians caiig uùp-. on Gowd ,iith Meran d thaLnkogiviigu n aeeordu't*i t ie aîlitieitheil luadrociv. ed, for lie>' pvaycd fi-rn t/se heai-t. Y I arn chargea! viii quoting Justin Mar. C10. tFteIafrly. I conlostmysoif 'semble ta >sec iov tuis change esa- bc made good. Il Ine ho parts af tb. tva queotalione com- tmon,'.ta - u;*le tiene nol a substantial iagnoemontr I amrnotaL 5 trniflea! ai ùwiat d mi>' Loir a Chenets ai Engianci look as>!ny> f appanent imaqines. Thien i uci viich e 1 case admire in Her Iormtlries, sand ie r hanertheffoagy'. !> tberai quatitatafle froue 0 lier .4rt le/es af religian,ueigbt have sheve r lbis- We ua>' ty iller as tla tlconsti. etbutes ber 'ruc giar>'. Ho may fied il le 0hlem muci boasieci litnrgy and! allegea! i apostlica orcie, -while .-T.nia>' Ina! il in tie carnoît spirit ana!' faithini, preaching ai so many. oaieriondivines :-But vlsle YIbis nia>' La the case, amn 1 to be incliffer. tunt l tithecause ai Christian, ireedoni, f vhici lhe zonlous adîrocàtlsof "authoril>" cwauild Irneipie under ltoutfWcre lu > shosy balf tic cgerces-taeniake i point for ni>'own eburci, LiaI ho clous, I mugit h ava reminaed im,tbat lhe christinns vere- 1representecl as standing uip togelluer ,ir Lite exorcise ai public pnayer,ana! t eus giving countenance b>' their authanit>'mc. c,.ding la bis owe quoestion, tao anotier aio tic îbsuriis ,of "Presbyf crise van- 1silip-tcu atCitze* Oro standing in prayer. Penîsapa T am net putting lhc vardà (ini>', . as lie>' give ibis exorcise a snspçicinul .Preebytenian loak. Bu-t te>'criticîîi op. #panent nises abavo faibles ai Liii nature. %Yby Ilion dae bo missiale ni>'position ? L f dia! nat assori 'îihat sno litugies vero pro. .virlea for tic churci unti!!.4. D i., 03.3." . i hyassertion wvie tint il first, 4-tise 1clîuîch, aI Jarge p'narvia!ed no liturgies." IThallenticelime oai Augustine tie chutrch rtia! not "been acciutomea! ta lie use ai pnoscribcd liturgies." lic la amazingiy original ilefbis description oai Moaheini, as ;being 'a Presbytenian. Doces c ea! la be tli!tient lilosheini, ,vas a Lutheran eciîvie.-Will he boliceethoeuecotint liat 1 i the istoriiae gîves af bimseif ? "Ticin- rternai gavercuteni ai Lie Lulienlan cierci tseces equaily rwsoeed (nom Episcopacy eon tClia nehana!, ana! froue Presbyteriun 1On flue at/t-t, if ve excepitinoe kingdoms ai ofden ana! Denmank, Wvicirelaie lite fan aiorecclcat'astical got'erbinent. liai .precedccl tic efonmation, &c.,, On if tItis "'authanit>-" -viil tsatisi>' hlm, vil! ho Le convincea! by tic laîngunge of a digusi. Itan>' cf s:ove hcht. "Tieme are ditien. tit branches af lie cierci af Christ, '** 'suci as lie Lutienan clsunci, lia PresL>" 1tenian churaIs, ana!te Epîscnputebunchs." : " The beiorc.seuntionedl branches ai tusw chorals do not pretenci ta-be thc viol. 1eburci cf Christ ycl lie>'are ana vititic .uuiversal ebunci." "4Tho>' arc tipoatotical, becanse Liey arc iouclcd onithti doctrines .and! discipline air tia aposties." (B. p. SBuirgess, s. Tracts, p. 195~.) I shah net indulge je an>' offensive assunîption vie. itien il is tIse information,'or Iîanesly ai 1 MYoppanent, Lit a uai in th e is case. Enougi -tut I bava shewne eticeSrca hislorian té have been usa Presbyteria&; 1oui tiecocnînar>', bis preferonces msust bave iceet in favour of fautes ai prayer, and! if these voulIcinfluence bis testinuon>', ilin 1suali wauld b. against aur viev, nevertlse- Ilois, uve arc etafaia ta hear Mambelîi unl>', ina! Le disinctly afiues that tic 1exorci-ses stalca!, "vwere tue essential ,pinta aio diuinte 'oiip, vhici vere oLiàervetî in ail cinistine citunciies, Ibougit peniasipa li methoil andi ordur n hiicis Lhy o. eeper' tntheirmsenlîmi parte, viltirer. asity, ius diîe sethdcfl ai r performance. 1 Tie,,valueai Ith, liturgies ascnibea! ta -9t. Mark ana!St. Jamies, mn>' bc scen froue 1 mention'have donte. I wouid, fniena! liggins, gise jeu a de.- jacription aflibis place, its Lois, stores, chinrches, <&a., Luitjam t ainit1I aight lb. treapaiig on, gond nature toa mueSI1 willt Lui-cloe, ,conclede, b>' requesiing ibml insertionaf tise aborei WHITBY RIFLES. Part <Clora, 26tL Mai-cL, 1866. Asna~o~oîtOeeuutgo~s-The fl. laving asîranoanicai as.anrenccsaina! pre-. dictionf for tic remniaider of 186G viii b.e baund Lta:unoasanda! uusitg.- Mrc.-On the lGib îLe Sun vili au. penn witi a ahada aven Lis lefi eye, abiout 8i. 5mu . p. .On the 389sîtic lin wil laie theie i, at21h. 38m . a. m Api.-On tic 14ti tise Snuviii Lava ta vear Lis shade aglaia,-ei 6h. 51M. a', in. i ii! llcaver about souda teutiis oai bi beamng couetoenanco. May.-The macla pays visits to a tny stars durng tuis montS, miter . vaiel>' -î- templing, ant ttauomenucemueta tucatch - Jupîier. June.-Tbe Moon nearî>' cmtchse utp- witis Jupiter b>' tia 3nd, but-, Le utill lcecp. iaga-beai, i e nlinqcisbe thue chusena! enters ia a flirtation viti Mars. Venue ana! 'Salaire baIsetai-eana! lui-nabout la piaying oveniug star.- July.-TLe liou astarts off aiter- Sature, catches hies, and! giveis hlm a is. in spile oi Virgiait i Wo, dalgtusted, cui. hem acqualeitauce. --- AugeaL.-An attachanientî bici, aitishe comnieucemtao f Le ycmr, sprng ap le. Iveenlb._ -Montand! Aideharan, the, brigitest star in Tannes,- a gentlemnia ora ruiLer a ;ibicund complexion, grDva ver>' stmong. Ale falama îLte Moon, lien lise Muoot fallva bhim, and ai the-end oaitho momli ÂlebLaraà yllic a ona!&gain fol- Ioviagber» ati alittie distance. tboy tco ta do so likewise. I bava M recent orbae boys,-,and ýespecia ly thWhlb writer by me, (Hmmat on Rationaliàtm), wbO Rifes, ta ineet the fosi Afir ahlt," tasifies the great partieii, and gives the marks froue aur carnmanding om..i., * number of the archbishops and bishopi 5panîgti cuea Ia28 er neî tins in 1883: Hieh Church 18, Broad in 1rcbed icoa a buildingu< dfr y~. Oburch 10, Low Ohuici5, with.the state- oeo nkngaa erng salir.hpu,. ment, that thc Broad tjhurch prt as ga iwe ilicreaaed in relative strength sin e -1, e nx ïu1y vitdf1 urh t tey& imte. IL vwer.easy ta shew ion. widely antil dayligbi put aned ta cur fea., îlhe these great parties.differ from each othéite" Iusalprecaution had b' en taken in doi. and! bows seriously tioso differenceS dis- bliîg. the guards and! thrown a Inn to pene ai ie Chnch l whic piqet guara-wiîb instructions tatlee tbey cocu.'. Im ày taie up-thus point aanea heft- proen gî~ ii.th mare fully in my next. In the meantime, aam. n -h ra! ighî eoruan e ndo wiîile we find thcefllshop, of Salisbur , na dy n eeney pcnforîning an elabanate, service a tit1l0 ar ma a ccup7iug the saine poitas e Dedication cf a ncw bell, ýwe nay be ex- dia! le previaus _night. The exciteulent cusedlfgr questIoning the- accnracy of thc bas qnietly diéd auay, a&na we bave nettu. buw lre t hsmte by Uri. CayleY. ed ta aur ainsi routine af a soldier' i, WecambtChristian liberty, end!ve aIl enjayiag 1ver>' gCod healîh, and! m1 orc ready ta concède 'ILIf-the bisiop lapp aifriJn n!ju ara vas* at libent>' in former limes, as va are aptlife on nyunieo toal, ta fmprote hi% liturgies, why nal readers in, Wbutby and viciait',, 14t th evcry properiy qualiflea! minister, who'ls members ai the Whitby Rifles, go far, bue~ also a trtie Christian Bishop, nowý do the neceiveda! al praise, -aL oui>'l froin t hir mmine? What rigbt bas once instr -o Olcera, bat froin thse inhabitanta cf tii1 ,onc church ta prescribe thec ron ofwords place.. Indeed Wé are _ ail ýdeterolned thai in wiich a people shahl addrelis their naîhiag an ou.' part viii be dons, but lit prayors ta the Most Hligh,or restraini thcm 'vwic ieî viiedound ta the fair Dathe end -frone aJapting ticse 'tb thitwants ad Lana.' f Whitby. Mr. Editar, ti ii cincumutances -7 Whnl night basi n lnueto edi sWt chuiýclîta hinder fts membens from bc- esrothtI -a in jour lait ine the holding tho native tentures of retul religion, remaris made by joo uiradthe action or 4hraugb Lh. obstructions af a corcmony tbe Town- CouScu Mualptbpriatiug $lO- that alis Il, and! a splendeur that deformas toaaisi the -familieil ai the Volunteers, it. 'rTetinsel af vegments, -and! the leit destitue, batian yy alaati pomt acreonlnes may satIsfy those who mens taken ta distribute it. If Iamn cor. deiea, sensous wonshlp, but thèeu cl nemeacmite flde thinga in their clentnry. stages, and far roi'ifroacmnte ~îie more in thoîr advanced stages, wil! flil to have gene round and enquirea! if they were satisi>'thie carnest soul. Dying, souis un vant, and! bave hindi>' laid tien, liai vient not Icauty, but lrcad, lot tee pleas. 'the>' are ta appi>' la the Mayor, ýand! he îng of the intellectual taqte, but the Booth- wii! gracions!>' condescend ta relieve-then,. irg i 6çienciucce, adtesreglc-Nov Ibis is vint' 1 andI- imy brother»Vo. ing af fi4It'NVe Link Ibis Want 15 bOd utoaojet .Wbv1 iti(oI Me, - t, l. sani ibe -ý ge littiepride leai in us yet, ana! I cati thce, onb I1k erulo fui e and rc. ssure YOD, Mr. Editor, tint aitbough've instiLte'iés<lchInding, on us'by- divine wVould wiihingly and thank(uily receive>anj autharity. In all use va assort aur aid tIue>' may seen, dispasea!i6tAgIve aur ciristian Iiberty, and! neitlier te assump. i -amilhies, jet we wauld with ver,- few ex. tieons af arrogance, nor tho assaults a i a 'nepurn the,' aller if we bave ta ai. cap-ions. criticisue, shffal wrest iL froni us. sonsthc geàrb of putupers, and! go begginw ap1 Yours, &tc. ta His Worshfp for it.Ifau Twu a- K. M CLENAN. thers -will do nnytbing for aur families, icet thei do lt ie the sanie'spirit as Gadericb, 7b thue Editor cf fthe JfhAby- CAronidle* Cai.lingnvood, and other places I coula! Taranto, Liai-cL 26tL, 1866. Dzia CRUaoscLI.u- '<-1Allai quiet on thse Potomac"-the an!>' change Leing an iue provenient, le dm111 ana! genonal staidiness, on the lpart oaithcmn. We nre atill kept Isard nt venr, and! Lînenien ai-c tataire aur lui-ns ai geerd moating ana! seau->' dut>'. TLeautisonities Lave leaca! a huila!. ing for a Voluieleer- isospitai, wviicidaca notloo aelike beieg arderca! Lame te a hur>'. There is nat muai siekeas, axcept tLe prcsiing cala! in tise Leati, viicis vili disappeir 'siiî Le nemi-aaifsottied veauh- er- LasîFni ida>'liste oficers ai tLe ia>' more talcen fram aur Battalian, tLe Çaptnin'-of the a!a>bein g Captaie Du-tned!. Wanit yon ike-ta know tLe dutios? Weil, the billets ai the men, (nnnibering aven 8h>'y,) ai-e ta Le visitea! bath 'et breakînsî and! dinnen time. TLe afficer la ta ascortain vbethen -hero, are an>' compliras b>', or aI th. men,.lie is tu visil ýth-) gua-dis once:b>' day ana! once b>' nigil. Ou tise latter occasion, lie ià ta mmr ont the guard,, inspeat il, anti tic geaia! rôoot, sec h tIse latter is ciean ana! arderi>', tun evuy-, ibing 'i - ,correct and! regulai-to sea if- ubore are an>' pisonora, and! if so La ascen- tain thoin crime-to.v'si,4 tic set trniçer thii îLe>' are pi-openbly paîtea!, anda on thc aIent, andti (at tise>'are acquaintea! yuL uroders. Adibchre la one-gemmda! t the CtsmiPlae anda! aotiser aitheBatuat St. Bamacis, jou ta>'imainie tit ta, praporiy.Ifoli lihse.duhies, infvoiveiville. iag ho tic extent af about tvènty' miles. On- Satunda>' îLe vicie Volanteer Tarde paradea! ionra"mai-ci out.t" Tise ahi-cale vere in 9.uiiglii tte aI mai!, W.bail aserin talile marci, and! the men came L9oeaiied ansi. travel istaineda! amoat ta the. chia. <Lunch- perfdevawustai8.30 ncxt-maruing, go t tIsathe mec bai hlîtie time ta lemako t1einises i;lobrai'"for Sunda>'. B>'tise bye, tic St. Jamies con- gregation, Linsinr emutaisofuisein genlilit>' andIsolitie ci the Valututeera. ibas teye

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